Page 7 - Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC
P. 7

Social Programme 2016/17

At the Club Headquarters

Fri 14 October  Vice Presidents’ Supper

Fri 25 November Club Dinner (Black Tie)

Sun 11 December Christmas Lunch (12:30)

Wed 21 December Wednesday Nighter's Christmas (Jeans & Fancy Tie)
Sat 26 December Paper Chase – Bar open mid-day

Fri 3 February  Burns Night

Sat 25 February National Supper (away in Nottingham)

Sat 18 March    AGM (18:30)

Wed 26 April    Marathon Supper (Any/all London medals to be worn)

All functions are 19:30 for 20:00 sit down unless otherwise advertised.
Hot meals are served at 20:00 on Wednesday evenings and should be
booked at the Club House by 19:00 the same day; if necessary, call 020 8462

Please note the following carefully as failure to do so can cause
considerable difficulties for the Wine Committee and may lead to

 Members wishing to attend the social functions should inform the
      Wine Committee, AT THE VERY LATEST, by the Wednesday
      evening prior to the event.

 Members must also ensure that the Wine Committee is informed
      whenever they book places but subsequently change their mind.
      Failure to do so may result in members being expected to pay the
      wastage costs incurred by the Club. Please bear this in mind
      particularly when booking for other members or allowing yourself to
      be booked in by others.

 Remember to sign-in your guests (non-members) in the visitors’
      book at the Clubhouse bar.

                Interested in helping out at the Clubhouse?
                     Call David Cordell 07986 630255 (m)
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