19. No3. JAN 2000. PRESIDENT 1999/MM: Richard Coles
J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825 768193)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Following on from the last two Couriers, the Committee are informing
readers that the talks with Bromley AC have broken down and there will be no
more efforts made in the near future.
Your Committee, particularly the Officers involved, are extremely
disappointed at this outcome, and still feel it is not the most favourable
situation for the athletes of both clubs, or athletes generally in the Borough
of Bromley.
However it has now opened the way for some initiatives covered by a
development paper written by Mike Martineau to be put into operation. These were
in fact put on hold due to the possible merger, since it was felt better to
action them in conjunction with Bromley, rather than in opposition.
It has been agreed to concentrate our efforts on development plans for
the Women's Section and Young Athletes, and a review of Membership categories,
together with the production of an information brochure.
It is planned to convene three separate meetings during January to cover
these topics. The dates will be Monday 17th, 24th and 31st at 7.30pm in the
Clubhouse. The Women's Section meeting will be on the 17th and invitations have
gone out to all female members. Anyone else is welcome to attend. If you are
interested to participate in any topic please keep in touch with the Secretary
for confirmation of details of the later meetings.
In addition to the topics covered by the original paper, the possibility
has been put to the Committee, for discussion at its meeting of 10th Jan, of
changing the Club name to "Blackheath Harriers Bromley". The proposal
is not related to the recent merger talks, but is essentially a move to give the
Club a closer identity to the geographical area in which we are based. It is
similar to other clubs, notably "Sale Harriers Manchester". If agreed
by the Committee in January it will be included on the AGM agenda. Any views
should be passed to the Secretary, or other members of the Committee before 10th
The Mobmatches were lost against SLH and Orion. Our turnouts of 43 and 36
respectively were our lowest for some years, though Roy Smith won at Chingford
to retain the Davis Cup.
Mark Watling took the Ponsford Pewter and also won the Vets Mobmatch at
Coulsdon; another low turnout. New Vet Nick Kinsey won the Browning Tankard in
our Club Vets' Championship held in conjunction with the Kent AA Vets at
Beckenham Place Park.
There was a solid 5th in the ECCU relay, some good individual runs from
Heathens in various guises and a promising start by the YAs. Meanwhile the
Bennett was cooking up.
We returned to our "home" at a refurbished Beckenham Baths for
the Maryon-Wilson swimming championship.
An Open 10Km will be held at Hayes on 15th Jan replacing the one
"lost" on 11th Dec. This will be a Bennett Cup event.
Any vet who wants to be entered for the SEAA Vets XC
Championship at Halton nr Tring on 4th Mar should contact John Baldwin well in
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998) Recent winners:-
Oct £50 R Taylor £25
P Calnan, S Gascoigne
Nov £50 L Piper £25 V Cliff
& C Painter
Dec £375 J M Child
(01) 11th
May. Midl(M) Rd 10Km Silverstone 10 T Dickinson 32.07- 292(27M50) I Wilson
(02) 19th May. (M) Rd 6M Rugby (29.26) 164(21M50) I Wilson 40.53-
(03) 23rd May. 1/4 Marathon Desford 1 T Dickinson 34.11
(04) 1st Jun. (M) Rd 5M Corby (23.53) 153(20M50) I Wilson 33.19-
(05) 13th Jun. Rd 10Km Hinckley (31.34) 2 T Dickinson 32.04
(06) 15th Jun. (M) Rd 10Km Weedon (31.34) 136(19M50) I Wilson 43.48
(07) 20th Jun. Offa's Dyke 15M Cat 'C' Fell Race Hay-on-Wye 1 T Dickinson
(08) 26th Jun. Euro Vets Rd 10Km Brugges cf (19109) Add 181(17M55) I
Wilson 40.37
(09) 6th Jul. (M) Rd 10Km Milton Ks 156(12M50) I Wilson 41.56- (M) Series
M50 19/55 I Wilson
(10) 14th Aug. Race-the-Train MT 14M 1 T Dickinson
(11) 28th Aug. Mountain Trial Latrigg, Cumbria (56.52) 11 T Dickinson
(12) 12th Sep. Kent AA Track Relays Dartford cf (19230) Add - U17 4X100m
3 BH 47.5 (M Hill, J Foe, D Bowler & J Wilkie)- U15 4X100m ht BH 50.7 (D
Griffin, R Sable, C Daniel & T Robinson- 4X400m 4 BHA 3:56.4 (B Hopkins, D
Griffin, D Snow & I Allerton)- ht BHB 4:05.9 (D Snow, D Ryan, T Robinson
& R Sable)- U13 4X100m 3 BH 56.8 (M Daniel, D Murray, D Willis & B
Hurley)- 3X800m 1 BHA 7:46.1 (J Gorman, T Beech & C Norris)- 4 BHB 8:14.8 (D
Willis, R Daniel & S Leach)- SenW 4X100m 2 BH 49.7 (K Porter, S Singer, L
Guthrie & A Martin)- 4X400m 2 BH 4:16.6 (L Guthrie, K Porter, A Martin &
S Singer)- U17W 4X100m/4X200m 3 BH 54.8/ 2:01.9- U15G 4X100m/4X200m 1/2 BHA
50.9/ 1:50.7- ht BHB 2:01.7 (E Bugler, L Watling, V Ashley & S Alaneme)-
U13G 4X100m 5 BH 58.3 (ht 57.4) (C Cooper, J Porter, E Money & J South)
(13) 12th Sep. Achilles/BH v Peking Univ Beijing - 400m 3 N Hamilton
50.05- 4HJ/3TJ A Hodge 1.90/ 13.13
(14) 18-19 Sep. Kent Vets T&F Ashford cf (19232) Add/Correct - M40
200m J R Turner 27.3- M50 100m/400m/400H/LJ M Martineau 14.6/ 67.7/ 84.1/ 4.36-
M60 100m/LJ/SP J Day 15.6/ 3.81/ 8.43- SP C Brand 8.95- DT G Hickey 34.02-
(15) 19th Sep. Achilles/BH v Wasedo & Keio Univs Tokyo
- 400m 5 N Hamilton 50.35- 3HJ/5LJ A Hodge 1.90/ 6.51
(16) 3rd Oct. Vets T&F Reading M60 HJ/PV 1 J Day 1.25/ 2.60
(17) 16th Oct. Inter-Vars XC 5M Oxford 9 J Bradley (Ox) 25.54
(18) 17th Oct. Rd 10Km Croydon cf (19257) Full result - 1 D Taylor 31.36-
8 A Tucker 36.29- 13 A Lawes 37.25- 101 M Blunden 45.25- 120 D Crowdson 46.37-
123 R Hogwood 46.40- 136 J Tateson 47.03-
(19) 17th Oct. Forbanks Rd 10Km Beckenham - (31.04) 15(3M50) T Brightwell
38.04- 22 D Carton 40.04- 33 B Wilson 43.01- 43(2M60) G Crowder 46.40- V Tm BH
(20) 20th Oct. London Coll XC 5M Parliament Hl 5 M Skinner (Brun) 26.47
(21) 24th Oct. Inter-Club XC 4«M Richmond Pk 1 G Clifford (BoE) 24.48
(22) 24th Oct. Fleet & Crookham XC 9Km 1 M Watling 32.43
(23) 30th Oct. AAA 6-Stage Rd Relays Sutton Pk (1:42.46) 11 BH 1:46.39
(58 R Smith 18.34 - 32 A Arrand 17.14- 8 D Heath 16.33- 17 L Cooper 18.54- M
Steinle 17.03- D Lee 18.21-
(24) 30th Oct. Mobmatch v SLH v ThHH 7«M Hayes - 1 S Major(SLH) 43.35- 5
M Airey 45.55 (H'c pos 14)- 6 M Lynas(ThHH) 46.35- 7(1V) M Watling (Ponsford
Pewter) 46.46 (2)- 11 J Beck 47.53 (4)- 13 D Ayrton 48.10 (26)- 16 S Smythe
49.10 (8)- 20 A Draper 49.51 (39)- 22 S Cooper 50.31 (33)- 26 R Coles 50.52
(27)- 27 R Coe 51.07 (10)- 30 D Ellison 51.32 (37)- 32 C Fincham 52.01 (6)- 35 J
Phelan 52.16 (20)- 37 P Calnan 52.25 (40)- 39 D Flagg 52.50 (1)- 40 A Tucker
53.07 (12)- 43 M Cronin 53.23 (18)- 45 S Pairman 53.43 (19)- 57 J R Turner 55.33
(28)- 58 J Clare 55.38 (16)- 60 C Pike 55.40 (29)- 61 T Brightwell 55.51 (34)-
62 R Brown 55.55 (25)- 64 A Davis 56.43 (15)- 68 J E Turner 57.12 (17)- 73 N
Bunclark 58.10 (31)- 77 D Carton 59.14 (22)- 78 M Wade 59.22 (11)- 82 B Wilson
60.10.(32)- 85 J Leeson 60.29 (35)- 86 M Salmon 60.30 (41)- 88 C Painter 60.44
(3)- 90 S Capey 61.36 (30)- 95 W Orton 61.58 (5)- 97 A Pontifex 62.27 (24)- 100
J Mullett 63.04 (7)- 101 M Compton 64.15 (38)- 102 S Lloyd 64.56 (43)- 104 D
Churchus 66.44 (21)- 105 Rn Chambers 66.53 (23)- 110 R Morriss 68.40 (42)- 112 W
Buttinger 71.36 (9)- 113 I Collins 71.47 (13)- 120 R Watkins 82.10 (36)
Matches Nicholls Cup (Sc 40) SLH 1439- BH 1821- v ThHH (Sc 19) BH 302-
ThHH 511
(25) 30th Oct. MT Marathon Seven Sisters (incl 3000 ft climbing) - 13 N
Gasson 3:17- 46 G Lloyd 3:39- 92 W Slack 3:57- 131 Ph Taylor 4:08- 147 P Lovell
4:12- 211 M Peel 4:22- 217 M Gasson 4:23- 219 J Brown 4:24- C Poole 4:28- A
Cilia 4:32- A Jelly 4:40- R Strong 4:41- D King 4:44- R Griffin 4:44- B O'Flynn
4:50- J Isaacs 4:54- D Lawrie- S Poole 5:52- S Lacey 6:00- S Partridge- G Payne-
T Shotton 6:25- D & R White- R & D Counter- S & L Ridgewell- C Hall
6:55 (walk)
(26) 30th Oct. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lge (1) Swanley SW 1 S Budd
22.10- U17 2 M Hill - U15 7 C Daniel- U13 1 C Norris- 4 T Beech- 8 M Greene- 16
S Leach- GU13 7 A Boyle-
(27) 31st Oct. Marathon Frankfurt 13 D Taylor 2:18.57
(28) 31st Oct. Vets Rd 5Km Eastway 3M50 P Hamilton 18.45 (1st VAC/SCVAC)
(29) 3rd Nov. London Colls XC Lge Richmond Pk 3 M Skinner(Brun) 27.16
(30) 6th Nov. Kent XC Lge Beckenham Place Pk (31.20) 7 J Mills 32.12- 11
R Smith 33.13 - 24 M Airey 33.51- 46 J Beck 35.02- 115 G Lloyd 39.50- 117 T
Brightwell 39.58- 120 W Slack 40.11- 169 R Walsh 44.49- 185 Rn Chambers 48.07-
Tms (Sc4) 16 BH-
(31) 6th Nov. Vets Mobmatch Coulsdon 1 M Watling 36.29- 11 M Cronin
40.50- 13 G Coates - 41.16- 24 R Brown 44.13- 36 M Peel 47.48- Match (Sc4 !) SLH
16- Ranl 41- BH 46- Orion 99
(32) 6th Nov. XC Chall 10Km Birmingham U20 5 M Skinner 37.32
(33) 7th Nov. CrossCup Ghent Intl 9K 5 D Heath (Eng) 26.54- U20 6.25K 23
D Ayrton 21.44 - 25 W Bolton 21.56- 33 M Lucht 22.29- 36 A Rayner 22.45- U17 35
C Daniel- U15 47 D Griffin- Vets 6.25K 20 K Daniel 23.10-
(34) 7th Nov. Parkwood XC Lge Canterbury U17 1 M Hill- 12 J Godsell- U13
3 C Norris - 8 T Beech- 9 M Greene- 10 J Gorman- 15 D Willis- JW 3 C Castledine-
GU17 7 K Bugler- GU15 5 E Bugler- 17 J Patmore- 23 K Boutle- GU13 6 A Boyle-
Match A 2 BH
(35) 7th Nov. Fire Station «- Marathon (79.41) 44 W Orton 97.48
(36) 7th Nov. Rd 8Km Okonek, Pol 8(1V) L Atterbury
(37) 10th Nov. Civil Service Natl XC 10Km Richmond Pk W Orton (Lord Chan
Tm) 45.36
(38) 13th Nov. ECCU Relays Mansfield 4X5Km (62.34) 5 BH 62.59 (4 A Arrand
15.15- 9 D Lee 16.09- 10 J Mills 16.05- S Newport 15.30)
(39) 13th Nov. Sth of Thames Jun Ch Lloyd Pk (26.39) 4 M Skinner 27.45-
31 L Cooper 30.13 -42 S Cooper 30.52-60 P Tucker 32.14-70 P Calnan 32.50-89 G
Coates 34.25- Tms(Sc4) 7(1Kt) BH
(40) 13th Nov. Vets Home Intl XC 10Km Bideford (33.54) 27 M Watling (Wal)
(41) 13th Nov. Oxfordshire XC Lge Banbury 1 J Bradley (OxUn) 30.32-
(42) 14th Nov. Rd 11Km Cherbourg M Steinle
(43) 17th Nov. London Colls XC Lge Wimbledon Cmn 10 M Skinner (Brun)
(44) 20th Nov. Surrey XC Lge Div 1 Wimbledon Cmn. 1 D Taylor (HHH)- Div 3
Richmond Pk. 14 K Daniel (VAC) 30.17
(45) 21st Nov. SEAA Intl XC Margate (inc Kent Women's & YAs Lges) -
Sen (9.5K /28.45) 17 A Arrand 29.48- 52 M Skinner 31.32- 67 M Airey 32.39- U20
4(Kt) A Rayner- 7 M Lucht- 8 D Farnham- U17 21 W Bolton- 44 J Godsell- U15 45 C
Daniel- 61 D Snow- 72 R Perkins- 80 D Ryan- 87 D Griffin- 91 T Robinson- 95 M
Shirley- U13 16 C Norris- 30 M Greene- 31 T Beech- 38 J Gorman- 39 D Willis- 64
T Smedley- GU17 G Viney- GU15 85 E Bugler- 94 J Patmore- 109 H Williams- 115 M
Bentley- GU13 36 A Boyle-
(46) 21st Nov. Rd 10M Epsom Downs (55.07) 192 G Crowder 81.16
(47) 21st Nov. Ron Hill 10M Bournemouth 175/470 W Orton 68.58
(48) 27th Nov. Mobmatch v Orion Chingford 1 R Smith (Davis Cup) 47.47 (H'c
pos 14) - 2 A Vince (Or) 48.39- 3 M Cates (Or) 48.52- 4 J Beck 49.37 [4]- 11 A
Lawes 51.44 [2]- 12 R Coles 51.47 [15]- 13 C Fincham 52.11 [5]- 15 C Griffin
52.24 [1]- 16 J Phelan 53.10 [9]- 20 S Pairman 54.14 [6]- 22 G Coates 54.38 [8]-
25 G Meek 55.15 [30]- 26 P Calnan 55.18 [33]- 27 M Cronin 55.25 [25]- 28 W Slack
55.41 [26]- 29 J R Turner 56.31 [17]- 35 R Brown 57.06 [20]- 36 C Pike 57.09
[27]- 38 T Brightwell 57.22 [29]- 39 J Clare 57.28 [21]- 47 N Bunclark 58.50
[16]- 54 M Wade 59.46 [3]- 55 K Daniel 59.58 [36]- 56 M Salmon 60.05 [13]- 59 P
Lovell 61.21 [12]- 62 S Haley 62.18 [11]- 63 J Leeson 62.27 [32]- 64 S Capey
62.31 [22]- 70 S Lloyd 63.54 [18]- 71 M Peel 64.06 [10]- 72 R Walsh 64.15 [34]-
74 A Pontifex 64.51 [31]- 75 B Saxton 64.52 [23]- 76 J Copley 65.23 [35]- 79 A
Cilia 65.39 [24]- 84 J Mullett 66.45 [28]- 86 D Churchus 68.15 [19]- 90 A Jelly
69.40 [7]- Match (Sc 33) Orion 934- BH 1374
(49) 27th Nov. Open XC Tilford 1 G Clifford (BoE) 31.24
(50) 27th Nov. Heathrow Youth Games Parliament Hill U15 14 D Ryan- U13 2
C Norris
(51) 28th Nov. Rd 10Km Crowborough 2 D Smith 33.55
(52) 28th Nov. CrossCup Roeselare U20 6Km. 26 L Cooper 20.46
(53) 1st Dec. London Colls XC Lge 5M Trent Pk 1 M Skinner (Brun) 24.44
(54) 4th Dec. Kent XC Lge 6M Dunloran Pk - (30.46) 10 M Airey 32.32- 33 K
Daniel 34.52- 39 S Smythe (CamH) 35.05- 40 S Cooper 35.07- 68 R Laming 36.55- G
Coates 39.01- 142 W Clapham 49.20- Tms (Sc 4) 9 BH 144
(55) 4th Dec. Varsity Match XC 7.5M Wimbledon Cmn (39.25) 2 J Bradley
(Ox) 39.54
(56) 4th Dec. Ellis Cup XC 5.5M Petersham 1 G Clifford 29.36
(57) 4th Dec. Bromley Primary Schs XC Yrs 5&6 1 A Boyle- 2 R Taylor
(58) 5th Dec. Victory 5M Portsmouth (23.13) 6(3rd Inter-County) D Taylor
(Sy) 23.30
(59) 5th Dec. Thanet 10M Rd Margate 1M50 T Brightwell 64.47
(60) 5th Dec. Parkwood YAs XC Lge(3) Canterbury U20 1 D Ayrton 23.23- 3 M
Lucht 23.53- 12 -A Moreton 26.54- U17 1 M Hill 19.02- 2 W Bolton 19.05- 4 S
Simmons 19.49- 12 J Godsell 20.59- 13 C Gay 21.00- U15 3 D Ryan 12.50- 7 C
Daniel 13.01- 10 D Snow 13.15- 12 R Perkins 13.28- 26 D Griffin 14.43- 36 P
Moreton 18.40- U13 2 M Greene 11.17- 3 J Gorman 11.35- 7 D Willis 11.59- 10 S
Leach 12.21- 25 T Smedley 13.26- WU20 2 S Singer 25.31- 3 C Castledine 26.06-
WU17 6 K Bulger 19.01- 8 H Barker 19.37- GU15 4 E Bulger 12.45- 11 J Patmore
13.55- 17 H Williams 15.38- Comb Tms 1 BH
(61) 11th Dec. U23 Inter-County XC Thornton, Bucks U23 12 J Bradley (Ox)
33.40 - WU23 14 S Budd (Kt) 30.37
(62) 11th Dec. Kent Vets XC 10Km Chs Beckenham Place Pk (Incl BH Vets Ch)
- M40-49 (34.07) 4(1BHM40) N Kinsey (Browning Tankard) 34.47- 15 K Daniel 36.14-
28 C Griffin 37.41- 29 A Lawes 37.44- 35 C Fincham 38.21- 44 G Coates 40.11- 47
W Slack 40.35- 50 C Pike 41.09- 52 R Brown 41.35- 63 M Wade 42.38- 69 S Capey
44.37- Tms(Sc4) 4 BH- M50+ (35.55) 7(1BHM50) J Phelan 38.32- 11 M Cronin 39.21-
ns(1BHM60) B O'Gorman 39.59- 15 T Brightwell 40.25- 37 P Lovell 44.52- 38 J
Copley 44.54- 45 J Mullett 48.11- 53 J Bugler 49.35- 57 W Clapham 50.44-
Tms(Sc3) 3 BH
(63) 11th Dec. Surrey XC Lge Div 1 Wimbledon Cmn 5M. 2 D Taylor (HHH)
(64) 12th Dec. 4.2M Caper Swanley 1M50 T Brightwell 26.31
(65) 18th Dec. BH Christmas Yacht H'cap 5M Hayes (Bennett Cup) - 1 P Long
51.16(rn tm)- 2 S Lloyd 37.14- 3 S Capey 36.55- 4 M Wade 35.47- 5 J Mullett
39.43- 6 A Pontifex 38.20- 7 N Bunclark 35.19- 8 J Butler(L) 34.24- 9 D Churchus
41.35- 10 W Orton 39.51- 11 T Brightwell 34.13- 12 J Phelan 32.25- 13 Rn
Chambers 41.16- 14 A Lawes 32.09- 15 S Pairman 33.24- 16 R Morriss 41.24- 17 A
Cilia (L) 40.12- 18 R Brown 34.55- 19 G Coates 33.46- 20 D Ellison 31.27- 21 M
Cronin 33.38- 22 J R Turner 34.39- 23 K Daniel 30.30(2)- 24 R Coles 31.43- 25 J
Leeson 37.46- 26 C Fincham 32.23- 27 S Cooper 31.08(3)- 28 H Morten 31.53- 29 W
Slack 34.14- 30 B O'Gorman 35.18- 31 C Pike 35.13- 32 M Ellison 34.04- 33 R
Smith 30.00(1)- 34 R Walsh 38.32- 35 S Budd(L) 35.28- 36 A Davis 38.28- 37 S
Holmes 31.47- 38 W Lonergan 42.33- 39 C Griffin 37.25- 40 J Copley 40.20-
(66) 18th Dec. Old Boys XC 5M Wimbledon Cmn 16 J Beck 30.09
(67) 18th Dec. VAC XC 5.5M Wimbledon Cmn (32.30) 32/41 W Clapham 45.42
(68) 19th Dec. IAAF XC Chal Brussels U20 6K 18 L Cooper 20.43
(69) 1st Jan 2000. Herc Wimb Rd 7M Wimbledon (37.04) 37 W Clapham 54.08
(70) INDOOR 11/12 Xtal Pal. 60H M Freckleton 8.3- Wm K Porter 9.1- 60m
U17 F Collymore 7.4 -15/12 Xtal Pal. 60m T Swaray 6.9- A Lashore 7.0- D Burley
7.0- U20 Odegbemi 7.3- J Jefferies 7.5- 18/12 Xtal Pal. SP E Udechuku 17.43-
U20W HJ H Thompson 1.55
(71) SWIMMING/ BiATH 15/11 Club Champ. Beckenham 50m. 1 T Brightwell
(Maryon Wilson Cup) - 34.3 (H'c pos 5)- 2 C Brand 42.2 (4)- 3 J Phelan 42.5 (2)-
4 D Johnson 52.6 (6)- 5 J Copley 52.7 (1)- 6 T Shotton 55.4 (7)- 7 M Cronin 62.7
(3)- 8 M Peel 66.1 (9)- 9 Roy Green 75.4 (10)- 10 P Saxon 75.8 (8)- 26/9 SE Bi.
1V T Brightwell
(72) MONTHLY SERIES Cryst Pal 5K. 2/11 C Griffin 17.29- 4/1 T Brightwell
(73) RACE WALKING 30/10 Monks Hl 7M. 4 S Lightman 63.03- 6 P Hannell
64.11- 8 N Simmons - 68.54- 27/11 Belgrave 7M Wimbledon. 10 S Lightman 59.07- 13
P Hannell 61.37- 22 N Simmons 67.37- 5/12 Monks Hl 10K. 3 P Hannell 53.58- 7 S
Lightman 60.06- 8 N Simmons 60.19- 11/12 CamH 10K Bexley. 4 S Lightman 54.00-
(74) T BRIGHTWELL 8/8 Faversham 10K/ 39.53- 29/8 Coulsdon SLH MT 10M/
69.11 Margate 5/9 1/2-Mn/ 92.34- 19/9 15M/ 111- Battersea Pk 3/10 Comets 10K/
38.21- 12/11 Sri 10K/ 38.17- 4/12 Sri 5M/ 30.56- 21/11 Brighton 10K/ 37.31-