Page 31 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 31
Feature 29
1969. He turned to coaching competition. But despite this His gravestone in Wareham,
after effectively hanging the article cited other positive Dorset is typically modest,
up his spikes after the 1949 factors which included prolific making no mention of his
National where he finished performances on the big stage, MBE or his prowess and
45th, 4 places behind 1948 his ability to achieve fast status as one of the greatest
Olympian and clubmate Jack times and set world records athletes of all time. But his
Braughton. His 80th birthday at various distances, his wife and family never knew
was celebrated in great style at well honed technique which him as the superstar athlete
the Blackheath clubhouse. could give him the required and a wonderful poem written
speed, access to effective and for his funeral spoke of the
Sydney’s legacy is well advanced coaching, and the person in the photo on the
preserved and every year very good fortune to reach his peak wall that nobody really knew.
close to the anniversary of the at a time when one generation He will always be that ‘real
800m World record an 800m of middle distance runners human being’ as described
race is held as part of the were declining and another by Past President Tony
BMC meeting at Cambridge generation (notably the Swedes Weeks-Pearson, and will
Harriers’ HQ. It is a high Haag and Andersson) were be remembered as a loyal
quality affair with a decent only just beginning to emerge supporter of the club at grass
cash prize for the winner and as creditable opposition. roots, an example of how to
a bonus should the winner These factors were I believe of be truly human, and a person
better Sydney’s World record sufficient substance to outweigh whose richness of personality
time. A few years ago the those against him which were in turn enriched the lives of
winner missed Sydney’s mark mere conjucture, and as factors others. He was not just a great
by just .3 of a second, probably were ‘patently compelling and athlete but arguably the greatest
the most expensive .3 that authentic grounds for rating ever ‘Heathern’ whose soul and
athlete will ever have! Wooderson as an athlete memory lives on in the hearts
of world class’ who would of all who love our great club.
In an article from the ‘have emerged as an Olympic
Winter 2011/2012 Gazette champion of distinction’. The Hugh Stanbury
the question was raised as article of course proposed
to whether he would have scenarios which should best
been Olympic champion at be described as alternative
1500m. Much evidence in history, and concluded that if
favor of the prospect of this the reality was disappointing
occurring was put forward in its denied achievement then
even though there were the consolation for him and all
arguments against this too, those who knew and admired
These centered around such him was that he ‘remained
factors as persistent injuries, a modest man with a well
the relative lack of training he balanced personality’ who
conducted as well as lengthy avoided the ruthlessness of the
rest periods throughout the modern professional athlete
year, his outside interests and which ‘might have made him a
his limitations against truly less attractive person’.
world class international