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P. 17
Athletics Report 15
Tri club
2013 update

opportunity to gauge whether
The triathlon season kicked one s training is on target or if
off a little later in 2013 due to you ll need to re-evaluate your
the late arrival of spring which goals.
meant open water swimming 11 people including 7 members
at Leybourne Lakes was a
distinctly chilly affair until of Blackheath & Bromley
Harriers (Kev May, Lisa
early May, with the water May, Deniz Mehmed, Ian
temperature not reaching Montgomery, Pete Burford, with all of our tri-athletes
15 degrees until mid May. completing the race and Lisa
Mark Nicholls and Gareth May becoming the first ‘Iron
Griffin), made the journey over Woman at Blackheath &
to Roth. The event is one of Bromley Harriers.
the original Iron Man distance
races, and is frequently referred The rest of the tri season was
to as one of the best. Solar made up of various other
Hill is so densely packed shorter distance triathlons,
that the competitors have to with other separate swim, bike
cycle single file, due to the and run events being competed
However because for a few road being almost completely in by Blackheath & Bromley
members of the tri-club the covered with spectators. members. One of these Colin
main target was the Iron In a tense atmosphere prior Norris had a particularly
Man distance Challenge Roth to the race the five months of eventful season including
Triathlon in July, training for training were put to the test. attempts in Duathlons and
most of them started around Initially the weather was fine, Ironman championships. A full
early February. This gave but as the day progressed it review of his performance will
them a good five months got hotter, with temperatures be featured in the next issue of
to condition themselves by hitting 29 degrees for the run, the Gazette.
training which included 2.4 not ideal conditions, but it
miles of swimming, 112 miles was the same for everybody Deniz Mehmed
of biking and then running the
full marathon distance of 26.2
miles. Such a high volume of
training carries a constant risk
of injury, but by paying careful
attention to matters such as
rest, volume and intensity of
that training, such concomitant
fears can be alleviated.
Five weeks before the main
event a metric Iron Man
was completed at Leybourne
Lakes, which consisted of a 2.4
km swim, 112 km bike and a Mark Nicholls, Kev May, Deniz Mehmed, Mark Skelly, Lisa Nat,
26.2 km run. This is an ideal Gary Smith, Paul Tuck and Gareth Griffin enjoy the grain of Roth
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