VOL 20. No3. JAN 2001. PRESIDENT 2000/1: Mike Davies
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825 768193)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers Bromley, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
We've won a Mobmatch for the first time since Jan 1999. That must be some sort
of a record. Orion travel better these days and gave us a close run for our
We had to settle for silver in the Kent XC M40, M50 and
Clubman's championships but our seniors won the Kent Road Relay where the M50s
were again second, as they were in the BVAF XC Relay. Our Men's, Women's and YAs
league teams have made a good start with a number of new faces on show.
David Taylor represented GB in the European XC
Championships at Malmo and, among other good individual runs, we may mention
Daniel Ayrton, Jeremy Bradley, Jennie Butler, Nick Kinsey, Joe Mills, and
Michael Skinner.
We hope to run a coach to Durham for the National Championships which are on
Sat 24th Feb. The coach will leave on Fri 23rd, probably late morning. Anyone
interested in going should contact John Baldwin.
The Kent Men's League fixture on 17th Feb will be at
Parkwood Hall School, Beechenlea Lane, Swanley. By car 1M from M20/M25 junction.
Follow signs for Swanley, Beechenlea Lane is on the right. By rail to Swanley,
jog/bike 2M.
Vets who wish to run the SEAA Vets Championship at
Maidenhead on 10th Mar will need to enter well in advance. They should contact
John Baldwin or (for 40-49 group) contact Chris Fincham (Tel 020 7280 6367
(work) or 01689 829397 (home)); (for 50+ age groups) contact Peter Hamilton (Tel
7826 4238 (work) or 8692 2619 (home)).
As usual when we get into the new year, we look towards the summer and
appeal to members to help your Club by becoming T&F officials. No previous
experience is necessary and there is complete flexibility as to the fixtures
We will again be running a training programme as follows-
Talks on Tues 13th & 20th Feb. Grade Test (optional)
Tues 6th Mar. All 7-9.30 at the clubhouse. The disciplines are - Track or Field
Judge; Timekeeper; Marksman (Starter's Assistant).
Just turn up or contact Mike Davies 01689 602038
Bromley Excellence Awards were presented to a number of local youngsters at a
ceremony at the Pavilion Leisure Centre on 28th Nov. The presentations were made
by Olympic rowing gold medallist James Cracknell.
Among those receiving awards were Paul Archer (rugby &
athletics), Joe Godsell (athletics), and Robert Copley (sailing) - son of John.
The Club's runners raised £9,121.42 for Great Ormond Street Hospital at the
2000 London Marathon. Past President Richard Coles presented the cheque to
Jessica Brandon from GOSH at the clubhouse at the end of October.
6th Jan. Sevenoaks
Kent County XC Champs
13th Jan. Hayes
Open XC 10Km inc Club Vets Champ
20th Jan. Wimbledon
Sth of Thames Sen
20th Jan. Wimbledon
Vets AC Champs
27th Jan. Parliament Hl
SEAA Champs
10th Feb. Hayes
MOBMATCH v Ranelagh
13th Feb. HQ T&F Officials
17th Feb. Swanley
Kent Men's XC Lge
20th Feb. HQ T&F Officials
24th Feb. Durham
National XC Champs (See Note)
3rd Mar. Kingston
XC v Thames HH & BoE
3rd Mar. Lloyd Pk
SCVAC Champs
4th Mar. Canterbury
Parkwood YAs XC Lge
6th Mar. Clubhouse
T&F Officials Test
Cryst Pal 6/2, 6/3 5K
Danson 12/1, 9/2 5K
Hyde Pk 26/1, 23/2 5K
Hammersmith 30/1, 27/2
All 12.30
27th Jan. Southern Supper
10th Feb. Open Supper
(Ranelagh guests)
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Oct £50 J Oldfield, £25 K Hickey & E Child
Nov £50 G Pugh, £25 N Barber & D Dunn
Dec The Big One - W Lonergan
(01) 8th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk cf (20263) Add 24
A Tucker 36.59- 26(1M50) T Brightwell 37.08- 28 J Phelan 37.17- 53 J E Turner
39.22- 146 M Blunden 44.17- 196 N Barber 46.16- 204 J Tateson 46.34- 234 J E
Sullivan 47.48- 293 R Lees 49.36- 298 D Crowdson 49.45- 308 P Stack 50.16- 337 T
McCarthy 51.17- Tms 1 BHA- 3 BHB
(02) 15th Oct. Rd 10Km Croydon (32.19) 90 M Blunden 44.24- 124 I Cayzer
47.11- 125(3M60) J Hills 47.19- 174 A Murrell 51.26- 211 D Brookes 54.59
(03) 28th Oct. National 6-Stage Relays Sutton Pk (6X5.5K /1:44.14) 32 BH
1:54.26 (W Foster 18.21- D Ayrton 18.05- T Dickinson 19.06- R Bentley 18.53- P
Tucker 18.53- P Calnan 21.08)
(04) 28th Oct. Seven Sisters Marathon Eastbourne (3h:03) 49 M Ellison
3:51- 97 W Slack 4:05 98 D Ellison 4:05- 147 P Lovell 4:15- 159 S Ridgewell
4:18- 165 N Webb 4:20- 225 J Leeson 4:32- 273 M Gasson 4:43- 282 R Stromg 4:44-
296 C Hall 4:46- 354 R Griffin 4:57- 360 J Reynolds 4:58- C Poole 5:08- B
O'Flynn 5:20- J Else 5:46
(05) 29th Oct. Rd 10Km Wilmington 2M50 T Brightwell 37.57
(06) 29th Oct. Vets Rd 5Km Victoria Pk 4(2M50) K Daniel 17.20- 6(3M50) P
Hamilton 18.05
(07) 31st Oct. Open Exeter 800m R Minting 2:11.8
(08) 1st Nov. London Coll Lge 5.4M Richmond Pk 15 S Holmes (Brun) 30.44
(09) 4th Nov. Kent XC Lge (2) Sparrows Den (30.10) 9 M Airey 32.02- 22 J
Morland 33.50 36 S Smythe (CamH) 34.47- 53 H Morten 35.48- 56 N Gasson 35.52- 63
C Fincham 36.25- 69 P Calnan 36.58- 75 M Ellison 37.31- 76 T Brightwell 37.35-
78 A Lawes 37.50- 81 G Coates 38.02- 82 B McShane 38.07- 90 W Slack 38.36- 95 M
Cronin 38.48- 104 R Hill 39.38- 105 C Baker 39.40- 128 R Walsh 41.40- 132 J
Robinson 41.59- 154 S Ridgewell 45.20- 157 C Rowe 46.39- 158 Rn Chambers 46.56-
160 W Clapham 47.39- Tms (Sc4) 7 BHD 178- 15 BHA 264- 19 BHC 365- 22 BHB 443-
Duodec 4 BH 465
(10) 4th Nov. Inter-Club XC 5M Richmond Pk 1 G Clifford (BoE) 26.22
(11) 4th Nov. Priory XC Relays Reigate 2"M Fastest lap- D Taylor (HHH)
(12) 5th Nov. Rd 10Km Regents Pk 1 D Ayrton 31.- T Brightwell
(13) 5th Nov. Marathon Harrow B Smith 3:59- R Griffin 4:15
(14) 7th Nov. Desert Cup 168Km Jordan S Partridge 55h:45- The course
included 104Km of sand, there were gale-force headwinds and a day/night
temperature variation of 38/3 C.
(15) 11th Nov. ECCA Relays Mansfield Sen (4X5K/64.27) 25 BH 70.27 (M
Skinner 16.26 R Daniels 18.23- S Dodd 17.31- W Bolton 18.07) Jun (3X3K/27.45) 7
BHA 29.09 (P Tucker 10.06- R Bentley 9.44- D Ayrton 9.19)- BHB S Holmes 10.30
(16) 11th Nov. BVAF XC Relays Rugby 4X4.5K M50 (63.51) 2 BH 64.10 (J
Phelan 15.44(4fst)- K Daniel 15.39(3fst)- P Hamilton 16.14- H Moreton 16.33)
(17) 11th Nov. South of Thames Junior Lloyd Pk (5M/28.45) 12 J Morland
32.30- 14 S Cooper 32.49- 35 M Ellison 34.32- 60 B McShane 36.00- 61 P Calnan
36.01- 73 G Coates 36.50- 126 W Clapham 45.34- C Pike(G)- Tms(Sc4) 5 BH 121
(18) 11th Nov. 8Km MT Kolobrzeg, Pol 1M50 L Atterbury
(19) 15th Nov. London Colls Lge 5.6M Wimbledon Cm 2 M Skinner (Brun)
32.17- 15 S Holmes (Brun) 34.57-
(20) 18th Nov. Surrey XC Lge
Div 4 Reigate 6"M. 11 K Daniel (VAC) 41.51- J E Turner(DulPk)- W Clapham
(VAC) 56.40-
(21) 18th Nov. Sri Chinmoy Rd 10km Battersea Pk 1 J Bradley 32.01
(22) 18th Nov. Bucks/Berks/Oxon Clubmans Ch 9 R Daniels (G)
(23) 19th Nov. Rd 10M Epsom (53.51) 226 G Crowder 86.01
(24) 19th Nov. Rd 10Km Brighton 11M40 S Smythe 35.59
(25) 25th Nov. Mobmatch v Orion Hayes (inc Club 7"M Ch)
1 N Kinsey (Davis Cup) 48.41 (3)- 2 R Smith 49.41 (25)- 3 R Daniels 51.13 (5)- 4
M Watling 51.57 (10)- 10 M Ellison 53.18 (11)- 11 J Beck 53.39 (24)- 12 C
Fincham 53.41 (14)- 14 J Phelan 54.02 (8)- 19 A Lawes 55.18 (19)- 21 D Ellison
55.51 (20)- 22 S Pairman 56.04 (12)- 23 J Hoy 56.14 (9)- 24 K Foley 56.17 (1)-
25 W Slack 56.23 (6)- 27 B McShane 56.28 (4)- 29 A Tucker 56.47 (36)- 30 R Coles
56.55 (30)- 31 A Kilgour 57.44 (16)- 33 G Coates 58.10 (27)- 36 T Brightwell
58.40 (38)- 37 C Baker 58.51 (15)- 38 P Calnan 59.16 (41)- 42 C Pike 59.39 (22)-
43 S Lloyd 59.48 (17)- 45 R Brown 60.01 (33)- 47 R Hill 60.10 (28)- 53 L Bryant
61.28 (26)- 54 M Salmon 61.55 (13)- 55 A Davis 62.04 (31)- 57 R Walsh 63.15
(21)- 60 J R Turner 63.32 (44)- 67 J Leeson 64.32 (40)- 69 S Ridgewell 65.48
(46)- 72 J Mullett 66.18 (23)- 73 P Lovell 66.34 (29)- 75 J Robinson 66.50 (35)-
77 N Webb 67.02 (2)- 78 C Painter 67.49 (34)- 79 C Rowe (Lanterne Rouge) 68.02
(7)- 80 M Blunden 68.29 (32)- 81 S Hollingdale 69.53 (47)- 82 B Wilson 70.03
(49)- 83 P Fidler 70.05 (42)- 84 A Cilia 70.48 (18)- 85 R Morriss 70.51 (39)- 87
A Pontifex 74.22 (45)- 88 R Michell 74.39 (48)- 89 A Jelly 76.02 (43)- 90 Rn
Chambers 76.08 (50)- 93 P Shepheard 84.08 (37)- 94 D Churchus 84.46 (51)- 95 K
Tyler 111.40 (52)- Match (Sc 39) BH 1485- Orion 1596
(26) 26th Nov. Rd 5M Wolverton 10 P Fisher 26.09
(27) 29th Nov. London Colls Lge Trent Pk 5M 1 M Skinner (Brun) 26.24
(28) 19th Nov. Reebok Intl Challenge Margate (inc Kent Wmn & YAs Lges)
Sen 9.5K 5 D Taylor 29.07- U20 6Km 11(2Kt) D Ayrton 19.04- 76(6Kt) W Bolton
20.40- 79(8) M Lucht 20.46- P Tucker- U17 38(8Kt) J Godsell 14.09- 44(11) R
Perkins 14.19- 52(13) C Daniel 14.30- 70(22) D Ryan 15.23- U15 72(16Kt) M Greene
11.36- 80 M Lea 11.55- 83 H Mozley 11.59- 93 H Cliff 12.22- 95 M Shirley 12.33-
U13 3K 24(9Kt) T Beech 11.42- (10) S Leach 11.43- (15) D Willis 12.08- (17) R
Daniel 12.13- (36) T Corbett 13.28- (44) R D'Angelo 14.10- Sen Wm 5.5Km 39(1Kt)
J Butler 20.27- 82(10Kt) K O'Mahoney 22.48- 109 N Brightwell 25.59- U20W 3.5K
118(4Kt) K Bugler 14.46- U15G3Km 30(6Kt) 6 E Bugler 12.08- U13G 2.5Km 3Kt R
Taylor 10.03- 4 A Boyle- B Proctor- R Stokes
(29) 26th Nov. Cross Cup Roeselare, Belg Sen 10Km 40 M Lucht 35.11- Vets
6Km 27 C Griffin 28.24- 32 K Daniel 28.48- U20 6Km 7(2GB) D Ayrton 23.49- 30 W
Bolton 25.28- 39 R Bentley 25.57- 52 A Rayner 28.38- U17 4Km 27 C Daniel 17.03-
32 D Ryan 17.39
U13 1.66Km 6 R Daniel 6.06-
(30) 2nd Dec. Sri Chinmoy 5M Battersea Pk 2M50 T Brightwell 30.21
(31) 2nd Dec. Kent Men's XC Lge Danson Pk (32.57) 3 J Mills 35.16- 11 R
Smith 36.54 29 S Cooper 39.11- 51 C Griffin 40.38- 61 K Daniel 41.37- 77 A Lawes
42.34- 83 P Calnan 43.00- 94 T Brightwell 44.00- 100 G Coates 44.43- 101 B
McShane 44.45- 157 W Clapham 54.57- Tms (Sc 4) 6 BHA 90- 18 BHB 340
(32) 2nd Dec. Oxfd v Camb Wimbledon Cmn (7.5M/39.46) 3 J Bradley (Ox)
(33) 3rd Dec. Marathon Luton (2:40.08) C Poole 4:05- R Griffin 4:12- This
was Colin's 92nd Marathon. He hopes to run No.100 this year, possibly the Sri
Chinmoy at Battersea Park.
(34) 3rd Dec. Abbey Dash Leeds (10K/29.05) 44 P Tucker 32.25- G Murray
(35) 3rd Dec. Parkwood Lge (3) Canterbury U20 3 W Bolton 18.05- 4 M Lucht
18.20- U17 5 R Perkins 12.22- 9 D Ryan 13.03- 10 C Daniel 13.11- 13 D Griffin
14.44- 15 P Moreton 18.36- U15 11 H Cliff 15.43- 12 M Lea 15.56- U13 5 S Leach
12.50- 8 D Brewer 13.07- 9 R Daniel 13.13- 18 T Beech 13.54- 20 D Proctor 14.04-
23 T Corbett 14.14- 28 A Ginn 14.45- 32 R D'Angelo 15.17- U11 3 R Bolton- 7 C
Brett- WU20 4 K Bugler 16.30- WU17 9 H Williams 16.50- GU15 3 E Bugler 13.41-
GU13 1 R taylor 10.15- 4 A Boyle 10.43- 11 E Godley 11.31- 12 B Proctor 11.35-
15 S Williams 11.47- 16 R Stokes 11.54- 18 S Robinson 12.15
GU11 3 C McNamara- 4 M Griffiths- Tms 1 BH 61-
(36) 9th Dec. Sthn Women's Inter-Counties Ch Sherborne SW (19.25) 15(1Kt)
J Butler 20.33 JW 17 K Bugler 22.40- GU15 37 E Bugler 15.09- GU13 8 R Taylor
10.45- 30 A Boyle 11.23-
(37) 9th Dec. Kent Vets & Clubman's XC Chs Canterbury
M40 10K (41.31) 2 N Kinsey 41.41- 5 T Soutar 42.46- 19 C Griffin 45.29- 23 M
Ellison 46.05- 24 A Lawes 46.09- 26 C Fincham 46.57- 27 W Slack 47.10- 49 R
Walsh 52.19- 63 M Compton 59.14- 64 W Orton 63.44- Tm (Sc4) 2 BH 49- M50 10K+
(course error) (46.25) 4 K Daniel 47.15- 6 P Hamilton 47.35- 7 J Phelan 48.03- 8
T Brightwell 48.13- 13 M Cronin 51.04- 17 G Coates 51.31- 24 R Brown 53.00- 36 J
Mullett 58.32- 45 W Clapham 63.12- Tm (Sc3) 2 BH 17- WmV 5K 8 A Cilia 27.38-
Clubman's 10K 11 A Rayner 47.21- 12 D Ellison 47.25- 14 B McShane 47.36- 26 R
Hill 52.56- Tm (Sc4) 2 BH
(38) 10th Dec. European XC Chs Malmo, Sw Sen (9.7K/ 29.29) 37 D Taylor
30.45- Tm 6 GB
(39) 10th Dec. BVAF 10M Rd Ch Brockwell Pk (53.57) 88 G Crowder 85.18
(40) 10th Dec. Christmas Caper Swanley 4.25M 2 P Tucker 23.02- 2M50 T
Brightwell 26.45
(41) 16th Dec. Hercules XC 5M Wimbledon 1 G Clifford (BoE) 29.05
(42) 17th Dec. Kent Rd Relay Chs Rochester Sen 1 BH 47.59 (M Skinner
11.46 (3rd fst) R Smith 12.31- D Ayrton 11.57- J Mills 11.45 (2nd fst))- M40 4
BH 55.35 (M Watling 13.55- M Ellison 14.07- C Griffin 13.39- C Fincham 13.54)-
M50 2 BH 54.58 (J Phelan 13.41- P Hamilton 13.58- K Daniel 13.15- T Brightwell
(43) 23rd Dec. Club Christmas Yacht H'Cap Hayes
1 D Griffin 35.18 rn tm- 2 C Griffin 32.01- 3 R Morriss 39.48- 4 D Ayrton 29.03
(1)- 5 C Daniel 33.50- 6 J Morland 30.42 (2)- 7 R Griffin 39.55- 8 A Cilia
41.45- 10 P Shepheard 48.47- 11 P Long 53.15- 12 A Pontifex 42.16- 13 D Ellison
32.37- 14 B McShane 34.00- 15 W Slack 33.49- 16 R Michell 42.00- 17 J Butler
34.15- 18 A Kilgour 34.39- 19 K Daniel 31.54 (3)- 20 D King 39.05- 21 C Rowe
41.31- 22 R Walsh 37.52- 23 A Jelly 44.08- 25 S Pairman 34.04- 26 J Mullett
39.54- 27 W Lonergan 42.38- 28 G Coates 34.38- 30 C Baker 35.51- 31 C Fincham
32.44- 32 M Cronin 34.55- 33 S Lloyd 36.26- 35 J Leeson 37.51- 37 M Ellison
33.00- 38 D Brookes 50.16- 39 C Pike 36.40- 40 N Bunclark 36.12- 41 D Lawrie
50.53- 42 R Brown 36.07- 44 Rn Chambers 44.10- 45 D Churchus 46.57- 46 A Tucker
34.31- 47 N Barber 40.21- 48 J Beck 34.02- 49 M Gasson 44.40- 50 T Brightwell
36.48- 51 A Murrell 46.29- 52 S Ridgewell 42.47-
(44) 16th Dec. SLH Pirie XC 10M Coulsdon 19 G Coates 68.08
(45) 16th Dec. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lges Sparrows Den (incl Club Chs)
SW 4 J Butler- JW 2 K Bugler- 3 H Barker- U17W 17 H Williams- U15G 4 E Bugler-
U13G 2 R Taylor- 12 A Boyle- 13 B Proctor- 15 R Spears- 21 S Robinson- JM 1 D
Ayrton- 2 M Lucht- 3 W Bolton- 7 A Moreton- U17 15 R Perkins- 17 C Daniel- 23 P
Moreton- U15 1 J Sweeney- 18 M Lea- 26 D McKeown- 28 H Cliff- U13 8 T Beech- 10
S Leach- 12 D Willis- 13 D Brewer- 17 R Daniel- 23 T Corbett- 26 T Smedley- 33 D
Proctor- 36 A Ginn- 40 R Gorga-
(46) 23rd Dec. MT 5Km Ruislip Lido (18.13) 30 W Clapham 25.32
(47) RACE WALKING 4/11 SyWC 7M Monks Hl. 3 S Lightman 64.02- 5 P Hannell
66.31 11/11 10K Steyning. 2 P Hannell 55.49- 25/11 Belgr 7 Wimbledon. 11 S
Lightman 62.23- 12 P Hannell 63.27- 2/12 SyWC 10K Monks Hl. 1 S Lightman 55.03-
3 P Hannell 57.16- 6 N Simmons 62.30- 16/12 Horsham 5K. 1 S Lightman 27.33-
Our walkers are not yet wearing the "intelligent
shoes" which detect lifting. That's my explanation as to why they overtake
me when I'm running. I'm hoping they'll next invent a "kneecapper"
that detects any bending. Walking is obviously a serious hazard, so much so that
it's been proposed to divide the pavement in Oxford St, with a fast lane from
which window-shoppers, tourists looking at guide books, dog-walkers &c would
be banned. What fun for the Yellow Peril.
(48) INDOOR 2/12 Cryst Pal. 60m U17 G Isodo 7.2- F
Collymore 7.2- D Bovell 7.4
U15 D Lennon 8.3- GU15 V Akpofure 8.4- 13/12 60m Sen A Lashore 7.0- M Elliott
7.0- A Wilson 7.1- L Edwards 7.3- JM G Isodo 7.2-
(49) MONTHLY SERIES 7/11 Cryst Pal 5K C Griffin 17.37- 2/1/01 Cryst Pal
5K W Clapham 23.50-
(50) MULTIEVENTS 11/11 Duathl Box Hill (rn 8M- bk 24M- rn 8M) 2 N Kinsey-
J McConville L Smith-
(51) CLUB SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP 27th Nov Beckenham Baths 50m F/S
1 N Bunclark (Maryon-Wilson Cup) 29.73(B'fly) (H'c pos 7)- 2 N Kinsey 32.06(5)-
3 T Brightwell 35.13(11)- 4 J R Turner 36.87(2)- 5 P Taylor 37.50(12)- 6 C Brand
40.50(6)- 7 J Phelan 42.30(10)- 8 D Johnson 51.90(8)- 9 T Shotton 54.52(9)- 10 M
Kinsey 63.50(4)- 11 A Brent 64.29(1)- 12 W Clapham 67.38(3)- 13 M Cronin
68.51(13)- 14 Roy Green 88.52(14)-
1 A Kilgour 195 pts- 2 B McShane 183- 3 W Slack 180- 4 D Ellison 178- 5 C
Fincham 170- =6 S Lloyd 166- M Ellison 166- 8 A Cilia 165- 9 J Leeson 162- 10 C
Baker 161-
11 R Michell 160- 12 S Pairman 154-
ARC Atlantic Rally for Cruisers
Readers of the last Gazette (No 634 pg 23) may be interested to learn that Ray
Gibson and his companions completed the crossing from Gran Canaria to St Lucia
in a time of 20 days & 2 hours, their boat "IMPRESSIONIST" being
placed second in its class. They initially steered a south-westerly course
towards Brazil before turning northwards towards the Caribbean. They encountered
40 foot waves at times but emerged unscathed.
The Co-ordinator this year will be Peter Lovell (8460 4331). Administration
sessions will be at the Nautical School, Stamford St on 16th Mar (1700-2100) and
17th Mar (0900-1300).