VOL 23. No 5. May 2004. PRESIDENT 2004/5: Margaret
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC: 56 Bourne
Way, Hayes, Bromley, Kent BR2 7EY (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise
attributed, views are those of the Editor.
Barry Stephenson showed that his recent good form isn't
confined to the roads by winning the Club 10 by five minutes and inside the
hour. The domestic cross-country season was concluded by the Closing Five on
27th March. This was preceeded by the Club Photo, which this time was a birdseye
view from Mike's staircase, a wise choice for those of us who aren't very safe
on scaffolding. The race, when it came, showed that even our Handicapper can get
clobbered twice. Simon Capey, who had remained hidden most of the season before
emerging to win the handicap in the Ten, then repeated the dose in the Closing
Five. Darryl Hilliar, second in the Ten and third fastest in the Closing Five,
clinched the Bennett Cup competition by a clear margin. Other leading scores are
given in RESULTS.
After the race, in the evening came the AGM attended by
about fifty members (there are a thousand of us - draw your own conclusions).
Some of the vacant jobs got filled, others remain - any volunteers?
There was a good array of runners for the London Marathon
with the Allen Cup going to Spencer Newport. Our second home was Rory Byrne and
there was a remarkable comeback from "Ironman" Kinsey after his horrendous
crash. YAs did well in the Mini-Marathon. The Club's main charity appeal this
year is for Parkinson's Disease, in particular the Specialist Unit at Queen
Square, London. Our thanks to all who have supported our runners.
In the SEAA road relay our senior men were 10th but were
unable to finish a team in the National, in spite of the efforts of those who
took part. Our senior women, however, improved steadily as the race progressed
to finish in 25th.
In Track and Field leagues there has been a good start by
our Women and Juniors with, at the time of writing, our Senior men and Vets soon
to get underway.
We record with regret the recent deaths of two members.
Although only 21 at the time of his tragic death, Will
Bolton was an active athlete through all the age groups and an inspiring coach
to youngsters joining the Club.
Harold Thompson served the Club for a lifetime as athlete,
Past President and, in more recent years, as Club Archivist.
Full obituaries will appear in The Gazette in due course.
Two of our coaches, Ian Dibbens and Andy Frankish, have
received Certificates for Services to the Community in supporting young
athletes. These were given by the High Sheriff of Kent at an awards evening on
22nd March at Faversham.
TRACK & FIELD - Various
The Club Championships will again be held at Norman Pk and will consist of a
number of Wednesday evening "turn-up" fixtures plus two pre-entry dates. The
Wednesday dates for runs are 26th May (5000m), 23rd June (1 Mile) and 28th July
(10000m) and these are for Seniors at 8pm. Wednesday dates for walks are 7th
July (Track 3000m/2000m/1000m at 8pm) and 21st July (Johnson Bowl at 7.30pm, 4M
from near Norman Pk gate). Walks are for Seniors and age-groups.
The pre-entries will be on Mon 14th June 7pm (200m/150m,
800m, 3000m, 400H/300H, TJ & HT) and on Sat 28th Aug 1pm (100/75m, 400/300m,
1500m, SprH, SC, HJ, LJ, PV, SP, DT & JT). These are for all age-groups with
entry by 12th June or 25th Aug respectively. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE of TRACK &
FIELD IS NOT NECESSARY IN ORDER TO TAKE PART. (You may find that you don't
actually need to run four hours to convince yourself that you're an athlete). A
range of events will also be held for U11s without pre-entry on 26/5, 23/6, 7/7,
28/7 (all 6.30) and on 28/8 (1pm).
Young Athlete League (Mixed) fixtures are 9th May, 6th
June and 1st Aug (all Norman Pk), 27th June (Copthall) and 18th July (Havering).
Kent YAs League fixtures are 20th June (Canterbury), 4th
July (Sutcliffe Pk) and 15th Aug (Bexley).
To encourage local young talent the Club is organising
Schools Open Meetings at Norman Pk on Mondays; 10th May, 24th May and 21st June,
all 4pm.
Diligent readers of The Courier Results section may have seen mention from time
to time of the Heavy Hammer or Heavy Weight. I understand the weight used is
35lbs up to 50 years then 25lbs over 50 (remember when we used to buy things in
lbs). The maximum length is 41 cms (see - back to metric) and it's swung like
the Hammer with two or three turns using both hands and thrown, preferably from
a cage for safety. It's been in the Weights Pentathlon for a good while but is
fairly new as a separate event. It's catching on in other countries e.g USA,
Russia and Ireland. The above bit hasn't been scrutinised by Colin Brand or
Gordon Hickey and if I've got it wrong you may see me going around looking a bit
What is the latitude of Timbuktu? Who was Geronimo's grandfather? Get
researching ready to parade your useless knowledge at this year's ding-dong on
Friday 21st May at HQ 7.45. œ7 including Supper. Your friendly hosts are again
Rob Brown and Steve Hollingdale, who incidentally deserves our thanks for taking
over as Chair of Finance after Will Buttinger's retirement from the job after
several years.
Regular reports concerning the Club, mostly written by Pat Calnan, appear in The
Kentish Times, the "freebies" and other local papers from time to time. These
are collected by me as part of the Club archive and some members living further
afield also send me cuttings about their local races or about general athletic
topics. I'm grateful to receive all such material and have recently completed
another log (for 2002-2003).
Bill Clapham, Editor
8th May Cardiff -Brit Lge Div 2
10th May Sutcliffe Pk - SCVAC (Kent) Lge
15-16 May Ashford - KCAA T&F Champs
22nd May Sutton Pk - BMAF Rd Relays
22nd May Sthn Men's Lge - Div 1 Southend - Div 3S Barn Elms
22nd May Norman Pk - Sthn Women's Lge
23rd May Croydon - Natl Jun Lge
24th May Bexley - SCVAC (Kent) Lge
5th Jun Liverpool - Brit Lge Div 2
5th Jun Norman Pk - Sthn Women's Lge
7th Jun Ashford - SCVAC (Kent) lge
13th Jun Battersea - SCVAC Champs
20th Jun Eton - Natl Jun Lge
26th Jun Sthn Men's Lge - Div 1 Basingstoke - Div 3S Tooting
26-27 Jun Birmingham - BMAF T&F Champs
2nd Jul Norman Pk - SCVAC (Kent) Lge
3rd Jul Eton - Brit Lge Div 2
3rd Jul Guildford - Sthn Women's Lge
Club 3.12M 12/5 16/6 7.15
BromV 2M 1/6, 6/7 7pm
Crystal Pal 1/6, 6/7
Danson 14/5, 11/6 5K
Hyde Pk 28/5, 25/6 5K
Albert Embk 12/5, 9/6
Hammersmith 25/5, 29/6
All 12.30
21st May Quiz Night
26th Jun Summer Supper
200 CLUB
Organiser: Roger Counter
Tel 020 8776 0884
Recent winners:-
Jan D Johnson, M Davies, M Baldwin
Feb A Oldfield, M Davies & T Shotton
Results, readers' views & other material welcome.
(01) 21st Feb. ECCA Natl Chs Leeds cf (23425) Add details
SM 179 A Gibbins 50.37- 511 W Bolton 52.27- 997 R Hall 60.19- JM 113 T Webb
37.42- 131 D Ryan 39.11- 144 C Daniel 42.15- U17 127 J Poole 25.01- 175 T Beech
26.10- 211 S Leach 27.37- 216 S Martin 28.23- 219 R Daniel 28.42- U15 149 J
Vintner 16.22- 269 R D'Angelo 17.48- 270 B Szczpanski 17.49- U13 83 E Martin
11.51- 99 S Cavey 11.59- 136 C Ward 12.15- SW 284 C Jones-Baldock 44.18- JW 73 S
Henry 22.52- U17W 125 B Proctor 24.56- U15G 56 R Taylor 17.33- 120 S McLellan
18.23- 146 C McNamara 18.39- 288 Ls Smith 21.54- U13G 20 Am Smith 12.12- 40 H
Garcia 12.39- 50 Rb Smith 12.44- 131 D Critchley 13.26- 152 R Cook 13.39-
(02) 25th Feb. London Coll Lge Victoria Pk 10K 7 A Rayner (Brun) 32.52
(03) 28th Feb. Croy H XC Lloyd Pk M55 4 P Hamilton 43.24
(04) 6th Mar. Club 10M XC Hayes 1 B Stephenson (Rowland Cup) 59.11 (H'c
pos 17)- 2 D Hilliar 64.18 (11)- 3 S Wright 67.23 (7)- 4 M Ellison 68.17 (2)- 5
S Pairman 68.49 (4)- 6 I Taylor 69.20(5)- 7 A Lawes 69.44 (23)- 8 G Cook 70.12
(8)- 9 A Tucker 71.14 (20)- 10 R Hall 71.19 (26)- 11 H Morten 72.18 (34)- 12 G
Coates 72.22 (6)- 13 M Cronin 72.43 (13)- 14 R Brown 73.40 (12)- 15 B Bater
73.52 (32)- 16 R Coles 74.12 (9)- 17 S Lloyd 76.24 (21)- 18 C Pike 76.53 (24)-
19 K Pratten 77.38 (3)- 20 N Barber 78.55 (19)- 21 B Smith 79.14 (18)- 22 D
Beadle 80.10 (33)- 23 A Cook 82.00 (25)- 24 A Edwards 83.37 (22)- 25 A Pontifex
83.54 (27)- 26 A Cilia 85.49 (15)- 27 S Capey 86.19 (1)- 28 M Peel 86.32 (28)-
29 C Rowe 87.15 (10)- 30 W Orton 87.19 (16)- 31 M Wade 89.48 (30)- 32 J Mullett
91.25 (31)- 33 P Shepheard 93.35 (14)- 34 D Churchus 99.43 (29)- 35 A Jelly
120.00 (35)-
(05) 29th Feb. Rd 20M Bramley (1:44.34) 45 D Hilliar 2:05.47- 392 B Smith
2:40.53- 393 D King 2:40.55- 10M R Griffin 90.-
(06) 6th Mar. Inter-Counties XC Chs Nottingham SM 12K. 22 M Skinner
38.16- 28 S Newport 38.34- 57 T Dickinson 39.29- 95 A Rayner 40.32- U17 153 J
Poole- U15 143 D Brewer- U13 80 M Thorpe- JW 48 E Bugler 26.15- U17W 183 B
Proctor- U15G 45 R Taylor- 140 S McLellan- U13G 41 Am Smith- 110 H Garcia-
(07) 7th Mar. Rd 20M Thanet (1:55.15) 10 N Kinsey 2:05.52- 13 S Smythe
2:07.28 35 J McConville 2:13.52- 68 C Aves 2:22.08- 91 J E Turner 2:25.07- 182 D
King 2:39.01- 190(3M60) P Lovell 2:39.46- 206 B Smith 2:41.58- 230 C Doherty
2:46.07- 245 R Barrett 2:48.52- 339 R Griffin 3:00.37- 440 D Lawrie 3:46.41-
(08) 7th Mar. 1/2 Marathon Reading 5 D Taylor 65.03-
(09) 7th Mar. Rd 10Km Greenwich 1 J Murray 32.06- 20 L Crowder 38.10
(10) 7th Mar. Rd 10Km Nairn (32.23) 228 G Murray 62.57
(11) 7th Mar. Marathon Kilimanjaro (2:19) C Poole 4:44- (Humid. 161 Fin
from 273 Starters)
(12) 10th Mar. B&B Schools XC Sparrows Den Sen 1 J Durrant 20.09- 2 J
Colry 20.19 3 M Young 20.30- Tms 1 Judd 14- 2 Rochester MS 54- 3 John Fisher 71-
4 Dartford GS 80- Mayor's Challenge U13B 1 A Fuller (BETHS) 6.17- 2 S Cavey
(Lang Pk) 6.23- 3 D Keen (Lang Pk) 6.25- Tms 1 Judd A 33- 2 BETHS A 38- 3
Langley Pk 41- 4 Maidst 67- 5 Judd B 103- 6 Colfe's 107- 7 Skinners 111- 9
Dartfd 138- 10 Bickley Pk 158- 12 Beacon 196- U11B 1 P Hanifan (St.Davids) 4.49-
2 J Kennedy (Oak Lodge) 4.54- 3 J Gorringe (Oak Lodge) 4.55- Tms 1 Oak Lodge A-
2 St.Davids- 3 Oak L B- =4 Wickham Cmn & Merton- 7 Royston- 8 Poverest- U13G 1 A
DeMatos (Lang Pk) 6.52- 2 J Findlay (Lang Pk) 7.05- 3 D Barley (Lang Pk) 7.13-
Tms 1 Lang Pk A 12- 2 Lang Pk B 39- 3 Brom H 53- 5 Babington- 6 Cator Pk- 7
Beacon- U11G 1 A Mitchell (Oak Lodge) 4.57- 2 S Kelleher (St.Davids) 5.02- 3 E
Hook (St.Davids) 5.10- Tms 1 Oak Lodge A- 2 St.Davids- 3 Oak L B- 4 Brom H- 5
Wickham Cmn- 6 Merton Ct- 7 Royston-
(13) 13th Mar. Open Exeter 600m R Minting 1:30.7-
(14) 13th Mar. Eng Sch XC Maidstone IntB 248 J Poole- 302 D Brewer- JunB
136 S Simpson- SenG 73 E Bugler- IntG 162 K Murray- 328 R Carter- JunG 49 Am
Smith- 129 R Taylor- 302 L Underwood-
(15) 14th Mar. 1/2 Marathon Hastings (64.23) 9 B Stephenson 71.27- 31 S
Smythe 79.45 61 D Ellison 83.09- 213 T Brightwell 90.31- 225 R Brown 90.55- 339
R Hall 94.20- 549 K Pratten 99.07- 571 P Lovell 99.26- 584 J Isaacs 99.38- 648 B
Smith 100.44- 748 N Wheeler 102.48- 852 M Compton 104.41- 868 C Lodwig 105.07-
925 C Doherty 106.08- 945 C Hall 106.29- 984 R Hogwood 107.01- 1142 R Bennett
109.37- 1162 R Griffin 109.54- 1227 C Fulford-Brown 110.49- 1251 J Tateson
111.08- 1277 R Strong 111.39- 1438 D Churchus 114.12- 1642 K Connaughton 117.08-
1756 Les Smith 118.58- 2494 F Ward 133.00- 2540 C Pallen 133.54- 2827 A
Pickering (+ M Cronin) 143.43- 2839 D Lawrie 144.22-
(16) 17th Mar. B&B Sch XC Orpington Y5&6 B 1 S Cannon(Warren Rd)- 2 T
Smithard- -Powell(Edgebury)- 3 W Pickett(Hillside)- G 1 D Critchley(Edgebury)- 2
H Catchpole(Brom H)- 3 S Gordon(Edgebury)-
(17) 20th Mar. BMAF XC Chs Durham M45 3 W Foster 37.59
(18) 20-24 Mar. B&B Training Trip Lanzarote 20/3 Rd 5K 1 C Griffin 19.56
Rd 10K 4 Roy Smith 38.31- 5 C Ballard 39.28- 7 P Cavallo 42.23- 11 D Ballard
43.51- 12 B McShane 43.51- 14 R Hall 44.22- 15 K Pratten 44.26- 16 N Ayrton
44.30- 22/3 Duathlon (rn 2.5K cy 15.2K rn 2.5K) 4 C Ballard 52.04 (10.07/ 31.33/
10.23)- 10 C Griffin 63.23 (12.11/ 38.47/ 12.25)- 22/3 Aquathon (sw 200m rn 3K)
1 E Prendergast 15.13 (4.26/ 10.47)- 4 P Cavallo 16.40 (5.07/ 11.33)- 6 Roy
Smith 17.29 (6.25/ 11.04)- 8 R Hall 18.02 (5.25/ 12.37)- 9 C Griffin 18.22
(6.08/ 12.14)- 16 K Pratten 20.09 (6.29/ 13.40)- 18 D Ballard 21.05 (7.53/
13.12)- 22/3 Gym Fitness Test 1 E Prendergast (Centre record)- 22/3 Row 2K T
Simmons 7.04- 24/3 MiniTriathlon (sw 400m- cy 15.2K- rn 5K) 4 Roy's Tm 55.24 (E
Fisher 6.29- C Ballard 32.14- R Smith 16.41)- 7 Fun Tm (inc D Ballard sw/9.17- K
Pratten rn/20.26)- 15 C Griffin 66.51 (10.19/ 36.42/ 19.50)-
(19) 20th Mar. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lge Sevenoaks SW 10 C Lodwig 21.20-
13 A Cook 21.46
(Lge 3rd Vet)- 17 K McEntee 22.31- 19 C Jones-Baldock 22.55- Tms 2 B&B Lge Fin
3- U17 7 T Beech 18.27- U15 12 S Simpson 16.02- 21 R King 17.59- U13 2 M Thorpe
10.54- 9 S Cavey 11.18- 13 J Norris 11.46- 14 C Ward 11.48- 24 J Reeves 12.49-
25 C Fraser 12.51- 30 J Fabri 15.25- Tms 2 B&B Lge Fin 2- U17W 4 B Proctor
15.05- 7 C McQuillan 15.50- U15G 1 K Murray 11.47 (Lge indiv 1)- 3 S McLellan
11.57 (Lge ind 3)- 7 S Coombs 12.32- 8 C McNamara 12.33- 11 D Shearring 12.46-
16 Lr Smith 13.08- 27 Ls Smith 14.43- 28 K Lau 15.29- Tms 1 B&B Lge Fin 1- U13G
1 Am Smith 9.24 (Lge ind 1)- 3 H Garcia 9.44- 5 Rb Smith 10.03- 6 D Critchley
10.09- 9 K Gibbs 10.31- 13 J Linker 11.01- 14 G Power 11.12- 20 R Cook 11.39- Tm
1 B&B Lge Fin 1- Comb Lge Positions- Women =1 B&B- JM/B 3 B&B-
(20) 20th Mar. SE Throws Pentn Ewell M65 1 C Brand- M70 1 G Hickey 3888
(21) 27th Mar. Club Closing 5 Yct H'c Hayes
1 S Capey 36.38(net)- 2 W Orton 35.44- 3 P Long 48.07- 4 Jill Bennett 37.59- 5 D
Churchus 40.52- 6 J Robinson 40.05- 7 C Jones-Baldock 35.30- 8 J Mullett 36.57-
9 J Copley 37.20- 10 P Burford 32.02- 11 G Geere 52.20- 12 P Shepheard 40.47- 13
A Pontifex 35.30- 14 M Compton 35.55- 15 J Bailey 34.01- 16 C Lodwig 35.14- 17 M
Blunden 36.00- 18 R Brown 32.11- 19 S Wright 29.22- 20 M Cronin 32.22- 21 S
Lloyd 33.07- 22 B Smith 34.00- 23 M Ellison 30.02- 24 I Taylor 30.20- 25 A Cilia
38.11- 26 C Pike 33.23- 27 G Coates 31.54- 28 R Coles 32.45- 29 K Pratten 34.42-
30 M Crisp 33.13- 31 T Hawkey 27.55(1)- 32 A Lawes 30.07- 33 R Bain 29.58- 34 A
Grace 37.14- 35 M Salmon 36.07- 36 M Wade 39.07- 37 D Ellison 28.41(2)- 38 D
Carton 36.06- 39 D Flagg 33.55- 40 D Hilliar 28.54(3)- 41 J E Turner 34.18- 42 R
Hall 32.16- 43 A Jelly 47.52- 44 P Calnan 35.08- 45 A Tucker 34.06- 46 C Daniel
33.45- 47 C Haines 46.33- 48 R Bennett 38.35- 49 S Shepheard 39.43- 50 J
Eastbury 45.04- 51 R Watkins 57.10- 52 A Cliff 40.28- 53 R Cliff 40.29- 54 P
Fidler 44.29- 55 Rn Chambers 48.34
(22) 3rd Apr. B&B Open Warm-Up meeting Norman Pk
SM 150/300m 1 J Godsell 17.4/ 35.9- 2 L Francis 17.7- 2(300) S Jarred 37.7-
800m/JT J Green 2:18.4/ 39.44- SP A Hardy 8.69- JM 300m M Richardson 37.0- 1500m
R Bain 4:29.6- DT Am Williamson 39.81- U17 150m(17.0) 2 S Blackwell 17.7- 3 J
Summersby 18.7- 5 T Ayres 19.4- 300m(36.1) 2 D Parsons 36.5- 600m T Ayres
1:34.4- 800m 1 T Ayres 2:12.1- 2 R D'Angelo 2:12.3- 3 D Morgan 2:17.5- LJ 2 S
Blackwell 5.35- SP/DT 2 Al Tawanaee 11.01/ 37.55- U15 100m A Stockdale 12.8-
800m 1 M Thorpe 2:18.8- 2 E Martin 2:25.0- 3 C Ward 2:30.3- 4 C Frazier 2:46.4-
LJ A Stockdale 4.39- U13 100/200m 1 S Camacho 14.2/ 30.9- 2 M Crumbie 15.2-
2(200) N Jeffries 37.3- 800m 1 W Andrew 2:44.2- 2 J Harding 2:44.9- 3 N Day
3:06.0- 4 T Day 3:30.8- LJ 1 S Camacho 3.68- 2 M Crumbie 3.51- M55 150/300m M
Martineau 23.1/ 47.7- M65 SP/DT/JT C Brand 10.67/ 37.76/ 39.32- M70 SP/DT/JT G
Hickey 13.07/ 29.86/ 25.33- SW 150m/LJ 1 K Benneworth 19.4/ 5.28- 2(LJ) L Betts
4.52- 800m C Jones-Baldock 2:36.3- JW 300m(40.5) 2 K Welch 44.9- 800m(2:18.6) 3
C McQuillan 2:34.3- U17W 300m 1 L Critchley 44.6- 800m(2:42.2) 2 L? Smith
2:53.6- 1500m 1 K Murray 5:03.1- 2 S Coombs 5:16.5- 3 V Evans 5:32.7-
3000m(11:27.3) 2 D Shearring 12:14.1- LJ 1 J Castell-Thomas 4.60- SP/DT 1 F
Clark 8.13/ 28.91- JT 1 R Brace 32.53- U15G 100m 1 C Shaw 13.7- 2 A-L Barrett
14.0- 3 S Elsom 14.0- 4 S Harrison 14.1- 5 G Cosby 14.6- 6 T Crumbie 15.0- 7 L
Woullers 15.8- 8 N Nelson--Roberts 15.9- 150m 1 C Shaw 21.3- 2 A-L Barrett 21.7-
3 S Harrison 21.9- 4 G Cosby 21.9- 5 I Ivy 22.3- 6 T Crumbie 23.1- 7 L Woullers
24.3- 800m 1 R Taylor 2:16.9- 2 J Findlay 2:39.1- 3 K Gibbs 2:44.1- 4 Z Avenell
2:46.2- 5 H Ware 2:47.6- HJ 1 R Arnheim 1.35- 2 C Shaw 1.30- LJ 1 R Arnheim
4.48- 2 G Crosbie 3.87- 3 T Crumbie 3.70- SP/DT 1 S Brown 9.39/ 31.82- 2 A Taitt
9.06/ 22.04- U13G 100m =1 S Hurlock 14.5- =1 R Cook 14.5- 3 K Vistuer 14.6- 4 L
Price 15.0- 5 E Armstrong 15.9- 800m 1 A Dematos 2:35.0- 2 Rb Smith 2:38.5- 3 L
Price 2:43.1- 4 J Linker 2:46.3- 5 D Critchley 2:49.2- 70H 1 A Duffy-Penny 13.8-
2 E Armstrong 14.3- 3 E Patten 14.8- HJ 1 A Duffy-Penny 1.25- 2 N Nelson-Roberts
1.15- LJ 1 I Ivy 4.07- 2 S Hurlock 3.71- 3 A Duffy-Penny 3.68- 4 E Patten 3.67-
5 R Cook 3.54- 6 E Armstrong 3.36- 7 K Vistuer 3.24- 8 N Nelson-Roberts 2.45- SP
E Patten 5.33- W40 300m M Miller 44.4-
(23) 20th Mar. Orion 15M XC Chingford (1:36.36) 54 G Coates 1:59.35- 108
N Barber 2:11.21 121 A Edwards 2:15.16
(24) 21st Mar. 1/2 Marathon Wilmslow 16 R Byrne 69.22
(25) 27th Mar. K&P Open Kingsmeadow JT P Boundy 57.02
(26) 28th Mar. 1/2 Marathon Paddock Wood 2 B Stephenson 69.12- 28 S
Smythe 77.15 36 B Parrott 78.23
(27) 28th Mar. Marathon Connemara (2:33) C Poole 4:10
(28) 1st Apr. Assembly Lge Beckenham 5 P Tucker (Ravb) 14.39-
(29) 4th Apr. SEAA 12-Stage Rd Relay Milton Keynes (4:10.53) 10 B&B
4:29.52 (7 B Stephenson 25.01- 5 R Bentley 17.34- 3 M Skinner 24.10- 10 R Hall
20.10- 7 D Taylor 24.15- 8 T Hawkey 18.43- 10 P Tucker 27.34- 9 J Atkinson
18.09- 11 C Hogg 29.42- 11 T Webb 19.17- 10 R Daniels 26.25- C Osborn 18.52)-
(30) 4th Apr. Rd 10Km Croydon (29.25) 16 R Parrott 36.17- 17 L Crowder
36.22- 37 A Lawes 38.01- 64 G Cook 39.51- 88 G Coates 40.56- 130 D Carton
42.53- 136 K Pratten 43.14- 168 A Cook 44.42- 179 C Jones-Baldock 45.16- 219 J
Tateson 46.47- 227 J Lee 47.00- 379 M Allen 52.49- 399 S-A Garside 53.50- 597 M
Stothard 68.14
(31) 4th Apr. Rd 10M Sandy, Beds 5 A Crowder 60.40
(32) 4th Apr. Marathon Paris K Connaughton 4:15
(33) 9th Apr. Rd 10M Folkestone 6 J Atkinson 55.57- 12 S Smythe 58.26
(34) 10th Apr. T&F Tempe Ariz 200m J Golding 21.07
(35) 10th Apr. T&F Azusa Calif 100/200m M S-Freckleton 11.12/ 22.05- JW M
Douglas 11.84/ 24.18 cl rec-
(36) 10th Apr. Alpha/Beta Women's T&F Haringey "A" Match
Sen 100mA 7 L Critchley 13.69- B 6 A Wickham 13.71- 200mA 4 L Critchley 28.23-
B- 400mA 1 K Porter 58.92- B 1 R Syrocki 61.96- 800mA 8 C Jones-Baldock 2:32.68-
B 7 L? Smith 3:03.31- 1500mA&B 8 B Proctor 5:17.48- 400HA 8 C Mantoura 85.4- B-
HJA 6 R King 1.45- B- LJA 5 J Castell-Thomas 4.80- B 3 R King 4.42- SPA 7 F
Clark 8.39- B 6 F Athawes 7.93- DTA 4 F Clark 33.24- B 3 R Blackie 31.34- JTA 3
C Lawence 36.60- B 5 F Athawes 24.98- 4X100m 7 B&B 53.35- U15 100mA 1 S Solomon
12.97- B 3 C Shaw 14.10- 200mA 5 S Elsom 28.86- B 1 K Cosby 27.77- 800mA 1 R
Taylor 2:18.34- B 6 J Finlay 2:39.36- 1500mA&B 8 J Bain 5:31.97- 9 R? Smith
5:38.44- 75HA 1 S Solomon 11.68- B 2 F Miller 13.80- HJA 1 L Blackie 1.48- B 5 R
Arnheim 1.20- LJA 1 L Blackie 5.02- B 1 K Cosby 4.68- SPA 1 A Taitt 9.47- B 1 S
Brown 9.26- DTA 1 S Brown 33.60- B A Taitt 24.39- JTA 7 H Shomade 9.93- B 3 A
Taitt 8.13- 4X100m dq- Match Sen 8 B&B- U15 1 B&B- Comb =4 B&B 247
(37) 11th Apr. Rd 10Km Darent Valley (33.47) 18 S Pairman 39.47- 26 C
Aves 40.48- 27(1M50) T Brightwell 40.52- 29(2M50) G Coates 40.54- 57(3L) K
Pratten 43.26- 131 D Mehmed 48.40-
(38) 12th Apr. Open T&F Tonbridge PV 1 S Tolson 3.70- JM 1 A Pope 3.80-
HT/DT JM Am Williamson 54.77/ 40.23- U17 Al Tawanaee 53.35/ 35.48- U15 R
Al-Ameen 44.59/ 26.22-
(39) 17th Apr. Sward & Kinnaird Kingsmeadow 100/200m 2/3 D Haque 11.3/
800m 2 D McKinlay 1:58.3- 110H A Hodge (Ach) 15.9- HJ 2 D Campbell 1.80- PV 4 J
Day 2.60- LJ Rn Chambers 4.20- SP/DT 7/4 A Fairbairn 8.94/ 33.84- Tms 7 B&B
(40) 17th Apr. T&F Long Beach USA 110H 2 M S-Freckleton 13.96
(41) 18th Apr. London Marathon Greenwich/ The Mall
45 S Newport (Allen Cup) 2:22.31- 80 R Byrne 2:29.49- 229 N Kinsey 2:41.26- 584
J McConville 2:51.53- 5 A Gibbins 3:01.23- 1634 C Aves 3:06.27- 1743 D Ellison
3:07.33- 1801 T Brightwell 3:08.08- 2114 D Beadle 3:11.22- P Burford 3:16.22-
2906 M Lucht 3:18.46- 3292 B Smith 3:22.05- 3597 J E Turner 3:24.27- 3691 R Hall
3:25.10- 4342 C Hogg 3:28.48- 4554 D King 3:29.59- 5141 P Lovell 3:33.25- 7661 M
Peel 3:46.51- 7951 J Reynolds 3:48.02- 8364 R Walsh 3:49.41- 8545 C Lodwig
3:50.23- 9411 D Lewis 3:53.53- 10370 C Hall 3:57.10- 10433 R Griffin 3:57.21-
11591 N Webb 4:01.46- 12518 D Churchus 4:05.44- 14202 C Fulford-Brown 4:12.53-
16362 M Longstaff 4:21.50- 17895 P Cobbett 4:27.47- 18076 G Pengelly 4:28.28-
18311 P Shepheard 4:29.21- 21119 N Brightwell 4:41.43- 21358 P Taylor 4:42.49-
23736 R Lees 4:54.37- 24946 J Kift 5:01.01- 25048 Les Smith 5:01.41- 25235 D
Lawrie 5:02.58- 25541 S Lacey 5:05.28- 29196 T Shotton 5:41.34- Mini-Marathon
B15-17 16 J Poole- B13-14 21 S Simpson- B11-12 14 S Cavey- G15-17 15 S Coombs-
G13-14 1 K Murray 16.18- 4 R Taylor- G11-12 6 A DeMatos- 8 J Bain- 10 D
(42) 18th Apr. Wellington Relays Ostend SM Tm 2nd (J Godsell 800m- C
Daniel 600m- N Ayrton 200m- M Richardson 600m- B Stephenson 1200m- J Atkinson
1200m- D Griffin 800m- S Jarred 450m- N Keogh 300m- M Purser 200m)- SW Tm 13
(inc E Fisher 600m- K Benneworth 150m- K O'Mahoney 200m)- VM Tm 3rd (K Daniel
350m- R Minting 600m- N Ayrton 900m- R Smith 1200m- N Keogh 600m- C Monks 300m)
(43) 18th Apr. Rd 10Km Walcz, Pol 58 L Atterbury 39.20
(44) 22-24 Apr. Penn Relays Philadelphia 4X100m GB 39.65 (inc D Grant & J
(45) 24th Apr. Sth Women's Lge Reading(1) Match 1 B&B 195«
(46) 24th Apr. AAA Rd Relays Sutton Coldfield
SM(X12) Incomplete team (B Stephenson- M Skinner 14.12 (5th fastest)- J
Atkinson- W Foster- D Taylor 26.22 (9th fastest)- N Gasson 16.06- R Smith- C
Osborn- C Hogg & K Daniel)- SW(X6) 25 B&B 2:01.20 (38 H Leach 19.55- 32 J Butler
18.48- 31 C Lodwig 21.18- 27 D Ballard 19.51- 27 C Jones-Baldock 20.59- K
Pratten 20.29)
(47) 25th Apr. Nat Jun Lge Copthall(1)
JM 100mA 2 T Balogun 11.1- B 2 D Bovell 11.3- ns C Musa 11.3- M Riley 11.9- E
Telfer 12.0-200mA 2 D Haque 22.0- B 4 S Blackwell 23.2- ns C Musa 23.0- D Morgan
25.8- 400mA 2 I Allerton 51.0- B 5 M Richardson 52.3- 800mA 8 D Griffin 2:02.8-
B 2 J Poole 2:01.3- 1500mA 6 J Poole 4:17.0- B 4 R Perkins 4:24.9- ns T Beech
4:37.4- M Leal 4:54.5- 3000mA 4 R Perkins 9:22.6- B 4 D Brewer 9:47.8- 110HA 8 A
Worley 17.0- B 2 D Holloway 16.8- 400HA 6 A Worley 58.5- B 2 D Holloway 59.5-
HJA =1 M Whitehouse 2.05- B 5 D Campbell 1.80- PVA 1 A Pope 4.00- B 1 T Robinson
3.50- LJA 6 A Pope 6.09- B 3 D Haque 6.08- TJA 4 D Haque 12.71- B 3 A Worley
12.08- SPA 4 A Pope 11.80- B 2 L Hall-Henry 10.99- ns B Lockwood 14.07- HTA 1 Am
Williamson 55.90- B 1 Al Tawanaee 45.29- DTA 2 Al Tawanaee 37.25- B 2 Am
Williamson 35.59- ns B Lockwood 45.07- JTA 2 S Harvey 56.38- B 4 T Doig 34.99-
4X100m 2 44.2 (Haque, Blackwell, Musa & Bovell)- 4X400m dq- Match 1 Enf & Har
286- 2 B&B 267- 3 Shaft B 252- 4 Harrow 224- 5 WSEH 196- 6 Norwich 194- 7 Medw &
M 189- 8 Bourne'm 179
JW 100mA 5 H Robinson 12.9- B 1 C Cooper 12.7- 200mA 4 A Godsell 25.6- B 3 R
Syrocki 26.2- 400mA 2 K McKinlay 59.6- B 3 R Chadwick 61.0- 800mA 4 E Fisher
2:19.1- B 7 C McQuillan 2:32.9- 1500mA 8 B Proctor 5:21.2- B 8 C McQuillan
5:55.1- 3000mA 7 D Shearring 12:15.2- B 7 V Evans 12:25.6- 100HA 1 C Cooper
15.2- B- 400HA 7 S Allerton 78.5- B- HJA 6 An Smith 1.50- B 4 R King 1.45- PVA 3
R King 2.30- B- LJA 3 J Castell-Thomas 5.11- B 4 L Critchley 4.42- TJA 4 J
Castell-Thomas 10.43- B 2 R King 10.26- SPA 5 V Thomas 9.26- B 3 F Clark 9.06-
HTA 2 R Blackie 40.73- B 1 V Thomas 37.81- DTA 3 F Clark 32.52- B 3 R Blackie
31.78- JTA 1 C Lawrence 39.70- B 1 F Athawes 29.78- 4X100m 1 49.7 (Robinson,
Cooper, Critchley & Godsell) 4X400m 3 4:05.6 (Chadwick 62.5- Syrocki 61.8-
Fisher 61.4- McKinlay 59.9)-
Match 3 B&B 240
(48) INDOOR 21/2 BMAF Cardiff cf (23427) Add M45 3000m 1 W Foster
8:59.02- F50 60/200/400m
1 H Godsell 8.36(Br rec)/ 28.28/ 69.43- 29/2 AAA Jun Birmingham. cf (23427) Add
JM HJ 2 M Whitehouse 2.06pb- 3000Wlk 3 R Bain 14:00.53- U17 60m 5 D Haque 7.12-
400m 3 D Parsons 49.89pb- U15 60m 3 J Alaka 7.45- JW 60/200m 2/1 M Douglas 7.58/
24.00- U17W 60H 4 C Cooper 8.81- U15G 60/60H 6/4 S Solomon /9.17- 6/3 World Chs
Budapest. 60H sf 5 M S-Freckleton 7.80 (h 7.75)- 6/3 Open Eton. JM 60m/TJ D
Haque 7.09/ 12.58- U17W 60/60H L Critchley 8.52/ 10.12-U15G LJ/TJ L Blackie
/10.64- R Arnheim 4.44/ 9.37- 60m H Jordan 8.43- C Shaw 8.56- A-L Barrett 8.75-
13/3 World V Ger. M45 3000m 1 W Foster 9:00.37- M70 PV 2 J Day 2.70- F50 60/200m
1 H Godsell 8.30/ 28.25 (sf 28.06 Eu rec)- 14/3 Intl Cardiff. 60m 1 F
Collymore(Wal) 6.74pb- 400m 3 J Godsell(L'b) 50.46pb- JW 60m M Douglas 7.52pb-
(49) RACE WALKING 28/2 Littlehampton 20K. 16 S Lightman 2:07.- 19 P
Hannell 2:09.52 6/3 YAGP Leamington Spa. 10Km 1 R Bain 49.19- U13G 2K 10 J
Stacey 11.46- 11 Hy Williams 11.48- 17 J Bain 14.06- Tms 3 B&B- 13/3 Bexley 10K.
6 S Lightman 57.27- 9 P Hannell 59.11- 20/3 Leamington Spa Natl 20K. 17 P
Hannell 2:09.31- 18 S Lightman 2:09.52- JM Intl 10K 10 R Bain 51.37- 12/4
Steyning 15M. 21 S Lightman 2:47.38- 24/4 Sheffield 10K. S Lightman 59.27-
(50) MONTHLY SERIES 25/2 & 31/3 Wapping 2.75M. P Hamilton 15.17/ 14.49-
27/2 Hyde Pk 5K 1 B Stephenson 15.29- 10/3 Embk 2.3M. D Carton 16.02- 21/4 Club
3.12M. 1 C Jones-Baldock 21.18net- 2 C Osborn 16.40(1)- 3 J Otkay 26.27- 4 C
Pike 20.04- 5 A Cilia 22.59- 6 A Couch 24.48- 7 D Hilliar(2)- 8 P Shepheard
24.36- 9 M Cronin 20.08- 10 C McEntee 21.18- 11 R Brown 19.04- 12 D Carton
20.24- 13 M Salmon 21.40- 14 K McEntee 21.26- 15 D Churchus 25.57- 16 S Pairman
18.28- 17 M Martineau 23.32- 18 C Pullen 28.36- 19 J Kift 29.44- 20 J Copley
22.32- 21 M Gasson 23.49- 22 M Ellison 18.20(3)- 23 C Lodwig 22.23- 24 S
Hollingdale 23.11- 25 B Bater 19.12- 26 T Brightwell 19.28- 27 J Leeson 21.55-
28 R Watkins 34.53-
BENNETT CUP Top Final Placings
D Hilliar 441- K Pratten 395- B Smith 394- C Pike 391- A Lawes 378- M Cronin
376- A Pontifex 368- G Cook 342- A Cilia 338- W Orton 329- M Ellison 323- M Wade
309- D Ellison 302- S Lloyd 290- A Tucker 286- N Barber 278- D Churchus 263- R
Brown 262- P Shepheard 262- S Pairman 252- R Coles 251- I Taylor 246- C Rowe
244- A Edwards 240- A Cook 235- G Coates 232- C Lodwig 226- J Copley 225- J
Green 212- S Wright 212- P Lovell 182- R Hall 180- K Daniel 178- J Mullett 174-
B Power 159- M Compton 153- C Jones-Baldock 153- J Robinson 150- A Jelly 147- R
Griffin 145- J Morland 140-