Page 48 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 48
46 Obituary
Bill Graham
1941 to 2016
It is with deepest regret that birth of a new child. His
we report that Bill Graham generosity with this particular
sadly succumbed to cancer skill of his was legendary.
at the age of 74. Bill joined He had a wonderful sense of
the Club in October 1987. humour and it was always a
After playing football at pleasure to speak with him.
a very decent level, he He was a warm, loyal man
competed in a large number of immense integrity who
of races at different distances, when he retired and moved
particularly at cross country to Whitstable, with wife
in the late 80s and early 90s. Val, worked with those with
These included an impressive special needs at a wild life
61.1.00 at the Mob Match at centre and in carpentry. Both
Ranelagh in January 1991 he and Val successfully made
for which he gained a 2nd a new life for themselves in
place in the handicap, a Whitstable and it was only a
decent 35.28 at the Club 5 in few years ago that he became
October 1988, and several a local hero when abseiling
runs just over the hour in down a tall building on the
other mob matches. His sea front for charity.
best for the half marathon As an athlete, he may not
was 1.39.58 and these have achieved the heights
performances should include of the elite but his attitude
the marathon where his best to clubmanship was par
performance at this distance excellence. Amongst those
was in the 1992 London in of a particular era and age
which he recorded a very but particularly by Val and
respectable 3.32.55. his family Bill will be greatly
However his really great missed.
contribution to the club was in
the field of photography. He Graeme Williams
was an excellent photographer
having worked for many years
with the Express Group of
newspapers. His work often
featured in the Gazette and
included many events such as
the day Dame Mary Peters in
1996 graced us by opening the
ladies changing facilities. He
recorded for posterity a wide
variety of family occasions
such as weddings, significant
birthdays, anniversaries or