VOL 20. No5. MAY 2001. PRESIDENT 2001/2: Mike Peel
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825 768193)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, Bromley: 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Results are depleted because Foot & Mouth disease brought the cross-country
season to a close about the end of March. This left the Bennett Cup as before
with Dave Ellison the winner.
The Parkwood League relays had to be moved onto road with
the Club as overall winners. The Kent Women's & YAs leagues were also
curtailed, the boys being second and the Women/Girls fourth.
The outstanding result of this issue came in the London
Marathon where Mark Steinle finished sixth in a genuinely world-class field and
again broke the Club record. He was supported by a good crop of Heathen runs.
The road relays were notable for our inclusion of a
women's team for the first time with solid performances at both Southern &
National. The men were incomplete at the Southern but with a solid place in the
Indoors we had good results with some international
representation and this has been followed in the Spring(?) weather by a start
outdoors in the Sward & Kinnaird and in the Senior, Junior, Vets, Women's
& YAs leagues.
Every Courier invites readers to send in items of any kind for inclusion,
though I don't usually get much response other than race results. However,
members do write to me from time to time and during discussion at the recent AGM
I affirmed that these would be published where that is the clear wish of the
In expressing their views correspondents might bear in
mind that their readers are fellow-members and that we all seek the good of the
Club as we see it. Editor.
The Club's nominated charity this year is the MacMillan Cancer Relief Fund.
Individuals also ran for various other good causes. Our thanks to all who
supported our runners.
This will again be held at HQ on 8th June, when no doubt there will be the
usual turn-out of jokers. Our thanks to Rob Brown & Steve Hollingdale for
These will again be on Monday evenings 7 pm and Sat/Sun mornings 8.30 am.
Mons- 2 Miles on 14/5, 21/5, 4/6, 18/6, 25/6, 9/7, 6/8, 10/9 & 17/9. 3M on
2/7: 1M on 16/7: 3Km on 23/7;
Sats- Half-Marathon on 7/7: 10Km on 28/7 & 10/11: 10M on 29/9: 5M on 20/10
& 1/12. Sun- Marathon on 16/9.
Colin plans to attempt his 100th Marathon this year at the Sri Chinmoy event
in Battersea Park on Sun 16th Sept 8.30 am start near the Bandstand. He invites
Heathens to join him for all or part of the run. Entry (œ7) may be made at any
of the Monday evening or Saturday morning races or to Run & Become, 42
Palmer St, SW1H 0PH. Entries also on the day from 7.40 am. I believe bananas
&c are provided.
12-13 May Ashford
Kent Champs
9th May Beckenham 7.15
Forbanks Relays.
18th May Deangate
SCVAC (Kent Vets) Lge
19th May St Albans
Southern Women's Lge
20th May YAs(B) Croydon
20th May YAs(G) Perivale
26-27 May Watford SE U20
2nd Jun Birmingham
Brit Lge Div 1
2nd Jun Sthn Men's Lge
Div 2 Canning Town
Div 4E Norman Pk
3rd Jun YAs(B) Deangate
6th Jun Norman Pk
Club Chs (1) 100m-1500m 2000SC-LJ-SP-400m h'c
15th Jun Dartford
SCVAC (Kent Vets) Lge
16-17 Jun SE Ch Haringey
17th Jun Norman Pk
Kent Women's Lge
23rd Jun Sthn Men's Lge
Div 2 Norman Pk
Div 4E St Albans
23rd Jun Norman Pk
Sthn Women's Lge
23-24 Jun Eton BVAF Chs
24th Jun Milton Keynes
Natl Jun Lge (Men)
27th Jun Norman Pk
Club Champs (2) 800m or 600m-3000m-Sprint Hurdles PV-JT- 200m h'c
Club h'c 9/5 13/6 7.15pm
Cryst Pal 5/6, 3/7 3M
Danson 11/5, 8/6 5K
Hyde Pk 25/5, 29/6 5K
Albert Embk 9/5, 13/6
Hammersmith 29/5, 26/6
All 12.30
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Feb £50 D Hopgood - £25 M Thompson & I Cayzer
Mar £50 M Davies - £25 I Wilson & Mrs Malone
NEXT COURIER: Early July Results, readers' views
& other material welcome.
When supporting Blackheath Harriers we have often
shortened the Club's name and cried out 1/2come on Blackheath1/2 or 1/2come on
the 'Heath1/2. In view of our name change will it now be in order to shout out
1/2come on Comma1/2 or even 1/2come on Bromley1/2? 'heathenly, Don Hopgood.
(Part of a letter to Asst. Treasurer Denis Lawrie from
Chris Andrews)
It is with great sadness that I retire from Blackheath Harriers. I am now
residing in Bedfordshire and I will be unable to be a regular visitor to Hayes,
nor be able to run for the Club in the Southern League. I am therefore seeking a
local club to represent, as I would rather be an active member than a distant
and infrequent visitor.
All I can say is that if my new club has but a tenth of
the history, character and excellence of Blackheath Harriers then I shall count
myself as fortunate. It has been a privilege to have been a member of the
greatest athletics club in the world.
Please convey my thanks to all those such as yourself who
give so much time and effort so that athletes of all levels can enjoy the thrill
of competition against the elements and themselves. It has been a pleasure to
meet so many fine people and great characters. My personal high point was
meeting the legendary Sydney Wooderson, a man small in stature but mighty in
achievement. Good luck to all of the Heathens,
Yours in sport, Chris Andrews
Times Change, & We Change With Them
Our first HQ in 1869 was the King's Arms at Peckham Rye (see Club History
page 7 & Gazette 625 page 6). This was bombed in WW2 and later replaced by a
rather dubious nightclub. This has now been gutted (builders, not a bomb this
time) and has metamorphosed to a block of flats. The site has been on our route
for a number of Anniversary Runs when we have attempted to repeat approximately
the original run of The Peckham Hounds on 23rd October 1869.
(01) 28th Feb. Lond Coll Lge 10K Victoria Pk 1 M
Skinner(Brun) 32.12- 7 S Holmes(Brun) 33.53
(02) 3rd Mar. SCVAC XC Chs Lloyd Pk (10K/39.44) 36(1M60) J Clare 46.37-
59 W Clapham 56.45-
(03) 4th Mar. Rd 10Km Greenwich Pk (30.34) 2 R Smith 33.10- 8 D Hilliar
36.03- 9 P Calnan 36.06- 19 N Ayrton 38.17- 21(3SW) J Butler 38.28- 185(3F40) A
Jelly 49.20- 201(3M60) G Crowder 50.08-
(04) 4th Mar. Thanet 20M Margate (1:55.03) 4(1M40) N Kinsey 2:00.45-
5(2M40) S Smythe(DulR) 2:00.55- 46 T Brightwell 2:16.25- 64 J McConville
2:21.13- 76 D King 2:25.52- 93(2M60) P Lovell 2:30.41- 185 B Smith 2:46.50- 186
N Brightwell 2:46.51- 239 J Briffa 2:56.59- 266 L Smith 3:01.12- 280 P Cobbett
3:04.53- Tms 6 BH
(05) 7th Mar. Univ Relay Oxford 1 Ox U (incl J Bradley)
(06) 18th Mar. 1/2-Marathon Hastings 13 S McDonald 74.17- 18(1M40) N
Kinsey 76.43- 29 D Hilliar 78.48- 56 N Morgan 81.07- 59(5M45) C Griffin 81.32-
128(6M50) J Phelan 84.59- 171 L Bryant 86.33- 188 A Tucker 87.16- 298 C McEntee
90.40- 314 J McConville 90.57- 354 D King 92.03- 474 C Aves 94.56- 506(1M60) P
Lovell 95.39- 509 M Salmon 95.42- 524 J Isaacs 96.11- 592 R Griffin 97.18- 654 W
Orton 98.34- 731 N Webb 99.46- 735 R Hogwood 99.49- 809 M Longstaff 101.03- 865
B Smith 102.00- 923 J Mullett 103.00- 929 R Strong 103.05- 1004 C Poole 104.29-
1062 M Compton 105.27- 1233(2M70) D Churchus 108.28-1238 J Briffa 108.35- 1393 L
Smith 111.06- 1568 D Hill 114.27- 1773 C Telfer 117.34- 2122 P Prisley 125.26-
2366 A Pickering 132.35 (+M Cronin & J Leeson 132.37)- Tms 2 BH (Kinsey,
Hilliar, Morgan & C Griffin)- VTms 1 BH (Kinsey, C Griffin, Phelan &
McEntee)- U17 Mini-Run 4 D Snow 6.17-
(07) 18th Mar. Havering T&F Barking 150/300m A Wilson 16.8/ 35.0-
Nebbett 17.0
U20 F Collymore 16.5/ 36.0- LJ L Edwards 6.77
(08) 18th Mar. T&F Kingsmeadow 300m N Hamilton 36.2
(09) 18th Mar. 1/2-Marathon Murcia, Sp 1 M Steinle 64.29
(10) 24th Mar. T&F Crawley 300H U17 2 T Robinson 42.4
(11) 25th Mar. Rd 5Km Bath Univ 4 D Taylor 14.16
(12) 25th Mar. Rd 20M Worthing 7 R Smith 1:57.15- 12M40 M Ellison 2:10.45
(13) 27th Mar. T&F Exeter 800m M50 R Minting 2:09.7
(14) 1st Apr. Wellington Relays Ostend 5 BH (S Cooper(800m)- N Keogh- P
Byfield- M Purser P Squires- R Smith- M Skinner(1200m)- R Daniels- J
Godsell(800m)- J Aust(400m)- I Allerton(400m)- P Byfield)
(15) 1st Apr. Breakfast Races Kingston 13.5M 2 N Kinsey 75.54- 47 J
Phelan 87.30 120 J McConville 94.34- 129 C Aves 95.16- 556 L Smith 113.05- 680 J
Else 116.07-
(16) 1st Apr. Parkwood Lge Relays (Rd) Canterbury 4X1.5K Boys 5 BH 18.28
(T Beech, M Leal R Perkins & D Ayrton (3.55 fst U20- W Bolton (BHB) 4.03- M
Lucht (BHC) 4.06)- T Corbett 4.32- Girls 3 BHA (A Boyle, C McQuillan, H Williams
& K Bugler)- (BHB J Caffrey, N Wiggins, B Proctor & R Stokes)- Overall
Lge 1 BH- U11 4 R Bolton- U11G 3 C McNamara- Celebs J Leach- M Peel
(17) 1st Apr. T&F Havering U20 100/200m 1 F Collymore 11.3/ 22.7
(18) 5th Apr. Assembly Lge Blackheath Pk 15 S Smythe (DulR) 16.47- W
Clapham (KtAC) 24.37
(19) 7th Apr. Sthn Rd Relays Milton Keynes Men X12 BH DNF (17 D Ayrton
25.38- 17 W Bolton 18.09- 21 P Calnan 26.56- 24 A Rayner 19.54- 25 G Clifford
26.48- 28 N Ayrton 19.58- 25 J Morland 27.16- 24 K Daniel 19.06- 22 P Tucker
26.07- 22 M Watling 19.27- 21 R Parrott 27.41)- Wm X6 (1:59.55) 8 BH 2:11.51 (23
C Castledine 22.33- 12 J Butler 20.11- 5 S Budd 20.42- 8 K O'Mahoney 22.02- 6 G
Viney 22.31- H Barker 23.52)
(20) 8th Apr. Rd 10Km Croydon (31.04) 4 N Mayers 33.49- 60 D Carton
39.47- 87 R Strong 41.55- 95 R Hogwood 42.14- 107 J Isaacs 42.47- 110 M Blunden
42.57- 124 M Compton 43.53- 163 I Cayzer 46.10- 184 W Clapham 47.32- 197 J Hills
48.06- 208 J Tateson 48.50- 217 D Churchus 49.14-
(21) 8th Apr. Herc Wim T&F Crystal Pal 100m U17 3 D Bovell 11.4- U15G
V Akpofure 13.4- 800m
U17W E Bugler 2:26.4- SP/DT U17 2 K Chester 11.98pb/39.47pb- U17W 3/2 A Oliver
DT 25.50-
(22) Univ T&F USA 8/4 Philadelphia 400m 3 N Hamilton 49.49- 1500m 2 J
Bradley 3:54.02 14/4 New Haven, Conn 400m 3 N Hamilton 50.38- 800m 3 J Bradley
(23) 13th Apr. Rd 10M Folkestone 17 C Griffin 59.46-
(24) 14th Apr. Open T&F Tonbridge 600m M Airey 1:23.9- U17 100H A
Johnson 15.1 PV T Robinson 3.30- SP/HT/DT K Chester 11.68/ 56.40cl rec/ 36.01-
U15 3000m S Leach 11:45.5- U13 HJ/DT A Al-Ameen 1.30/ 16.97- SP/DT R Al-Ameen
5.74/ 11.32-
(25) 15th Apr. Kent Women's T&F Lge Div 2 (1) Norman Pk
Sen 800m 1 K Bugler- 1500m K O'Mahoney 4:57.2- A Zihute- U17 80H/LJ 1 K
Benneworth 12.7/ 5.16- U15 100m/JT 2/1 C Cooper- 200m 1 V Akpofure 27.2
(ns100/13.3)- 75H/LJ 1 H Robinson 12.6/ 4.37- 4X100 1BH- U13 75m/70H/HJ S
Solomon 10.8/ 12.5/ 1.20- 150m 2 S Robinson 23.0- 1000m 2 A Boyce 3:38.0- DT/JT
E Mason 12.02/ 14.43- 4X100 1BH- Match 1 BH 328-
(26) New Eltham Joggers Avery Hill 13/4 6K 2 T Brightwell 22.23- 18 W
Clapham 27.54 15/4 10K 1 T Brightwell 38.41
(27) 21st Apr. Sward & Kinnaird Trophies Kingsmeadow
100m/200mA 4/6 D Lougheed 11.9/ 24.0- 200mB 2 J Wilkie 23.4- ns J Beighton 24.4-
W Greenly 24.7- 800mA 2 J Beighton 2:04.0- B 3 W Greenly 2:07.7- 1500mA 2 A
Rayner 4:21.2- 3000mA 3 P Tucker 9:05.3- B 2 P Calnan 9:28.2- ns A Rayner
9:40.4- 400H 4 M Purser 57.5- PVA 3 S Tolson 3.50- ns J Day 2.60- HJB 1 A
Hodge(Achil) 1.80- TJA 4 A Hodge(Achil) 12.68- SPA 5 S Gascoigne 9.70- B 5 A
Hardy 8.59- HTA 6 S Gascoigne 24.06- B 4 A Hodge(Achil) 19.21- 5 A Hardy 18.11-
DTA 5 S Gascoigne 26.16- B 5 A Hardy 20.86- JTA 3 A Hodge(Achil) 45.22-
Match Sward 6 BH 46- Kinnaird 6 BH 94
(28) 22nd Apr. London Marathon Blackheath/Westminster Male positions
except as noted
(2:07.11) 6 M Steinle 2:10.46 cl rec- 91 N Kinsey 2:36.03- 157 N Mayers 2:40.17-
621 D Hilliar 2:55.43- 945 M Ellison 2:59.43- 1134 T Brightwell 3:02.45- 1401 D
Flagg 3:05.47- 1473 J McConville 3:07.40- 1514 L Bryant 3:08.14- 2213 C Aves
3:16.40- 2226 D King 3:16.45- 2404 D Ellison 3:18.26- 2417 J E Turner 3:18.34-
3213 P Lovell 3:25.48- 3701 B Smith 3:29.12- R Griffin 3:31.22- 4242 J O'Brien
3:33.10- 4890 R Walsh 3:37.43- 5408 W Orton 3:41.06- 6230 R Hogwood 3:46.19-
6288 C Hall 3:46.37- 6343 M Peel 3:47.02- W956 N Brightwell 3:57.20- 8369 J
Briffa 3:57.40- 8391 N Webb 3:57.46- 8657 M Longstaff 3:58.57- 10278 M Blunden
4:07.27- 10729 L Smith 4:10.12- 11808 S Ridgewell 4:16.16- 12602 C Leon 4:20.48-
12621 J Else 4:20.52- 14008 S Lloyd 4:28.35- 14159 J Kenny 4:29.26- 14254 R Lees
4:29.53- 17539 J Reynolds 4:52.03- 17565 J Isaacs 4:52.15- 17566 G Isaacs
4:52.15- 17648 C Poole 4:52.44- 17863 G Griffin 4:54.11- 22204 K Tyler 5:54.18-
W6338 T Shotton 6:26.36- W6346 C Messent 6:27.17
Mini-Marathon County Chall Boys 15-17 17 R Perkins 14.32- 37 C Daniel 14.57- 43
D Snow 15.10- London Boros Boys 13-14 63 S Leach 16.38- 97 M Shirley 17.22-
11-12 1 C Place 15.55- Girls 15-17 96 J Patmore 20.25- 13-14 62 B Proctor 19.03-
115 S Williams 20.33- 11-12 2 R Taylor 17.23- 5 A Boyle 17.37- 81 S Robinson
(29) 27th Apr. BH Schools T&F Norman Pk U17 200m 7 T Walter-Symons
26.5- 400m 1 I Allerton 52.3pb- 2 C Daniel 55.0pb- 6 A Pope 62.1- 800m 1 D Ryan
2:12.1- 4 A Pope 2:32.3- 1500m 1 D Snow 4:32.2- 2 D Ryan 4:44.6- SP 1 R Shelley
12.00- 5 A Pope 10.41- 6 P Shelley 9.59- JT 2 A Pope 38.37- 3 P Shelley 37.04- 4
T Walter-Symons 36.79- U15 100/200m 1 D Sawyer 12.2/ 24.6
(30) 28th Apr. AAA Rd Relays Sutton Pk Men (6X3M & 6X5.4M) (4:10.27)
29 BH 4:34.20 (56 P Calnan 29.25- 39 M Skinner 14.40- 16 D Taylor 26.14- 22 W
Foster 15.57- 14 M Steinle 26.41- 14 D Moulton 15.42- 13 T Dickinson 28.40- 17 N
Morgan 18.04- 24 M Watling 32.02- 24 K Daniel 16.47- 26 R Parrott 30.56- R Coles
19.12) Women (6X3M) (1:42.47) 26 BH 2:03.29 (15 J Butler 17.41- 21 K O'Mahoney
19.35- 22 H Barker 20.49- 19 G Viney 19.07- 20 A Cilia 22.30- C Messent 23.47)
(31) 28th Apr. Sthn Women's T&F Lge Div 3 Tilsley Pk Match 1 BH 192
(32) 29th Apr. Natl Jun Lge Hillingdon Match 6 BH
(33)INDOORS 24-25/2 AAA U20 cf(20432) Add JW 60H 3 K Porter- 3/3 U20 GB
vFr vGer vIt
Vittel, Fr. 60m D Grant 6.79- 8-11/3 Euro Vets Bordeaux. M50 400/800m 2/1 R
Minting 54.65/ 2:08.78- 1500m 4 K Daniel 4:38.20- 60m/LJ 5/11 D Wallington 8.08/
5.41- 4X200 3 GB (inc R Minting)- M65 60H/PV 5/4 J Day 12.03/ 2.70- 10/3 GB v Fr
U23 Cardiff. 800m 3 D Moulton 1:55.0- 1500m 4 M Skinner 3:53.78- 4X400 3:14.50
Welsh AC rec (incl A Wilson)
10/3 Kent Sportshall Ashford. U15 1 D Bovell- U13 2 Dn Taylor- U13 Tms S
Solomon- B Wallace- L Stewart- C Pickman- S Williams- S Frost-
(34) MONTHLY SERIES 6/3 Cryst Pal appr 3M. J Hills 22.53- W Clapham
23.20- 9/3 Danson Pk
5K J Hills 24.01- W Clapham 24.15- 14/3 Bridges 2.7M W Clapham 18.29- 30/3 Hyde
Pk 5K. 9 S Smythe 17.16- C Griffin 17.29- W Clapham 23.29- 3/4 Cryst Pal modfd
approx 31/2M. J Hills 27.30- 4/4 Club 3.12M h'c Hayes. 1 S Freemantle 20.40 rn
tm- 2 J Leeson 20.19- 3 K Foley 17.07(1)- 4 M Cronin 18.33- 5 M Compton 20.34- 6
A Cilia 22.15- 7 R Strong 20.06- 8 W Clapham 22.38- 9 D Ellison 17.39(2)- 10 C
Pike 19.33- 11 R Watkins 26.33- 12 S Lloyd 19.22- 13 A Tucker 18.23- 14 D Carton
19.24- 15 B Bater 18.29- 16 M Salmon 20.35- 17 C McEntee 18.53- 18 R Maxwell(G)
19.17- 19 A Lawes 18.35- 20 M Gasson 24.33- 21 D Churchus 24.32- 22 N Gasson
19.35- 27/4 Hyde Pk 5K. C Griffin 17.31- 1/5 Cryst Pal course again modified
appr 3M. W Clapham 22.35
(35) RACE WALKING 23/2 Sy 20K Monks Hl. 6 P Hannell 2:04.43- 10/3 Bexley
10K 8 P Hannell 57.16- 17/4 VAC 5M Battersea Pk. 3 P Hannell 45.11- 4 S Lightman
45.46- 8 N Simmons 50.55-
KENT WOMEN's & YAs XC LEAGUES 2000/2001 (3 fixtures)
Final positions - U20 Tm 1st, Indiv 1st D Ayrton- 2nd W Bolton- 3rd M Lucht
U17 Tm 3rd. U15 Tm 5th. U13 Tm 1st, Indiv 3rd T Beech. Comb U17, U15 & U13
Tm 2nd.
Sen Wm Tm 4th. Indiv 1st J Butler. U13G Tm =4th. Comb Wm & Girls Tm 4th.