Page 7 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 7
Athletics Report 7
Thanks to Jane Bradshaw
for her healing hands; Phil
Sesemann and Dick Griffin for
sorting the t shirts and President
Paul Byfield for bringing them
over; and to all the supporters
who included Chris Haines
who ran in the first ever British
League match in 1969 and
Callum Myatt who will no doubt
run for the team in the future.
Match Result
1. Harrow 380
2. Blackheath & Bromley 293
3. Southampton 285 Jordan Laynes ‘niggles’ did not show when running at Eton
4. Windsor Slough Eton &
Hounslow 277 maximum points in the B string. 100; and Luc Durant was just
5. Sale 275 For the second fixture in a row outside his best with 14.69 in
6. City Of Liverpool 266 we won more A strings than any the shot.
7. Kingston & Poly 241 other club.
8. Herne Hill 142 And then there was Alex “I’ll do
Just as thrilling for our sup- anything” Pope competing in
porters were B string victories seven of the eight field events,
Match Two: for Dan Putnam in the 200 in scoring 35 points and setting
2nd June 2018 – Portsmouth 21.31; James Habergham in the seasons bests in the discus,
800 (he’s competed at nine of
long jump and pole vault in the
Our team Thursday evening the last ten matches); and Lewis process. Lewis Ely set seasons
may have sneaked victory but Mills, 9.51.45 for his debut in bests in the high and triple
there isn’t a lot you can do when the 3000 steeplechase. jumps. Ever dependable Jordan
illness, injury and life gets in Layne was solid in the 400 and
the way. What is worth thinking Others making their debuts 4x400 and Adam Herring again
about is how well we coped with were James Lancaster, still travelled from Norfolk to run
six late withdrawals. To pull off an under 20 but 2nd in the A the 4x400. It was reassuring to
a second place showed the qual- string hammer with 51.16; Alex have six non scoring 100 metre
ity and character of the athletes Nwenwu, 4th in the 110 hurdles; runners among whom were
we have in our squad and our Josh Schofield, 3rd in the 5000; Camron Lyttle and Shamar
great team spirit. Korede Awe in the 4x100; and Thomas Campbell in their
There were lots of highlights but Joe Rogers, 4th in the B 400 first appearances for the team
seeing Scott Huggins clear- and also part of the 3rd placed this season.
ing 5.23 in the pole vault was 4x400 team despite tweaking his
literally right up there. Absent hamstring in warm up. Unfortunately after rearranging
with injury for some while, his weekend to compete, Charlie
Kieran Daly won the 100 and Josh Barber was close to his Davis had to drop out the 5000
200 A strings. Jonathan Ilori best as he ran 9.37.02 for second with injury. He will bounce
won the triple jump by over place in the steeplechase; anoth- back. It was great to see Alex
a metre with 15.89; and Will er under 20, Ben Sutton, set new Bruce Littlewood back in the
Fuller edged first in the 1500 bests of 6.84 in the long jump League, albeit as a non scorer in
with Phil Sesemann making it and 11.31 in the non scoring the same race.