Details of the Will Bolton Fund are
Memorial Event for William
- the Annual Cross Country Relay, which is the first scoring event in the
Bennett Cup series, has been renamed as 'The William Bolton Memorial Relay'
and the first one took place on 18 September 2004 at Sparrows Den.
13-05-04 |
More photos added
A Message to all at B&B
9-03-04 Jan,
Edward and Richard are overwhelmed and comforted by all the love and support
that you have shown since Will's death. |

Will at the Nationals at Leeds just a couple of weeks
before his death. |
William Bolton died on Sunday 7 March 2004 as a
result of a tragic car accident. Will, as most of us at Blackheath
knew him, was a delightful young man of 21 years who joined our Club on his
10th birthday - the youngest you could join at that time. As Will died
instantly his major organs could not be bequeathed, however the family are
pleased to say that his heart valves and cornea's were subsequently able to
be donated. It is hoped that a suitable Memorial
Event to Will will be established shortly - details will be posted here as
and when.
Anyone who would like to contribute to the fund should
make cheques out to: "Blackheath & Bromley
Harriers AC", c/o Ken
Daniel, 8 Burlington Lodge, 32 Lubbock Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5QR. |

Will and his mates, Peter Tucker and Andrew Rayner - also at Leeds. |

I would like to say that not a moment has passed where I
do not think of you William. I will always remember your kindness on the
evening of Oliver's 21st (Oliver Farman). Our car had broken down, as my
husband waited and waited for assistance, help seemed to be so far away, it
was a bitter cold evening - then you came along you kindly took him into
your car and wrapped him in a blanket as he was so cold. I personally hardly
knew you, all I know is your kindness, love and care overwhelmed me/us that
evening, we will never forget that night, will never forget you William. I
know God is looking after you, loving you. No one will ever understand why
you were taken from this world, all I/we know is that we will never ever
forget you, you will always be in our prayers and thoughts, you were a fine
young man, who would have done anything for anyone.
God bless you. Jan Farman
30-05-04 |
The greatest tribute that could have ever been made to
Will's memory, was the fantastic amount of people who attended his funeral
today. So much so I was one of maybe 45/50 people who were not able to get
into the chapel, It just reiterates what a popular and well respected young
man Will was....he will never be words to Jan today were
''Cherish the memories''. It was so refreshing to see so many faces today
who wanted to share in the Celebration of Wills' life, this must have been
great comfort to Jan and family. God Bless.
Jenny Jackson
18-03-04 |
Such is the shock of last weekends tragic events it has
taken me a week to attempt to write how I feel. Words cannot describe how
much will meant to me, an the sorrow I feel for Jan, Edward an Richard.
Since the day I first met William, 10 years ago this May, we have been the
closest of friends. In moments of doubt, sorrow an sadness Will was there,
edging me on as a fellow training partner, but more so as a dear friend,
giving the advice an courage that symbolized William in the person he was.
Those of us who knew William were all touched by his kindness, fantastic
spirit, attitude an general well being. Will was truly a star and A very
special friend, who I will always regard as the best friend I could have
asked for. Will I miss you, an I too am honoured to have known you. We
shared so many memories together, of which I will treasure forever. My world
will never be the same without you.
Until we meet again, your training partner, an more
importantly friend.
Matt Hill
17-03-04 |
I have just heard the tragic news about Will Bolton, I am
deeply saddened by this sudden loss. Will was an inspiration to me in my
early running career always being that one step ahead. The club will be the
poorer for his loss. Jamie Atkinson
16-03-04 |
Boltons, you will never leave us.
I ran a season's best today. I heard you shouting, you
helped me. You have made such an impact on me, enough for you to stay with
me and help me run. As long as you're in my head you'll never be gone. This
is true for all of us lads, you'll always be there, just one of us.
Take care mate
Joe Godsell
11-03-04 |
Tribute for Will
I waited until today to write this tribute because I
wanted to capture how I really felt coaching at the track without you.
Telling the kids was very difficult and they even asked how I would cope
without my "husband?!". That reminded me of the fun we used to have coaching
every Wednesday. Dave and I even made the kids run round the pylon - they
reminded me (not that I'll ever forget) of how I shouted at them all to walk
back down the hill when we'd finished in case they fell over. I ran ahead to
tell them this and promptly landed on my bum in a huge pile of mud - you
laughed hysterically and I kept telling you to stop laughing, even though I
couldn't stop myself. Maybe us arguing is why the kids thought we were
Will, you made work a pleasure to do and even last
night, Dave & I were waiting for you to stroll in... late, still wearing
your worksuit and start demonstrating the bum kicks and high knees. They
simply weren't the same without you. We had a minute's silence and even the
naughty ones who usually talked over us kept silent - proving how much they
enjoyed your sessions and respected you.
I shall miss your wit, your patience and your kind
heartedness and think of those special memories every time I go to the track
- I hope to meet up with you in years to come and laugh about Ryan the Duck
together. Until then, sleep well.
All my love Liz XXX
11-03-04 |
In loving memory of Will
Words cannot express how the we feel about your tragic
death at such a young age.
I had the pleasure to know you for the last 11 years.
You and my son, Andrew, joined Blackheath at around the same time and became
good friends. Jan and I took it in turns to drive and the four of us (plus
Edward and Richard sometimes) would travel to the various meetings that you
two were involved in. Jan and I have stood together in wind, rain, snow and
sunshine to cheer you and Andrew on over the years, to celebrate your
successes, and when you were not winning you always congratulated the
winner, there was never any hard feelings. I watched you blossom into a
lovely young man. The news on Sunday came as a devastating blow to all our
family, but particularly to Andrew – he has lost one of his best friends. We
have some wonderful memories of you which we will treasure as it has been an
honour and a privilege to have known you. I know you will be a great loss to
both your family and the athletic community.
Karen, Dave, Andrew and Mark Rayner
11-03-04 |
Will, I miss you terribly already. Your friendship, love,
class and wit were faultless. Over the three important years I knew you,
your friendship was invaluable to me. Your talent, energy and passion in
everything you did was an inspiration to us all. You were one of those very
rare and special people who lit up a room just by being in it! I don't know
quite how to express what a wonderful, kind and giving friend you were. I
have the best memories of you - your flips onto the lilos at pool parties,
evenings grooving the night away, the Bollinger at BBQs etc - these will
never be forgotten. I will miss our chats, your droll humour, your cheeky
laugh, your positive attitude, but most of all, your unfailing and
exceptional friendship.
I love you Will.
God bless you xxxx
Tina (Christina Mantoura)
10-03-04 |
When I received the phone call on Sunday telling me about
the tragic accident which had taken the life of William Bolton I was
devastated, my thoughts turned to Jan, Edward, and Richard, how can anyone
cope with such a tragic loss. A son at the beginning of his life, full of
promise, a brother looked up to by his siblings, a friend to so many who
will miss him dearly, a coach to youngsters at Norman Park, my grandson
amongst them, he would always ask as we drove to the track," will Will be
coaching today" he new if Will was coaching that he would enjoy the session,
an athlete who trained hard, often pushing himself to exhaustion because he
wanted to be better, a team mate who would fill in any event to earn points
for the team. Will was a wonderful person bright, cheerful, caring,
competitive, supportive, all the things we all wish we could be. I am
Honoured to have known you, Will we will miss you.
Dave Liston
9-03-04 |
Peter Tucker phoned me today, with the devastating news
that Will Boltons' life had been so tragically cut short. My thoughts are
with Jan, Edward and Richard. As Young Athletes Team manager for several
years, all the boys were like an extended family, we shared many fantastic
moments, and Will was always there as part of the team, even when injured he
would never let us down, helping out wherever he could, never complaining if
he hadn't been selected, (not to my face anyway!!!) He was a true champion.
Will played such a huge part in our success. I have fond memories of Will as
a keen 10 year old, working his way through the teams, always so keen,
reliable and willing, so much so that I named him as Young Athletes Team
Captain in return for all the commitment and hard work he had put in over
the years. Will loved his athletics....and will be sadly missed by all who
knew him, both on and off the track.
Jenny Jackson
9-03-04 |
My son Max and myself go to the track three times a week
for training and for me to watch. During the past two years we have got to
now Will. He has always impressed us with his honest approach together with
his empathy and understanding he had for others. His happy nature and his
commitment to life. Few people will leave this life leaving behind so much
joy and pleasant memories in the ones he leaves. "Will" we lift our glass to
you, you will not be forgotten.
Rod & Max Richardson
9-03-04 |
I drove down a lane in Bromley yesterday. Tied to a
lamp post was a lonely bunch of flowers. Someone has lost a loved one, it is
always sad to see. A family have lost a member and friends will be grieving.
These thoughts go through your mind, and then you drive on. It is never
someone you know.
I returned to that same lamp post today to lay my own
flowers. That one lonely bunch from yesterday had grown, and lying in the
grass amongst the flowers and personal messages of sorrow lay two Blackheath
Harriers’ vests. Given with love, in memory of one of their own. One of our
own. You see I knew that lovely boy who was growing into a lovely man. He
was only 21 but in his short life he had given so much. He trained with my
son, coached my daughter and when my husband ran the team he was our
Captain. He was so proud of being captain and we were so proud of him. We
chose him because he led by example. Always smiling, helping others with a
wicked sense of humour. He always gave 100% whether it was running, helping
others or just living. He was a loving son and brother. He was very caring.
He was Will. Will Bolton.
When you see those tributes by the road, you never
think it will be someone you know. Will touched so many lives with his
caring and giving and sunny personality. He will never be forgotten.
God Bless you Will and thank you from our family. It
was an honour to have known you.
Linda, Fran, Tom and Sophie Robinson
8-03-04 |
These photos are from Pat Calnan
Inter Counties 1996 |
YAL Final |
Sportsmatch presentation |
Nationals Durham 2001 |
Nationals Durham 2001 |
Durham 2001 |
Roeselare Belgium 2001 |
Junior League 2001 |
Kent Champs 2002 |
Southerns Exmouth 2003 |
Andy & Will |