19. No5. MAY 2000. PRESIDENT 2000/1: Mike Davies
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825 768193)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (020 8699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers Bromley, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes,
Kent (Tel 020 8462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Among a variety of results from country, road, track & field, pride
of place must go to Mark Steinle's run in the London Marathon, which secured AAA
Championship, Olympic qualification and Club record. As with the Gt.North Run
last year, his appearance near the finishing line came as a great surprise to
the pundits assembled to comment on the race. They may rightly focus on the
outstanding international athletes, but a bit more encouragement for the Brits
would not go amiss. Other good supportive runs in this event gave us bronze in
the club award.
The close of the cross-country season saw Roy Smith join an elite band
who have won the Club 5, 71/2 & 10 in the same season. Nick Bunclark
clinched the Bennett Cup and mention should be made of Bill Foster's silver
medal in the National Vets.
By now members will have read page 3 of the Blackheath Harriers Bromley
Gazette giving some background to the decision to change the Club's name, which
was agreed at the AGM by a margin of 45:20. The arguments for and against have
been well ventilated and will not be repeated here. The only personal comment I
would add is that I hope there will be no further meddling with the name. I say
this because already a report has appeared in the Kentish Times (4th May)
referring to a "Blackheath & Bromley Harrier" - there ain't no
such thing.
While you have your Gazette open at that place, take a good look at the
facing page 2. You will see the word "Vacant" occuring with monotonous
regularity. The fact is that very few members take any active role in running
the Club and there have been unmistakable signs of our decline over the last
couple of years. If this is allowed to continue it will be largely irrelevant
what we call ourselves.
A number of public-spirited members have commented to Bromley Council
about proposed development on Green Belt land on the Holwood Estate nr Keston.
Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident, for almost every week the local
press carries reports of such schemes, ranging from filling in odd cabbage
patches up to grandiose plans for Biggin Hill airport. Now that we have
identified ourselves with Bromley we might do well to remember the reason we
came here in the first place.
1 N Bunclark 390- 2 J Phelan 385- =3 T Brightwell & A Pontifex 379- 5 C
Fincham 373- 6 M Cronin 353- 7 R Brown 337- 8 M Wade 331- 9 D Churchus 328- 11 G
Coates 321- 12 S Lloyd 316- 13 W Slack 310- 14 R Smith 303- 15 S Pairman 299- 16
J Mullett 270- 17 C Griffin 253- 18 Rn Chambers 251- 19 B Wilson 228- 20 R Walsh
220- 21 J R Turner 213- 22 A Davis 208- 23 J Leeson 207
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Mar £50 J Taylor £ 25 E Malone
& J Laws
Apr £50 A Brent £ 25 P
Austridge & D Johnson
9th Feb. Army XC Chs Deepcut 5.5M 4 A Arrand 29.48-
(02) 26th Feb. National XC Champs Stowe
cf (19422) Add SW 61 S Budd 31.02-
(03) 27th Feb. Forbanks «-Marathon Beckenham (74.50) 3 J Morland 81.27
5(2M50) T Brightwell 83.23- 6(1M40) W Slack 84.26- 7(3M50) G Lloyd 85.21- 14 N
Bunclark 91.21- 17 R Walsh 92.38- 24 J Leeson 96.41- 32 B Wilson 99.59- 47 A
Pontifex 106.03
(04) 1st Mar. London Colls Lge Battersea Pk 10K 2 M Skinner (Brun) 31.32-
(05) 4th Mar. Inter-Services XC Chs Deepcut (5.5M/29.03) 3 A Arrand
(Army) 29.50-
(06) 4th Mar. S of Eng AA Vets XC Champs RAF Halton M40-49 183 S Capey
50.41- M50+(39.52) 61(3M60) J Clare 47.15- 156(5M65) W Clapham 55.19-
(07) 4th Mar. Club 10M XC Champ Hayes -
1 R Smith (Rowland Cup) 63.17 (13)- 2 J Morland 66.28 (2)- 3 H Morten 67.10 (5)-
4 J Beck 67.38 (16)- 5 C Fincham 68.30 (7)- 7 A Tucker 69.13 (1)- 8 M Ellison
69.42 (21)- 9 R Coles 69.44 (24)- 10 C Keen 70.28 (29)- 11 M Cronin 70.56 (6)-
12 W Slack 71.00 (4)- 13 J Phelan 71.42 (25)- 14 S Pairman 72.49 (20)- 15 G
Coates 72.55 (19)- 16 T Brightwell 73.19 (10)- 17 K Daniel 74.15 (34)- 18 J
Butler 74.15 (3)- 20 N Bunclark 75.37 (9)- 21 C Pike 75.52 (18)- 22 R Brown
75.56 (22)- 23 B McShane 77.29 (11)- 24 R Walsh 79.00 (17)- 25 L Bryant 79.26
(8)- 27 S Lloyd 81.33 (15)- 28 M Peel 81.46 (12)- 31 M Wade 83.59 (32)- 32 A
Pontifex 84.35 (23)- 33 W Orton 87.28 (26)- 34 D Churchus 89.29 (14)- 35 Rn
Chambers 91.27 (30)- 36 M Gasson 91.36 (28)- 37 A Murrell 94.26 (33)- 38 A Jelly
96.40 (31)- 39 K Tyler 116.55 (27)-
(08) 5th Mar. Thanet 20M Margate -
3 N Kinsey 2:01.28- 2M40 S Smythe 2:01.54- 3KtM50 T Brightwell-
(09) 5th Mar. Rd 10Km Brockwell Pk 6 R Bentley 32.14-
(10) 5th Mar. Rd 10Km Nairn G Murray 67.02
(11) 5th Mar. Parkwood YAs XC Lge (4) Canterbury -
U20 1 A Rayner 20.22- 2 M Lucht 20.41- U17 1 W Bolton 17.36- U15 6 R
Perkins 14.58- U13 6 M Greene 13.54- 8 D Ryan- 10 D Snow- 14 C Daniel- U20W 2 S
Singer 24.51- U17W 4 K Bugler 18.17- 6 H Barker 18.57- U15G 6 E Bugler 14.54-
U13G 9 A Boyle- 17 K Morley - U11G
3 R Taylor- 5 S Robinson- 6 E Godley- Match C 1 BH
(12) 8th Mar. BH Schools' XC Races Sen 1 G Parr (Fisher) 18.19- 2 D Bell
(Fisher) 18.23 3 E Bourne (S'Oaks) 18.58- 22(1U13) M M-Rooney (Fisher) 20.35-
24(1U12) P Simmons (Elt) 20.41- Teams 1 John Fisher (Parrish Cup) 12- 2
Sevenoaks 46- 3 Trinity (RAGS Cup) 54- 4 Eltham Coll 98- 5 Judd 103- 6
St.Dunstans 131- 7 John Fisher B 107- 8 Tiffin 141- 9 Trinity B 156- 10 John
Fisher C 162- 11 Eltham B 179- 12 Eltham C 216- Girls 1 J Hiswell (S'Oaks)
12.02- 2 W King (S'Oaks) 12.16- 3 L Desmond (Hailibury) 12.20- Tms 1 Sevenoaks
12- 2 Hailibury 24- Mayor's Challenge- U11 1 S Thomas (Hawes Down) 7.14- 2 S
King (St.David's) 7.24- 3 P Berry (St.David's) 7.28- Tms(Sc4) 1 St.David's 17- 2
Midfield 40- 3 Hawes Dn 43- 4 Southborough 79- 5 Burnt Ash 90- 6 Clare 106- GU11
1 K Murray (Brom Hi) 7.23- 2 S-J O'Sullivan (Brom Hi) 8.03- 3 S Boyer (Midfield)
8.12- Tms 1 Brom Hi 22- 2 Midfield 37- 3 Hawes Dn 44- 4 Burnt Ash 45- 5 Baston
101- 6 Southborough 113
(13) 9th Mar. Met Police XC Chs 4«M Richmond Pk 73 B Todd 44.12
(14) 11th Mar. Eng Schools XC Parliament Hill SenB 49 W Bolton- 59 A
Rayner- 198 D Moore 202 S Simmons- IntB 316 J Godsell- SenG 175 C Castledine-
230 S Singer-
(15) 12th Mar. MT Paddock Wd 10Km/5Km 3/1 D Ayrton 33.41/ 16.42
(16) 12th Mar. Finchley 20M Ruislip 93(1M60) P Lovell 2:33.54- 177 A
Edwards 2:55.40 187 R riffiths 2:59.31- 197 I Reynolds 3:03.20- 211 B Blackwell
3:13.52- 240 D Enright 3:55.24
12th Mar. SE Throwers Pentathlon Ewell M65 1 G Hickey
(18) 12th Mar. Open T&F Havering 300m 1 F Collymore 37.9
(19) 18th Mar. World XC Champs Vilamoura, Port (4.18K/ 11.11) 38(1GB) D
Heath 11.57
(20) 18th Mar. Orion XC 15M Chingford (1:32.12) 31 G Coates 1:47.37- 92 G
Meek 1:57.00
(21) 18th Mar. Bank of Eng XC 4.75M Roehampton 1 G Clifford (BoE) 24.48-
9 P Barlow 29.25 - 20 W Clapham 36.21- Tms 1 BoE- 2 Waverley- 3 Milocarians- No
BH team, but we got the Sausage roll, beans & chips.
(22) 19th Mar. ½ Marathon Fleet 1 M Steinle 64.40- 2 A Arrand 66.14
(23) 19th Mar. ½ Marathon Hastings (63.45) 22 N Kinsey 73.24- 37 R
Parrott 75.05- 197(1M60) - B O'Gorman 86.46- 273 L Bryant 89.17- 442 W Orton
93.29- 526 B Leahy 95.16- 622 J O'Brien 97.24- 663 P Lovell 97.57- 665 J Isaacs
98.00- 683 D King 98.28- 690 N Webb 98.42- 731 J Leeson 99.41- 764 J Copley
100.16- 872 R Hogwood 102.19- 999 D Churchus 104.54- 1052 R Strong 105.51- 1076
C Poole 106.26- 1142 I Collins 107.36- 1173 A Murrell 108.07- 1263 J Briffa
109.54- 1269 B Smith 109.58- 1380 F Ward 111.49- 1919 A Jelly 124.20- 2130 P
Prisley 132.12- 2160 A Pickering + M Cronin 133.44
(24) 19th Mar. Rd 10Km Wimbledon (30.20) 386(1M65) G Crowder 49.17
(25) 25th Mar. Open Crawley 150m 1 M Champion 16.4- U17 J Wilkie 17.7-
3000m T Oliver 9:16.7
(26) 25th Mar. BH Closing 5M Yct H'c Hayes - 1 R Watkins 46.23- 2 R
Morriss 37.29- 3 C Rowe 39.07- 4 D Brookes 46.46- 5 K Tyler 52.02- 6 S Lloyd
35.50- 7 B Wilson 36.39- 8 S Hollingdale 38.01- 9 D Griffin 38.12- 10 B Fisher
35.12- 11 R Bentley 29.00 (1)- 12 J Robinson 38.29- 13 D Carton 36.31- 14 J
Leeson 36.39- 15 M Salmon 35.53- 17 F Ward 41.09- 18 C Griffin 33.10- 19 Rn
Chambers 40.47- 20 L Bryant 35.47- 21 P Barlow 32.57- 22 N Barber 38.08- 23 N
Bunclark 34.20- 24 H Morten 31.21- 25 T Brightwell 33.14- 27 C Keen 31.26- 28 C
Fincham 31.37- 29 R Walsh 36.38- 30 B McShane 36.19- 31 R Smith 29.03 (2)- 32 J
E Turner 36.30- 33 R Brown 34.31- 34 J R Turner 34.52- 35 W Slack 33.25- 36 G
Coates 33.26- 37 R Strong 37.47- 38 R Parrott 29.47 (3)- 39 I Young 37.11- 40 A
Davis 36.21- 41 A Pontifex 38.46- 42 S Pairman 33.27- 43 P Calnan 32.59- 44 M
Cronin 33.27- 45 M Gasson 42.30- 47 M Ellison 32.43- 48 J Mullett 39.17- 50 A
Cilia 40.45- 51 J Copley 40.01- 52 J Phelan 33.39- 53 R Coles 33.02- 54 A Grace
40.54- 55 S Ridgewell 38.06- 56 M Wade 38.57- 57 B Bater 34.43- 58 S Dullanway
45.11- 59 S Freemantle 36.49- 60 M Watling 33.28- 62 D Ellison 35.24- 63 J A
Cooper (G)- 64 M Mahoney 48.55- 65 M Martineau 48.55- 66 R Michell 41.52- 67 B
Todd 53.52- 69 D Churchus 50.48
(27) 26th Mar. National Vets XC Champs Grimsby M40-49 (32.40) 2 W Foster
32.49- M50+ (34.59) - 66(8M60) J Clare 41.45- 74(13M55) W Wade (Holmfirth)
42.08- 139(13M65) W Clapham 49.12
(28) 26th Mar. Alberto Culver Rd 10Km Swansea (29.19) 7 M Steinle 29.53
(29) 26th Mar. Univ 5Km Bath 3 J Mills 14.41
(30) 26th Mar. «-Marathon Paddock Wd (67.58) 7 R Smith 72.20- 28 J
Morland 77.40- 84- G Lloyd 84.22- 89 W Slack 85.12- 110 G Coates 87.22- 159 S
Capey 90.13- 221 C Painter 93.45- 223 N Bunclark 93.52- 366 R Hogwood 99.37- 490
J Briffa 105.43- 614 G Cummings 111.35- 615 F Ward 111.36
(31) 26th Mar. Moray Rd 10Km Elgin P Smith 50.19- G Murray 58.21
(32) 26th Mar. Parkwood YAs Lge Relays Canterbury JM/U13B/Overall Bs
& Gs 1 BH
(33) 26/3. Tatsfield 5 2 L Cooper 27.10-C Keen 29.15-M Ellison 30.00-J R
Turner 32.- Tm BH
(34) 1st Apr. Southern 12-Stage Rd Relay Milton Keynes 8 BH 4:21.14- (R
Smith 25.32- L Cooper 17.49- G Clifford 26.28- M Skinner 16.50- J Mills 24.08- R
Daniels 18.27- W Foster 25.17- R Bentley 17.17- D Lee 26.09- A Rayner 18.34- L
Bulson 26.25- T Dickinson 18.18)
(35) 2nd Apr. YAs Rd Relays Sutton Pk U15 25 BH 56.12- (35 R Perkins
13.58- 33 D Ryan- 14.34- 29 C Daniel 13.54- D Snow 13.46)
(36) 6th Apr. Assembley Lge Blackheath Pk W Clapham (KtAC) 23.54
(37) 9th Apr. Open T&F Ipswich 110H 1 M Freckleton 15.6
(38) 9th Apr. Wellington Relays Ostend Sen 3 BH (D Ayrton, S Jarred, R
Bentley, P Fisher- A Draper & M DeFreitas)-Vets 5 BH (N Ayrton, P Barlow, K
Daniel, H Morten, R Coe, C Monks)
(39) 9th Apr. Parkinson YAs Trophy Haringey U20 100m/200m 1 D Lougheed-
400m-400H/57.8- PV 3/1/3 D Moore- 800m A 1 R Laming- B 1 A Rayner- HJA 1 B
Barikor- B 1 J Proctor- U17 200m J Wilkie 23.7- 800m 1 J Godsell 2:06.3- 400HA 1
J Aust- B 1 I Allerton- HJ J Guidetti 1.75- U15 400m B Early 56.7pb- 800m J
Sweeney 2:17.3- 1500m/4:44.2 1 O Wehliye- HJA W Edet 1.55pb- HJ/LJ O Wehliye- DT
S McCarthy 28.23pb- U13 LJ F Serybi 4.34- Match 1 BH 251-
(40) 9th Apr. Rd 10Km Croydon (31.24) 5(1J) M Lucht 35.28- 65 D Carton
40.39- 93 M Blunden - 42.22- 113 R Hogwood 43.24- 144 C Dale 45.14- 191 J
Tateson 48.10- 196 G Crowder 48.30- 224 M Allen 49.58- 279 P Prisley 54.50- 283
F Ward 55.12-
(41) 9th Apr. Rd 10Km Herne Bay M60 1 R Saiz 45.59
(42) 9th Apr. Open T&F Crystal Pal U17 100m D Gould 11.2- 200m F
Collymore 22.8- D Gould - 23.3- U15 SP 2 P Barrett 9.32pb- GU17 SP/DT 1/2 L
Edwards 10.15/ 28.65- 2/3 S Quaye 8.88pb/ 24.52pb- GU15 SP/DT 2 A Oliver 9.18pb/
(43) 16th Apr. London Marathon Blackheath/ The Mall (2:06.36) 11 M
Steinle (AAA Ch: Allen- Cup) 2:11.18 cl rec- 38 D Taylor 2:22.47- 149(1BHV) N
Kinsey 2:35.02- 694 R Parrott 2:52.26- 1169 T Brightwell 2:59.36- 1369 A Tucker
3:02.29- 1419 J McConville 3:03.12- 1656 G Lloyd 3:06.19- 1736 J E Turner
3:07.17- 1906 W Wade 3:09.25- 2129 W Slack 3:12.09- 2295 R Coles 3:13.30- 2717 T
Wood 3:17.26- 3154 M Peel 3:21.14- 3407 C Aves 3:23.23- 3763 Ph Taylor 3:25.54-
3812 B O'Gorman 3:26.09- 3820 M Salmon 3:26.12- 4255 J Leeson 3:28.53- 4268 D
King 3:28.58- 4370 W Orton 3:29.33- 5606 N Bunclark 3:37.36- 5881 S Capey
3:39.15- 6003 P Lovell 3:39.53- 7086 R Hogwood 3:45.56- 7966 J O'Brien 3:50.16-
8147 A Jelly 3:51.09- 10544 I Collins 4:01.16- 10610 R Griffin 4:01.37- 11411 M
Longstaff 4:05.32- 11531 N Webb 4:06.14- 13683 J Copley 4:16.05- 14287 J Else
4:18.51- 14365 L Smith 4:19.08- 14411 G Griffin 4:19.21- 14731 S Dullaway
4:20.57- 17773 C Leon 4:35.27- 17774 S Harris 4:35.28- 18073 D Lawrie 4:36.51-
23140 S Lightman(Wlk) 5:01.28- 23777 N Simmons(Wlk) 5:05.06- 24741 S Lacey
5:11.21- 25046 P Prisley 5:13.16- 25766 F Ward 5:18.33- 28944 P Shepheard
5:53.00- 29241 C Ashford-Russell 5:57.00-K Tyler- Tm(Sc4) 3 BH- Mini U18 49 D
Snow 14.51- 64 C Daniel 15.12- U15 14 C Norris 15.07- U13 2 S Leach 16.42-23 D
Willis 16.44- GU18 34 K Bugler 18.09-60 J Patmore 19.08
(44) 15th Apr. Sward & Kinnaird Kingston Sward 8 BH 16-400m J Godsell
52.3-Kinnaird 6 BH 32
(45) 17th Apr. SCVAC T&F Lge (1) Ladywell -
100m M40A 4 J R Turner 13.0- B 3 R Brown 13.3- M50(C) 1 D Wallington 12.5 cl rec-
400m A 2 G Coates 58.4- B 1 J R Turner 61.7- C C Monks 64.1- 1500m A 1 P Barlow
4:39.1- B 2 C Andrews 5:12.5- C 2 C Monks 5:53.1- M60 W Clapham 6:42.5- 2KWalk A
1 R Brown 11:13.9- B 1 S Hollingdale 11:15.9- HJ A 3 J Robinson 1.20- C 2 D
Wallington 1.30- LJ A 2 G Coates 4.44- C 1 D Wallington 5.13- SP A 3 J R Turner
8.02- C 1 G Hickey 11.07- HT A 2 J Phelan 16.07- C 3 G Hickey 23.90- 4X100m 1 BH
Men's Match
1 BH 197- 2 Inv 186- 3 Bexley 162- 4 KentAC 126- 5 GEC 4-
100m/400m/1500m/2KWalk/JT 2/2/3/3/2 A Cilia 15.9/ 79.6/ 6:11.9/ ?/ 17.35-
(46) 22nd Apr. Gt Caledonian 5M Balmoral P Smith 41.54- G Murray 48.00
(47) 23rd Apr. Kent Women's Lge Norman Pk 400m/800m 1 S Singer- 3000m 1 S
Budd 10:15pb- SP/DT(31.61)/JT 2/1/2 L Edwards- U17 SP/HT(23.87) 2/1 S Quaye- U15
HJ 1 S Alaneme 1.56-SP(9.10)/DT/JT 1/2/2 A Oliver- U13 75m/70H/LJ 2/1/1 C
Cooper- HJ/DT 3/2 A Atkins- Tm 6 BH
(48) 24th Apr. Open T&F Tonbridge 600m S Simmons 1:29.5- 1000m M
Airey 2:32.6
(49) 29th Apr. National 12-Stage Relay Sutton Pk (4:08.04) 14 BH 4:25.50
(D Heath 26.02- L Cooper 15.31- J Morland 31.04- J Mills 14.39- L Bulson 29.34-
M DeFreitas 16.25- M Steinle 26.27- D Lee 15.09- G Clifford 29.22- A Rayner
16.36- R Parrott 29.36- T Dickinson 15.25)
(50) 29th Apr. Br Univ Champs Northwood 100m/200m 1/3 A Lashore (Brun)
10.38/- 800m sf D Moulton 1:55.70- J Bradley (Ox) 1:57.45- 1500m 4 M Skinner (Brun)
3:46.66pb- SP/DT 1 E Udechuku (L'b) 17.43/ 56.82cbp
(51) 29th Apr. Sthn Women's Lge 3(1) St.Albans 400m 1 S Singer 56.6-
1500m 1 S Budd 4:43- 100H 1 K Porter 15.0- GU17 80H/LJ K Benneworth 13.3/ 5.18-
SP/DT 1 L Edwards 10.14/ 32.91- DTB 1 E Oliver 30.07- GU15 100m C Cooper 14.0pb-
75H H Robinson 13.5- L Sheehan 17.2- SP/HJ 1 S Alaneme 9.32 cl rec/ 1.58- SPB/DT/JT
1 A Oliver 9.27- Match 1 BH 189
(52) 30th Apr. Boys YAs Lge Norman Pk Match 2 BH 226
(53) 1st May. Ted Pepper Memorial 10Km Langley Pk (32.19) 2 R Smith
32.52- 5(1SCVAC)- C Keen 34.46- 6 J Morland 35.34- 16 A Tucker 36.37- 19 M
Ellison 37.02- 20 C Fincham (Chief Whip's Tr) 37.20- 22(3M50) T Brightwell
37.34- 27 N Ayrton 38.26- 30 W Slack 38.49- 36(2M55) M Cronin 39.15- 37 G Coates
39.20- 41 R Brown 40.01- 49 N Gasson 40.54- 56 R Walsh 41.53- 57 N Bunclark
42.05- 60 B Wilson 42.23- 61 S Capey 42.54- 64 J Steer 43.38- 68 D Crowdson
44.47- 71 J Copley 46.02- 75 A Cilia 47.27- 77 W Clapham 48.07- 78 J Tateson
48.38- 86 K Tyler 55.20- 90 P Shepheard 58.22
(54) 1st May. Rd 5M Hildenborough 2 L Cooper 26.18
(55) INDOOR 5/3 Intl Match Glasgow. 200m 3 J Golding (AllStars) 21.26-
(Also 4X400m split- 46.57)- 11-12/3 Br Univ Cardiff. 60m 2 A Lashore 6.93- 800m
3 M Skinner (Brun) 1:52.30- SP 1 E Udechuku 16.65
(56) MONTHLY SERIES 31/3 Hyde Pk 5K. W Clapham 22.37- 12/4 BH 3.12M h'c.
1 R Walsh 19.08- rn tm- 2 D Carton 19.18- 3 S Freemantle 19.57- 4 B Wilson
19.45- 5 C Fincham 17.55(2)- 6 R Brown 18.42(3)- 7 M Salmon 20.03- 8 M Gasson
22.49- 9 J E Turner 19.10- 10 C Dale 21.58- 11 M Ellison 17.46(1)-12 A Cilia
22.02-13 W Clapham 22.41-14 N Barber 20.59-15 S Hollingdale 21.53- 16 W Slack
20.01- 14/4 Danson Pk 5K. W Clapham 23.12- 3/5 BH 3.12M h'c. 1 R Smith 15.54 rn
tm(1)- 2 M Gasson 22.26- 3 C Fincham 17.45- 4 S Collins 18.06- 5 W Slack 18.24-
6 A Tucker 17.55- 7 R Brown 18.42- 8 C Pike 18.58- 9 M Ellison 17.29 (3)- 10 G
Coates 18.15- 11 C Keen 17.07 (2)- 12 R Walsh 19.24- 13 T Brightwell 18.10- 14 C
Dale 22.13- 15 B O'Gorman 19.29- 16 J Mullett 22.19- 17 S Freemantle 20.26- 18 A
Cilia 22.27- 19 R Watkins 27.10- 20 C Baker 21.29- 21 A Pickering (+ M Cronin)
27.19- 22 N Gasson 19.07- 23 B Bater 20.18
(57) RACE WALKING 11/3 Natl 20K Nottingham. 14 S Lightman 112.58- 18/3
Camb H 10K Bexley- 3 P Hannell 54.29- 26/4 County Chs Kingsmeadow 10K. Sy 1 P
Hannell 54:53.6- Mx 2 S Lightman 56:21- 2/5 Steyning 5K. 1 S Lightman 27.01
