Page 6 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 6
6 President’s Profile
PB. It’s a shame that many WO. You’ve been Chair of PB. You know it’s funny sitting
promising careers in athletics development for a few years here. You look around this room
are cut short through injury and now. What have been your and I am the only black person
an athlete’s career at the highest most satisfying achievements here but then go to the track the
level is relatively short. Athletes in this role? evening during the week and
must be aware of the possibility you see lots of black athletes
of this happening. My advice to PB. Getting the Parents Council and coaches such as Clem Leon
those who have injuries is get up and running because it was and Jay Galley. There is more
something else under their belt, instrumental in fundraising; diversity there and everyone is
because most people’s athletic organising Development coming together in one location,
careers go on to their early 30s Day, recruiting parents to get and the aim is to get athletes
when they might have to stop. involved in roles in the club. back into the club as coaches
It’s difficult for them to accept and team managers regardless
this but they have to be realistic WO. In your presidential year of their colour, and retain them
about it. what are your main aims and as athletes beyond the ages of 30
objectives? and even 40.
WO. What future alternative
challenges would you wish to PB. As president, one of the WO. At the AGM you made
attempt? biggest things this year concerns a humorous reference to
the proposed and potential Barack Obama. Do you see
PB. To have another crack at move to Norman Park. I would any similarities between him
doing a marathon row inside 3 like to assist in that as much as I and yourself? (Use of the
hours. My best is 3 hours and 7 can and I am meeting a member phrase Yes We Can)
minutes. It’s a big target. Once of Bromley Council next week
my presidential year is over for a YDL match to talk about PB. I identify strongly with
I might consider cycling and the importance of athletics in Barack Obama and what
taking up martial arts. As long the Borough for children, to he stood for although not
as my body holds up necessarily him as a person. I
secure the future of athletics in like what he stood for which was
WO. What about running a the borough. The more I do will openness, fairness, democracy
marathon? justify my time as president. We and meritocracy, albeit in a
have the facilities to develop and much smaller setting but it can
PB. No marathons!, I’ve had allow athletes to get the most be adapted to that setting. I too
too many operations, never out of their potential. would like to champion these
contemplated it. Once I did causes.
some 10kms as a vet and Also of course I so have an aim
struggled with running even at to promote inclusiveness in the But above all these values
this distance. Why do non- club for those who think they I would like to promote
runners assume that all runners don’t fit in to the establishment inclusiveness and that means the
run marathons? The layman’s which again I feel anticipates encouragement and retention of
perception is that all runners are your next question! black athletes to play a positive
marathon runners. Many good and fulfilling role in the club.
runners never run marathons WO. Being the first black
and that is because it requires president are you concerned WO. Well I think that covers
so much training. I wouldn’t do that ethnic minority athletes everything and many thanks.
something that I hadn’t trained are limited in their role/status
for properly. in the club? Wilf Orton