VOL 24 No 6 July/August 2005. PRESIDENT 2005/6: Anne
HON SEC:- J, Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W. Orton, 9 Jenson Way, Fox Hill, London SE19 2UP (020 8771 1128)
Results , news & views of Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC: 56 Bourne Way,
Hayes, Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115)
Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of
the Editor.
As a preview to
future editions, I intend to establish regular features and columns on diverse
matters in club life. These will include a series of interviews with people
associated with the club, who play obscure but important roles. I have already
approached some of the intended subjects but if any of you can think of any
other unsung’ heros or heroines’ please let me know and I will endeavor to
include these in my list of worthy interviewees.
Other regular
features might include poetry, cultural and culinary matters or suggested routes
for exercises or runs. Anyway this will all become clearer in the next edition
(planned for September) so watch this space…
John Hoy
memorial service, All Souls, July 19th 2005.
late John Hoy was fittingly remembered at a service at All Souls Langham Place,
London just over a fortnight ago, with a good turnout from club members and a
number of moving tributes from family, friends and colleagues. Amongst these
were the permanent Secretary of his department who spoke of his modesty,
integrity, and willingness to get in the front line rather than see things from
the comfort of a London Office. Others included Rob Brown whose tribute is
printed below, whilst teachers at Crofton Primary School praised the qualities
of his children, attributes, which reflected highly on the character of the
father. Finally in his sermon, the Reverent Paul Williams focused on the promise
of eternal life but this was no clichéd message on running a straight race, but
a positive affirmation of faith and a promise of a better quality of life to
come. One thing that could surely be said of John Hoy was his life was of high
quality, and his spirit and influence will live on.
John Hoy
I am grateful for the opportunity to say a few words about John on behalf of
Blackheath and Bromley Harriers, an athletic club with whom he had a short,
but fruitful association.
John had many passions in life, highest of which was of
course was his family. But high up there too was his passion for running.
And so it was that in November 2000, John joined Blackheath & Bromley
Harriers AC. The year 2000 was not so long ago, so it means that his time
with the club was relatively short. This is especially so when you realise
that, as the former Blackheath Harriers, the club has been in existence
since 1869 and is one of the oldest running clubs in the world.
However, John made an impact on many club members in his
short association with us. When I was asked to write a brief obituary for
publication in our biannual Gazette, I spoke to his friends among his group
of runners. I wanted to seek others views and stories. Overwhelmingly, the
opinions centred on the fact that the word gentleman (or gentle man) was
made for John. It is something to which we all should aspire.
The first word that club members had of the tragedy was the
Independent newspaper of 6 January which carried that marvellous, formal
picture of John, Nim, Kate, David & Robert under the banner headline of “Why
was I spared”. Word of the tragedy spread quickly. I shall not dwell on the
terrible events of that day. Enough has been said by more erudite people
than me over the last 7 months. It was apparent however from the phone calls
between club members how upset everyone was about the news. The club
web-site quickly filled with comments of shock and concern for Nim and I
hope that in some small way John’s family took solace from the high regard
in which he was held.
Athletically, John was an excellent competitor in veterans’
events, running marathons in well under 3 hours, 10 kilometre races in 35
minutes and 10 mile races in under an hour. These times all speak volumes of
his running prowess. He rarely spoke of his ability in his younger days and
I hope to find out more about that from his family, but I believe that in
his youth he could improve even on these highly commendable times. General
consensus is that his running style was fast & steady - certainly much
faster and steadier than me. As fellow club members, we were aware of John’s
love of running and we were touched by the knowledge that his coffin
included a pair of running shoes.
I was particularly moved by a communication received from
Cliff Keen. Cliff currently lives in Australia, but was probably closest to
John during their time as club members - maybe because they had so much in
common, including athletic ability. They were never far apart in races. It
is therefore appropriate that Cliff has the last word because he sums it up
so beautifully.
He said “John
leaves a big hole for his family and friends and the World a poorer place. I
hope the angels are ready for him, because I expect John to be pretty nippy
in a pair of wings.”
Rob Brown
20th Aug. AAA Combined Events Champs, Birmingham
20th Aug. Southern mens Leauge Div 1. Parliament Hill
21st Aug. Cup Final. Bedford
28th Aug. Club Championships
3rd Sept. Southern Women’s league, Sutton Arena
4th Sept. Nat. Young Athletes Lge Main Final, Birmingham
4th Sept. U20 Inter-territory match,
11th Sept. KCAA Relays champs, Norman park.
11th Sept. National Junior Athletic Lge Final, Derby
11th Sept. SVAC inter-club finals
14th Sept. One hour run. Norman Park
17th Sept. B&B Cross-Country relays’ Sparrows Den
Club 5km. 7.15pm 17/8, 7/9
Bromley Vets 2m 6/9
17th Sept. XC relays supper
7th Oct. VPs supper.
200 CLUB
Organiser: Roger Counter
Tel 020 8776 0884
NEXT COURIER: mid to late September.
Results, readers’ constructive views & other material welcome.
Comrades Marathon (distance: 89.17 kms) 16 June South
Africa - Pete Rogers and John Turner completed the course in 10hrs 26mins.
10th April. Darent Valley 10km,
Dartford. 17. A. Tucker (38.25)- 24. K. May
(39.45)- 29. G. Coates (V50)(40.27)- 43. T. Brightwell (V50) (42.19)- 61. C.
Pike (V50) (43.04)- 76. A. McDonough (FV45) (43.48)- 102. K. Pratten (45.11)-
166. A. Cilia (FV45) (48.39)- 299. R. Saiz (V60) (54.43).
May. City of Aberdeen 10km,. G. Murray (62.03)
May. Crouch End 10km. A. Edwards. (48.30)
May. Myra Garrett 10km, Bexley. 24. G. Coates
(V50) (38.56)- 44. R. Brown (V50) (41.08)- 96. C. Jones-Baldock (44.31)- 146. T.
Brightwell (V50) (46.59).
June Fraserborough 10km, Fraserborough, Aberdeenshire.
G. Murray (60.58)
June Manchester YMCA Harriers 10km. G. Murray
Other distances/events
3rd July. Bewl
Water 15.
5. C. Osborne
(1:26.36)- 6. R. Smith (1:27.11)- 14. D. Hillier (1:30.56)- 15. R. Hall
(1:31.09)- 22. M. Ellison (1:36.34)- 33. A. Tucker (1:36.53)- 48. G. Coates
(1:40.28)- 64. J. Daly (1:45.33)- 119. K. Pratten (1:55.05) (15thL)- 138. R.
Strong (1:56.51)- 158. D. Lewes (1:58.58)- 255. A. Jelly (2:11.37).
Roy Parris
Memorial Handicap series (5km) West Wickham & Hayes.
Event (3) 15th
June. (Net times given)
1.S. Skelley (26.01)- (2) N. Bunclark (19.29)- (3)
C. Lodwig (20.33)- (4) M. Gasson (23.47)- (5) M. Martineau (23.19)- (6) V.
Mitchell (20.41)- (7) C. Jones Baldock (21.01)- (8) W. Orton (21.24)- (9) R.
Barrett (19.45)- (10) K.Philp (22.19)- (11) M. Lundie (27.09)- (12) B. Bater
(18.42)- (13) M. Skelley (20.00)- (14) I. Taylor (18.31)- (15) D. Carton
(20.32)- (16) D. Ellison (17.36)- (17) G. Coates (18.38)- (18) D. Hilliar
(17.47) (19) M. Compton (21.03)- (20) S. Purser (25.20)- (21) M. Blunden
(19.22)- (22) R. Brown (19.11)- (23) N. Barber (20.13)- (24) R. Walsh (21.30)-
(25) T. Webb (18.16)- (26) G. Cook (19.07)- (27) M Longstaff (22.09)- (28) D.
Beadle (18.54)- (29) C. Pike (20.10)- (30) M. Cronin (20.30)- (31) S.
Hollingdale (23.18)- (32) N. Cross (26.34)- (33) A. Tucker (18.54)- (34) T.
Delahoy (23.25)- (35) W. Wheeler (31.11)- (36) M. Salmon (23.18)- (37) L. Swan
(20.21)- (38) J. Daly (20.38)- (39) D. Leal (22.47)- (40) D. Churchus (28.05)-
(41) M. Ellison (20.14)- (42) E. Key (25.41)- (43) A. Lawes (21.22).
Event (4).July 20th
(Net times given)
(1) S.Gasson(22:12)- (2) B.Bater (18:04)(3rd
M)-(3)M. Gasson (23.)- (4)M. Compton (20:38)- (5) N. Ives (23:24)- (6)R. Hall
(17:19) (1st M)- (7) M. Ellison (18:03) (2nd M)- (8) J. Copley (23:05)- (9)M.
Longstaff (22:06)-(10)D.Beadle (18.)- (11)G. Coates(18:40)- (12)W. Orton
(21:59)- (13).M.Salmon(22:20) (14)D.Leal(22:00)- (15)N.Cross (26:31)(3rd F)-(16)
M.Martineau (24:19)-(17) S. Pairman (18:52)- (18) J.ETurner (20:33)-
(19)M.Lundie (27:50)- (20) C.Lodwig (22:06) (1st F)- (21) M.Cronin (21:15)- (22)
D.Ellison(18:33)- (23) R.Chambers (28:49)- (24) J.Daly (20:56)- (25) P.
Shepheard (26:21) (26)R.Watkins(34:24)- (27) A. Lawes (21:02)-(28) S.
Purser(26:50)(2nd F)- (29) D.Churchus (28:36)- (30) J. Leeson (24:25)
June. Harvel Hash House Harries Harvel 5. 53. G.
Coates (v50) (31.52)
June. Sevenoaks Seven, Knowle Park. 12. D. Hilliar
(43.27)- 21. A. Tucker (44.30)- 50. G. Coates (v50) (46.47)- 77. R. Brown (v50)
(48.20)- 101. C. Pike (v50) 49.59)- 127. M. Blunden (51.00)- G. Cooper (v40)
(51.02)- 209. M. Compton (v40) 55.22)- 482. K. Tyler (90.04).
July. Bromley Vets 2m Handicap. Norman Park. (net
times given) 4. W. Orton (13.16)- 6. M. Salmon (13.16)- C. Pike (12.10)- R.
Brown (11.30)- C. Read (12.03)- M. Compton (12.28).
Track & Field
Young Athletes
May - National Junior Athletic League (Male) – Ashford By A & B string
100m 2nd D. Haque 2 (11.4)- 4th D. Doyley(11.7):- 200m 1st D. Haque (22.2) 1st
D. Doyley 22.6:- 400m 6th S. Blackwell 53.3- 2nd D Parsons 51.0:- 800m 5th J
Poole 1.59:9:- R d'Angelo 2.04:5:-1500m 3rd D. Brewer 4.22:3- 2nd. R.
Daniel 4.27:- 3000m 5th. J Vintner 9.54:2- T Murphy 10.06:- 2000m s/c 5th S
Simpson 6.57:8 A Littlewood 7.02:1:- 110mH. 1st A Alameen 15.3- 2nd M
Shoker 17.7:- 400m 2nd HE Harrison 55.2- 3rd M. Shoker 61.0:- 4 x
100m 2nd D Doyley, F Alexander , A Alameen, D Haque (43.3):- 4 x 400m
D Parsons, R D'Angelo 6th 3.31:2 R Daniel, J Poole, Discus A. 3rd Al Williamson
39.56 B. 8th R Alameen 12.53:- Shot A. 8th Marcus Williams 10.98 B. 3rd Al
Williamson 10.77:- Hammer A. 2nd Al Williamson 58.50- B 1st R Alameen
47.49:- Javelin A. 6th S Harvey 64.40- B 6th T Murphy 10.45:- Long Jump A. 6th S
Harvey 5.87 –B.6th S Stevens 5.27:- High Jump A. 6th D. Campbell 1.80- B. Eq 6th
D. Willis 1.65:- Triple Jump A. 7th D. Willis 11.55- B. 6th D Cole 11.08:- Pole
Vault A. 1st S Huggins 4.15- B. 1st. A Berry 3.35.
Blackheath & Bromley finished 5th 268 points
May - National Junior Athletic League (Female) – Match 2 Ashford
By A & B string
100m A. Amy. Godsell(1st ) (12.6)- B.
Clare Cooper.(2nd) (13.3) - 200m A. Kara Graham.(2nd) (26.2) - B
Vicky. Cole (1st)
(27.04)- 400m Rebecca Syriocki (1st) (58.3) pb* B. Clare Cooper (1st) (60.6)-
800m A. Ella Fisher (2nd) (2.19.8)- B. Katie Murray (1st)
(2.18.7)- 1500m A. Rebecca Taylor (4th) (4.54.9) B. Bryony
Proctor (3rd)
(4.59.1)pb*- 3000m A. Sarah Coombe (4th) (11.31.40 pb*- A. Lauren Smith (1st)
(11.54.8) pb*- 100mh A. Jo Wood (3rd) (17.1)- B. Leanne Critchley (3rd) (18.5)-
400mh A. Jo Wood (5th) (71.7) B. Katie Welch (4th) (74.3)- 4 x 100m. (1st) Amy
Godsell, Kara Graham, Vicki Cole, Clare Cooper (49.7)- 4 x 400m. Katie Murray
62.74 Rebecca Taylor 61.03 Ella Fisher 63.36 Rebecca Syrioki 58.64. 3.73:-
Discus A. 4th Rachel Blackie 31.37 B. 4th Christine Lawrence 21.:- Shot 4th
Rachel Blackie 9.22 B. 5th Catherine Thomas 7.23:- Hammer A. 1st Rachel Blackie
46.15 B. 1st Catherine Thomes 22.33:- Javelin A.1st Christine Lawrence 40.68
3rd- B. Emily Godley 23.03 pb*:- Long Jump A. 5th Jade Castell 5.14 B. 4th Emily
Godley 4.89:- High Jump A. 4th Katie Murray 1.55 B. 1st Anne Smith 1.55:- Triple
Jump A. 3rd. Jade Castell 10.84 B. 1st Rachel Arnheim 10.15 pb*:- Pole Vault 2nd.
Rachel Arnheim 3.05pb* Blackheath & Bromley finished 1st
(296 points)
26th May
UKA Young Athletes’ League, Mayesbrook Arena
U13 girls High Jump A 2nd. Nenisha Nelson-Roberts(1.33) B 1st. Sheridan
Lewis (1.30)-150m. A 1st Jasmyn Raikes(20.5)- B 1st. Sian Hurlock(20.8)- 800m.A.
1st Danielle Critchley (2:45.3)- B 1st. Kayley Broadway (2:51.3)- Shot.A. 3rd
Melissa Richards (5.98). B 1st. Emma Hook (5.42)- Long Jump A 2nd.
Sheridan Lewis (4.13)- B.1st. Sian Hurlock (3.77)- 70m.H. A.1st. Nenisha
Nelson-Roberts (12.7) B1st. Emma Armstrong (13.4)-1200m A. 3rd. Georgina Chew
(4:23.2)- B. 2nd. Emma Hook (4:27.7)-75m A. 1st. Jasmyn Raikes (10.5)
B. 1st. Sian Hurlock(10.6):- 4 x 100mRelay 1st. (1 Jasmyn Raikes 2 Nenisha
Nelson-Roberts 3 Sheridan Lewis 4 Sian Hurlock in 52.6) (new UKA YAL & B&B Club
Blackheath & Bromley finished 1st (61 points).
U15’s Girls' Team Long Jump
A 2nd. Isobel Ivy 4.57 -B 1st. Leah Forbes-Morris 4.57:-
200m A3rd Katrina Cosby 27.3- B 2nd. Grace Sheppard 27.9:- 800m A 3rd
Jessica Saville 2:27.7- B 3rd. Jessica Harding 2:37.9:- High Jump A. 2nd
Jessica Matthews 1.55 *(Female field athlete of the meeting)- B 1st.
Jessica Harding 1.35:- Discus A 2nd. Sarah McGuire 28.05- B 1st.
Oyebanke Jemiyo 24.34:- 75mH A. 2nd Isobel Ivy 13.2- B 2nd.
Estelle Patten 13.4:- 300m A.1st. Katrina Cosby 42.3- B 1st.
Jessica Saville 44.1:- Javelin A 2nd. Helen Silvester 26.8- B 1st.
Sarah McGuire 24. 49:- 100m A 2nd. Sarah Harrison 13.2- B 1st.Grace
Sheppard 13.3:- 1500m A 1st.Amy Smith 4:55.1- B 1st.
Hannah Garcia 5:15.3:- Shot A 1st. Sarah McGuire 9.75-. B 1st.
Katherine Jones 8.20:- 4 x 100m Relay (1st place) 1 Sarah Harrison2 Danielle
Annon3 Grace Sheppard 4 Katrina Cosby (51.6)
Blackheath & Bromley finished 1st
with 78 points
8th June English Schools Championships,
Birmingham Day One
Senior Boys 400m
heat 1. 6th Dominic Parsons 52.22 -Heat 2. 5th Alex Babb 49.90- Triple Jump. 2nd.
Jeremy Odametey 15.03- Javelin. 1st. Stuart Harvey 63.47
Senior Girls
200m. Heat 3. 2nd. Amy Godsell 24.94,- 3rd. Kara Graham 25.09- 400m. Heat 1.
6th. Rebecca Syrocki 59.06-Hammer. 1st. Rachel Blackie 51.23 (Club Senior and
Junior record*)- 2nd. Victoria Thomas 48.98
Intermediate Boys
100m. Heat 1. 1st James Alaka 22.23Heat 2.
1st Danny Doyley 10.88:-200m. - 1st Semi Final 1st. James
Alaka 21.97:- 400m. Heat 4. 4th Scott Blackwell 51.03:- Pole Vault 3rd
Scott Huggins 4.05:- Hammer. 2nd. Richard AlAmeen 55.79:-.300m. Heat 1. 5th
Vanessa Nakangu 41.02:-800m. Heat 2. 3rd. Rebecca Taylor 2.16.87:- Heat 3. 4th.
Katie Murray 2.16.40- Semi Final. 7th Katie Murray 2.21.95:- 80mHurdles Heat 2.
1st. Serita Solomon 11.37:- Triple Jump. Pool A. 6th Lauren Blackie 11.01:- Pool
B. 4th. Jade Castell Thomas 11.31:- Pole Vault. 2nd. Rachel Arnheim 3.15 (Club
under 17 record*)- 6th. Emily Godley 3.05:- Javelin. 3rd. Jade Dodd 38.99
Junior Boys
100m. Heat 2. 2nd. Jermaine Alexander 11.33:- 400m. Heat 2.
3rd. Aston Stockdale 53.11- 1st Semi Final. 6th. Aston Stockdale 53.11:- 800m
Heat 5. 3rd. Stephen Cavey 2.08.16:- Hammer. 5th. Andrew Jordon 45.02.
Junior Girls
1500m. Heat 1. 8th. Amy DeMatos 4.58.09:- Shot. 4. Sarah McGuire 10.41:- Discus.
6th. Banke Jemiyo 30.95.
19th June.National
Junior leauge. Ware A string.
100m. 2. D. Haque (11.2) ; 200m 1. D. Haque (22.00) ; 400m 2. S. Blackwell
(50.30) ; 800m 6. J. Poole (2:01.03) ; 1500m 5. J. Poole (4.19.08) 3000m 1. D.
Brewer (9:34.4) 2000m s/c 4. A. Littlewood (7.04.06) 110mH 8. M Shoker (17.6)
400mH 5. M. Shoker (60.7) 4x100m 4. D. Doyley, M. Shoker, S. Blackwell, A.
Worley (44.2) 4x 400 2. A. Rabb, R. D’Angelo, S. Blackwell, J.Poole (3:29.1) A
string. 100m. 2. D. Haque (11.2) ; 200m 1. D. Haque (22.00) ; 400m 2. S.
Blackwell (50.30) ; 800m 6. J. Poole (2:01.03) ; 1500m 5. J. Poole (4.19.08)
3000m 1. D. Brewer (9:34.4) 2000m s/c 4. A. Littlewood (7.04.06) 110mH 8. M
Shoker (17.6) 400mH 5. M. Shoker (60.7) 4x100m 4. D. Doyley, M. Shoker, S.
Blackwell, A. Worley (44.2) 4x 400 2. A. Rabb, R. D’Angelo, S. Blackwell,
J.Poole (3:29.1) Discus 2. A. Williamson (41.47) Shot 6. M. Williams (11.79)
Hammer 2. A. Williamson (54.55) Javelin 1. S. Harvey (62.68) Long Jump 1. J.
Odemity (6.89) High Jump 6. D. Campbell (1.80) 1. J. Odemity (14.48) Pole Vault
1. S. Huggins (4.00)
Blackheath & Bromley finished 2nd place 283 points
June. National Junior Athletic League (Female) – Ware
100m A. 2nd Amy Godsell 12.7- B. 1st Serita Soloman 12.8:- 200m A. 2nd
Amy Godsell 26.3-B. 2nd Clare Cooper 26.3:- 400m A. 2nd
Rebecca Syrioki 57.5 PB* B. 1st Kara Graham 59.8 PB*:- 800m A. 4th Katie Murray
2.23.1- B. 2nd Bryony Proctor 2.25.2:- 1500m A.3rd Rebecca Taylor
4.53.6- B. 1st Sarah Coombs 5.14.2:- 3000m A. 4th Bryony Proctor 12.08.2- B. 3rd
Debbie Shearing 13.32.7:- 100mh A. 6th Jo Wood 17.7- B. 2nd Leanne
Critchley 17.8:- 400mh A. 4thJo Wood 72.7 B. 1st Leanne Critchley 70.2:- 4 x
100m 1st (Leanne Critchley, Kara Graham, Amy Godsell, Serita Soloman
) 49.2:- 4 x 400m 1st (Katie Murray, Rebecca Taylor, Clare Cooper, Rebecca
Syrioki) 4:02.0:- Discus A. Shauangh Brown 37.48 1st Flo Clark 36.11 Shot A. 3rd
Shauangh Brown 10.89- B 1st Victoria Thomas 10.41:- Hammer A. 1st Rachel Blackie
51.10 pb* B. 1st Victoria Thomas 47.53:- Javelin A. 1st Jade Dodd 40.47 B 5th
Emily Godley 21.78:- Long Jump A. 7th Lauren Blackie 5.42pb* B. 1st Hayley Nouch
5.38 pb*:- High Jump A. 1st Katie Murray 1.63 PB* B. 1st Anne Smith1.50:- Triple
Jump A. 3rd Lauren Blackie 11.20-B 2nd Hayley Nouch 11.04:- Pole Vault 5th Emily
Godley 2.45
Blackheath & Bromley finished 1st with 305 points
National Young Athletes League
Southern Premier Norman Park 5th June
For those
competing in, officiating, or remotely involved in this event, I have omitted it
from this month’s edition. The results I received were far too detailed and
required more extensive editing than time has allowed. However, I hope that it
will be included in the next edition in September. Please accept my apologies.
3rd July - Kent
Young Athletes League – Bexley (YES I know its
gibberish but that is what I was given! Webmaster)
Girls - U13ShotA Laura
Ashley Ward5.284B Emma Hook4.741NS Sian Hurlock 6.1570m HurdlesA Nenisha Nelson
Roberts12.5 1B Emma Armstrong 13.41600m A Amy Mitchell1.58.93B Georgina
Chew2.00.61DiscusA Emma Armstrong 20.301B Melissa Richards11.58 1NS Amy
Mitchell16.975m A Sian Hurlock10.61B Emma Howard 11.74Long JumpA Nenisha Nelson
Roberts4.022 B Emma Howard3.691150m A Sian Hurlock20.7 1B Nenisha Nelson Roberts
21.91High JumpA Emma Armstrong1.431B Amy Mitchell1.301NS Emma Hook1.101000mA
Emma Hook3.34.63B Kayley Broadway3.45.71NS Clare Parkin3.42.5JavelinA Melissa
Richards7.925B Clare Parkin 4.813 2000m WalkA Laura Ashley Ward 13.51.92B Kayley
Broadway 24 x 100mRelay 1 Emma Howard57.922 Emma Armstrong3 Nenisha Nelson
Roberts 4 Sian Hurlock
Girls - U13 JavelinA
Helen Silvester24.06 112B Lucy Matthews 18.261875m HurdlesA Isobel Ivy 13.13 8B
Julia Stacey12.9 18800mA Ruby Samuels2.30.238B Jenny Linker 2.34.9 26Shot A
Oyebanke Jemiyo8.92112B Sarah HarrisonPB 6.482 6100m A Sarah Harrison 13.4112B
Isobel Ivy 13.518Pole VaultA -B -High JumpA Ruby Samuels1.3017B Catherine
Chambers 1.402 10300mA Katie Vistuer45.5210B Georgia Crosbie47.44200mA Daniella
Annon 27.5 112B Leah Forbes-Morris29.618DiscusA Oyebanke Jemiyo PB28.92112B
Katie Vistuer PB13.21351500mA Rebecca Smith5.06.5 112B Laura Kastoryano5.11.618
Long JumpA Isobel Ivy4.4018B Leah Forbes-Morris 4.47 1122000m WalkA Julia
StaceyPB 11.25.8112B Grace Power 13.00.8184 x 100mRelay1 Sarah Harrison52.91 12
2 Daniella Annon3 Georgia Crosbie 4 Katie Vistuer
U15 GIRLS Total Points 228 Match Position 1st
Combined U13’s & U15’s Girls Teams Total Points 418 Match Position 1st
Senior Athletics
4th June British League,
100m A 7th
Alloy Wilson10.93- B 6th Michael Champion 11.10:- 200m A. 2nd
Daniel Haque 21.6-B.3rd Neil Simpson 22.14:- 400A 2nd
Alloy Wilson 48.13 B 5th Ian Allerton 48.83:- 800m A. 3rd
Michael Skinner 1.52.09 B 4th Jamie Atkinson 1.57.66:- 1500m A.2nd
Michael Skinner 3.51.57- B.1st Andrew Rayner 3.55.59 5000m A 7th
Peter Tucker 15.47.33 B.6th Jon Thorpe 16.04.31:- 110H A 7th
Andy Hodge16.27 B.5th Simon White 16.66:-400H. A 5th Simon White
60.93.B.6th Mark Purser 61.55:- 3000S/C A.7th Chris Hogg
10.53.44- HJ A.8th Andy Hodge 1.75- B8th Dale Willis 1.70:- LJ A. 4th
Sam Bobb 6.86- B.7th Stuart Harvey 5.53:- TJ A.1st Sam
Bobb 14.83- B.5th Dale Willis 11.33: PV.A8th Allan Williams 4.00- B 4th
Simon Tolson 4.00:- SP A.8th Alex Pope 11.41- B 6th Alan
Fairbairn 9.25:- DT A. 7th Alex Pope 35.95.B 5th Alan
Fairbairn 35.47 JT. A. 3rd Stuart Harvey 61.13 B. 3rd Alex
Pope 46.26:- HT A 7th Alex Pope 30.84 B.6th Alan Fairbairn
29.03 4 X100 A. 4th Bomene Barikor, Michael Champion, Neil Simpson,
Daniel Haque. 42.03:- 4 X 400 A. 3rd Ian Allerton (49.8) Michael
Skinner (50.8)Bomene Barikor (48.8) Alloy Wilson (48.9) (3.21.444).
June UK Womens’Leauge. Ware
100m A. 2nd
AmyGodsell (U20) 12.4 -B. KatyBenneworth 12.92:- 200m AmyGodsell U20W 26.3:-
200m A. 2nd Sam Singer 26.6 2:- 400m BellaClayton:- 59.1 400m Singer
58.01:- 800m A EllaFisher(U20W) 2.20.9 1500 BryonyProctorU20W:- A 7th
3000m ShavaunHenry 10.23.24 –EllaFisher U20W 11.26.83:- 100H A. JoWood U20W
17.87- B. Leanne Critchley U20W 17.63:- 400H A. 6th JoWood U20W 73.7-
LeanneCritchleyU20W 74.73:- DT.A. 5th Rachel Blackie U20W 28.03-B.3rd
VictoriaThomasU20W 22.733B:-HJ A. 6th Hayley Nouch U20W1.40:-
HTRachel BlackieU20W47.013A:- HTVictoriaThomasU20W 44.79 1B:- JT A.1st
ChristineLawrence U20 W 42.04-B. 3rd BeatriceSimpsonW4523.25;_ LJ A.
4th KatyBenneworth 5.19 –B. 3rd Hayley Nouch U20W 5.19:- PV A. 1st
Liz Hughes 3.80:- SP A. 5th VictoriaThomasU20W 9.61 – B. 3rd
Rachel BlackieU20W 9.45:- TJ A. 5th HayleyNouchU20W11.01:- B. 2nd
KatyBenneworth10.36:- 4x100 Katy Benneworth Sam
Singer,AmyGodsel,lLeanneCritchley, 50.22:- 4x400 (SamSinger 63.9 HayleyNouch
64.2 EllaFisher 68.5 JoWood 70.4) = 4.27.0 5
Blackheath & Bromley finished 2nd with 183 points
June Southern League Div 1 Haringey
100m A2nd Michael
Champion 11.5 B 2nd Domonic Parsons11.40:- 200m A3rd Michael Champion
22.50 B 4th Scott Jarred 23.9:- 400A 2nd Domonic Parsons
50.90 B1st Scott Jarred, 51.60:- 800A4th Michael Claff 2.03.6 B 1500m A 3rd
Michael Claff 4.21.2:- 5000 A Roy Smith 16.39.6:- 110H A. 4th Mark
Purse 18.2 B 2nd Richard Holt 20.30 400H A 3rd Mark Purser
62.9 B 2 Richard Holt 61.4:- HJ A 5th Michael Champion 1.55 LJ A 5th
Mark Purser 5.32 5th Phil Blatch 4.93:- PV A. 3rd Alan
Hardy 3.00 –B 3rd John Robinson 1.20:- SP A. 5th Phil
Blatch 9.31- B 5th John Robinson 4.87:- DTA 5th Phil
Blatch 25.43 –B 5th Mark Purser 19.10:- JT A 3rd Phil
Blatch 50.81.B. 5th Richard Holt 30.23:- HT A. 5th Phil
Blatch 21.17 B. 4th Alan Hardy 11.79:-4 X 100 A. 5th Mark
Purser 45.9: Scott Jarred, Michael Champion,Domonic Parsons 4 X 400 A.5th
Mark Purser 4.03.2,Scott Jarred,Richard Holt, Michael Champion.
Blackheath and Bromley finished 5th 66
June.British Leauge Copthall
A5Daniel Haque10.7
B 6 Neil
Simpson 11.2
200 A. Daniel Haque (DNF) B. 3. Neil Simpson22.1 400m A. 5 Bomene Barikor B 6.
James Poole 53.2 800 7. James Poole1.59.5 B. 6 Dan Ryan (2.01.1) 1500 A &. Jon
Thorpe 4.13.8 B 5. N. Gasson (4.15.2) 5000 A. 5. S. Newport (14.59.5) B. 3. P.
Tucker (15.30.9) 110H A. 7. A. Hodge (16.1) B. 7. S. White (16.6) 400h a.7. E.
Duncan (56.6) B. 5. S. White (60.8)- 3000S/C A 7. A. Gibbins (10.14.9) B. 6. C.
Hogg (10.37.3) HJ A 6. A. hodge (1.75) B. 6. C. Hogg (1.40) LJ A.6. S. Bobb
(6.54) B. 8. S. Tolson (4.00) TJ A. 2. S. Bobb (14.43) B. 3. A. Hodge (12.58) PV
A. 8 S. Tolson (3.60) SP A. 7. S. Timmins 11.24 B. 7. S. White (9.15) DT A.7. A.
Fairbairn (34.54) B. 6. S. Timmins (29.32) JT A 6 S. Timmins (44.27) B. 4. A.
Hodge (43.42) HT A 7 S. Timmins (41.50) B.7 A. Fairbarin (31.73):- 4X100 A
Bormane Barikor, Neil Simpson Ernest Duncan Simon White 4X400 A. 6. Neil Simpson
James Poole Ernest Duncan Bomene Barikor 3.29.8.
Blackheath & Bromley finished 8th
with 168 points.
26th June UK Women's League Division 4
100m.A 3rd Amy Godsell 12.6- B.1st. Katy
Benneworth 12.9:- 200m A. 2nd. Sam Singer 25.2 – B.1st.Bella Clayton 26.4:- 400m
A. 2nd. Sam Singer 56.9-.B.1st Clare Cooper 59.1:-
800m A. 4th Bella Clayton 2.12. B.5th Ella Fisher 2.18.9:-
1500m A. 5th Bryony Proctor 4.56- B.2nd Ella Fisher
5.00.8:- 3000m A. 5th Carolyna Jones Baldock 11.54.5- B. 3rd Annie
McDonough 12.19.7:- 100H A. 4th Jo Wood 17.1 B. Leanne Critchley
DNF:- 400H A. 4th Rachel Chadwick 71.31- B. Jo Wood 70.8:- HJ A. 6th
Sandra Alaneme 1.35- B. 7th Leanne Critchley 1.25:- LJ A. 5th
Katy Benneworth 5.11 B. 3rd Sandra Alaneme 4.81:- TJ A. 5th
Katy Benneworth 10.08:- SP 6th A. Sandra Alaneme 9.26 B. 4th
Rachel Blackie 8.69:- DT. A. 6th Rachel Blackie 27.98 B. 7th
Diana Mantoura 11.44:- JT. A. 2nd Christine Lawrence 40.60- B. 6th
Leanne Critchley 15.11:- HT A. 2nd Rachel Blackie 48.96 B. 7th
Carolyna Jones Baldock 2.65:- 4x100 4th (Katy Benneworth 50.1, Clare
Cooper, Sandra Alaneme Sam Singer 50.1):- 4x400 3rd (Clare Cooper ,
Rachel Chadwick, Sam Singer, Bella Clayton 3.59.7) Non scorePV 2nd
Hannah Olson 3.50 3rd Natalie Olson 3.50
Blackheath & Bromley finished 2nd with 162 points.
9th July. Southern
Men's League Div Three South, Horsham
100m A 3rd Dan McKeown
(U20) 12.3 -B 1st Tim Ayres (U20) 12.7:- 200m A 3rd Dan McKeown (U20) 24.8 –B 2nd
Tim Ayres (U20) 25.2 400m A 1st Richard Daniel (U20) 53.3- B 3rd Alex Letchford
56.4:- 800m A. 2nd Robert D'Angelo (U17) 2.03.6- B. 4th Richard
Barrett 2.33.8:- 1500A. 4th.Alex Bruce Littlewood (U17) 4.24.9- B. David Griffin
Did not finish:- 5000A 3rd Darryl Hilliar 18.09.2- B 110H A 2nd Ian
Holder (M40)21.5 -B. 400H A. 1st Richard Daniel (U20) 62.0 -B. 1st Nigel Keogh
61.8:- 3000S/C A. 3rd Tim Ayres (U20)11.53.9- B 3rd Richard Barrett 13.11.5:- HJ
A 2nd Richard Daniel (U20)1.50 B 2nd Holder (M40)
1.50:- LJ A 4th Ian Holder (M4) 5.21 -B 4th Dan McKeown (U20) 5.03:- TJ A 3rd
Dan McKeown (U20) 10.97 B.3rd Tim Ayres (U20) 9.83:- PV A. 2nd Jim
Day (M70) 2.40- B. 1st Richard Daniel (U20)2.30:- SP A 4th Gordon Hickey
(M70) 8.94 –B. 4th Richard Barrett 4.96:- DT. A. 4th Gordon Hickey (M70) 22.39-
B. 4th Nigel Keogh 16.62:-JT A. 4th Gordon Hickey (M70) 25.25. B 4th Ken
Daniel (M55) 18.35:- HT. A. 4th. Gordon Hickey (M70) 20.72 B 4th Ken Daniel
(M55) 5.07:- 4X100 A 2nd (Dan McKeown (U20), Nigel Keogh ,Alex
Letchford ,Tim Ayres (U20) 48.4):- 4X400 A 1st (Nigel Keogh,Alex Letchford,
Richard Daniel,(U20), Robert D'Angelo (U17) 3.35.9).
Blackheath & Bromley finished 4th with 103.5 points.
9th July Southern
League Div 1 Aldershot
100m A 2nd
Michael Champion 11.3 -B 1st Jack Wilkie 11.20:- 200m A. 1st Michael Champion
22.40- B1st Jack Wilkie 23.00:-.400mA 1st Ian Allerton 49.90 B. 1st Scott Jarred
52.10:- 800m A 1st Martin Airey 2.01.9. B. 2nd David McKinley
2.04.6:- 1500m A.3rd David McKinley 4.22.8 B. 2nd Martin Airey
4.24.0:- 5000m A.5th Mark Ellison 18.10.1:- 110H A. 3rd Richard Holt 17.7. B5th
Scott Jarred 21.20:- 400H. A.3rd Richard Holt 61.4- B.3000S/C A.5th Richard Hall
11.48.5 - B.5th Richard Holt 14.25.6:- HJ A 5th Michael Champion 1.55 B. 3th
Jack Wilkie 1.00:- LJ A. 5th Michael Champion 5.57- B. 4th Mark Purser 5.51: TJ.
A.5th Ian Allerton 11.24- B. 5th Jack Wilkie 9.19:- PV. A 1st Allan Williams
4.15 B 1st Alan Hardy 3.00 SP A 5th Alan Hardy 7.83.:- DT.A. 5th Richard Holt
19.24- B 5th Mark Purser 18.65:- JT A. 5th Richard Holt 27.1-B. 5th Mark Purser
23.09:- HT. A.5th John Robinson 13.47 B 5th Mark Purser 6.76:- 4X100 A 1st (Ian
Allerton ,Scott Jarred, Michael Champion, Jack Wilkie 43.7):- 4X400A. (Michael
Champion 52.4,Scott Jarred, 51.3, Jack Wilkie, 52.9, Ian Allerton 48.8) (3.25.4)
Blackheath and Bromley finished 5th with 90.5 points
16/17th July - BMAF Championships
400m. R. Minting (M55) ( 56.31), 800m “(2.10.25) , 1500m “
(4.39.87)- 5000m 1st W. Foster (M45) (15.59.96)- 3rd P. Hamilton (M55)-
Club Championship meetings
13th June Club Track & Field Championships -
Norman Park
Men. 200: 1 D Haque 23.1; 2 C Hill 23.9; 3 S White 24.4; 4 C Leon
(M40) 28.2. 800: 1 J Poole 1:58.0; 2 J Atkinson 1:58.1; 3 M Airey 1:58.5;
4 D Warrington 2:02.3; 5 A Gibbins 2:03.5; 6 J Thorpe 2:05.6; 7 N Gasson 2:06.0;
8 R Hall 2:09.8; 9 M Claff 2:11.6; 10 R Hall 2:12.2; 11 C Osborn 2:12.8; 12 D
Hilliar 2:19.0. TJ: 1 D Haque 13.17; 2 M Martineau (M55) 6.47U20
200: 1 P Rochester 23.6; 2 D McKeown 24.7;
3 T Ayres 24.9. 800: 1 R Daniel 2:03.6; 2 D Willis 2:05.5; 3 D Parsons
2:06.8; 4 T Ayres 2:06.9; 5 A Letchford 2:13.3. 5Kg HT: Al Williamson
200: 1 D Palmer 24.1; 2 L
Carpenter 25.2; 3 M Mapstone 25.2. 800: 1 R Davies 2:02.2; 2 R D’Angelo
2:05.0; 3 D Brewer 2:06.4; 4 S Simpson 2:07.3; 5 A Bruce-Littlewood 2:08.9.
400H: 1 J Summerby 61.6. TJ: 1 L Carpenter 10.43; 2 S Simpson 10.40.
5Kg HT: 1 R Al-Ameen 54.81; 2 J Stockton 50.16.U15
200 Final: 1 J Alexander
23.8; 2 A Stockdale 24.0; 3 D Putnam 24.3; 4 T Asubre-Hott 25.0; 5 B Coles 26.0;
6 S Cavey 26.2. Ht 1: 1 J Alexander 23.7 Q; 2 A Stockdale 24.6 Q; 3 B
Coles 26.1 Q; 4 A Blair 27.3; 5 A Murray 30.3. Ht 2: 1 D Putnam 24.4 Q; 2
T Asubre-Hott 25.2 Q; 3 S Cavey 26.4 Q; 4 C Ward 27.5; 5 D Piggott 28.3. 800:
1 S Cavey 2:07.9; 2 C Ward 2:09.8; 3 M Thorpe 2:12.7; 4 E Martin 2:20.5; 5 R
Evans 2:24.8; 6 J Ayisi 2:25.0; 7 D Putnam 2:29.2; 8 D Piggott 2:31.1; 9 D
Duffin 2:39.6; 10 T Asubre-Hott 3:23.3. TJ: 1 A Stockdale 10.47; 2 R
Evans 9.92; 3 D Duffin 9.76. HT: 1 A Jordon 41.90; 2 S Lloyd 29.34.
200 Final: 1 M Fletcher 26.4; 2
S Camacho 27.2; 3 B Coles 28.5; 4 B Hopkins 30.2; 5 C Murray 30.4; 6 P Seseman
32.9. Ht 1: 1 S Camacho 28.1 Q; 2 B Hopkins 29.1 Q; 3 B Channon 34.9.
Ht 2: 1 M Fletcher 27.1 Q; 2 B Coles 28.4 Q; 3 C Murray 29.7 Q; 4 P Seseman
30.7 Q. 800: 1 P Seseman 2:29.9; 2 R Yates 2:33.7; 3 O Taylor 2:38.8; 4 A
Brooks 2:43.8. STJ: 1 S Camacho 6.18; 2 B Hopkins 5.85; 3 B Channon 5.22.
Women 200: 1 A Jacobs 29.7. 800: 1
S Singer 2:16.9; 2 Z Webster 2:31.3; C Jones 2:34.0. 400H: 1 C Mantoura
77.1. U20
200: J Wood 29.0; 2 S Allerton
30.2. 800: 1 E Fisher 2:19.3; 2 B Proctor 2:23.0. 400H: S Allerton
77.4. HT: 1 V Thomas 48.22 Pb.U17
200: 1 K Murray 27.1; 2 C Thomas 32.0.
800: 1 R Taylor 2:15.5; 2 S Coombs 2:28.8; 3 D Shearing 2:44.1. 300H:
1 K Murray 45.9; 2 S McLellan 47.3; 3 F Miller 48.6. HT: 1 C Thomas
24.69; 2 A Barrett 15.58.U15
200 Final: 1 K Cosby 26.4; 2 S Harrison
27.1; 3 J Harding 27.3; 4 G Sheppard 27.5; 5 D Annon 27.6; 6 C Shaw 28.4. Ht
1: 1 S Harrison 27.1 Q; 2 G Sheppard 227.6 Q; 3 R Samuels 27.7; 4 R Cook
28.5; 5 R Channon 33.2. Ht 2: 1 J Harding 27.2 Q; 2 C Shaw 27.5 Q; 3 D
Annon 27.5 Q; 4 L Price 28.8. Ht 3: 1 K Cosby 27.1 Q; 2 J Saville 27.9; 3
K Vistuer 27.9; 4 E Patten 28.6. 800: 1 A De Matos 2:22.8; 2 R Samuels
2:30.2; 3 J Saville 2:30.5; 4 H Garcia 2:30.7; 5 L Kastoryano 2:30.7; 6 L Price
2:30.8; 7 J Linker 2:39.4. STJ: No competitors. HT: 1 E Patten
150 Final: 1 S Hurlock 21.0; 2 E Armstrong
23.3. 800: 1 A Mitchell 2:45.2; 2 E Hook 2:54.9; 3 K Broadway 2:3:01.2.
STJ: 1 E Howard 6.22; 2 S Hurlock 6.13; 3 E Armstrong 5.71. 2kg HT:
1 E Hook 22.31; 2 A Mitchell 20.61; 3 E Armstrong 17.13; 4 S Hurlock 17.01.
13th June.Club 800m
Championship, Senior & Veteran combined 1. J. Poole
(1.58) 2. J. Atkinson (1.58.1) 3. M. Airey (1.58.5) 4. D. Warrington (2.02.3) 5.
A. Gibbins (2.03.5) 6. M. Claff (2.04.6) 7. J.Thorpe (2.05.6) 8. N. Gasson
(2.06.0) 9. R. Hall (2.09.8) 10. R. Hall (2.12.2) 11. C. Osborne (2.12.8) 12. S.
Singer (2.16.9) 13. D. Hilliar (2.19.0) 14. G. Coates (2.20.9) 15. I. Taylor
(2.22.1) 16. M. Ellison (2.23.7) 17. R. Brown ( 18. Z. Webster (2.31.3)
19. C. Jones-Baldock (2.34.0) 20. C. Pike (2.38.7) 21. M. Martineau (3.04.0),
22. M. Gasson (3.07.1).
June. Club Grand Prix 1 mile Champs, Norman Park.
Race1. 1. M. Claff
(4:36.6)- 2. J. Vintner (u17) (4:40.8)- 3. A. Littlewood (u17) (4:42.4)- 4 S.
Simpson (u17) (4:45)- 5. C. Osborn (4:46.1)- 6. R. Daniel (u20) (4.47.2)- 7. R.
Hall (4.55.9)- 8. C. Ward (u15) (5:02.9)- 9. M. Ellison (v40) (5:02.9)- 10. D.
Hilliar (5:07.1)- 11. D. Ellison (5.08)
Race 2.
1. B. Bater (v40)(5:20.9)- 2. G.Coates (v50)(5:22.2)- 3.
I. Taylor (v40)(5:24.7)- 4. R. Brown (v50)(5:27.2)- 5. K. Daniel (v50)(5: 34.1)-
6. A. Tucker (5:37.90- 7. J. Dalley (5:41.3)- 8. S. Littlewood (guest) (5:42.)-
9. J. Bailey (5:50.6)- 10. C. Pike(v50)(5:52.6)- 11. C. Jones-Baldock (5:52.6)-
12. D. Leal(v50) (6:05.9)- 13. M. Compton (v45)(6:07.)- 14. A. Lawes
(v45)(6:13.2)- 15. M. Salmon (v50)(6:19.7)- 16. S. Hollingdale (v50)(6:27.4)-
17. J. Leeson (v45)(6:31.3)- 18. W.Orton (v45)(6:37.1)- 19. M. Gasson
(v50)(7.00.6)- 20. N. Cross (8:03.5).
13th July. 3000 Walk
Norman Park.
1. R.
Bain(U20)(14:04.0)-2. S. Lightman (M60)(16:37.2) -3. L. Atterbury(M55)(16:50.3)
-4.P. Hanwell(M60)(17:15.6)-5.H. Williams(U17)(18:24.3)-6.N. Simmons(M60)(18:37)
-7.A. Pickering (M60)(19:20.8) -8.D. Hoben(M50)(20:04.9) -9.L.
2nd & 3rd
July. AAA’s Under 20 and Under 23 Championships, Bedford
Under 20 Men Hammer. 1.
Amir Williamson 62.73, 4. Alistair Williamson 58.92 -Javelin. 1. Stuart Harvey
66.00 (CLUB JUNIOR RECORD)-400 heats. 6. Dominic Parsons 51.67
Under 23 women Long
jump. 10. Katy Benneworth 5.21
Under 20 Women. Hammer.
5. Rachel Blackie 48.54, 8. Victoria Thomas 44.79-Javelin. 3 Christine Lawrence
44.24 (CLUB SENIOR AND JUNIOR RECORD)-Pole Vault. 4. Hannah Olson 3.60 (CLUB
JUNIOR RECORD), 5= Natalie Olson 3.40- Long Jump. 14. Sandra Alaneme 5.14-100.
Heats. 2. Montell Douglas 12.05
400 Heats 4. Rebecca
Syrocki 57.80
Under 23 Men. 5000. 1.
Scott Overall 14.17.88- 400 semi final Ian Allerton 49.35, heats 5. Ian Allerton
200. 5. Neil Simpson
22.00, Heats Neil Simpson 22.00, Fabian Collymore 22.41-100 Fabian Collymore
10.72 heats Fabian Collymore 10.81