Page 2 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
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A club well worth backing From the Editor
Thanks to our sponsors:
Biggin Hill Airport For those having eagerly followed current sporting
Jack Petchey Foundation events such as the Ashes contest, and with the
So Clean new premiership and football league seasons well
and to many other generous established, yet another major sporting event has
individuals who offered backing gripped the attention of the sporting public and
and assistance. three years on from the London Olympics athletics
fans have no doubt enjoyed several days of high
CONTENTS class opposition. This for the club’s members and
Interview friends was made equally exciting by the prospect of seeing our two
1 Interview with representatives Dina Asher-Smith (in the 200 metres and the sprint relay)
and Lorraine Ugen (in the Long Jump), and despite the disappointment of
Dina Asher-Smith Adam Gemili being forced to withdraw from the Championships due to the
5 Your new Vice Presidents hamstring injury he incurred in June.
Athletics Reports To mark her inclusion in these games the Gazette is running a feature
8 Senior men on Dina which follows pretty much the interview she gave me in June.
12 Senior women Readers will no doubt have had a chance to read the full text of the
14 Junior men and women interview on the club website. Doubtless it may confirm what many
16 Young athletes at cross know of her already but it will also reveal certain aspects of intellect and
character which the excitement of contest and her athletic achievement
country championships can easily obscure.
22 The Kent League As the Championships have recently taken place as this issue goes to
29 Running for school and print they will not be covered this time around. The Gazette is not so
much a newsletter for up to the minute news coverage but more of an
county archive reviewing what has gone on in the season preceding the current
30 Relays on the road and issue so there will be a more detailed account of what will be happening
at Beijing later this year.
over the country After the events earlier in the year regarding the issue of the move of the
36 Masters club headquarters to Norman Park there have been small developments
38 Tri club but no great news so this development is just taking its course.
40 Bennett Cup Another development for the future which deserves a further mention
Features at this stage is the proposed celebrations for the club’s forthcoming
43 Behind the scenes 150th anniversary in 2019. Already an Ad Hoc group to organise these
45 A year in the life of a celebrations has been formed and had already considered various
proposed activities including an exhibition of club history in local
President's wife libraries, some short special athletic events and a celebratory dinner
dance. So watch this space.
Obituary Before signing off I wish to offer grateful thanks to the following for
47 Ron Chambers willingly providing articles for this issue:
Andy Rayner, Carol Penlington, PP Anne Cilia, Paul Austridge VP, Andy
Frankish VP, Deniz Mehmed VP, Sheila Griffin VP, Adrian Stocks VP,
Maz Turner VP, Jackie Montgomery VP, Tim Ayres VP, and others.
The next issue covering the summer 2015 season is due for release from
January 2016, and the deadline for submission of material is Mid December.