Page 2 - BBHAC Winter 2017-18 Gazette
P. 2
A Club well worth backing
From the Editor
Thanks to our sponsors:
The events of the winter 2017/18 are recalled
Biggin Hill Airport here, in a winter where there has been consid-
Jack Petchey Foundation erable progress in the ongoing plans to move
So Clean and relocate the club headquarters to Norman
and to many other generous Park. As yet of course no definite decision as
individuals who offered backing to when this would be, although hopefully by
and assistance. next winter construction would be in progress
and the club would be moving it’s cross country
base temporarily to the Warren, the Metropolitan Police centre in
3. Paul Byfield.
Reflecting on the changes that will come, I too am reflecting on
Club President 2018/19 changes in my own role in the club especially as we prepare for the
7. The New Vice Presidents club’s 150th anniversary next year. It will be my intention to see the
anniversary year out, and then stand down as editor soon after and
Athletics Reports 2018/19 concentrate on producing the proposed update of the club’s history
8. Senior Men along with others who are interested in this. To do this of course re-
10. Senior Women quires that the Gazette is still produced and for that reason it is still
important that people can contribute articles and reports in good
12. Under 20s
time so that we can continue to produce this, the club archive.
14. Young Athletes
Kent League Thanks to those who do contribute and show appreciation for what
19. Relays we do here. It does make up for any perceived lack of interest
or delays in receiving material which in turn can cause delays in
22. National Cross Country
production of each issue. Sadly this winter I have decided to stand
Championships down as Chair of Communications, a role I carried out for some
24. Kent Cross Country years, more because of a lack of direction and perhaps training in
Championships the role, and that there seemed to be no mentoring available to allow
26. English Schools Cross one to grow into the role to fulfill it properly. Maybe it is best that
it should be done by someone who is no longer at work with more
Country Championships
time available or experience, or perhaps someone who is younger
28. Bennett Cup 2018/19 and full of enthusiasm and energy to take a pro-active role on the
30. The Ladies and committee.
Vets Masters
Thinking on this maybe the club is really for the young, or the young
31. Letters to the Editor
at heart. Certainly as the many reports of young athletes show this
Club News is the area where the club is most dynamic and where its future is.
If the club is changing and moving more towards track and field then
32. Norman Park Move
maybe it is time to move to Norman Park and so it’s best to embrace
Obituaries this move, despite doubts and misgivings, for the new clubhouse is
the future and the future belongs to the young.
34. Fergus Ancorn
37 Peter Baigent Nevertheless, there should be room for the dissenters to have their
say, and whilst we face the opportunities of the future it is hoped
38. Club Officials that we can remember the past, revere it, and take the best of it
with us into the next era of the club’s distinguished history.