Page 47 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 47
Obituary 45
relaxed, laid back manor did roped off area chased by building obviously worked
cause some of his “travellers” this very large police man as in 1994 and 1995 we won
concern when they still had who wanted to arrest him. the National cross country
not received their tickets Fortunately, he did not. team race and in 1995 won
and travel details a few days Apparently not having the National 12 stage road
before they were due to travel. enough to do Graham took relay in what I think is the
I don’t know of anyone who over as Winter Captain in the 9th = fastest time ever and
was let down and as a regular early 1990’s and built a senior the 2nd fastest since 1988.
“traveller” you got used to men’s endurance team that Ian remains convinced that
this approach. Ian and Nick was the most successful in the all this could not have been
often used to reassure others B&B history, so far at least. achieve without Graham’s
that “it would be alright on We had some very strong foresight and enthusiasm.
the night” and that they could runners and Graham thought As you can imagine this was
be assured that they would that a “team building” event a very special period for the
enjoy the tour! would be helpful. So, in endurance runners of the
November 1991 he entered 2 Club and was achieved by
One image Ian still has in his teams in the High Peaks Relay Graham making use of his
mind is Graham being man- in Derbyshire. The idea being qualities of understanding
handled by an equally tall but that the teams and supporters and determination together
much heavier Boston police would assemble in a nearby with his ability to develop
man at the 1992 World Cross hotel on Saturday for a social camaraderie amongst a group
Country Championships. Just gathering ready for the race of people. Great times which I
before the finish there was a on Sunday morning. Graham for one am glad I was part of.
very large area roped off to seemed to be unaware of the For us these qualities in him
ensure a clear view by the TV amount of strategic planning of camaraderie, understanding
cameras. The U20 women’s that the event required. The and determination serve as
race was finishing and Paula course was out and back an inspiration. At 6ft 6in,
Radcliffe was leading going along the High Peaks Way, Graham was of commanding
into this area. Graham was 4 legs each way and a total stature, if you stood up
enthusiastically shouting at of some 35 miles. Change straight you might have been
Paula and ran across this overs being where roads cross able to look Graham in the
the course. The strategic eye, but he would have had to
planning was required to be sitting down.
drop runners off for the start In offering our condolences
of their leg and collect them to his family, his dear mother
at the finish. I know of at Nesta, sister Sue and brother
least one runner in the B team Robin, the Tall Man remains
who had to run back over his in our hearts forever and we
5-mile leg to collect his car remember him with joy, with
as no transport was available affection and with love.
at the finish! Still the A team
won in a course record and Nick Brooks, Chris Haines,
set many individual stage Ian Wilson
records on the way. This team