Page 4 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 4


going to London for the irst All obscene publications are shift pattern, brought in more
time. still covered by the same act. oficers, better training, spent
London life for someone like In those days it was mainly a fortune on alarms... it was
that was a real eye-opener. printed material whereas now quite a wake up call... we helped
It was the irst time I’d seen it’s readily available on the Lord Bridges in preparing
such things as a Chinese internet... the internet offers a report to Parliament and
restaurant. At 19 from living at easier access to obscenity now. his recommendations were
home I found myself in police So far as dirty books were contained in a lengthy report
accommodation... I was free! concerned I wouldn’t like to which the government acted on.
Later you had a tour of duty even describe what we were In 1982 you were sent to
with the Obscene Publications investigating... it wouldn’t be Cambridge University to
Branch at New Scotland suitable for this magazine, it protect HRH The Prince
Yard, ‘The Dirty Books was so vile... it wasn’t just page Edward. Was he a particular
Squad’. This form of crime 3 of the Sun... all oficers on security risk being royal or
seems to have been more obscene publications were could you be relatively low
prominent in policing in the only allowed to serve for a profile?
1970s. Has it become less so? maximum of 2 years. At that time he was a low
When I served on the squad risk to terrorism... all royals
we were dealing with the same Was it purely coincidental that are subject to contact with
problems as police are dealing your career changed course after people with mental health
with now... paedophiles the Michael Fagan intrusion? problems, grudges, and of
were just becoming more It’s a matter of public record... course, novel for that time,
investigated and caught out the alarms didn’t work the threat of press intrusion.
more and more. properly... not enough money
was spent by the relevant I was an Honorary Fellow at
government department (the the College for 3 years whilst
Home Ofice) on updating Edward did his degree and
systems so security in I did one through the Open
Buckingham Palace was a University.
disaster waiting to happen. What did you read at the
As to coincidence I had just Open University?
recently been discharged out I read Philosophy, and
of obscene publications and completed a BA Degree
having been promoted to studying music and art. At
inspector was settling down that time the Police paid my
to a career in mainstream fees... I enjoyed it. You’d go
policing, when out of the to art galleries or write essays
blue the Metropolitan Police about such artists as Turner,
Commissioner selected 6 and Constable. In the Open
inspectors to shake up the University you’d be studying in
Palace. As a result of this re- your own time writing essays
organisation we changed the until 2 in the morning.
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