VOL 21. No 6. JULY 2002. PRESIDENT 2002/3: Pat Calnan
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, Bromley: 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
As usual in the summer we have been well represented in the championships and
other high-profile events. Meantime our league teams have been in action in all
age groups and the results include a number of Club records from both young
athletes and veterans. The new format of Club championships is in progress and
will need to be evaluated at the end of the season.
Please read the further note on page 2 about continuing
discussions with Bromley AC. If you have reasoned comments they should be made
soon to the General Committee or for publication in the Courier - moaning later
helps no one.
The Club Cross-Country relay will be held on the afternoon of SUNDAY 22nd Sept
at Sparrows Den. This is a change of date due to
another function taking place there on the Sat. The relay will be the first
Bennett Cup event of the new season.
(held in conjunction with the "France Telecom" Lyon Marathon -Sunday
23rd June)
New member, Hannah Leach who lives in that part of France,
took 3rd place in a quality field behind M'Darra Halafou (European X country
bronze medallist last season) and Russian Valentina Lounegova. Hannah was
disappointed with her time of 38.54 but it really has to be viewed in the
context of the searing heat that that part of France has had to endure for the
past couple of weeks and the fact that even the winner had to settle for 35.22
when she had expected a sub-33 minute run. The effects of the oven-like
conditions were perhaps more clearly illustrated in the Marathon, where Kenyan
Paul Kiptanoui only managed 2hrs.18m and only 5 got under 2hrs.30.
We are hoping Hannah is going to be available to us for
the next two Southern League matches at Norman Park and Thurrock on 6th and 27th
6th Jul Norman Pk Sthn Women's Lge
7th Jul Wigan Brit Lge
8th Jul Ashford Kent Vets Lge
10th Jul Norman Pk Club Chs- Walks 8pm
13th Jul Men's Sthn Lges Div 2 & Div 4E Norman Pk
14th Jul Erith Kent B&C
21st Jul Cup SFs
21st Jul Woodford Gr Boys YAs Lge
21st Jul Crawley Girls YAs Lge
22nd Jul Norman Pk Kent Vets Lge
24th Jul Norman Pk Gate Johnson Bowl Walk
27th Jul Thurrock Southern Women's Lge
28th Jul Croydon Junior Lge (Men)
31st Jul Norman Pk Club Chs 10000m 8pm
3rd Aug Men's Sthn Lges Div 2 Perivale Div 4E Ashford
4th Aug Derby Brit Lge 4th Aug Ashford Kent Women's Lge
5th Aug Ladywell SCVAC Kent Vets Lge
18th Aug Havering Junior Lge (Men)
24th Aug Norman Pk Club Chs 1pm (See fixture Card)
31st Aug Eton Brit Lge
4th Sept Norman Pk One-Hour Run
Club H'c 7.15- 17/7, 21/8 Crystal Pal 6/8 Danson 12/7, 9/8 5K Hyde Pk 26/7, 30/8
5K Albert Embk 10/7, 14/8 Hammersmith 30/7, 27/8 All 12.30
SOCIAL 13th Jul @ HQ 'Race
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998)
Recent winners:-
Apr £50 R Gibson £25 C Taylor & D White
May £50 P Calnan £25 H Johnson & A Izzard
June £380 A Oldfield
(01) 10th Feb. 30K Relay Stamford 2nd Mixed Tm 2h30
(L Crisp 8K/46- M Crisp 13K/54)
(02) 10th Mar. Postlaf 10Km Luxembourg (31.43) 98/873 M Crisp 39.54
(03) 1st Apr. Verlea 5 Welwyn GC 3M60 J Clare 33.32
(04) 6th Apr. T&F Hayward USA 200m J Barbour 21.41
(05) 6th Apr. BH Open Warm-Up Norman Pk 150m/300m N Thomas 16.2/35.4- M
Champion 16.3/35.2- A Wilson 16.6- F Collymore 16.7- L Edwards 16.8- D Lougheed
17.3/37.2- S White 17.9/38.7- X Strydom 18.8/39.2- JM J Wilkie 16.7- I Allerton
17.3/37.2- U17 D Parsons 18.4/38.4- Z Shaw 22.1- JW K Benneworth 19.5- J R
Turner(V) 19.5/42.1- P Egboh 38.4- P LeRossignol 39.3- D Marks 39.5- R Reed
41.7- C Norris 48.2- 600m M Airey 1:23.3- S Cooper 1:24.7- M Hill 1:28.0- R Holt
1:33.2- JM J Godsell 1:23.1- T Hawkey 1:24.6- D Snow 1:30.5- D Griffin 1:31.6- R
Perkins 1:35.3- U17 C Norris 1:35.6- 1000m U13G R Taylor 3:22.1- HJ JM G Rulens
1.70- PV J Day 2.40- LJ JW K Benneworth 5.52- U17 D Parsons 4.77- SP A Hardy
8.53- S Tolson 8.17- J R Turner 7.83- M65(5Kg) G Hickey 12.82- C Brand 10.22- J
Day 8.20- DT C Ellis 37.56- S Tolson 25.75- C Brand 24.08(1Kg 32.15)- G Hickey
21.82(1Kg 31.94)- JT C Brand 36.29- G Hickey 31.87- J R Turner 29.49- U17(700g)
Am Tawanaee 23.43
(06) 19-21 Apr. T&F Walnut USA 200m J Barbour 21.64
(07) 21st Apr. Nicola's 5M Canvey Is 47 S Pairman 30.35
(08) 26th Apr. SCVAC T&F Lge Kent Div (1) Deangate Tms 1 BH 69
(09) 27th Apr. National 12-stage Rd Relays Sutton Pk 18 BH 4:26.13 (A
Rayner 27.45- A Draper 15.38- W Foster 27.47- T Hawkey 16.05- P Tucker 29.21- N
Gasson 16.33- M Steinle 25.48- D Moulton 15.30- R Smith 28.11- R Williams 17.11-
G Clifford 30.07- P Calnan 16.17-
(10) 27th Apr. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (1) Hertford 100H 1 K Porter 14.9-
800m 2 E Bugler LJ 1 K Benneworth 5.41-TJ/SP 1 S Alaneme 10.80/9.39(clU17rec)-DT
A Oliver 29.71pb Tms 3 BH 164
(11) 28th Apr. Natl Jun Lge Sthn Prem Div (1) Copthall
100mA 3 F Collymore 11.2- B 3 D Bovell 11.4- 200mA 4 F Collymore 23.4- B 2 J
Wilkie 23.6- 400mA 3 I Allerton 51.1- B 2 J Godsell 52.2- 800mA 4 J Godsell
2:00.5- B 8 C Daniel 2:11.0- 1500mA 3 T Hawkey 4:09.9- B 4 D Snow 4:24.6- 3000mA
7 R Perkins 9:43.6- B- 110HA 7 R Shelley 21.7- B 2 T Robinson 17.2- 400HA 4 A
Johnson 58.7- B 5 C Smith 66.5- 2000SCA 7 D Snow 7:25.2- B- HJA 7 P Shelley
1.50- B- PVA 3 T Robinson 3.00- B 2 A Pope 2.80- LJA 7 S Bamgboye 5.54- B 5 E
Telfer 4.79- TJA 6 C Daniel 11.00- B 5 E Telfer 10.38- SPA 4 K Chester 13.03- B
5 A Pope 10.27- HTA 3 K Chester 53.75- B 2 Am Tawanaee 38.01- DTA 2 K Chester
39.46- B 5 P Shelley 28.42- JTA 4 R Shelley 41.31- B 4 P Shelley 33.71- 4X100m 5
BH 46.0- 4X400m 3 BH 3:35.5- Tms 1 Enfd 328- 2 Shaft 265- 3 Harrow 261- 4 BH
230- 5 Medw 211- 6 Belgr 193- 7 Bournemth 184- 8 AFD 139
(12) 28th Apr. Kent B&C Lge (1) Deangate
U15 100mA 1 A Monerville 12.2- B 3 W Grant 13.3- 200mA 1 A Monerville 25.8- B 3
Jm Mercer 28.8- 400mA 1 D Parsons 56.4- B 3 R D'Angelo 63.8- 800mA 6 D Casey
2:24.7- B 7 D Willis 2:26.5- 1500mAB ?- 3000mA 5 T Beech 11:15.7- B 9 C Place
12:22.8- 80HA 1 D Lennon 13.2- B 1 A Al-Ameen 14.5- HJA 2 A Al-Ameen 1.50- B-
LJA 5 D Lennon 4.61- B 4 A Ojuko 3.86- SPA 4 S Harvey 10.39- B 1 Al Tawanaee
9.40- DTA 1 Al Tawanaee 21.74- B 4 S Rulens 14.52- JTA 1 S Harvey 46.90- B 2 C
Place 30.30- 4X100m 1 BH 49.5- 4X400m 5 BH 4:30.1-
U13 100mA 4 Jm Mercer 14.1- B 3 C Miller 14.6- 200mA 2 J Hamit 30.6- B 3 C
Richards 35.5- 400mA 1 S Simpson 68.7- B 1 J Hamit 70.2- 800mA 11 R Ledwith
3:11.5- B- 1500mA 1 M Thorpe 5:16.3- B 2 J Vause 5:48.7- 75HA 2 Jm Mercer 14.0-
B 3 C Richards 17.6- HJA 4 C Richards 1.10- B- LJA 4 Jm Mercer 4.16- B 6 C Davis
3.11- SPA 4 C Miller 4.60- B- DTA 2 C Davis 9.75- B 4 J Vause 9.45- JTA 4 S
Simpson 17.30- B 3 M Thorpe 15.40- 4X100m 2 BH 58.7 (Mercer, Miller, T Westal,
Hamit) 4X400m 2 BH 5:41.1(Thorpe, Ledwith, Davis & Hamit) Tm 2 BH
(13) 1st May. Civil Serv SC Golden Jub Run Battersea Pk 10K W Orton
(14) 1st May. XC 1/2 Marathon Belgium/ Luxembourg M Crisp 89.30
(15) 4th May. Sthn Lge Div 2 (1) Newham
100mA 1 D Grant 10.6- B 1 A Wilson 11.0- 200mA 2 F Collymore 23.4- B 1 J Wilkie
22.6- 400mA 3 S Cooper 52.1- B 3 D Griffin 54.1- 800mA 1 M Airey 1:55.4- B 1 T
Hawkey 1:57.5- 1500mA 1 A Draper 3:56.4- B 1 A Rayner 4:00.6- 5000mA 2 P Tucker
15:43.4- B 5 T Hawkey 19:19.3- 110HA 3 M Purser 17.4- B 1 R Holt 17.2- 400HA 1 M
Purser 60.3- B 1 R Holt 60.2- 3000SCA 5 R Williams 11:28.5- B- HJA =2 Rb
Chambers 1.70- B =3 Q Belgrave 1.00- PVA 1 A Williams 4.30- B =4 A Hardy 1.60-
LJA 5 Rb Chambers 5.77- B 3 Q Belgrave 5.74- TJA 4 Rb Chambers 11.51- B 4 A
Hardy 10.65- SPA 2 S Burman-Roy 12.13- B 3 G Hickey 10.53- HTA 3 S Burman-Roy
39.79- B 3 G Hickey 25.81- DTA 3 S Burman-Roy 32.59- B 4 C Brand 26.27- JTA 4 C
Brand 37.29- B 5 S Burman-Roy 27.08- 4X100m 3 BH 46.2 Purser, Holt, Wilkie &
Wilson)- 4X400m 3 BH 3:34.3 (Cooper, Rayner, Airey & Holt)- BH Man-O-Match
:- S Burman-Roy
Match 1 AFD 119- 2 BHB 116- 3 Newham 106- 4 Bedford 103- 5 Camb & C 88
(16) 1st May. BMC Battersea Pk 800m A 3 M Airey 1:54.79- 7 S Cooper
1:56.09- B 4 M Hill 2:03.47- 1500m 3 D Taylor 3:54.04- 8 T Hawkey 4:01.81-
(17) 2nd May. Assembly Lge 5K The Dome 17 S Smythe (DulR) 16.51- W
Clapham (KtAC) 24.22-
(18) 3rd May. T&F Stanford USA 100m 1 J Barbour 10.47- 400m 3 J
Golding 49.90
(19) 4th May. Sthn Lge Div 4E (1) Colchester
100mA 3 D Lougheed 12.0- B 1 L Odiete 11.8- 200mA 1 N Ursell 22.5- B 1 L Odiete
23.4- 400mA 1 Lougheed 52.6- B 1 N Keogh 64.2- 800mA 3 D Marks 2:07.0- B 1 C
Daniel 2:08.1- 1500mA 2 D Snow 4:24.6- B 1 P Barlow 4:48.4- 5000mA 2 J Morland
16.59- B 2 P Barlow 17.33.0- 110HA 1 P Byfield 20.0- B 1 N Keogh 23.4- 400HA 1 S
White 59.7- B 1 P Byfield 73.5- 3000SCAB- HJA =2 P Byfield 1.50- B 1 S Tolson
1.50- PVA 1 S Tolson 3.50- B 1 S Gascoigne 3.40- LJA 3 P Byfield 5.69- B 4 C
Daniel ?- TJA 3 C Daniel 11.67pb- B 1 N Keogh 11.29- SPA 1 P Featherston 10.60-
B 2 S Gascoigne 9.08- HTA 2 P Featherston 29.40- B 2 S Tolson 26.84- DTA 4 S
Tolson 25.38- B 1 P Featherston 23.76- JTA 1 P Featherston 40.71pb- B 2 S Tolson
33.71-4X100m 1 BH 47.2 (White, Lougheed, Keogh & Odiete)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:47.8
(Marks, Daniel, Snow & White)- BH Man-O-Match :- C Daniel
Match 1 BHC 147- 2 Colch 117- 3 VP & Tower H 99- 4 St Albans 63- 5 Inv EKt
(20) 5th May. Boys YAs Southn Premier Lge Norman Pk (1)
U17 100mA 2 D Bovell 11.3- B 1 S Bamgboye 11.6- ns L Henry 14.1- 200mA 2 D
Bovell 23.6- B 2 D McKeown 26.2- 400mA 1 S Bamgboye 54.7- B- 800mA 4 J Fuller
2:20.3- B- 1500mA 4 C Norris 4:51.5- B- 3000mA 4 M Leal 10:46.8- B- 100HA 2 A
Johnson 14.3- B 1 C Smith 15.2- 400HA 2 A Johnson 59.1- B- 1500SCAB- HJA 2 S
Bamgboye 1.70- B 2 C Driscoll 1.60- PVA 2 A Pope 2.45- B- LJA 3 E Telfer 4.69- B
3 D McKeown 4.51- TJA 3 E Telfer 9.78- B- SPA 2 P Barrett 10.41- B 3 T Oliver
7.80- HTA 1 A Williamson 45.21- B 1 P Barrett 38.83- DTA 1 A Pope 33.72- B 2 A
Williamson 25.89- JTA 3 A Pope 33.06- B 3 L Hall-Henry 13.09- 4X100m 2 BH 48.1
(Telfer, McKeown, Bamgboye & Bovell)- 4X400m-
U15 100mA 2 T Lewis 12.2- B 3 J Mercer 13.3- ns A McCafferty 13.5- P Rochester
13.6- 200mA 2 T Lewis 25.1- B 3 S Martin 26.6- 400mA 4 T Doig 64.5- B 1 R
D'Angelo 64.6- 800mA 3 D Casey 2:20.3- B 3 D Willis 2:27.9- 1500mA 4 D Brewer
4:54.6- B 4 D Proctor 5:22.9- 3000mA 2 T Beech 10:49.1- B- 80HA 2 S Rulens 15.7-
B 2 J Mercer 21.8- HJA 2 J Williams 1.50- B 3 Jo Mercer 1.25- PVA 3 A Berry
2.00- B- LJA 4 D Hague 4.56- B 2 A McCafferty 4.24- SPA 3 S Moore 10.26- B 2 S
Harvey 10.02- HTA 2 Al Tawanaee 39.89- B 3 S Moore 18.96- DTA 2 Al Tawanaee
30.93- B 3 S Rulens 17.92- JTA 1 S Harvey 43.37- B 2 C Place 32.64- 4X100m 3 BH
52.2 (Lewis, Martin, Mercer & P Rochester)- 4X400m 4 BH 4:24.0 (D'Angelo,
Williams, Doig & Casey)-
U13 100mA 3 J Hamit 14.2- B 4 D Jones 14.5- ns C Miller 14.5- T Westal 14.9- B
Farish 16.3- C Richards 16.7- 200mA 3 Jm Mercer 29.3- B 3 C Miller 30.5- 800mA 4
S Simpson 2:41.0- B 4 R Bolton 3:05.5- ns R Lewith 2:56.8- 1500mA 4 M Thorpe
5:10.4- B 4 R Evans 5:15.9- LJA 4 Jm Mercer 3.97- B 4 C Richards 3.24- SPA 2 R
Al-Ameen 8.02- B 3 J Sellick 5.58- 4X100m 3 BH 58.9 (Mercer, Jones, Miller &
Match 1 Harrow 265- 2 Milton K 184- 3 BH 161- 4 AFD 122
(21) 5th May. Kent Women's Lge Erith
SW 100m/LJ 1 K Benneworth 12.7/ 5.36- 200m 1 L Guthrie 26.6- 400m 1 S Singer
57.0- 800m 6 N Wiggins 2:49.5- 1500m 2 C Jones-Baldock 5:27.9- 3000m 1 H Barker
12:10.5- PV/SP/JT 3/5/6 Z Morrell 1.70/ 6.27/ 15.70- TJ 3 A Jacobs 9.31- 4X100 5
BH 53.4 (N Morris, Guthrie, Jacobs & Singer)- 4X400 1 BH 4:21.0 (Morris,
Guthrie, K O'Mahoney & Singer)
U17 300/1500m 4/2 E Bugler 45.0/ 6:24.2- 800m 3 C McQuillan 2:35.6- 300H/LJ 3/1
H Robinson 48.4/ 5.12- HJ/TJ 2/1 S Alaneme 1.45/ 11.00- SP/DT 1 A Oliver 9.02/
31.09- JT 1 C Silvester 27.14-
U15 100/200m 5 K Douglas 13.6/ 27.8- 200m ns J Wood 30.3- C Weedon 30.8- 800m 2
B Proctor 2:37.3- 1500m 3 S Coombs 5:40.4- 75H 1 C Cooper 11.7- LJ 6 C Weedon
3.64- ns J Wood 3.89- SP/DT 1/2 V Thomas 10.55/ 24.34- JT 2 R Hargreaves 19.32-
4X100 3 BH 57.5 (J Wood, Thomas, Douglas & Weedon)-
U13 75m/LJ 1/2 E Godley 10.5/ 4.13- 75m ns S Solomon 10.6- S Robinson 11.0- H
Shomade 11.1- A Barrett 11.1- E Woolf 11.4- A Taitt 11.5- Saunders 11.8- R
Thompson 12.2- O Dyer 12.7- S Cluney 12.9- G McCrossen 13.7- 150m 2 S Robinson
21.3- 1000m 1 R Taylor 3:12.6- ns C McNamara 3:33.9- 70H 1 S Solomon 12.2- 1KWlk
2 O Dyer 6:48.9- ns S Cluney 7:51.1- G McCrossen 7:51.2- HJ 1 E Woolf 1.25- ns R
Taylor 1.25- LJ A Taitt 3.57- SP/DT 1 S Brown 7.66/ 17.15- JT 1 E Mason 18.99-
4X100 1 BH 56.4 (H Shommade, Robinson, Godley & Solomon)
Match 1 Brom 2351/2 2 BH 2191/2 3 Ashfd 216- 4 Medw & M 172- 5
Tonbr 160- 6 Pd Wd 53
(22) 6th May. Ted Pepper Memorial Rd 10Km Langley Pk (31.17) 2 A Rayner
32.20- 4 R Smith
32.50- 9 P Calnan 34.37- 10 S McDonald 35.10- 13(2M45) P Barlow 35.33- 14(3M40)
J Hoy 35.59- 17 B McShane 36.25- 25 A Tucker 36.59- 31 M Ellison 37.40- 32(1W) G
Johnson(Dul) 37.42- 38 S Pairman 38.44- 45 G Coates 39.27- 47 W Slack 39.50- 66
D Carton 41.20- 70 M Blunden 42.14- 72 B Bater 42.36- 74 J Reynolds 42.49- 86 L
Wilson 43.26- 95 R Griffin 44.26 100 P Lovell 45.24- 101 W Orton 45.26- 103 J
Tateson 45.31- 106(11W) C Jones-Baldock 46.09- 108 C Rowe 46.49- 109(13W) S
Cummings 46.57- 120(17W) S Brackley 48.28- 121 B O'Flynn 48.44- 124(3M65) Rn
Chambers 48.49- 127(5F40) A Cilia 49.04- 135(2M70) D Churchus 50.14- 141 K
Connaughton 51.24- 144 P Shepheard 51.34- 153(3F45) J Long 55.19- 169(2M75) P
Long 61.31- 170 K Tyler 62.28
(23) 11th May. EAA Palafrugell, Sp 200m 3 J Golding 22.28
(24) 11-12 May. County T&F Champs Kent Cryst P 100/200m 1 D Grant
10.6/21.2- 4/3 N Ursell
11.1/22.2- 8 M Champion 11.4 (h 11.2/22.5) h D Lougheed 11.8/ 23.7- 200m 5 J
Charter 22.8- 400m 1 A Draper 48.5- 6 J Charter 51.7 (h .2)- 8 D Lougheed 54.2
(h 52.8)- h S Holmes 54.2- 800m 1 A Draper 1:49.7- 6 A Rayner 2:02.6 (h 1:59.2)-
h M Hill 1:59.6- W Bolton 2:01.4- 1500m 2 A Rayner 4:01.3- 5 S Holmes 4:08.3- 7
W Bolton 4:13.6- 8 M Hill 4:14.9- 9 P Tucker 4:16.0- 10 S McDonald 4:25.9- 11 R
Williams 4:35.7- 5000m 1 P Tucker 15:36.9- 2 S McDonald 15:53.6- 4 P Calnan
16:32.8- 400H 5 S White 58.5- PV 2 A Williams 4.20- 4 S Tolson 3.50- 5 J Day
2.60- JM 100/200m 2 J Wilkie 22.2- 3 N Simpson 11.5/ 22.3- 200/400m 6/2 I
Allerton 22.9/49.8- 400m/ 800m 2 T Hawkey 1:58.5- 4 M Gipon 2:01.8- h D Ryan
2:04.4- 7/h C Daniel 54.3(h .0)/2:04.4- 6/h D Griffin 52.0/2:05.3- 1500m 3 T
Hawkey 4:01.8- 6 D Snow 4:18.3- 13 M Leall 4:52.7- SP/HT/DT 1 K Chester 12.77/
55.16/ 39.70- U17 100/200m 2/h D Bovell 11.2/23.4- h R Reed 26.0- 100H 2 A
Johnson 14.2- SP/DT/JT 4/3/2 A Pope 11.37/ 33.63/ 42.40- SP/DT 8/6 L Hall-Henry
9.69/ 21.06- HT 2 A Williamson 45.66- 3 P Barrett 42.62- U15 100/200m 2 A
Monerville 12.0/ 24.7- 6 S Martin 26.2- h A Al-Ameen 27.0- 400m 3 S Martin 57.6-
7 R D'Angelo 64.2- 800m 5 D Casey 2:18.5 (h 2:17.2)- h T Doig 2:30.4- 1500m 10 D
Brewer 4:59.5 (h 4:56.8)- 80H/HJ 2 A Al-Ameen 13.3/ 1.50- PV 3 A Berry 2.00-
HT/DT 1/3 Al Tawanaee 41.54/ 32.38- JT 1 S Harvey 48.85- 7 T Doig 29.23- SW
200/400m 3/2 S Singer 25.6/ 57.6- 800m 5 C Jones-Baldock 2:35.2- JW 100/200m/LJ
1 K Benneworth 12.6/ 26.9/ 5.37- TJ 2 A Jacobs 9.28- HT 3 E Oliver 35.27- U17W
300m 5 C McQuillan 46.3- 6 M Delahoy 46.4- 800m 1 E Bugler 2:19.4- h C McQuillan
2:42.7- M Delahoy 2:44.8- 80H/LJ 1/2 H Robinson 12.1/ 5.02- HJ/TJ 1 S Alaneme
1.60/ 11.45cbp- SP/DT 4/1 A Oliver 8.77/ 30.43- JT 2 C Silvester 29.39- 3 A
Oliver 25.48- U15G 100/200m h/7 K Douglas 13.7/ 28.6- h N Akif 14.0- C Cooper
27.1- 800/1500m 8/6 B Proctor 2:41.9 (h 2:35.0)/ 5:23.5- S Coombs 2:49.7- 75H 1
C Cooper 11.8=cbf- 4 N Akif 12.8- LJ 6 N Akif 4.60- SP/DT 2 V Thomas 10.47/
28.19- 6SP F Clark 8.62- Ex 100m/200m 1 D Plummer 10.35/ 21.3- G Neblett 10.8/
22.7- A Wilson 11.1/ 22.6- L Edwards 11.2- JM 1 F Collymore 11.03/ 22.68- Sen LJ
2 L Edwards 6.86- Mx Mile End 100m/110H h/1 M Freckleton 11.3/ 14.4- 200m/LJ 4/2
B Barikor 22.1/6.61- 3KWalk 2 S Lightman 15:45.6- Sy 100m 6 J Abadom 11.23- 800m
3 D Moulton 1:53.23- 5 D Taylor 1:56.24- 400H 4 R Holt 59.27- JM 400m/800m 4/1 J
Godsell 50.66 /1:56.81- Sx 400m/800m M Airey 51.5/ 1:54.02- Yks 5000m 3 W Foster
(25) 12th May. Hurdles Meeting Bath 110H 1 M Elliott 14.4 (h 14.3)-
(26) 12th May. 1/2 Marathon Leeds G Murray 142.35
(27) 14th May. Vets AC Rd 7Km Battersea Pk W Clapham 34.44
(28) 17th May. SCVAC T&F Lge Kent Div (2) Dartford 400m N Ayrton
54.6- 5000m C Keen 16:58.9- Tms 2 BH 49
(29) 18th May. Internl T&F Loughborough 100m 2 D Plummer 10.38- 110H
5 M Elliott 14.01- 4X100m 1 Eng 40.22 (inc J Barbour)
(30) 18th May. Natl Vets Rd Relays Sutton Pk M60 (3X3M/ 54.14) 9 BH 58.57
(B O'Gorman 19.19
J Clare 20.01- A Davis 19.37)
(31) 18th May. Vars Match Oxford 1500m 4 J Bradley (Ox) 4:09.72
(32) 18th May. Sthn Lge Div 2 (2) Guildford
100mA 3 J Charter 11.4- B 4 C Daniel 12.6- 200mA 3 L Odiete 23.4- B 2 S Cooper
24.1- 400mA 3 J Charter 50.7- B 1 J Godsell 53.4- 800mA 2 J Godsell 1:59.3- B 1
T Hawkey 1:59.1- 1500mA 3 T Hawkey 4:10.1- B 1 W Bolton 4:12.1- 5000mA 1 S
McDonald 15:57.2- B 4 P Barlow 17:19.3- 110HA 4 M Purser 18.9- B 2 R Holt 17.3-
400HA 2 M Purser 60.1- B 2 R Holt 64.5- 3000SCA 1 W Bolton 10:11.9- B 4 S Tolson
14:19.6- HJA 4 Rb Chambers 1.70- B 4 S Tolson 1.50- PVA =2 S Tolson 3.60- B 1 S
Gascoigne 3.40- LJA 5 Rb Chambers 5.58- B 4 C Daniel 5.57- TJA 3 Rb Chambers
11.88- B 2 C Daniel 11.73- SPA 2 S Burman-Roy 12.35- B 1 G Hickey 10.39- HTA 2 A
Benn 46.72- B 1 S Burman-Roy 42.29- DTA 4 S Burman-Roy 32.10- B 5 C Brand 27.92-
JTA 2 A Benn 41.14- B 2 C Brand 38.43- 4X100m 2 BH 46.5- 4X400m 1 BH 3:29.3-
Man-O-Match - W Bolton- Match 1 Chelmsford 130- 2 BHB 1251/2 3 Guildfd
103- 4 Bexley 1021/2 5 TVH 67
(33) 18th May. Sthn Lge Div 4E (2) Walthamstow
100mA 2 D Lougheed 11.7- B 3 D Griffin 11.9- 200mA 1 D Lougheed 23.7- B 2 D
Griffin 24.4- 400mA 2 N Keogh 54.4- B 1 D Marks 54.1- 800mA 1 M Gipon 2:07.4- B
1 A Gibbins 2:02.7- 1500mA 1 D Snow 4:20.2- B 1 N Ayrton 4:32.2- 5000mA 2 J
Morland 16:25.0- B 1 B McShane 17.42.0- 110HA 2 P Byfield 19.4- B- 400HA 2 P
Byfield 67.8- B 3 N Keogh 100.2- 3000SCA 3 M Watling 12:01.0- B- HJA 2 P Byfield
1.55- B 1 I Holder 1.50- PVA 1 T Robinson 3.70- B 1 J Day 2.60- LJA 3 P Byfield
5.49- B 2 I Holder 4.41- TJA 2 P Byfield 11.87- B 1 P Featherston 10.47- SPA 1 P
Featherston 10.38- B 2 P Byfield 8.39- HTA 2 P Featherston 27.51- B 4 N Keogh
6.72- DTA 3 P Featherston 22.14- B 3 D Lougheed 16.25- JTA 3 P Featherston
37.12- B 3 I Holder 27.49- 4X100m 1 BH 47.2 (Keogh, Griffin, Robinson &
Lougheed)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:36.1 (Griffin, Gipon, Keogh & Marks)- Man-O-Match-
T Robinson
Match 1 BHC 142- 2 Padd Wd 114- 3 Herts Ph 108- 4 Enfd & Har 86- 5 Dacor 38
(34) 18th May. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (2) Reading
SW 100mA 4 L Guthrie 12.9- B 1 S Singer 12.9- 200mA 3 S Singer 26.2- B 1 L
Guthrie 27.0- 400mA 1 S Singer 57.8- B 4 N Morris 67.6- 800mA 2 K O'Mahoney
2:23.6- B 3 S Budd 2:27.4- 1500mA 4 H Barker 5:29.8- B 4 C Jones-Baldock 5:29.8-
3000mA 3 S Budd 10:35.0- B 4 K O'Mahoney 11:49.7- 100HA 1 K Porter 15.5- B 2 L
Guthrie 20.0- 400HA 1 K Porter 66.6- B 3 C Jones-Baldock 87.3- 80H/300H U17 1 H
Robinson 12.5/ 47.9- HJA 1 S Alaneme 1.55- B 2 K O'Mahoney 1.25- PVA 1 K Porter
1.30- B 1 C Jones-B 1.20- LJA 3 S Alaneme 4.91- B 2 H Robinson 4.65- TJA 1 S
Alaneme 10.94- B 3 L Guthrie 8.84- SPA 5 A Oliver 8.19- B 2 E Oliver 8.18- HTA 2
E Oliver 35.85- B 5 H Barker 3.73- DTA 3 A Oliver 29.22- B 4 S Budd 8.91- JTA 4
A Oliver 25.49- B 3 E Oliver 24.30- 4X100m 1 BH 51.1- 4X400m 4 BH 4:19.5-
U15 100mA 4 J South 14.0- B 1 K Douglas 13.8- 200mA 2 K Douglas 28.3- B 3 J
South 28.8- 800mA 4 S Williams 2:45.2- B 4 S Wiffen 3:01.2- 1500mA 3 B Proctor
5:33.6- B 3 S Coombs 5:47.4- 75HA 1 N Akif 12.9- B 1 J Wood 13.4- HJA 2 S Wiffen
1.40- B 4 K Douglas 1.20- LJA 2 N Akif 4.33- B 3 J Wood 4.06- SPA 1 V Thomas
10.26- B 1 F Clark 8.64- DTA 1 V Thomas 28.09- B 1 F Clark 23.59- JTA 2 R
Hargreaves 18.35- B 2 F Clark 13.52- 4X100m 3 BH 55.5-
Match 1 BH 204- 2 Reading 203- 3 Plym 168- 4 Shaft 128- 5 Highgt 110-
(35) 19th May. Brit Lge Div 2 (1) Bedford
100mA 7 G Neblett 11.1- B 7 B Barikor 11.2- 200mA 6 G Neblett 22.8- B 5 M
Champion 22.9- 400mA 5 A Wilson 49.4- B 5 I Allerton 51.2- 800mA 1 A Draper
1:49.6- B 1 M Airey 1:54.3- 1500mA 3 J Mills 3:58.0- B 6 D Moulton 4:05.2-
5000mA 3 S Newport 14:40.7- B 5 P Tucker 16:10.8- 110HA 1 M Elliott 14.1- B 1 M
Freckleton 14.7- 400HA 1 N Ursell 54.0- B 6 S White 59.4- 3000SCA 7 W Bolton
10:12.9- B 7 C Hogg 10:52.9- HJA =4 B Barikor 1.90- B =6 M Champion 1.70- PVA 3
A Williams 4.00- B 3 A Hardy 3.60- LJA 4 L Edwards 6.61- B 8 M Awanah 1.74- TJA
2 M Awanah 14.86- B 4 M Bramble 13.43- SPA 6 S Burman-Roy 11.78- B 6 M Elliott
11.19- HTA 8 S Burman-Roy 38.75- B 8 A Hardy 11.07- DTA 8 C Ellis 32.35- B 7 S
Burman-Roy 29.74- JTA 8 D Plummer 9.66- B 8 S Burman-Roy 6.37- 4X100m 2 BH 41.2
(Barikor- Plummer- Neblett- Elliott)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:20.0 (Allerton- Barikor-
Moulton- Wilson)
Match 1 Sale 345- 2 WSE 313- 3 Notts 2881/2 4 TVH 2781/2 5 BH
2571/2 6 Enfd & Har 254- 7 Solent 2451/2 8 Bedfd 205
(36) 19th May. Boys YAs Sthn Prem Lge (2) Croydon
U17 100mA 1 D Bovell 11.5- B 1 S Bamgboye 12.1- 200mA 4 E Telfer 25.6- B 3 R
Reed 26.7- 400mA 1 S Bamgboye 53.2- B 3 R Reed 58.8- 800mA 4 J Fuller 2:16.3- B
4 T Oliver 2:58.0- 1500mA 3 C Norris 4:44.2- B- 3000mAB- 100HA 1 A Johnson 14.8-
B- 400HA 1 A Johnson 58.0- B- 1500SCAB- HJA 3 S Bamgboye 1.70- B 3 A Pope 1.55-
PVAB- LJA 3 C Perrin 5.26- B 3 D Prince 5.01- TJA 2 D Prince 11.87- B 3 C Perrin
10.76- SPA 2 T Walther-Symons 10.74- B 1 L Hall-Henry 9.30- HTA 1 T
Walther-Symons 39.59- B 1 A Williamson 38.42- DTA 1 A Pope 30.18- B 1 A
Williamson 27.75- JTA A Pope- B D Murray- 4X100m 2 BH 46.7 (Telfer, Prince, Reed
& Bovell)- 4X400m 4 BH 3:54.6 (Johnson, Perrin, Reed & Pope)-
U15 100mA 2 A Monerville 12.1- B 3 D Coates 12.9- 200mA 2 D Parsons 24.7- B 1 A
Monerville 25.2- 400mA 1 D Parsons 55.5- B 1 S Martin 57.2- 800mA 2 D Casey
2:18.9- B 2 R D'Angelo 2:30.5- 1500mA 2 J Poole 4:52.3- B 1 D Brewer 4:57.3-
3000mA 2 T Beech 11:18.9- B- 80HA 2 A Al-Ameen 12.7- B 2 D Lennon 14.1- HJA 3 A
Al-Ameen 1.50- B 3 S Rulens 1.30- PVAB- LJA 1 R Coates 5.46- B 2 D Lennon 4.33-
SPA 1 S Moore 10.40- B 1 S Harvey 10.03- HTA 4 S Moore 23.13- B- DTA 3 Al
Tawanaee 25.50- B 2 S Rulens 17.10- JTA 1 S Harvey 50.- B 2 T Doig 29.-4X100m 2
BH 49.1 (Jo Mercer, Lennon, Coates & Parsons)- 4X400m 2 BH 4:07.1 (Doig,
Al-Ameen, Casey & Parsons)-
U13 100mA 1 J Alaka 13.5- B 2 D Jones 14.6- 200mA 4 C Miller 30.2- B Jo Mercer-
800mA 2 S Simpson 2:36.7- B 1 T Corbett 2:44.0- 1500mA 3 M Thorpe 5:16.7- B 1 R
Evans 5:17.9- LJA 2 Jm Mercer 4.18- B 2 J Sellick 4.10- SPA 1 R Al-Ameen 7.68- B
3 J Sellick 5.19- 4X100m 4 BH 57.1 (Mercer, Jones, Miller & Alaka)- Tms 1
Croydon- 2 BH 203
(37) 19th May. T&F Kilkenny 200m D Grant 20.98
(38) 19th May. Marathon Halstead D King 3:31- J Reynolds 3:34- B Smith
(39) 19th May. Rd 7M Sevenoaks (35.52) 5 S McDonald 39.49- 9 S Smythe
41.26 55 T Brightwell 46.31- 65 R Brown 47.37- 88 J E Turner 49.36- 145 Ph
Taylor 51.41- 178 J Baldwin 53.31- 188 C Doherty 54.07- 311 Rn Chambers 61.18-
(40) 19th May. Ranelagh 1/2 Marathon Richmond 11 J Hoy 78.25
(41) 19th May. Town & Gown 10K Oxford W Orton 46.00-
(42) 22nd May. BMC Watford 800m M Airey 1:54.09- T Hawkey 1:56.76- S
Cooper 1:57.03
(43) 25th May. Inter-Counties Bedford 100m 2 D Grant 10.48- sf 1 D
Plummer 10.42 (inj) h A Lashore 10.71- 200/400m A Wilson 23.14/ 48.61- 800m h M
Airey 1:54.83- 110H h M Elliott 14.26 (Final dq)- M Freckleton 14.69- 3KWalk 8 P
Hannell- PV 11 A Williams 4.10- LJ 6 L Edwards 6.71-
(44) 25-26 May. SEAA U20 Chs Watford JM 100m 6 F Collymore 11.14 (h
11.06) 200m 4 N Simpson 22.18- F Collymore 22.56- 400m 5 I Allerton 49.61pb-
800m h J Godsell 1:58.8- 1500m 10 T Hawkey 4:03.13 (h 3:59.75)- U17 SP/JT 4 A
Pope 12.95pb/- U15 JT 1 S Harvey 52.31 cl rec- U17W 300H/LJ 5/9 H Robinson
46.78pb/- JT 8 C Silvester 26.65- U15G 80H 5 C Cooper 11.95- SP V Thomas 10.63
cl rec-
(45) 26th May. Kent B&C Lge (2) Tonbridge
U15 100mA 2 R Coates 13.2- B 3 D Lennon 13.8- 200mA 1 D Parsons 24.6- B 3 A
McCafferty 27.3- 400mA 1 D Parsons 56.8- B 4 R D'Angelo 66.9- 800mA 2 D Casey
2:23.5- B 1 S Martin 2:23.0- 1500mA 3 D Brewer 4:54.3- B 4 D Proctor 5:26.3-
3000mA 3 T Beech 11:03.6- B 3 D Willis 12:13.8- 80HA 1 A Al-Ameen 12.4- B D
Lennon 14.6- HJA 3 A Al-Ameen 1.50- B 3 D Lennon 1.30- LJA 3 R Coates 5.22- B 1
J Ata-Hagan 4.74- SPA 4 S Harvey 6.15- B 5 Al Tawanaee 8.96- DTA 3 Al Tawanaee
30.23- B 2 A Al-Ameen 24.47- JTA 1 S Harvey 42.72- B 4 Al Tawanaee 19.77- 4X100m
3 BH 52.7 (Lennon, Coates, Jo Mercer & McCafferty)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:09.2
(Casey, Al-Ameen, Martin & Parsons)-
U13 100mA 1 J Alaka 13.3- B- 200mA 1 J Alaka 27.7- B 3 M Akpofure 30.8- 400mA 3
J Alaka 65.5- B 3 S Simpson 71.7- 800mA 2 S Simpson 2:39.1- B 3 T Corbett
2:53.1- 1500mA 3 R Evans 5:19.8- B 5 R Bolton 6:00.9- 75HA 3 Jm Mercer 15.0- B-
HJA 3 Akpofure 1.10- B- LJA 5 T Corbett 3.52- B 3 C Davis 3.22- SPA 1 R Al-Ameen
8.63- B 2 R Evans 5.56- DTA 2 R Al-Ameen 19.12- B 5 M Sutherland 8.21- JTA 4 M
Sutherland 15.09- B 1 C Davis 14.46- 4X100m 4 BH- 4X400m 3 BH (Simpson 75.9-
Corbett 78.0- Evans 69.8- Alaka 65.8) Tms 2 BH
Match U15 1 BH- U13 3 BH- Overall 1 BH-
(46) 26th May. City 10Km Aberdeen G Murray 59.11
(47) 26th May. Myra Garrett 10Km Danson Pk (35.05) 17(2M50) T Brightwell
39.48 18 S Pairman 40.29- 19 W Slack 40.37- 27 R Brown 41.37- 50 R Walsh 44.13-
(48) 1-2 Jun. SEAA Chs Watford
100m 1 D Plummer 10.7(sf .6)- sf A Lashore 10.70- h L Edwards 11.51- 200m h A
Lashore 22.50- 400m h J Charter 50.4- 800m h S Cooper 1:58.48- 1500m 1 M Skinner
3:50.15- 110H h M Elliott 14.38- 400H 2 N Ursell 52.2- h R Holt 59.15- PV 8 A
Williams 4.20- LJ 12 L Edwards 6.38- Wm 400m 7 S Singer 56.52
(49) 2nd Jun. Boys YAs Stn Prem (3) Lge Deangate
U17 100mA 2 D Bovell 11.6- B 2 S Bamgboye 11.7- 200mA 2 A McCleod 24.5- B 3 T
W-Symons 27.0- 400mA 3 P Barrett 67.7- B- 800mA 3 T Oliver 3:00.4- B- 100HA 2 A
Johnson 14.5- B 3 D Murray 17.1- 400HA 1 A Johnson 58.6- B- HJA 4 S Bamgboye
1.60- B 3 P Barrett 1.50- PVA 1 A Pope 2.55- B 1 D Murray 2.15- LJA 4 L
Hall-Henry 4.38- B 4 P Barrett 4.44- TJA 3 S Bamgboye 12.39- B 4 T Oliver 9.07-
SPA 2 T W-Symons 11.10- B 4 L Hall-Henry 9.07- HTA 2 T W-Symons 39.41- B- DTA 3
A Pope 32.52- B 1 A Williamson 31.15- JTA 2 D Murray 37.44- B 2 A Williamson
26.74- 4X100m 2 BH 46.9 (Hall-Henry, Bamgboye, Johnson & Bovell)- 4X400m 3
BH 3:54.7 (Pope, Murray, Johnson & McCleod)-
U15 100m A 1 A Monerville 12.2- B 1 D Lennon 12.8- 200m A 1 D Parsons 24.3- B 1
J Williams 24.7- 400mA 3 D Casey 60.9- B 1 R D'Angelo 61.5- 800mA 2 D Casey
2:20.4- B 3 C Place 2:41.4- 1500mA 2 J Poole 4:35.4- B 3 D Brewer 4:58.3- 3000mA
T Beech 10:58- B- 80HA 1 A Al-Ameen 12.9- B 1 D Lennon 14.6- HJA 2 A Al-Ameen
1.55- B 1 J Williams 1.50- PVA 2 A Al-Ameen 1.60- B- LJA 3 D Lennon 4.93- B 3 A
Ajako 3.73- SPA 3 S Harvey 9.58- B 1 Al Tawanaee 9.25- HTA 1 Al Tawanaee 43.46-
B 3 D Parsons 19.74- DTA 2 Al Tawanaee 33.88- B 3 S Rulens 15.98- JTA 1 S Harvey
45.92- B 4 C Place 31.20- 4X100m 1 BH 49.4 (Al-Ameen, Lennon, Williams &
Monerville)- 4X400m 2 BH
U13 100mA 3 M Akpofure 15.2- B 1 C Patten 14.4- 200mA 4 A Duke 30.5- B 2 M
Thorpe 30.8- 800mA 3 T Corbett 2:47.6- B- 1500mA 2 M Thorpe 5:14.0- B- LJA 3 J
Sellick 4.06- B 3 C Miller 3.38- SPA 1 R Al-Ameen 8.75- B 3 M Akpofure 5.44-
4X100m 2 BH 58.5 (Miller, Akpofure, Duke & Patten) Match 1 Shaft Bt 234- 2
BH 181- 3 Tonbr 153- 4 Bournemth 143
(50) 30th May. Rd 3"M City of London 102(1M50) M Cronin 21.39
(51) 1st Jun. HHH T&F Tooting Bec 800m P Hamilton 2:17.6
(52) 2nd Jun. Marathon Lake Vyrnwy D King 3:36- C Poole 3:54
(53) 2nd Jun. Girls YAs Lge (1) Norwich
U17 100mA 5 V Akpofure 13.4- B 8 L Barry 14.0- 200mA 4 V Akpofure 27.7- B 8 N
Brown 31.8- 300mA 7 E Bugler 47.6- B- 800mA 3 E Bugler 2:25.2- B- SpHA 2 H
Robinson 12.0- B 5 V Akpofure 18.1- 300HA 2 H Robinson 46.7- B- HJA 6 S Alaneme
1.50- B- LJA 2 S Alaneme 5.05- B 1 H Robinson 4.98- SPA 2 S Alaneme 9.79cl rec-
B 1 A Oliver 8.30- DTA 4 A Oliver 22.10- B 3 C Silvester 17.24- JTA 2 C
Silvester 29.06- B 1 A Oliver 23.79- 4X100m 4 52.4-
U15 100mA 8 K Douglas 14.1- B 5 J Smith 13.7- 200mA 8 K Douglas 28.4- B 7 S
Oreton 30.0- 800mA 8 S Coombs 2:41.1- B 8 C Weedon 3:04.7- 1500mA 8 B Proctor
5:25.0- B- SpHA 7 N Akif 13.2- B 4 J Wood 13.7- HJA 8 S Smith 1.30- B 6 S
Oreleja 1.20- LJA 8 C Weedon 3.98- B 8 N Akif 3.92- SPA 5 F Clark 8.37- B 8 R
Hargreaves 5.73- DTA 3 F Clark 24.40- B 2 J South 20.73- JTA 3 R Hargreaves
20.31- B 5 F Clark 12.65- 4X100m 8 57.8-
U13 75mA 1 S Solomon 10.4- B 3 E Godley 11.0- 150mA 4 A Barrett 21.6- B 4 S
Robinson 21.6- 800mA 1 R Taylor 2:24.8- B 5 C McNamara 2:49.7- 1200mA 6 E Woolf
4:57.3- B- SpHA 1 S Solomon 12.5- B 1 S Robinson 13.9- HJA 5 E Woolf 1.25- B 2 H
Shomade 1.15- LJA 1 E Godley 4.24- B 2 A Taitt 3.78- SPA 6 A Barrett 6.05- B 5 R
Taylor 4.64- 4X100m 2 56.3 (Shomade, Robinson, Godley & Solomon)- Tms 6 BH
(54) 3rd Jun. BMC Wythenshawe 800m J Bradley 1:57.73- 5000m M Steinle
14:01.81- W Foster 15:02.61
(55) 4th Jun. International Games Bedford 100/200m A Lashore 10.8- G
Neblett 11.2 F Collymore 11.2/ 22.61- N Simpson 22.62- 110H 2 M Elliott 13.87- M
Freckleton 15.2- 4X100m 2 GB U23 39.30 (inc D Grant & D Plummer) LJ 2 L
Edwards 6.87
(56) 5th Jun. Club Champs (1) Norman Pk 5000m 1 P Tucker (Reynolds Bowl)
15:50.8 2 J Morland 16:36.8- 3 M Ellison 17:33.9- 4 D Ellison 17:40.9- 5 R Brown
18:48.7- 6 D Hilliar 20:11.2- 7 S Ucyigit 22:31.8
(57) 8th Jun. Sthn Lge Div 2 (3) Norman Pk
100mA 2 A Lashore 11.2- B 1 F Collymore 11.3- 200mA 4 S Cooper 24.8- B 3 M
Purser 24.6- 400mA 2 J Charter 50.3- B 1 J Godsell 51.2- 800mA 1 M Skinner
1:52.3- B 1 S Cooper 1:57.6- 1500mA 1 A Rayner 4:01.4- B 1 T Hawkey 4:01.4-
5000mA 1 J Bradley 16:06.5- B 4 R Williams 17:33.7- 110HA 1 M Purser 17.1- B 1 R
Holt 17.7- 400HA 1 R Holt 58.9- B 1 M Purser 59.7- 3000SCA 4 A Moreton 11:13.6-
B 4 M Ellison 11:44.1- HJA 5 R Holt 1.50- B 4 M Purser 1.50- PVA 1 S Tolson
3.40- B 1 T Robinson 3.40- LJA 5 M Purser 5.73- B 5 C Daniel 5.19- TJA 3 C
Daniel 11.55- B 3 S Tolson 10.25- SPA 1 S Harrison 11.38- B 2 G Hickey 10.06-
HTA 3 K Chester 42.43- B 3 G Hickey 21.99- DTA 4 S Tolson 27.67- B 2 G Hickey
24.31- JTA 1 S Harrison 63.54- B 4 R Holt 32.21- 4X100m 3 BH 46.4- 4X400m 1 BH
3:26.2- BH Man-O-Match :- S Harrison- Match 1 BHB 131- 2 Ilfd 1281/2 3
Enfd 121- 4 Dartfd 82- 5 Portsmouth 73"
(58) 8th Jun. Sthn Lge Div 4E (3) Brighton
HT/DT/JT 1/3/1 A Williamson (Ath-of-Match) 33.96/?/34.20- Match 3 BHC
(59) 8th Jun. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (3) Norman Pk
SW 100mA 3 K Benneworth 12.8- B 1 S Singer 12.8- 200mA 5 N Morris 29.5- B- 400mA
1 S Singer 56.4- B 3 N Morris 66.3- 800mA 3 E Bugler 2:21.8- B 3 K O'Mahoney
2:25.9- 1500mA 2 J Butler 4:57.3- B 3 A Cilia 6:22.1- 3000mA 3 J Butler 10:34.7-
B 4 A Cilia 13:25.5- 100HA 2 K Porter 15.2- B 3 K Benneworth 19.2- 400HA 3 K
Porter 65.6- B- 80H U17 A 1 H Robinson 12.1- B 3 E Bugler 19.3- 300H U17 2 H
Robinson 46.4- HJA 2 S Alaneme 1.60- B 5 K O'Mahoney 1.30- PVA 4 K Porter 1.90-
B- LJA 2 K Benneworth 5.44- B 2 H Robinson 5.06- TJA 2 S Alaneme 11.25- B 2 A
Jacobs 9.36- SPA 3 S Alaneme 9.22- B 2 A Oliver 8.69- HTA 3 E Oliver 41.60 clj
rec- B 5 K Benneworth 6.85- DTA 2 A Oliver- B 1 E Oliver 31.78- JTA 4 C
Silvester 26.67- B 3 A Oliver 24.01- 4X100m 1 BH 48.7 cl rec- 4X400m 2 BH
Athlete-of-Match E Oliver
U15 100mA 4 K Douglas 13.8- B 1 J South 13.6- 200mA 3 K Douglas 28.2- B 2 J
South 27.8- 800mA 2 R Taylor 2:22.3 cl U13 rec- B 2 S Coombs 2:39.9- 1500mA 2 B
Proctor 5:21.1- B 2 S Williams 5:35.7- 75HA 1 N Akif 12.5- B 1 J Wood 13.0- HJA
3 S Wiffen 1.48- B 4 R Taylor 1.25- LJA 1 N Akif 4.51- B 2 J Wood 4.20- ns C
Weedon 4.12- SPA 1 V Thomas 9.89- B 1 F Clark 8.22- DTA 1 V Thomas 28.43- B 1 F
Clark 22.35- JTA 3 R Hargreaves 20.80- B 1 F Clark 13.23- 4X100m 1 BH 53.4-
Athlete-of-Match N Akif
Match 1 BH 201- 2 Belgr 189- 3 Chelmsfd 186- 4 Portsm 128- 5 Medway 123
(60) 9th Jun. T&F Leiden 200m D Grant 21.04
(61) 9th Jun. Marathon Stockholm C Poole 4:12
(62) 9th Jun. Kent B&C Lge (3) Norman Pk
U15 100mA 1 D Parsons 12.0- B 2 M Grant 12.5- 200mA 1 D Parsons 24.9- B 5 S
Huggins 30.0- 400mA 1 D Parsons 53.2- B 5 R D'Angelo 64.1- 800mA 3 D Casey
2:17.8- B 2 A Letchford 2:25.3- 1500mA 3 S Martin 4:53.4- B 3 D Proctor 5:23.7-
3000mA dnf T Beech- B 2 D Brewer 10:33.1- 80HA 1 A Al-Ameen 12.6- B- HJA 3 A
Al-Ameen 1.45- B 1 P Rochester 1.30- LJA 2 R Coates 5.18- B 5 S Martin 3.86- SPA
3 S Harvey 10.66- B 1 Al Tawanaee 9.81- DTA 4 Al Tawanaee 30.15- B 5 R Coates
19.23- JTA 1 S Harvey 48.96- B 3 Al Tawanaee 24.75- 4X100m 4 BH 53.0 (Rochester,
Jo Mercer, Coates & Huggins)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:07.8 (Casey 62.3- Al-Ameen 62.3-
R D'Angelo 65.1- Parsons 58.1)
U13 100mA 1 J Alaka 13.5- B 2 C Patten 14.5- ns C Elms 14.7- 80m U11 ns C Price
14.1- M Conway 14.3- 200mA 1 J Alaka 27.4- B 2 C Patten 31.5- 400mA 2 J Alaka
62.3- B 3 C Elms 76.4- 800mA 1 S Simpson 2:31.1- B 3 C Miller 2:48.3- 1500mA 4 M
Thorpe 5:15.7- B 3 R Bolton 5:50.3- ns E Martin 5:31- 75HA 3 Jm Mercer 13.8- B 4
C Richards 20.0- HJA 5 C Richards 1.15- B- LJA 2 J Sellick 3.97- B 2 Jm Mercer
3.69- SPA 2 R Al-Ameen 8.10- B C Elms 5.85- DTA 2 R Al-Ameen 17.26- B 1 C Davis
13.30- JTA 4 J Sellick 21.46- B 5 R Al-Ameen 13.36- 4X100m 2 BH 56.0 (Elms,
Mercer, Patten & Alaka)- 4X400m 3 BH 4:42.4 (Thorpe, Simpson, D Jones &
E Martin)- Match U15 1 BH 186- U13 2 BH 174- Overall 1 BH
(63) 9th Jun. Beckenham RC 10Km (33.21) 2 S McDonald 33.51- 3 A Rayner
34.51 4(1M40) C Keen 35.15- 15 G Morgan 37.40- 19(1M50) T Brightwell 38.28- 23 W
Slack 39.09- 25(2M50) R Brown 39.36- 29 P Anderson (Rhyader ex-BH) 40.14- 38 R
Walsh 42.15- 57 W Orton 45.46-
(64) 9th Jun. 5.7M Blaydon 293 C McEntee 37.42- 922 K McEntee 43.35
(65) 12th Jun. L'b v Achilles Loughborough
Invit 1500m 5 W Foster 4:05.6- 5000m 1 S Newport 8:25.4-
(66) 12th Jun. BMC Mile End 800m D Moulton 1:55.7- S Cooper 1:57.8
(67) 12th Jun. Club Champs (2) Norman Pk Mile 1 P Tucker (Pash Cup)
4:34.5- 3 K Daniel 5:02.3- 4 P Comber 5:05.5- 5 M Ellison 5:08.8- 6 J E Turner
5:55.6- 7 S Ucyigit 6:32.5
(68) 13th Jun. Assembly Lge 3"M Victoria Pk W Clapham (KtAC) 27.24-
(69) 15-16 Jun. Commonwealth Trials Manchester 100/200m 6 D Plummer 10.48
(h .42)
8/4 D Grant 10.58 (h .52)/20.82- 1500m h M Skinner 3:54.08- 10000m 7 D Taylor
29:20.02- 110H 2 M Elliott 13.95- h M Freckleton 14.36- 400H h G Ursell 52.55-
LJ 3 M Awanah 7.70pb
(70) 15th Jun. County Schools Chs Kent Ashford. Int B 100m 1 D Bovell
400m 2 S Bamgboye 53.0- 100H 1 A Johnson 14.3- HT 1 A Williamson 44.02- Jun B HT
1 Al Tawanaee 46.70cbp- JT 1 S Harvey 54.27- Int G LJ 1 S Alaneme 5.25- DT 2 A
Oliver 32.05- Jun G 75H 3 J Wood 12.8- HJ 3 S Wiffen 1.45- DT 2 F Clark 25.69-
London Battersea Pk. Jun B 100m 2 A Monerville 11.8- 400m 1 D Parsons 54.7- 3 D
Fenlon 56.9- Int G 100m 2 V Akpofure 13.1- 80H 1 H Robinson 11.9- Jun G 100/200m
5 K Douglas 13.4/ 28.0- Surrey Kingsmeadow. Int G 800m 1 E Bugler 2:22.35-
(71) 16th Jun. North Downs 30K
6 S MacDonald 1:59.12- 8 S Smythe 2:01.15- 11 A Rayner 2:03.02- 34 A Tucker
2:16.19- 42 T Brightwell 2:18.01- 53 S Pairman 2:19.39- 128(1M60) P Lovell
2:39.54- 139 D King 2:42.04- 141 I Jordan 2:42.27- 160 B Smith 2:45.38-
180(3M60) C Poole 2:49.32- 223 N Webb 3:01.22-
(72) 16th Jun. Kent Women's Lge (3) Norman Pk U17 LJ H Robinson 5.30- JT
C Silvester 30.08 cl rec-
U13 70H 1 S Solomon- 1000m R Taylor 3:07.5 cl rec- LJ 1 E Godley 4.30- SP/DT S
Brown 8.90/22.04 cl recs-
(73) 17th Jun. SCVAC T&F Lge Kent Div (3) Erith 100m A 3 J R Turner
B 2 T Phillips 12.8- M50/&LJ 2/1 D Wallington 13.0/4.86- M60 3 J Day 16.5-
800m A 1 N Ayrton 2:05.6- B 2 M Watling 2:13.0- M50 1 K Daniel 2:17.2- LJ/SP A 2
A Hardy 5.02/8.56- JT A 2 J R Turner 32.04- M50 SP/JT 3/1 C Brand 9.38/38.39-
4X200m 1 BH 1:41.8 cl rec (Wallington, Phillips, Ayrton & Turner) Match 1 BH
72- Wmn 100/B800/LJ/SP/JT 4/1/3/4/3 A Cilia 16.3/ 3:05.1/ 3.35/ 4.34/ 16.28-
800m A J Harrington 2:57.4
(74) 18th Jun. VAC 5M Rd Ch Battersea Pk 2(1M50) P Hamilton 29.41- W
Clapham 41.03
(75) 19th Jun. Kent 10000m Ch Erith 1 P Tucker 32:35.6- 2 S Smythe
(76) 22nd Jun. Sthn Lge Div 2 (4) Bracknell
800m A Rayner 2:00.4- 1500m T Hawkey 4:01.0- 5000m R Byrne 16:09.0- 110H M
Purser 17.0- PV S Gascoigne 4.00- SP P Archer 12.73- Tms 3 BHB 111-
(77) 22nd Jun. Kent U13 Chs Norman Pk Boys 100m 1 J Alaka 13.0- 800m 2 E
Martin 3 S Simpson- SP 2 R Al-Ameen- Girls 100/200m/70H 1/2/1 S Solomon
13.4/28.9/12.1- 2 S Robinson 29.7- 800m 1 R Taylor 2:24.6- 2 R Stokes- LJ 1 E
Godley 4.72 cl rec SP/DT S Brown 9.57cl rec/ 24.20cl rec- JT 2 E Mason- 3 S
(78) 22nd Jun. Sthn Lge Div 4E (4) Bury St Edmunds
100mA 4 P Byfield 12.2- B 1 N Keogh 11.9- 200mA 2 P Byfield 25.6- B 1 N Keogh
25.2- 400mA 3 N Ayrton 53.3- B 2 N Keogh 55.9- 800mA 3 N Ayrton 2:08.1- B 3 P
Comber 2:22.9- 1500mA 3 P Comber 4:43.7- B 2 P Barlow 4:56.8- 5000mA 2 P Barlow
17:24.3- B- 110HA 2 P Byfield 20.0- B 1 N Keogh 21.5- 400HA 1 N Keogh 64.6- B 1
P Byfield 72.5- 3000SCAB- HJA 5 P Byfield 1.55- B 2 P Barrett 1.50- PVA 3 J Day
2.60- B- LJA 2 P Byfield 5.68- B 3 N Keogh 5.25- TJA 3 P Byfield 11.82- B 1 N
Keogh 10.91- SPA 5 P Byfield 8.14- B 2 P Squires 8.10- HTA 3 P Barrett 25.30- B
3 P Squires 16.19- DTA 5 P Barrett 20.60- B 5 P Squires 14.46- JTA 4 P Byfield
26.35- B 5 P Squires 15.21- 4X100m 4 BH 50.7- 4X400m- BH Ath-of-Match N Keogh
Match 1 Chelmsfd 133- =2 BHC & Eastb 100- 4 W Suffolk 93- 5 Highgate 82
(79) 22nd Jun. BMC Solihull 1500m 2 M Skinner 3:47.28- 5000m B 5 W Foster
(80) 22nd Jun. 10Km Datchet Dash 15 S Smythe 35.38
(81) 23rd Jun. MT 10Km Darrick Wd 1 P Tucker 35.00- 3 C Keen 37.57- 4 J
Hoy 37.58 8 M Ellison 38.49- 10 A Moreton 38.57
(82) 23rd Jun. Rd 10Km Lyon, Fr 3W H Leach 38.54
(83) 23rd Jun. 1/2 Marathon Boreham Wd W Orton 103-
(84) 23rd Jun. Natl Jun Sthn Prem Lge (2) Eton
100m D Bovell 11.1pb- 200m I Allerton 22.9- 110H A 5 T Robinson- B W Edet- 400H
B 2 T Robinson- B HJ G Rulens 1.75- SP(12.41)/2HT/DT(40.47pb) K Chester SPB/HTB
2 T W-Symons- JT R Shelley 37.84- JTB 2 A Pope 37.84- Tms 5 BH
(85) 24th Jun. Club Champs (3) Norman Pk
200m 1 M Champion (Wood Cup) 22.3- 2 S White 24.3- 3 C Karageorghis 25.0- 4 J R
Turner (M40) 26.9- U17 1 M Richardson 24.5- 2 T W-Symons 26.7- U15 1 D Parsons
24.1- 2 R Grier 25.9- 3 A Al-Ameen 26.0- 4 R Coates 26.6- 5 S Stevens 27.2- U13
1 J Alaka 26.9- 2 C Patten 29.6- 3 M Thorpe 30.0- 4 J Golding 33.9- U17W V
Akpofure 27.5- U15G 1 S Orelaja 29.5- 2 K Douglas 30.3- 3 S Coombs 30.9- 4 E
Davey 31.7- 800m 1 S Cooper (Barclay-Esson Cup) 2:02.3- 2 P Comber 2:12.0- 3 K
Daniel(M50) 2:15.5- 4 R Brown(M40) 2:25.0- U15 1 D Casey 2:18.6- 2 D Proctor
2:42.1- 3 Carlos 2:46.7- U13 1 E Martin 2:22.8- 2 S Simpson 2:25.8- 3 M Thorpe
2:30.1- JW H Williams 2:56.1- U17W C McQuillan 2:39.7- U15G 1 S Coombs 2:40.9- 2
S Williams 2:42.3- U13G 1 R Taylor 2:23.1- 2 B Gibbons 2:42.3- 3 R Stokes
2:42.9- 4 C McNamara 2:52.5- 5 C Sapsed 3:00.9- 3000m 1 P Tucker (Morgan Cup)
8:59.9- 2 M Ellison 9:58.6- 3 P Hamilton 10:00.9- 4 D Ellison 10:11.3- U17 M
Leal 10:57.2- SW J Butler 10:16.6- JW N Wiggins 13:45.9- U17W J McCaffrey
13:56.9- HT 1 A Fairbairn 28.51- 2 G Hickey 24.06 (M65 32.14)- 3 J Day 11.70
(M65 18.68)- JM(6Kg) K Chester 54.79- U17 1 T W-Symons 43.25- 2 P Barrett 36.31-
U15 1 Al Tawanaee 46.26- 2 R Al-Ameen(U13) 19.22- JW E Oliver 43.22 cl J&S
rec- TJ 1 R Brown 8.03- 2 J Day(M65) 7.60- U17 1 A Pope 11.66- 2 E Telfer 10.44-
U15 A Al-Ameen 9.83- 150m U13G 1 S Solomon 21.3(h .0)- 2 H Jordan 21.8- 3 K
Goodridge 21.8 (h .5)- 4 A-L Barrett 22.0(h 21.4)- 5 C Shaw 22.8(h .3)- hts R
Taylor 22.2- O Dyer 24.5- C Drury 26.6 (200m 37.9)- S Cluney 27.9- E Banks 29.2
(200m 44.5)-
24/4 Battersea Pk 10K 3(1Mx Ch- 1M55) S Lightman 57.08- 4 P Hannell 57.56-
4/5 Nat V 20K Ch Sutton Pk. 15(3M55) S Lightman 2:00.04- 19(4M55) P Hannell
2:02.46- 23(4M60) N Simmons 2:05.29- 7/5 3K Steyning. 6 P Hannell 15.57- 8 S
Lightman 16.12
11/5 Sx & Kt Ch Crawley 3K. P Hannell(G) 13.50- 14/5 VAC 7K Battersea Pk. 1
P Hannell 39.48- 15/5 3K Steyning. 7 S Lightman 16.12- 9/6 SCVAC Ch 3K
Battersea. 2 P Hannell 15:49.9- 12/6 Blackheath Pk 9K. 2 S Lightman 51.50- 3 P
Hannell 52.10
18/6 VAC 5M Ch Battersea Pk. 1M55 P Hannell 47.46- 18/6 Horsham 3K. S Lightman
15.37- 19/6 SyWC 5K Norman Pk. 2 S Lightman 26.54- 3 P Hannell 27.58-
(87) MONTHLY SERIES 8/5 BH 3.12M Yct h'c. 1 P Shepheard 24.29(net)- 2 A
Tucker 17.48(2) 3 N Bunclark 18.34- 4 A Cilia 22.51- 5 P Barlow 17.10(1)- 6 W
Slack 18.33- 7 D Carton 19.59- 8 S Pairman 18.15(3)- 9 M Salmon 20.32- 10 B
Bater 19.05- 11 M Martineau 24.54- 12 J E Turner 19.27- 13 J Bugler 22.43- 14 M
Gasson 24.00- 15 C Pike 20.21- 16 C McEntee 19.30- 17 K McEntee 21.40- 18 S
Gleig 20.35- 19 B O'Gorman 20.53- 20 A Newton 23.02- 21 R Watkins 29.40-
28/5 3.3M Hammersmith. W Clapham 26.22- 11/6 Cryst Pal 5K W Clapham 24.06-
26/6 BH 3.12M Yct h'c. 1 S Lloyd 19.43 net- 2 A Cilia 22.32- 3 S Pairman 18.01-
4 W Slack 18.35- 5 M Gasson 23.51- 6 D Ellison 17.37- 7 S Gleig 20.08- 8 J Hoy
17.09(1)- 9 P Barlow 17.14(2)- 10 P Comber 19.30- 11 C Pike 20.16- 12 B McShane
17.34- 13 J Butler 18.07- 14 J Bugler 22.54- 15 W Orton 21.25- 16 M Ellison
17.26- 17 A Newton 22.15- 18 R Brown 19.05- 19 C Keen 17.22(3)- 20 K McEntee
21.54- 21 B Bater 19.51- 22 Z Bater 28.39- 23 Rn Chambers 24.18- 24 R Watkins
28.53-25 C McEntee 20.44-26 C Fulford-Brown 25.12-27 D Churchus 29.53-
(88) TRI &c 28/4 Natl Duathlon Ch Swindon. 15 S Newport- 27 N Kinsey-