VOL 24 No 8 November/December 2005. PRESIDENT 2005/6: Anne
HON SEC:- J, Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W. Orton, 9 Jenson Way, Fox Hill, London SE19 2UP (020 8771 1128)
Results , news & views of Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC: 56 Bourne Way,
Hayes, Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115)
Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of
the Editor.
Keep ‘em coming.
Tanks to those who are feeding the results to me from whatever source comes to
hand. I’ve changed my home email and can be contacted on
wilf.orton@btinternet.com . I
still have my yahoo address, quoted in the May courier but the new one is more
readily accessible so keep the results coming. Readers’ views and other material
is always welcome.
The next mob match.
Congratulations and commiserations to all who turned up for the Orion match
earlier this month. We certainly did ourselves proud by the turnout and perhaps
next time our fortunes will change. Bill Wheeler has asked me to remind you all
that our next Mob match is against Ranelagh Harriers on the the 21st of January.
Perhaps this time the numbers and the skill and superior athleticism will win
the match for us, so keep that date in your diaries.
On a seasonal note.
By now the Christmas spirit is casting its spell over the life of the club with
a full program of events coming up. As we go into print the Christmas yacht
handicap has just taken place, won by Steve Gascoigne with Adam Atkinson and
Mike Salmon taking the other major places. The two big Christmas suppers are now
sold out and promise to be fun events in their own different ways. The editor
takes this opportunity to wish all readers the best wishes for a happy Christmas
and an athletic new year.
2nd October. Budapest Marathon. C. Poole (4.15.40)
9th October. Cardiff Marathon. C. Poole (4:24.22)
16th October. Abingdon Marathon C. Poole (4:12.23)
23rd October Amsterdam Marathon. 21st T. Dickinson (2:30.21)
29th October. Beachy Head Marathon, Eastbourne. 34. A. Tucker (3.43)- 41. C.
Aves (3.47) -42. P. Burford (3.48) - 44. B. Bater (3.48)- 55. M. Ellison (3.51)-
138. K. Pratten (4.16)- 192. M. Blunden (4.27) - 406. C. Poole (5.02.26)- 454.
M. Longstaff (5.09)- 470. N. Webb (5.13)- 471. D. Lewis (5.13)- 495. A. Jelly
6th November. New York City Marathon (Staten Island to Central Park). 1248th G.
Coates (3:12.42).
Half Marathons
23rd October Maidstone Half Marathon 26th G. Coates (M50) (1:28.04)- 90th
T. Brightwell (M50) (1:35.47)- 92nd A. McDonough (F45) (1:36.17)
30th October. Barns Green Half Marathon. 1st. D. Taylor (V40) (1:9.30)- 226th
J.E Turner (v50) (1.37.33)- 325th W. Orton (v49) (1:42.40)- 633rd D. Leal (v49)
Other distances
16th July . South London Harriers, Elmore 7. 27th G.
Coates (46.11)- 205th A. Jelly (1 :06.47)
4th October - London to Brighton John E. Turner (9hrs 7mins)- Pete Rogers (9hrs
24mins)- Bernie Bater (withdrew at 32miles due to injury).
9th October. Dulwich Park 10km. 1st R. Bentley.(33.05)- 89th T. Brightwell (v50
(42.20)- 90th P. Rogers (v40) 42.21)- 396th D. Crowdson (v50) (53.57).
16th October- Lexus Croydon 10km, Lloyd Park, Croydon. 4th J. Thorpe (33.46)-
38th T. Merola v40 (39.22)- 119th N. Wheeler (43.27)- 273rd R. Hogwood
V50(48.14)- 457th N. Tetley (F) 53.59- 516th S. Purser (F) 56.00.
20th November Brighton 10km. 3rd D. Taylor (1st v) (30.48)- 10th J. Thorpe
(32.45)- T. Simmonds (3rd v50) (37.15).
25th September - Southern 6 Stage Road Relay 12th Blackheath & Bromley Harriers
A Team (1:56:20){Russell Bentley (18:46)- David Warrington (19:30)- Spencer
Newport (18:50)- Alex Gibbins (19:48) - Peter Tucker (20:04)- Jamie Atkinson
(19:22) :- 42nd Blackheath & Bromley Harriers - B Team (2:05:31) {David McKinley
(20:04)- Daniel Ryan (21:33)- Nick Gasson (20:14)- Richard Daniel (21:37)- Alan
Camp (21:03)-Roy Smith (21:00):- 53rd Blackheath & Bromley Harriers - C Team
(2:09:26) {Tom Webb 20:56 64 Neil Ayrton 22:20 69 Mark Ellison 22:20 70 Tom
Collins 20:22 61 John Thorpe 20:06 48 Ken Daniel 23:22 53}
1st October. Inter area Race walking match. Central Park
Dartford U20 Mens 5km. 2nd R. Bain (25.06)- U17 womens 5km. H. Williams (31.08)-
U15 girls 3k C. O’Rowe-Hobbs (15.32). Blackheath & Bromley runners competed in
the Area South team which finished 1st with 91 points.
Cross Country
Bennett Cup events
17th September. Will Bolton memorial 4km relay, Sparrows Den. Team Results
Mens x6. 1. Brighton & Hove City AC A (1:18:12):- 2. Medway & Maidstone AC
(1:18:54):- 3. Tonbridge AC A(1:18:55):- 4. BHAC A (1:19:11):- D. Warrington
(13:01) - A. Gibbons (13:02)- J. Atkinson (13:02)-R.Perkins (13:17)-C.
Osbourne(13:29)-D. McKinley (13:20):- 5. South London Harriers (1:22:52):- 6.
BBHAC B (1:23:53) D. Griffin (14:26)- A. Draper(14:22)- N.Gasson (13:24)- D.
Ryan (14:08)- C.Daniel (13:42)- R. Smith (13:51):- 7. Tonbridge AC B (1:25:45):-
8. BBHAC U17 Men(1:27:06)- R.Davies (13:55)- S. Simpson (14:33)-A. Pirie
(15:23)- A. Littlewood (14:03)-A. Cliff (14:52)- A. Atkinson (14:20):- 9. BBHAC
C (1:27:06):- J. Poole (13:40)- R. Daniel (14:32)- S. Jarred (15:06)- C. Griffin
(14:39)- R. Hall (14:30)- M. Ellison (14:39):- 10. South London Harriers B
(1:30:32):- 11 Beckenham Running Club A (1:30:36):- 12. BBHAC E (1:35:39)- N.
Simpson (15:02)-G. Cook (15:32)- G. Coates (15:19)- M. Jones (15:18)-M. Cronin
(16:50)- B. Power (17:38):- 13. BBHAC U17/U15 Men (1:36:19)- C. Ward (14:53)- R.
Evans (16:07)- D. Piggott (17:15)- B. Szczpanski (15:08)- T. Dillon Hearne
(17:54)- S. Cavey(15:02):- 14. Orpington Road Runners B (1:39:34):- 15. BBHAC D
(1:41:07)- N. Ives(19:03)- J. Bailey (16:39)- C.Pike (16:20)- A. Tucker (15:15)-
R. Brown (15:47)- R. Coles(18:03):- 16. BBHAC G (1:50:25)- D. Carton (17:07)- T.
Delahoy (18:46)- G. Cooper (16:50)- P. Shepheard (20:54)- C. Rowe (19:01)- N.
Rowe (17:47):- 17. Orpington Road Runners A (1:50:49):- 18. BBHAC F (1:54.23):-
D. Ko (25:28)- R. Cliff (17:21)- S.Gasson (17:58)- M.Salmon (17:38)-
S.Littlewood (guest)(16:42)- W. Orton (19:16):- 19.BBHAC H :-D. Churchus
(23:08). Disqualified Dartford Road Runners (1:23:20) (mixed team)- South London
Harriers (Mixed) (1:37:46).
Women 4x 4km 1. BBHAC U15 girls a (1:04:19)A. Smith (15:11)- R. Smith(16:19)- H.
Garcia (16:46)- A. DeMatos (16:03): 2. BBHAC WA(1:05:19)- J. Butler (14:55)- B.
Proctor (16:12)- G. Viney (17:21)- F. Green (16:51)(1st Ladies Open Team Race):-
3. BBHAC U17 girls (1:10:35) S. Coombes (16:37)- C. McNamara (18:44)- L. Smith
(19:36)- R. Taylor (15:38) (3rd Ladies Team):- 4. BBHAC WB (1:10:57) K. Pratten
(16:52)- K. Philip (18:10)- R. Chadwick (18:20)- C. Jones-Baldock (17:35) (2nd
Ladies Open Team Race):- 5. BBHAC W Presidents team V. Mitchell (16:39)- A.
Cilia (19:19)- H. Godsell (19:03)- A. Cook:- 6. BBHAC U15 Girls B (1:13:27)- J.
Linker (18:06)- D. Barley (19:11)- S. Maslin (19:30)- C. Chambers (16:40) :- 7.
BBHAC U13 Girls A (1:14:04) H. Field (18:43)- M. Fewster(18:34)- S. Gordon
(18:29)- H. Field (18:18):- 8. BBHAC U13 Girls B (0:57:08)- J. Jones (18:18)- K.
Broadway (20.26)- E. Hook (18:24) :-9. South London Harriers W. (1:17.53):-10.
BBHAC WC (1:25:24) G. Mould (19:45)- J. Eastbury (20:16)- N. Cross (22:04)- E.
Cross (23:19).
15th October. Club 5 XC Champs, Keston Common
{Race position, Champ position, hcap position, race time} 1/1) J.
Atkinson24th,(29:25) - 2/2) A. Gibbens, 21st (29:31) -3/3) J. Thorpe 65th
(30:22) - 4/4) C. Osbourne 29th (30:46) - 5/5) R. Daniel 8th (30:58) -6/6) A.
Conway 7th (31:19) -7/7) R. Smith 17th (31:57) -8/8) C. Hogg, 10th (32:25) -9/9)
A. Cliff 13th (32:47) -10/10) A. Littlewood 40th (32:57) -11/11) M. Ellison 22nd
(33:00)- 12/12)R. Davies 32nd (33:18) -13/13 ) B. Bater 1st (33:30) -14/14) A.
Tucker 24th (33:52) - 15/15) M. Watling 16th (34:33) -16/16 G. Coates 33rd
(34:41) -17/17) G. Cook 19th (34:48) -18/18) D. Beadle 2nd (35:07) -19/19) M.
Jones 35th (35:13) -20/20) R. Hall 5th (35:35) -21/21) S. Pairman 28th (35:41)
-22/22) C. Ward 52nd (35:44)-23/23) R. Brown 38th (36:21) -24/24 ) A. Atkinson
(36:23) -25/25) J. Bailey 14th (36:33) -26/26) J. Daly 57th (36:45) -27) R.
Penfold (Guest)(36:52) -28/27) M. Cronin 15th (36:57) -29/28) V. Mitchell(1st W
Ch) 20th (37:10)- 30) S. Cowper (Guest) (2nd W) (37:41) -31/29) B. Proctor (2nd
W Ch) 55th (37:54) -32) N. Pratten (Wirral AC) (37:58) -33/30) D. Carton 31st
(38:11) -34/31)A. De Matos (3rd W Ch) 53rd (38:25) -35/32)A. McDonough (4th W
Ch) 4th (38:42)-36/33) K. Pratten (5th W Ch) 43rd (38:48)- 37/34) C.
Jones-Baldock (6th W Ch) 44th (38:55) -38/35) B. Fisher 11th (39:21) -39/36) D.
Ko 42nd (39:27)- 40/37) H. Garcia (7th W Ch 5) 47th (39:29)- 41/38) B. Power
25th (39:30)- 42/39) A. Cook (8th W Ch 5) 18th (39:45) -43) P. Mitchell
(Guest)(39:48)- 44/40) W. Orton 3rd (39:49) - 45/41) D. Ellison 62nd (39:58)
-46/42) J.R Turner 12th (40:11)- 47/43) T. Delahoy 27th (40:28)- 48/44) R.
Barratt 37th (40:35)- 49/45) R. Cliff 50th (40:51)- 50/46) M. Salmon 45th
(41:18)- 51/47 C. Lodwig (9th W Ch) 39th (42:20) -52/48) M. Wade 23rd (42:32)-
53/49) E. Harker(10th W Ch) 34rd (43:02) - 54/50) S. Haley 51st (43:13)- 55/51)
A. Pontifex 30th (43:15)- 56/52) A. Cilia (11th W Ch) 49th (44:04) - 57/53) C.
Rowe 58th (44:21)- 58/54) J. Copley 56th (45:02)- 59/55) S. Gascoigne 59th
(45:20)- 60/56) S. Hollingdale 46th (45:38)- 61/57) J. Clare 9th (46:58)- 62/58)
M. Martineau 48th (49:13)- 63/59) N. Cross (12th W Ch) 36th (49:43)- 64/60) P.
Shepheard 61st (50:49)- 65/61) D. Churchus 54th (53:36)- 66/62) C. Daly 63rd
(54:16)- 67/63) R. Chambers 41st (57:05).
Handicap Race positions: 1. B. Bater (22:00) -2. D. Beadle (22:12)- 3. W. Orton
(23.24)- 4. A. McDonough (23:57)- 5. R. Hall (24:00)- 6. J. Thorpe (24:12)-
(23:24)-7. A. Conway (24:19) -8. R. Daniel (24:43)-9. J. Clare (22:10)- 10. C.
Hogg (25:00) -11. B. Fisher (25:26)- 12. J.R Turner (25:36)-13. A. Cliff
(25:47)-14. J. Bailey (25:47- 15. M. Cronin (25:47)- 16. M. Watling (25:58)-17.
R. Smith (26:07)-18. A. Cook (26:10)-19. G. Cook (26:23) -20. V. Mitchell
Handicap awards: 1st B. Bater (60pts) 2nd D. Beadle (59pts)- 3rd W. Orton
5th November. Mob match. Orion Harriers v Blackheath & Bromley, Chingford.
(Club champ place/race place) 1/1st. A. Gibbons (46:47)- 2./3rd A. Draper
(47:36)- 3/5th .N. Kinsey (48:37)- 4/12th R. Smith (50:35)- 5/18th D. Griffin
(51:56)- 6/19th A.Cliff (52:08)- 7/20th A. Littlewood (52:16)- 8/25th D Ellison
(53:12)- 9/27 M. Ellison (53:22)- 10/28th B.Bater (53:23)- 10/29th S.Holmes
(53:33)- 11/32nd A. Tucker (54:01) -13/34th T. Souter (54:17)- 14/38th G. Cook
(54:52) - 15/39th P. Burford (54.58)- 16/41st G. Williams (55:22)- 17/42nd M.
Jones (55:28)- 18/44th S. Pairman (55:38)- 19/50th D. Hilliar (56:35)- 20/52nd
K. May (57:04) 21/54th D. Beadle(57:43)- 22/56th J. Bailey (58:14)-23/59th R.
Hall (58:31) - 24/60th R. Brown (58:49)- 25/61st B. Davey (58:52)- 26/62nd J.
Daley(58:58)- 27/65th J. McConville (59:20) - 28/66th M. Cronin (59:23) -
29/67th M. Reeves (59:33)- 30/71st C. Pike(59:57)- 31/73rd P. Rogers (1:00:14)-
32/74th J. Phelan (1:00:34)- 33/77th R. Cliff (1:01:09)- 34/78th B. Wetherilt
(1:01:17)- 35/83rd C. Jones-Baldock (2nd W) (1:02:00)- 36/85th B. Power
(1:02:09) - 37/89th B. Fisher (1:02:44)- 38/90th K. Pratten (1:02:46) (3rd W)-
39/91st J.E Turner (1:03:10)- 40/92nd R. Barratt (1:03:16)- 41/95th A. McDonough
(1:03:27)- 42/99th W. Orton (1:03:37)- 43/101st D. Carton (1:03:47)- 44/105th M.
Salmon (1:04:14)- 45/106th S. Littlewood (1:04:32)- 46/109th D. Ko (1:04:45)-
47/110th S. Eccles (1:04:50) - 48/112th F. Green (1:05:20)- 49/114th N. Webb
(1:05:31)- 50/116th A. Cook (1:06:17)- 51/117th A. Brown (1:06:20)- 52/118th D.
Lewis (1:06:30)- 53/119th E. Harker (1:06:47)- 54/121st M. Leal(1:07:02)-
55/122nd A. Grace(1:07:38) 56/128th P. Ollendorf (1:09:25)- 57/131st M.
Longstaff (1:09:59)- 58/132nd J. Copley (1:10:10- 59/ 133rd R. Griffin
(1:10:35)- 61/137th A. Cilia (1:11:46)- 62/138th M. Gasson (1:11:50)- 63/139th
R. Bennett (1:14:00)-64/141st C. Poole (1:16:37) 65/142nd A. Jelly (1:17:54)-
66/146th P. Shepheard (1:21:50).
Result. (scoring 63-a-side)1st Orion Harriers (3403 pts)- 2nd Blackeath &
Bromley HAC (4684 pts)
BBHAC 7.5m Championship 1. A. Gibbins - 2. A. Draper- 3. N. Kinsey (48:37)
BBHAC 7.5m Race (women) 1.B. Davey -2. C. Jones- Baldock –3. .K. Pratten
Handicap race leading positions:- 1. M. Gasson (34.25) - 2. J. Clare (35.07)- 3.
P. Ollendorf (35.45)- 4. B. Davey (36.52)- 5. R. Cliff (36.59)- 6. J. Copley
(39.25)- 7. E. Harker (39.27)- 8. M. Jones (39.33)- 9. A. Draper (39.41)- 10. S.
Pairman (39.43)- 11. B. Bater (39.48)- 12. B. Fisher (39.49)- 13. W. Orton
(39.52)- 14. D. Ellison (39.57)- 15. P. Burford (39.58)- 16. M. Salmon (40.04)-
17. J. Bailey (40.09)- 18. B. Power (40.09)-19. D. Ko (40.10)- 20. R. Barrett
Handicap awards:- 1. M. Gasson (60pts)- 2. J. Clare (59pts)- 3. P. Ollendorf
Bennett Cup. Leading positions after 3 events
1. J. Clare (111 pts)- 1. G. Cook (111)- 3. B. Bater (110)- 4. W. Orton (107)-
4. B. Power (107)- 6. A. Cliffe (104)- 7. M. Cronin (101)- 7. A. Tucker (101)-
9. A. Gibbens (100)- 10. B. Fisher (99)- 10. C. Jones-Baldock (99)
League and National
8th October - Kent Women’s League at Danson Park.
5 J Butler 23.1910 B Clayton 25.0118 C J-Baldock 26.03 23 H Gear 26.4324 K
Pratten 26.4426 A McDonough 26.5535 Elle Harker39 Abi Brown46 H Godsell 56 A
29th October – Kent League, Tonbridge
Senior women 5th team 15th V. Mitchell (24.49)- 21st B. Clayton (25.38)- 22nd M.
Porritt (25.53)- 25th C. Jones Baldock (26.16)- 33rd E. Harker (27.10)- 36th
A.McDonough (27.21)- 59th N. Cross (33.23)
12th November - National C-C Relays ECCA cross country relays, Berry Hill,
Ladies: 72nd 1st leg C.Jones Baldock (12.17)- 61st 2nd leg K. Pratten (12.43) -
60th 3rd leg A. McDonough (13.41). Men: A Team R 35th Bentley (16:04)- D.
Warrington (35)- (16:16)- M Skinner (15) (14:36) J Atkinson (16) (16:04):- 16
Blackheath & Bromley 'A' 1:03:00 B Team D McKinley (76) 17:19 N Gasson (61)
16:43 P Tucker (57) 16:59J Thorpe (51) 16:48 51 Blackheath & Bromley 'B'1:07:49
C Team C Daniel (104) 18:08 D Ryan (90) 17:26 D Griffin (84) 18:34 R Smith (74)
18:03 74 Blackheath & Bromley 'C' 1:12:11
5th November Priory C/C Relays,Reigate :
Richard Daniel - 15.40 (U20) Nick Gasson - 14.16 Dave Taylor - 13.12 (V40) Dan
Ryan - 14.53 Andrew Conway - 14.48 (U20) Jon Thorpe - 14.35 Junior Women 1st B.
Proctor (20.11).
26th November. European cross country Trials & UK
Challenge. Sefton Park, Liverpool.
4th M. Skinner (31.08)- 13th S. Overall (31.41) - 43rd T. Dickinson (32.02)-
67th J. Atkinson. (33.10)
8th October. Kent CC League match 1, Danson Park, Bexley.
U13boys. 5th J. Harding (15.04)- 8th H. Kurteyanek (15.15)- 10th R. Braden
(15.32)- 12th O. Taylor (15.42)- 14th. J. Clack (15.52)- 15th W. Andrew
((16.09)- 23rd B. Channon (16.45)- 25th R. Fraser (16.57)- 26th M. Rogers
(16.58)- 30th G. Proctor (17.12)- 35th C. Tyrvey ((18.07). Team finished 2nd
with 23 points. U15 boys. 17th S. Cavey (16.53)- 18th R. Evans (16.53)- 20th C.
Ward (16.56)- 29th D. Peatfield (18.12)- 31st C. Fraser (18.30). Team finished
5th with 55 points. U17 men. 6th J. Vintner (21.39)- 7th A. B- Littlewood
(21.50)- 16th A. Cliff (22.48)- 17th R. Davies (22.50)- 23rd B. Szczepanski
(23.20)- 24th A. Atkinson (23.28). Team finished 2nd with 28 points. Senior Men.
5miles. 1st M. Skinner (28.39)- 4th J. Atkinson (30.22)- 9th A. Gibbens (31.13)-
13th M. Gasson (31.56)- 19th A. Camp (32.42)- 29th C. Daniel (33.40)- 45th C.
Griffin (34.53)- 97th M. Ellison (35.51)- 73rd G. Coates (36.54)- 86th R. Brown
(38.23)- 102nd R. Hall (39.34)- 128th R. Hall (41.56). Team finished 3rd with
568 points).
U13 girls. 2nd M. Feinster (12.00)- 6th D. Critchley (12.35)- 13th E. Hook
(13.00)- 18th K. Broadway (13.08)- 23rd G. Chew (13.24)- 24th S. Maslin (13.24)-
25th C. Parkin (13.25)- 29th N. Carney (13.47)- 30th S. Parr (13.49).
Team finished 2nd with 12 points. U15 girls. 1st. A. Smith (14.400- 6th R. Smith
(15.56)- 8th H. Garcia (14.21)- 13th K. Gibbs (17.00)- 27th J. Linker (18.40).
Team finished 1st with 15 points. U17 women. 2nd K. Murray (18.14)- 3rd R.
Taylor (18.40)- 6th S. Coombes (19.14)- 18th L. Smith (21.04). Team finished 1st
with 11 points. U20 women. 2nd B. proctor (18.58). Senior Women. 5th J. Butler
(23.19)- 10th B. Clayton (25.01)- 18th C. Baldock-Jones ((26.03)- 23rd H. Geer
(26.43)- 24th K. Pratten (26.44)- 26th A. McDonough (V) (26.55)- 35th E. Harker
(28.01)- 39th A. Brown (28.13)- 46th H. Godsell (v) (28.51)- 56th A. Cilia (v)
(30.16). Team finished 2nd with 33 points.
19th November. Kent League, Sparrows Den
U13B. 4th P. Seseman (11.09)- 7th R. Yates (11.23)- 10th W. Andrew (11.28)- 11th
H. Kurtyanek (11.31)-12th R. Braden (11.31)- 13th G. Gregory (11.33)- 14th J.
Clack (11.33)- 25th A. Moore (12.21)- 27th G. Proctor (12.30)- 33rd B. Channon
(12.44)- 35th D. Jarvis (12.48)- 39th C. Turvey (13.07). B & B finished 2nd (21
points) U15B 8th S. Cavey (13.48)- 9th C. Ward (14.06)- 21st R. Evans (15.14)-
27th C. Fraser (15.44)- 33rd D. Benn (17.30). B & B finished 3rd (38 points)
U17M 2nd D. Brewer (16.37)- 8th J. Vintner (17.11)- 9th R, Davies (17.12)- 11th
A. B-Littlewood (17.15)- 18th S. Simpson (17.43)- 22nd A. Cliffe (18.02)- 31st
A. Pirie (18.42). B & B finished 1st (19 points) U20M 2nd A. Conway (16.50)- 3rd
R. Daniel (17.04)- 5th J, Poole (17.23)- 10th J. Daly (19.14)- 11th D. Wallis
(20.06). B & B finished 1st (10 points). Senior men. 2nd J. Atkinson (30.34)-
6th D. Warrington (30.56)- 8th A. Gibbens (31.15)- 16th D. McKinley (32.09)-
20th M. Airey (32.32)- 23rd A. Clamp (32.51)- 26th D. Ryan (33.06)- 27th C.
Osborne (33.12)- 28th R. Smith (33.25)- 54th M. Ellison (35.52)- 56th S. Cooper
(36.00)- 67th G. Coates (36.33)- 68th M. Watling (36.36)- 71st B. Barikor
(36.45)- 76th I. Taylor (37.31)- 77th R. Hall (37.33)- 79th M. Reeves (37.45)-
90th R. Brown (38.52)- 107th M. Cronin (40.10)- 137th M. Wade (45.34)- 146th R.
Chambers (1:2.27). B & B finished 2nd (32 points).
U13G. 1st D. Critchley (10.15)- 2nd M. Fewster (10.11)- 4th S. Gordon (10.19)-
11th E. Hook (10.50)- 12th A. Mitchell (10.52)- 14th K. Broadway (10.55)- 15th
G. Chew (10.55)- 20th S. Parr (11.06)- 23rd C. Parkin (11.18)- 25th K. Leonard
(11.23). B & B finished 1st (7 points) U15G. 1st. A. DeMatos (11.18)- 5th R.
Smith (12.02)- 8th H. Garcia (12.21)- 10th J. Linker (12.23)- 13th C. Chambers
(12.31)- 32nd E. Graham (15.59). B & B finished 1st (14 points). U17W. 2nd R.
Taylor (13.45)- 12th S. McClellan (15.00)- 16th L. Smith (15.41). B & B finished
3rd (30 points). U20W. 2nd B. Proctor (13.29) Senior women. 13th B. Davey (v)
(19.49)- 14th F. Green (19.55)- 18th M. Porritt (v) (20.32)- 19th V. Mitchell(v)
(20.42)- 20th C. Baldock-Jones (20.45)- 27th K. O’Mahony (21.16)-28th A. Cook
(v) (21.20)- 29th E. Harker (21.28)- 36th A. Brown (22.03)- 39th A. McDonough
(v) (22.21)- 40th D. Osborne (v) (22.22)- 48th S. Singer (23.23)- 53rd A. Cilia
(v) (23.39). B & B 3rd (45 points)
Track & Field
7th August. Exeter Arena - South of England AA Veterans Champs
V60 5000m 2nd C. Woodcock (20:40.47)
7th September. Exeter Arena - Devon County AA 10000m
V60 1st C. Woodcock (42 :2.1)
17/18th September. KCAA Championships, Erith.
U13 Boys: 100m Heat 1., 1st M. Fletcher (12.6): final 1st M. Fletcher (12.7):
200m Heat 1. 1st M. Fletcher (26.6): final 1st M. Fletcher (25.8): 800m Heat 1
1st P. Sessemann (2:29.5): Heat 2 2nd J.Clack (2.31.8)- 3rd R. Yates ((2.32.6):
final 1st P. Sessemann (2.20.7)-4th J. Clack (2.28.2)- 5th R. Yates (2.30.2):
1500m final 2nd P. Sessemann (4.49.7)-4th R. Yates (5.05.5)- 8th W. Andrew
(5.21.6)- 14th G. Proctor (5.40.1)- 16th S. Burrows (5.46.4): 75m hurdles. Final
2nd B. Hopkins (13.3): LJ final 1st M. Fletcher (5.32): Jav. 9th S. Burrows
(14.45). U13 girls: 75m Heat 1. 1st S. Hurlock (10.6): 2nd Semi-final. S.
Hurlock (10.6): final 3rd S. Hurlock (10.4): 150m Heat 2. S. Hurlock (20.6):
Heat 4. NM. Nelson- Roberts (21.7): 3rd S. Hurlock (20.6): 800m Heat 2. D.
Critchley (2.36.5): final 5th D. Critchley (2.41.8): 1200m Heat 2. D. Critchley
(4.07.0): final 3rd D. Critchley (4.07.7): 70m hurdles. Heat 1. 1st N.
Nelson-Roberts (12.5): Heat 3 1st E. Armstrong (12.70: final 3rd N.
Nelson-Roberts (12.6)- 4th E. Armstrong (12.7): HJ final 2nd N. Nelson-Roberts
(1.40m)- 4th E. Armstrong (1.40m): LJ final. 1st S. Hurlock (4.35m)- 10th N.
Nelson-Roberts (3.81m)- 21st A. Huggins (3.12m): Shot put. Final 1st E.
Armstrong (7.42m): Discus final 1st. E. Armstrong (21.92m). U15 Boys Pentathlon.
8th A. Jordan {80m hurdles (12.5, 629pts), shot (11.13m, 262 pts), LJ (4.34m,
262 pts, HJ 1.47m, 367 pts), 800m (2.58.3 68 pts)} total 1880 pts.
U15 girls Pentathlon. 1st. K. Cosby{ LJ (4.70m, 479 pts, 75m hurdles (12.1,
479pts), shot (6.80m, 322 pts), , HJ 1.39m, 367 pts), 800m (2.33.6,648 pts)}
total 2614 pts.- 2nd J Matthews { LJ (4.75m, 492 pts, 75m hurdles (12.8,
588pts), shot (7.03m, 337 pts), HJ 1.54m, 666 pts), 800m (2.45.7,509 pts)} total
2592pts.- 3rd. I. Ivy { LJ (49.5m, 546 pts, 75m hurdles (12.4, 630pts), shot
(5.64m, 249 pts), , HJ 1.45m, 566 pts), 800m (2.40.4,568 pts)} total 2559 pts.-
7th E. Patten { LJ (4.22m, 359 pts, 75m hurdles (12.6, 609pts), shot (7.42m, 362
pts), , HJ 1.27m, 379 pts), 800m (3.02.7,341 pts)} total 2050 pts- 10th R. Cook
{ LJ (4.36m, 393 pts, 75m hurdles (16.3, 307pts), shot (6.11m, 278 pts), , HJ
1.27m, 379 pts), 800m (2.42.8,541 pts)} total 1707 pts.- 13th L. Price { LJ
(3.84m, 272 pts, 75m hurdles (16.1, 320pts), shot (5.19m, 220 pts), , HJ 0pts,
800m (2.32.2,666 pts)} total 1478 pts). U17 womens Heptathlon. 1st K. Murray {
80m 12.3, 760 pts, HJ 1.65m, 795 pts, Shot 6.27m, 288 pts, 200m 26.5, 734 pts,
LJ 4.99m, 557 pts, Jav. 18.82m, 267 pts, 800m 2.20.7, 814 pts)} total 4215 pts.
17/18th September. KCAA Masters Championships, as above.
100m. M50.final, 1st T. Phillips (12.8)- M70 final 2nd J. Day (17.0): 200m. M50
final 1st T. Phillips (25.9): 800m M50 final, 3rd P. Hamilton (2.22.3): 1500m
M40 final, 9th M. Ellison (4.42.9)- M50 final, 2nd K. Daniel (4.36.0)- 3rd P.
Hamilton (4.48.2): 80m hurdles M70 final, 1st J. Day (16.9): HJ m70 final, 1st
J. Day (1.22m): PV M50 final A. Williams (4.00m)- M70 final, J. Day (2.30m): LJ
M70 final, 2nd M. Martineau (4.02)- LJ M70 final J. Day (3.51): TJ M70 final 1st
J. Day (7.00m): Shot M70 final, 1st G. Hickey (11.96m)- 2nd J. Day (8.27):
Discus M40 final, 1st A. Fairbairn (35.24m)- M70 final, G. Hickey (30.13):
Hammer M70 final, 2nd G. Hickey (29.49m): Jav. M70 final, 1st G. Hickey
(28.82m)- 2nd J. Day (19.64).
1500m W35 final, 2nd M. Porritt (5.19.5): PV W40 final A. Cilia (1.70m): Shot
W50 final, 3rd B. Simpson (858m): Discus W50 final, 1st B. Simpson (24.96m):
Hammer W50 final, 1st B. Simpson (35.24m): Jav. W50 final, 1st B. Simpson
Other disciplines
18th November. Maryon Wilson club swimming championship, West Wickham
1. Nick Bunclark (37.88)- 2. Simon White (42.78)-3. Darryl Hilliar (43.24)- 4.
Ant Draper (44.82)- 5. Simon Tolson (45.60)- 6. Michelle Fewster (46.41)- 7. Leo
Swann (58.99)- 8. Nick Barber (62.69)- 9. Diana Mantoura (63.25)- 10. Anne Cilia
(64.60)- 11. Terri Shotton (75.48)- 12. Mark Ellison (82.40)- 13. Mike Martineau
(83.96)- 13. David Johnson (90.36).