Page 5 - Summer2018Gazette
P. 5

Athletics Report  5

        a team out. Big mistake! I knew   Immanuela Aliu (11.68) and   In the rest of the track
        that they wanted 3rd place as   Vivian Olatunji (12.14). Vivian   events, athletes competed for
        much as we did and they would   also did well in the A-String   every point and doubled up
        compete all the way. To the   200m. Louise Evans volun-  where required.
        neutral, this was going to be a   teered to run the B-string 200m
        good match.             at the last minute and stormed   Although there were no wins in
                                to victory with a very good  PB   the Field, there were still some
        Leading into the week before   of 24.64.        very good and solid perfor-
        the match, we had a very strong                 mances, Molly Walsh came
        team, however as we got closer,   In the 400m, Rachel Dickens   second in the B-string Hammer
        athletes were pulling out left,   and Krystal Galley won the A   with a throw of 51.74. Bekah
        right and centre for a variety of   and B-string with times of 54.27   Walton threw 44.72 to finish
        reasons. Furthermore, we had   and 54.84 respectively.  second in B-string Javelin.
        gaps in the team which wouldn’t                 Sarah Abrams and Mary Adeniji
        be filled before the match.  In the sprint relay (Vivian,   came third (5.91m) and second
                                Annie, Immanuela and Louise),   (5.30m) in the A and B-String
        Any doubts I may have had dis-  our girls finished first with a   long jump. In the Triple jump,
        appeared during the day as the   good time of 47.33 and in the   Allison Wilder came third in
        girls pulled out all the stops.  4 x 400m (Alex Hill, Louise,   the A-string (12.13m) and Mary
                                Rachel and Krystal),we finished   doubling up came second in the
        There were two good third   a very close second to Thames   B-string with a hop,skip and
        places in the 100m thanks to   Valley Harriers.  jump of 11.43m. Our ever reli-
                                                        able high jumpers Rebecca Haw-
                                                        kins and Deborah Martin came
         Southampton Match Result                       third and second respectively
         1. Birchfield Harriers       249.0 – 8pts      in the A and B string, clearing
         2. Thames Valley Harriers    222.0 – 7pts      1.70m and 1.65m.
         3. Blackheath & Bromley      196.0 – 6pts      Overall, it was a very pleasing
                                                        performance and credit to the
         4. Edinburgh AC              190.0 – 5pts
                                                        girls for a great effort.
         5. Trafford AC               166.0 – 4pts
                                                        We finished the day in third
         6. Windsor, Slough, E&H      156.0 – 3pts
                                                        place, beating Edinburgh AC
         7. Southampton AC            143.5 – 2pts      by six points. This meant we
         8. Swansea Harriers          120.5 – 1pt       finished the season in third
                                                        place overall – Our joint highest
                                                        position in the Premier division.
         League Position
         1. Thames Valley Harriers    685.0 – 22pts
         2. Birchfield Harriers       676.0 – 22pts
         3. Blackheath & Bromley      578.5 – 17pts
         4. Edinburgh AC              569.5 – 16pts
         5. Windsor, Slough, E&H      495.5 – 12pts
         6. Trafford AC               468.5 – 9pts
         7. Swansea Harriers          430.0 – 5pts
         8. Swansea Harriers          388.0 – 5pts
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10