Page 29 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 29
Members’ News 27
And finally thanks to the back-up
massive contribution they
Throughout the winter we had make to ensure our athletes
ardent support from family are comfortable and best
and friends who provided the prepared for the days events.
necessary backup needed to For one event Dave had
make these events happen. collected the tent from Bristol
on Friday morning before
Many thanks must go to the driving back to Hayes, then few Samaritans who kindly
parents and grand parents enduring a nightmare journey helped rescue it.
who spent many hours driving up the motorway to Mansield. Many a weekend was a great
in the rain to support our Dave had driven for over success due in no small way to
young athletes and who always 12 hours all in the name of Hanna Cordell’s huge efforts
ensure the boys and girls are BBHAC. and organisational skills as
warmed up and ready to go. At Parliament Hill Dave and well as her culinary skills!
In particular it was great to Hanna Cordell got to the
have our president Bob Cliff course early, erected the tent, Many thanks must go to
in attendance and to have even provided a few chairs, the numerous parents and
his support at all the cross collected all the numbers Blackheath Past Presidents
countries and for his invaluable and race chips ready to hand and members for all their
help with dismantling the tent out and then late in the day tremendous support on and
around the course. Special
at the end of many events. It when most had already left, thank you to Mr Motivator
would be unthinkable not to dismantled the tent to try and coach Nigel Stickings for
have the tent! repack it for the journey home. inspiring all the athletes to
It was of course the tent that Once there they then cleaned, achieve so highly!
provided great comfort and for dried and repacked it ready for Andy Frankish, the girls team
this thanks should ultimately the next meeting. manager, Hanna and myself
go to Dave and Hanna Cordell Their job was made harder owe a huge debt of gratitude
who continually set up and on that day by a short but very to Nigel and Charlotte
dismantled it staying late to sharp storm that damaged Stickings, Carole Penlington,
clear away when everyone had the tent which would have Jane Bradshaw and Claire
gone home. blown away had it not been Austridge for the tremendous
There were many long, for Dave and Hanna, John support they gave the young
dificult days for Dave and Sanders, Tim Souter and a athletes throughout the winter.
Hanna Cordell and our thanks Lastly a special thank you
and appreciation go to them to Geoff Webb who had the
for once again providing a dry arduous task of driving all
and welcome shelter on the the boys to Mansield in the
day, in the form of the club minibus in what turned out to
tent. Not many of us verbalise be terrible driving conditions.
it but we are all extremely
grateful for Hanna and Dave’s Dave and Hanna Cordell Paul Austridge
And finally thanks to the back-up
massive contribution they
Throughout the winter we had make to ensure our athletes
ardent support from family are comfortable and best
and friends who provided the prepared for the days events.
necessary backup needed to For one event Dave had
make these events happen. collected the tent from Bristol
on Friday morning before
Many thanks must go to the driving back to Hayes, then few Samaritans who kindly
parents and grand parents enduring a nightmare journey helped rescue it.
who spent many hours driving up the motorway to Mansield. Many a weekend was a great
in the rain to support our Dave had driven for over success due in no small way to
young athletes and who always 12 hours all in the name of Hanna Cordell’s huge efforts
ensure the boys and girls are BBHAC. and organisational skills as
warmed up and ready to go. At Parliament Hill Dave and well as her culinary skills!
In particular it was great to Hanna Cordell got to the
have our president Bob Cliff course early, erected the tent, Many thanks must go to
in attendance and to have even provided a few chairs, the numerous parents and
his support at all the cross collected all the numbers Blackheath Past Presidents
countries and for his invaluable and race chips ready to hand and members for all their
help with dismantling the tent out and then late in the day tremendous support on and
around the course. Special
at the end of many events. It when most had already left, thank you to Mr Motivator
would be unthinkable not to dismantled the tent to try and coach Nigel Stickings for
have the tent! repack it for the journey home. inspiring all the athletes to
It was of course the tent that Once there they then cleaned, achieve so highly!
provided great comfort and for dried and repacked it ready for Andy Frankish, the girls team
this thanks should ultimately the next meeting. manager, Hanna and myself
go to Dave and Hanna Cordell Their job was made harder owe a huge debt of gratitude
who continually set up and on that day by a short but very to Nigel and Charlotte
dismantled it staying late to sharp storm that damaged Stickings, Carole Penlington,
clear away when everyone had the tent which would have Jane Bradshaw and Claire
gone home. blown away had it not been Austridge for the tremendous
There were many long, for Dave and Hanna, John support they gave the young
dificult days for Dave and Sanders, Tim Souter and a athletes throughout the winter.
Hanna Cordell and our thanks Lastly a special thank you
and appreciation go to them to Geoff Webb who had the
for once again providing a dry arduous task of driving all
and welcome shelter on the the boys to Mansield in the
day, in the form of the club minibus in what turned out to
tent. Not many of us verbalise be terrible driving conditions.
it but we are all extremely
grateful for Hanna and Dave’s Dave and Hanna Cordell Paul Austridge