VOL 22. No 4. MARCH 2003. PRESIDENT 2002/3: Pat Calnan
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, Bromley: 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
As he nears the end of his year of office Pat thanks you all for your support
which has made this a happy and memorable time for him. He wishes well to his
successor who, he is sure, will also have the full help and encouragement of
members. Our thanks go to Pat for his efforts, not only in his Presidential role
but for finding time for running, team management, press reporting &c.
Few who attended the EGM on 1st Feb can have seen a larger gathering at HQ,
considerably greater than is usual for an AGM. There was also a long list of
Apologies, often with comments about the issues. All this reflected the
importance that we attach to the merger proposal. After opening remarks in
support of the proposal it seemed that some members would like to have proceeded
straight to a vote. As one might anticipate however, many of us wanted to give
it a going-over first, and we did. Much of the discussion followed familiar
territory e.g the Club Name, the need to recruit and retain young athletes from
the Bromley area &c. There were some surprises (at least to me). One was the
absence of discussion about finance, though the addition of some 100+ young
track & field athletes must have implications. Perhaps members were right in
thinking that if a proper Club structure was established then we would cope with
the balance sheet (we always do). The overall impression from the floor was that
this was the future way forward for the merged clubs and for athletes,
particularly younger ones of both genders, drawn from the catchment area. This
was borne out when it came to the vote, 97 to 7 with 4 abstentions. Subsequently
there have been repercussions within Bromley AC (reported in the local press)
and they are to hold a further EGM on 7th Mar. The implications of this are
given in the note to all our members from John Baldwin accompanying the AGM
papers. We await the outcome. Whatever our personal views our appreciation
should go to all negotiators of both clubs for the hours of effort that they
must have put in to try to devise a plan which might meet everyone's aspirations
and concerns.
Meanwhile life goes on at Blackheath: we've won a Mobmatch (not before time I
hear you say) at which the Authorised Version of the Club Vest was on sale, the
Club Cry was as shambolic as ever and we moaned about the Handicapper as usual.
This was followed by a great day out for the ECCA National at Parliament Hill
where the weather was reasonably kind. The massed runners coming uphill towards
you from the start is a great sight (it doesn't look too great from the bottom
when you're on the way up). We had representatives in all races and teams for
senior men and women, junior men, U17 men & U15 boys. Plenty of supporters
round the course. Our indoor athletes have also been busy and we report many
notable results which we hope will carry over to the outdoor T&F season
which begins in about a month's time.
5th Mar Sparrows Den - BH Schools' XC
6th Mar Crystal Pal 9pm - Club Swimming Ch
8th Mar Coulsdon - South of Thames Senior
8th Mar Roehampton Vale - Invit XC Thames H&H
15th Mar Swanley. Kent - Women's & YAs XC Lges
22nd Mar Hayes - Closing XC Five
6th Apr Milton Keynes - Southern Road Relays
8th Apr Norman Pk 2.30 - BH Schools' T&F
12th Apr Norman Pk - Open T&F Warm-Up
13th Apr London Marathon
19th Apr Kingston - Sward & Kinnaird Tr
20th Apr Deangate - Kent Women's T&F Lge
25th Apr Dartford - SCVAC T&F Lge
26th Apr Sutton Pk - National Road Relays
26th Apr Sutton - Southern Women's Lge
27th Apr Natl Junior Lges
Men Harrow
Women Sutcliffe Pk
3rd May Sthn Men's Lges
Div 1 Yeovil
Div 4E Walthamstow
Club 23/4 7.15
Crystal Pal 1/4, 6/5
Danson 14/3, 11/4 5K
Hyde Pk 28/3, 25/4 5K
Albert Embk 12/3, 9/4
Hammersmith 25/3, 29/4
All 12.30
AGM - 22nd Mar 6.30pm (BHHQ 6)
7th Mar Open Night 7pm
28th Mar Quiz Night
16th Apr Marathon Supper
28th Apr Sporting Dinner
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Winners:-
Jan £50 R Watkins. £25 D Lawrie & V Shuttleworth
Feb £50 S Cluney £25 B Childs & A Davis
Results, readers' views & other material welcome.
At HQ from 7pm. Bar open, bring-your-own food. We may hear from Bromley AC.
Back again by popular demand. A night of Jokers under the table, and
that's just the MCs Rob Brown & Steve Hollingdale. Tickets (£6) include a
ploughman's. 7 for 7.30.
Prior to the last fixture on 15th Feb a presentation was made to Ian Smith in
recognition of his retirement as league secretary after 42 years service. A NEW
SECRETARY IS NEEDED. Ian writes "I will no doubt still be around and
would be happy to describe what has to be done to anyone in the future, if they
so wish. Surely there is someone out there willing to take the job on, it is
hardly onerous. The County has a laptop computer if required to do the hardest
work". Provisional dates for next season are:- 18th Oct 2003 Capstone
Pk, 15th Nov Tunbridge Wells, 13th Dec Danson Pk & 14th Feb 2004
We have to record a number of recent deaths; that of Len King, who many will
remember as pointsman at his usual station on Fox Hill; of Jim Scott-Wilson, one
of our longest-serving VPs; of Rev Clifford Davies who had lived for many years
in South Africa, and of Ida Kirk, widow of Reg another of our old runners and
Peter Hannell has been in Intensive Care following a car
accident, but is now on the mend. Harold Thompson will be in Nettlestead
Residential Home, 19 Sundridge Ave, Bromley (8460-2279) from 4th-18th Mar and
would welcome contacts from his old friends.
The Club's nominated charity will be Bromley Autistic Trust and anyone who would
like to sponsor our runners should contact Dave King 020-8777-7546. It's a
fitting tribute to Chris Brasher (a sometime runner for Ranelagh in the
Mobmatch) that the Marathon is such a focus for charity fund raising. The
Marathon Supper will be on Wed 16th Apr. Steak (£8) or Vegi (£5). Book
Will be held at the Chapter One Restaurant, Locksbottom on 28th April 7pm for
7.30. The Guest Speaker with Question & Answer session will be Mary Peters
DBE, the 1972 Olympic Gold Medallist, who was our guest in 1996 when we could
have filled the Clubhouse twice over. She is a great speaker and delightful
company. Super athlete, Super person, Superstar. A top quality Gourmet
experience guaranteed plus high quality Raffle & Auction. Tickets (œ40) and
details from Mike Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill TN16 3HG (01959
575046 e-mail mike.martineau@totalise.co.uk).
Don't miss this great occasion. Proceeds to support Athletics for the Young
People in Bromley.
A training course is again being held at our HQ this year. Dates are 4th &
11th March at 7pm with the grading test (optional) on 25th Mar. There is a
choice between Track Judge, Field Judge, Timekeeper and Marksman (Starter's
Assistant). All welcome.
BENNETT CUP LEADERS (After 7 events)
1 D Churchus 356- 2 K Pratten 330- 3 M Cronin 320- 4 A Kilgour 305- 5 M
Ellison 294- 6 B McShane 293- 7 Mullett 289- 8 R Cliff 284- 9 S Lloyd 279- 10 M
Wade 279- 11 R Coles 266- 12 A Cilia 256- 13 A Tucker 240- 14 G Coates 233- 15 D
Ellison 218- 16 R Hall 218- 17 C Pike 214- 18 M Gasson 211- 19 C Rowe 205- 20 J
Morland 199
(01) 1st Jan 2003. Rd 5M Buckie G Murray 45.55
(02) 4th Jan 2003. County XC Champs Kent Sevenoaks. SenM 7 A Rayner
45.47- 8 R Byrne 45.59- 15 J Morland 47.37- 25 N Gasson 49.32- 30 M Ellison
50.27- 32 S Smythe(DulR) 50.32- 42 D Ellison 51.49- 48 B McShane 52.30- 65 C
Griffin 54.41- 94 C Pike 59.10- Tms(Sc6) 4 BH 127- JM 3 T Hawkey 29.07- 10 R
Perkins 32.29- 13 D Snow 33.14- 25 C Daniel 38.05- Tms(Sc3) 3 BH 26- U17 21 M
Leal 27.13- U15 5 D Casey 15.16- 7 D Brewer 15.24- 18 S Martin 16.29- 24 T Beech
16.56- 29 R Daniel 17.26- 30 D Proctor 17.30- 33 D Willis 18.05- Tms(Sc4) 2 BH
54- U13 3 M Thorpe 12.37- 5 S Simpson 13.04- 15 E Martin 13.29- 23 R Evans
14.08- Tms 3 BH 46 SenW 11 H Leach 25.56- 19 A Thornhill 27.57- 24 A Cilia
29.43- 27 C Lodwig 31.14- 35 C Jones-Baldock 32.25- 37 S Cummings 33.15-
Tms(Sc3) 5 BH 54- JW 12 H Williams 36.12- U17W 3 E Bugler 16.33- 12 C McQuillan
20.18- 18 J McCaffrey 22.36- Tms(Sc3) 3 BH 33- U15G 13 B Proctor 16.28- 18 S
Williams 17.48- U13G 1 R Taylor 13.17- 16 C McNamara 15.50- 22 J Linker 16.50-
26 R Cook 16.59- 29 C Sapsed 17.47- 33 R Stokes 18.23- Tms(Sc3) 4 BH 39-
Lancs Blackburn. 1 T Dickinson 36.14- Devon Exeter. 32(1M60) C Woodcock 49.10-
(03) Dec. Dubai 1/2-Marathon 3 T Soutar 81.29- 10Km 7 T Soutar 34.56
(04) Dec. Table View 1/2-Marathon Cape Town 30 D Hilliar 85.46
(05) 14th Dec. Old Boys XC 5M Wimbledon Cmn cf (22330) Add 68 M Wade
(Dul) 38.11
(06) 26th Dec. Round the Walls 4.2M Chester (22.32) 179(18L) K Pratten
(07) 29th Dec. Kent Fitness Lge 5M Eltham 8 M Airey(G) 30.51- 18 K
Daniel(BrV) 31.51
(08) 11th Jan. Club XC Open 10Km Hayes (inc Club Vet Chs)
1 R Smith (1V Browning Tankard) 37.41 (H'c pos 46)- 2 N Gasson 38.17 (23)-
3(2M40) J Morland 38.33 (31)- 4 A Draper 38.48 (48)- 5(3M40) M Ellison 40.30
(12)- 6 P Tucker 41.10 (51)- 7 D Ellison 41.11 (36)- 8 B McShane 41.20 (10)-
9(1M50) K Daniel 42.34 (44)- 10 A Tucker 42.38 (29)- 11 G Coates 42.58 (20)- 12
C Fincham 43.20 (35)- 13 A Kilgour 43.24 (9)- 14 J Phelan 43.27 (24)- 15 W Slack
43.29 (14)- 16 M Cronin 43.42 (22)- 17 R Coles 44.02 (37)- 18 B Bater 44.28
(34)- 19 T Hawkey 44.39 (55)- 20 R Hall 44.40 (21)- 22(1L) S Henry 44.56 (2)- 23
P Calnan 45.41 (52)- 24 R Brown 45.47 (43)- 25 S Lloyd 45.53 (25)- 26 I Taylor
46.05 (28)- 27 G Lloyd 47.02 (39)- 28 R Cliff 47.35 (11)- 29 P Burford 47.42
(47)- 31 B Fisher 48.21 (30)- 32 M Salmon 48.47 (26)- 33 B O'Gorman 49.43 (32)-
34 J Mullett 49.58 (8)- 35 J Leeson 50.10 (45)- 36 M Compton 50.16 (5)- 37 D
Carton 50.20 (41)- 38 K Pratten 50.31 (6)- 39 J Clare 50.41 (38)- 40 M Wade
50.52 (42)- 41 A Pontifex 51.23 (17)- 42 P Lovell 51.24 (13)- 43(1LV) A Cilia
51.45 (7)- 44 R Griffin 52.22 (3)- 45 C Pike 53.11 (54)- 46 C Rowe 53.29 (15)-
47 M Gasson 54.25 (1)- 48 D Lewis 54.31 (56)- 49 J Robinson 54.34 (18)- 50 N
Webb 55.07 (50)- 52 C Lodwig 55.18 (4)- 54 B Smith 56.18 (49)- 56 S Cummings
57.37 (19)- 57 D Churchus 58.42 (16)- 58 S Hollingdale 61.14 (57)- 59 P
Shepheard 62.33 (33)- 60 D Brookes 62.49 (27)- 61 Rn Chambers 64.43(40)- 62 A
Jelly 64.52(53)- 63 W Orton 66.49 (59)- 64 G Geere 72.45 (58)
(09) 11th Jan. Surrey XC Lge Div 1 Petersham. 55 S Smythe (DulR) 32.35
Div 4 Coulsdon. 35 J E Turner (DulPk) 46.56- 83 W Clapham (VAC) 57.23-
(10) 12th Jan. 1/2-Marathon Morpeth-Newcastle C McEntee 92.40- K McEntee
(11) 12th Jan. Rd 10Km Stubbington (30.49) 54 M Laws 37.16
(12) 18th Jan. Reebok XC Chal Cardiff Sen 4K 6 M Skinner 13.20- JW 6K 14
S Henry 22.06
(13) 18th Jan. Bank of Eng Invit XC Roehampton 1 R Daniels
(14) 18th Jan. Vets AC XC Champs Wimbledon Cmn
(5.8M/32.18) 2 S Smythe (DulR) 32.55- 7(3M50) K Daniel 33.29- 70 W Clapham 50.03
(15) 18th Jan. Kent Sch XC Hythe IB 2 D Casey 14.07- SG 4 E Bugler 18.06-
IG 13 B Proctor JG 1 R Taylor 12.27- 7 S Coombs 13.26- C Sapsed- B Gibbons-
(16) 19th Jan. Rd 10M Dartford (53.05) 36 T Simmons 64.14- 51 T
Brightwell 66.21 62 N Bunclark 67.38- 86 C McEntee 69.40- 140 D King 75.24- 173
I Jordan 77.25- 192 J Tateson 78.36- 211 B Wilson 79.45- 217 S Calnan 79.53- 377
A Jelly 88.43-
(17) 19th Jan. Marathon Lanzarote 1M65 C Poole 4:47.25
(18) 25th Jan. SEAA XC Champs Exmouth SM (37.15) 4 D Taylor 37.34- 13 S
Newport 38.39 32 R Byrne 39.23- 52 P Tucker 40.10- 66 R Smith 40.42- 89 N Kinsey
41.27- 130 A Rayner 42.49- 149 N Ayrton 43.11- 155 N Gasson 43.22- 282 B McShane
46.14- 323 R Brown 47.34- Tms (Sc6) 3 BH 256- JM (20.06) 21 J Connor (KtAC)
22.38- 30 W Bolton 23.23- 32 R Perkins 23.25- 57 P Moreton 34.59- U15 24 D Casey
14.02- 72 D Brewer 15.07- 75 T Beech 15.11- 85 S Martin 15.27- 86 S Leach 15.28-
117 R D'Angelo 16.21- 119 R Daniel 16.32- Tms 9 BH- U13 24 M Thorpe 10.00- 50 E
Martin 10.24- 74 R Evans 10.43- 88 T Corbett 10.56- Tms 11 BH- SW 31 S Budd
25.37- 65 H Leach 27.14- 151 C Lodwig 31.05- 153 K Pratten 31.09- 212 C
Jones-Baldock 34.21- 225 S Cummings 35.10- Tms 13 BH- JW 19 H Barker 17.30- U17W
57 C McQuillan 18.26- 64 J McCaffrey 19.48- U15G 72 B Proctor 14.49- 80 S
Williams 14.57- 91 S Coombs 15.21- U13G 5 R Taylor 10.21- 101 R Stokes 13.39-
(19) 26th Jan. Rd 10M Canterbury N Bunclark 65.25- T Brightwell 65.31
(20) 29th Jan. London Sch XC Parliament Hill JunB 1 D Brewer 9.35- SenG 1
S Henry 7.21-
(21) 1st Feb. Surrey XC League Div 1 Coulsdon 1 D Taylor (HHH) 28.20- 51
S Smythe (DulR) 33.09- Div 4 Bagshot. 53 J E Turner (DulPk) 38.22- 87 W Clapham
(VAC) 47.39-
(22) 1st Feb. Br Univs XC Chs Oxford Men (Short crs) 16 D Moulton (Bath)
14.38- Wmn (Short) 17 G Viney (St.Mary's Twickhm) 12.35- Wmn (Long) 153 K Bugler
(23) 2nd Feb. Essex 20M D King 2:28- I Jordan 2:40- B Smith 2:43- C Poole
2:50- R Griffin 2:58
(24) 8th Feb. Inter-Counties XC Chs Nottingham
SM 235 P Tucker- JM 27 J Atkinson (Kt)- 86 R Perkins (Kt)- U15 87 D Casey- 178 D
Brewer- U13 62 M Thorpe- 195 S Simpson- U17W 81 E Bugler (Kt)- U13G 5 R Taylor-
(25) 15th Feb. Kent Men's XC Lge (4) Swanley (31.03) 12 P Tucker 33.02-
21 N Ayrton 34.09 50 B McShane 36.22- 80 R Hall 39.53- 112 J Robinson 46.29- Tms
(Sc 4) 9 BH 156- Fin pos 5 BHA 246 pts- 19 BHB 75 pts- Duodec FP 6 BH 19 pts-
(26) 15th Feb. VAC XC 3.9M Wimbledon Cmn (21.51) 33 W Clapham 33.04
(27) 8th Feb. Mobmatch v Ranelagh Hayes 1 R Smith (Thompson Medal) 47.36
act (H'c pos 36) 2 J Morland 49.23 (31)- 3 N Ayrton 50.28 (23)- 6 M Ellison
51.52 (11)- 7 M Watling 52.17 (39)- 8 D Ellison 52.31 (30)- 9 J Beck 52.36 (19)-
12 A Tucker 53.02 (7)- 13 B McShane 53.15 (13)- 14 A Lawes 53.38 (1)- 15 S
Pairman 54.15 (4)- 17 P Calnan 54.45 (32)- 18 J Hoy 54.47 (37)- 19 C Griffin
55.02 (43)- 20 J Phelan 55.36 (20)- 21 A Kilgour 56.13 (17)- 22 S Lloyd 56.32
(3)- 23 N Bunclark 56.55 (14)- 24 M Cronin 57.02 (34)- 25 R Coles 57.06 (41)- 27
G Cook 57.24 (21)- 29 R Hall 57.57 (29)- 33 R Brown 58.44 (49)- 35 C Baker 60.46
(35)- 37(1L) B Davey (G) 60.53- 38 P Burford 60.58 (51)- 41 B Fisher 61.29 (24)-
42 A Davis 61.33 (8)- 44 D Beadle 62.03 (58)- 45 B O'Gorman 62.08 (16)- 47 C
Pike 62.28 (42)- 49 J Leeson 62.32 (27)- 50 M Blunden 62.33 (6)- 52 R Cliff
63.05 (40)- 53 K Pratten 63.13 (9)- 54 J Clare 63.23 (18)- 56 N Barber 63.49
(52)- 57 M Salmon 64.03 (47)- 59 D King 64.15 (38)- 61 D Carton 64.36 (45)- 62 N
Webb 65.21 (15)- 63 S Shepheard 65.54 (48)- 65 I Jordan 66.09 (62)- 66 R Griffin
66.11 (10)- 67 M Wade 66.17 (54)- 68 P Lovell 66.31 (25)- 69 C Rowe 66.47 (5)-
70 A Grace 66.52 (26)- 71 C Lodwig 67.29 (2)- 72 P Fidler 67.48 (46)- 74 A Cilia
68.54 (44)- 75 B Wilson 69.30 (53)- 76 J Mullett 69.40 (57)- 77 M Gasson 69.44
(22)- 78 C Painter 70.14 (60)- 80 D Churchus 72.10 (12)- 81 W Clapham 72.51
(33)- 82 J Robinson 73.14 (56)- 84 D Brookes 80.04 (28)- 85 J Copley 81.14 (61)-
86 J Long 81.25 (50)- 87 Rn Chambers 84.26 (55)- 88 P Shepheard 85.26 (59)-
Pelling-Ratcliff Cup (Sc 22) Blackheath 335- Ranelagh 779
(28) 16th Feb. Kent AC Rd 10M Sidcup (55.59) 33(1M50) T Brightwell 64.40-
36 N Ayrton 65.09 50(3M50) R Brown 66.24- 54 C McEntee 67.07- 114 J Tateson
73.57- 136 B Wilson 76.43- 207 A Jelly 86.37- 209 M Martineau 86.53-
(29) 22nd Feb. ECCA Champs Parliament Hill SM (41.54) 5 D Taylor 42.27-
21 S Newport 43.36 44 T Dickinson 44.35- 53 R Byrne 44.56- 150 R Smith 47.46-
173 J Murray 48.22- 216 A Gibbins 49.11- 309 J Bradley 50.59- 475 M Watling
53.35- 564 B McShane 55.13- Tms(Sc6) 7 BH 446 (retain Centenary Trophy for
foundation clubs)- JM 43 J Atkinson 38.16- 47 W Bolton 38.34- 50 T Hawkey 38.51-
76 R Perkins 40.45- Tms(Sc4) 5 BH 216- U17 204 M Leal 30.05- U15 122 D Casey
21.05- 198 T Beech 22.20- 248 D Willis 24.10- 253 D Proctor 24.48- Tms(Sc4) 30
BH 821- U13 255 I Rowswell 18.32- SW 27 S Budd 36.29- 111 H Leach 40.12- 197 K
Pratten 44.31- 252 C Lodwig 46.31- 268 A Cilia 47.28- 303 C Jones-Baldock 49.20-
371 S Cummings 55.23- Tms(Sc4) 20 BH 584- JW 72 H Barker 27.38- U17W 72 C
McQuillan 25.45- U15G 158 B Proctor 23.11- U13G 22 R Taylor 14.35- 149 L Doerr
16.57- 172 J Linker 17.26-
(30) 23rd Feb. 1/2-Marathon Tunbridge Wells
(72.31) 38 A Tucker 83.39- 43 M Ellison 83.55- 103 A Kilgour 89.41- 142 N
Bunclark 92.25- 143(1M60) B O'Gorman 92.29- 237(2M60) J Isaacs 98.40- 280 M
Compton 101.23- 391 S Calnan 106.29- 432 R Hogwood 107.50- 513 A Jelly 111.52-
561 D Churchus 113.45-
(31) 23rd Feb. Bramley 20M Hants 1M65 C Poole 2:46.49
(32) RACE WALKING 1/1 Victoria Pk 10K. 3 S Lightman 61.42- 5/1 Imber Crt
10K 11 S Lightman 54.44- 12 P Hannell 55.23- 18/1 SyWC Monks Hl. 10M 6 N Simmons
99.47- 5K 2 S Lightman 31.20- 2/2 London Ch 10K Victoria Pk. 5 S Lightman 56.04-
14 N Simmons 62.34-
(33) INDOOR 5/1 Cardiff. 1500m 3 M Skinner 3:52.3- 11-12/1 Welsh Ch
Cardiff. 60m U20 1 F Collymore 7.01- 18-19/1 SE Ch Bedford. JM 3 T Robinson
3.60- JW LJ 2 K Benneworth 5.35- TJ 1 S Alaneme 11.66- U17W 60H 3 H Robinson
9.07 (sf 8.94)- C Cooper sf 9.03- SP 3 V Thomas 9.64- U15G 60H S Robinson- SP 2
F Clark 9.65- S Brown 9.14- 26/1 Inter-club. Nogent, Fr. 60m 1 D Bovell 7.22-
800m 1 R Bentley 1:55.95- PV 1 A Pope 3.20- 5K Walk 2 S Lightman 26.40- Wm 1500m
S Henry 5:17.49- 25-26/1 AAA U20. 60/200m 4 F Collymore 6.94pb/ 22.23- 400m ht I
Allerton 51.67- 1500m 3 J Atkinson 3:56.87- 4 T Hawkey 3:59.67- U17 60/200/400m
D Parsons 7.50/ 23.58- JW 60m/LJ h/5 K Benneworth 8.05/ 5.38- TJ 4 S Alaneme
12.16 cl rec- U17W 70H 3 H Robinson 8.81pb- h C Cooper 8.86- SP 5 V Thomas 10.03
cl rec- U15G 60H h S Robinson 10.78- SP 5 S Brown 9.58pb- 1/2 UK Birmingham. 60m
J Barbour 6.88- 60/200 J Golding 6.97/ 21.35- 400m A Wilson 49.66- 1500m 2 M
Skinner 3:45.54- LJ 3 M Awanah 7.26- 8/2 Kent Chs Chelmsford. SM 60m 2 D
Lougheed- PV 1 A Williams 4.20- SP 3 G Hickey- JM 60m D Bovell 7.3- LJ/SP 3/2 A
Pope 5.95pb/ 11.50pb- PV 1 T Robinson 3.60- U15 60m/60H/HJ 3/1/1 A Al-Ameen- JW
TJ 1 S Alaneme- U17W 60m 1 C Cooper 8.1- 60H 1 H Robinson 8.7- 2 C Cooper 8.9-
SP 1 V Thomas 9.64- U15G 60H 2 N Akif 9.6- 3 S Solomon- LJ 2 E Godley 4.53- SP 2
F Clark 9.05- 3 S Brown- 6 N Wanogho- 9/2 Intl Birmingham. 60/200 J Golding
7.02/ (1)21.64- U20 3 F Collymore (Wal) 7.10- 1500m 2 M Skinner (G) 3:46.52- U20
3 J Atkinson (Eng)- 4 T Hawkey (G)- 15/2 Glasgow. M45 PV 1 A Williams 4.05- 16/2
Euro Cup Leipzig. Medl rly. GB 4:16.38 (inc 200m J Golding)- 21 & 23/2
Birmingham Games. 200m J Golding 20.77- 400m J Charter 49.4- J Godsell 50.94-
800m M Skinner 1:51.6- JM 60/200m 1/4 F Collymore 6.96/ 22.4- 22-23/2 Br Univ
Glasgow. 800m 6 D Moulton (Bath) sf 1:55.99- 3000m 7 A Rayner (Brun) 8:45.07-
1/3 GB Trials Birmingham. 60m 5 J Golding 6.77-
(34) MONTHLY SERIES 12/2 Bridges (Albert Embk) D Carton 15.36-