Founded in 1869


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Last updated 18 July 2024



A note for youngsters:

School year's 4 to 7 should attend the BEES academy on either a Saturday morning, Monday or Wednesday evening - Full details here.

Application Form for New Members and Renewal Form for Existing Members

Paul Shaw now deals with all membership enquiries

Please notify Paul of any change of address, telephone, email etc

So, you are interested enough in Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC, to find this page! Great, can I firstly remind you that although B&B have members (over 800) from all over the world and all corners of the UK, we are a south London (OK, north Kent) based Club.  See Location. See also Membership Stats.

We like to think that we offer something for all abilities - from Jogger or Beginner right up to International level - male or female from 11 years of age up to 80 plus. 

Our athletes train principally from the Clubhouse and Norman Park Track.  Use may also be made of Ladywell Track, Crystal Palace Track, Croydon Arena and Sutcliffe Park Track.  The main athletic events we cover are Track & Field, Road Running and Cross Country.  See Events.

If you are a senior athlete and particularly interested in Road Running or Cross Country come to the Clubhouse on a Wednesday evening - 18:45 in you want a run, else 19:30 onwards.  Try it, see if you like it, see if you like the people - the food - the drinks.

For all other athletes interested in track and field events please use this link for further information.


Membership details for year 2024

The Club welcomes all abilities, all shapes, sizes, genders and is a fully inclusive club!

Our membership year is 1st January to 31st December.

Senior (20 years and over) - Please see bottom of first page of the membership application for the amount to pay. It reduces throughout the year.

Junior (under 20 years plus students living at home) - Please see bottom of first page of the membership application for the amount to pay. It reduces throughout the year.

Family Membership - This covers one or more family/joint members including children 10 to 18 years of age. Please see the reverse of the membership application for the amount to pay. It reduces throughout the year.

Full-time Students 18+ and living away from home - Please see the front of the form for the correct amount to pay. Whilst membership is free for the period of study, the amount includes a one-off joining fee and England Athletics registration fee.

Associate Member - Parents, coaches, teachers and friends are encouraged to join the Club either as one of the above categories or by becoming an Associate Member for £25 per annum.  Please note that Associate Membership does not allow participation in active athletics. However, it does allow attendance at the many club social functions that take place throughout the year.

England Athletics levies a registration fee for a competition licence that enables athletes to compete in competitions run in accordance with UK Athletics rules.  The fee is currently £19 per athlete and we normally collect that on their behalf. As well as providing a competition licence, the fee goes to help fund the organization of athletics and also entitles members to a £2 per race reduction for many road races as well as other benefits.

Please note: membership renewal is due on 1st January each year. Subscriptions must be paid before members may compete in any Club fixture or for any Club team.

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