VOL 21. No3. JANUARY 2002. PRESIDENT 2001/2: Mike Peel
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, Bromley: 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Orion are always strong on their home patch and we lost
the Mobmatch at Chingford. Roy Smith regained the Davis Cup, Nick Kinsey moving
his focus to winning the Kent Vets.
We again had good turnouts in the Kent leagues with Joe
Mills, Jennie Butler, Andrew Rayner and Rebecca Taylor prominent.
Tony Pontifex proved too smart for the handicapper in the
Christmas Yacht event as did Nick Bunclark in the Maryon-Wilson swimming
Norman Park is the main site for our Club's track and field programme. It
is where many of our athletes train, the focus of our youth development scheme
and the venue for our league home fixtures and Club championship evenings.
This facility may now be at risk because Bromley Council
wants to cut costs over a wide range of services and amenities.
We do not know at present what form such economies might
take, but your Committee thinks it necessary to make our views known. It is
therefore suggested that members who live in Bromley should contact their ward
Councillors to stress the importance of the Norman Park track as a community
asset. Derek Gregory (020 8467 7525 or derekgregory@gateway.net)
has details of Councillors, their snail and e-mail addresses, phone numbers
&c and can advise about the issues involved. Alternatively members may wish
to contact Mike Peel (020 8462 2505). A series of public consultation meetings
will be held at various locations in Bromley during Jan and early Feb.
For members living outside Bromley it is suggested that
e-mail might be the best means of commenting. Again Derek Gregory will be
pleased to advise.
A number of cross-country events require prior entry. Those who wish to
run the South of Thames Senior on 19th Jan, the SEAA Championship on 26th Jan or
the National on 23rd Feb should contact John Baldwin. M40-49 Vets who wish to
run the SEAA Vets on 9th Mar should contact Mark Watling (mark@hapsome.freeserve.co.uk
or 0208249 3598). M50+s contact Peter Hamilton (peter.hamilton@anglorom.co.uk
or 0208692 2619).
DARK EVENINGS- Wear bright kit and carry ID.
12th Jan Hayes - Open XC 10Km (inc Club Vets Ch)
12th Jan Wimbledon - VAC XC Chs
19th Jan Wimbledon - Sth of Thames Sen
19th Jan Belfast - International XC
26th Jan Parliament Hl - SEAA XC Chs
2-3 Feb Birmingham - AAA Indoor Chs
3rd Feb Crystal Pal - SCVAC Indoor Chs
9th Feb Richmond Pk - MOBMATCH v Ranelagh
9th Feb Lloyd Pk - SCVAC XC Chs
16th Feb Swanley - Kent Men's XC Lge
17th Feb Ashford - Kent Women's & YAs Lge
17th Feb Birmingham - Indoor GP
23rd Feb Bristol - National XC Chs
2nd Mar Hayes - Club 10M XC Ch
3rd Mar Canterbury - Parkwood Lge
6th Mar Sparrows Den - BH Schools XC Race
9th Mar Maidenhead - SEAA Vets XC Chs
Crystal Pal 5/2
Danson 11/1, 8/2 5K
Hyde Pk 25/1, 22/2 5K
Albert Embk 9/1, 13/2
Hammersmith 29/1, 26/2
All 12.30
12th Jan Punch Bowl Night
26th Jan Southern Supper
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Nov £50 B Hawtin, £25 M Shiels & D White
NEXT COURIER: Early Mar Results, readers' views &
other material welcome.
(01) 10th Jun. Kent Women's Lge Div 2 (3) Norman Pk
cf (20651) Full result
Sen 100/200m/TJ 1 L Guthrie 12.6/ 26.4/ 7.67- 400m 1 S Singer 59.8-
1500/3000m/2KWalk 3/1/1 C Messent 6:52.0/ 14:43.0/ 14:23.8- HT/DT 1 E Oliver
35.04/ 32.65- JT 2 T Shotton 9.12- 4X100m 1 BH 54.6- U17 200m 2 N Kibedi 28.8-
800m 1 M Delahoy 2:38.4- HJ 1 S Alaneme 1.50- TJ 1 A Jacobs 9.03- SP/DT/JT 1 A
Oliver 8.83 cl rec/ 28.49pb/ 23.45- HT 1 L Henderson--Boyle 24.65- 4X100m 1 BH
53.0- U15 100m 2 J South 13.7- ns J Wood 14.7- C Weedom 15.1- 200m 2 V Akpofure
27.3- 800m 1 C McQuillan 2:41.2- 1500m 1 B Proctor 5:29.6- 75H/LJ 1/2 C Cooper
12.2/ 4.41- SP/DT 2 V Thomas 9.57/ 19.91- JT 2 C Silvester 19.52- 4X100m 1 BH
54.4- U13 75m/HJ 2/1 S Solomon 10.6/ 1.25- ns M Ford 11.6- C McMorrach 11.7- H
Shomade 11.9- L Dagnum 12.6- 150m/LJns/75mns 2 E Godley 23.1/ 3.58/ 11.5- 1000m
1 R Taylor 3:20.8pb- 70H/LJ 1 N Akif 12.8/ 3.74- SP/JT 1/2 E Mason 5.74/ 19.83-
DT 1 S Crosley 18.85- 4X100m 2 BH 63.7-
Match 1 BH 373- 2 Pad Wd 230- 3 Maid & Roch 225- 4 Inv 52- 5 Swale 38
(02) 13th Sept. Club One-Hour Run Norman Pk cf (21233) Corr 3 T
Brightwell 15106m
(03) 7th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk cf (21251) Add 17 C Fincham 36.45
(04) 27th Oct. Vets AC XC 5M Wimbledon Cmn 3 P Hamilton 34.03
(05) 28th Oct. Seven Sisters Marathon Eastbourne (2:58) 23 D Hilliar
3:35- 28 M Ellison 3:37- 40 T Brightwell 3:42- 77 D Ellison 3:57- 87 W Slack
4:00- 120 P Lovell 4:09- 121 Dv King 4:09- 126 N Bunclark 4:10- 147 A Tucker
4:14- 197 J Leeson 4:22- 208 M Peel 4:23- 219 R Walsh 4:25- 231 R Griffin 4:28-
242 S Ridgewell 4:30- 250 R Strong 4:30- 259 C Poole 4:33- 370 C Hall 4:50- 404
A Nairn 4:52- M Blunden 5:09- Jh Else 5:12- J Portis 5:27- M Portis 5:41- J
Reynolds 5:54- T Shotton (Walk) 7:29- Dn King (Walk) 8:30-
(06) 28th Oct. Rd 10Km Wilmington (33.54) 11 N Ayrton 36.49- 14 C Fincham
37.15- 68 C Pike 41.11- 227 T Delahoy 48.04- 239 R Saiz 48.38- 240 J Tateson
48.41- 249 A Murrell 48.51- 273 K Connaughton 49.58- 367 D Brookes 54.19-
(07) 3rd Nov. Kent Men's XC Lge Capstone Pk (25.51) 4 R Smith 26.21- 12 A
Draper 27.27- 32 C Griffin 29.18- 35 S Cooper 29.35- 52 K Daniel 30.29- 62 R
Williams 30.49- 83 B McShane 32.12- 101 R Brown 33.34- 108 G Coates 33.48- 140 J
Robinson 37.51- 151 J Bugler 41.43- 155 W Clapham 43.35- Tms(Sc4) 4 BHA 81- 17
BHB 334- (Sc12) 4 BH 502
(08) 3rd Nov. Cross Chall Birmingham
24 D Ayrton 35.50- 65(14J) A Rayner 37.33- 104 S MacDonald- 301 N Ayrton
(09) 4th Nov. Cross Cup Ghent 16 T Dickinson 30.10
(10) 4th Nov. Marathon & Half Harrow Mn(2:33.19) D King 3:33.43- B
Smith 3:38.20- C Poole 3:47.14- 1/2-Mn (inc SCVAC Ch) 6(1M40SCV) C Keen 75.48-
7(2M40SCV) S Smythe 76.39-
(11) 4th Nov. NYC Marathon New York W Orton 3:39.59- C Ashford-Russell
(12) 4th Nov. Parkwood YAs XC Lge (2) Canterbury U20 2 W Bolton 26.02- 3
M Hill 26.34 5 J Godsell 27.06- Tms 1 BH- U17 5 R Perkins- U15 12 T Beech- U13 8
T Corbett- 15 R Bolton- U11 1 R Evans- 4 C Miller- 9 I Rowswell- U13G 1 R
Taylor- 13 R Stokes- 16 C McNamara- 18 C Sapsed- U11G 5 E Baxter-
(13) 4th Nov. 1/2-Marathon Marlow J Bennett
(14) 10th Nov. ECCA XC Relays Mansfield Sen(4X5K) 17 BH (6 M Skinner
15.34- 31 P Tucker (late t'over)- 27 R Smith- T Dickinson 15.41)- Jun(3X3K) 15
BH (13 A Rayner 9.30- 17 M Hill 10.00- W Bolton 9.42)
(15) 10th Nov. Vets Intl XC Falkirk M40 4 W Foster (Eng) 30.22-
(16) 10th Nov. Sth of Thames Jun 5M Coulsdon (29.14) 20 J Morland 31.20-
25 N Gasson 31.29 29 S Cooper 31.39- 33 C Griffin 31.48- 44 S Smythe (DulR)
32.25- 52 M Watling 32.55- 67 M Ellison 34.10- 100 G Coates 36.19- 119 C Pike
37.30- 156 W Clapham 47.10- Tms (Sc4) 5 BHA 107- 19 BHB 338- (Sc8) 4 BH 445-
Women 1 J Butler 33.31
(17) 10th Nov. Sthn Univ Lge Southampton 7 J Bradley (Oxon) 33.15
(18) 10th Nov. YAs Sportshall Swanley U15 4 R Daniel- U13 2 A Al-Ameen-
Tm 2-
U15G 3 V Akpofure- U13G 3 S Solomon- Tm 2- U11G C Miller- Tm 10
(19) 14th Nov. Civil Serv XC Ch 10K Richmond Pk
69 R Brown 42.21- 94 W Orton 47.39- 101 B Wilson 50.00
(20) 18th Nov. Intl XC Chall (inc GB Trial & Kent Women's & YAs
Lges Margate
Sen 16 M Skinner 29.23- 28 D Ayrton- JM 16(1Kt) A Rayner 18.58- 3 W Bolton
19.51- 4 M Hill 20.17- Kt Tms 1 BH- U17 3 R Perkins 13.19- 14 D Snow 13.55- 22 C
Daniel 14.52- 29 P Moreton 17.53- Tms 4 BH- U15 21 T Beech 11.34- 25 J Fuller
11.47- 27 D Willis 12.00- 28 C Place 12.00- 36 S Leach 13.11- Tms 8 BH- U13 2 D
Brewer 10.42- 12 T Corbett 11.54- 17 M Thorpe 12.10- 19 T Doig 12.19- 22 R
D'Angelo 12.28- 36 R Bolton 15.09- Tm 3 BH- Sen Wm 35(1Kt) J Butler 19.38- 8Kt K
O'Mahoney 21.33- 14 J Harrington 22.39- 26 C Jones-Baldock 24.16- 27 V Place
24.20- 32 A Cilia 24.43- 35 S Cummings 25.01- 40 A Jelly 25.49- Kt Tms 2 BH-
U17W 6 E Bugler 14.03- U15G 9 B Proctor- U13G 1 R Taylor 9.16- 6 A Boyle 9.43-
(21) 17th Nov. Surrey XC Lge Div 1 Wimbledon Cmn. 1 D Taylor (HHH) 26.06-
Div 2 Richmond Pk. 13 S Smythe (DulR) 28.50- Div 4 Tilford. 3 K Daniel (VAC)
34.12- J E Turner (DulPk) 38.20- N Barber (DulPk) 39.12- 81 W Clapham (VAC)
(22) 17th Nov. Inter-Club XC 10K Chingford 1 G Clifford (BoE) 40.52
(23) 18th Nov. Rd 10Km Brighton 1M45 C Griffin 33.31pb- D Griffin 38.15-
M Martineau 47.21
(24) 18th Nov. Rd 10M Epsom
(54.53) 129 T Delahoy 77.52- 180 K Connaughton 86.38- 193 J Hills 89.08-
(25) 24th Nov. Mobmatch v Orion.H Chingford (inc BH 71/2M Ch)
1 R Smith (Davis Cup) 47.18 (H'c pos 12)- 5 J Morland 49.09 (8)- 8 D Ellison
51.52 (1)- 13 D Hilliar 52.59 (21)- 14 M Ellison 53.18 (11)- 16(1L) J Butler
53.44 (3)- 18 J Hoy 54.04 (13)- 21 A Tucker 54.52 (5)- 22 B McShane 54.57 (2)-
29 S Pairman 57.13 (20)- 33 G Coates 57.46 (14)- 36 R Coles 58.06 (30)- 41 W
Slack 58.26 (29)- 43 R Brown 59.27 (27)- 44 C Pike 59.31 (18)- 46 N Barber 59.40
(4)- 51 A Davis 61.27 (25)- 53 S Lloyd 61.48 (9)- 60 R Walsh 63.30 (28)- 62 R
Cliff 63.46 (6)- 68 M Wade 64.59 (22)- 69 M Salmon 65.05 (35)- 71 R Griffin
65.37 (10)- 72 P Lovell 65.37 (26)- 78 M Compton 67.14 (16)- 82 C Poole 68.26
(19)- 83 A Pontifex 68.42 (7)- 85 B Saxton 68.56 (24)- 87 A Cilia 69.56 (17)- 88
M Peel 70.27 (38)- 89 R Michell 70.34 (31)- 90 W Orton 71.05 (23)- 92 C Rowe
72.08 (36)- 95 J Bugler 73.06 (15)- 97 S Cummings 74.48 (34)- 98 A Jelly
(Lanterne Rouge) 75.13 (32)- 103 M Gasson 77.33 (33)- 104 J Copley 78.16 (37)-
108 R Watkins 98.35 (39)- Tms (Sc36) Orion 1002- BH 1901
(26) 24th Nov. SEAA Vets XC Ch (00-01) Parliament Hill
M50+ 6M 42(5M60) J Clare 42.13- 115(3M70) W Clapham 54.17
(27) 25th Nov. Cross Cup Roeselare, Bel Intl JM 6.75K 25 A Rayner (SoEJ)
22.44- 32 W Bolton 23.06- 49 C Daniel 25.57- Vets 15(3M45) C Griffin 23.-
31(6M50) K Daniel 25.39-
(28) 1st Dec. Oxfd v Camb Wimbledon Cmn 14 J Bradley 42.10
(29) 1st Dec. Kent XC Lges Danson Pk SenM 2 J Mills 31.03- 4 R Smith
32.00- 10 J Murray 33.10- 27 J Morland 35.10- 32 S Holmes 35.25- 35 S Cooper
35.46- 40 N Ayrton 36.15- 54 D Marks 37.24- 67 K Daniel 38.19- 86 D Hilliar
39.56- 96 G Coates 40.34- 103 R Brown 41.06- 115 W Slack 42.06- 151 P Youngman
47.58- 157 W Clapham 50.36- 161 Rn Chambers 54.06- Tms(Sc4) 2 BHA 42- 14 BHB
272- 25 BHC 511- (Sc12) 3 BH-
JM 4 M Hill 22.41- U17 15 R Perkins 24.15- 17 D Snow 25.12- 22 D Griffin 27.11-
25 P Moreton 31.52- Tms 3 BH- U15 19 D McKeown 19.28- 23 D Willis 20.10- U13 3 M
Thorpe 16.21- 10 T Corbett 17.12- 19 R D'Angelo 18.00- Tms 2 BH- SenW 2 J Butler
24.46- 23 C Jones-Baldock 30.36- 29 A Jelly 31.58- 37 K Pratten 33.15- 38 S
Cummings 33.24- Tms 5 BH 54-
U17W 2 E Bugler 19.45- U15G 5 B Proctor 17.31- 14 C McQuillan 18.19- 25 L Baxter
20.24- Tms 5 BH- U13G 1 R Taylor 12.08- 17 C Sapsed 15.08-
(30) 2nd Dec. Victory 5 Portsmouth 7 D Taylor 23.42- 14 M Skinner 24.10
(31) 8th Dec. Kent Vets & Clubman's XC Chs Tunbridge Wells (St.Johns)
M40 9K 1 N Kinsey 33.34- 4 S Smythe(DulR) 35.02- 5 T Soutar 35.05- 7 C Griffin
35.19- 17 M Watling 36.53- 32 C Fincham 38.56- Tms 1 BH- M50+ (9K/35.41) 5 K
Daniel 36.15- 10 P Hamilton 38.12- 14 M Cronin 39.44- 16 J Phelan 39.55- 18 G
Coates 40.07- 21 R Brown 40.59- 46 J Robinson 45.32- 60 J Bugler 49.36- 65 W
Clapham 51.23- Tms 2 BH- W35+ (21.46) 9 A Cilia 25.43- Clubman's 3 R Byrne
33.22- 5 S McDonald 34.33-
(32) 8th Dec. Univ XC Relays Leeds
6X2M 2 Lough'b Past (inc W Foster 11.26)- 6 Brunel (inc M Skinner 10.18)
(33) 8th Dec. SEAA Inter-C XC Bury St.Edmunds
U17 19 R Perkins (Kt)- JW K Bugler- U17W 6 E Bugler-
(34) 15th Dec. X Chall Edinburgh 14 M Skinner 27.47
(35) 15th Dec. Surrey XC Lge
Div 2 Croydon. 9 S Smythe(DulR) 30.57- Div 4 Wimbledon Cm. 10 K Daniel(VAC)
31.46- 46 J E Turner(DulPk) 36.09- 51 N Barber(DulPk) 36.40- 99 W Clapham(VAC)
(36) 22nd Dec. BH XC5 Yacht H'cap Hayes
1 A Pontifex 38.45 actual- 2 S Lloyd 36.07- 3 M Gasson 43.59- 4 D Ellison
31.30(2)- 5 A Cilia 40.51- 6 M Compton 39.12- 7 D Churchus 44.15- 8 A Tucker
32.46- 9 R Cliff 38.07- 10 N Barber 35.49- 11 B McShane 33.19- 12 C Baker 34.39-
13 R Walsh 36.44- 15 R Brown 34.38- 16 R Smith 27.59(1)- 17 J Butler 32.42- 18 C
Pike 35.03- 19 P Shepheard 48.17- 20 D King 37.28- 21 G Coates 34.19- 22 N
Bunclark 35.22- 23 A Davis 36.17- 24 S Ridgewell 36.31- 25 M Ellison 32.18(3)-
26 J Mullett 40.10- 27 M Wade 39.26- 28 Rn Chambers 46.28- 29 R Griffin 40.25-
30 C Poole 41.50- 31 B Fisher 37.35- 32 C Rowe 41.41- 33 C Huntley 36.53- 34 W
Slack 35.44- 35 S Cooper 32.37- 36 A Jelly 45.26- 38 D Brookes 49.58- 39 J
Robinson 42.43-
(37) 22nd Dec. VAC/HercW XC5 Wimbledon Cmn W Clapham 44.13
(38) 29th Dec. HercW MT 7M Wimbledon Cmn 30 W Clapham 57.11
(39) 3rd Dec. CLUB SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP Beckenham Baths 50m F/S
1 N Bunclark (Maryon-Wilson Cup) 27.13 (H'c pos 1)- 2 N Kinsey 32.2(5)- 3 J R
Turner 36.3(3)- 4 P Taylor 36.35(4)- 5 C Brand 42.74(8)- 6 J Phelan 42.8(6)- 7 D
Johnson 53.49(7)- 8 T Shotton 53.8(2)- 9 J Copley 54.87(9)- 10 W Clapham
67.4(10)- 11 A Brent 71.62(11)-
(40) RACE WALKING 17/11 Monks Hl 7M. 4 P Hannell 64.28- 24/11 Belgr 7M
7 P Hannell 64.14- 18 S Lightman 71.35- 1/12 Monks Hl 10K. 4 P Hannell 56.52- 6
S Lightman 58.53- 10 N Simmons 62.44- 8/12 Bexley 10K. 9 S Lightman 57.43- 16/12
Horsham 5K. S Lightman 28.02-
(41) INDOOR 18/11 SEVets Pentn Eton. M40 6 A Hardy 2073pts (60H/13.5- LJ/4.97-
SP/8.99 HJ/1.41- 60m/8.6)- M50 1 D Wallington 3199 (11.6/ 5.32/ 9.56/ 1.38/
8.2)- M65 1 J Day 2917 (12.2/ 3.58/ 8.05/ 1.17/ 9.9)- 8/12 Cardiff. 800m/3000m D
Ayrton 1:55.0/ 8:32.56- A Rayner 8:35.83- 8/12 Sportshall Tunbridge Wells. U13 3
A Al-Ameen- M Akpofure- U13G 2 S Solomon- Tm 2 BH (+ H Shomade, S Robinson &
E Godley)-
1 N Barber 209- =2 D Ellison & R Smith 207- 4 J Butler 203- 5 B
McShane 199- 6 C Pike 197- 7 A Cilia 172- 8 A Pontifex 171- 9 M Ellison 164- 10
A Davis 147- 11 S Lloyd 146- 12 M Wade 145
306 pg24)
Saturday, 27th December 1924, will be remembered in years to come as the day on
which we lightened the burden of the Southern Railway. At 2.30 or thereabouts
the storm was at its height. The stationmaster at Elmers End was on the verge of
collapse. So were most of the station buildings. The signalman was lashed to his
cabin. The Hayes Express was anchored at the quay; the driver and stoker were at
their posts. The guard had given his whistle a final pull-through; the booking
clerk had been frustrated in his attempts to obtain a kettle of hot water from
the engine for his afternoon tea, and consequently steam was fully up. All was
ready, with the exception of the passengers, and of these there was no sign.
Disturbing reports had come in earlier in the day of
errand boys' bicycles hurled to the ground by the force of the hurricane as they
stood by kerbstones, and on the Addiscombe line four signals had been blown
sideways by the force of the wind.
In these circumstances the stationmaster refused to take
the responsibility of sending the Hayes Express along the storm-swept embankment
to Eden Park without an adequate ballasting of passengers. Things were
desperate. A Special Correspondent of the Daily Mail was lurking on the
footbridge waiting to cable the raw material for another Scathing Exposure of
the Southern Railway.
The situation was indeed critical when a train from Cannon
St wandered in and deposited a dozen or so stalwart forms with bags containing
black vests, knickerbockers and anemometers wherewith to ascertain the wind
velocity on Bunker's Nob. The Southern Railway was saved. The necessary
ballasting of passengers was provided by well-nourished Harriers. The Special
Correspondent cast his fountain pen into an empty coal truck and retired
discomfited, and, as the Hayes Express weighed anchor and sailed round the
hairpin bend, we observed the stationmaster weeping silently upon the bosom of
the Booking clerk in an ecstasy of relief.
Threading cautiously amongst the isobars with which the
countryside was strewn, we came in due season to West Wickham, where we were
able to take stock of our fellow adventurers. By this time the amateur
meteorologists were in despair. The bearings of their wind pressure instruments
were red-hot and their rain gauges had broken down. Despite falling barometric
pressure, however, the stalwarts formed themselves into two packs. A.C.Telfer,
with your correspondent unduly weighted by Christmas fare toiling in the wake,
formed one pack and squelched their way across six miles or so of saturated
scenery, carefully avoiding Bunker's Nob, on account of a group of particularly
ferocious isobars clustered on its summit. The remainder of the gallant band
were blown like autumn leaves, with Trevor Davis, over five miles or so of the
landscape, with the exception of N.H.Prior, who was observed near the Waterworks
on a solitary course and, as he ran, going through the motions of laying a trail
of imaginary paper from an imaginary bag. The force of habit we suppose.
The stalwarts adjourned to the Club Room, and after tea
chairs were drawn to the fire, and a very pleasant hour was passed in hearing
reminiscences of the earlier days of the Club. There was a distinct spirit of
Christmas jollity in the air and it was with genuine regret that the party broke
up to board the Hayes Express for the homeward voyage.