Founded in 1869

T & F Rankings 02

Home Up

Last updated 18 December 2002

Blackheath Harriers, Bromley Men's Track & Field Rankings for 2002 - as at 12 November 2002 14-11-02

Senior Implements

To check 2001 standings click here; 2000 here.


Name 100m CrRef
Plummer 10.33 22127
Barbour 10.46 22183
Grant D 10.48 21624
Lashore 10.7 21648
Champion 10.7 22205
Golding 10.71 22112
Chiwira 10.71 22201
Neblett 10.8 21624
Bovell 10.9 22205
Wilson A 11 21615
Collymore 11.03 21624
Ursell 11.1 21624
Edwards L 11.2 21624
Barikor 11.2 21635
Wenden 11.2 KtAC
Abadom 11.23 21624
Freckleton 11.3 21624
Jarred 11.3 22205
Charter 11.4 21632
Harris Aa 11.4 22128
Simpson N 11.5 21624
Swaray 11.5 22166
Bamgboye 11.6 21620
Blackman 11.6 22162
Wilkie 11.6 22161
Parsons D 11.6 22205
Lougheed 11.7 21633
Monerville 11.75 22126
Odiete 11.8 21619
Griffin D 11.9 21633
Keogh 11.9 21678
White S 11.9 22205
Dasaolu 11.9 22205
Karageorghis 12 22129
Purser 12 22205
Telfer 12.1 22205
Lewis T 12.2 21620
Lennon 12.2 22131
Ayrton N 12.3 22209
Grant M 12.5 21662
Daniel C 12.6 21632
Name 200m CrRef
Grant D 20.6 22127
Golding 20.62 22127
Chiwira 20.98 22201
Plummer 21.3 21624
Barbour 21.41 21618
Barikor 22.1 21624
Simpson N 22.18 21644
Ursell 22.2 21624
Wilkie 22.2 21624
Wenden 22.2 KtAC
Champion 22.3 21685
Elliott 22.4 22121
Lashore 22.5 21648
Collymore 22.56 21644
Wilson A 22.57 22163
Bovell 22.67 22220
Neblett 22.7 21624
Charter 22.8 21624
Allerton 22.9 21624
Bamgboye 23.3 22108
Odiete 23.4 21619
Parsons D 23.42 22173
Lougheed 23.7 21633
Cooper S 24.1 21632
White S 24.3 21685
Blackman 24.3 22129
Griffin D 24.4 21633
McCleod 24.5 21649
Richardson M 24.5 21685
Ayrton N 24.5 22123
Purser 24.6 21657
Monerville 24.7 21624
Williams J 24.7 21649
Karageorghis 25 21685
Lewis T 25.1 21620
Byfield 25.4 22104
Squires 25.5 22104
Name 400m CrRef
Chiwira 46.04 21541
Wilson A 48 22175
Draper 48.5 21624
Champion 49.3 22166
Wenden 49.3 KtAC
Allerton 49.61 21644
Charter 49.73 22154
Golding 49.9 21618
Godsell 50.66 21624
Simpson N 50.7 22166
Airey 51.5 21624
Cooper S 51.6 22128
Griffin D 52 21624
Parsons D 52.46 22126
Lougheed 52.6 21619
Ayrton N 52.69 22153
Richardson M 52.9 22205
Bamgboye 53 21624
Ryan 53.3 22108
Daniel C 54 21624
Marks D 54.1 21633
Holmes 54.2 21624
Keogh 54.3 22104
Holt 55.7 21546
Connor 56.5 KtAC
Fenlon 56.9 21670
Name 800m CrRef
Draper 01:49.6 21635
Skinner M 01:50.0 22158
Moulton 01:51.6 22177
Airey 01:54.0 21624
Cooper S 01:54.2 22170
Taylor D 01:55.3 22158
Hawkey 01:56.8 21642
Holmes 01:56.8 22161
Godsell 01:56.8 21624
Rayner 01:57.0 21546
Bradley 01:57.7 21654
Hill M 01:59.6 21624
Ryan 01:59.8 22128
Ayrton N 02:01.0 22129
Gipon 02:01.3 22156
Bolton W 02:01.4 21624
Gibbins A 02:02.7 21633
Daniel C 02:04.4 21624
Connor 02:04.4 KtAC
Griffin D 02:05.3 21624
Richardson 02:05.7 22220
Minting 02:05.8 22153
Marks D 02:07.0 21619
Watling 02:07.9 22232
Comber 02:09.5 22104
Name 1500m CrRef
Skinner M 03:42.4 22177
Taylor D 03:49.1 22177
Draper 03:51.6 22205
Rayner 03:54.2 22205
Mills J 03:58.0 21635
Bentley 03:58.2 22107
Hawkey 03:58.4 22126
Foster W 04:02.1 22169
Airey 04:02.9 22121
Moulton 04:05.2 21635
Holmes 04:08.3 21624
Connor 04:08.8 KtAC
Tucker P 04:09.6 22205
Bradley 04:09.7 21631
Bolton 04:12.1 21632
Hill M 04:14.0 22162
McDonald 04:14.1 21546
Snow 04:15.3 22156
Appleton 04:22.0 22180
Daniel K 04:25.6 22216
Watling 04:28.4 22209
Smythe S 04:29.3 22125
Hogg 04:31.0 21657
Morland 04:31.9 22209
Ayrton N 04:32.2 21633
Poole J 04:33.4 22131
Minting 04:34.1 22153
Williams R 04:35.7 21624
Hamilton P 04:36.9 22153
Ellison M 04:38.9 22205
Cavallo 04:39.6 22129
Ellison D 04:40.2 22205
McShane 04:41.8 22205
Comber 04:42.8 22104
Norris 04:44.2 21636
Martin S 04:45.4 22205
Brewer 04:45.8 22205
Barlow 04:48.4 21619
Name 3000m CrRef
Newport 08:25.4 21665
Rayner 08:29.5 22150
Foster W i 08:49.5 21551
Tucker P 08:53.6 22150
Perkins 09:31.8 22108
Soutar 09:43.0 22209
Barlow 09:53.0 21546
Daniel K 09:56.4 21546
Watling 09:57.9 21546
Ellison M 09:58.6 21685
Hamilton P 10:00.9 21685
Ellison D 10:11.3 21685
Hogg 10:12.6 21546
Brewer D 10:14.3 22131
Fenlon 10:16.1 22114
Leal 10:37.9 22220
Beech 10:49.1 21620
Name 5000m CrRef
Steinle 14:01.8 21654
Newport 14:36.2 22121
Rayner 14:57.9 22182
Foster W 15:01.4 21679
Tucker P 15:26.1 22166
McDonald 15:53.6 21624
Bradley 16:06.5 21657
Byrne 16:09.0 21676
Morland 16:25.0 21633
Calnan 16:32.8 21624
Smythe 16:48.8 22103
Keen 16:58.9 21628
Ellison M 17:15.1 22129
Barlow 17:18.0 22104
McShane 17:19.4 22129
Williams R 17:33.7 21657
Ellison D 17:40.9 21656
Watling 18:06.2 22103
Hamilton P 18:18.0 22103
Brown R 18:48.7 21656
Name 10000m CrRef
Taylor D 29:20.2 21669
Newport 32:02.3 22141
Foster W 32:26.9 22178
Tucker P 32:35.6 21675
Smythe 35:09.7 21675
Keen 35:17.8 22160
Ellison M 36:01.5 22160
McShane 36:36.2 22160
Pairman 37:52.5 22160
Tucker A 38:14.6 22160
Coates 39:24.7 22160
Woodcock 39:33.2 DevCh
Brown R 39:57.9 22160
Brightwell 40:03.4 22160
Name 3000SC CrRef
Clifford 09:56.5 22161
Bolton W 10:11.9 21632
Tucker P 10:17.4 22128
Hogg 10:52.9 21635
Moreton A 11:13.6 21657
Ellison D 11:22.4 22129
Williams R 11:28.5 21615
Watling 11:32.9 22104
Ellison M 11:44.1 21657
Huntley 13:13.6 22129
Name 110H CrRef
Elliott 13.87 21655
Freckleton 14.05 22134
Hodge 16.4 21546
Purser 17 21676
Holt 17.2 21615
Keogh 18.9 22129
Byfield 19.4 21633
Cannon 19.41 22206
Tolson 20.9 22161
Name 400H CrRef
Ursell 51.5 22121
Elliott 54.7 22208
Cooper S 58.2 22208
White S 58.5 21624
Johnson A 58.7 21611
Holt 58.9 21657
Purser 59.3 21546
Robinson T 60.8 22108
Keogh 61 22129
Bamgboye 61.9 22180
Byfield 64.6 22162
Daniel C 65.37 22220
Smith C 66.5 21611
Hogg 68.6 22128
Featherston 68.6 22162
Name HJ CrRef
Barikor 1.9 21635
Freckleton 1.9 22166
Rulens G 1.9 22220
Graham 1.85 22161
Hodge 1.8 21546
Chambers Rb 1.8 22128
Edet 1.8 22220
Simpson N 1.75 22156
Cannon 1.75 22153
Bamgboye 1.7 21620
Champion 1.7 21635
Dasaolu 1.7 22205
Belgrave 1.65 22180
Driscoll 1.6 21620
Al-Ameen A 1.6 22142
Holt 1.6 22205
Pope 1.56 22230
Byfield 1.55 21633
Minting 1.55 22209
Williams J 1.5 21620
Tolson 1.5 21619
Holder 1.5 21633
Shelley P 1.5 21611
Purser 1.5 21657
Barrett P 1.5 21678
Daniel C 1.5 22129
Berry 1.5 22131
Telfer 1.4 22142
Hardy 1.4 22171
Featherston 1.4 22162
Rulens S 1.3 21636
Rochester 1.3 21662
Robinson J 1.3 22103
Lennon 1.3 22131
Mercer Jm 1.25 21620
Day 1.25 22209
Brewer 1.23 22205
Name PV CrRef
Williams A 4.5 22178
Gascoigne 4 21676
Robinson T 3.8 22156
Hardy 3.6 21546
Tolson 3.6 21632
Cannon 2.9 22206
Pope 2.8 21611
Day 2.8 22178
Shelley R 2.5 22180
Berry 2.2 22142
Huggins 2.2 22142
Featherston 2.2 22162
Murray D 2.15 21649
Bovell 2 22156
Name LJ CrRef
Awanah 7.7 21669
Edwards L 7.14 22137
Barikor 6.61 21624
Simpson N 6.18 22161
Bamgboye 6.06 22166
Telfer E 5.94 22220
Byfield 5.86 22104
Chambers Rb 5.84 22128
Champion 5.84 22205
Belgrave 5.74 21615
Purser 5.73 21657
Williams R 5.58 22108
Daniel C 5.57 21632
Pope 5.53 22230
Coates R 5.46 21636
Bovell 5.44 22205
Cannon 5.41 22206
Griffin D 5.36 22129
Dasaolu 5.32 22205
Perrin 5.26 21636
Keogh 5.25 21678
Al-Ameen A 5.17 22232
Hardy 5.15 22123
Prince 5.01 21636
Wallington 4.96 22209
Lennon 4.93 21649
Ata-Hagan 4.72 22142
Hague 4.56 21620
Mercer Jm 4.52 22142
McKeown 4.51 21620
Barrett P 4.44 21649
McCafferty 4.43 22142
Holder 4.41 21633
Hall-Henry 4.38 21649
Martineau 4.34 22232
Simpson S 4.19 22142
Name TJ CrRef
Awanah 14.9 21635
Bramble 13.5 22141
Bamgboye 12.9 22166
Belgrave 12.7 22220
Byfield 12 22128
Chambers Rb 11.9 21632
Prince 11.9 21636
Graham 11.7 22161
Daniel C 11.7 21632
Pope 11.7 21636
Keogh 11.3 21619
Hardy 11.2 22123
Perrin 10.8 21636
Featherston 10.5 21633
Telfer E 10.4 21636
Tolson 10.3 21657
Wallington 10.2 22102
Al-Ameen A 9.83 21685
Barrett P 9.7 22142
Name SP CrRef
Archer 12.7 21676
Burman-Roy 12.6 22166
Elliott 11.5 22208
Harrison S 11.4 21657
Featherston 10.6 21619
Hickey 10.5 21615
Fairbairn 10.1 21546
Shelley R 9.89 22128
Gascoigne 9.64 22104
Pope 9.16 22208
Hardy A 9.06 22171
Byfield 8.6 22162
Turner JR 8.55 22129
Cannon 8.27 22206
Squires 8.11 22129
Tolson 7.91 22205
Lloyd S 7.62 22104
Name HT CrRef
Chester 50 21546
Benn 46.7 21632
Burman-Roy 42.3 21632
Williamson 35.2 22166
Fairbairn 32.3 22161
Featherston 30.5 22162
Tolson 27.5 22128
Hickey 25.8 21615
Barrett P 25.3 21678
Archer 24.3 22121
Gascoigne 22.8 22104
Turner J R 18.1 22129
Hardy A 17.5 22103
Squires 16.2 21678
Day 11.7 21685
Name DT CrRef
Sharp A 43 22141
Fairbairn 35.1 22161
Burman-Roy 32.6 21615
Ellis 32.4 21635
Archer 31.3 22166
Pope 30.1 22129
Williamson 29.9 22128
Featherston 29.9 22205
Brand 27.9 21632
Turner J R 27.8 22123
Tolson 27.7 21657
Gascoigne 24.7 21546
Cannon 24.6 22206
Hickey 24.3 21657
Barrett P 20.6 21678
Lloyd S 19.7 22104
Squires 14.5 21678
Name JT CrRef
Harrison S 63.5 21657
Sharp A 49.5 22166
Hodge 45.3 22141
Featherston 43.8 22205
Shelley R 41.3 21611
Benn 41.1 21632
Pope 40.8 22220
Brand 38.6 22129
Cannon 37.7 22209
Coe 37.1 22209
Tolson 36.7 22161
Shelley P 35.4 22180
Williamson 34.2 21658
Holt 32.2 21657
Turner J R 32 21673
Holder 27.5 21633
Burman-Roy 27.1 21615
Byfield 26.4 21678
Squires 24.5 22162
Daniel K 21.5 22121


 CrRef Date Venue
21551 16-Mar Indoor
21546 20-Apr Sward & Kinnaird Kingsmeadow
21611 28-Apr JL1 Copthall
21615 04-May SL21 Newham
21618 03-May Stanford USA
21619 04-May SL41 Colchester
21620 05-May YAL1 Norman Pk
21624 11-May County Chs
21628 17-May VL2 Dartford
21631 18-May Vars Oxford
21632 18-May SL22 Guildford
21633 18-May SL42 Walthamstow
21635 19-May BL1 Bedford
21636 19-May YAL2 Croydon
21642 22-May BMC Watford
21644 25-May SE U20 Watford
21648 01-Jun SE Ch Watford
21649 02-Jun YAL3 Deangate
21654 03-Jun BMC Wythenshawe
21655 04-Jun Intl Bedford
21656 05-Jun BH1 Norman Pk
21657 08-Jun SL23 Norman Pk
21658 08-Jun SL43 Brighton
21662 09-Jun KtB&C3 Norman Pk
21665 12-Jun Loughborough
21669 15-Jun Comnw Trials Manchester
21670 15-Jun County Schools
21673 17-Jun VL3 Erith
21675 19-Jun Kt 10000m Ch Erith
21676 22-Jun SL24 Bracknell
21678 22-Jun SL44 Bury St Edmunds
21679 22-Jun BMC Solihull
21685 24-Jun BH3 Norman Pk
22102 26-Apr VL1 Deangate
22103 17-May VL2 Dartford
22104 08-Jun SL43 Brighton
22107 19-Jun Open Watford
22108 23-Jun JL2 Eton
22112 27-Jun Imperia, Italy
22114 30-Jun YAL4 Tonbridge
22121 07-Jul BL2 Wigan
22123 08-Jul VL4 Ashford
22125 12-Jul Dulwich R Ch
22126 12-Jul Eng Sch Nottingham
22127 13-Jul AAA Ch Birmingham
22128 13-Jul SL25 Norman Pk
22129 13-Jul SL45 Norman Pk
22131 14-Jul KtB&C4 Erith
22134 17-Jul Loughborough
22137 20-Jul U23 Intl Newport
22141 21-Jul Cup SF Copthall
22142 21-Jul YAL5 Woodford Gr
22150 25-Jul Kt Invit Ladywell
22153 27-Jul BVAF Ch Copthall
22154 28-Jul Heathside Finsbury Pk
22156 28-Jul JL3 Croydon
22158 31-Jul BMC Watford
22160 31-Jul BH6 Norman Pk
22161 03-Aug SL26 Perivale
22162 03-Aug SL46 Ashford
22163 03-Aug U23 Intl Niort, Fr
22166 04-Aug BL3 Derby
22169 06-Aug GP Trafford
22170 07-Aug BMC Sutcliffe Pk
22171 05-Aug VL6 Ladywell
22173 10-Aug AAA U17 Birmingham
22175 11-Aug U23 Derby
22177 14-Aug BMC Watford
22178 16-Aug Euro Vets Potsdam
22180 18-Aug JL4 Walthamstow
22182 18-Aug Sthn I-C Ashford
22183 23-Aug Brit GP Crystal Pal
22201/4   Idaho, USA
22205 24-Aug BH7 Norman Pk
22206 24-Aug Scot Dec Grangemouth
22208 31-Aug BL4 Watford
22209 01-Sep V Fin Battersea Pk
22216 04-Sep Open Watford
22220 08-Sep JL Fin Derby
22230 21-Sep Eng Sch MEv Derby
22232 21-Sep Kt V & MEv Erith
KtAC   Kent AC event
Devn 04-Sep Devon Ch Exeter


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