VOL 20. No6. JULY 2001. PRESIDENT 2001/2: Mike Peel
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, Bromley: 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
EARLY SUMMER RESULTS - We are able to report many good performances at
International and Championship level over a wide range of age groups. Among
names to look for are Dwayne Grant, Jon Barbour, Mensah Elliott, Julian Golding
and Bill Foster.
Despite good team efforts competition has again proved
tough for us at the highest level of the British League, especially in the
technical events, and it seems unlikely that we will find any short-term
solution. It is therefore particularly encouraging to see the progress made by
our teams in the various Junior and YAs leagues both male and female.
The Southern (Men) and Vet league teams have had mixed
results with some difficulties in filling team slots.
Two meetings remain to be held, so join in even if you have not already done
so. Those who have never tried any track or field event may surprise themselves.
In such meetings, and in the various leagues, we hope foundations may be laid
for better things to come. In particular it would be nice to see more Seniors
and also Veterans of the 40-49 age group to bolster our strong Vet tradition,
now leaning on those the wrong side of 50.
The 5Km race in Hyde Park is held on the last Friday of each month with
entry on the day. We understand that, because of park regulations, you can no
longer pay with cash but only by vouchers obtainable from Run&Become, 42
Palmer St, SW1H 0PH.
Because of extensive and prolonged building work in Crystal Palace Park it has
been necessary for Jim Bennett to make last minute alterations to the course
used for the runs on the first Tuesday of each month. Participants are advised
to check with him beforehand (8657 7660).
Colin recently completed the Blackpool and Potteries Marathons and is on
course for his Century at the Sri Chinmoy event in Battersea Park on Sun 16th
Sept, details of which were given in the last Courier. Colin began his series at
the 1987 London and hopes friends and running colleagues will join him on this
occasion either as participants or supporters. Colin and his wife Shirley will
be providing food and drinks at 1 pm and invite you to join them for the
Greetings fellow 'Heathens from a cool and damp California (75 F down from
the mid 80s and our first rain since 27th April). Congratulations to all at the
Club for some super results. I visit the website regularly (great work Mr
President) and it's good to hear how well you are doing throughout the age
ranges. It is with great envy that I read of the exploits of the 50+ vets. I am
still running, although jogging is probably a more appropriate term today. The
standard of running around here is pretty low, if only I could get close to my
times of a few years ago....Alas no matter what I seem to do I am 30 lbs
overweight and this is reflected in some truly appalling performances! If any of
you visit the Bay area please give me a call, it would be great to see you. Good
running. Kind Regards, Barry Mellish
6472 Crystal Spring Drive, San Jose, CA 95120.
Home phone USA (408) 323 9624
7th Jul Eton
Brit Lge Div 1
7th Jul Sthn Men's Lge
Div 2 WLS
Div 4E Mile End
8th Jul Erith
Kent B&C Lge
11th Jul Norman Pk
Club Chs (3) 200m, 400H- 10000m- TJ- DT- 1Km h'c
14th Jul Horsham
Sthn Women's Lge
21st Jul Bedford
Gold Cup Final
21st Jul Sthn Men's Lge
Div 2 Guildford
Div 4E Ware
22nd Jul YAs Lges
Boys Peterborough
Girls Croydon
23rd Jul Norman Pk
SCVAC Kent Lge
25th Jul Norman Pk
Club Champs (4) 400m- Mile - 5000m- Track Walks- HJ- HT-800m h'c
29th Jul Eton
Natl Jun Lge (Men)
4th Aug Sthn Men's Lge
Div 2 Chelmsford
Div 4E Eastbourne
5th Aug Deangate
Kent B&C Lge
12th Aug Watford
Natl Jun Lge (Men)
18th Aug Jarrow
Brit Lge Div 1
19th Aug Deangate
Kent Women's Lge
Club h'c 18/7 22/8 7.15pm
Cryst Pal 3/7 3M 12.30
Danson 13/7, 10/8 5K
Hyde Pk 27/7, 31/8 5K
Albert Embk 11/7, 8/8
Hammersmith 31/7, 28/8
BH B-B-Q Sun 15th Jul from 4 onwards. Live Music
Inside if wet. £8 (U15 £4)
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
May £50 E Malone - £25 I Young & R Taylor
June £400 B Shapcott
NEXT COURIER: Early Sept Results, readers' views
& other material welcome.
(01) 15th Apr. Kent Women's Lge Div 2 (1) Norman Pk
cf (20525) Add/Correct
Sen 200/400m 2 N Morris 29.4/ 67.4- 800m 1 K Bugler 2:38.7- 2000mWalk/LJ 1/3 C
Stephenson 3.87/ 15:26.6- 2 V Chisanga 16:37.3- TJ/SP/DT 1/2/1 A Zihute 10.28/
5.30/ 17.74- U17 100m/TJ 2/1 A Jacobs 13.8/ 8.90- 200m 2 N Ayakibedi 28.9-
300m/DT 1 N Gharbaoui 45.8/ 10.57- 800m 1 M Delahoy 2:51.0- 4X100m 1 BH 53.5-
U15 1500m 2 B Proctor 5:46.8- DT 3 V Chisanga 10.40- JT 1 B Clare (Not Cooper)
13.02- LJns C Cooper 4.32- U13 75ns E Godley 11.3- S Robinson 11.5- M Ford 11.5-
70H 1 N Akif (Not Solomon) 12.5- LJ 2 S Solomon 3.75- SP 2 E Mason 4.91-
(02) 26th Apr. T&F USA 200m J Golding 21.04- J Barbour 21.47- 110H M
Elliott 14.33
(03) 28th Apr. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (1) Abingdon
Sen 100mA 1 K Benneworth 12.5- B 1 S Singer 12.9- 200mA 1 S Singer 26.2- B 2 A
Jacobs 28.5- 400mA 1 N Morris 68.8- B 1 E Bugler 67.1- 800mA 2 E Bugler 2:33.2-
B 3 C Jones-Baldock 3:02.5- 1500mAB- 3000mA 4 C Jones-Baldock 13:03.4- B- 80H
U17A 1 K Benneworth 12.4- 100HA 1 K Porter 14.7- B- 400HA 1 K Porter 68.5- B-
HJA 1 S Alaneme 1.60- B- PVAB- LJA 1 K Benneworth 4.95- B 1 A Jacobs 4.73- TJA 1
S Alaneme 10.61 cl rec- B 1 A Jacobs 9.46- SPA 2 A Oliver 8.46- B 1 S Alaneme
8.10- HTA 1 E Oliver 31.75- B 5 M Bovell 9.95- DTA 1 A Oliver 24.56- B 3 M
Bovell 13.59- JTA 2 A Oliver 22.48- B 2 L Watling 9.43-4X100m 1 BH 52.9- 4X400m
1 BH 4:37.0-
Girls100mA 1 C Cooper 13.2- B 1 J South 13.5- 200mA 1 J South 28.3- B 4 S
Solomon 31.5- 800mAB- 1500mA 3 B Proctor 5:59.4- B 2 L Baxter 6:32.2- 5000mA - B
- 75HA 1 M Robinson 12.3- B 1 C Cooper 12.6- HJAB- LJA 1 H Robinson 4.81- B 1 C
Cooper 4.71- SPA 1 V Thomas 10.00 cl rec- B 3 L Baxter 4.48- DTA 1 V Thomas
17.56- B 5 B Proctor 4.74- JTA 3 V Thomas 12.56- B 2 H Robinson 10.68- 4X100m 1
BH 56.8-
Match 1 BH 192- 2 Radley 187- 3 Richmond 160- 4 Heathside 145- 5 Watford 122
(04) 29th Apr. Natl Jun Lge (1) Hillingdon cf (20532) Full result
100mA 4 F Collymore 11.2- B 1 G Isodo 11.4- 200mA 2 F Collymore 22.3- B 2 J
Wilkie 23.3- 400mA 4 I Allerton 51.9- B 5 D Griffin 55.5- 800mA 5 W Bolton
1:59.5- B 8 C Daniel 2:05.4- 1500mA 3 W Bolton 4:09.4- B 5 D Snow 4:30.8- 3000mA
6 R Perkins 9:58.0- B 6 H Cliff 11:40.6- 110HA 6 J Aust 21.9- B 3 T Robinson
18.3- 400HA 2 J Aust 59.9- B 3 T Robinson 59.8- 2000SCAB- HJA 7 J Procter 1.70-
B- PVA =2 T Robinson 3.00- B 4 A Pope 2.00- LJA 1 M Awanah 6.46- B 5 J Procter
4.92- TJAB- SPA 7 D Bovell 9.47- B 5 S Trice 9.07- HTA 5 S Trice 23.78- B- DTA 8
S Trice 19.41- B 7 J Procter 16.93- JTA 8 S Trice 15.35- B- 4X100m 1 BH 44.2
(Isodo, Wilkie, D Bovell & M Awanah)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:28.1 (Awanah, J Aust, N
Simpson & Allerton)- Match 1 Enfd & Harin 306- 2 Shaft 299- 3 Belgr 277-
4 Harrow 275- 5 AFD 229- 6 Milton K 219- 7 BH 217- 8 Swansea 129
(05) 30th Apr. SCVAC Lge (1) Kent Div 1 Sutcliffe Pk Tr A,B & C(M50)
Fd A & C
200m A 4 J R Turner 26.7- B 4 R Brown 27.5- C 1 D Wallington 26.7- 1500m A 1 S
Smythe (CambH) 4:38.2- 2 P Barlow 4:42.6- B 2 J Phelan 4:54.5- C 1 K Daniel
4:43.5- M60 3 P Lovell 6:00.6- PV A 1 A Hardy 3.50- C 1 J Day 2.60- TJ A 4 A
Hardy 10.36- C 1 D Wallington 10.25- DT A 1 C Ellis 33.78- C 4 G Hickey 25.54-
M60 1 C Brand 37.01- 4X100m 2 BH 50.9- Match 1 BH 73- 2 Dartfd 64- 3 CamH 55- 4
Inv 53- 5 Medw 33- 6 BromV 20
Women Div 2 W35 200mA/1500mA/TJ 4/4/1 A Cilia 33.7/ 6:20.2/ 6.24- 1500mB 3 A
Jelly 7:26.4- W50 200m/DT 4/2 T Shotten 41.7/ 14.77- Match 4 BH 24
(06) 5th May. Brit Lge Div 1 (1) Copthall
100mA 3 A Lashore 10.63- B 5 M Awanah 11.14- 200mA 6 M Champion 21.73- B 3 A
Lashore 21.66- 400mA 5 A Wilson 49.49- B 6 S Jarred 52.12- 800mA 8 J Godsell
2:02.94- B 8 P Calnan 2:18.63- 1500mA 8 P Fisher 4:04.18- B- 5000mA 6 D Ayrton
15:03.40- B 6 P Tucker 15:45.66- 110HA 2 M Elliott 14.01- B 5 M Purser 16.25-
400HA 7 M Purser 57.62- B 6 J Aust 61.02- 3000SCA 8 D Moore 10:05.99- B 7 G
Clifford 10:11.86- HJA 7 A Hodge 1.85- B 5 B Barikor 1.80- PVA 4 S Gascoigne
4.00- B 3 S Tolson 3.20- LJA 4 L Edwards 6.76- B 5 M Awanah 6.09- TJA 6 M
Bramble 14.25- B =5 M Purser 11.01- SPA 7 G Hickey 9.34- B 7 S Gascoigne 9.15-
HTA 8 C Ellis 24.03- B 8 S Gascoigne 22.65- DTA 8 C Ellis 33.09- B 8 S
Gascoigne24.63- JTA 7 A Hodge 43.73- B 7 S Gascoigne 32.35- 4X100m 5 BH 43.91-
4X400m 6 BH 3:26.5-
Match 1 Belgr 345- 2 NEB 326"- 3 Woodford Gr 314- 4 Border 278- 5 Birchfd
271- 6 Sale 233- 7 Shaftb 229- 8 BH 178"-
(07) 5th May. Sthn Lge Div 2 (1) Hemel Hempstead
100mA 1 G Neblett 11.4- B 2 D Plummer 11.8- 200mA 1 N Simpson 23.6- B 1 G
Neblett 23.6- 400mA 2 J Beighton 53.1- B 3 Aa Harris 54.6- 800mA 5 A Rayner
2:07.3- B- 1500mA 1 A Gibbins 4:08.9- B 1 W Bolton 4:15.3- 5000mAB- 110HAB-
400HAB- 3000SCAB- HJA 4 J Procter 1.75- B- PVA 2 A Hardy 3.20- B- LJA 5 J
Procter 4.65- B 4 A Hardy 4.59- TJA 4 J Procter 10.99-B- SP/HTA 4/3 A Fairbairn
9.16/ 27.17- B 4/4 A Hardy 8.51/ 17.48- DTA 4 A Fairbairn 32.14- B 5 A Hardy
17.21- JTAB- 4X100m 1 BH 45.2- 4X400m 2 BH 3:38.8-
Match 1 Harrow 136- 2 Ilford 121- 3 Dac & Tring 119- 4 Chichester 75- 5 BH
(08) 29th Apr. Kent B&C Lge (1) Norman Pk
100m/200m 1 D Sawyerr 12.1/ 24.7- 400m/LJ 1 B Earley 56.5/ 5.37- Match 1 BH
(09) 5th May. Sthn Lge Div 4E (1) Dartford (Not from Official Result
100mA 3 D Lougheed 11.7- B 1 J Wilkie 11.4- 200mA J Wilkie 22.6- B D Lougheed-
400mA 2 N Keogh 53.2- B 1 W Greenly 54.6- 800mA 1 A Draper 1:56.7- B 1 R Laming
1:59.4- 1500mA 1 R Laming 4:09.7- B 2 K Daniel 4:27.5- 5000mA 4 P Barlow
17:05.2- B 4 D Ellison 17:38.9- 110HA 3 N Keogh 22.0- B 2 I Holder 20.4- 400HA 2
N Keogh 62.8- B 5 W Greenly 77.5- 3000SCAB- HJA 2 I Holder 1.55- B 5 J Wilkie
1.40- PVA 2 J Day 2.60- B 5 J Robinson 1.50- LJA 5 J Wilkie 5.20- B 5 I Holder
4.70- TJA 5 N Keogh 10.91- B 5 J Robinson- SPA 3 G Hickey 10.14- B D Lougheed
7.67- HTA 5 P Squires 12.80- B 5 J Robinson 12.43- DTA 5 P Squires 13.22- B 5 J
Robinson 12.79- JTA 5 K Daniel 20.33- B 5 P Squires 18.23- 4X100m 1 BH 45.9
(Keogh, Lougheed, Wilkie & C Dennis)- 4X400m 1 BH (Keogh, Draper, Greenly
& Dennis)-
Match 1 Eastb 111"- 2 Walthamstow 110- 3 Dartfd 102"- =4 BH 102- =4
Barnet 102
(10) 6th May. Boys YAs Lge (1) Tonbridge
U17 100mA 2 D Bovell 11.5- B 3 E Telfer 12.5- 200mA 2 D Bovell 24.2- B 3 E
Telfer 26.4- 400mA 1 I Allerton 52.8- B 1 C Daniel 55.3- 800mA 4 D Griffin
2:08.2- B 1 C Daniel 2:10.7- 1500mA 4 D Snow 4:33.1- B 2 D Ryan 4:35.7- 3000mA 2
R Perkins 9:59.3- B 3 G Rulens 11:57.4- 100HA 2 A Johnson 14.7- B 1 S Brockwell
15.2- 400HA 2 T Robinson 58.5- B 1 S Brockwell 63.1- 1500SCA 3 D Ryan 5:11.4- B
2 D Snow 5:13.5- HJA 2 G Rulens 1.70- B 3 Q Belgrave 1.50- PVA 1 T Robinson
3.30- B 2 W Edet 2.10- LJA 2 Q Belgrave 5.57- B 2 G Rulens 5.17- TJA 2 K
Walker-John 11.44- B 2 S Brockwell 10.91- SPA 1 K Chester 11.88- B 2 R Shelley
11.03- HTA 1 K Chester 54.96- B 1 P Barrett 36.81- DTA 1 K Chester 32.63- B 2 P
Shelley 28.85- JTA 2 R Shelley 42.60- B 1 P Shelley 33.59- 4X100m 2 BH 47.7 (A
Johnson, E Telfer, Q Belgrave & D Bovell)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:42.5 (D Snow 57.4-
T Robinson 56.3- C Daniel 55.1- I Allerton 53.7)
U15 100mA 2 D Sawyerr 12.1- B 2 D Prince 12.6- 200mA 2 D Sawyerr 24.9- B 2 L
Turner 26.9- 400mA 4 J Farr 62.9- B 3 R Reed 62.0- 800mA 3 J Fuller 2:24.3- B 4
D Willis 2:47.4- 1500mA 2 D Fenlon 4:47.4- B 2 J Poole 5:01.3- 3000mA 4 T Beech
11:00.4- B 3 S Leach 11:07.0- 80HA 3 T Boam 14.9- B 2 D Lennon 17.0- HJA 3 T
Boam 1.30- B 3 D Willis 1.20- PVA 2 D Willis 1.60- B- LJA 2 D Prince 4.83- B 2 D
McKeown 4.47- SPA 2 G North 9.59- B 2 Am Tawanaee 9.00- HTA 2 G North 25.16- B 2
T Oliver 17.51- DTA 3 Am Tawanaee 28.45- B 2 Al Tawanaee 21.69- JTA 3 R Daniel
14.42- B 2 T Oliver 13.47- 4X100m 2 BH 49.1 (D Lennon, D Prince, L Turner &
D Sawyerr)- 4X400m 2 BH 4:10.3 (D Fenlon 61.4- R Reed 64.2- J Farr 66.2- D
Sawyerr 58.5)-
U13 100mA 2 Jo Mercer 13.9- B 2 Jm Mercer 14.5- 200mA 2 Jo Mercer 29.0- B 1 A
Al-Ameen 29.6- 800mA 4 R D'Angelo 2:42.6- B 3 O Umujakporue 3:09.3- 1500mA 1 D
Brewer 5:12.6- B 3 S Rulens 5:48.0- LJA 3 Jm Mercer 4.03- B 1 A Al-Ameen 3.93-
SPA 2 O Umujakporue 8.11- B 2 R Al-Ameen 6.11- 4X100m 2 BH 58.5 (Jm Mercer, A
Al-Ameen, R D'Angelo & Jo Mercer)
Match 1 Enfd & Har 270- 2 BH 220- 3 AFD 162- 4 Worthing 80
(11) 7th May. Kent Women's Lge Div 2 (2) Erith
Sen 200m/TJ 1 L Guthrie 26.4/ 8.07- 400m/800m/LJ 2/1/2 C Jones-B 70.2/ 2:42.7/
3.73- 1500m 1 K Bugler 5:37.8- HT/DT 1 E Oliver 29.64/ 31.55- U17 100m/TJ 2/1 A
Jacobs 13.6/ 9.61- 200m 2 P Swaray 28.3- 300m 1 N Gharbaoui 45.0- 1500m 1 E
Bugler 5:13.0- 80H/LJ 1 K Benneworth 12.7/ 5.04- SP/DT 1 A Oliver 8.56/ 26.76-
HT/JT 1/2 L Henderson-B 22.85/ 18.64- 4X100 1 BH 53.0 (P Swaray, N Gharbaoui, A
Jacobs & K Benneworth)- PV T Robinson (G) 3.40- U15 100m 2 C Cooper 13.4-
200m 2 V Akpofure 26.8- ns C Cooper 27.4- P Swaray 27.7-J South 28.0- S Orelager
28.7- N Kibedi 29.1- L Watling 30.7- L Messinger 31.6- C Weedon 31.9- 800m 2 L
Backshawe 3:02.2- 1500m 2 B Proctor 5:38.7- 75H/LJ 1 H Robinson 12.1/ 4.65- LJns
C Cooper 4.56- J South 3.76- C Weedon 3.65- L Messinger 2.76- HJ 1 S Orelaga
1.30- SP/DT 1 V Thomas 9.62/ 20.53- JT 1 R Hargreaves 14.54- 4X100m 1 BH 54.2 (H
Robinson, C Cooper, J South & V Akpofure)- U13 75m/HJ 2/1 S Solomon 10.6/
1.25- ns E Godley 11.3- S Robinson 11.3- J Person 12.0- L Dignum 12.3- 150m 3 S
Robinson 22.2- 1000m 1 R Taylor 3:21.8- 70H/LJ 1 N Akif 12.7/ 3.77- SP/DT 1/3 E
Mason 5.60/ 13.25- 4X100m 1 BH 58.5 (N Akif, S Robinson, E Godley & S
Match 1 BH 382- 2 Padd Wd 239- 3 Maidst 202- 4 Inv 100- 5 Swale 26-
(12) 5th May. Br Univ Chs Glasgow
200m sf N Hamilton(Ox) 23.26- 800m 5 D Moulton(Bath) 1:50.94pb- 1500m 4 M
Skinner(Brun) 3:45.28pb- 4X100m 3 Oxfd 42.71 (incl N Hamilton)- Wm 400m ht S
Singer 58.23
(13) 9th May. Forbanks Relay Beckenham 3X2.6M 10 BH 49.29 (W Slack, R
Walsh & Ph Taylor)
(14) 11th May. Langley Pk Sch Chs LJ C Daniel 5.32pb
(15) 12th May. BVAF Rd Relays Sutton Pk M50 9 BH 1:45.05 (M Cronin 18.00-
R Minting 17.59
K Daniel 16.14- P Hamilton 17.23- T Brightwell 18.05- J Phelan 17.21)
(16) 7th May. Ted Pepper Memorial 10Km Langley Pk
1 S McDonald 33.53- 2 P Calnan 34.01- 16 K Foley 35.56- 25 J Hoy 36.42- 28 S
Smythe 36.54- 30 C Griffin 37.03- 35 A Tucker 37.29- 47 S Pairman 38.15- 48 N
Gasson 38.17- 52 M Ellison 38.32- 58(2M55) M Cronin 39.13- 72 R Brown 39.55- 74
W Slack 40.09- 92(3M60) J Clare 41.22- 97 R Walsh 42.13- 104 M Blunden 42.45-
107 B Fisher 42.56- 110 R Strong 43.03- 114 J Isaacs 43.21- 120 S Ridgewell
43.40- 121 B Wilson 43.43- 126 B Bater 43.58- 129 J Leeson 44.14- 135 B Else
44.51- 138 M Compton 45.04- 160 A Cilia 47.20- 163 M B Allen 47.35- 171 J
Tateson 48.33- 175 D Parrish 48.52- 182(2M70) D Churchus 49.13- 185 G Crowder
49.46- 190 Rn Chambers 51.11- 197 P Shepheard 53.01- 205 K Tyler 56.19-
(17) 12-13 May. County T&F Champs Kent Ashford. SM 100/200m 3 N
Ursell 11.0(h 10.9)/ 22.2
h/6 D Lougheed 11.5/ 23.5- 800m 1 M Skinner 1:52.2- 4 R Laming 1:57.0- 400/800m
h/5 S Cooper 52.9/ 2:00.2- 1500m 3 R Laming 4:06.7- 4 A Gibbins 4:08.3- 5000m 1
D Ayrton 15:11.3- PV =2 S Tolson 3.60- 5 J Day 2.70- SP/DT 5/7 A Fairbairn 9.99/
35.41- JM 200/400m 4/3 N Simpson 22.5/ 53.3- h J Wilkie 23.5- 800m 5 M Hill
2:07.1- 8 J Saunders 2:14.1- 1500m 6 A Rayner 4:20.4- 400H 1 J Aust 58.0- 2000SC
1 W Bolton 6:14.9- HJ 1 J Procter 1.75- U17 100/200m 4 D Bovell 11.3/ 23.4- h G
Rulens 12.1- 200/400m 6/1 I Allerton 23.8(h.7)/ 51.6- 5 D Griffin 53.6- 8 M
Gipon 55.8(h 54.3)- h C Daniel 55.2- 800m 4 D Ryan 2:04.1- ht D Griffin 2:15.2-
1500m 4 J Sweeney 4:19.5- h D Snow 4:32.0- HJ =2 G Rulens 1.75- 100H 1 A Johnson
14.5- 400H/PV 2/1 T Robinson 59.1/ 3.40- PV/JT 4/7 A Pope 2.40/ 30.84- SP/HT/DT
4/1/4 K Chester 12.57/ 52.95/ 34.16- HT 3 P Barrett 36.71- U15 100m h D Lennon
13.2- 200m h D Lennon 26.3- A Berry 27.4- 400m 2 B Earley 54.6- 7 R Daniel 64.8-
800m h R Daniel 2:41.6- 1500m 9 T Beech 5:08.5- 11 S Leach 5:15.0- 80H 7 A Berry
18.9- JT 3 S Harvey 37.41- SW 100/200m 2/4 L Guthrie 12.6/ 25.3- JW 400m 1 S
Singer 58.6- 800m 5 K Bugler 2:29.5- HT/DT 3/2 E Oliver 32.61/ 30.44- U17W
100m/80H 3/1 K Benneworth 12.4/ 12.3- 100/200m h A Jacobs 13.1/ 27.6- S Alaneme
13.2- 800m 3 E Bugler 2:23.9- HJ 1 S Alaneme 1.55- LJ 2 K Benneworth 5.22- 6 A
Jacobs 4.60- SP/DT/JT 5/4/3 A Oliver 8.71/ 25.30/ 22.94- U15G 100/200m 1 V
Akpofure 13.0/ 26.2- SP/DT 4 V Thomas 9.99/ 22.43- Sussex 800/1500m 1/2 M Airey
1:56.00- Essex Southend. 100/200m U20 1 B Barikor 11.0/ 22.3- U17 1/2 F
Collymore 11.0/ 21.9- Mdx Copthall 3KWalk 2 S Lightman 16:26.4- Surrey SM 400m 3
J Beighton- 400H 2 M Purser- JT 2 C Verheyden- JM 400/800m 1/2 J Godsell 50.8-
Oxfd 1500m 1 J Bradley 4:06.2-
(18) 13th May. Ranelagh "-Marathon Richmond 8 C Keen 80.48-
(19) 18th May. SCVAC Lge (2) Kent Div 1 Deangate Tr A,B & M50(C): Fd
A & C
400m A 5 D Cocker 59.3- B 4 J R Turner 60.0- C 2 K Daniel 60.2- 3000m A 1 S
Smythe (CamH) 9:32.9- 5 P Barlow 10:06.9- B 2 M Watling 10:16.4- C 1 P Hamilton
10:28.5- ns C Griffin 9:41.2- T Brightwell 10:40.7- LJ A 3 J R Turner 4.29- C 4
M Martineau 3.23- HT 5 J R Turner 9.31- C 3 C Brand 25.03- Match 1 CamH 51- 2
Inv 49- 3 Dart 44- 4 BH 36- 5 Medw 25- 6 BromV 20
Women Div 2 400mA/3000mA/LJ 4/3/3 A Cilia 80.5/ 13:04.3/ 3.53- Match 5 BH 11
(20) 19th May. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (2) St.Albans
Sen 100mA 2 L Guthrie 12.9- B 1 K Benneworth 13.0- 200mA 2 L Guthrie 26.3- B-
400mA 1 S Singer 57.8- B 3 N Morris 67.3- 800mA 2 Z Morrell 2:32.5- B 2 M
Delahoy 2:34.0- 1500mA 2 E Bugler 5:06.8- B 2 H Barker 5:30.0- 3000mA 1 J Butler
10:27.4- B 2 C Messent 14:43.7- 80H U17A 1 K Benneworth 12.9- 100HAB- 400HA 4 C
Jones-Baldock 92.8- B- HJA =4 C Jones-Baldock 1.20- B =2 M Delahoy 1.20- PVA 2 Z
Morrell 1.80- B- LJA 2 K Benneworth 4.53- B 2 A Jacobs 4.51- TJA 3 A Jacobs
9.07- B L Guthrie 8.37- SPA 2 A Oliver 8.32- B 2 L Henderson-Boyce 7.52- HTA 2 E
Oliver 34.26- B 1 L Henderson-Boyce 26.15- DTA 2 E Oliver 31.45- B 2 A Oliver
26.05- JTA 3 A Oliver 26.59- B 2 L Henderson-Boyce 20.48- 4X100m- 4X400m 2 BH
Girls100mA 2 C Cooper 13.8- B 3 S Orelaja 14.3- 200mA 5 S Orelaja 29.8- B 2 P
Sawaray 28.4- 800mAB- 1500mA 2 R Taylor 5:29.5- B 1 B Proctor 5:33.9- 75HA 1 H
Robinson 12.3- B 1 C Cooper 12.7- HJA 3 L Anderson 1.30- B 3 S Orelaja 1.25- LJA
1 H Robinson 4.88- B 1 C Cooper 4.42- SPA 5 L Anderson 4.18- B- DTA 5 H Robinson
10.50- B 5 B Proctor 9.31- JTA 3 P Lahai 15.43- B 4 B Proctor 5.60- 4X100m 1 BH
Match 1 Hastings 180- 2 BH 172- 3 W Suff 169- 4 Swind 148- 5 St Alb 125
(21) 19th May. Varsity Match Cambridge
400m 2 N Hamilton(Ox) 50.3- 800/1500m 4/1 J Bradley(Ox) 2:02.5/ 4:00.2
(22) 20th May. Intl T&F Loughborough
100m/inv200m 2/1 J Barbour 10.36/ 21.08- inv100m 1 D Grant 10.74- 200m 3 J
Golding 21.17- 110H 5 M Elliott 14.29- 1500m 9 M Skinner 3:47.4- 4X100m 2 GBJ
(inc Grant) 39.55
(23) 20th May. Essex Ch 10M Gt.Baddow (50.51) 328 W Clapham 82.24
(24) 20th May. Girls YAs Lge (1) Perivale HJ/LJ/SP 1 S Alaneme- Match 4
(25) 20th May. City 10Km Aberdeen P Smith 50.02
(26) 20th May. Town & Gown 10Km Oxford 406 W Orton 45.23-
(27) 20th May. Boys YAs Lge (2) Croydon
U17 100mA 1 F Collymore 11.1- B 1 D Bovell 11.6- 200mA 1 F Collymore 22.5- B 2 S
Bamgboye 23.8- 400mA 2 D Griffin 53.8- B 1 M Gipon 54.7- 800mA 2 D Ryan 2:04.1-
B 1 C Daniel 2:05.7- 1500mA 2 J Sweeney 4:15.6- B 1 D Snow 4:28.5- 3000mA 2 R
Perkins 9:44.3- B- 100HA 3 S Brockwell 15.5- B 1 C Smith 15.6- 400HA 2 S
Brockwell 61.3- B 2 C Smith 62.0- 1500SCAB- HJA 1 G Rulens 1.80- B 1 W Edet
1.65- PVA 1 A Pope 2.20- B- LJA 2 G Rulens 5.54- B 1 K Walker-John 5.34- TJA 3 K
Walker-John 11.91- B 2 S Brockwell 11.45- SPA 2 K Chester 12.27- B 1 R Shelley
11.90- HTA 1 K Chester 57.26- B 1 P Barrett 36.32- DTA 1 K Chester 38.53- B 1 P
Shelley 30.91- JTA 2 R Shelley 38.27- B 1 P Shelley 36.62- 4X100m 1 BH 45.5 (E
Telfer, S Bamgboye, D Bovell & F Collymore)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:38.8 (D Griffin
54.8- C Daniel 53.6- M Gipon 55.2- D Ryan 55.2)
U15 100mA 2 D Sawyer 12.1- B 1 D Prince 12.4- 200mA 2 D Sawyer 24.2- B 2 D
Lennon 27.4- 400mA 2 B Earley 54.6- B 2 L Turner 61.0- 800mA 1 R Campbell
2:13.1- B 3 D Willis 2:35.7- 1500mA 1 D Fenlon 4:44.1- B 1 J Poole 4:51.0-
3000mA 3 T Beech 10:59.5- B 1 D McKeown 11:22.8- 80HA 2 R Cussens 13.6- B 2 T
Boam 15.4- HJA 3 J Farr 1.30- B 3 A Berry 1.25- PVA 2 D Murray 1.80- B- LJA 1 B
Earley 5.25- B 1 D Prince 4.90- SPA 3 A Simpson 9.99- B 1 Am Tawanaee 9.75- HTA
4 T Oliver 16.94- B 3 A Simpson 16.36- DTA 2 Am Tawanaee 29.74- B 2 Al Tawanaee
23.61- JTA 2 D Murray 36.21- B 2 S Harvey 33.62- 4X100m 1 BH 49.7 (L Turner, D
Lennon, R Shrimpton & D Prince)- 4X400m 2 BH 4:06.2 (J Farr 65.5- R Daniel
65.5- R Campbell 60.1- D Sawyer 55.1)-
U13 100mA 1 A Sims 13.6- B 1 Jo Mercer 13.8- 200mA 1 Jo Mercer 28.2- B 2 A
Al-Ameen 29.1- 800mA 3 T Doig 2:37.5- B- 1500mA 1 D Brewer 5:07.9- B 4 T Corbett
5:48.2- LJA 2 A Al-Ameen 4.09- B 1 Jm Mercer 4.08- SPA 1 O Umujakporue 8.23- B 1
R Al-Ameen 6.27- 4X100m 1 BH 56.9 (S Huggins, A Al-Ameen, Jo Mercer & A
Match 1 BH 241- 2 Crawley 185- 3 Tonbr 168- Milton K 158
(28) 26th May. Surrey Vets Chs Kingsmeadow M50 100/400m/LJ 1 D Wallington
13.1/ 57.3/ 5.30
M55 3KWalk 1 P Hannell 17:0.1- M65 100H/HJ/PV/SP J Day (G) 22.5/ 1.25/ 2.70/
(29) 26-27 May. Inter-Counties Ch Bedford 100/200m 1/4 J Barbour 10.24/
21.60(h 20.95) 110H 3 M Elliott 13.98- LJ L Edwards 6.91
(30) 26-27 May. SE U20 Chs Watford 100/200m 1 D Grant 10.50/ 20.9- h J
Wilkie 11.42/ 22.8 A Evans 22.8- 400m N Simpson 50.11- 400/800m J Godsell 51.8/
1:57.1- 1500m W Bolton 4:07.2- U17 100/200m 6/3 F Collymore 11.1/ 22.4- 400m 3 I
Allerton 50.70- 800m h D Ryan 2:03.4- C Daniel 2:05.5- HT K Chester 58.55 cl
rec- JW 100H 2 K Porter- DT 3 E Oliver 34.06 cl rec- U17W DT A Oliver- U15G 200m
J South- 75H H Robinson-C Cooper- SP 4 V Thomas 10.42 cl rc
(31) 27th May. MT 10Km Danson Pk
(34.54) 13 T Brightwell 39.23- 17 N Ayrton 40.01- 29 W Slack 41.54- 32 R Brown
(32) 29th May. Open T&F Exeter 200/400m M 50 R Minting 25.8/ 54.1
(33) 31st May. Wilde Sapte 3"M Battersea Pk
59 K Foley- 95(2M50) M Cronin 20.21- W Orton 26.15-
(34) 2nd Jun. Brit Lge Div 1 (2) Birmingham
100mA 2 D Grant 10.45- B 1 A Lashore 10.57- 200mA 1 D Grant 20.90- B 4 M
Champion 21.68- 400mA 6 A Wilson 49.06- B 7 N Simpson 50.50- 800mA 5 M Skinner
1:52.99- B 8 J Bradley 2:16.08- 1500mA 3 M Skinner 3:53.75- B 4 M Airey 4:00.41-
5000mA 6 W Foster 15:14.83- B 6 J Bradley 15:50.44- 110HA 3 M Elliott 13.98- B 4
M Freckleton 14.61- 400HA 6 N Ursell 54.31- B 8 M Purser 59.29- 3000SCA 7 C Hogg
10:26.47- B- HJA 7 A Hodge 1.90- B 7 B Barikor 1.80- PVA 7 S Tolson 3.40- B- LJA
1 L Edwards 7.17- B 4 M Awanah 6.55- TJA 5 M Awanah 14.27- B 6 M Bramble 11.51-
SPA 8 M Elliott 10.78- B 8 S Jarred 7.22- HTA 8 A Hodge 21.05- B 8 S Tolson
16.60- DTA 8 A Hodge 28.55- B 8 S Jarred 21.71- JTA 8 A Hodge 36.37- B 8 S
Jarred 21.08- 4X100m 4 BH 42.42 (Barikor, Elliott, Champion & Awanah)-
4X400m 6 BH 3:20.10 (Simpson, Champion, Jarred & Wilson) -
Match 1 Belgr 377- 2 Birchfd 321- 3 Woodford Gr 307- 4 Shaftb 264- - 5 NEB 255
6 Border 230- 7 Sale 209- 8 BH 204-
(35) 2nd Jun. Sthn Lge Div 2 (2) Stevenage
100mA 2 G Isodo 11.3- B 4 W Greenly 12.0- 200mA 5 J Beighton 24.0- B 4 W Greenly
25.1- 400mA 2 J Beighton 52.4- B 3 W Greenly 54.3- 800mA 5 S White 2:18.0- B-
1500mA 3 A Gibbins 4:18.1- B 3 P Tucker 4:27.6- 5000mA 2 P Tucker 15:54.6- B 1 S
McDonald 16:07.4- 110HA 1 J Aust 19.1- B- 400HA 1 J Aust 59.9- B 3 W Greenly
77.6- 3000SCAB- HJA =2 Rb Chambers 1.75- B 5 R Holt 1.00- PVAB- LJA 5 Rb
Chambers 5.20- B 3 W Greenly 4.65- TJA 3 Rb Chambers 11.12- B 3 J Beighton
10.14- SPA 4 S White 10.09- B 3 A Fairbairn 9.40- HTA 3 A Fairbairn 31.05- B 5 R
Holt 9.96- DTA 2 S White 33.86- B 1 A Fairbairn 31.56- JTA 5 R Holt 29.62- B 5 A
Fairbairn 21.19- 4X100m 4 BH 46.4- 4X400m 3 BH 3:35.3-
Match 1 Bracknell 124- 2 NEB 121- 3 Medw 114"- 4 BHB 84"- 5 Hillingdon
(36) 2nd Jun. Sthn Lge Div 4E (2) Norman Pk
100mA 3 D Lougheed 11.4- B 4 P Byfield 12.1- 200mA 3 D Lougheed 23.5- B 2 N
Keogh 24.0- B - 400mA 3 P Byfield 55.0- B 1 S Holmes 53.9- 800mA 1 R Laming
1:59.0- B 1 S Holmes 2:04.9- ns M Lucht 2:07.4- P Comber 2:20.6- 1500mA 1 R
Laming 4:09.7- B 1 A Rayner 4:27.8- ns K Daniel 4:34.4- 5000mA 2 C Griffin
17:00.3- 1 P Barlow 17:08.5- ns J Morland 16:46.8- 110HA 4 N Keogh 18.4- B 2 I
Holder 20.7- 400HA 1 N Keogh 61.3- B 3 P Featherston 64.2- 3000SCA 2 D Ellison
11:18.9- B 2 M Ellison 12:10.6- HJA 4 J Procter 1.70- B 4 I Holder 1.50- PVA 2 J
Day 2.60- B 4 P Featherston 2.00- LJA 4 P Byfield 5.55- B 3 D Wallington 5.30-
TJA 4 P Byfield 11.32- B 1 N Keogh 11.21- SPA 1 G Hickey 10.62- B 2 S Lloyd
7.72- HTA 1 G Hickey 26.25- B 1 P Featherston 23.10- DTA 3 C Brand 26.49- B 2 D
Wallington 23.18- JTA 1 P Featherston 39.56- B 1 C Brand 35.80- 4X100m BH dnf-
4X400m 1 BH 3:35.2-
Match 1 BHC 134- 2 Watford 113"- 3 W Suff 104"- 4 Tun W 97- 5 Enfd
& Har 82
(37) 3rd Jun. Norbury 5 New Eltham
10(2M50) T Brightwell 31.13- 20 R Brown 32.32- 23 W Slack 32.53- 102 J Tateson
(38) 3rd Jun. Marathon Blackpool B Smith 3:43- C Poole 3:50- P Cobbett- H
(39) 3rd Jun. Boys YAs Lge (3) Deangate
U17 100mA 1 F Collymore 11.1- B 1 D Bovell 11.6- 200mA 1 F Collymore 22.4- B 1 S
Bamgboye 23.9- 400mA 3 D Griffin 54.0- B 1 M Gipon 54.4- 800mA 1 D Ryan 2:02.1-
B 2 C Daniel 2:06.5- 1500mA 3 D Snow 4:28.2- B 3 H Cliff 5:14.0- 3000mA 3 R
Perkins 9:49.1- B 4 M Leal 11:18.7- 100HA 1 A Johnson 14.5- B 2 S Brockwell
16.2- 400HA 2 S Brockwell 62.0- B 2 C Smith 64.1- 1500SCA 4 D Snow 5:14.0- B-
HJA 4 W Edet 1.65- B 4 D Bovell 1.45- PVA 1 T Robinson 3.40- B 1 A Pope 2.20-
LJA 3 K Walker-John 5.66- B 4 W Edet 5.43- TJA 3 W Edet 9.98- B 3 K Walker-John
9.96- SPA 1 K Chester 13.19- B 2 P Barrett 10.43- HTA 1 K Chester 55.65- B 1 P
Barrett 37.61- DTA 1 K Chester 38.41- B 1 A Pope 25.68- JTA 2 A Pope 34.05- B 2
T Robinson 27.65- 4X100m 1 BH 45.1 (E Telfer, S Bamgboye, D Bovell & F
Collymore)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:39.38 (D Griffin- C Daniel- M Gipon- D Ryan)
U15 100mA 2 D Sawyer 12.3- B 3 D Prince 12.2- 200mA 1 D Sawyer 24.4- B 3 L
Turner 25.8- 400mA 4 R Reed 62.0- B 4 L Turner 65.0- 800mA 4 J Fuller 2:24.8- B
3 D Willis 2:34.3- 1500mA 2 D Fenlon 4:42.9- B 2 J Poole 4:57.8- 3000mA 3 T
Beech 11:01.7- B 2 S Leach 11:12.7- 80HA 4 T Oliver 19.6- B 4 D Lennon 16.4- HJA
4 D Willis 1.25- B 3 T Oliver 1.00- PVA 3 D Murray 1.70- B 2 A Berry 1.70- LJA 4
D Prince 5.06- B 2 D McKeown 4.81- SPA 3 G North 9.39- B 2 A Simpson 9.34- HTA 3
Am Tawanaee 24.91- B 3 Al Tawanaee 21.47- DTA 3 Am Tawanaee 30.45- B 3 Al
Tawanaee 19.97- JTA 3 S Harvey 38.16- B 1 D Murray 34.14- 4X100m 3 BH 50.0 (L
Turner, D Lennon, D McKeown & D Prince)- 4X400m 4 BH 4:04.2 (R Daniel, R
Reed, D Sawyer & D Fenlon)-
U13 100mA 1 A Sims 12.9- B 1 Jo Mercer 13.7- 200mA 3 Jo Mercer 27.9- B 1 A Sims
27.6- 800mA 1 D Casey 2:26.7- B 2 R D'Angelo 2:48.5- 1500mA 3 D Brewer 5:09.4- B
2 T Doig 5:19.5- LJA 3 A Al-Ameen 4.20- B 1 Jm Mercer 3.87- SPA 2 O Umujakporue
8.23- B 2 R Al-Ameen 6.46- 4X100m 2 BH 55.2 (Jm Mercer, A Al-Ameen, Jo Mercer
& A Sims)
Match 1 Harrow 236- 2 BH 207- 3 Medw 172- 4 Havering 149
(40) 6th Jun. Club T&F Chs (1) Norman Pk
75m U13G 1 S Robinson 11.3- 2 A Barrett 11.9- 3 F Craig 12.5- 100m 1 D
Bovell(U17) 11.7- 2 J Aust(J) 11.9- 3 D Moore(U17) 12.3- 4 W Rulens(U17) 12.6- 5
J R Turner(M40) 13.5- 6 R Brown(M50) 14.1- U15 1 T Elsom 12.9- 2 C Perrin 13.0-
3 A Berry 13.3- 4 R Reed 13.8- U13 1 J Mercer 13.9- 2 A Al-Ameen 14.2- 3 S
Huggins 14.9- 4 C Brett 15.0- 5 B Wallace(U11) 15.2- 6 J Lamb 16.4- 7 Z Wise
16.7- 8 L Silk(U11) 19.5- 9 M Light 25.7- U15G 1 V Akpofure 13.5- 2 K Holmes
14.8- 3 C Weedon 15.0- 4 L Anderson 15.3- U13G 1 S Solomon 14.3- 2 E Godley
15.0- 1500m 1 S McDonald 4:21.5- 2 J Morland 4:27.8- 3 K Daniel(M50) 4:29.4- 4 C
Griffin 4:34.5- 5 P Barlow 4:39.1- 6 D Griffin(U17) 4:49.2- 7 R Brown 5:00.4- 8
T Brightwell 5:02.9- 9 W Clapham 6:47.6- U15 1 D Fenlon 4:47.5- 2 M Leal(U17)
5:00.3- 3 T Beech 5:07.6- 4 S Leach 5:14.9- 5 R D'Angelo 5:36.0- 6 B
Proctor(U15G) 5:40.9- 7 C McQuillan(U15G) 5:58.2- 8 J McCaffrey 6:27.3- 400hc 1
S Robinson- 2 A Berry- 3 C Weedon- 4 F Craig- 5 C McQuillan- 6 T Beech- 7 S
Huggins- 8 S Leach- No SC- LJ Sen 1 J R Turner 4.07- 2 T Brightwell 3.10- JM S
Trice 4.13- U17 1 D Bovell 5.74- 2 W Rulens 5.49- 3 D Moore 5.20- 4 A Pope 5.09-
U15 1 C Perrin 4.56- 2 T Elsom 4.46- 3 R Reed 4.26- 4 A Berry 4.03- U13 1 Jo
Mercer 4.16- 2 A Al-Ameen 3.98- 3 B Wallace 3.70- 4 S Huggins 3.63- 5 C Brett
3.32- 6 Z Wise 2.81- U17W K Benneworth 5.04- U15G C Weedon 3.60- U13G 1 E Godley
3.81- 2 S Solomon 3.60- 3 B Gibbins 3.20- 4 F Craig 3.17- 5 A Barrett 3.11- SP
Sen 1 S Gascoigne 9.46- 2 J R Turner 8.09- 3 J Day 5.83 (M65 8.34)- JM S Trice
10.21- U15 1 Am Tawanaee 9.45- 2 Al Tawanaee 7.68- U13 R Al-Ameen 6.14- U17W 1 A
Oliver 8.75- 2 L Henderson-Boyle 7.91- U15G V Thomas 9.33- U13G 1 E Mason 5.85-
2 S Crosley 5.82- 3 S Robinson 4.56-
(41) 6th Jun. Belgr T&F Battersea Pk 100m/LJ A Lashore 10.7- M Awanah
11.2/ 6.64-
(42) 4th Jun. SCVAC Lge (3) Kent Div 1 Ladywell Tr A,B & C(M50) Fd A
& C
100m A 5 T Phillips 13.9- B 4 C Monks 13.9- C 2 D Wallington 13.0- M60 3 J Day
16.9- 800m A 3 C Griffin 2:13.7- B 1 S Smythe (CamH) 2:17.9- 2 P Barlow 2:20.6-
C 1 K Daniel 2:12.6- ns P Hamilton 2:18.2- M Ellison 2:22.4- R Brown 2:26.0- HJ
A 4 J Robinson 1.35- C 3 D Wallington 1.35- M60 1 J Day 1.25- SP A 2 G Hickey
10.27- C 2 C Brand 9.51- JT A 2 R Coe 36.06- C 1 C Brand 32.43- 4X200m 4 BH
1:48.5 (Wallington, Monks, Brown & Daniel)-
Match 1 BH 66- 2 Inv 57- 3 Dartfd 52- 4 Brom V 43- 5 CamH 43- 6 Medw 30-
Wm Div 2 W35 100mA/800mA/SP/JT 3/3/5/3 A Cilia 15.9/ 3:03.4/ 3.74/ 15.31-
100mB/800mB/HJ 1/2/1 D Hill 17.7/ 3:09.2/ 1.00- W50 100m/SP/JT 4/2/2 T Shotton
18.10/ 6.14/ 13.45-
Match 1 Pd Wd 61- 2 KtAC 47- 3 BH 44- 4 Medw 29- 5 Maid R 28-
(43) 7th Jun. Assembly Lge 5Km Brockwell Pk W Clapham (KtAC) 24.03
(44) 8-9 Jun. T&F Tula. Rus 110H M Elliott 14.23
(45) 9th Jun. BMC Watford 800m JM 1 D Ryan 2:00.95pb- 2 M Hill 2:01.98-
1500m B 7 M Skinner 3:47.61- C 7 M Airey 3:49.55- 10000m (AAA Ch) 11 D Taylor
(46) 9th Jun. County Schools Kent Erith IntB 100m D Bovell 11.40- 400m I
Allerton 52.00 100H 1 A Johnson- 400H T Robinson 59.30- HT 1 K Chester- JB 100m
D Sawyerr 12.20- SG LJ K Benneworth 5.28- IntG TJ S Alaneme 11.42 cl J rec-
Surrey Kingston 800m 1 J Godsell 1:58.0-
(47) 9-10 Jun. T&F Arles, Fr 100m J Barbour 10.46
(48) 10th Jun. Forbanks 10Km Beckenham
1 J Morland 33.54- 16(2M50) T Brightwell 37.20- 19 S Pairman 37.51- 24(3M50) R
Brown 38.26- 38 W Slack 40.18- 43 R Walsh 40.39- 64 J Leeson 43.21- 95 R Saiz
47.08- 100 J Tateson 47.52- 117 M Sheils 49.38-
(49) 10th Jun. Gold Cup SF Eton
100m 1 A Lashore 10.9- 200m 1 M Champion 21.8- 400m 2 A Wilson 48.7- 800m 1 M
Skinner 1:52.0- 1500m 1 M Airey 4:01.0- 5000m 4 D Ayrton 15:18.8- 10000m 2 W
Foster 31:10.6- 110H 1 M Elliott 14.3- 400H 2 N Ursell 54.1- 3000SC 4 P Calnan
11:05.6- HJ 2 A Hodge 1.90- PV 4 S Tolson 3.60- LJ 2 L Edwards 6.43- TJ 1 M
Bramble 13.71- SP 6 M Elliott 11.25- HT 7 A Fairbairn 33.00- DT 7 A Fairbairn
33.63- JT 4 A Hodge 45.52- 4X100m 2 BH 42.1 (Ursell, Champion, Lashore & M
Awanah)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:19.4 (N Simpson, Skinner, S Jarred & Wilson)- Match 1
NEB 136- 2 BH 130- 3 WSE & Houns 115- 4 Luton 93"- 5 Swind 83- 6
Bournem 61"- 7 Verl 60- 8 Woking 44
(50) 10th Jun. SCVAC Chs Battersea Pk M50 1500/5000m 2/3 P Hamilton
4:44.0/ 17:39.4 M55 3KWalk 1 P Hannell 15:45.3- 2 S Lightman 16:10.2- M60 J
Clare- M65 100H/HJ/PV/LJ J Day 22.2/ 1.19/ 2.60/ 3.72- SP/DT 1 G Hickey 12.01/
34.96- JT 2 C Brand 36.62-
(51) 10th Jun. Kent Women's Lge Div 2 (3) Norman Pk Sen 100/200m/TJ 1 L
1500/3000m/2KWalk /1/1 C Messent- U17 TJ 1 A Jacobs 9.03- SP/DT 1/ A Oliver 8.83
cl rec/ 28.49pb- U15 JT C Silvester 19.52- U13 75m 1 S Solomon- 1000m 1 R Taylor
3:20.8pb- DT S Crosley 18.85- JT E Mason 19.83- Match 1 BH 373-
(52) 10th Jun. Kent B&C Lge (2) Tonbridge
U15 200m T Lewis- 800m R Daniel- 3000m T Beech- 80H A Berry- DT Am Tawanaee- U13
800m 1 D Casey 2:25.9pb- SPA 1 A Al-Ameen- B 1 R Al-Ameen- Match U15/U13 2/1 BH
(53) 12th Jun. VAC Rd 5.2M Ch 30(1M70) W Clapham 39.52-
(54) 15th Jun. SCVAC Lge Kent Div 1 (4) Dartford
M50 4X400m (D Cocker 58.0- D Wallington 60.4- K Daniel 59.1- R Minting 53.9)
(55) 16th Jun. Jun Intl GB v Germ Mannheim
100mB/200mB 1 D Grant 10.47/ 20.64 cl J rec- 4X100m 1 GB 40.31 (inc Grant)
(56) 16th Jun. Kent U13 Chs Norman Pk
Boys 100/200m/75H(14.0) 4/6/1 A Al-Ameen- 100/200m/LJ S Huggins- 800m 5 R
Girls 100m/HJ/LJ 4/5/8 S Solomon- 800m 1 R Taylor 2:31pb- C McNamara-
(57) 16-17 Jun. SEAA Chs Wood Gr 100m 3 A Lashore 10.91- ht Plummer
10.88- A Wilson 11.17 G Neblett 11.23- 200m 1 J Golding 21.18- ht A Lashore
22.15- A Wilson 22.94- 800m D Moulton 1:53.90- R Laming 1:57.45- S Cooper
1:59.78- 1500m M Airey 3:53.81- R Laming 4:02.59- 110H 1 M Elliott 14.1- ht M
Freckleton 14.71- 400H N Ursell 54.92-
(58) 17th Jun. Potteries Marathon D King 3:54- C Poole 3:59- J Reynolds
(59) 20th Jun. BH Johnson Bowl 4M Walk Norman Pk Gate 1 C Reeve (G)
34.55- 2 S Lightman 35.34- 3 P Hannell 36.48- 7 D Johnson 51.00-
(60) 23-24 Jun. BVAF Chs Eton M40 5000m 1 W Foster 15:13.80- M50 800m 1 R
Minting 2:05.54 800/1500m 8/1 K Daniel 2:09.91/ 4:22.3- 5000m 6 P Hamilton
17:27.40- M55 3KWalk 1 P Hannell 15:36.00- M60 1500m 4 J Clare 5:28.8- M65
100H/HJ/PV 3/3/1 J Day 20.6/ 1.18/ 2.60
SP 1 G Hickey 11.25- DT/JT 3/2 C Brand 35.52/39.43- HT/DT/JT 5/5/3 G Hickey
26.87/ 31.87/ 33.60- M70 5000m 2 W Clapham 23:30.28-
(61) 23rd Jun. Sthn Men's Lge Div 2 (3) Norman Pk
100mA 1 D Plummer 11.4- B 1 G Neblett 11.6- 200mA 1 D Plummer 22.4- B 1 G
Neblett 23- 400mA 1 J Godsell 51.3 - B 1 J Beighton 52.4- 800mA 2 R Laming
2:00.1- B 2 D Moore 2:04.1- 1500mA 1 R Laming 4:03.6- B 1 S Holmes 4:17.4-
5000mA 1 R Smith 15:36.6- B 1 P Tucker 15:40.1- 110HA 2 N Keogh 19.1- B 2 R Holt
18.3- 400HA 1 D Moore 56.2- B 1 N Keogh 61.5- 3000SCA 2 D Moore 10:34.6- B 2 P
Calnan 10:53.2- HJA 3 Rb Chambers 1.75- B =4 R Holt 1.00- PVA 1 A Hardy 3.40- B
=2 S Gascoigne 1.10- LJA 5 Rb Chambers 5.69- B 5 R Holt 4.06- TJA 5 N Keogh
11.30- B 3 Rb Chambers 11.15- SPA 2 P Archer 12.30- B 3 A Fairbairn 9.19- HTA 3
A Fairbairn 32.91 - B 2 S Gascoigne 25.26- DTA 2 A Fairbairn 36.10- B 3 P Archer
23.75- JTA 4 S Gascoigne 35.34- B 3 R Holt 33.56- 4X100m 1 BH 44.6- 4X400m 1 BH
Match 1 Kingst 143"- 2 BH 138- 3 Serptn 104"- 4 Newquay 91"- 5 RN
(62) 23rd Jun. GB v Spain U23 Wavertree
100/200m 1 J Barbour 10.66/ 21.56- 1500m 4 M Skinner 4:01.2- 4X100m 1 GB (inc
(63) 23rd Jun. BMC Solihull 1500m M Airey 3:50.89
(64) 24th Jun. Natl Jun Lge (2) Bedford
100mA 4 B Barikor 11.4- B 4 D Bovell 11.6- 200mA 4 B Barikor 23.0- B 4 S Bangobe
23.4- 400mA 4 I Allerton 51.7- B 2 J Godsell 52.1- 800mA 4 J Godsell 1:57.4- B 6
D Ryan 2:01.2- 1500mA 5 W Bolton 4:13.2- B 5 M Hill 4:20.2- 3000mA 7 C Daniel
10:50.2- B- 110HA 3 M Awanah 16.1- B 5 B Barikor 20.1- 400HA 4 J Aust 61.0- B 4
S Brockwell 64.1- 2000SCA 5 W Bolton 6:30.4- B 7 A Pope- HJA 4 B Barikor 1.90- B
5 P Shelley 1.55- PVA 4 A Pope 2.40- B- LJA 1 M Awanah 6.68- B 7 K Walker-John
5.03- TJA 6 S Brockwell 11.58- B 4 K Walker-John 11.30- SPA 4 K Chester 11.37- B
5 S Trice 9.36- HTA 2 K Chester 52.59- B 3 S Trice 28.08- DTA 6 P Shelley 28.10-
B 6 K Chester 27.06- JTA 6 R Shelley 35.84- B 5 A Pope 30.84- 4X100m 2 BH 44.0-
4X400m 3 BH 3:32.0-
Match 1 Enfd 327- 2 Shaft 318- 3 Harrow 314- 4 Belgr 299- 5 BH 239- 6 AFD 194
7 Milton K 172- 8 Swansea-
(65) MONTHLY SERIES 9/5 Club 3.12M h'c Hayes. 1 M Salmon 19.58 rn tm- 2 B
McShane 18.29 3 A Tucker 18.08- 4 N Barber 19.58- 5 J Leeson 20.15- 6 S Pairman
18.17- 7 D Ellison 17.38(1)-8 A Cilia 22.27- 9 P Slattery 17.48(3)- 10 R Brown
18.38- 11 M Compton 20.41- 12 C McEntee 18.57- 13 N Gasson 18.13- 14 C Baker
19.32- 15 M Gasson 24.07- 16 D Churchus 24.07- 17 M Ellison 17.46(2)- 18 S Lloyd
20.14- 19 R Watkins 27.28- 20 S Freemantle 21.40- 21 P Comber 19.58- 22 T
Delahoy 23.51- 13/6 Club 3.12M h'c Hayes. 1 N Gasson 17.06 rn tm- 2 O Levett
20.57- 3 D Hilliar 17.03- 4 R Smith 15.34(1)- 5 J Hoy 18.36- 6 M Gasson 23.23- 7
M Ellison 17.14- 8 D Flagg 17.39- 9 R Brown 18.26- 10 T Delahoy 23.27- 11 S
Pairman 17.58- 12 D Ellison 17.30- 13 C Keen 17.01(2)- 14 K Foley 17.02(3)- 15 C
Pike 19.40- 16 M Cronin 18.27- 17 T Brightwell 18.15- 18 J Leeson 20.20- 19 J E
Turner 19.32- 20 C Baker 19.43- 21 G Coates 18.37- 22 B Bater 19.29- 23 D Carton
20.34- 24 M Martineau 24.39- 25 M Salmon 20.44- 26 Rn Chambers 24.14- 27 R
Watkins 28.31- 28 S Haley 21.40- 29 T Woolston 22.30-
(66) SRI CHINMOY Battersea Pk 14/5 2M N Barber 12.26- W Clapham 14.46-
(67) OTHER RACE WALKING 25/4 Herts/Mx Vets Battersea Pk 10K. 5 P Hannell
56.04 6 S Lightman 57.17- 15/5 VAC Battersea Pk 5M. 4 S Lightman 45.20- 22/5
Steyning 5K. 5 S Lightman 28.22- 29/5 Steyning 5K. 9 S Lightman 28.22- 12/6 VAC
5M Ch Battersea Pk. 3 S Lightman 44.50- 4 P Hannell 46.05