Page 9 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 9

Athletics Report  9

                                Campbell all added to our haul.   Match Four, Manchester.
        Table After Two Matches:                        20th August.
        1. Swansea Harriers 15.0 (653),   We also had the most number   In the end it didn’t happen. We
        2. Cardiff AAC 14.0 (615),   of grade one performances   finished in 6th place in the final
        3. Harrow AC 13.0 (608), 4.   from Dan Putnam (twice),   match which left us 5th overall.
                                Camron Lyttle, Dean Hylton,
        Blackheath & Bromley H &                        With a number of people
        AC 9.0 (569), 5. Sale Harriers   Phil Sesemann, Tom French,   missing with injuries and others
                                Scott Huggins, Matt Blandford
        8.5 (560.5), 6. Windsor Slough                  ill or unavailable this was not
        Eton & Hounslow AC5.5 (473),   (twice), Jonathan Ilori, Rob   a surprise. What was a bit of a
                                Sutherland. Coleman Corry,
        7. Glasgow City AC 4.5 (430), 8.                surprise was that the two teams
        Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC   Peter Guy and Reece Young   who came up got promoted
                                all made good debuts. It was
        2.5 (410.5).
                                a great team effort. But for a   again. I can’t remember that
                                couple of weak events we would   happening before and they were
        Match Three, Bedford.   have been higher still. In the   both Welsh!
        15th July.              hammer and javelin we scored   Although we didn’t have a lot
        And so we came to the Big   12 points in total. Cardiff   of athletes we did have a lot of
        Day Out with all five divi-  scored 52 and Sale 46.  quality. Pleasingly there were
        sions competing at one venue.                   personal bests for Rob Suther-
        Bedford was chosen because,   Our score of 318 points was   land (long jump) and Luc Du-
        not only does it have an outdoor   the highest we have scored in   rant (shot), Adam Herring ran
        throws circle, it has an outdoor   this division since 2000, the last   his fastest outdoor electric time
        javelin runway. So with an early   time we were promoted to the   and James Habergham ran his
        start technically the field events   top division. No one who had   fastest 4x400 split. What have
        could run to time. Neither it   scored that number of points in   they got in common? They all
        nor the track did so for various   a match had not finished in the   did all four matches this season
        reasons. I suspect that those in   top two in the last 10 years.   as did the ever dependable Lew-
        favour of the concept took lots   Final match score. 1. Sale. 354,   is Ely and Dan Putnam. There
        of positives from the day while   2. Cardiff. 328.5, 3. Blackheath   was also a pb for Ross Braden
        those who were sceptical about   & Bromley 318, 4. Windsor   in the 5000, his third middle
        its viability could take lots of   Slough Eton & Hounslow 281.   distance pb in three matches.
        negatives away. I’m with the   5. Harrow 259, 6. Swansea 227,
        former, and the AGM voted for   7. Glasgow 216.5, 8. Bas-  Everyone did well with Dan
        another one in 2018.    ingstoke 183.           Putnam gaining two second
        Our day could not have started                  places in the sprints and
                                                        confirming himself as our top
        better as, not only did Phil   Table After Three Matches:   points scorer this year. Phil Ses-
        Sesemann win the 3000 metres,   1. Cardiff 21. (943.5), 2. Swan-  emann and Will Fuller doubled
        he did so with a League Record.   sea 18 (880), 3. Harrow 17 (867),   up in the middle distance with
        To add to the celebrations Ross   4. Sale 16.5 (914.5), 5. Black-  Will running the 5000 just 25
        Barden set a pb in the B string.   heath & Bromley 15 (887), 6.   minutes after the 1500. Both
        We had the most number of A   Windsor 10.5 (754), 7. Glasgow   had actually run the previous
        string wins as Phil Sesemann   6.5 (646.5), 8. Basingstoke 3.5   day at the BMC meeting at
        again in the 1500, Dan Putnam   (593.5)         Stretford (where Will improved
        (200), Jonathan Ilori (triple   So unless Cardiff had a com-  his best to 3.45 in the 1500 and
        jump), Scott Huggins (pole   plete disaster at the final match,   was fastest Briton). So too did
        vault), Matt Blandford (shot)   they would be promoted. Us or   James Habergham before racing
        and the 4x100 quartet of Dan   one of three other clubs would   the 800, 400 and 4x400.
        Putnam, Dean Hylton, Camron   go up with them.
        Lyttle and Shamar Thomas
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