Page 36 - BBHAC Winter 2015-16 Gazette
P. 36
34 Feature
People with intellectual Parents say their children in to more involvement and
disabilities are encouraged Young Athletes also develop more opportunity for the
to join Special Olympics better social skills. The disadvantaged. After all, it is
for the physical activity, confidence boost makes it really quite big globally with
which among other health easier for them to play and 4.5 million athletes in the best
benefits, helps lower the rate talk with other children on part of 200 countries. There
of cardiovascular disease and the playground and elsewhere. are 32 individual and team
obesity; also, they gain many sports, winter and summer,
emotional and psychological The problem we have in plus some demonstration
benefits, including the UK is that there are sports and a total of 94,000
self-confidence, social less active disabled people events each year.
competence, building greater compared to those who are
athletic skills and higher able bodied and there is more The recent excellent
self-esteem as part of the self obesity amongst the disabled. TV coverage of the Ski
development process. All those with disabilities Championships from France
need more opportunities really captured the ethos
Special Olympics and more support. It takes of the Special Olympics
competitions are open very special people to movement with BBC South
to athletes of ages 8 and volunteer and work among East Sports presenter, Neil
upwards. For young people this community but those Bell, commenting as follows:
with and without intellectual who do, will all testify to how “I can genuinely say that I
disabilities ages 2-7, Special rewarding it is. have never met a group of
Olympics has a Young sportsmen and women who
Athletes programme – an As an advanced Nation so enthusiastically cheer on
inclusive sport and play we always fare very well at their rivals, these truly are the
programme with a focus the Paralympics and did Feel-good Games”.
on fun activities that are quite well at the Special
important to mental and Olympics World Summer Hugh Stanbury
physical growth. Children Games despite the relative
engage in games and activities lack of coverage in the
that develop motor skills media. It would be great
and hand-eye co-ordination. to see more coverage and
hopefully this might lead