19. No2. NOV 1999. PRESIDENT 1999/Y2K: Richard Coles
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Autumn has brought some good
performances on the road, the outstanding one being Mark Steinle's third place
in the Great North Run, though anyone trying to follow the race on TV might have
thought the Brits had all gone off course.
We now wish Mark (and all others)
well in their Marathon preparations where the world best is now down to
Our XC Relay was again successful,
vindicating the revival at Sparrows Den. The Club Five Cup went to Roy Smith,
the only senior in the first five finishers, being joined by Russell Bentley and
two other juniors and by fortyniner Ken Daniel.
KentCAA have moved their Vets
and Clubmans Championships to 11th Dec at Beckenham Place Pk.
Therefore these changes will be
a) Our Open 10Km will be held at Hayes on 11th Dec but will not be a Bennett Cup
b) Our Club Vets 10Km Chs will be incorporated in the KCAA Vets race. Those of
our Vets who do not have Kent qualification will nevertheless be able to run,
due to an arrangement made by John Baldwin. All Vets wishing to run must contact
John well before the C/D of 30th Nov.
Also note:- The Kent Mens XC Lge
on 6th Nov will be at Beckenham Place Pk.
The race
for the Maryon-Wilson Cup and Handicap will be over 50m (2 lengths) on Mon 15th
Nov, 9 for 9.30 pm, at Beckenham Baths, which re-opened after refurbishment this
year. All invited, any stroke, any standard. Starting dive, tumble turn &c
Due to the
continuing wet weather work on the Norman Park track has been delayed well into
the Winter Season and it was therefore decided to abandon plans for a race this
year. It may be possible to hold the event in the Spring and, if so, an
announcement will follow.
200 CLUB
Len Dalmon (01689 855998) but Colin Brand (777 0127) for Nov/Dec
Recent winners:-
Sep £50 C Gasson £25 J Kavanagh & R Cliff
will recall that last month we informed you about initial talks with Bromley A.C.
to explore the possibility of a merger and published the letter from the BH
Committee in response to seven requirements given by them at a meeting in July.
this letter being presented to their July commIttee, we received a reply saying
our letter had been fully discussed and their committee decision was for no
further talks to take place in the Immediate future. The reply was then reported
to our committee in August and, such was the strength of feeling by the meeting
that a merger was in the best interests of the athletes and other aspects
related to active athletics, that we should not allow the subject to drop. As a
result a further letter was sent expressing these views, with an offer to have
another meeting, either on a formal or informal basis.
offer to meet on an informal basis was accepted and the two parties met on the
20th October. No new points arose, and very little, if any, progress was made.
The only thing to come out of the meeting was the agreement for Blackheath
Harriers to write a further letter to clarify our previous letter, and put
forward reasons to support the logic and benefits to both clubs of a merger. The
letter will be put to their committee on the 27th October in an attempt to re—open
negotiations. We now await the outcome.
article in the last Courier did,! know cause concern to some Members, but I can
assure you the representatives of the Club, the President, Chairman and
Secretary, are as you also know, 100% committed Heathens, and the interests of
our long term Members will be protected in any negotiations. Any developments
will be published in the January Courier.
LETTER to the EDITOR, dated 17th Sept 1999
I have read with some
interest, some anxiety and no little anger at some of the merger discussions
between The Club and Bromley A.C.
It would appear that Bromley A.C
are indicating that they are honouring us with the suggestion of a merger; that
they should provide the first President of the joint Clubs; that they relegate
us to second place in the naming of the proposed joint venture and finally, that
they should design the new club strip.
I agree with most of the comments
made in the Blackheath General Committee's letter (Courier 19.1 pg2) but not the
suggestion that the new club should be named either Blackheath & Bromley A.C
or Bromley & Blackheath Harriers. Personally I would not accept other than
As Peckham Hare and Hounds
originally, the Club has been in existence for some 130 years - how long Bromley
The election of the first
president of the joint clubs should be by democratic vote by all members of both
Finally, whatever the 'new design'
strip involves, the Club badge should figure most prominently.
I make a very personal note to end
this letter. If the delaying of the merger proposed by Bromley A.C is likely to
cause Bromley athletes to suffer, I could suggest an answer. They could all join
'heathenly Gordon Monshall
Gordon may be pleased to read
that this was marked by a run on Sun 24th Oct over the same circuit as used for
the 125th (Gazette 625 pg 5), taking in the places mentioned in the Club's first
recorded run of 1869. We found one old HQ, The King's Arms, being changed into a
block of flats, but the Rye House is much as before. Magnificent Seven were -
Alan Pickering, Mike Cronin, Geoff Crowder, Mike Peel, Brian Saxton, Tony
Pontifex & Bill Clapham.
Out Of Africa
Cape Town, after the Comrades Marathon
from Africa, Now it’s all over bar the aching, there’s time to recall my
impressions of Marathon day, from 6am to gone 5.3Opm, 11 hrs 34 minutes to
run/walk 89.9km/56.7 miles. Unfortunately I didn’t qualify for a medal. You
had to get within 11 hours, though next year they are changing that to 12 hours
to attract a bumper crowd (it’s ‘uphill~, 2km shorter, if you are
interested). The race has been going since the 1920s, in memory of the Comrades
who didn’t come back from the 1914-18 war. 14,000 started on this 75th year,
maybe 11,000 completed. So what struck me about it all? Amongst other things, it
was a great way to connect with a vast range of South Africans, immigrants from
Scotland, Yorkshire and Liverpool chatted away, now happily settled over here.
Also, there was a young man of my generation who took part in the Sweto school
strikes in the 70’s, numerous valiant women who l didn’t try to compete with
(whoosh!... though some I caught....), and an Indian boy who helped to encourage
me —along with a whooping crowd— 7 km from the end. These and many more. I
was wearing Blackheath Harriers colours so there was much conversation about
London and its Marathon (30 miles less). How did things go? I was dropped off,
near the start in Pietennaritzburg by my kind host Maureen.
and her sister Anne had been kind enough to pick me up at the airport the
afternoon before, following my overnight flight from London and helped me to
meet up with my cousin Sr Annette Farrell, who just happened to be in the same
country and city at the same lime! So, I found myself there at the start line,
baggage en route to Durban, the ‘Chariots of Fire’ theme rolling for a half
hour and finally the traditional public address ‘cock-a-doodle-doo!’ before
the off. With others, I climbed over a fence to begin and crossed the start line
four minutes later. No turning back....
en route:
first 16 miles of this so-called downhill route rose by 700 feet!
were drink stations every kilometre (water/coke/powerade in sachets and cups)
and there was food too — bananas, salty potatoes, chocolates and sweets. A
mixed diet. I had ‘asda chewey bars’ too (drug offence?).
kms were marked off as so many more ‘to go’s. Lots of them. For example, I
knew I’d completed the first marathon of the day (42km) when I saw ‘4 7km to
go’. Encouraging? I cheered but those around me looked blank: what’s so
special about not even halfway? The race coincided with the inauguration of the
new President, Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela’s retirement. I heard the new
man’s oath as I ran along. He later said ‘all South Africans share the same
destiny, regardless of the shape of our noses’!
halfway, in the appropriately named ‘valley of thousand hills’ (the whole
thing was ‘gently undulating’) looking like Great Wall of China-land, w
passed a handicapped school for children. They reached out for the hands of the
runners and certainly touched them.
was a lot of physio on offer (‘rubs’), all of it good apart from the team
who used cream on one leg and ice on the other. I limped away but eventually
recovered. Thanks. How did I survive the distance? By running cautiously and
walking up many hills. I was seriously undertrained for 90km, not having 5 hours
available at a go to get out for regular 30 mile training sessions! I was happy
to trundle along and not wreck myself but delighted with a 2km sprint after 40
miles that I completed at 7.2 minute mile pace. Then I got sane again. Three
times along the way there was a ‘cut off’ for those who were running too
slow to finish in time. The young Indian I already mentioned gave me the boost I
needed— helped by a baying crowd — to sprint around a corner, just as the
cops taped off the road. 7km to go. By then the runners rescue vans were ever
more in evidence, kerbcrawling to inter the exhausted. I just plodded on with my
stroll/jog and went on to complete the distance along with two middle-aged
women. Equality rules!
Looking at the paper the next day I saw that half the finishers came in
between 10 and 11 hours, so
at 11 hrs 341 wasn’t far off the
pace. Will I do it again? Unlike the two 79 year olds I met on route (one on for
his 34th medal as he overtook me), the answer is: Not ~ likely! And
yet.... I recovered in Durban at the appropriate Retired Priests Homes.
Yours John
(Fr J Kenny)
2nd Jun. BMC Dev
Tooting Bec 1500m D Taylor 3:47.9
(02) 20th Jun. Jun Women's Lge Ashford cf (18670) Add - 100m A 1 A
Barnaby 12.6- B 1 E Kuenstlinger 14.0- 200m 1 A Barnaby 26.1- B 5 K Bugler 30.5-
400m B 3 N Morris 66.3- 800m A 5 K Bugler 2:52.5- LJ A 1 E Kuenstlinger 4.57- B
1 A Barnaby 4.35- SP 4 E Oliver 8.39- B 4 S Singer 4.55- JT A 6 E Oliver 22.05-
4X100m 1 BH 52.1- 4X400m 1 BH - Match 1 Haver 305-2 GEC 212-3 Croy 204- 4 BH
164-5 Padd Wd 146- 6 Thurk 140- 7 Inv 103
(03) 3rd Jul. Endurance Initiative Watford 10000m D Taylor 29:00.04
(04) 4th Jul. MT 30+ miles Tanner's Hatch C Hall 5h49- C Poole 7h31- G
Payne 7h57 - Partridge 7h57- J Bugler- B Todd 8h45
(05) 17th Jul. Euro Youth Chs Esjberg, Denmk 200m 1 D Grant 21.6
(06) 1st Aug. Open Pentln Woking U15 5 T Robinson 1765-
(07) 11th Aug. Open Ladywell 200m J R Turner 26.5- 400m 1 J R Turner
58.7- 2 K Daniel 59.1-
(08) 14t Aug. AAA YAs Ch Sheffield U17 400m B Fin 4 K Olusesi- U15 200m 6
F Collymore - 10 T Robinson 2.60-
(09) 15th Aug. «-Marathon Burnham Beeches J Copley 97.25
(10) 18th Aug. Vets AC Tr Kingsmeadow cf(19168) Add M40 200m J R Turner
(11) 22nd Aug. Natl Jun Lge (4) Crawley cf (19172) - 100mA 1 D Grant
10.7- B 2 M Freckleton 11.5- 200mA 3 D Grant 21.9- B 4 Lougheed 23.7- 400mA 3 A
Wilson 49.7- B 3 K Olusesi 53.4- 800mA 1 D Moulton 1:55.4- B 2 R Laming 2:00.0-
1500mA 2 R Bentley 4:00.8- B 1 M Lucht 4:06.6- 3000mA 5 L Cooper 9:33.0- B 5 A
Moreton 10:38.4- 110HA- B 5 Am Thomas 19.4- 400HA 3 D Moore 59.5- B 5 Am Thomas
65.4- 2000SCA 1 D Moore 6:05.2- B 1 R Laming 6:23.3- HJA 6 D Watson 1.70- B 6 An
Thomas 1.45- PVA 6 D Moore 2.70- B- LJA 1 L Edwards 6.90- B 2 D Watson 6.15- TJA
8 D Lougheed 11.05- B 5 R Bentley 10.09- SPA 2 A Cluskey 14.50- B 6 C Rolfe
7.56- HTA 4 C Rolfe 31.36- B 6 A Rayner 6.82- DTA 5 A Cluskey 40.48- B 5 C Rolfe
27.27- JTA 7 A Cluskey 26.20- B 6 C Rolfe 16.74- 4X100m 2 BH 44.0- 4X400m 1 BH
3:29.4- Match 1 SBH 346- 2 Harrow 309- 3 Belgr 301- 4 Craw 293- 5 BH 287- 6 GEC
183- 7 Medw 153- 8 Yate 71
(12) 22nd Aug. Gt Scottish «-Marathon Glasgow cf (19173) Add 354 S
Pairman 86.11
(13) 25th Aug. Open T&F Watford 1500m 1 D Heath 3:46.0
(14) 28th Aug. GB v Fr Ashford 5000m 4 D Heath 13:59.37- 110H M Elliott
14.35- TJ 4 N Thomas - 15.58- Endurance
5000m 5 D Taylor 14:19.89
(15) 29th Aug. SEAA Inter-County YA Exeter U17 100m/200m 2/1 D Grant
22.25/ 10.76 - U15 80H 4 T Robinson (Kt) 12.77
(16) 2nd Sep. Assembly Lge Beckenham (finish Beckenham Hill) W Clapham(KtAC)
(17) 3rd Sep. Intl T&F Brussels 200m 9 J Golding 20.79-
(18) 4th Sep. GB v USA Glasgow 200m 4 J Golding 20.89-
(19) 4th Sep. U23 Home Intl Derby LJ/TJ N Thomas 6.68/ 15.73
(20) 4th Sep. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (5) Harrow Sen 100m/200m/BHJ 3/2/1 A
Barnaby- 200m -B 2 E Green- 1500m
2 S Budd 4:51.3- HJ A 1 H Thompson- PV 2K Bugler- U15 100m/75H/LJ 1 K
Benneworth- 100m B 1 A Jacobs- 200m 1 N Gharbaoui- 1500m 3 E Bugler- HJ 1 S
Alaneme 1.53- JT E Money- L Watling- Tms:1 Har 198-2 Plym 171-3 Oxfd 168«-4
Worth 155«-5 BH 131
(21) 5th Sep. SAM Rd 7M Leatherhead 1 R Smith 38.16
(22) 5th Sep. U20 Inter-Area Ipswich JT 4 J Lundman 59.13
(23) 5th Sep. Rd 10Km Elgin P Smith 49.16
(24) 5th Sep. U15 Open Woking 80H/PV 2/1 T Robinson 12.95/ 2.65
(25) 6th Sep. Sri Chinmoy 2M Battersea Pk 5 Dn Marsden 10.23
(26) 8th Sep. Open Watford 800m D Moulton 1:55.4- 1500m J Mills 3:44.5- D
Heath 3:46.2 - 3000m M Skinner 8:27.2
(27) 8th Sep. Vets AC Kingsmeadow 10000m W Clapham 46:50.7
(28) 12th Sep. Natl Jun Lge Final - 100mA 2 D Grant 10.9- B 5 D Burley
11.3- 200mA 2 D Grant 21.7- B 6 D Lougheed 23.9- 400mA 5 A Wilson 49.9- B 7 K
Olusesi 52.2- 800mA 2 D Moulton 1:54.2- B 5 M Lucht 2:02.9- 1500mA 7 M Lucht
4:21.6- B- 3000mA 5 L Cooper 9:15.0- B 7 J Baker 9:44.3- 110HA 1 M Freckleton
14.4- B- 400HA 5 D Moore 58.1- B 8 J Baker 67.1- 2000SCA 8 A Moreton 7:45.8- B-
HJA 4 M Freckleton 2.00- B 7 D Moore 1.60- PVA 7 D Moore 3.10- B- LJA 3 L
Edwards 6.70- B 7 T Arojogun 4.90- TJA 8 N Ursell 11.11- B 8 Am Thomas 10.28-
SPA 3 A Cluskey 14.73- B 8 C Rolfe 7.45- HTA 8 C Rolfe 32.12- B 5 A Cluskey
27.13- DTA 8 A Cluskey 30.65- B 8 C Rolfe 25.21- JTA 8 A Cluskey 31.41- B 8 C
Rolfe 19.14- 4X100m 3 BH 43.3 (D Burley, C Dennis, T Arojogun & D Grant)-
4X400m 7 BH 3:30.8- Match 1 SBH 345- 2 Birchfd 270- 3 Stoke 228- 4 Liv'p 228- 5
Belgr 228- 6 Sale 199- 7 Harrow 164- 8 BH 153
(29) 12th Sep. E.Cheshire Rd 10Km Ashton-under-Lyne G Murray 61.35
(30) 12th Sep. Kent Tr Relays Dartford - U17 4X100m 3 BH- U13 4X100m/
3X800m- SW 4X100m/ 4X400m 2 BH (K Porter, S Singer, L Guthrie & A Martin)-
U17W 4X100m/ 4X200m 3 BH (E Green, L Nemeth, E Oliver & K Bugler)- GU15
4X100m/ 4X200m 1/2 BH (K Benneworth, N Gharbaoui, A Jacobs & S Alaneme &
C Berry)
(31) 18th Sep. BH XC Relays Sparrows Den 6X 4.1Km (incl Bennett Cup) - 1
BHA 83.17 [M Lucht 14.33 (Bennett posn 37)- D Ayrton 13.44 (25)- R Smith 13.20
(16)- L Cooper 13.50 (17)- N Gasson 14.05 (18)- J Baker 13.45 (26)]- 2 BHB 86.23
[R Daniels 13.54 (11)- K Daniel 13.54 (7)- R Coles 14.22 (23)- R Parrott 13.36
(20)- D Ellison 14.40 (29)- R Brown 15.57 (28)]- 3 Mandel(Belg) 87.03- 10 BHM50
95.51 [J Phelan 15.04 (8)- G Lloyd 15.53 (24)- B O'Gorman 16.16 (19)- T
Brightwell 15.45 (14)- M Cronin 16.02 (39)- A Davis 16.51 (22)]- 13 BHE 100.44
[C Griffin 15.33 (6)- D Griffin 18.21 (35)- J Leeson 17.27 (27)- B Bater 15.02
(36)- B McShane 16.30 (13)- A Edwards 17.51 (4)]- 15 BHF 106.55 [15 W Slack
15.48 (31)- B Wilson 17.05 (3)- N Bunclark 17.03 (38)- M Compton 18.02 (5)- D
Churchus 19.18 (9)- G Sagagert(G) 18.39]- 16 BHG 110.11 [C Haines 21.58 (34)- A
Pontifex 18.23 (2)- J Copley 16.31 (1)- A Cilia 18.39 (10)- G Meek 16.43 (40)- N
Barber 17.57 (33)]- DNC BHC [K Newton 13.28 (15)- S Budd 16.10 (32)- A Lawes
15.00 (12)- G Coates 15.46 (30)- C Pike 15.51 (21)]- Fastest lap: S Hollevoet
(Mandel) 12.56- Women 4X 4.1Km 1 SLHA 67.02- 2 Harb 67.15- 3 SLHB 77.21- 4 BromV
(32) 18-19 Sep. Kent Vets T&F Ashford M40 200m/400m 4 J R Turner
27.6/ 58.7 - M60 100m/300H J Day 13.5/ 67.1- SP G Hickey 12.44- DT C Brand 35.11
(33) 19th Sep. Twick & Rch T&F Barn Elms M55 DT 1 C Ellis 39.64-
U15 PV 1 T Robinson 2.70
(34) 19th Sep. Open Sutton PV U15 1 T Robinson 2.80
(35) 19th Sep. Rd 10Km Cobham Hall (31.54) 2 R Smith 32.57- 121(1M60) G
Crowder 47.03
(36) 19th Sep. Kent YAs Rd Relays Canterbury U13 3 BH (T Beech, R Daniel
& C Norris)
(37) 19th Sep. Thames Chase XC 10Km Upminster (35.57) 28 W Clapham 49.31
(38) 25th Sep. Euro Jun Club Cup Copthall - 100/200m 1 D Grant 10.86/
22.14- 400m 5 A Wilson 50.03- 800m 5 D Moulton 1:55.36- 1500m 5 R Bentley
4:06.26- ns D Ayrton 4:05.7- A Moreton 4:43.2- 3000m 6 J Baker 9:04.81- 110H 1 M
Freckleton 14.65- 400H 2 N Ursell 54.6- 2000SC 2 D Moore 6:09.10- HJ J Procter
1.70- LJ 5 L Edwards 6.77- TJ 8 D Lougheed 11.32- SP/DT A Cluskey 13.42/
37.02pb- HT 7 C Rolfe 25.15- JT 8 D Moore 23.96- 4X100m 3 BH 42.97 (N Ursell, D
Lougheed, L Edwards & D Grant)- 4X400m 3 BH 3:21.51 (N Ursell, D Moulton, A
Wilson & D Moore) - Match 1 Zagreb 119- 2 Prague 114- 3 St.Petersburg 108- 4
Shaft B 88- 5 BH 81- 6 Milan 68- 7 Uerdingen 61- 8 Belgr 60
(39) 26th Sep. Rd 10Km Swansea Bay 4 M Steinle 29.36
(40) 26th Sep. Rd 5M Hove 1 D Smith 26.49
(41) 26th Sep. Kent Ch «-Marathon Maidstone 2 R Smith 72.31
(42) 26th Sep. Route du Vin «-Marathon Luxembourg (60.24) 320 S Deeks
91.48- 347 M Crisp - 92.55- 421 M Salmon 94.54- 427 P Beynon 95.02- 463 P Fidler
95.54- 498 J Copley 96.50- 550 S Haley 98.36- 773 A Cutmore 103.47- 881 D Riley
106.41- 906 M Longstaff 107.34- 1032 D McKenna 110.46- 1097 B O'Flynn 112.42-
1538 J Johnson 156.20- 1540 J Kaya(G) 159.49- 1541 D Larcombe 159.51-
(43) 26th Sep. Sthn YAs Rd Relays Aldershot U15 17 BH (D Ryan 10.38- C
Daniel 10.41 - D Snow 11.25- R Perkins 11.16)- U13 11 BH (S Leach 12.14- C
Norris 10.42- T Beech 12.49- R Daniel 12.11)
(44) 26th Sep. Sri Chinmoy Marathon Battersea Pk (2:43.08) 6 J E Turner
(45) 2nd Oct. Vets AC XC 10Km Wimbledon Cmn (35.35) 5 K Daniel 36.40-
(46) 2nd Oct. Inter-Club XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn 1 G Clifford (BoE) 24.54
(47) 2nd Oct. SE Vets Throws Pentathlon Deangate M65 1 G Hickey
(48) 3rd Oct. World «-Marathon Ch Palermo (61.50) 38 M Steinle 64.11- 62
D Taylor 66.12
(49) 3rd Oct. Robin Hood «-Marathon Nottingham 7 S Newport 69.39
(50) 3rd Oct. London/ Brighton 54M (6:02.45) 54 J E Turner 8:54.13- 57 B
Bater 9:00.13
(51) 10th Oct. Great North «-Marathon Newcastle/ S Shields (60.52) 3 M
Steinle 62.23 - G Enright 108- D Birkett 118- C Canty 124- JunG 2.75M 4 G Viney
(52) 10th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk (31.55) 2 R Bentley 32.15- 39 T
Brightwell 38.20- 56 - R Brown 40.26- 69 D Carton 41.27- 74 L Bryant 41.37-76 J
E Turner 41.45-203 J Tateson 48.35
(53) 10th Oct. Rd 10Km Ashford 9 D Ayrton
(54) 16th Oct. County XC Lges Kt Ashford (30.42) 8 R Smith 32.31- 22 L
Cooper 33.36- 104 - G Coates 39.09- Sy Div 1 Brockwell Pk. 1 D Taylor (HHH)
24.26- Div 3 Epsom Downs. 29 K Daniel (VAC) 34.39- Div 4 Tilford. J E Turner (DulPk)
(55) 16th Oct. Sri Chinmoy 5M Battersea Pk 1 R Bentley 25.58
(56) 17th Oct. Parkwood YAs XC Lge Canterbury Tms 1 BH - U20 1 R Bentley
22.42- 3 M Lucht- 4 J Baker- U17 1 M Hill 14.52- 3 W Bolton 15.07- 12 J Godsell-
U15 4 C Daniel 13.08- 9 R Perkins- D Ryan- D Snow- 34 M Shirley- 36 D Griffin-
40 T Stevens- 43 P Moreton-U13 5 T Beech- 6 J Gorman- 10 M Greene- D Willis- S
Leach- T Smedley- WU20 3 S Singer- GU15 18 K Boutle-21 H Williams- GU13 7 A
Boyle- 23 A Dobson
(57) 17th Oct. Rd 10Km Croydon 1 D Taylor 31.36
(58) 23rd Oct. Club 5 Hayes - 1 R Smith (Five Cup) 29.01 (H'c pos 14)-
2(1J) R Bentley (King-Morrison Cup) 29.38 (5)- 3(2J) L Cooper 29.49 (11)- 4(1V)
K Daniel 30.30 (12)- 5(3J) D Ayrton 30.39 (34)- 6 N Gasson 31.27 (24)- 7 D
Ellison 31.51 (22)- 8 S Simmons 31.58 (4)- 9 R Coles 32.18 (33)- 10 P Tucker
32.33 (42)- 11 R Coe 32.35 (7)- 12 P Calnan 32.48 (36)- 13 J Phelan 33.00 (18)-
15 C Fincham 33.32 (1)- 16 C Griffin 34.05 (16)- 17 M Cronin 34.11 (25)- 18 W
Slack 34.23 (29)- 19 C Gay 34.46 (17)- 20 J R Turner 34.47 (23)- 21 G Coates
34.53 (37)- 22 T Brightwell 35.03 (32)- 23 C Pike 35.26 (38)- 24 R Brown 35.29
(30)- 26 C Huntley 35.55 (43)- 27 A Davis 36.19 (21)- 28 N Bunclark 36.31 (28)-
29 D Carton 37.10 (20)- 30 B McShane 37.39 (40)- 31 J Leeson 37.44 (26)- 32 M
Wade 37.48 (10)- 33 B Wilson 38.00 (31)- 34 I Young 38.18 (44)- 35(1L) G
Farrington(G)- 36 A Edwards 38.40 (19)- 37 S Lloyd 39.12 (15)- 38 A Pontifex
39.22 (13)- 39 M Peel 40.18 (27)- 40 M Compton 40.19 (35)- 41 J Mullett 40.19
(6)- 42 W Orton 40.54 (3)- 43 Rn Chambers 40.56 (2)- 44 M Gasson 41.18 (8)- 45 D
Churchus 43.33 (41)- 46 J Robinson 44.02 (45)- 48 A Jelly 44.23 (9)- 50 K Tyler
55.13 (39)-
(59) LONDON TRI 26/9 Albert Dock. (sw 1500m, cy 40Km, rn 10Km) 3W S Brice
(60) RACE WALKING 8/9 Blackheath Pk 9K. 2 S Lightman 48.23- 5 P Hannell
49.59 - 14/9 Steyning 3K. P Hannell 14:54- 15/9 Woodford Tr 3K. 2 P Hannell
14:50.5- 25/9 Horsham 10K. 3 S Lightman 55.05- 4 P Hannell 55.44- 2/10 Monks Hl
4M. 1 S Lightman 32.59- 2 P Hannell 33.43- 9 N Simmons 37.47- 9/10 Chippenham/Colne
6M. 34 S Lightman 50.58- 40 P Hannell 52.21- 72 N Simmons 57.05-
(61) MONTHLY SERIES 15/9 Club 3.12M Yct h'c. 1 Ph Taylor 19.05 rn tm- 2 J
Copley 19.50 - 3 N Gasson 16.41(1)- 4 N Barber 20.03- 5 B Bater 17.55- 6 A
Tucker 17.45- 7 W Slack 18.33- 8 C Pike 18.51- 9 J E Turner 18.58- 10 A Lawes
17.32(3)- 11 N Bunclark 20.09- 12 D Churchus 21.41- 13 W Clapham 21.57- 14 A
Cilia 21.43- 15 M Cronin 19.17- 16 B O'Gorman 19.17- 17 D Ellison 17.21(2)- 18 R
Brown 18.58- 19 G Coates 18.41- 20 R Watkins 26.30- 21 J Mullett 22.24- 22 M
Compton 21.49- 23 M Martineau 24.37- 24 M Mahoney 24.37- 25 S Haley 21.00- 26 S
Freemantle 21.38
Parris Shield for the 1999 Club Handicap series went to Anne Cilia who writes-
wanted to say how delighted I was to receive the Parris Shield after the last of
the Wednesday night 5Km races which ran from April to September.
It meant a lot to me as I was privileged to know Roy Parris whose example should
be an inspiration to us all. The evening was extra special as Roy's widow Marion
was able to come to the Club to start the race and present the prizes. It can't
have been easy for her but it was good to see her, and Roy would have been proud
of her. On behalf of all participants thanks to the organisers and
Keen (M40) 16.17 - N Mayers 16.19 - C Andrews 16.26 - N Gasson 16.33 - M Ellison
16.35 - S Griffiths 16.39 - K Daniel (M45) 16.49 - D Ellison 16.53 - A Lawes
(M40) 17.20 - B Bater 17.29 - A Tucker 17.32 - G Meek 17.50 - S Pairman 17.57 -
R Brown (M45) 18.18 - W Slack (M40) 18.19 - M Cronin (M55) 18.20 - T Brightwell
(M50) 18.25 - S Freemantle (M40) 18.34 - G Coates (M45) 18.41 - C Pike (M45)
18.44 - J E Turner (M45) 18.49 - B McShane 18.49 - S Ridgewell (M45) 18.50 - B
O'Gorman (M60) 18.55 - Ph Taylor 19.05 - J R Turner (M40) 19.10 - R Walsh (M40)
19.12 - D Carton (M40) 19.24 - M Salmon (M45) 19.35 - J Leeson (M40) 19.36 - N
Bunclark 19.45 - B Wilson (M50) 19.49 - J Copley (M50) 19.50 - N Barber 19.57 -
G Longley 20.18 - P Lovell (M60) 20.48 - S Haley (M40) 21.00 - A Cilia (F40)
21.37 - D Churchus (M65) 21.41 - M Compton (M40) 21.49 - W Clapham (M65) 21.51 -
S Hollingdale (M45) 21.52 - C Gargiluo 22.01 - M Gasson (M50) 22.12 - B Hartley
(M55) 22.22 - J Mullett (M50) 22.24 - D Hill (F) 22.32 - M Martineau (M50) 23.17
- W Orton (M40) 23.25 - J Hills (M60) 23.58 - Rn Chambers (M60) 24.03 - M
Mahoney (M45) 24.37 - R Watkins (M50) 25.01 - S Lloyd 25.27 - A Pickering 25.37