Page 28 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 28
26 Athletics Report
The Parris Handicap 2014
The monthly handicap race invented to input the entries Left to right: Clem Leon, Martin
series of 5km handicap races, and calculate the handicaps Longstaff, President Dick Griffin,
which take place every month for each runner is a task that and Mike Simms
between April and September, would be beyond Bill Gates. I
started in 1993. It was renamed think that the reason the race The event generated over
in 1998 after Roy Parris who is held once a month is to allow £500.00 profit and all the
sadly died after an heroic fight the organizer 4 weeks to get proceeds were donated to The
against cancer. This event is an the various computer entries House and Social Committee to
apt tribute to Roy. Full details inputted to calculate the next be used for the benefit of us all.
of Roy’s story can be read in month’s handicaps! It was also One of the big highlights of
the Summer 2007 gazette. a devious plot by Rob, as he the 2014 event was the BBQ
James Ingram won the very now has to visit my home at that Deniz Mehmet and
first race in a time of 18:45 and least once a month to help me Gareth Griffin arranged for
Graham Fee was the overall with the calculations knowing every Wednesday night of The
winner for that year. that whilst here my wife will Parris Handicap. These BBQs
lavish cake and coffee on him! proved to be enormously
It is a testament to the success The April race was won by successful and attracted not
of this race that in 1993 the Angus Harrington followed only the runners but also non-
maximum number of runners over the next 5 months by wins runners and guests alike. They
in any race was 19 whilst 34 for Stuart Cullum, Melody have already indicated that they
different runners took part in Kane, Jessica Jones, James will run these events again this
the series. We now regularly Neylon and Andrew Pino. The year so many thanks as not
have over 30 runners turning fastest man over the course only is the catering first class
out and 62 different runners was Peter Tucker in a time but our bar profits increase
made at least one appearance of 16:48 and the fastest lady considerably on these nights!
during the 2014 series. In April was Melody Kane in 19:33. These events could not take
2014 the race attracted 41 The course record remains at place without volunteers so
runners. 15:13, which was set by Barry many thanks to our Time
Stephenson in June 2004. Keepers Mike and Terri,
After organizing this event for At the end of a great Recorders Steve Hollingdale,
10 years Rob Brown decided series of events the overall Denise King and Peter Lovell
he would like to return to winner for 2014 was Martin and of course my wonderful
running and therefore looked Longstaff who had improved wife Sheila who takes the
for a volunteer to take over considerably during the season, entries and helps calculate
running the event. Not so very well done. Second the winners at the end of the
knowing that our lives were was Mike Simms with Clem evening.
going to be turned upside Leon in third place. A special The first race of the 2015
down (with my being made mention must go to young series will be on Wednesday
President) Sheila and I took up Scott Bulmer who after the 15th April at 7.15pm.
the gauntlet and agreed to run July event was leading overall
the event for the 2014 series. but an injury meant he could Richard Griffin
only jog the last 2 events and
The actual organizing of the even then he finished in a very
race is quite a simple task but creditable fourth overall.
understanding the computer
programme that Rob has