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P. 18
16 Athletics Report
British Masters Road Relays 2013
nobody thought we would
Although there were be in contention for a medal
difficulties in fielding certain in either age group, it was
teams from different age and just good to get teams in the
gender groups there were competition and represent the
encouraging signs from
particular groups for whom club at this level.
the final result exceeded the The M45 team of Neil Ayrton,
initial expectations. Mark Watling, Roy Smith,
Mark Ellison, Steve Pairman
and Andy Tucker all ran well
to finish in 15th position. It
was great to watch and I think
everyone enjoyed their day out!
With no great expectations
from the M55 team, our Michael Skinner
quartet of Con Griffin, Tim
Soutar, Cliff Keen and Andy We were unable to field an
Lawes ran exceptionally well M35 team, getting 8 runners
to finish in a very close 5th out was clearly too much to
position, at one time we were ask, hopefully next year we
actually in the lead but it can be more successful, sorry,
wasn t possible to hold off the particularly to Steve Cooper
James Poole strong opposition. However who was very keen to run.
This year the excellent British 5th in a national competition Well done to those who ran,
Masters Road Relays were is a great achievement. sorry to those who didn t have
held on Saturday 18th May, a team to run in and to those
as always at Sutton Park in who couldn t or wouldn t run,
Birmingham. I hope you are injury free,
Very sadly and for all manner available and motivated enough
of reasons, some of which to give it a go next year!
can only be described as
apathy, we didn t manage to Anne Cilia
get out a single womens team!
Enough said!
However we did have 10
keen men willing to travel to
Birmingham which gave us
solid M45 and M55 teams.
The M50/M55 team has been
very successful in the past but Fintan Parkinson
British Masters Road Relays 2013
nobody thought we would
Although there were be in contention for a medal
difficulties in fielding certain in either age group, it was
teams from different age and just good to get teams in the
gender groups there were competition and represent the
encouraging signs from
particular groups for whom club at this level.
the final result exceeded the The M45 team of Neil Ayrton,
initial expectations. Mark Watling, Roy Smith,
Mark Ellison, Steve Pairman
and Andy Tucker all ran well
to finish in 15th position. It
was great to watch and I think
everyone enjoyed their day out!
With no great expectations
from the M55 team, our Michael Skinner
quartet of Con Griffin, Tim
Soutar, Cliff Keen and Andy We were unable to field an
Lawes ran exceptionally well M35 team, getting 8 runners
to finish in a very close 5th out was clearly too much to
position, at one time we were ask, hopefully next year we
actually in the lead but it can be more successful, sorry,
wasn t possible to hold off the particularly to Steve Cooper
James Poole strong opposition. However who was very keen to run.
This year the excellent British 5th in a national competition Well done to those who ran,
Masters Road Relays were is a great achievement. sorry to those who didn t have
held on Saturday 18th May, a team to run in and to those
as always at Sutton Park in who couldn t or wouldn t run,
Birmingham. I hope you are injury free,
Very sadly and for all manner available and motivated enough
of reasons, some of which to give it a go next year!
can only be described as
apathy, we didn t manage to Anne Cilia
get out a single womens team!
Enough said!
However we did have 10
keen men willing to travel to
Birmingham which gave us
solid M45 and M55 teams.
The M50/M55 team has been
very successful in the past but Fintan Parkinson