VOL 20. No2. NOV 2000. PRESIDENT 2000/1: Mike Davies
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825 768193)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers Bromley, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Members wishing to run in some fixtures will need to enter in advance, as
* Kent Vets & Clubmans at
Canterbury on 9th Dec.
Vets in the 40-49 group should sign the list at HQ or contact Chris Fincham (Tel
020 7280 6367 (work) or 01689 829397 (home)).
Vets in the 50+ age groups should contact Peter Hamilton (Tel 7826 4283 (work)
or 8692 2619 (home)) before 22nd Nov. All Vets may need to confirm address, DoB
and year of joining the Club.
Seniors for the Clubmans contact John Baldwin.
* Kent County Championships at Sevenoaks on 6th
Jan. All
entrants to contact John Baldwin.
* South of Thames Senior at Wimbledon on 20th Jan:
Parliament Hill on 27th Jan: National at Durham on 24th Feb: SEAA Vets at
Maidenhead on 11th Mar. Listen/Watch for further information.
The Club 71/2M Championship will be held in conjunction
with one of the Mobmatches - to be announced. [Orion 18
November webmaster]
Len Dalmon is taking over this post and we wish him, and his team of unsung
heroes, well for this vital role. Our thanks go to Don Hopgood for his past
Sat 18th Nov at 8.30 am. 10Km- Sat 2nd at 8.30 am. 5M
(78) 14/9 Lullingstone. 1 N Gasson 38 pts- 2 A Pontifex 34- 3 M Lodwig 33-
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day
It would have been better for the local population of swifts if The Blackheath
Harriers Golf Society had remained quiescent, as one of their number (i.e the
swifts, not BHGS) succumbed to Nick Gasson's tee shot. Tony Pontifex is looking
forward to hearing your jokes about birdies and eagles.
11th Nov. Lloyd Pk
Sth of Thames Jun
19th Nov. Margate
Intl XC + Sthn & Kent Women's & Kent YAs Lges
25th Nov. Hayes
2nd Dec. Danson Pk
Kent Men's XC Lge
2nd Dec. Bexhill
Sthn Women's XC Lge
3rd Dec. Canterbury
Parkwood YAs XC Lge
9th Dec. Canterbury
Kent Vets & Clubmans XC (See note)
16th Dec. Sparrows Den
Kent Women's & YAs Lges
(incl Club Champ)
23rd Dec. Hayes
Yacht Handicap
26th Dec. Hayes
Hare & Hounds (11 am)
1st Jan 2001. Orpington
The Gold Run 2" hours
(contact Brian Todd)
6th Jan. Sevenoaks
Kent County XC Champs
Cryst Pal 7/11, 5/12 5K
Danson 10/11, 8/12 5K
Hyde Pk 24/11 5K
Hammersmith 28/11
All 12.30
18th Nov Annual Club Dinner
16th Dec Open Christmas Supper
20th Dec Wednesday
Night Christmas Supper
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Aug £50 S Parsons, £25 J Herring & J Hills
Sept £50 P Calnan, £25 J Phillip & R Savery
(01) 14th May. 1/2-Marathon Leeds G Murray 147.17
(02) 21st May. City 10Km Aberdeen P Smith 47.25- G Murray 58.30
(03) 13th Jun. E Midlands GP 10Km Weedon 3 T Dickinson 32.12- 136 I
Wilson 45.48
(04) 14th Jun. L'b v Achilles v Br Pol Loughborough 3000m 3 W Foster
(M40G) 8:40.4 cl rec
(05) 16th Jun. SCVAC T&F Lge Div Kt2 (3) Deangate Tr A,B &
M50(C)- Fd A & C
100mA 5 J R Turner 13.4- B 1 G Coates 13.7- C 1 D Wallington 13.0- 400mA 3 G
Coates 59.1- B 1 J R Turner 61.2- C 1 C Monks 62.5- 1500mA 2 P Barlow 4:45.3- B
4 S Hollingdale 5:32.1- C 2 R Brown 4:50.0- 5000mA 3 C Griffin 17:11.3- B 1 M
Ellison 17:13.1- C 2 G Lloyd 18:00.4- HJA 6 M Martineau 1.05- C 2 J Robinson
1.30- LJA 4 M Martineau 3.91- C 1 D Wallington 5.30- SPA 4 J R Turner 7.63- C 1
G Hickey 10.49- M60 1 C Brand 9.41- HTA 3 C Brand 22.40- C 2 G Hickey 25.44-
Relay 1 BH- W35 100m/400m/1500m/HJ/TJ/JT 1/3/4/2/3/3 A Cilia 15.7/ 79.3/ 6:11.8/
1.05/ 6.34/ 15.11- Match Men 1 Inv 195- 2 BH 179- 3 Bexl 108- =4 Kent AC &
TunW 80- 6 GEC 73- Women 1 Bexl 170- 2 Inv 105- 3 KtAC 64- 4 TunW 60- 5 BH 52- 6
GEC 32
(06) 6th Jul. Corp Chall 31/2M Battersea Pk S Pairman 21.03-
(07) 19th Jul. Open T&F Solihull 1500m W Foster(M40) 3:59.9 cl rec
(08) 19th Jul. Rosenheim Lge Tooting Bec 3000m D Taylor(HH) 8:35.7- DT E
Udechuku(G) 56.25
(09) 23rd Jul. 1/2-Marathon Dartford cf (20161) Add T Brightwell 84.23
(10) 24th Jul. SCVAC Lge Kt2 (4) Erith cf (20165) Full result. Tr A,B
& M50(C)- Fd A & C
200mA 4 J R Turner 26.8- B 2 R Brown 27.2- C 1 C Monks 27.6- 800mA 1 D Cocker
2:17.8- B 2 C Keen 2:23.5- C 2 C Monks 2:30.1- 3000mA 1 C Griffin 10:04.3- B 1 M
Ellison 10:06.1- C 2 K Daniel 10:57.1- 2KWalkA 1 P Hannell 9:43.0- B 1 S
Hollingdale 11:40.1- C 1 S Lightman 10:23.3- PVA 1 J Day 2.70- C 1 J Robinson
2.10- TJA 3 R Brown 8.59- C 2 M Martineau 7.80- DTA 3 J R Turner 26.36- C 1 C
Brand 30.98- JTA 2 R Coe 33.05- C 1 C Brand 32.70- 4X200m 1 BH 1:46.3- W35
200m/800m/5000mA/LJ/SP 3/5/4/3/4 A Cilia 33.7/ 2:58.7/ 23:09.8/ 2.90/ 4.19-
5000mB 2 A Jelly 24:04.8- Match & Lge Men 1 BH 204- 2 Inv 171- 3 Bexl 122- 4
TunW 96- 5 KtAC 78- 6 GEC 35- Final Lge Pos 1 BH 23- 2 Inv 21- 3 Bexl 16- 4 KtAC
91/2- 5 TunW 81/2- 6 GEC 5- Women 1 Bexl 149- 2 Inv 110- 3 KtAC 72- 4 TunW 48- 5
BH 37- 6 GEC 36- Final Lge Pos 1 Bexl 24- 2 Inv 17- 3 KtAC 151/2- 4 TunW 11- 5
BH 101/2- 6 GEC 3-
(11) Peterborough 5K Rd Series 26/7 Stamford. 86(4M55) I Wilson 21.06-
9/8 Werrington
116(5M55) I Wilson 20.41- 23/8 Eye Comm Rns. 92(5M55) I Wilson 20.42- 6th
Overall M55
(12) 29-30 Jul. BVAF Chs Bedford cf (20171) Add M60 800/1500m 3 J Clare
2:38.41/ 5:19.53
(13) 30th Jul. TVH Open WLS cf (20177) Add Wm 100m 1 L Guthrie 12.4
(14) 2nd Aug. BMC & Open Watford cf (20178) Add Wm 100m L Guthrie
(15) 2nd Aug. Rosenheim Lge E Tooting Bec 400m D Moulton (SLH) 51.1
1500m/3000m 1 D Taylor (HHH) 4:07.6/ 8:31.5
(16) 6th Aug. Kent B&C Lge (4) Bexley
U15 100mA 2 D Bovell 11.8- B 3 L Turner 12.9- 200mA 2 D Bovell 24.3- B 2 L
Winter 26.2- 400mA 1 B Earley 56.4- B 1 A Johnson 60.4- 800mA 1 J Sweeney
2:07.3- B 3 M Shirley 2:31.3- 1500mA 1 J Sweeney 4:45.2- B 2 B Davies 5:02.4-
3000m A 2 M Greene 10:38.1- B 1 T Puttock 10:48.7- 80HA 1 A Johnson 12.1- B 2 W
Agyare 14.9- HJA 3 W Agyare 1.55- B 1 B Davies 1.40- LJA 5 E Telfer 5.03- B 1 L
Winter 4.80- SPA 2 D Bovell 11.24- B 1 A Pope 10.71- DTA 2 A Pope 23.77- B 2 D
Murray 20.12- JTA 1 A Pope 35.71- B 1 D Murray 34.10- 4X100m 1 BH 49.8(Turner-
Winter- A Morton- Bovell)-4X400m 1 BH 4:00.4(Pope- Johnson- Sweeney- Earley)
U13 100mA 1 F Serybi 13.2- B 1 A Berry 14.0- 200mA 1 J Farr 28.1- B 1 A Berry
28.7- 400mA 3 A Al-Ameen 67.8- B 1 T Smedley 67.6- 800mA 1 D Willis 2:32.0- B 2
S Leach 2:41.1- 1500mA 2 C Place 5:16.7- B 3 A Webb 5:40.3- 75HA 1 A Berry 14.8-
B 1 T Boam 13.7- HJA 2 J Farr 1.25- B 1 A Al-Ameen 1.20- LJA 1 T Boam 4.52- B 1
F Serybi 3.91- SPA 3 F Serybi 9.37- B 1 S Harvey 8.13- DTA 2 Al Tawanaee 20.32-
B 2 A Webb 13.67- JTA 1 S Harvey 36.90- B 1 C Place 31.34- 4X100m 1 BH 55.2 (J
Mercer, A Berry, T Boam & F Serybi)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:35.7 (D Willis, T Smedley,
A Al-Ameen & J Farr)-
Final League U15 1 BH 628- U13 1 BH 600- Overall 1 BH 1228- 2 Medw 930- 3 Bexl
4 Dartfd 769- 5 CamH 7671/2- 6 InvEK 350-
(17) 7th Aug. T&F Malmo Sw 3000SC 11 D Heath 9:08.95
(18) 9th Aug. VAC Tr Battersea Pk 100/200m M50 M Martineau 15.0/ 30.6
(19) 12th Aug. SE Throwers Chs Ewell cf (20196) Details
M60 1 C Brand 3046 (HT/27.70-SP/9.81-DT/34.93-JT/35.79-WT/9.90)- M65 1 G Hickey
3636 (HT/30.93-SP/12.15-DT/34.71-JT/32.14-WT/9.92)
(20) 12th Aug. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (5) Norman Pk
Sen 200m/400m 1 S Singer 27.8/ 56.9- 400B/800m 1 K O'Mahoney 60.5/ 2:15.6- 1500m
1 S Budd 4:52.7- LJ 1 A Jacobs 4.83- TJ 1 A Zihute 10.90- DT/HT 2/1 E Oliver
(U17) 32.21/ 33.45- 4X100/4X400 1 BH 53.5/ 4:18.6- U15 100m/HJ 1 S Alaneme 13.5/
1.40- 200B 1 V Akpofure 27.9- SP/DT/JT 1 A Oliver 9.51/ 25.72/ 23.13
Match 1 Chelmsfd 1751/2- 2 Belgr 170- 3 BH 166- 4 Richmd & Tw 1531/2- 5 Medw
(21) 13th Aug. Women's Jun Lge Ashford cf(201103) Tms 5 BH 29
(22) 17th Aug. BMC Brighton 800m M Airey 1:54.7- S Cooper 1:56.5
(23) 20th Aug. Gt.Scottish 1/2-Marathon Glasgow (62.04) S Pairman 84.30
(24) 24th Aug. Rd 4M Marston, Ox 7 J Bradley (OxU) 21.30
(25) 27th Aug. SLH 10M Rd Coulsdon (57.29) 96 R Lees 85.40- 103 G Crowder
(26) 28th Aug. Kent Women's Lge Div 1(4) Ashford cf (201103) Add
U17 LJ 1 K Benneworth 5.26- 4X200m 3 BH 1:55.0- U13 70H 2 C Cooper 12.8- SP 4 V
Thomas 7.46- Tms 6 BH 203 (Relegated)
(27) 29th Aug. Open T&F Exeter U17 200m/400m J Aust 24.2/53.0
(28) 30th Aug. BMC Watford 800m D Moulton 1:54.18- S Cooper 1:54.82-
(29) 30th Aug. MT Joydens Wood 2 J Morland 18.04
(30) 3rd Sept. France A v GBA Vittel 100m/200m 1 J Barbour 10.60/ 21.18
SP/DT 1 E Udechuku 17.52/ 56.99
(31) 3rd Sept. SCVAC T&F Lge Final Colindale
cf (201104) Add 1500m/3000m/2KWalk S Smythe 4:41.2/ 10:08.9/ 12:54.3-
(32) 3rd Sept. Inter-Area U23 Derby U20 400H 2 N Ursell 53.52- GB 4X100m
40.25 (inc D Grant)
(33) 3rd Sept. 3-in-1 Rd Races Moray 10Km 95 P Smith 48.14- 193 G Murray
(34) 2nd Sep. Boys YAs Lge Auxiliary Final Birmingham
U17 100mA 3 F Collymore 11.21- B 1 G Isodo 11.49pb- 200mA 3 F Collymore 22.91- B
2 D Watson 23.45- 400mA 2 N Simpson 50.96- B 3 I Allerton 54.80- 800mA 5 J
Godsell 2:06.01- B 6 D Griffin 2:15.25- 1500mA 7 D Ryan 4:35.71- B 6 D Snow
4:42.93- 3000mA 5 P Underwood 9:46.57pb- B 5 Br Foster 10:52.90- 100HA 4 S
Brockwell 14.79pb- B 1 J Aust 14.75pb- 400HA 5 S Brockwell 62.90- B 3 T Robinson
64.81- 1500SCA 6 M Gipon 5:13.69pb- B 4 D Snow 5:22.44- HJA 6 D Watson 1.60- B 6
Q Belgrave 1.50- PVA 6 T Robinson 3.20pb- B =3 R Unwin 2.60- LJA 4 Q Belgrave
5.75- B 3 G Isodo 5.41- TJA 6 R Unwin 11.15- B 5 G Fergus 11.03- SPA 5 R Shelley
11.14pb- B 3 A Mulhearn 9.99- HTA 2 A Mulhearn 35.33pb- B 3 P Shelley 24.08pb-
DTA 4 P Shelley 32.60pb- B 3 A Mulhearn 29.50- JTA 6 R Shelley 37.56- B 4 P
Shelley 35.16pb- 4X100m 2 BH 45.63- 4X400m 1 BH 3:31.87-
U15 100mA 2 D Bovell 11.70pb- B 5 D Sawyerr 12.51- 200mA 4 O Bamgboye 23.73pb- B
4 J Sharpington 24.84- 400mA 7 B Earley 57.74- B 3 A McLeod 56.82- 800mA 5 S
Childs 2:12.76- B 5 R Campbell 2:17.92- 1500mA 2 J Sweeney 4:29.58- B 4 T Morgan
5:01.10- 3000mA 8 T Puttock 10:49.36- B 5 M Greene 11:04.18- 80HA 1 A Johnson
11.78pb- B 8 C Smith 16.48- HJA =6 W Agyare 1.55- B 3 D Bovell 1.50- PVA 3 A
Pope 2.60pb- B 3 J Sharpington 2.00pb- LJA 4 O Bamgboye 5.47- B 5 J Sharpington
5.11- SPA 5 A Gbla 11.67- B 1 T W-Symons 11.53- HTA 3 P Barrett 37.27pb- B 1 T
W-Symons 34.76pb- DTA 5 A McLeod 27.81- B 4 S McCarthy 24.76- JTA 4 D Murray
33.15- B 3 T Morgan 33.12- 4X100m 2 BH 47.62- 4X400m 2 BH 3:47.14-
U13 100mA 3 F Serybi 13.42- B 4 A Berry 13.86- 200mA 3 H Tidman 27.88- B 2 J
Farr 27.48pb- 800mA 3 D Casey 2:31.21- B 4 D Willis 2:40.25- 1500mA 6 C Place
5:14.58- B 1 T Beech 5:15.94- LJA 1 S Marsh 4.77pb- B 2 J Grannell 4.46pb- SPA 2
F Serybi 10.49pb- B 1 J Farr 8.38pb- 4X100m 3 BH 54.41
Match 1 Harrow 435- 2 BH 415- 3 Birchfd 393- 4 Gateshd 3881/2- 5 Notts 351- 6
Wirral 3351/2- 7 Giffnock N 2451/2- 8 St. Columbas Coll 2401/2-
(35) 6th Sept. BMC Watford 800m S Cooper 1:54.17
(36) 3rd Sept. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 Basingstoke 200m/400m/B800m 1 S
Singer 25.4/58.0/
2:19.0- B400m/A800m/400H(70.1) 1/2/1 K O'Mahoney- LJ 1 K Benneworth 5.24- TJ 1 N
Gharbaoui- U15 200m(27.7)/HJ/LJ(4.86) 1/1/2 S Alaneme- 100m/75H/LJ 3/1/3 C
Cooper- SP/DT R Oirschot- V Thomas- Match 3 BH 151- Final Posn 16th
(37) 9th Sept. U23 Spain v GB Getafe, Sp 100m/200m 1 J Barbour 10.36/
20.79- 4X100m GB
39.86- 800m 1 C Moss 1:50.49- SP/DT 2/1 E Udechuku 18.10/ 61.91
(38) 7th Sept. Assembly Lge Beckenham 105 W Clapham (KtAC) 21.48
(39) 9th Sept. 1/2-Marathon New Forest 1 R Smith 70.45-
(40) 10th Sept. Kent Relay Chs Erith U17 4X100m 1 BH 45.7 (G Isodo, J
Aust, T Robinson &
J Wilkie) 4X400m 1 BH 3:37.1 (C Daniel, B Earley, D Griffin & J Aust)- U15
4X100 1 BH 46.5 (E Telfer, S Bamgboye, J Sharpington & D Bovell)- 4X400 1 BH
3:49.4 (A Pope, S Childs, D Bovell & A Johnson)- U13 4X100m 1 BHA 54.4 (A
Al-Ameen, D Lennard, T Lewis & A Berry)- 4 BHB 57.7 (A Webb, A Partridge, T
Boam & R Daniel)- 3X800m 2 BHA 7:46.7 (D Willis, T Beech & C Place)- 6
BHB 8:10.3 (S Leach, T Smedley & J Poole)- U17W 4X100 & 4X200 1 BH 51.8/
1:49.7 (A Jacobs, K Benneworth, S Alaneme & N Gharbaoui)- U13G 4X100 2 BH
56.0 (N Arif, J South, C Cooper, A Atkins)
(41) 13th Sept. Club One-Hour Run Norman Pk
1 A Tucker 15500m (9.63M)- 2 T Brightwell (M52) 15323m (9.52)- 3 J E Turner
(M50) 14800m (9.20)- 4 L Bryant 14170m (8.80)- 5 S Lloyd 14153m (8.79)- 6 R
Griffin (M49) 13500m (8.39)- 7 M Longstaff(M48) 13290m(8.26)- 8 B Smith(M42)
12600m (7.83)- 9 D Churchus(M69) 12480m(7.76)
(42) 10th Sept. Thanet Races Margate Marathon 6 S Smythe 3:01.42
1/2-Marathon 9(2M50) T Brightwell 86.23
(43) 16th Sept. GBJ v Wales v SW Eng Bath 200m 3 D Grant 21.28- (4X100
400H 2 N Ursell 53.06- LJ 7 M Awanah 6.52-
(44) 10th Sept. Fila 10Km Bradford 12 D Taylor 29.58- 35 A Arrand 30.40-
50 W Foster 31.21-
(45) 10th Sept. Rd 10Km Hellingly 2 D Smith 34.15- 4 D Ayrton 34.58
(46) 16th Sept. Rd 5M Hove 2 D Smith 25.39
(47) 16th Sept. HHH T&F Tooting Bec 800m D Taylor 1:58.1
(48) 16-17 Sept. Kent Vets Chs Ashford M50 1500m 3 P Hamilton 4:49.6- DT
1 C Ellis 42.58cbp
M60 SP/DT 1 G Hickey 12.12/ 35.97- 100m/100H/HJ/PV/LJ/TJ/SP/DT/JT
2/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/1 J Day 15.7/ 20.8/ 1.25/ 2.70/ 3.80/ 8.33/ 8.53/ 21.70/ 22.32-
(49) 17th Sept. Inter-County Walthamstow U17 100m/200m 1B/2 F Collymore
11.3/ 22.9
(50) 17th Sept. 10K Wimbledon 3 D Ayrton 32.40- 10 E Prendergast 33.53-
373 G Crowder 49.33
(51) 23rd Sept. BH XC Relays Sparrows Den 6X Teams- 1 Mandeln, Bel 83.38-
2 TonbrB 85.43
3 BHA 86.08- 4 S'Oaks 86.59- 5 Ifld & I 87.12- 6 Maidst 87.17- 7 CamHA
88.25- 8 TonbrA 90.55- 9 SLH 91.00- 10 HAC 92.52- 11 Pd Wd 93.16- 12 BHD 93.43-
13 BHB 93.48- 14 CamHB 100.44- 15 KtAC 102.03- 16 BrV 102.14- 17 BHC 102.20- 18
BHE 116.42- 4X Wm SLH 96.19
Blackheath runners- 1 M DeFreitas 13.20 (Bennett postn 4)- 2 P Tucker 13.44 (1)-
3 J Morland 14.09 (15)- 4 M Ellison 14.38 (9)- 5 C Fincham 14.56 (16)- 6 A Lawes
14.57 (7)- 7 J Phelan 14.59 (10)- 8 N Gasson 15.01 (27)- 9 T Brightwell 15.12
(13)- 10 D Ellison 15.17 (17)- 11 S Pairman 15.37 (26)- 12 G Coates 15.38 (23)-
13 G Lloyd 15.46 (5)- 14 B McShane 15.50 (11)-15 R Brown 15.58 (18)- 16 A
Kilgour 16.04 (2)- 17 M Cronin 16.10 (30)- 18 C Baker 16.24 (19)- 19 C Pike
16.24 (20)- 20 W Slack 16.35 (33)- 21 J Leeson 16.48 (3)- 22 B Wilson 17.08
(14)- 23 J Robinson 17.25 (21)- 24 S Lloyd 17.30 (29)- 25 R Walsh 17.36 (31)- 26
M Wade 17.49 (24)- 27 J Mullett 18.16 (22)- 28 R Michell 18.56 (6)- 29 D
Churchus 19.21 (12)- 30 M Gasson 19.29 (25)- 31 A Pontifex 19.39 (28)- 32 A
Cilia 20.36 (32)- 33 D Lawrie 22.08 (9)- 34 P Shepheard 22.59 (34)
(52) 23rd Sept. Kent YAs Rd Relays Canterbury
U17 (3X4K) 6 BHA 52.12 (C Daniel 16.55- D Ryan 18.13- D Snow 17.04)- BHB (R
Perkins)- U15 (3X2.9K) 4 BH 31.48 (M Leal 11.30- S Childs 10.39- J Sweeney
9.39)- U13 (3X2.45K) 1 BHA 26.59 (D Willis 9.01- S Leach 8.55- T Beech 9.03)- 6
BHB 30.11 (R Daniel 9.40- R Gorga 10.23- G Hollingdale 10.08)-
(53) 23rd Sept. Paul Rene 3M Loveland Cincinnati 3 W Orton 16.33-
(54) 24th Sept. Thames Chase XC 10K Upminster W Clapham 52.40
(55) 30th Sept. SEAA Rd Relays Aldershot Sen 6X6K 8 BH 1:55.28 (A Arrand
18.20- M DeFreitas
20.03- D Taylor 17.41 Fst lap- M Skinner 19.47- R Bentley 20.20- D Ayrton
19.17)- Vets 4X6K M50 8 BH 90.02 (J Phelan 22.13- P Hamilton 22.17- T Brightwell
22.29- K Daniel 23.03)
(56) 1st Oct. YAs Rd Relays Aldershot U17 15 BH 57.00 (R Perkins 13.52- C
Daniel 14.15-
T Robinson 14.34- D Snow 14.19)- U13 8 BH 47.04(D Willis 11.33- R Daniel 12.18-
S Leach 11.37- T Beech 11.36)
(57) 1st Oct. Olympic Games Sydney Marathon(2:10.11) 56 M Steinle 2:24.42
(58) 1st Oct. London - Brighton 55M (5:56.50) W Slack 8:56- J E Turner
9:06- B Bater 9:35
D King 10:14- G & R Griffin & C Poole 11:29.57-
(59) 7th Oct. VAC XC 10Km Wimbledon Cmn (35.12) 5 G Coates 41.23- 27 W
Clapham 52.38
(60) 7th Oct. U20 GB v Ital v Fr v Sp Grosetto, It 200m 1 D Grant 21.27-
400H 7 N Ursell
54.80- 4X100 2 GB 39.74 (inc Grant)
(61) 8th Oct. Marathon Manchester (2:23.53) 2 A Arrand 2:24.40
(62) 8th Oct. Rd 10Km Bishop Aukland 40 S Dodd 35.20
(63) 8th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk 2 R Bentley 32.22- 4 P Tucker 33.27- 6 E
33.48- 7(1V) N Kinsey 33.59- 12 J Morland 34.32- 1M50 T Brightwell 37.08- 4M50 J
E Turner 39.22-
(64) 8th Oct. Rd 10Km Buckie (30.55) 131 G Murray 60.12
(65) 8th Oct. 1/2-Marathon Bristol 69 S Smythe (CamH) 78.00
(66) 8th Oct. Parkwood YAs XC Lge Canterbury U20 3 M Lucht 26.38- U17 5 R
Perkins 18.21
U15 5 S Childs- U13 4 T Beech 15.11- 5 S Leach 15.14- 15 D Brewer- U11 1 C
Brett- 3 A Ginn- U20W 2 K Bugler 22.42- U15G 6 E Bugler 13.45- U13G 3 A Boyle
11.16- B Proctor- U11G 1 R Taylor- 2 E Godley- 3 S Robinson- 4 C McNamara- Match
B 2 BH
(68) 14th Oct. Surrey XC Lge Div 1 Brockwell Pk 1 D Taylor (HH) 23.55-
Div 2 Cranford 21
S Smythe (DulR) 27.02- Div 4 Tilford (Race void) J E Turner (DulPk)- W Clapham
(69) 15th Oct. Forbanks 10Km Beckenham 1 J Morland 35.23- 6(1M50) T
Brightwell 36.33
18 W Slack 40.09- Tm BH
(70) 15th Oct. Route du Vin 1/2-Marathon Luxembourg (62.24) 126 N Wheeler
130 M Crisp 87.50- 351 M Longstaff 98.24- 395 P Fidler 99.38- 527 R Bennett
103.31- 909 B O'Flynn 117.42- 1234 J Kaya 151.12- 1235 D Larcombe 151.18-
(71) 15th Oct. Cross Challenge Liverpool U20 8 D Ayrton 27.52- 11 P
Tucker 28.19
(72) 22nd Oct. 1/2-Marathon Barns Green 5M50 J E Turner 87.57
(73) 14th Oct. Club 5M XC Ch Hayes
1 A Draper (Five Cup) 28.50 (h'c pos 3)- 2 J Morland 30.11 (18)- 3 S Cooper
31.26 (27)- 4(1V) C Fincham 31.42 (16)- 5 M Ellison 31.54 (26)- 6 A Rayner(J)
(King-Morrison Tr) 32.11 (32)- 7 N Gasson 32.13 (28)- 8 A Tucker 32.18 (30)- 9 C
Griffin 32.22 (6)- 10 H Morten 32.33 (41)- 11 D Ellison 32.37 (17)- 12 T
Brightwell 33.06 (25)- 13 W Slack 33.23 (11)- 14 R Coles 33.42 (45)- 15 S
Pairman 33.45 (29)- 16 M Cronin 33.54 (19)- 17 G Coates 33.59 (31)- 18 G Lloyd
34.14 (20)- 19 A Kilgour 34.22 (14)- 20 A Davis 34.42 (5)- 21 B McShane 34.50
(33)- 23 C Baker 35.11 (22)- 24 S Lloyd 35.23 (2)- 26 N Bunclark 35.34 (43)- 28
J Leeson 35.45 (8)- 29 D Griffin 36.16 (1)- 30 B Wilson 37.22 (24)- 31 D Carton
37.27 (35)- 32 N Barber 37.36 (12)- 33 Ph Taylor 37.49 (48)- 34 R Walsh 38.05
(34)- 35 C Painter 38.10 (4)- 36 M Salmon 38.15 (44)- 38 J Robinson 38.39 (23)-
39 P Lovell 39.25 (37)- 40 D White 39.36 (47)- 41 H Cliff 39.41 (38)- 42 R Cliff
39.42 (39)- 43 S Cluney 39.49 (40)- 44 M Blunden 39.56 (52)- 45 R Morriss 40.16
(13)- 46 J Else 40.21 (49)- 47 W Orton 40.25 (42)- 48 C Rowe 40.41 (10)- 49 R
Michell 41.11 (15)- 50 N Brightwell 41.30 (51)- 51 Rn Chambers 41.43 (36)- 52 D
Churchus 42.18 (9)- 53 A Jelly 42.23 (7)- 54 A Cilia 42.34 (21)- 55 A Pontifex
43.44 (50)- 56 J Copley 47.29 (53)- 57 P Shepheard 50.38 (46)
(74) 21st Oct. Kent XC Lges Tunbridge Wells Sen 21 R Daniels 33.02- 63 C
Griffin 36.06
89 B McShane 38.41- 130 N Barber 42.44- 152 W Clapham 46.36- Tms 16 BH 285- J 1
D Ayrton 18.44- 2 P Tucker 19.06- 3 W Bolton 19.19- 4 A Rayner 21.27- 6 M Lucht
22.53- Tm 1 BH 6- U17 10 R Perkins 20.33- 14 C Daniel 21.08- 20 D Snow 22.45- 23
D Griffin 24.00- 26 P Moreton 28.17- Tms 4 BH 44- U15 15 M Greene 17.29- 19 H
Mozley 18.05- 21 M Leal 19.05- Tms 5 BH 55- U13 4 S Leach 12.06- 6 T Beech
12.19- 11 D Willis 12.36- 12 C Place 12.46- 13 R Daniel 12.49- 15 D Brewer
13.16- 18 T Smedley 13.25- 32 R D'Angelo 14.05- 34 A Ginn 14.16- 36 T Corbett
14.30- 38 R Gorga 14.33- Tms 1 BH 21- SenW 2 J Butler 21.45- 13 K O'Mahoney
24.30- 32 A Jelly 28.23- 38 C Middleton 33.15- Tms 3 BH 47- JW 2 K Bugler 17.24-
6 S Singer 21.11- U15G 6 E Bugler 12.50- U13G 2 A Boyle 11.15- 16 B Proctor
(67) 21st Oct. World Jun Chs Santiago 200m 7 D Grant 21.33 (sf 20.88 cl Jrec)-
4X100m 1 GB
(incl D Grant) 39.05 (2nd fastest relay time by Juns, only 0.05" outside
World Jun record set by USA 1983)
(75) 21st Oct. ThHH v Oxfd Un Putney Vale 71/2M 4 J Bradley (Oxfd) 41.01
(76) RACE WALKING 22/8 VAC 5M (cf 201107 Corr) 3 P Hannell 43.49- 4 S
Lightman 44.06
4/9 MAF Battersea Pk 3K. S Lightman 15.25- 23/9 Sx Ch 10K Horsham. 1 S Lightman
57.18- 2 P Hannell 57.25- 7/10 SyWC Monks Hl 4M. 4 P Hannell 33.28- 5 S Lightman
5/9 5K Cryst Pal. J Hills 22.56- 6/9 Club 3.12M Yct h'c. 1 W Orton 20.44 net- 2
C Baker 19.22- 3 N Gasson 17.10(2)- 4 S Lloyd 19.26- 5 P Hamilton 18.00- 6 C
Pike 19.26- 7 M Ellison 17.01(1)- 8 W Slack 18.33- 9 A Cilia 22.20- 10 M Gasson
22.53- 11 C Fincham 17.57(3)- 12 A Tucker 18.15- 13 T Brightwell 18.02- 14 S
Hollingdale 21.21- 15 N Bunclark 18.52- 16 S Pairman 18.09- 17 J Hoy 18.57- 18 J
Leeson 20.18- 19 W Clapham 22.35- 20 M Cronin 19.08- 21 S Freemantle 21.39- 22 S
Fullbrook 27.32- 3/10 Cryst Pal 5K. J Hills 22.58-
(79) MULTIEVENTS 16/7 Triath Cryst Pal. 104 H Morten 79.46- 240 Rn
Chambers 95.30
20/8 BVAF Pentath Solihull. M50 3 D Wallington 2883- 15/10 Duath Thruxton.
rn5K/bk30K/rn5K 1 N Kinsey 74.22 (16.37/ 43.43/ 14.02)- 66(1M50) J Phelan 86.28
(19.01/ 50.51/ 16.36)-
Lloyd- 3 M Ellison
R Smith 15.23 R Brown (M50) 18.36 W Orton (M40) 20.44 C Keen (M40) 16.41 N
Bunclark 18.49 S Hollingdale (M45) 20.54 M Ellison (M40) 17.01 J Hoy 18.57 N
Barber 20.59 N Gasson 17.10 C Pike (M45) 18.58 S Hollingdale (M50) 21.14 C
Fincham (M40) 17.45 R Walsh (M40) 19.08 D White (M55) 21.32 A Tucker 17.55 J E
Turner (M45) 19.10 J Mullett (M55) 21.39 T Brightwell (M50) 17.55 D Carton (M40)
19.18 C Dale (M55) 21.58 S Pairman 17.56 J E Turner (M50) 19.20 A Cilia (F40)
22.02 P Hamilton (M50) 18.00 C Baker 19.22 O Levett 22.22 S Collins 18.06 Ph
Taylor 19.23 M Gasson (M50) 22.26 D Ellison 18.07 S Lloyd 19.26 Rn Chambers
(M65) 22.33 B Bater 18.12 B O'Gorman (M60) 19.29 W Clapham (M65) 22.35 P Barlow
(M40) 18.15 B Wilson (M50) 19.45 D Churchus (M65) 24.27 G Coates (M45) 18.15 S
Freemantle (M45) 19.57 A Pickering (M50) 26.56 W Slack (M45) 18.24 M Salmon
(M50) 20.03 R Watkins (M50) 27.10 M Cronin (M55) 18.27 J Leeson (M40) 20.18 S
Fullbrook (F) 27.32
NEXT COURIER: Early Jan Results, readers' views &
other material welcome.