Page 6 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 6
recommendation. The Order Will Charles come to the
was, and is, entirely within the throne and if so will he take
Sovereign’s gift and is given the name Charles or perhaps
by Her Majesty to people some other name (such as
who have served her or the George VII)?
monarchy in a personal way. Monarchs can choose their
I had previously been made a own regnal name, it doesn’t
Member of The Royal Victorian have to be their own name. It
Order (MVO) for services to has been reported that Prince
Royalty Protection and in 2013 Charles says he does not plan
was made a Lieutenant of The to be Charles III because the
Majesty the Queen. This was Royal Victorian Order (LVO) name has been unlucky for a
an amazing time of my life for services to Her Majesty the previous King Charles. But
as I was fortunate to meet Queen. this is all conjecture. Personally
Nelson Mandela, the Pope he’d be a superb king, he’s
and President Bush. The Would the Queen ever been waiting long enough to
highlights of those years consider abdication and will do it and he’s had masses of
included my involvement in the monarchy survive her? training... to pass him over in
the arrangements for both Well the Queen’s 88 and she’s favour of Prince William would
the Golden and Diamond been on the throne for 62 create some kind of precedent
Jubilee Celebrations as well years and has got so much but one that should not happen.
as the London Olympics. I respect, even amongst fervent Why, it’s his birthright, why
was sworn to secrecy about anti-royalists. For instance shouldn’t he be king?
the James Bond clip for the in 1988 when Australia
opening ceremony, even Sheila had a referendum on the In 1982 your modern running
didn’t know about it. issue of whether to remain career began. What did it
a monarchy, even the most
After 14 years with the Queen ardent republicans were lead to?
By my early thirties I didn’t
I reluctantly retired and was complaining that they weren’t do much sport and needed to
fortunate that Her Majesty invited to events at which the
gave me a retirement party at Queen was present. get it. Then in the wake of
which 200 people, including the 1982 London Marathon
Denis and I decided to have
Prince Edward attended. Personally I can’t think of a crack at it to raise funds
anything better to replace
Last year you were made it. Anyway the Queen’s in for muscular dystrophy... I
a Lieutenant of the Royal excellent health. And should inished this my irst marathon
Victorian Order. How select she eventually abdicate? in 3:57. Then one day whilst
an honour is that? Personally I can’t think of out running I met Mick
The Royal Victorian Order any circumstance where Gasson... he invited me to
was founded in 1896 by Queen she might want to... I hope come and join Blackheath
Victoria as a way of rewarding that she doesn’t. The only Harriers but I replied “but
distinguished personal service circumstance in which she that’s an elite club”... “no
to her, on her own initiative might do so is in the event of it’s not” he replied and so I
rather than by ministerial ill health. went along, was introduced
recommendation. The Order Will Charles come to the
was, and is, entirely within the throne and if so will he take
Sovereign’s gift and is given the name Charles or perhaps
by Her Majesty to people some other name (such as
who have served her or the George VII)?
monarchy in a personal way. Monarchs can choose their
I had previously been made a own regnal name, it doesn’t
Member of The Royal Victorian have to be their own name. It
Order (MVO) for services to has been reported that Prince
Royalty Protection and in 2013 Charles says he does not plan
was made a Lieutenant of The to be Charles III because the
Majesty the Queen. This was Royal Victorian Order (LVO) name has been unlucky for a
an amazing time of my life for services to Her Majesty the previous King Charles. But
as I was fortunate to meet Queen. this is all conjecture. Personally
Nelson Mandela, the Pope he’d be a superb king, he’s
and President Bush. The Would the Queen ever been waiting long enough to
highlights of those years consider abdication and will do it and he’s had masses of
included my involvement in the monarchy survive her? training... to pass him over in
the arrangements for both Well the Queen’s 88 and she’s favour of Prince William would
the Golden and Diamond been on the throne for 62 create some kind of precedent
Jubilee Celebrations as well years and has got so much but one that should not happen.
as the London Olympics. I respect, even amongst fervent Why, it’s his birthright, why
was sworn to secrecy about anti-royalists. For instance shouldn’t he be king?
the James Bond clip for the in 1988 when Australia
opening ceremony, even Sheila had a referendum on the In 1982 your modern running
didn’t know about it. issue of whether to remain career began. What did it
a monarchy, even the most
After 14 years with the Queen ardent republicans were lead to?
By my early thirties I didn’t
I reluctantly retired and was complaining that they weren’t do much sport and needed to
fortunate that Her Majesty invited to events at which the
gave me a retirement party at Queen was present. get it. Then in the wake of
which 200 people, including the 1982 London Marathon
Denis and I decided to have
Prince Edward attended. Personally I can’t think of a crack at it to raise funds
anything better to replace
Last year you were made it. Anyway the Queen’s in for muscular dystrophy... I
a Lieutenant of the Royal excellent health. And should inished this my irst marathon
Victorian Order. How select she eventually abdicate? in 3:57. Then one day whilst
an honour is that? Personally I can’t think of out running I met Mick
The Royal Victorian Order any circumstance where Gasson... he invited me to
was founded in 1896 by Queen she might want to... I hope come and join Blackheath
Victoria as a way of rewarding that she doesn’t. The only Harriers but I replied “but
distinguished personal service circumstance in which she that’s an elite club”... “no
to her, on her own initiative might do so is in the event of it’s not” he replied and so I
rather than by ministerial ill health. went along, was introduced