Last updated
30 January 2015
Social Media
Blackheath & Bromley Harriers
Social Media Policy - Summary (please
refer to the full text for further information)
This policy governs the publication of messages and other
material, and commentary, on social media by members of Blackheath & Bromley
Harriers AC ("the club"). For the purposes of this policy, social media
means any facility for online publication and commentary, e.g. Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. All uses of social media must follow
the same standards of conduct that Blackheath and Bromley members must
otherwise follow.
Setting up Social Media Channels
Social media identities, logon ID's and user names may
not use the club’s name without prior approval from the Chair of
Communications, Chair of Development or Press Officer.
Protection of privacy and confidential information
Privacy settings on social media platforms should be set
to allow anyone to see profile information similar to that which may appear
on the Blackheath & Bromley website. Other privacy settings that might allow
others to post information or see information that is personal should be set
to limit access. Be mindful of posting information that you would not want
the general public to see. Do not publish confidential information or
conduct gossip.
Transparency and copyright.
Do not blog anonymously, using pseudonyms or false screen
names. We believe in transparency and honesty. Use your real name, be clear
who you are, and, where appropriate, identify that you are a member of
Blackheath & Bromley. It is critical that you show proper respect for the
laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted
material owned by others; including the club’s own copyright, trademarks and
brands. You should never quote more than short excerpts of someone else's
work, and always attribute such work to the original author/source. It is
recognised good practice to link to others' work rather than reproduce it.
Respect and protect your audience, the club, and fellow athletes and
The public in general, and the club’s members and
competitors, reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view.
Don't say anything contradictory or in conflict with the club’s ethos. Treat
you audience and potential readers with respect. Don't be afraid to be
yourself, but do so respectfully. This includes not only the obvious (no
ethnic or racial slurs, offensive or defamatory comments, personal insults,
obscenity, but also proper consideration of privacy and of topics that may
be considered objectionable or inflammatory. Competitors, officers or
officials should not be cited or obviously referenced without their
5. Cyber Bullying
Remember that you have the right to block anyone who
bullies you and report them to the social network so they can take down
anything offensive. In addition any bullying involving club members should
be reported to the Press Officer (or the club’s Child Protection Officer if
the victim is under 18.
Mistakes and consequences.
If you make an error, be honest about your mistake and
correct it quickly. If you choose to modify an earlier post, make it clear
that you have done so. If someone accuses you of posting something improper
(such as their copyrighted material or a defamatory comment about them),
deal with it quickly, inform the Chair of Communications or Press Officer or
Chair of Development- better to remove it immediately in order to lessen the
possibility of legal action. Use your judgment when publishing information.
Many social media users include a prominent disclaimer
saying what club they are with, but that they're not speaking officially.
This is good practice and is encouraged, but don't count on it to avoid
trouble - it may not have much legal effect.
Social Media tips
The following tips are not mandatory, but will contribute
to successful use of social media.
The best way to be interesting, stay out of trouble, and
have fun is to write about what you know. There is a good chance of being
embarrassed by a real expert, or of being boring if you write about topics
you are not knowledgeable about.
Quality matters. Use a spell-checker. If you're not
design-oriented, ask someone who is whether your blog looks decent, and take
their advice on how to improve it. Review before you publish, seek advice
first if necessary.
9. Enforcement
Willful violation of this Policy by members will be
subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Club Rules up to and
including expulsion from the Club.
[If you have any questions please
contact Paul Byfield, Chair of Development in the first instance].
30 January 2015