Vice Pesident's all...
Richard Coe, Gary Spencer, Len Dalmon, Dick Griffin, Brian Hartley,
Denis Lawrie, Peter Long, Jim Phelan
Terri Shotton, Ray Gibson & Antony Pontifex

Gordon Brooks, Theo Mantoura, Diana Mantoura, Ian Dibbens, Rob Brown,
David Liston, Andy Tucker, Steve Hollingdale
Nick Brooks, Steve Freemantle, Costas Karageorghis

Paul Byfield, John Lindblom, Bob Minting, John Copley, Nigel Keogh,
Richard Holt, Mark Purser
Brendan McShane, Kate Pratten, Nick Gasson, Roy Smith, Tom Phillips

John Lindblom, Chairman for the Night, President Alison Brand and the
Organiser of the Supper, Antony Pontifex

And Past President, Mike Martineau and Past President Colin Brand attend
to their needs... |