19. No1. SEPT 1999. PRESIDENT 1999/Y2K: Richard Coles
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
It has
perhaps been a summer of might-have-beens. Individual high points to pick out
would be Julian Golding reaching the 200m Final in the World Championships, Mark
Findlay in the Euro U23 Champs and Gordon Hickey in the World Vets SP.
Our A team
achieved their highest ever placing in the Gold Cup Final but were again unable
to consistenly sustain this form in the British League and drop out of Div 1.
Particularly disappointing was the B team which leaves Southern League Div 1
after many years. The C team was solid in SL5.
The Women,
Juniors and YAs have had good individual results, but mixed fortunes teamwise,
though the Junior Men have scraped into the National Final. The Vets team
suffered from some confusion as to whether they were taking part in a men's or a
combined league. Sterling work here by Anne Cilia.
We were well
represented in the AAA and World Vets Champs.
Harriers will be representing GB in this fixture which is at Copthall on Sat
25th Sept. A supporters coach will be going, with a probable departure time of
8.30 from the Clubhouse to arrive before the first event at 10 am. Anyone
interested in going should contact Pat Calnan (01689 828169).
have again been provided for track & field meetings at Norman Park this
summer. As a result, Brenda Brent has been able to pass on œ490 to the Club.
However, unless she has some help next year, THIS SERVICE WILL CEASE and any
profit will be reaped by another club.
Work on
the Norman Park track is incomplete at the time of going to press and the run
has been postponed from 8th Sept. A notice will be posted at HQ when a new date
is available.
This is on our course on 30th Oct. Nothing short of a full-strength turn-out
will suffice if we are to turn the tables on our old adversaries.
(Note: Bromley A.C was formerly Bromley Ladies. It is quite distinct from
Bromley Vets, who separated from it some years ago.)
various informal approaches between individuals from both Blackheath Harriers
and Bromley A.C about the advantages of a merger, the June Committee meeting
agreed that a formal invitation should be sent to open discussions about
operating as a single club. The invitation was accepted , with subsequent
meetings being held in June and July.
The outcome
of the July meeting was discussed by the Blackheath Committee at their August
meeting and it was agreed to send the letter re-printed below (see pg 2). This
action is being taken to keep Club members informed as stated in para. e) of the
letter. The Committee will keep you informed of any significant changes in the
200 CLUB
Len Dalmon (01689 855998)
Recent winners:-
Jul £50 J Friend £25 Rita White & Brenda Brent
Aug £50 Eric Smith £25 S Freemantle & M Martineau
Letter from John Baldwin to Barbara Ganly, Hon. Secretary, Bromley AC.
Dated 3rd Aug 1999
Re: Merger
Discussions between Blackheath Harriers and Bromley AC
last week's meeting between our two Clubs' senior officers, our President and
Chairman reported back to the General Committee at their August meeting last
night, and as I promised I am now writing to you with the Committee's response.
discussions first took place in 1987, but Bromley then decided not to proceed at
that time. In 1991-2 a working group of past and vice presidents of our two
clubs carried out a detailed feasibility study for amalgamation, and a working
group report was prepared dated 5/5/1992, but it was never submitted to the
Blackheath General Committee and was allowed to lapse. At the request of our
Committee I wrote to you in June this year inviting you to join us in
discussions with a view to Blackheath Harriers and Bromley AC operating as a
single club from 1st Oct 1999 or 1st Jan 2000, or as soon thereafter as
Two meetings
have now taken place at which Blackheath emphasized their wish that there be no
pre-conditions for the good of athletics in Bromley. However our representatives
have reported that your Committee have laid down 7 requirements that have been
suggested as non-negotiable, which in order of importance to your Committee are:
1) The name should be: "Bromley and Blackheath A.C
2) There should be equal numbers from each of the previous clubs on the new
3) The constitution shall be fixed for 10 years.
4) The new committee shall elect its first President from the former Bromley A.C
5) You require a copy of our Club rules.
6) The new club strip shall be re-designed.
7) No merger shall be effective until 2001.
You explained that there was
mistrust of Blackheath in some areas of your Club, which we understand relates
to accusations of attempted poaching, but it was pointed out that Blackheath
neither acknowledges nor condones such practice, but were it to be true, the
problem would disappear following a merger.
It was also
stated that Bromley no longer considers the 1992 working group report relevant,
as your club is now stronger than then.
Blackheath General Committee last night concluded the following:
a) You will probably not be surprised to learn that a number of Bromley's 7
requirements are not acceptable to Blackheath, and it was felt that no other
Club of substance could possibly accept them. In particular, the name bears no
relationship to our comparative strengths. However, it was felt that either
"Blackheath & Bromley A.C" or "Bromley & Blackheath
Harriers" might be reasonable compromises.
b) That the constitution should be fixed is hardly praticable.
c) The first President of the new Club could come from either Bromley or
d) Delaying completion of a merger until 2001 or later means a continuation of
the present duplication of resources, so that athletes in the Borough of Bromley
suffer because of our inability to come together sooner.
e) In the interest of openness to Blackheath members and courtesy to Bromley, a
copy of this letter should be published in the Blackheath Courier after your
August Committee meeting has taken place, which we understand is scheduled for
the last week of this month.
We trust
that your Committee will see this letter as a constructive response from
Blackheath, and we look forward to taking matters forward as soon as convenient
to you.
believe everything you read in the newspapers, they're full of tall stories. Did
you see that one the other day about the 7ft 4in Irishman, sentenced for armed
robbery, said he wore a mask 'cos he didn't want to be recognised?
do go on about problems, as if you havn't enough of your own. Like the age-old
one of why no buses come for ages and then three arrive at once. But now a Leeds
University computer model, using a flow analysis system called heuristics, says
it's quite simple. Apparently the problem is passengers. They want to get on
buses. Prevent that and we're home and dry (no, not you, I mean the bus
are so unreasonable. They don't just want to get on something, they want it to
go somewhere. But Connex SE has the answer to that one according to a news
report. It gets them onboard, then the carriages part company. In a recent case,
a Eurostar from Brussels was ordered to slow down through SE London to help find
half a Connex train, whose driver had realised there were four carriages gone
missing. A Connex spokesman said the problem had been caused by poor
"coupling procedures". (Have you noticed that, when something stupid
needs saying, 'spokesperson' becomes 'spokesman'?)
You can
avoid all this hassle by being self-powered. Here's a news clipping about
someone who's adapted his TV to work from a battery which is charged by riding
an exercise bike. The idea is that his children couldn't watch rubbish unless
they worked for it.
reminds me, it's Back-to-School time. Do you remember those halcyon days of
school sports. The pitch was a) bone hard or b) waterlogged or c) covered with
ice. The opposing Under-13 team
always had a 6ft clogger to mark you. You always got the dodgy canoe whose
normal position was upside down. The cricket ball hit you square between the
eyes and you were given out LBW. When you said "Sorry sir, I've forgotten
my kit", he'd always heard it before and you got 50 extra press-ups for
But now
things are set to change in schools (Yes, again). Apparently team sports are to
be optional for teenagers, who could do other things such as cross-country
instead. This set off the press and one writer in the Express described it as a
shirkers' charter. He went on "The usual shirkers' delights are
orienteering, canoeing and cross-country. Cross-country will be most popular,
especially if taken by suitably lazy, drunken and disinterested art
teachers." So come on you shirkers. If you see one or two drunken
Constables around in our Mob Matches you'll know the new scheme is in full
(01) 17th May. SCVAC Lge W Kent Div (2) Sutcliffe Pk cf (18631) Full
result-200mA 3 D Cocker 25.9- B 3 R Brown 27.3- C(M50) 4 M Martineau 28.5- M60 3
P Lovell 34.8- 800mA 2 M Watling 2:12.8- B 2 K Daniel 2:15.4- C 1 P Hamilton
2:21.4- 2000SCA 3 S Smythe (CamH) 8:02.3- 4 S Freemantle 8:17.9- C 1 G Lloyd
8:04.1- PV A 3 C Fincham 2.20- C 1 J Day 2.70- TJ A 4 S Freemantle 8.95- 5 S
Smythe 6.92- C 6 M Martineau 7.81- DTA 1 C Ellis 36.32- C 2 G Dickie 28.60- M60
3 J Day 18.76- JTA 1 C Fincham 36.22- 6 S Smythe 8.35- C 1 G Hickey 34.30- Med
Rly 2 BH 4:06.4- W35 200m/800m/3000m 6/5/4 A Cilia 33.4/ 3:00.5/ 12:53.4
Match(Men) 1 BH 155- 2 Dartfd 127- 3 BromV 117- 4 CamH 110- 5 Bexl 94- 6 KtAC
(02) 11th Jun. SCVAC Lge W Kent Div (3) Dartford cf (18657) Full result -
100mA 3 D Wallington 12.7- B 3 R Brown 13.6- C(M50) 2 C Monks 13.1- 400mA 4 J R
Turner 60.4- B 2 R Brown 60.8- C 1 C Monks 61.3- 1500mA 2 M Watling 4:16.6- B 1
S Smythe (CamH) 4:18.3- 2 K Daniel 4:19.0- C 1 H Morten 4:31.7- Cns P Hamilton
4:48.5- HJA 4 D Wallington 1.40- C 5 J Day 1.25- LJA 1 D Wallington 5.37- 6 S
Smythe 3.67- C 1 C Monks 4.14- M60 1 J Day 3.73- SPA 3 J R Turner 8.13- C 1 G
Hickey 11.47- HTA 5 J R Turner 14.49- C 2 G Hickey 26.77- 4X400m 2 BH 3:58.4-
Match(Men) 1 BH 156- 2 CamH 137- 3 Dartfd 118- 4 BromV 115-5 Bexl 106-6 KtAC 73-
W35 100m/400m/1500m/JT 5 A Cilia 15.8/ 79.4/ 5:55.3/ 10.34
(03) 13th Jun. Rd 10Km Hinkley 2 T Dickinson 32.04
(04) 15th Jun. VAC 5.2M Rd Ch Battersea Pk 6 P Hamilton 30.14
(05) 16th Jun. Comrades 89.9 Km S.A J Kenny 11h:34min
(06) 20th Jun. North Downs 30Km Gravesend (1:53.10) 2 R Smith 1:53.26-
40(3M50) G Lloyd - 2:17.53- 64 W Slack 2:24.46- 119(2M60) P Lovell 2:38.37- 132
J Copley 2:40.51- 138 R Walsh 2:41.46- 178 J Leeson 2:47.13- 182 Ph Taylor
2:48.09- 185 C Poole 2:48.44- 237 N Webb 2:59.40- 239 S Ridgewell 3:00.12-
(07) 23rd Jun. Ox & Cam v Harv & Yale Cambridge 400m N Hamilton
49.8- 800m J Bradley 1:53.8 - SP S Burman-Roy 13.33
(08) 23rd Jun. BMC Development Races Watford 800m B 2 P Fisher 1:49.52- G
4 S Jones 1:54.59 - 7 S Cooper 1:57.43- 1500m C 3 J Mills 3:47.54- 4 M Skinner
3:47.82- 5000m 2 D Taylor 13:44.71- 5 S Newport 13:56.69-
(09) 26th Jun. Euro V 10Km Rd Ch Brugges S Smythe 34.33
(10) 26th Jun. Sthn Lge Div 1 (4) Croydon 5 BHB
(11) 26th Jun. Sthn Lge Div 5 (4) Hemel Hempstead - 100mA 3 D Lougheed
11.6- B 1 C Dennis 11.8- 200mA 2 D Lougheed 23.1- B 1 C Karageorghis 23.4- 400mA
1 P Byfield 53.4- B 1 P Featherston 53.9- 800mA 1 R Laming 2:04.1- B 1 D
Corneille 2:18.0- 1500mA 1 M Lucht 4:21.0- B 1 D Corneille 4:33.5- 5000mA 2 N
Mayers 16:41.8- B 2 D Ellison 17:30.9- 110HA 3 D Wallington 20.8- B- 400HA 1 P
Byfield 63.9- B 1 P Featherston 63.4- 3000SCA 1 D Ellison 10:57.6- B 1 S
Griffiths 10:59.2- HJA 2 J Procter 1.65- B =2 D Wallington 1.40- PVAB- LJA 2 P
Byfield 5.89- B 1 D Wallington 5.72- TJA 2 P Byfield 12.52- B 3 J Procter 10.33-
SPA 3 P Featherston 9.85- B 4 A Wadey 8.28- HTA 4 P Featherston 20.93- B 3 A
Wadey 19.01- DTA 4 D Wallington 25.62- B 5 P Featherston 19.19- JTA 1 A Wadey
44.80- B 2 P Featherston 34.21- 4X100m 1 BH 46.5- 4X400m 1 BH 3:41.2-
Match 1 Chiltern 139«- 2 BHC 133«- 3 Verlea 102- 4 Worthing 89«- 5 Bourne'm
(12) 26th Jun. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (3) Stevenage
-Sen 100mA 2 A Barnaby 13.0- B 2 K Porter 12.6- 200mA 3 A Barnaby 25.6- B
2 S Haley 26.6- 400mA 5 N Morris 69.4- B 5 H Barker 82.1- 800mA 2 S Singer
2:15.5- B 4 H Barker 2:37.1- 1500mA 2 S Budd 5:13.7- B 1 C Castledine 5:24.9-
3000mA 3 S Budd 11:01.0- B- 100HA 1 K Porter 14.4- B 3 N Morris 21.8- U17 80HA 4
H Thompson 14.5- B 1 S Haley 14.8- 400HA 5 H Barker 88.4- B- HJA 1 N Thompson
1.55- B- PVA 4 H Thompson 1.00- B- LJA 1 K Porter 5.23- B 1 A Barnaby 4.62- TJA
5 S Budd 7.57- B- SPA 5 E Oliver 8.60- B 3 J Delasaux 7.89- HTA 2 J Delasaux
33.49- B 5 S Budd 5.03- DTA 4 E Oliver 30.08- B 2 J Delasaux 23.28- JTA 3 J
Delasaux 24.57- B 2 E Oliver 19.46- 4X100m 1 BH 49.8- 4X400m 4 BH 4:27.5
Girls 100mA 1 K Benneworth 12.9- B 2 A Jacobs 13.4- 200mA 2 N Gharboui 27.3- B 1
A Jacobs 27.9- 800mA 3 C Berry 2:30.3- B 3 M Bentley 2:56.8- 1500mA 5 J Patmore
5:22.9- B 2 E Bugler 5:25.5- 75HA 1 K Benneworth 12.0- B 1 N Gharboui 12.7- HJA
5 M Bentley 1.20- B 5 H Robinson 1.05- LJA 1 K Benneworth 5.22- B 5 A Jacobs
3.85- SPA 4 K Willan 7.95- B 4 L Watling 5.13- DTA 2 K Willan 19.30- B 3 N
Gharboui 11.17- JTA 3 K Willan 13.37- B 4 E Bugler 8.20- 4X100m 1 BH 52.3-
Match 1 Stevenage 203- 2 Ports'm 173- 3 BH 166- 4 Hunt'dn 148- 5 Crawley 143
(13) 30th Jun. Golden Lge Oslo 200m 5 J Golding 20.63
(14) 30th Jun. Open Watford 800m M Airey 1:55.9- 1500m D Lee 4:07.4- DT E
Udechuku 57.46
(15) 3rd Jul. GP Paris 200m 4 J Golding 20.34
(16) 3rd Jul. AAA Tr 10000m Watford 5 D Taylor 29:00.04- 12 S Newport
(17) 3rd Jul. Intl T&F Belfast 3000m 3 D Heath 7:58 pb
(18) 27th Jun. YAs Boys Sth Prem Lge (4) Croydon - U17 100mA 2 T Arojogun
11.7- B 2 M Philips 11.9- 200mA 2 T Arojogun 23.6- B J Foe 24.1- 400mA 2 K
Olusesi 52.7- B 1 Am Thomas 54.9- 800mA 3 K Olusesi 2:13.7- B 3 S Salvador
2:29.7- 1500mA 3 S Simmons 4:28.6- B 2 C Gay 4:34.2- 3000mA 1 W Bolton 9:22.3- B
2 C Smith 11:35.1- 100HA 4 Am Thomas 18.0- B 3 J Goodwin 18.5- 400HA 3 J Goodwin
65.1- B 2 Am Thomas 65.3- 1500SCA 1 W Bolton 4:55.5- B 1 D Bowler 5:00.0- HJA 3
J Guidetti 1.65- B 2 J Procter 1.65- PVA 3 J Guidetti 1.90-B- LJA 3 R Unwin
5.49- B 2 M Philips 5.26- TJA 2 R Unwin 12.07- B- SPA 2 A Patel 11.87- B 2 R
Emery 8.77- HTA 3 A Patel 25.97- B 1 A McKay 22.64- DTA 2 A McKay 37.00- B 1 A
Patel 36.81- JTA 3 R Emery 28.69- B 2 J Procter 26.15- 4X100m 2 BH 45.3 (R Unwin,
J Wilkie, M Philips & T Arojogun)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:40.9 (Foe 55.6, Bolton
57.8, Am Thomas 55.3 & Olusesi 52.2)-
U15 100mA 2 F Collymore 12.0- B 2 Q Belgrave 12.6- 200mA 1 F Collymore 24.7- B 3
D Griffin 26.4- 400mA 1 I Allerton 55.9- B 1 B Hopkins 57.1- 800mA 2 S Childs
2:16.3- B 2 D Snow 2:21.7- 1500mA 2 D Ryan 4:42.5- B 1 C Daniel 4:46.3- 3000mA 2
R Perkins 10:38.9- B 2 R Wallace 11:46.0- 80HA 2 S Brockwell 13.6- B 2 T
Robinson 14.0- HJA 2 G Fergus 1.55- B 2 Q Belgrave 1.55- PVA 2 T Robinson 2.40-
B 2 A Pope 1.80- LJA 1 Q Belgrave 5.61- B 2 G Fergus 5.40- SPA 1 J Stein 10.61-
B 1 R Wallace 8.85- HTA 2 J Stein 26.96- B 2 R Wallace 20.35- DTA 2 P Shelley
32.19- B 2 R Shelley 25.78- JTA 2 R Shelley 36.38- B 1 P Shelley 31.68- 4X100m 1
BH 48.6 (Collymore, Fergus, Belgrave & J Greenidge)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:52.7
(Hopkins 57.6- Griffin 58.1- Daniel 58.4- Allerton 58.6)-
U13 100mA 2 B Jordan 13.4- B 3 R Sunmonu 14.9- 200mA 2 B Jordan 27.6- B 4 A
Double 33.7- 800mA 3 J Gorman 2:31.7- B 1 D Willis 2:33.8- 1500mA 1 C Norris
4:52.4- B 2 T Beech 5:21.0- LJA 2 M Daniel 4.22- B 2 D Murray 4.12- SPA 2 G
North 7.86- B 1 B Inwood 7.50- 4X100m 2 BH 57.3 (R Sunmonu, M Daniel, D Murray
& B Jordan)
Match 1 Croyd 254- 2 BH 232- 3 Woking 171- 4 Windsor 73
(19) 27th Jun. Rd 10Km Orpington - (35.55) 7 M Ellison 37.51- 10 A Tucker
38.29- 12 N Gasson 38.45- 16 T Brightwell 39.33- 18 G Meek 39.46- 20(1J) A
Moreton 39.55- 22 S Pairman 40.06- 25 R Brown 41.16- 35 C Pike 41.56- 66 J
Copley 44.33- 68 S Hollingdale 44.53- 84 R Collins 45.30- 93 A Kilgour 46.20-
108 A Murrell 47.16- 109 P Marshall 47.22- 124 A Cilia 48.20- 130 G Crowder
48.55- 140 C StAubyn 49.45- 153 A Jelly 50.24- 154 D Hill 50.25- 156 N
Brightwell 50.44- 169 G Plank 51.58- 177 Rn Chambers 52.45-
(20) 3-4 Jul. AAA U20/U23 Chs Bedford - 3 100m/200m M Findlay (3)10.35/
21.73- 800m 2 P Fisher 1:49.49pb- TJ 2 N Thomas 15.77pb- M Bramble 15.23pb-
2SP/2DT/3JT E Udechuku 16.88/ 55.90/ 57.41- U20 400H 2 N Ursell 52.87- LJ 3 M
Awanah 7.17- L Edwards 6.41- TJ 2 P Francis 14.70- JT J Lundman 59.22pb- WU20
100H 5 K Porter-
(21) 4th Jul. Inter-County U17 Enfield 200m K Olusesi 23.7- 1500m W
Bolton 4:14.1-
(22) 4th Jul. Kent Women's Lge (3) Deangate Sen 1500m/3000m 2/1 S Budd-
TJ 1 A Zihute - 10.48- JT 1 V Eason 32.79- Teams 4 BH
(23) 4th Jul. Follow the Herring 20Km Portsoy G Murray 126.41
(24) 7th Jul. Club Champs (3) Norman Pk - 200m (A)Sen 1 M Champion (Wood
Cup) 21.6- 2 D Grant 21.7- 3 N Hamilton 23.5- 4 C Karageorghis 23.9- 5 I Palmer
26.7- (B)JM 1 D Watson 22.7- 2 J Foe 23.1- 3 K Olusesi 23.4- 4 M Phillips 23.5-
5 Am Thomas 25.4- 6 J Ellington 25.7- (C) 1 C Daniel (U15) 26.6- 2(1V) J R
Turner 26.9- 3 R Brown 27.8- 4 Ph Taylor 29.1- 5 C Pike 30.1- 1000m U13 T Beech
3:22.7- 1500m 1 S Budd(SW) 5:07.2- 2 M Shirley(U15) 5:17.9- 3 A Taylor(U15)
5:33.9- 4 J Patmore(GU15) 5:42.8- 5 J Gregory(SW) 5:58.1- Mile(A) 1 Al-Bishi (Saud
G) 4:18.3- 2 A Lee(G) 4:29.4- 3 R Bentley (JM Wooderson Cup) 4:30.3- 4 M
Lucht(JM) 4:36.6- 5 L Cooper (JM) 4:37.4- 6 R Daniels (Pash Cup) 4:40.3- 7 N
Mayers 4:43.4- 8 Dn Marsden 4:44.1- 9 D Ellison 4:57.5- 10 M Ellison 5:02.4- 11
N Gasson 5:04.0- 12 B Bater 5:06.0- (B) 1 D Flagg 5:01.9- 2(1V) R Coles 5:09.0-
3 S Pairman 5:12.8- 4 A Tucker 5:14.8- 5 R Brown 5:18.8- 6 J R Turner 5:19.8- 7
M Cronin 5:30.1- 8 C Pike 5:35.6- 9 M Salmon5:37.1- 10 Ph Taylor 5:40.2- 11 W
Orton 6:34.4- 2000SC 1 Al-Fear (G) 6:01.2- 2 P Tucker (Walter Cup) 6:40.6- 3 D
Corneille 6:57.4- 400m h'c 1 T Beech- 2 D Corneille- 3 R Daniels- 4 J R Turner-
5 R Brown- 6 D Flagg- 7 R Coles- TJ 1 R Romani (G) 13.92- 2 K Olusesi 11.02- 3
An Thomas 10.53- 4 T Robinson 10.20- 5 C Daniel 10.01- 6 S White 9.54- 7 A Pope
8.73- 8 J Day 7.62- 9 J R Turner 7.28- SP 1 G Hickey 11.15 (M65 12.93)- 2 S
White 10.37- 3 J R Turner 8.27- 4 J Day 6.93 (M65 8.70)- U15 A Pope 8.59- U13 T
Oliver 5.74- U17W E Oliver 8.20-
(25) 8-13 Jul. World Univ Chs Majorca «-Marathon 4 M Steinle 64.45- SP E
Udechuku 16.85-
(26) 7th Jul. Open T&F Tooting Bec 1500m S Holmes 4:06.7
(27) 7th Jul. Open T&F Tonbridge 800m R Laming 1:57.5
(28) 8th Jul. Assembly Lge 2.9M Beckenham W Clapham 20.27
(29) 9-10 Jul. Eng Schools Ch Bury St Edmunds - SenB 800m R Bentley
1:57.71- 110H(J) 3 M Freckleton 14.49- 400H 2 N Ursell 53.10- TJ 2 P Francis
14.56- SP P Archer 13.36- JT 3 J Lundman 59.07- IntB LJ 1 M Awanah 6.97- SenG
100H 2 K Porter 14.81- IntG 200m 2 A Barnaby- 3000m 3 G Viney 10:14- LJ K
(30) 10th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 1 (5) Luton Match 4 BHB
(31) 10th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 5 (5) Horsham -100mA 3 D Lougheed 12.1- B 1 C
Dennis 11.8- 200mA 2 D Lougheed 24.5- B 3 C Karageorghis 24.7- 400mA 2 P Byfield
52.9- B 2 D Corneille 55.0- 800mA 3 R Daniels 2:04.3- B 2 K Daniel 2:08.6-
1500mA 1 R Laming 4:05.9- B 2 R Daniels 4:23.0- 5000mA 2 M Ellison 17:19.4- B 2
J Beck 17:35.8- 110HAB- 400HA 2 P Byfield 64.0- B 4 J Beck 75.8- 3000SCA 2 D
Ellison 10:54.8- B 1 D Corneille 11:12.0- HJA 1 J Procter 1.70- B 4 D Corneille
1.40- PVA 1 J Day 2.80- B =3 J Procter- LJA 3 P Byfield 5.68- B 3 C Dennis 4.94-
TJA 2 P Byfield 12.91- B 3 J Procter 10.48- SPA 2 G Hickey 10.87- B 2 A
Fairbairn 9.30- HTA 3 A Fairbairn 25.27- B 2 G Hickey 23.61- DTA 2 A Fairbairn
30.05- B 1 G Hickey 26.00- JTA 5 G Hickey 32.46- B 5 P Byfield 19.93- 4X100m 2
BH 45.2- 4X400m 2 BH 3:38.5
Match 1 BHC 123«- 2 Eastb'ne 116«- 3 SLH 110«- 4 Ealing 83- 5 Barnet 80«
(32) 11th Jul. Brit Lge Div 1 (3) Copthall - 100mA 6 D Burley 10.89- B 8
J Abadom 10.84- 200mA 8 J Abadom 22.02- B 4 D Burley 21.5- 400mA 5 N Hamilton
50.11- B 3 R Tabares 49.48- 800mA 5 P Fisher 1:51.87- B 2 M Skinner 1:53.53-
1500mA 2 J Mills 3:48.54- B 4 M Skinner 3:55.86- 5000mA 7 G Clifford 15:22.32- B
6 R Smith 15:40.36- 110HA 3 M Elliott 14.26- B 7 A Hodge 15.86- 400HA 8 N Keogh
71.14- B 6 S Pratt 55.17- 3000SCA 5 J Bradley 9:39.00- B 4 D Moore 10:10.1- HJA
8 P Graham 1.90- B 6 A Hodge 1.90- PVA 6 S Gascoigne 4.20- B 4 A Hardy 4.00- LJA
6 A Sharp 6.66- B 7 M Awanah 5.26- TJA 4 N Thomas 15.40- B 3 M Bramble 14.40-
SPA 8 S Harrison 11.91- B 6 S White 9.67- HTA 8 P Calnan 5.33- B- DTA 8 S White
33.35- B- JTA 8 A Hodge 45.37- B 5 A Sharp 40.91- 4X100m 6 BH 42.22- 4X400m 6 BH
Match 1 Belgr 340- 2 Sale 297- 3 Shaft 288- 4 NEB 273- 5 TVH 271- 6 Woodfd Gr
257- 7 Birchfd 246- 8 BH 194
(33) 11th Jul. T&F Latvia 100m M Findlay 10.58- 110H ? S Pratt 13.61
(34) 11th Jul. Kent B&C Lge Dartford - U15 100mA 3 J Greenidge 12.7-
B 2 D Bovell 13.5- 200mA 2 J Sharpington 26.4- B 1 J Greenidge 26.0- 400mA 2 B
Hopkins 57.1- B 2 R Sable 61.4- 800mA 2 S Childs 2:17.3- B 5 T Puttock 2:40.0-
1500mA 4 D Snow 4:56.5- B 4 M Shirley 5:37.4- 3000mA 3 R Perkins 10:52.0- B-
80HA 2 J Copland 13.8- B 1 W Edet 14.1- HJA 3 W Edet 1.45- B 3 D Bovell 1.30-
LJA 4 J Sharpington 4.57- B 2 W Edet 4.53- SPA 2 R Wallace 11.36- B 3 A Pope
8.84- DTA 5 A Pope 19.36- B 2 P Barrett 18.42- JTA 5 J Greenidge 21.92- B 1 A
Pope 20.99- 4X100m 3 BH 51.7 (Copland, Sharpington, Bovell & Greenidge)-
4X400m 2 BH 4:04.0 (Childs 61.8- Snow 63.2- Sable 61.7- Hopkins 57.3)
U13 100mA 1 B Jordan 12.8- B 1 D Sawyer 13.5- 200mA 1 B Jordan 26.7- B 1 D
Sawyer 28.2- 400mA 1 B Earley 61.0- B 2 R Daniel 71.8- 800mA 1 J Gorman 2:27.6-
B 1 T Beech 2:36.6- 1500mA 1 C Norris 5:00.3- B 1 S Leach 5:21.8- 75HA 1 B
Earley 13.0- B 1 D Farrow 14.6- HJA 3 D Willis 1.30- B 3 A Double 1.15- LJA 3 D
Murray 4.32- B 1 M Daniel 4.05- SPA 3 G North 7.89- B 3 A Double 5.66- DTA 3 D
Murray 23.17- B 1 A Middleton 20.71- JTA 1 D Murray 32.99- B 1 A Middleton
25.95- 4X100m 1 BH 54.3 (M Daniel, Earley, Sawyer & Jordan)- 4X400m 1 BH
4:36.0 (Willis 69.4- Norris 72.5- Gorman 64.8- Beech 69.3)-
Match 1 BH 393- 2 Bex 332- 3 Dartfd 298- 4 Medw 286«- 5 GEC 265- 6 Tonbr 179«-
Fin 1 BH
(35) 12th Jul. SCVAC T&F Lge W.Kent Div (5) Norman Pk Tr A,B &
M50(C)- Fd A & C - 200m A 6 J R Turner 26.5- B 1 D Cocker 26.3- 800m A 4 K
Daniel 2:11.1- B 3 R Brown 2:25.8- 3000m B 1 S Smythe (CamH) 9:51.5- C 1 P
Hamilton 10:13.0- PV A 3 J Robinson 1.20- C 1 J Day 2.70- TJ A 2 D Cocker 9.93-
DT A 1 C Ellis 33.95- C 1 G Hickey 33.55- JT A 3 J R Turner 29.23- C 1 G Hickey
31.35- 4X200m 1 BH 1:45.3- Men 3 BH 116- W35 200m/800m/LJ/SP A Cilia 33.7/
2:56.9/ 3.09/ 4.24
(36) 17th Jul. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (4) Norman Pk
- Sen 100mA 2 K Porter 12.7- B 1 A Martin 13.0- ns L Nemeth 13.7- N
Morris 13.9- J Brian 14.9- 200mA 2 K Porter 25.9- B 3 L Nemeth 27.9- 400mA 1 S
Singer 56.4- B 3 N Morris 62.5- 800mA 4 K Bugler 2:47.1- B- 1500mA 3 S Budd
5:08.5- B- 3000mA 2 S Budd 10:57.5- B- 100HA 2 K Porter 15.0- B- U17 80HA 4 H
Thompson 14.6- B 4 N Morris 16.4- 400HAB- HJA 4 H Thompson 1.35- B 4 A Martin
1.20- PVA 4 K Foale 1.20- B- LJA 1 A Martin 5.24- B 1 E Kuenstlinger 4.96- TJA 3
A Zihute 10.57- B 1 A Martin 10.25- SPA 4 E Oliver 8.13- B 1 V Eason 7.23- HTA 4
V Eason 18.93- B 2 K Foale 16.24- DTA 3 E Oliver 29.29- B 5 V Eason 20.33- JTA 2
V Eason 31.07- B 3 E Oliver 19.63- 4X100m 1 BH 50.0- 4X400m 2 BH 4:15.4-
SWL(4) Girls 100mA 1 K Benneworth 13.0- B 1 A Jacobs 13.3- ns A Raisey 14.2- E
Bugler 14.6- J South 15.0- N Akif 15.7- H Atkins 16.6- 200mA 3 N Gharboui 27.9-
B 1 A Jacobs 27.8- 800mA 3 J Patmore 2:33.9- B 2 C Berry 2:34.7- ns M Bentley
2:49.1- 1500mA 2 E Bugler 5:22.0- B 1 V Ashley 5:29.9- 75HA 2 K Benneworth 11.9-
B 1 N Gharboui 12.5- HJA 1 S Alaneme 1.59- B 1 S Quaye 1.35- LJA 1 K Benneworth
5.12- B 1 A Jacobs 4.54- ns H Robinson 3.86- C Cooper 3.67- A Atkins 3.59- J
South 3.33- L Watling 3.18- SPA 2 S Quaye 9.45- B 2 S Alaneme 8.00- DTA 5 S
Quaye 19.31- B 2 A Atkins 18.51- JTA 3 A Oliver 20.06- B 3 E Bugler 12.69-
4X100m 2 BH 52.0-
Match 1 BH 184- Brom 176«- 3 Havarg 170- 4 Woking 147- 5 Newquay 130«
(37) 14th Jul. BMC GP Solihull 800m A 7 P Fisher 1:49.71- 1500m A 7 J
Mills 3:42.23 - B 4 M Skinner 3:48.03- 7 M Airey 3:49.15- 3000m 14 S Newport
(38) 17-18 July. BVAF Chs Edinburgh M45 LJ 1 D Wallington 5.76- M65 1
100H/2HJ/2PV/1LJ/2TJ - J Day 20.45/ 1.28/ 2.70/ 3.80/ 8.18
(39) 18th July. U23 GB v Fr v Sp Hexham 100m 1 M Findlay 10.73- 800m 4 P
Fisher 1:49 - TJ N Thomas 15.75- SP/DT 4/3 E Udechuku 17.08/ 55.12-
(40) 18th Jul. Schools' Intl Carmarthen LJ 2 M Awanah 6.48- G 200m A
(41) 18th Jul. YAs Boys Sth Prem Lge (5) Copthall - U17 100mA 1 T
Arojogun 11.5- B 1 D Watson 11.6- 200mA 1 D Watson 22.9- B 1 J Foe 23.4- ns R
Unwin 24.5- 400mA 1 K Olusesi 51.7- B- 800mA 3 N Simpson 2:12.0- B 1 K Olusesi
2:12.4- 1500mA 1 W Bolton 4:13.5- B 1 D Bowler 4:24.5- 3000mA 3 E Gleave
10:56.7- B- 100HA 4 Am Thomas 17.2- B 3 J Foe 20.6- 400HA 1 N Simpson 59.5- B 1
Am Thomas 60.0- 1500SCA 1 W Bolton 4:49.5- B 1 D Bowler 5:06.7- HJA 2 J Procter
1.70- B 2 J Guidetti 1.60- PVA 1 R Unwin 2.75- B 2 J Guidetti 2.05- LJA 2 C
Pearce 5.85- B 2 M Philips 5.71- TJA 1 C Pearce 11.95- B 1 R Unwin 11.38- SPA 2
A Patel 12.19- B 1 A McKay 9.87- HTA 3 A Patel 28.91- B 3 A McKay 22.64- DTA 1 A
Patel 39.39-B 1 A McKay 34.06- JTA 3 J Procter 24.21- B 2 An Thomas 18.95-
4X100m 1 BH 45.3 (J Foe, D Watson, M Philips & T Arojogun)- 4X400m 1 BH
3:38.0 (R Unwin, Am Thomas, K Olusesi & D Watson)- U15 100mA 1 F Collymore 11.7- B 1 Q
Belgrave 11.9- 200mA 1 F Collymore 23.9- B 1 J Ukueku 26.9- 400mA 1 I Allerton
54.9- B 1 B Hopkins 55.6- 800mA 3 S Childs 2:15.9- B 3 C Daniel 2:28.2- 1500mA 2
D Ryan 4:38.3- B 1 D Snow 4:48.5- 3000mA 3 R Perkins 10:59.3- B 3 T Puttock
11:06.7- 80HA 1 S Brockwell 12.5- B 1 T Robinson 13.1- HJA 2 Q Belgrave 1.65- B
=1 G Fergus 1.55- PVA 1 T Robinson 2.50- B 1 W Edet 1.80- LJA 1 Q Belgrave 5.81-
B 1 G Fergus 5.41- SPA 2 R Shelley 11.30- B 1 A Mulhearn 10.53- HTA 1 A Mulhearn
29.77- B 1 P Shelley 24.77- DTA 2 P Shelley 31.85- B 1 R Shelley 25.89- JTA 3 R
Shelley 37.50- B 1 P Shelley 33.08- 4X100m 1 BH 47.8 (Collymore, Fergus,
Belgrave & Ukueku)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:48.0 (B Hopkins, D Griffin, C Daniel &
I Allerton)- U13 100mA 1 B Jordan 12.9- B 2 D Sawyer 13.7- 200mA 1 B Jordan
26.0- B 1 B Earley 26.1- ns D Sawyer 27.8- R Blackwosd 38.2- 800mA 3 T Beech
2:32.7- B 2 D Willis 2:32.8- ns R Daniel 2:45.8- 1500mA 1 C Norris 4:50.9- B 2 S
Leach 5:16.8- LJA 3 D Murray 4.42- B- SPA 3 B Inwood 6.99- B 3 D Murphy 6.42-
4X100m 1 BH 53.4 (B Earley, M Daniel, D Sawyer & B Jordan)
Match 1 BH 256«- 2 Milton K 219- 3 Bourne'm 166«- 4 Solent 91
(42) 21st Jul. Club Champs (4) Norman Pk - 400m SenA 1 K Olusesi (Reay
Cup) 52.1- 2 S White 53.6- 3 P Byfield 55.1- 4 Am Thomas 56.5- 5 M Philips 56.8-
SenB 1 D Flagg 58.2- 2(1V) J R Turner 58.8- 3 D Dhammaloka 60.7- 4 S Pairman
62.2- 5 An Thomas 64.4- JunM 1 D Corneille (Burley Cup) 54.5- 2 M Lucht 54.9-
U15 1 I Allerton 55.3- 2 D Griffin 57.2- 3 C Daniel 57.8- 4 T Robinson 64.9- 5 A
Al-Ameen (U13) 75.6- 5000m 1 P Wilson(G) 15:06.9- 2 A Lee(G) 15:39.3- 3 R Smith
(Reynolds Bowl) 15:43.1- 4(1J) L Cooper 15:53.0- 5 N Mayers 16:26.2- 6(1V) M
Watling 16:38.4- 7 C Keen 16:41.8- 8 S Griffiths 16:43.6- 9 M Ellison 16:44.3-
10 D Ellison 16:54.9- 11 R Coles 17:04.9- 12 A Lawes 17:18.3- 13 N Gasson
17:23.6- 14 D Flagg 18:22.0- 15 B O'Gorman 18:44.5- 16 S Pairman 18:52.8- 17 J
Copley 19:54.6- 1000m h'c 1 D Willis- 2 R Brown- 3 J R Turner- Walks Sen 3K 1 C
Reeves (G) 16:53.2- 2 R Brown 17:26.2- 3 N Simmons 17:31.5- 4 S Hollingdale
18:05.6- 5 A Pickering (+M Cronin) 18:28.7- U15 2K 1 E Winstanley(G) 13:54- 2 J
Middleton(G) 13:55- U13 1.2K 1 S Middleton(G) 8:35- 2 J Middleton(G) 8:44- 3 J
Goodall(G) 8:55- 4 M Goodall(G) 9:06LJ Sen 1 Ad Harris 6.39- 2 P Byfield 5.46- 3
S White 5.33- 4 S Tolson 4.64- 5 J R Turner 3.89- 6 J Day 3.66- U15 1 D Griffin
5.20- 2 I Allerton 5.09- 3 C Daniel 4.65- 4 T Robinson 4.15- U13 1 D Murray
4.43- 2 M Daniel 4.31- 3 B Inwood 3.97- 4 D Willis 3.73- GU15 K Benneworth 5.09-
GU13 H Robinson 3.93- TJ GU15 A Zihute 10.10- JT Sen 1 S White 39.39- 2 S Tolson
30.67- 3 J R Turner 28.69- 4 K Daniel 24.43- 5 J Day 22.88 (M65 20.44)- U13 1 D
Murray 33.50- 2 B Inwood 31.67
(43) 21st Jul. Open Crawley U13 1500m C Norris 4:47.7- GU15 800m G Viney
(44) 18th July. Gold Cuo SF Barking - 100m 1 A Lashore 10.5- 200m 4 D
Burley 21.7- 400m 2 A Wilson 50.1- 800m 1 J Mills 1:52.6- 1500m 1 M Skinner
3:50.2- 5000m 1 S Newport 14:37.4- 10000m 2 A Arrand 32:13.8 - 110H 1 M Elliott
14.2- 400H 4 N Ursell 54.8- 3000SC 2 D Lee 9:20.7- 4X100m 2 BH 42.0 (Tabares,
Elliott, Burley & Abadom)- 4X400m 4 BH 3:22.8 (Elliott, Burley, Tabares
& Wilson)- HJ 4 A Hodge 1.90- PV 5 A Hardy 3.80- LJ 3 L Edwards 6.95- TJ 4 M
Bramble 14.67- SP 3 S Burman-Roy 13.56- HT- DT 3 A Sharp 47.83- JT 4 J Lundman
Match 1 Shaft 135- 2 BH 125- 3 Birchfd 112- 4 Peter'b 91- 5 Bedfd 85- 6 Luton 74
- 7 Hav'rg 68- 8 GEC 41
(45) 23-25 Jul. AAA Chs & World Trials Birmingham 100m A Lashore
10.64- T Swaray 10.74 - E Wodu 10.98- 200m 1 J Golding 20.20- 400m A Wilson
50.08- 1500m 8 J Mills 3:44.97- M Airey 3:50.72- M Skinner 3:53.06- 5000m 7 D
Heath 13:49.03 (:47.95)- D Taylor 14:00.24- S Newport 14:40.44- 110H 4 M Elliott
14.14- TJ 6 N Thomas 15.31- 9 P Francis 14.94- DT 5 E Udechuku 55.61-
(46) 24th Jul. Open Southend-on-Sea 1500m 1 K Daniel 4:17.7- U15 400m 2 C
Daniel 57.5 - U13 70m 1 R Daniel 11.1- HJ 2 M Daniel 1.23- 4 R Daniel 1.10-
(47) 25th Jul. Natl Jun Lge (3) Ashford - 100mA 1 D Grant 10.8- B 1 M
Awanah 11.1- ns D Lougheed 11.8- 200mA 2 N Ursell 21.9- B 4 D Lougheed 23.2-
400mA 4 A Wilson 51.4- B 3 S Holmes 52.4- 800mA 1 D Moulton 1:54.6- B 2 R Laming
1:59.2- ns D Corneille 2:04.6- 1500mA 2 R Bentley 4:04.7- B 1 M Lucht 4:12.9-
3000mA 2 J Baker 9:11.6- B 1 P Tucker 9:20.3- 110HAB- 400HA 1 N Ursell 55.8- B 2
D Moore 57.4- 2000SCA 2 D Moore 6:18.0- B 4 ANO 7:24.7- HJA 4 D Moore 1.80- B 4
J Baker 1.60- PVA 4 J Fealey 3.40- B 3 D Moore 2.80- LJA 1 L Edwards 7.09- B 6 R
Bentley 4.56- TJA 6 D Lougheed 11.16- B 5 R Bentley 10.02- SPA 6 A Cluskey
12.27- B 2 J Lundman 10.94- HTA 8 J Lundman 19.88- B- DTA 6 A Cluskey 42.90- B 4
J Lundman 27.12- JTA 2 J Lundman 52.21- B 6 R Bentley 9.49- 4X100m Dq- 4X400m 4
BH 3:33.8
Match 1 Shaft B 347- 2 Belgr 314- 3 Harrow 296- 4 BH 289- 5 Craw 257- 6 GEC 230-
7 Medw 150- 8 Yate 101
(48) 25th Jul. «-Marathon Dartford 3 R Smith 72.15
(49) 28th Jul. Club Johnson Bowl 4M Walk Norman Pk Gates - 1 P Hannell
35.51- 2 R Brown 37.23- 3 N Simmons 37.32- 4 S Hollingdale 39.04- 5 A Pickering
(+M Cronin) 39.07- 6 W Clapham 39.12
(50) 28th Jul- 8th Aug. World Vets Chs Gateshead M40 5000m 6 W Foster
15:01- M45 800m - R Minting- LJ 10 D Wallington 5.63 (+100m)- M50 M Martineau
200m/400H hts 29.29/ 79.84- M55 20KWalk 8 S Lightman 1:57.15- M60 XC B
O'Gorman(Irl)- M65 100H 6 J Day 19.86 (h .56)- PV 8 J Day 2.70- SP 3 G Hickey-
(51) 29/7-1/8. Euro U23 Chs Gothenburg 100m sf M Findlay 10.49- DT 7 E
Udechuku 57.87 - 4X100m 1 GB 38.96 (incl Findlay)
(52) 31st Jul. Brit Lge Div 1 (4) Birmingham - 100mA 1 J Golding 10.36- B
2 A Lashore 10.72- 200mA 8 D Burley 22.40- B 6 D Grant 22.02- 400mA 5 R Tabares
48.92- B 8 N Keogh 51.96- 800mA 5 M Airey 1:53.49- B 8 J Bradley 2:04.51- 1500mA
5 M Skinner 3:51.62- B 3 M Airey 3:57.68- 5000mA 1 D Heath 14:25.80- B 6 D Lee
15:58.50- 110HA 8 A Sharp 17.24- B 7 A Hodge 15.88- 400HA 6 N Ursell 55.91- B 5
S Pratt 55.50- 3000SCA 3 D Lee 9:25.70- B 1 G Clifford 9:33.83- HJA 6 P Graham
1.95- B 6 A Hodge 1.85- PVA 6 S Gascoigne 4.20- B 4 S Tolson 3.40- LJA 6 L
Edwards 6.84- B 6 A Hodge 6.18- TJA 6 A Hodge 13.32- B 6 S Cooper 10.20- SPA 8 S
Burman-Roy 12.85- B 8 A Sharp 12.39- HTA 8 S Burman-Roy 42.16- B 8 S Tolson
16.25- DTA 5 A Sharp 46.10- B 7 S Burman-Roy 33.59- JTA 6 A Sharp 57.71- B 1 J
Lundman 56.83- 4X100m Dq- 4X400m 5 BH 3:18.60 (N Ursell, S Cooper, R Tabares
& M Skinner)
Match 1 Belgr 363- 2 Birchfd 299- 3 Shaft 287- 4 Sale 270- 5 TVH 262- 6 NEB 242-
7 Woodfd 231- 8 BH 211- Final Standings 8 BH
(53) 31st Jul. Sthn Lge Div 1 (6) Sutcliffe Pk - 100mA 2 J Abadom 10.9- B
3 E Wodu 11.3- 200mA 2 D Gardiner 22.3- B 4 M Purser 25.0- 400mA 5 A Draper
52.5- B 3 M Purser 53.1- 800mA 2 S Jones 1:58.8- B 2 R Bentley 1:59.5- 1500mA 5
R Smith 5:02.7- B- 5000mA 4 R Smith 15:33.0- B 5 P Tucker 16:49.0- 110HA 2 M
Purser 16.5- B- 400HA 3 M Purser 60.8- B 4 Rb Chambers 69.5- 3000SCA 4 S
Griffiths 10:39.8- B 3 D Ellison 10:40.3- HJA 5 S White 1.55- B- PVA 2 J Fealey
3.60- B 2 D Sumner 3.20- LJA 3 Ad Harris 6.40- B 2 D Gilkes 5.58- TJA 2 S Bobb
13.89- B 1 Rb Chambers 12.01- SPA 5 S White 10.01- B 4 D Gardiner 7.87- HTA 5 M
Purser 6.96- B- DTA 5 D Gardiner- B- JTA 5 S White 39.86- B 5 D Gardiner 36.95-
4X100m 4 BH 46.0 (Purser, Gardiner, Wodu & Abadom)- 4X400m
Match 1 Bedfd 144- 2 Camb H 106- 3 TVH 103- 4 Rich & Tw 99- 5 BHB 77- Final
Pos BH 24/25
(54) 31st Jul. Sthn Lge Div 5 (6) Bracknell - 100mA 2 C Dennis 11.5- B 2
J Wilkie 11.7- 200mA 2 D Lougheed 23.7- B 2 C Karageorghis 24.1- 400mA 2 P
Byfield 53.0- B 4 D Dhammaloka 60.3- 800mA 1 D Corneille 2:06.7- B 1 R Daniels
2:01.9- 1500mA 1 J Procter 4:12.3- B 3 M Lucht 4:57.2- 5000mA 1 M Watling
16:53.7- B- 110HA 5 I Holder 22.7- B- 400HA 3 P Byfield 63.1- B 2 R Daniels
65.4- 3000SCAB- HJA 2 J Procter 1.65- B 2 I Holder 1.60- PVA 4 I Holder 1.50- B-
LJA 1 P Byfield 5.92- B 5 J Procter 4.40- TJA 1 P Byfield 12.09- B 4 J Procter
10.37- SPA 5 A Fairbairn 8.24- B 5 J Wilkie 4.70- HTA 5 A Fairbairn 24.40- B 5 I
Holder 9.60- DTA 3 A Fairbairn 31.30- B 5 I Holder 19.78- JTA 4 A Fairbairn
22.14- B 4 M Lucht 6.93-4X100m 2 BH 45.7- 4X400m 1 BH 3:41.4
Match 1 Enfd & Harin 147«- 2 Kidl'ton 105«- =3 BHC & Ryston 97- 5
Fleet & Crookhm 78
(55) 1st Aug. Intl Estonia v GB v Wales Tallin 1500m J Mills (Wales)-
110H M Elliott(GB)
(56) 1st Aug. Girls YAs Lge (3) Tooting Bec - U17 100mA 2 A Barnaby 12.6-
B 5 L Nemeth 13.5- 200mA 2 A Barnaby 25.7- B 4 N Morris 27.0- 300mA 5 N Morris
44.8-B 1 A Barnaby 43.5- HJA 8 N Morris 1.25-B- LJA 4 L Nemeth 4.58 - U15 100m A
3 A Jacobs 13.3- B 1 S Alaneme 13.5- 200m A 2 K Benneworth 26.3- B 2 A Jacobs
27.4- 800m 6 C Berry 2:32.0- 5 M Bentley 2:59.8- 75H A 3 K Benneworth 12.2- 5 M
Bentley 13.7- HJ A 2 S Alaneme 1.61- 2 S Quaye 1.35- LJ 3 K Benneworth 4.85- B 2
A Jacobs 4.83- SPA 3 S Alaneme 8.09- B 2 S Quaye 8.06- DT A 5 S Quaye 20.99- B 4
A Oliver 17.93- JT A 3 A Oliver 22.00- B 6 C Berry 4.88- 4X100m 2 BH 51.7- U13
75m A 7 C Cooper 11.0- B 3 J South 11.1- 150m A 7 J South 21.6- B 8 C Cooper
22.4- 70H A 4 H Robinson 11.9- B- LJ A 8 H Robinson 3.90- B 7 A Atkins 3.51- SP
A 7 A Atkins 5.48- B- 4X100m 8 BH 59.9
Match 1 Norw 315«- 2 HHH 305- 3 Brom 296«- 4 Basdn 277- 5 Shaft 259- 6 Thurr
202 - 7 BH 173- 8 Dartfd 157
(57) 5th Aug. Assembly Lge 3«M Victoria Pk W Clapham(KtAC) 25.10-
(58) 7th Aug. CGU Grand Prix Crystal Pal 200m 1 J Golding 20.23
(59) 7th Aug. Kent AC Pentathlon Ladywell 1500m W Clapham 6:17
(60) 7-8 Aug. SEAA Chs Enfield U20 3000m R Laming 9:09.75-
(61) 8th Aug. T&F Loughborough
DT E Udechuku 57.32
(62) 8th Aug. Open T&F WLS 100m/200m 1 A Lashore 11.00/ 22.10
(63) 9th Aug. Welsh Games Wrexham 1500m 3 J Mills 3:48.4-
(64) 10th Aug. Open Tonbr 100/300/DT 1 A Sharp 11.3/35.7/46.19- 1500m U20
R Laming 4:01.1
(65) 11th Aug. Golden Lge Zurich 200m 8 J Golding 20.65
(66) 14th Aug. Gold Cup Final Bedford - 100m 3 M Findlay 10.46- 200m 5 A
Lashore 21.86- 400m 8 R Tabares 49.04- 800m 6 P Fisher 1:52.84- 1500m 1 J Mills
3:55.94- 5000m 1 D Heath 14:15.09- 10000m 2 M Steinle 30:18.26- 110H 2 M Elliott
14.08- 400H 8 M Purser 58.36- 3000SC 4 D Lee 9:18.48- HJ 7 P Graham 1.95- PV 5 S
Gascoigne 4.20- LJ 4 L Edwards 7.08- TJ 3 N Thomas 15.10- SP 3 E Udechuku 15.94-
HT 7 S Burman-Roy 43.78- DT 2 E Udechuku 56.20- JT 7 J Lundman 58.38- 4X100m Dq-
4X400m 7 BH (A Sharp, S Cooper, J Mills & A Wilson)
Match 1 Belgr 136- 2 Sale 116- 3 NEB 110- =4 BH & SB 88- 6 Border 73- 7 Enfd
& Har 71 - 8 Woodfd 55-
(67) 17th Aug. Vets AC Rd Battersea PK 1M W Clapham 6:47
(68) 18th Aug. Vets AC Tr Kingsmeadow 100m/200m M40 1 J R Turner 13.4-
M50 1 M Martineau - 15.0/ 30.0- 1M W Clapham 6:46.5
(69) 19th Aug. Open Brighton 400m A Sharp 50.0- BMC 800m 2 J Mills
1:51.2- 8 M Airey 1:56.4
(70) 21st Aug. U19 Intl Germany 400H N Ursell 53.79- JT J Lundman 57.42
(71) 21st Aug. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (5) Southampton
- Sen 100mA 4 A Barnaby 12.7- B 4 E Green 13.2- 200mA 2 A Barnaby 25.4- B
4 A Zihute 28.5- 400mA 4 N Morris 66.5- B 3 K Bugler 69.5- 800mAB- 1500mA 2 S
Budd 4:51.5- B- 3000mAB- 100HAB- U17 80HAB- 400HA 3 N Morris 85.1- B 4 K Bugler
92.8- HJAB- PVAB- LJA 3 A Zihute 4.62- B 3 A Barnaby 4.26- TJA 2 A Zihute 10.44-
B 3 E Green 8.61- SPA 5 A Zihute 5.57- B- HTAB- DTA 4 A Zihute 19.62- B 5 E
Green 14.56- JTA 5 K Bugler 7.61- B 5 S Budd 5.92- 4X100m 4 BH 52.8 (A Barnaby,
E Green, N Morris & A Zihute)- 4X400m 4 BH 4:39.2 (S Budd, K Bugler, N
Morris & A Zihute)
Girls 100mA 3 C Berry 14.0- B 4 D Pearce 14.7- 200mA 2 K Benneworth 28.1- B 3 C
Berry 29.4- 800mA 2 E Bugler
2:33.9- B- 1500mAB- 75HA 2 K Benneworth 12.8- B 3 E Bugler 16.8- HJA 4 D Bizzell
1.25- B 3 E Bugler 1.05- LJA 1 K Benneworth 5.06- B 2 J Porter 3.81- SPA 1 S
Quaye 9.71- B 4 J Porter 4.85- DTA 2 S Quaye 24.52- B 3 A Atkins 13.04- JTA 4 S
Quaye 14.92- B 2 A Atkins 10.25- 4X100m 2 BH 55.4 (J Porter, E Bugler, C Berry
& K Benneworth)-
Match 1 Soton 206- 2 Braintr 178- 3 Wycmb 142- 4 Winch 130- 5 BH 108
(72) 22nd Aug. Natl Jun Lge (4) Crawley Match 5 BH
(73) 22nd Aug. Gt Scottish «-Marathon Glasgow 7 D Taylor 63.33- 23 S
Newport 67.42
(74) 22nd Aug. Rd 5M Battersea Pk 19 N Mayers 27.14
(75) 27th Aug. World Champs Seville 200m 7 J Golding 20.48 (sf 20.28)
(76) 29th Aug. Vets AC T&F Chs Kingsmeadow M45 800/1500m 2/1 K Daniel
2:08.4/ 4:31.5 - M50 100/200m 3/2 M Martineau 14.5/ 29.3- M55 3KWalk 1 P Hannell
15:00.4- M65 1500m 2 W Clapham 6:23.9- SP/DT 1 G Hickey 13.19-
(77) RACE WALKING 23/6 Woodford 3K. 3 P Hannell 14:37.0- 4/7 BVAF
Solihull 10K. 2 P Hannell - 55:41.0- 6/7 Steyning 5K. 1 S Lightman 26.44- 7/7
Blackheath Pk 9K. P Hannell 52.04- 17/7 Battersea 10K. 10 N Simmons 64.09- 11/8
Blackheath Pk 9K. P Hannell 50.15- 19/8 Woodford 3K. 3 P Hannell 15.12-
(78) MONTHLY SERIES 14/7 BH 3.12M Hayes. 1 C Garguilo (G) 22.01- 2 M
Salmon 19.35 - 3 R Brown 18.18- 4 M Ellison 16.35 (1)- 5 S Griffiths 16.39 (2)-
6 N Barber 19.57- 7 N Gasson 17.14- 8 N Bunclark 20.33- 9 D Ellison 16.53- 10 K
Daniel 16.49 (3)- 11 A Lawes 17.21- 12 A Cilia 21.45- 13 C Pike 18.55- 14 M
Gasson 22.27- 15 J R Turner 19.31- 16 B Bater 17.49- 17 G Norman (G) 20.28- 18 C
Keen 17.01- 19 A Pickering (+M Cronin) 25.37- 20 M Martineau 23.17- 21 R Watkins
26.44- 22 Rn Chambers 24.03- 30/7 Hyde Pk 5K 2 M Lucht 16.30- 3/8 Cryst Pal 5K.
T Brightwell 18.36- 11/8 BH 3.12M Hayes. 1 N Bunclark 19.45- 2 N Gasson
16.33(1)- 3 B McShane 18.49- 4 A Cilia 21.37- 5 R Brown 18.23- 6 D Ellison
16.54(3)- 7 M Ellison 16.41(2)- 8 C Pike 18.57- 9 M Gasson 22.13- 10 A Tucker
17.32- 11 D Carton 19.39- 12 B Bater 18.12- 13 S Pairman 18.16- 14 A Pickering
(+ M Cronin) 26.02- 15 S Hollingdale 21.52-
(79) Sri Chinmoy Battersea Pk 19/6 10Km 7 Dn Marsden 35.27- 5/7 3M 10 Dn
Marsden 16.08 - W Clapham 21.33- 12/7 2M 12 Dn Marsden 10.23- W Clapham 14.18-
19/7 1M W Clapham 6.46- 26/7 3K Dn Marsden 9.35- 4W S Budd 10.54- W Clapham
provisional ranking, up to the end of July, is posted on the noticeboard at HQ.
The ranking will be finalised in the next month or so. Any results which do not
appear in this or earlier Couriers should be notified to Pat Calnan or the
You may
have noticed that AW have introduced minimum performances for inclusion in their
results section. The effect of this, especially in ordinary road races, is that
little or nothing beyond the winner is recorded. The AW Editor has obviously got
some flak (PC = Constructive Criticism) about this and, if you want to add to
it, write to him at Bretton Court, Bretton,Peterborough, PE3 8DZ