Page 38 - BBHAC Winter 2015-16 Gazette
P. 38
36 Feature
deadlines. In an age where place throughout the year. card is shown as a warning for
many kids end up living in The youth club is then a unacceptable behaviour and a
their own bubble with little vital funnel for attracting in red card may be given to any
social interaction, the club volunteers to the club and offender if the misbehaviour
can encourage teenagers to these may in the future find is considered severe. In
develop their social skills and themselves taking on the such a case a person’s parent
the art of conversation in management responsibilities or guardian will be called
order to exchange views and of teams for which there is to collect them from the
ideas. always a need. It ensures that club. This underlines two
“It’s a chance to do things adults who come will stay and essential things: that young
you like to do” adds one support their children when people are given the chance
teenager, Cameron, and they compete in the full range to develop their social skills
“gives me something to of athletic competition. and to maintain a strong
look forward to”. Such is awareness of others. So as
the appeal of the club that On a more serious note well as providing an outlet for
some of the young people though the youth club can fun and recreation the club
have been clamouring for it be a propagator of good is serving an educational and
to be made available every values and behaviour. The nurturing purpose designed
fortnight, although maybe Code of Conduct for Young to guide its young charges
the parents might not always Athletes operates to remind towards a state of maturity
agree! young people of what is and awareness of the need for
required of them. It includes others. It might seem like old
For the parents as well there matters of fair play, equality, fashioned values but it helps
is the opportunity to meet responsibility and behaviour. to produce well rounded
each other as well and in Young athletes are requested individuals.
some cases where they are to treat others with respect
new to the club the chance and fairness; encouraged to In that sort of atmosphere,
to introduce themselves and look out for themselves whilst and encouraging the kids
to find their way into the being aware of the welfare to be kids but bringing
club’s structure to find such of others, and to be ready out their better qualities
roles as coaching, supporting, to challenge behaviour of the Youth Club is a new
driving in the various other which falls below the dynamic, nurturing the
athletics meeting which take expected standards of the coming generation of athletes
main club; and they should and club members and
respect difference of race, serving the community in
ethnicity and religious beliefs. the process. And as the old
expression goes “and don’t
On the subject of respecting the kids love it”.
others the youth club makes it
clear what is not allowed and Wilf Orton
lays strong emphasis on good
behaviour and respect for
others. The club operates a
card system in which a yellow