Page 3 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 3
Interview 1
This Year’s President
Dick Griffin LVO

president and I accepted. My In your late teens you
This year the club has another son Gareth volunteered my undertook the challenge of
retired policeman as president, wife Sheila and I to take over The Duke of Edinburgh
whose own career has been the organization of the club kit Award Scheme and successfully
wholly unique. He has been a from the Baldwins, and then reached the gold standard.
club member for nearly 30 years Rob Brown wanted someone to How did you achieve it?
– long enough to join the club take over the Parris Handicap The Duke of Edinburgh Award
‘hall of fame’, and has for some so I thought ‘well that’s only Scheme is aimed essentially at
years been the man that many once a month’. Then ive days youth in the 14-24 age group.
people hoped would be president after I agreed to take this on To complete the gold award
one day. Now his time has too, Bob Cliff asked me if I’d you undertake volunteering,
come and no more popular like to be President. So I replied
choice for a president could “shouldn’t you have done this physical activities, expeditions
have been made. I caught up the other way around so I could and a residential course... and
with him in Upper Norwood turn the other two down”! it took me three years to do all
in May and this is what this of this. I volunteered to help in
year’s president Dick Grifin If you’re ever given the honour a local hospital for 3-4 hours a
had to say about himself. it’s a 5-6 days a week job, I’ve week for 18 months, working in
been amazed! Newport Council horticultural
The club used to have sections department; I oficiated as a
football referee in local leagues
for other sports groups. Do you
wish that these sections could for 2 years; I did running,
be revived or is that no longer itness jumping and went on
practical? 3 or 4 expeditions, including
I think that the club has the Brecon Beacons and to
moved on. We are purely an Dartmoor and an outward
athletics and triathlon club bound course in Devon. Best of
now. We used to have sub- all I came to London to get my
groups such as cricket, rugby gold award from the Duke of
and rowing clubs but sadly Edinburgh personally.
First off I want to ask what these cannot be revived... When at 19 you decided that
was your previous connection there are enough local cricket, life in Wales was too quiet
with your predecessor Bob Cliff and rugby clubs around to be and moved to London and
and how that led to your being joined for us to keep those old the Metropolitan Police in
asked to take on the Presidency? groups going. 1970, what differences did you
I didn’t really know Bob that We used to have rowing notice in the pace and style of
well but he started by asking activities when I irst joined, policing when you transferred
around previous presidents and we still have the annual to the Met?
to get their advice and after Maryon Wilson swimming You have to appreciate that I
drawing up a short list of race, every year, that’s a one was a village boy from Wales
suitable candidates he asked off event, which in fact I have and a small village called
me if I would like to be swum in myself, very badly. Llanwern (population 200)
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