Page 12 - index
P. 12


(And also Sam for extending else s early movement and is
her repertoire to 1500m.) The DQd in the B string. Normal
match result sees us finish 3rd. service quickly resumes, with
Job done: we’re safely through Shannon securing another
to the National Final. But had LR in the U17 event. Fighting
anyone noticed just how close back, we take 2nd in the ‘A’
Windsor s women had been 800 (Leah), 1st in the ‘B’
to us? (Janae) and 3rd in the U17
(Niamh). Natty, one of our
National Final, Alexander
Stadium 8th September newcomers, responds to a
A full squad, or almost, last minute call-up to grasp
and the sun is shining. silver in the B 400, paving
the way for Cheriece to blast
What can go wrong? For
a start, the whole meeting round the 300m for another
is over-engineered and an LR. Jahisha breaks the 6m
administrative pain in the barrier for gold in the U20 LJ
nether regions from start to and Kerri eases to a win in the
finish (especially after several U17 TJ. It s silver this time for
trips up to the control rooms Rhiannon in the B 100mH,
Dina Asher-Smith at the top of the stand). as it is for Yemisi in the U17
Everything always worked discus and Christine in the B
takes the B 100m; and, wonderfully well at Derby HJ, and a bronze for Beth in
the 3000m. And now it s the
Cheriece, the A 400m. We without all this call room 200m (our other favourite!).
win both A hurdles long malarkey and the dead hand
(Sam) and short (Jahisha, of officialdom. But this is
who s also 1st in the A long sounding like a harbinger of
jump). There are further B sour grapes. Things actually
wins for Janae (800m), Leah start passably, except that
Christine (having had a
(3000m) and Lauren (LJ) crash course in the relevant
and in the U17s for Niamh technique) isn t permitted to
(3000m), Aine (300mH), fill in for the injured Emilie
Helena (PV) and both relay in the vault. To compensate,
teams. But what these stats Helena (with a PB) and Sonia
don t show is how we covered both grab 2nds. A brace of
9 MD events (1500m, 3000m 3rds (Sam and Rhiannon)
and 1500s/c) with only three follows in the 400mH and
regular middle distance Kerri also takes bronze in the
runners, two of whom had U17 LJ. Then it s the 100m.
already run the 800m and Our favourite! Dina duly
still had a 300m relay leg delivers with our first League
to complete take a bow, Record (LR) of the day. But
Amber, Leah and Niamh! Viv succumbs to someone Chloe Smith at the YDL Finals
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