Page 33 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 33
Obituaries 31
Kenneth John Johnson


With the passing of Ken become his permanent future
Johnson on 16th August 2013 residence. On a number of
at the age of 88 the Club occasions when changes to
has lost one of its long time the Clubhouse were being
members. Ken joined the considered he was often
Club in October 1941 whilst consulted for his architectural
still at school, his father knowledge. Ken was made Vice
already being a member. President in 1964, becoming
After competing in a few President 1988/89, it was
cross-country races he left efforts during his year of ofice
for service in the Royal Navy that £10,000 was raised for
serving in the Mediterranean the Marjorie McClure School,
where he managed some the Club’s chosen charity that
athletic activity with a sports year. He and Hilary regularly
day between ships. attended the Saturday night
On his return he quickly suppers at the Clubhouse. In
more recent years Ken will
became involved in the Club perhaps be best remembered as
being elected Entertainment Field Events Judge and was to
Secretary in October 1947. be frequently seen oficiating at
He went on to organise a Norman Park.
number of very successful
social functions which did Ken was an unassuming
much to revive this important and friendly man devoted
aspect of Club life in the to his family who during his
post war period. Athletically long membership effectively
Ken competed in many of carried out many differing
the mob matches and Club roles in the Club to which he
Championships, invariably to was dedicated. Among the
be found in the middle of the congregation at his funeral
ield. As the years past it was at St Bartholomew’s Church,
perhaps natural that he would Otford were a number of Past
gravitate to joining the trail- Presidents and members. We
layers, eventually becoming extend our condolences to
their chief during which Hilary and sons Peter, Richard
time he was concerned with and Philip.
modifying the various courses Peter Baigent
to overcome the many changes
in the countryside.
In June 1954 Ken married
Hilary Rayner at Otford
Church, a village that was to
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