Page 11 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 11
Athletics Report 11
2017 Review
Match 1 - Birmingham Unfortunately at this level you a shining light and our only
6th May 2017 cannot afford to give away winner on the day. However
Due to there only being three points. With no athletes at all in there were good performances
matches in the season, it’s the 800m, 1500m, 2000m Stee- from Annie Davies in 3rd and
always important to get off to a plechase, 3000m, Pole Vault Isabella Hilditch 2nd in the
good start. and only one in the 400m hur- 100m hurdles, Anna Short
taking 2nd place in the B string
dles, our depleted team did well
Thanks to past President Bill to finish in 7th of the 8 teams. triple jump, and Rebecca Haw-
Foster, we’d acquired two new In fact that was the one conso- kins 4th and Deborah Martin
middle distance athletes in lation as I honestly thought that 2nd in the high jump strings,
Carolyn Johnson and Jo Hick- we would finish last! both very close to the winning
man-Dunne. Carolyn was first heights.
claiming for Loughborough, As far as the actual match was
but she’s now joined us first concerned, Holly Mills winning
claim! the long jump in 6.18m was
What this meant was that for
the first time, we had a great Match 1 Result:
pool of middle distance athletes 1. Thames Valley Harriers 234.5 –8pts
able to compete for us in the 2. Edinburgh AC 217.0 –7pts
UKWAL. Sadly the reality was 3. Birchfield Harriers 216.0 –6pts
that due to injuries and illness,
we didn’t have one single mid- 4. Windsor, Slough E&H 179.0 –5pts
dle distance athlete available 5. Swansea Harriers 167.0 –4pts
for our first match. In addition 6. Shaftesbury Barnet 157.0 –3pts
to this there were other gaps in
the team as well. 7. Blackheath & Bromley 126.5 –2pts
8. Woodford Green EL 112.0 –1pt
Match 2 - Eton This made our task consider- 13.95 and Modupe Shokunbi
3rd June 2017 ably difficult. finishing 2nd in the B-string
Following the match in Bir- Notable performance on the 100m (12.16). Caroline Ford
mingham, I was confident that track were as follows: ran well to finish 3rd in
we would finish in a higher the A-string of a fast 800m
position. Whilst we didn’t have Isabella Hilditch winning the (2:08.02).
B-string 100mH in a time of
a full complement of middle
distance athletes, we did have
both strings in the 800m cov- Match 2 Result:
ered as well as a single athlete 1. Birchfield Harriers 218.5 –8pts
in the 3000m and 2000m 2. Thames Valley Harriers 211.5 –7pts
steeple-chase. 3. Edinburgh AC 204.0 –6pts
Unfortunately for us, the other
clubs were equally able to put 4. Windsor, Slough E&H 201.0 –5pts
out stronger teams. So our girls 5. Shaftesbury Barnet 165.5 –4pts
were competing against Megan 6. Swansea Harriers 152.5 –3pts
Beesley, Zoey Clark, Jade Lally 7. Blackheath & Bromley 145.0 –2pts
and Morgan Lake to name a
few! 8. Woodford Green EL 129.0 –1pt