VOL 18. No6. JULY 1999. PRESIDENT 1999/Y2K: Richard
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
I write this piece as the organiser of the Club Championship evenings at
Norman Park, though I hasten to add that many other members give their time as
Officials and helpers.
We have been in the habit of having four Championship
evenings in June/ July, with a programme covering all track and field events and
all age groups, male and female, with entries being taken on the night.
It was noticeable however that there was a falling off of
participation last year compared to 1997 and this has continued in the first two
meetings this year.
A glance at the Summer results will show the multiplicity
of fixtures: representative meetings, leagues, open meetings, school athletics
etc. Also there's the conflicting demand of exams, school journeys and other
For the remaining two fixtures this season, I urge those
members who can to participate. For next season I advocate a re-think. Bill
In memory of her late husband and in keeping with his many years in youth
work, Mrs Ida Kirk has generously arranged for her friends' donations to go to
help our Club Young Athletes. A sum of some £150 has so-far accrued. Any
Heathens who wish to be associated with this tribute to a runner, trail-layer
and 50-year member should contact our Treasurer directly.
This popular event will be on Friday 9th July, though I'm not sure whether The
Old Firm will be in charge or if new Jokers will be playing.
This annual track run has been given a provisional date of Wed 8th Sept.
However, work on the track is likely to be needed sometime in the August-Sept
period and it may be necessary to change the date. A notice will be posted at
Fixtures for Jul/Aug are- Mon 7pm- 5/7 3M, 12/7 2M, 19/7 1M, 26/7 3M, 2/8
2M. (The above four events in July form a Grand Prix).
Sat 8.30 am- 10th July 10M- 24th July Half Marathon.
200 CLUB
Organiser: Len Dalmon (01689 855998)
Recent Winners- May. £50 Vi Stenning, £25 J Laws & J Herring
June. £354 M Baldwin
Summertime in England was a couple of weeks ago, sorry if you missed it.
Like the Total Solar Eclipse, you may get another chance, eventually.
Luckily I was at the seaside, so in I went. Maybe not
everyone's idea of clean, healthy living but it teaches me to keep my mouth
shut, which you may agree is a move in the right direction.
Before the days of clean (fairly) swimming baths people
learnt to swim in canals, rivers or wherever. There were champion swimmers to
prove it, including a couple who died of typhoid. One of the early baths had a
weekly "dirty water day" when the local urchins were let in free the
day before the water was changed. Probably very good for developing the immune
Of course the old Heathens were not to be left out of
this. In the early 20s they had something called The First Summer Run. Leaving
The Swan at West Wickham they headed straight for Keston Ponds alledgedly for
swimming, though reading between the lines of the Gazette it seems more likely
that they divided their time between looking for water nymphs and throwing each
other in. A few years before there had been a Keston Ponds Swimming Club that
constructed diving stages on either side of the middle pond. Ron Chambers (in a
communicative moment) told me the remains can still be seen.
Talking of water hazards, have you seen the report in the
local press of killer turtles that someone has let loose in Keston Ponds?
Apparently they come from California USA, where everything grows bigger than
anywhere else. This lot grow to the size of dustbin lids and make a thorough
nuisance of themselves, going round beheading ducklings etc. Apparently the
Bromley Ecology lot are thinking of rounding them up and giving them to a
terrapin centre. Any volunteers for The First Summer Run?
Tonight I've been out running (kept away from the Ponds)
with Gary Plank who is off to California next week. No Gary, don't do it. Just
stick to birds
Of course we musn't blame the Americans for every
hazardous thing that goes on in water. Water Polo for instance, that comes from
Aberdeen. It's a game (I use the word loosely) in which there are two types of
foul, the Ordinary Foul and the Major Foul. The Ordinary Foul, if committed
within sight of the Neighbourhood Watch, would get you about 5 years. The Major
Foul I daren't describe in a family comic before the nine o'clock watershed.
On the promenade at Dover sits a memorial bust to Capt
Matthew Webb. His first mistake was to start this side, so it took him nearly
all day. Had he been a Europhile he could have gone there first and saved
himself a lot of trouble. Perhaps he'd had a long wait at the Passport Office.
I bet you're wondering what his second mistake was. He
tried to swim the Niagara Rapids. That's why they call it a 'memorial' bust.
Some people never learn.
(01) 25th Mar. T&F Larnaca, Cyprus 100m C
Karageorghis 11.3
(02) 17th Apr. Kent Women's Lge Div 1 (1) Norman Pk cf (18552) Full
Sen 100m 1 A Martin 12.8- 400m 5 C Brown 67.0- 1500m 3 C Castledine 5:11.5- LJ 3
A Martin 4.96- TJ 3 A Martin 10.06- DT 3 A Zihute 20.42- JT 6 A Zihute 16.59-
4X100m 6 BH 56.5-
U17 100m/200m 1 A Barnaby 12.8/ 25.9- 300m 4 N Morris 47.8- 800m 5 H Barker
2:35.0- 1500m 4 F Barker 5:53.5- 80H 6 H Barker 19.1- 300H 4 E Green 59.9-
2KWalk 2 F Barker 14:56.5- HJ 4 N Morris 1.25- LJ 6 N Morris 2.80- SP 3 E Oliver
8.65- DT 1 E Oliver 28.23- JT 2 E Oliver 19.21- 4X100m 3 BH 54.4-
U15 100m 5 A Jacobs 13.9- 200m 2 K Benneworth 27.4- 800m 3 J Patmore 2:38.8-
1500m 2 E Bugler 5:26.7- 75H 3 N Gharboui 12.9- HJ 1 S Alaneme 1.40- LJ 1 K
Benneworth 5.01- SP 2 S Quaye 8.42- DT 1 S Quaye 21.92- JT 3 A Oliver 15.72-
4X100m 2 BH 53.6-
U13 75m 3 D Pearce 11.4- 150m 3 J Porter 23.0- 1000m 6 C Carlton 4:02.0- 70H 5 D
Pearce 14.5- HJ 5 D B-Pierce 1.10- LJ 3 J Porter 3.96- SP 3 J Porter 5.20-
Match 1 Brom 374- 2 Medw 3691/2 3 CamH 321- 4 Bexl 2991/2 5 BH 285- 6 Tonbr 273
(03) 18th Apr. Rd 10Km Wnecz, Pol 23(2M50) L Atterbury 36.20
(04) 24th Apr. Sthn Women's Lge Div 2 (1) Havant cf (18559) Details
Sen 100mA 3 A Barnaby 12.5- B 3 L Nemetti 13.9- 200mA 2 L Guthrie 26.3- B 1 A
Barnaby 25.9- 400mA 1 S Singer 59.4- B 2 N Morris 64.4- 800mA 3 G Viney 2:22.4-
B- 1500mA 5 G Viney 5:45.5- B- 3000mA 4 C Castledine 11:35.2- B- 80H (U17)A 3 N
Morris 17.4- 100HA 2 K Porter 15.0- B- 400HA 1 K Porter 63.9- B- HJA 5 L Nemeth
1.35- B 4 A Zihute 1.25- PVA 4 J Brian 1.40- B- LJA 5 A Zihute 4.43- B 2 L
Nemeth 4.42- TJA 3 A Zihute 9.36- B 5 J Brian 7.31- SPA 5 E Oliver 8.20- B 4 D
Delasaux 7.35- HTA 4 J Delasaux 27.55- B 3 E Oliver 14.65- DTA 3 E Oliver 29.65-
B 4 J Delasaux 21.43- JTA 5 A Zihute 7.24- B- 4X100m 2 BH 53.4- 4X400m 1 BH
4:19.9- Girls 100mA 2 K Benneworth 12.8- B 2 A Jacobs 13.4- 200mA 4 A Jacobs
29.0- B 1 N Gharboui 28.4- 800mA 2 C Berry 2:39.1- B 5 M Bentley 3:02.1- 1500mA
2 V Ashley 5:33.6- B 4 C Carlton 6:21.4- 5000mA - B - 75HA - B 1 K Benneworth
12.4- HJA 1 S Alaneme- B 3 J South 1.15- LJA 1 K Benneworth 5.22- B 2 A Jacobs
4.13- SPA 2 S Alaneme 8.13- B 5 J Porter 5.00- DTA 5 S Alaneme 17.06- B 2 N
Gharboui 13.89- JTA 5 D B-Pierce 11.82- B 4 J Porter 6.97- 4X100m 2 BH 50.9-
(05) 25th Apr. Kent B&C Lge (1) Ashford cf (18561) Full Result
Boys 100mA 4 Q Belgrave 12.6- B 2 M Ximines 13.5- 200mA 6 W Edet 28.4- B 4 M
Ximenes 29.0- 400mA 1 I Allerton 57.4- B 1 C Daniel 58.9- 800mA 3 D Griffin
2:17.7- B 1 D Ryan 2:20.7- 1500mA 5 L Faint 5:26.3- B 4 M Shirley 5:30.0- 80HA 3
W Edet 14.7- B 1 L Faint 16.1- HJA 2 Q Belgrave 1.60- B 3 W Edet 1.30- LJA 2 Q
Belgrave 5.01- B 2 C Daniel 4.86- SPA 4 A Pope 8.54- B 2 S McCarthy 7.21- DTA 4
A Pope 20.28- B 1 S McCarthy 19.42- JTA 5 A Pope 18.65- B 5 S McCarthy 14.11-
4X100m 2 BH 51.4 (Griffin, Allerton, Ximines & Belgrave)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:02.7
(D Griffin 60.1- I Allerton 60.3- C Daniel 59.5- D Ryan 62.5)
Colts 100mA 2 B Jordan 14.1- B 3 M Daniel 15.3- 200mA 2 B Jordan 29.0- B 1 R
Sunmonu 30.6- 400mA 2 D Willis 67.5- B 1 R Daniel 70.4- 800mA 1 C Norris 2:28.9-
B 1 S Leach 2:43.3- 1500mA 2 J Gorman 5:13.8- B 1 T Beech 5:20.9- 75HA 1 B
Jordan 15.1- B R Sunmonu 15.2- HJA 2 D Willis 1.25- B 3 R Daniel 1.05- LJA 2 M
Daniel 4.00- B 2 D Murray 3.81- SPA 5 C Norris 5.23- B 4 D Willis 3.96- DTA 5 J
Gorman- B 4 T Beech 9.82- JTA 1 D Murray 31.71- B 3 T Beech 14.26- 4X100m 2 BH
59.1 (Sunmonu, Murray, Jordan & M Daniel)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:43.5 (C Norris
67.0- S Leach 74.6- R Daniel 71.3- J Gorman 70.6)-
Match 1 BH 365- 2 Bexl 328- 3 Dartfd 286- 4 GEC 269- 5 Medw 262- 6 Tonbr 120
(06) 28th Apr. Open T&F Watford 1500m M Skinner 3:55.2- D Taylor
(07) 28th Apr. Vets AC Battersea Pk 3000m S Smythe 9:49.1
(08) 29th Apr. London Schs Multievents Tooting Bec
1 M Awanah 2384 (800m/ 2:20.7- 100H/ 14.5- DT/ 25.02- JT/ 22.62)
(09) 30th Apr. SCVAC T&F Lge Kent Div Deangate Tr A,B & M50(C)-
Fd A & C
90mA 3 D Wallington 11.8- B 2 J R Turner 12.3- C 1 C Monks 12.1- WmA 6 C Messent
18.0- 400mA 4 J R Turner 60.8- B 2 G Coates 58.5- C 1 C Monks 61.4- WmA 6 C
Messent- 1500mA 2 M Watling 4:22.8- 3 S Smythe (CamH) 4:25.7- B 2 P Barlow
4:34.5- C 2 J Phelan 4:49.2- M60 2 P Lovell 5:35.5- WmA 6 C Messent 7:23.9-
2KWalkA 4 R Brown 11:13.0- B 4 P Lovell 12:33.6- C 1 P Hannell 9:54.7- WmA 4 C
Messent 13:30.5- HJA 1 D Wallington 1.40- 6 S Smythe (CamH) 0.90- C 5 M
Martineau 1.05- SPA 4 J R Turner 8.07- C 1 G Hickey 11.21- HTA 5 J Phelan 17.30-
C 2 G Hickey 24.18- Match(Men) 1 BH 147- 2 CamH 145- 3 Dartfd 128- 4 Bexl 114- 5
BromV 97- 6 KtAC 38- Overall 5 BH
(10) 1st May. Rd 10Km Szczecinek, Pol (29.03) 12(1M50) L Atterbury 35.11
(11) 1-3 May. Br Univ Chs Bedford
800m 3 J Bradley 1:51.9pb- 7 M Skinner 1:53.1- 110H 2 M Elliott 14.51- DT A
Sharp 47.49-
(12) 3rd May. Open Welwyn GC 110H 1 M Freckleton 14.6
(13) 1st May. Sth Lge Div 1 (1) Southampton
100mA 1 D Grant 11.0- B 1 M Champion 11.2- 200mA 5 L Edwards 22.8- B 1 M
Champion 22.7- 400mA 4 S Cooper 51.9- B 3 S Pratt 53.0- 800mA 5 S Holmes 1:58.3-
B 5 D Dhammaloka 2:19.7- 1500mA 1 S Holmes 4:08.2- B 5 P Calnan 4:42.4- 5000mA 3
P Calnan 15:58.0- B- 110HA 3 M Purser 16.0- B 2 S White 16.7- 400HA 3 S Pratt
56.5- B 2 M Purser 56.8- 3000SCAB- HJA - B - PVA 1 S Tolson 3.70- B 1 J Fealey
3.40- LJA 1 L Edwards 6.42- B 2 D Grant 6.14- TJAB- SPA 4 S White 10.15- B 3 C
Ellis 9.82- HTA 5 C Ellis 24.16- B 4 J Robinson 13.39- DTA 1 C Ellis 36.18- B 2
S White 28.42- JTA 4 S White 41.92- B 5 S Tolson 30.45- 4X100m 2 BH 44.3- 4X400m
4 BH 3:25.4-
Match 1 Solent 1451/2 2 Swind 1051/2 3 Verlea 104- 4 BHB 961/2 5 Dartfd 77"
(14) 1st May. Sth Lge Div 5 (1) Andover
100mA 4 P Byfied 12.2- B 5 K Daniel 14.4- 200mA 4 P Byfied 24.5- B 5 J Procter
29.4- 400mA 2 P Byfied 52.7- B 1 R Minting 55.5- 800mA 1 R Minting 2:06.1- B 1 D
Corneille 2:06.4- 1500mA 2 K Daniel 4:24.2- B- 5000mA 3 C Andrews 16:48.8- B 2 A
Moreton 17:58.1- 110HAB- 400HA 5 S Griffiths 77.6- B 5 P Barlow 86.5- 3000SCA 4
S Griffiths 11:23.9- B- HJA 4 R Minting 1.55- B 2 J Procter 1.50- PVA 3 J Day
2.80- B- LJA 3 P Byfied 5.91- B 4 J Procter 4.58- TJA 1 P Byfied 11.87- B 3 J
Procter 9.76- SPA 5 A Fairbairn 8.96- B 5 A Wadey 8.11- HTA 2 A Fairbairn 28.01-
B 5 A Wadey 16.64- DTA 1 A Fairbairn 34.05- B 5 A Wadey 18.13- JTA 3 A Wadey
39.78- B 5 A Fairbairn 20.28- 4X100m 4 BH 53.9- 4X400m 3 BH 3:54.5-
Match 1 Wesx 1381/2 2 Wimbourne 124- 3 Dartfd 921/2 4 BHC 84- Hastgs 79
(15) 2nd May. YAs Boys Sth Prem Lge (1) Norman Pk
U17 100mA 1 D Watson 11.3- B 1 T Arojogun 11.4- ns J Foe 12.0- Am Thomas 12.3- D
Bussey 12.3- 200mA 2 D Watson 23.0- B 3 J Foe 23.6- 400mA 3 K Olusesi 52.6- B 2
J Godsell 56.8- 800mA 1 M Hill 2:04.3- B 2 J Godsell 2:10.9- 1500mA 2 W Bolton
4:17.9- B 3 J Wheatley 5:22.0- 3000mA 2 S Simmons 9:29.0- B- 100HA 3 J Wheatley
17.7- B 3 D Watson 17.3- 400HA 2 C Pearce 63.2- B 2 Am Thomas 64.7- 1500SCA 2 W
Bolton 4:50.4- B- HJA 3 J Guidetti 1.70- B 1 J Godsell 1.65- PVA 3 P Unseld
2.70- B 3 J Guidetti 1.75- LJA 1 M Awanah 6.52- B 1 N Simpson 6.27- TJA 2 C
Pearce 12.55- B- SPA 4 A Stevenson 9.31- B- HTA 3 A Stevenson 22.30- B 3 W
Bolton 15.40- DTA 3 A Patel 39.44- B 4 N Simpson 19.40- JTA 3 A Stevenson 44.29-
B 3 D Bussey 16.17-4X100m 2 BH 46.6 (A Thomas, J Wilkie, D Watson & J Foe)-
4X400m 2 BH 3:42.7 (Am Thomas, J Foe, J Godsell & D Bussey)
U15 100mA 2 Q Belgrave 12.0- B 3 S Brockwell 12.9- 200mA 3 G Fergus 26.0- B 4 J
Ukueku 27.9- 400mA 1 I Allerton 56.6- B 2 B Hopkins 59.4- 800mA 3 D Griffin
2:17.4- B 1 C Daniel 2:18.9- ns S Knight 2:59.0- 1500mA 3 D Ryan 4:38.3- B 1 D
Snow 4:47.7- 3000mA 4 J Boutle 11:48.7- B- 80HA 1 S Brockwell 12.5- B 1 T
Robinson 13.2- HJA 2 Q Belgrave 1.60- B 2 G Fergus 1.55- PVA 3 L Faint 1.90- B 2
T Robinson 1.80- LJA 2 Q Belgrave 5.68- B 1 G Fergus 5.57- SPA 4 R Wallace
10.62- B 3 T Walker 9.96- HTA 3 T Walker 26.68- B 3 R Wallace 20.22- DTA 2 P
Shelley 32.49- B 2 R Shelley 27.30- JTA 3 R Shelley 34.64- B 1 P Shelley 34.51-
4X100m 3 BH 50.8 (S Brockwell, G Fergus, T Robinson & Q Belgrave)- 4X400m 1
BH 3:54.7 (D Ryan, D Griffin, C Daniel & I Allerton)-
U13 100mA 3 B Earley 13.3- B 3 B Jordan 13.6- ns T Okobia 14.2- R Sunmonu 14.4-
D Murray 14.6- J Stevens 15.2- 200mA 1 B Earley 26.6- B 2 B Jordan 27.8- 800mA 1
D Willis 2:32.9- B 2 S Leach 2:36.2- ns R Daniel 2:44.4- S D'Urso 2:47.6- 1500mA
1 C Norris 4:47.2- B 2 T Beech 5:16.8- LJA 2 M Daniel 4.37- B 2 D Murray 4.18-
SPA 2 G North 7.81- B 2 T Okobia 6.80- 4X100m 3 BH 56.6 (M Daniel, B Jordan, B
Earley & T Okobia)-
Match 1 Enfield 240- 2 Shaft Barn 216- 3 BH 203- 4 Thurrock 100
(16) 3rd May. Kent Women's Lge Div 1 (2) Norman Pk
Sen 100m 2 A Martin 12.8- 200m 5 A Zihute 28.2- 400m 6 C Castledine 69.6- 800m 1
S Singer 2:16.3- 1500m 3 C Castledine 5:22.5- 100H 1 K Porter 14.6- 400H 3 K
Porter 65.8- LJ 3 E Kuenstlinger 4.89- TJ 3 A Martin 10.10- SP 4 H Fosten 7.91-
HT 4 J Delasaux 18.84- DT 2 H Fosten 24.03-JT 2 V Eason 30.00- 4X100m 3 BH 51.9-
U17 100m/200m 1 A Barnaby 12.7/ 25.8- 300m 3 N Morris 44.4- 800m 3 H Barker
2:35.5- 1500m 4 F Barker 5:53.1- 80H 6 E Green 17.2- 300H 5 H Barker 71.3-
2KWalk 2 F Barker 13:01.3- HJ 2 H Thomson 1.55- LJ 6 H Barker 3.26- SP 2 E
Oliver 9.29- DT 1 E Oliver 30.21- JT 2 E Oliver 18.96- 4X100m 3 BH 54.4-
U15 100m 4 A Jacobs 13.4- 200m 1 K Benneworth 26.9- 800m 3 J Patmore 2:32.7-
1500m 2 E Bugler 5:27.0- 75H 2 K Benneworth 12.0- 2KWalk 3 E Coe 14:27.4- HJ 1 S
Alaneme 1.50- LJ 1 K Benneworth 5.19-SP2 S Quaye 8.83-DT2 S Quaye 21.17-JT4 A
Oliver 20.43-4X100m 2BH 53.5
U13 75m 3 J South 10.9- 150m 3 J Porter 21.7- 1000m 4 N Piddock 3:44.2- 70H 4 H
Robinson 13.2- 1KWalk 3 A Atkins 7:09.1- HJ 1 J South 1.25- LJ 2 H Robinson
4.11- SP 2 J Porter 5.98- DT 2 J South 14.99- JT 5 D Bizzell 8.47- 4X100m 2 BH
Match 1 Brom 410- 2 BH 378- 3 Medw 374- 4 CamH 363- 5 Bexl 285- 6 Tonbr 238
(17) 6th May. Assembly Lge 2.9M Beckenham (Finish altered to Beckenham Pl
Pk) (14.18) 107 W Clapham (KtAC) 19.54
(18) 8th May. Rd 10Km Chojnice, Pol (29.01) 21/111 (1M50) L Atterbury
(19) 8-9 May. County T&F Chs Kt Ashford Sen 100m/200m 1 A Lashore
11.23/ 21.76 3/2 M Champion 11.69/ 21.90- 400m 2 N Keogh 50.68- 4 S Cooper
51.40- 1500m 3 A Draper 3:58.6- 4 M Skinner 4:06.1- 110H 2 S White 19.78- 400H 5
S White 60.4- PV 3 S Tolson 3.80- J Day(M60) 2.80- U20 100m/200m 1 D Grant
11.47/ 22.9- 6 D Lougheed 12.15(h .04)/ 24.50 (h .49)- 400m 5 S Holmes 50.94- ht
A Evans 50.32- 800m 2 R Laming 2:03.15- 3 D Corneille 2:07.82- 1500m 1 R Laming
4:07.57- 4 A Rayner 4:11.45pb- U17 100m 4 J Wilkie 12.82 (h .61)-200m 2 K
Ollusesi 24.76- 3 J Wilkie 24.99- 5 A Thomas 26.05- 7 S Salvador 27.70- 400m 2 D
Bussey 54.5- 3 M Hill 55.1 (h 51.2)- ht S Holmes 51.6- 800m 2 M Hill 2:00.18- 4
W Bolton 2:03.58- 1500m 2 W Bolton 4:20.17- HJ 3 J Guidetti 1.65- 6 J Procter
1.60- U15 100m 8 G Fergus 13.50 (h .37)- 200m 8 I Allerton 27.32 (h 26.95)- ht G
Fergus 26.96- 400m 2 C Daniel 57.50- 5 D Griffin 61.20- 800m h D Ryan 2:22.84-
1500m 11 D Ryan 5:06.85 (h 4:46.60)- ht D Snow 4:48.81- 60H/80H 1 T Robinson
10.0/ 13.29- HJ 7 G Fergus 1.45- PV 2 T Robinson 2.30- LJ 3 G Fergus 5.35- 13 T
Robinson 4.51- 16 I Allerton 4.36- DT 2 A Mulhern 30.21- JT 12 A Pope 19.99- SW
100m/200m 3/4 L Guthrie 13.34/ 27.65- JW 400m/800m 1 S Singer 57.9cbp/ 2:16.99-
60H/100H/400H 1/1/2 K Porter 9.1cbp/ 16.15/ 67.95- LJ 1 A Martin 5.34- 5 E
Kuenstlinger 5.04- TJ 3 A Martin 10.24- GU17 200m 4 L Nemeth 28.02- 300m 6 K
Bugler 47.99 (h .90)- LJ 3 L Nemeth 4.76- GU15 100m 6 K Benneworth 13.73 (h
.65)- 8 A Jacobs 14.07- ht A Raisey 14.25- 200m 3 K Benneworth 28.40- 6 A Jacobs
29.56- ht E Bugler 31.57- 800m 5 J Patmore 2:33.45- ht E Bugler 2:35.01- C Berry
2:39.69- 1500m 8 E Bugler 5:36.39- 60H/75H 2 K Benneworth 9.9/12.77- 75H 3 N
Gharbaoui 12.91- LJ 1 K Benneworth 5.07- 3 A Jacobs 4.68- SP 3 S Quaye 9.29- Sy
Kingston 100m J Aberdeen 11.0- JT 1 C Verheyden 55.96- U17 100m/200m 1 M Awanah
11.3/ 22.8- Esx Southend 400H 1 S Pratt 56.0- U20 SP/JT 1 J Lundman 12.22/
55.81- Middx Hayes 110H 2 M Freckleton- 3KWalk 2 S Lightman 15:18- TJ 2 N
Thomas- 3 M Bramble-
(20) 12th May. Forbanks Rd Relay Beckenham (3X 2.6M)
4 Runners Shop (incl W Bolton 13.41- M Lucht 13.51)- 7 BH Vets 43.15 (A Lawes
14.41- K Daniel 13.55- P Barlow 14.39)- Also (R Brown 15.26- C Pike- S Pairman)-
(W Slack 15.29- R Walsh 16.11- D Ellison 14.31)- (Ph Taylor- J Leeson)- (J
Copley)- (S Smythe 14.09)
(21) 12th May. MT 5.3Km Chodziez, Pol (16.46) 16(3V)/243 L Atterbury
(22) 15th May. Camb v Oxon Cambridge 400m 2 N Hamilton (Ox) 50.5
800m/1500m 1 J Bradley (Ox) 1:52.0/ 3:58.2- 2SP/3HT S Burman-Roy (Cam) 13.91/
(23) 12th May. Repr Match Loughborough 100m/110H M Elliott (Brun)
800m C Moss 1:53.2- 2000SC 1 D Lee (L'b) 6:00.6
(24) 15th May. Sth Lge Div 1 (2) Norman Pk
100mA 2 J Aberdeen 10.9- B 1 D Grant 11.1- 200mA 2 J Aberdeen 22.4- B 2 A Evans
22.7- 400mA 2 S Jarred 50.6- B 2 S Cooper 51.9- 800mA 5 S Cooper 2:02.0- B 1 R
Daniels 2:00.2- 1500mA 1 M Skinner 3:57.7- B 1 S Holmes 4:01.9- 5000mA 3 R Smith
15:36.4- B 4 P Tucker 16:49.8- 110HA 3 M Purser 16.5- B 3 S White 17.1- 400HA 2
M Purser 56.2- B 1 S White 58.9- 3000SCA 5 S Griffiths 11:12.4- B- HJA 4 M
Champion 1.75- B 3 D Sumner 1.55- PVA 1 S Tolson 3.70- B 1 J Fealey 3.00- LJAB-
TJA 1 P Francis 14.57- B 1 S Bobb 14.30- SPA 5 S White 10.89- B 5 S Tolson 6.95-
HTA 5 S Tolson 17.77- B 5 P Calnan 4.00- DTA 5 S White 31.61- B 5 S Tolson
25.87- JTA 1 C Verheyden 50.24- B 2 S White 43.38- 4X100m 3 BH 44.1- 4X400m 2 BH
Match 1 Belgr 119- 2 Shaft 111- 3 BHB 109- 4 NEB 104- 5 Hilldn 87
(25) 15th May. Sth Lge Div 5 (2) Norman Pk
100mA 1 D Lougheed 11.7- B 1 P Byfied 12.1- 200mA 1 D Lougheed 23.6- B 2 P
Featherston 24.8- 400mA 1 P Byfied 53.0- B 1 E Prendergast 53.3- 800mA 1 E
Prendergast 2:03.1- B 1 D Corneille 2:09.4- 1500mA 1 R Laming 4:08.2- B 1 M
Lucht 4:15.5- 5000mA 2 P Barlow 17:02.2- B 2 A Moreton 18:12.6- 110HA 3 I Holder
21.2-B- 400HAB- 3000SCA 2 J Beck 10:52.8-B- HJA 3 I Holder 1.55- B =2 J Procter
1.50- PVA 2 J Day 2.60- B 4 R Coe 2.00- LJA 3 P Byfied 5.91- B 2 I Holder 5.13-
TJA 2 P Byfied 12.56- B 3 J Procter 10.41- SPA 2 G Hickey 11.05- B 4 A Wadey
7.92- HTA 5 G Hickey 23.22- B 4 A Wadey 18.59- DTA 3 G Hickey 26.14- B 4 P
Featherston 20.59- JTA 3 A Wadey 42.40- B 2 R Coe 37.37- 4X100m 2 BH 47.4-
4X400m 1 BH 3:42.7- Match 1 Bedfd 147- 2 BHC 1201/2 3 N Dev 1151/2 4 Horsham 68-
5 L Irish 59
(26) 16th May. 7M MT Sevenoaks (36.14) 3 R Smith 37.50- 7 L Cooper 41.15-
13 D Ellison 42.33-
45 R Brown 47.13- 53 J E Turner 48.03- 85 J Copley 50.13- 93 J Steer 50.42- 98 P
Lovell 51.09- 150 A Murrell 54.16- 180 G Crowder 55.57- 191 B Hartley 56.23- 204
R Chambers 57.25- 210 ? V Tester 58.04- 315 ? R Roberts 68.48
(27) 16th May. 1/2Marathon Leeds G Murray 134.14
(28) 19th May. L'b v Oxfd U v Army Loughborough
1500m 2 C Moss (L'b) 3:48.2- 3 J Bradley (Ox) 3:50.0
(29) 16th May. Brit Lge Div 1 (1) Haringey
100mA 4 A Lashore 10.75- B 1 M Findlay 10.70- 200mA 3 A Lashore 21.77- B 2 M
Findlay 21.81- 400mA 8 S Jarred 50.98- B 6 N Keogh 50.35- 800mA 5 P Fisher
1:51.68- B 2 A Draper 1:53.50- 1500mA 3 D Heath 3:46.25- B 2 M Airey 3:58.96-
5000mA 3 M Steinle 13:58.42 pb- B 6 P Calnan 16:34.62- 110HA 2 M Elliott 14.82-
B 1 M Freckleton 14.86- 400HA 6 N Ursell 54.77- B 5 S Pratt 55.37- 3000SCA 3 D
Lee 9:12.95- B 3 G Clifford 9:32.02pb- HJA =7 P Graham 1.90- B 3 A Hodge 1.85-
PVA 6 S Gascoigne 4.20- B 4 A Hardy 4.00- LJA 7 L Edwards 6.65- B 5 N Thomas
6.51- TJA 7 N Thomas 14.93- B 3 M Bramble 14.39- SPA 8 S White 10.40- B 8 A Benn
10.32- HTA 8 A Benn 48.52- B 7 C Rolfe 31.02- DTA 8 S White 30.76- B 8 A Benn
13.62- JTA 4 J Lundman 55.95- B 3 A Hodge 46.41- 4X100m 5 BH 42.27- 4X400m 7 BH
Match 1 Belgr 395- 2 Sale 292- 3 Shaft 287- 4 BH 2551/2 5 TVH 251- 6 Woodfd Gr
2471/2 7 NEB 230- 8 Birchfd 207
(30) 16th May. YAs Boys Sth Prem Lge (2) Harrow
U17 100mA 3 D Watson 11.3- B 1 T Arojogun 11.4- 200mA 1 T Arojogun 23.2- B 1 J
Foe 24.4- 400mA 2 K Olusesi 52.8- B 2 D Bussey 55.6- 800mA 1 N Simpson 2:10.7- B
1 J Godsell 2:11.3- 1500mA 1 M Hill 4:16.3- B 1 W Bolton 4:17.3- 3000mA 1 W
Bolton 9:35.5- B 1 M Hill 9:49.3- 100HA 3 N Simpson 18.4- B 3 Am Thomas 18.5-
400HA 2 N Simpson 59.8- B 1 Am Thomas 63.7- 1500SCA 1 W Bolton 4:55.6-B- HJA 3 J
Guidetti 1.70- B 4 J Wilkie 1.30- PVA 3 J Guidetti 1.95-B- LJA 2 N Simpson 6.08-
B 1 D Watson 5.70- TJA 3 M Philips 10.76- B 2 An Thomas 10.63- SPA 1 A Patel
11.85- B 2 An Thomas 9.69- HTA 1 A Patel 30.95- B 1 R Emery 23.30- DTA 1 A Patel
39.35- B 3 R Emery 23.49- JTA 4 R Emery 33.63-B- 4X100m dq- 4X400m 2 BH 3:40.8
(Am Thomas, Bussey, Watson & Olusesi)-
U15 100mA 2 F Collymore 11.9- B 4 W Edet 14.2- 200mA 4 G Fergus 27.2- B 1 F
Collymore 24.8- 400mA 1 I Allerton 57.4- B 3 B Hopkins 58.3- 800mA 2 C Daniel
2:18.0- B 2 D Griffin 2:22.9- 1500mA 4 D Ryan 4:56.9- B 3 D Snow 5:03.5- 3000mA
3 T Puttock 11:04.9-B- 80HA 3 T Robinson 14.2- B 2 W Edet 14.8- HJA 2 G Fergus
1.55- B 2 R Wallace 1.45- PVA 2 T Robinson 2.50-B- LJA 3 D Griffin 5.54- B 2 G
Fergus 5.40- SPA 3 R Wallace 10.84- B 3 A Pope 8.03- HTA 4 R Wallace 17.27- B 3
A Pope 16.12- DTA 4 D Snow 17.41- B 3 D Ryan 16.56- JTA 4 C Daniel 24.29- B 3 A
Pope 23.30- 4X100m 2 BH 50.6 (Collymore, Fergus, R Wallace & Griffin)-
4X400m 2 BH 3:56.3 (Snow, Collymore, Daniel & Allerton)-
U13 100mA 2 B Jordan 13.1- B 3 D Murray 14.3- 200mA 1 B Jordan 28.0- B 3 D
Willis 30.4- 800mA 2 J Gorman 2:36.4- B 1 D Willis 2:40.5- 1500mA 3 T Beech
5:10.1- B 2 S Leach 5:16.5- LJA 2 D Murray 4.40- B 4 R Daniel 3.68- SPA 4 A
Middleton 7.04- B 4 T Beech 4.72- 4X100m 2 BH 58.3 (R Daniel, Willis, Murray
& Jordan)-
Match 1 Harrow 228- 2 BH 197- 3 Belgr 170- 4 Crawley 169
(31) 17th May. SCVAC Lge Kent Div Sutcliffe Pk 800m P Hamilton 2:21.4-
Match 1 BH
(32) 19th May. TSB Schools Cup Norman Pk 400m C Daniel 57.3
(33) 20th May. Wilde Sapte 3"M City of London 1 G Clifford 17.06- 16
Dn Marsden 18.40 76(2M50) M Cronin 20.26- 133 D Carton 21.39- 302 W Orton 23.39-
523 D Wilcox 26.07-
(34) 22nd May. BVAF Rd Relays Sutton Coldfield M50 5 BH 1:43.55 (12 J
Phelan 16.43- 15 M Cronin 18.08- 11 P Hamilton 17.15- 3 H Morten 16.27- 5 G
Lloyd 17.51- T Brightwell 17.31)
(35) 22nd May. Sth Women's Lge Div 2 (2) Wimborne
Sen 100mA 2 A Barnaby 12.8- B 2 K Porter 12.6- 200mA 2 L Guthrie 25.6- B 2 A
Barnaby 26.2- 400mA 4 N Morris 63.8- B- 800mA 2 G Viney 2:21.3- B- 1500mAB-
3000mAB- 100HA 1 K Porter 14.7- B- 400HAB- HJA 4 K Porter 1.35- B 4 N Morris
1.20- PVAB- LJA 3 L Guthrie 4.47-B 2 A Barnaby 4.12- TJAB- SPA 4 D Delasaux
8.04- B 4 K Porter 6.09- HTA 1 J Delasaux 35.27- B- DTA 4 J Delasaux 16.52- B 4
K Porter 13.69- JTA 2 J Delasaux 25.09- B 4 L Guthrie 7.08- 4X100m 2 BH 50.0-
Girls 100mA 1 K Benneworth 12.8- B 2 A Jacobs 13.8- ns L Guthrie 12.6- C Berry
14.0- E Bugler 14.1- H Robinson 14.3- J Porter 14.7- M Bentley 14.7- D B-Pierce
14.8- L Watling 15.8- A Atkins 16.2- 200mA 2 N Gharboui 27.1- B 1 A Jacobs 27.9-
800mA 2 E Bugler 2:31.6- B 1 C Berry2:32.2- 1500mA 2 V Ashley 5:22.4- B 3 M
Bentley 6:05.5- 5000mA - B - 75HA 1 K Benneworth 12.0- B 1 N Gharboui 12.9- HJA
4 D Bissell 1.20- B 2 M Bentley 1.15- LJA 1 K Benneworth 5.14- B 2 A Jacobs
4.39- SPA 2 S Alaneme 8.13- B 5 J Porter 5.00- DTA 3 K Willan 18.36-B 3 N
Gharboui 11.75-JTA 4 E Bugler 10.31-B 3 K Willan 7.43-4X100m 1 BH 52.0-
Match 1 Bracknl 200- 2 Wimborne 168- 3 Walton 166- 4 BH 143- 5 Highgt 125
(36) 23rd May. Rd 10Km Aberdeen P Smith 46.20- G Murray 59.17-
(37) 23rd May. Repr Match Loughborough 100m M Findlay 10.40pb- 800m C
Moss 1:52.18 5000m 2 D Heath 13:52.18pb- 3 D Taylor 13:52.45pb- M Steinle
14:01.13- 110H B 2 M Elliott 14.48- 3000SC D Lee 9:21.51
(38) 23rd May. Natl Jun Men's Sthn Prem Lge (1) Yate, Bristol
100mA 1 D Grant 10.8- B 2 A Harris 11.3- 200mA 1 D Grant 21.8- B 6 D Lougheed
23.6- 400mA 1 A Evans 50.9- B 3 N Dash 54.0- 800mA 8 M Lucht 2:08.4- B 6 D Baker
2:11.8- 1500mA 4 R Bentley 4:09.3- B 3 M Lucht 4:19.6- 3000mA 2 R Bentley
9:10.8- B 4 D Baker 9:27.0- 110HAB- 400HA 2 N Ursell 55.2- B 2 D Moore 59.7-
2000SCA 2 D Moore 6:24.4- B- HJA 3 D Moore 1.80- B 6 D Lougheed 1.40- PVA 5 D
Moore 2.30- B- LJA 1 M Awanah 7.20- B 3 L Edwards 6.21- TJA 7 R Bentley 10.79- B
8 M Lucht 9.00- SPA 6 J Lundman 11.23- B 6 C Rolfe 6.85- HTA 4 C Rolfe 35.85- B
2 J Lundman 23.17- DTA 7 J Lundman 30.34- B 5 C Rolfe 25.44- JTA 1 J Lundman
56.57- B 6 C Rolfe 20.30-4X100m 1 BH 43.6- 4X400m 2 BH 3:33.5- Match 1 Shaft
323- 2 Belgr 298- 3 Craw 279- 4 BH 274- 5 Harrow 266- 6 GEC 247
7 Yate 146- 8 Medw 141
(39) 23rd May. Natl Jun Women's Lge Sth-Medw Div (1) Croydon 1500m 2 C
Castledine 5:20.3-
5SP/3HT/7JT H Fosten 7.50/ 18.00/ 15.07- 7 BH
(40) 23rd May. Kent B&C Lge (2) Norman Pk
U15 100mA 3 F Collymore 12.2- B 1 S Brockwell 12.9- 200mA 1 F Collymore 24.3- B
1 J Greenidge 26.8- 400mA 1 I Allerton 56.8- B 1 B Hopkins 57.7- 800mA 3 C
Daniel 2:15.8- B 1 S Childs 2:17.2- 1500mA 4 D Snow 4:48.1- B 2 T Puttock
5:06.3- 3000mA 5 R Perkins 10:52.2- B 4 D Ryan 11:23.3- 80HA 1 S Brockwell 12.6-
B 3 D Snow 17.1- HJA 4 G Fergus 1.50- B 3 W Edet 1.40- LJA 1 G Fergus 5.20- B 2
C Daniel 4.50- SPA 1 A Mulhearn 12.00- B 1 R Wallace 10.78- DTA 2 A Mulhearn
29.13- B 2 R Wallace 17.93- JTA 5 A Pope 25.10- B 4 A Mulhearn 23.36- 4X100m 2
BH 49.3 (S Brockwell, G Fergus, J Greenidge & F Collymore)- 4X400m 1 BH
3:55.4 (S Childs 63.7- B Hopkins 57.7- C Daniel 56.8- I Allerton 57.2)-
U13 100mA 2 B Earley 13.3- B 1 B Jordan 13.2- 200mA 1 B Earley 27.9- B 1 B
Jordan 27.5- 400mA 2 J Gorman 65.8- B 2 B Inwood 71.6- 800mA 1 T Beech 2:30.1-
B- 1500mA 1 C Norris 4:48.2- B 1 S Leach 5:19.0- 75HA 1 B Jordan 14.1- B 1 R
Sunmonu 14.7- HJA 4 B Inwood 1.25- B 3 R Daniel 1.05- LJA 1 M Daniel 4.65- B 1 B
Earley 4.23- SPA 3 A Middleton 7.46- B 1 G North 7.06- DTA 2 D Murray 16.67- B 1
A Middleton 15.95- JTA 1 D Murray 36.53- B 2 A Middleton 23.02- 4X100m 1 BH 55.7
(R Sunmonu, B Earley, D Murray & B Jordan)- 4X400m 1 BH 4:34.7 (T Beech
69.4- C Norris 67.2- M Daniel 71.3- J Gorman 66.8)
Match 1 BH 419- 2 Bex 294- 3 Dartfd 290- 4 GEC 286- 5 Tonbr 256- 6 Medw 243-
(41) 29th May. Surrey Vets Chs Kingsmeadow 1500m 3 M Watling 4:19.3
(42) 30 May. IAAF Hengelo, Holl 200m 2 J Golding 20.68- 2M D Heath
8:38.16pb (3000m/ 8:02pb)
(43) 29/30 May. SEAA U20 Chs Haringey U20 100m/200m D Grant 11.07/ 22.16-
D Burley 11.26/ 21.93- 800m D Moulton 1:55.82- 400H 2 N Ursell 53.05pb- LJ 3 L
Edwards 6.58- TJ 1 P Francis 14.72- JT 1 J Lundman 57.60pb- U17 LJ 1 M Awanah
6.90- U15 100m F Colleymore- JW 800m 2 S Singer- 100H/400H 2/4 K Porter- GU17
100m/200m 2 A Barnaby- DT 2 E Oliver 29.98- GU15 100m/80H/ 5LJ (5.15) K
(44) 2nd Jun. Club Champs (1) Norman Pk
80m U13 1 B Earley 11.4- 2 P Aris (G) 13.7- 100m Sen 1 D Grant(U20) (Rampley
Cup) 11.5- 2 C Karageorghis 11.9- 3 K Olusesi 12.0- 4 S White 12.1- 5 J R
Turner(M40) 13.7- 6 R Brown (M45) 13.8- U17 1 M Philips 11.9- 2 J Foe 12.2- 3 D
Griffin(U15) 12.6- 4 C Daniel(U15) 13.4- 3000m 1 R Bentley(U20) (Morgan Cup)
9:24.8- 2 N Mayers 9:39.0- 3 D Corneille 9:45.1- 4 D Ellison 9:46.6- 5 R
Coles(M40) 9:53.5- 6 S Griffiths 9:59.9- 7 M Ellison 10:04.8- 8 N Gasson
10:12.6- 9 P Hamilton(M50) 10:14.0- 10 C Griffin 10:15.4- 11 A Lawes 10:18.3- 12
M Cronin 10:44.9- 13 D Snow(U15) 11:06.0- 14 M Shirley(U15) 11:49.4- 800m h'c 1
W Slack- 2 A Lawes- 3 J R Turner- 4 D Griffin- 5 C Norris- 6 S Griffiths- 7 R
Coles- 8 D Dhammaloka- 9 R Brown- 10 S Childs- 11 C Daniel- 12 A Pickering (+ M
Cronin)- HJ 1 S White 1.60- 2 S Tolson 1.60- 3 J Day (M65) 1.25- HT 1 S White
26.72- 2 S Tolson 24.20- 3 G Hickey 22.70 (M65 30.36)- 4 J R Turner 15.02- 5 J
Day 12.31 (M65 17.75)-
(45) 5th Jun. Brit Lge Div 1 (2) Birmingham
100mA 1 M Findlay 10.71- B 7 M Champion 11.16- 200mA 2 M Findlay 21.41- B 7 D
Burley 22.48- 400mA 8 C Moss 49.48- B 6 R Tabares 50.28- 800mA 3 P Fisher
1:51.20- B 7 A Draper 1:56.47- 1500mA 4 D Heath 3:50.32- B 3 M Airey 4:01.01-
5000mA 1 S Newport 14:18.44- B 3 J Bradley 14:54.21- 110HA 5 M Elliott 14.86- B
6 A Hodge 16.18- 400HA 7 N Ursell 53.70- B 7 S Pratt 56.27- 3000SCA 4 D Lee
9:16.58- B 2 D Moore 9:49.98- HJA 7 P Graham 1.95- B =4 A Hodge 1.90- PVA 8 S
Gascoigne 4.00- B 3 S Tolson 3.60- LJA 7 L Edwards 6.22- B 7 M Awanah 1.94- TJA
5 N Thomas 15.15- B 2 M Bramble 14.10- SPA 8 A Sharp 13.08- B 8 M Elliott 5.70-
HTA 8 J Lundman 17.35- B 7 P Calnan 3.61- DTA 3 E Udechuku 56.73- B 3 A Sharp
47.06- JTA 8 J Lundman 54.34- B 5 A Sharp 51.46- 4X100m 3 BH 41.32 (Grant,
Thomas, Burley & Findlay)- 4X400m 7 BH 3:20.22 (Moss, Fisher, Airey &
Match 1 Belgr 360- 2 Birchfd 323- 3 NEB 270- 4 Shaft Bn 262- 5 TVH 247- 6 BH 238
7 Woodfd Gr 234- 8 Sale 226
(46) 30/31 May. Inter-Counties Bedford 200m 6 M Findlay 21.52- M Champion
(Kt) 21.86 110H 4 M Elliott 14.51 (h 14.4)- 400H S Pratt (Ex) 55.45- 800m 2 P
Fisher (Bucks) 1:50.95- 5000m 1 D Taylor (Sy) 14:04.31- 10000m 2 M Steinle (Kt)
29:32.48- 6 A Arrand 30:06.48pb-
(47) 3rd Jun. Assembly Lge 3"M Victoria Pk W Clapham (KtAC) 25.12
(48) 5th Jun. Sth Lge Div 1 (3) Worthing
100mA 1 J Abadom 11.1- B 1 E Wodu 11.3- 200mA 3 J Abadom 23.5- B 3 M Purser
24.5- 400mA 1 N Keogh 50.6- B 2 S White 53.2- 800mA 1 M Skinner 1:58.9- B 3 R
Daniels 2:07.3- 1500mA 2 S Holmes 4:11.2- B 1 L Bulson 4:13.5- 5000mA 1 R Smith
15:38.5- B 1 J Baker 16:11.9- 110HA 4 M Purser 16.1- B 4 N Keogh 20.5- 400HA 1 M
Purser 57.9- B 1 N Keogh 59.0- 3000SCAB- HJA 4 S White 1.70- B =3 J Baker 1.55-
PVAB- LJA 4 M Purser 5.67- B 2 S White 5.39- TJA 4 N Keogh 10.95- B 3 M Purser
10.61- SPA 5 C Ellis 10.09- B 5 P Blatch 8.30- HTA 5 C Ellis 26.08- B 5 M
Skinner 10.12- DTA 5 C Ellis 34.52- B 5 S White 29.12- JTA 4 P Blatch 48.42- B 4
S White 38.18- 4X100m 5 BH 47.3- 4X400m 1 BH 3:31.5-
Match 1 Bournem 130- 2 Portsm 108- =3 BHB 98- =3 Dacorum 98- =3 Worthing 98
(49) 5th Jun. Sth Lge Div 5 (3) Norman Pk
100mA 1 C Karageorghis 12.1- B 1 D Lougheed 12.1- 200mA 1C Karageorghis 25.0- B
2 D Lougheed 24.1- 400mA 1 P Byfield 53.0- B 1 I Hamblin 56.0- 800mA 2 M Lucht
2:04.5- B 1 D Corneille 2:10.1- 1500mA 1 D Ayrton 4:07.4- B 1 E Prendergast
4:09.3- 5000mA 2 M Ellison 17:22.6- B 1 P Barlow 18:04.6- 110HA 2 I Holder 21.0-
B 1 D Wallington 21.8- 400HA 2 P Byfield 64.8- B 1 P Featherston 63.0- 3000SCA 2
D Ellison 10:51.5- B 1 S Griffiths 11:05.0- HJA 1 J Procter 1.60- B 1 I Holder
1.55- PVA 2 J Day 2.80- B 4 J Procter 1.50- LJA 1 P Byfield 5.76- B 1 D
Wallington 5.74- TJA 1 P Byfield 11.48- B 1 J Procter 10.50- SPA 1 G Hickey
10.86- B 1 P Featherston 8.91- HTA 2 G Hickey 24.64- B 1 P Featherston 20.99-
DTA 4 G Hickey 24.53- B 3 P Featherston 21.49- JTA 1 A Wadey 45.27- B 1 P
Featherston 38.52- 4X100m 1 BH 47.8- 4X400m 1 BH 3:39.7-
Match 1 BHC 164- 2 Plym 117- 3 Padd Wd 1111/2 4 W Norf 1031/2 5 Basingstk DNC
(50) 6th Jun. 1/2Marathon Enschede, Holl 1 M Steinle 63.27
(51) 6th Jun. 1/2Marathon Canterbury 1 C Keen 75.42-
(52) 6th Jun. YAs Boys Sth Prem Lge (3) Havering
U17 100mA 2 T Arojogun 11.5- B 1 D Watson 11.5- 200mA 1 D Watson 22.9- B 2 T
Arojogun 23.6- 400mA 2 K Olusesi 52.3- B 1 D Bussey 54.2- 800mA 4 W Bolton
2:07.1- B 3 K Olusesi 2:07.9- 1500mA 1 W Bolton 4:16.4- B- 3000mA 3 S Simmons
9:38.8- B 2 C Gay 10:12.3- 100HA 3 N Simpson 16.4- B 2 Am Thomas 17.8- 400HA 2
Am Thomas 62.9- B 1 N Simpson 64.3- 1500SCA 1 M Hill 4:46.6-B- HJA 4 M Philips
1.35- B 3 R Unwin 1.35- PVA 3 A Coe 1.95-B- LJA 2 N Simpson 5.95- B 2 R Unwin
5.47- TJA 3 R Unwin 10.73- B 2 M Philips 10.58- SPA 4 A An Thomas 10.28- B 4 K
Olusesi 6.71- HTA 4 An Thomas 21.00- B 4 M Philips 14.51- DTA 4 An Thomas 28.60-
B 4 Am Thomas 16.86- JTA 4 D Bussey 5.79- B 3 W Bolton 3.54- 4X100m dq- 4X400m 2
BH 3:39.2 (Olusesi 54.3- Bussey 56.8- Am Thomas 55.9- Watson 52.1)-
U15 100mA 2 F Collymore 11.9- B 1 Q Belgrave 12.1- 200mA 2 F Collymore 23.5- B 2
D Griffin 25.0- 400mA 2 I Allerton 55.5- B 1 B Hopkins 57.1- 800mA 2 C Daniel
2:12.9- B 2 D Griffin 2:40.3- 1500mA 2 S Childs 4:45.4- B 1 D Snow 4:49.5-
3000mA 4 R Perkins 10:53.4- B 4 P Moreton 14:04.7- 80HA 1 S Brockwell 12.1- B 2
R Shelley 14.5- HJA 3 G Fergus 1.50- B 3 Q Belgrave 1.40- PVA 1 T Robinson 1.90-
B 2 A Pope 1.50- LJA 1 Q Belgraven 5.30- B 1 G Fergus 5.05- SPA 1 A Mulhearn
11.35- B 2 R Wallace 9.00- HTA 1 A Mulhearn 33.90- B 1 R Wallace 18.56- DTA 1 A
Mulhearn 32.80- B 2 P Shelley 28.82- JTA 1 R Shelley 40.67- B 1 P Shelley 33.42-
4X100m 1 BH 48.3 (Collymore, Fergus, Belgrave & Brockwell)- 4X400m 1 BH
3:54.8 (Hopkins 58.0- W Edet 63.7- C Daniel 57.1- Allerton 56.0)-
U13 100mA 1 B Jordan 13.0- B 2 T Okobia 14.2- 200mA 2 B Jordan 26.2- B 3 D
Willis 30.4- 800mA 3 T Beech 2:32.9- B 2 D Willis 2:33.8- 1500mA 2 C Norris
4:49.6- B 2 S Leach 5:26.8- LJA 2 M Daniel 4.23- B 1 D Murray 3.94- SPA 2 B
Inwood 7.34- B 1 G North 6.50- 4X100m 2 BH 57.9 (R Sunmonu, M Daniel, T Okobia
& B Jordan)-
Match 1 AFD 223- 2 BH 219- 3 GEC 172- 4 Havering 150
(53) 6th Jun. TFA Chs New York 6 J Golding 20.85
(54) 6th Jun. Norbury 5M Avery Hill (25.16) 13 T Brightwell 30.35- 18 R
Brown 32.06-
(55) 9th Jun. BMC GP Wythenshawe 800m P Fisher 1:50.71- 1500m M Skinner
3:51.34 3000m D Taylor 7:57.64- S Newport 8:09.75
(56) 9th Jun. Repr Match L'b v RAF Loughborough 1DT/JT E Udechuku 59.64/
(57) 11th Jun. SCVAC Lge Kt Div Dartford 1 BH
(58) 12th Jun. County School T&F Chs Kt Ashford 1500m 1 R Bentley
4:01.3- 2 R Laming 4 A Rayner- SP 1 P Archer 13.08- IntB 400m I Allerton 55.2pb-
DT 1 A Patel 40.31- G800m 1 S Singer 2:16.5- GLJ 1 E Kuenstlinger 5.13- GU17 DT
E Oliver- London Croyd 110H(J) 1 M Freckleton 14.5- Sy Kingston 800m 1 D Moulton
(59) 13th Jun. Intl T&F Nuremburg 100m J Golding 10.44
(60) 13th Jun. Internl Games Bedford 100m 3 M Findlay 10.60- 800m 1 P
Fisher 1:50.81 110H 3 M Elliott 14.43- 400H N Ursell 56.71- TJ N Thomas 15.43
(61) 13th Jun. BAL Cups Rnd 1 Croydon
100m 1 J Abadom 11.0- 200m 1 M Champion 21.9- 400m 2 N Keogh 50.9- 800m 1 J
Mills 1:56.6- 1500m 1 M Skinner 3:57.6- 5000m 1 A Arrand 14:41.8- 10000m 4 P
Calnan 35:49.4- 110H 1 M Freckleton 14.8- 400H 1 S Pratt 56.4- 3000SC 1 J
Bradley 9:19.8- HJ 1 A Hodge 1.90- PV 2 S Tolson 3.80- LJ 3 A Hodge 6.20- TJ 1 M
Bramble 14.18- SP 2 A Sharp 12.87- HT 4 C Rolfe 30.76- DT 1 A Sharp 48.55- JT 1
A Sharp 52.15- 4X100m 1 BH 43.5 (J Abadom, M Champion, M Purser & S Jarred)-
4X400m 2 BH 3:24.2 (Keogh, Purser, S Cooper & Jarred)-
Match (Gold Cup) 1 BH 159- 2 Hast 119- 3 Croyd 115- 4 Medw 110- 5 Epsom & Ew
Women (Jubilee Cup) 400m 4 N Morris 63.7- 100H 1 K Porter 14.5pb- LJ 3 A Martin
5.07- SP/DT/JT E Oliver 8.31/ 28.87/ 21.19- HT H Fosten 17.91- Match 1 Epsom
138- 2 Medw 1201/2 3 Croyd 117- 4 Tonbr 491/2 5 BH 44
(62) 13th Jun. Rd 10Km Canterbury 5 C Keen 33.58- 12 S Smythe 35.01
(63) 13th Jun. SCVAC Chs Collingdale M50 100m/400H/LJ M Martineau 15.0/
79.8 cl rec/ 4.29- 5000m 1 P Hamilton 17:49.7-M65 100H/HJ/TJ 1 J Day
20.7/1.65/8.55- SP 1 G Hickey 13.30 BrRc
(64) 13th Jun. Kent B&C Lge (3) Tonbridge
U15 100mA 2 F Collymore 12.1- B 2 J Greenidge 12.9- 200mA 1 F Collymore 24.5- B
1 I Allerton 25.9- 400mA 2 B Hopkins 56.9- B 3 W Edet 63.0- 800mA 3 C Daniel
2:12.8- B 1 S Childs 2:16.4- 1500mA 2 D Snow 4:44.4- B 1 R Perkins 4:57.2-
3000mA 4 M Shirley 11:40.1- B 3 P Moreton 14:30.7- 80HA 1 S Brockwell 12.5- B 1
J Copland 14.1- HJA 4 G Fergus 1.55- B 1 B Hopkins 1.45- LJA 4 D Griffin 4.69- B
3 G Fergus 4.59- SPA 2 A Mulhearn 11.04- B 1 A Pope 7.77- DTA 1 A Mulhearn
29.99- B 3 A Pope 17.55- JTA 3 J Greenidge 31.16- B 4 A Pope 21.73- 4X100m 1 BH
49.4 (S Brockwell, G Fergus, J Greenidge & F Collymore- 4X400m 1 BH 3:50.1
(B Hopkins 59.4- D Griffin 57.8- C Daniel 57.9- I Allerton 55.0)-
U13 100mA 2 B Jordan 12.9- B 1 B Earley 13.6- 200mA 2 B Jordan 27.2- B 1 B
Earley 27.6- 400mA 3 R Daniel 69.1- B 2 J H-Bray 69.5- 800mA 1 C Norris 2:27.2-
B 1 J Gorman 2:30.7- 1500mA 1 T Beech 5:10.3- B 1 D Willis 5:25.1- 75HA 2 B
Jordan 14.3- B 1 B Earley 13.3- HJA 2 D Willis 1.25- B 1 A Double 1.20- LJA 3 M
Daniel 4.11- B 4 C Norris 3.43- SPA 3 A Middleton 7.09- B 3 A Double 6.22- DTA 2
A Middleton 18.38- B 4 B Inwood 15.76- JTA 1 B Inwood 34.01- B 1 D Murray 30.33-
4X100m 1 BH 56.3 (M Daniel, A Double, B Earley & B Jordan- 4X400m 1 BH
4:36.0 (C Norris 68.2- R Daniel 69.7- J Gorman 66.3- D Willis 71.8)
Match 1 BH 425- 2 Bex 294- 3 Medw 283- 4 Tonbr 2601/2 5 GEC 250- 6 Dartfd 2491/2
(65) 16th Jun. Club Chs (2) Norman Pk
800m 1 R Bentley (JM. Howard Cup) 1:57.6- 2 S Cooper (Barclay- Esson Cup)
1:58.9- 3 A Gibbins 2:01.4- 4(1V) R Minting 2:04.9- 5 K Daniel 2:06.3- 6 R Coles
2:15.4- 7 J R Turner 2:22.3- 8 R Brown 2:23.0- 9 A Pope 3:02.3- 600m U13 1 J
Gorman 1:49.1- 2 T Beech 1:53.0- 3 R Sunmonu 2:02.5- 10000m 1 R Smith (Whitbread
Tnkd) 32:45.1- 2 N Mayers 34:42.1- 3 S Griffiths 36:11.4- 4 D Ellison 36:12.2- 5
M Ellison 36:26.7- 6 A Lawes 36:47.0- 7 A Tucker 37:19.8- 8 B Bater 37:31.9- 9 M
Cronin 38:32.2- 10 D Flagg 39:01.9- 11 S Pairman 39:05.8- 12 J E Turner 40:47.7-
75H U13 R Sunmonu 16.8- 200m h'c 1 T Robinson- 2 T Beech- 3 R Sunmonu - 4 R
Minting- 5 A Middleton- 6 D Corneille- 7 R Coles- 8 D Dhammaloka- 9 J R Turner-
PV 1 S Tolson 3.70- 2 S White 2.81- 3 J Day (M65) 2.70- U15 T Robinson 2.51- A
Pope 1.90- DT 1 S White 32.95- 2 S Tolson 26.63- 3 J R Turner 21.87- 4 K Daniel
14.74- 5 J Day 14.55 (M65 18.90)- U15 A Pope 19.05- U13 1 A Middleton 20.71- 2 T
Oliver 13.52- SW/U17W E Oliver 28.50/ 30.24-
(66) 19/20 Jun. Euro Cup Paris 200m 3 J Golding 20.49- (Also 4X100m 1 GB
(67) 19/20 Jun. SEAA Chs Watford 100m/200m 2 M Findlay 10.35- Abadom
10.88/ 22.56
M Champion 21.69- 800m M Skinner 1:54.61- 1500m 5 P Fisher 3:50.39- 110H M
Elliott 14.4- 5 M Freckleton 14.9- 400H N Keogh 55.74- S Pratt 56.17- M Purser
56.70- 3000SC 4 D Lee 9:16- PV S Gascoigne 4.20- TJ 4 N Thomas 15.31- M Bramble
14.57- DT 1 E Udechuku 60.23
(68) 20th Jun. Natl Jun Men's Sthn Prem Lge (2) Croydon
100mA 1 D Burley 10.9- B 1 D Grant 10.9- 200mA 2 D Burley 21.9- B 1 D Grant
21.7- 400mA 1 A Evans 50.7- B 1 A Wilson 50.9- 800mA 2 D Moulton 1:58.1- B 3 A
Rayner 2:00.5- 1500mA 2 R Bentley 4:02.8- B 1 S Holmes 4:16.6- 3000mA 1 J Baker
9:02.4- B 1 R Laming 9:17.3- 110HA 3 M Awanah 16.3- B 5 D Bussey 21.8- 400HAB-
2000SCA 1 D Moore 6:04.9- B- HJA 5 J Guidetti 1.65- B 5 J Baker 1.50- PVA 4 J
Fealey 3.60- B- LJA 2 L Edwards 6.75- B 4 M Awanah 5.71- TJA 1 P Francis 14.56-
B 4 D Lougheed 11.53- SPA 5 P Archer 13.48- B- HTA 7 C Rolfe 29.54- B 7 J Baker
10.54- DTA 6 P Archer 33.67- B 5 J Lundman 28.42- JTA 2 J Lundman 55.84- B-
4X100m 1 BH 43.1- 4X400m 3 BH 3:33.6- Match 1 ShBt 326- 2 Belgr 308- 3 BH 302- 4
Harrow 275- 5 Craw 248- 6 GEC 204- 7 Medw 178- 8 Yate 139
(69) 20th Jun. North Downs 30Km 2 R Smith 1:53.26
(70) 20th Jun. Jun Women's Lge Ashford
A100m/A200m/BLJ 1 A Barnaby- B100m/ALJ 1 E Kuenstlinger- 400m 1 S Singer 56.8-
1500m 3 G Viney 4:53.6- B200m/800m 5 K Bugler- DT 2 E Oliver 30.30- Match 4 BH
(71) 21st Jun. Camb H Trail 10Km Joydens Wood
(31.45) 4(1V) S Smythe 33.32- 17 R Brown 37.13- 72 A Jelly 47.08-
(72) 23rd Jun. Vets AC T&F Kingsmeadow 5000m W Clapham 22:11.8
(73) 27th Jun. Intl T&F Gateshead 100m/200m 6/3 J Golding 10.31/
20.70- DT E Udechuku 54.59
(74) RACE WALKING 28/4 Sthn 10K Ch Batt Pk. 4 P Hannell 54.15- 4/5
Steyning 5K. S Lightman 26.51- 5/5 Blackheath Pk 9K. P Hannell 51.09- 16/5
London/Brighton 6 N Simmons 9:54.37- 18/5 VAC 5M Batt Pk. 1 S Lightman 42.36-
19/5 Tr 3K Woodford. 2 P Hannell 15:08.7- 2/6 Blackheath Pk 9K. 4 P Hannell
49.16- 8 N Simmons 54.38- 5/6 RWA 35K. 15 S Lightman 3:42.26- 17 N Simmons
3:47.23- 15/6 VAC 5M Batt Pk. 14 N Simmons 48.43- 19/6 BV 20K Sutton Pk. 11 S
Lightman 1:57.57-
(75) MONTHLY SERIES 5/5 BH 3.12M Hayes. 1 R Walsh 19.12 rn tm- 2 A Lawes
17.22- 3 B Bater 17.43- 4 N Mayers 16.19 (1)- 5 C Keen 16.23 (2)- 6 T Brightwell
18.25- 7 A Cilia 21.59- 8 C Pike 18.44- 9 D Carton 19.31- 10 G Meek 17.50- 11 J
Leeson 19.36- 12 D Ellison 17.24- 13 B O'Gorman 18.55- 14 J R Turner 19.10- 15 R
Brown 18.27- 16 A Tucker 17.43- 17 S Pairman 18.14- 18 M Salmon 20.19- 19 S
Griffiths 17.11 (3)- 20 S Freemantle 18.58- 21 W Slack 18.46- 22 B McShane
19.19- 23 M Gasson 22.18- 24 G Longley 20.18- 25 M Ellison 17.45- 26 P Lovell
20.48- 27 B Hartley 22.22- 28 A Pickering & M Cronin 27.12- 14/5 Danson Pk
5K. W Clapham 22.20- 9/6 BH 3.12M Hayes. 1 S Pairman 17.57 rn tm- 2 M Cronin
18.20- 3 M Ellison 17.07(2)- =4 B Bater 17.29- =4 D Ellison 17.14- 6 J E Turner
18.49- =7 A Cilia 21.50- =7 A Lawes 17.20 (=3)- 9 C Keen 16.17 (1)- 10 R Brown
18.32- 11 S Griffiths 17.20 (=3)- 12 W Slack 18.38- 13 M Gasson 22.12- 14 J
Leeson 20.04- 15 A Tucker 18.05- 16 J Copley 20.21- 17 N Barber 20.26- 18 R
Walsh 19.57- 19 W Orton 23.25-
(76) Sri Chinmoy Battersea Pk 17/5 (10.04) 2M 2 Dn Marsden 10.14- W
Clapham 14.00
7/6 (2M/9.22) 5 S Smythe 10.27- 2M50 P Hamilton 11.00- W Clapham 14.02-
(77) TRIATHLON 30/5 Rhondda (sw 800m- cy 26M- rn 10K) 2M50 J Phelan
2:16.50 6/6 Bournemouth (sw 1500m- cy 40K- rn 10K) 1M40 N Kinsey 2:00.38 (qual
World Chs)- L Smith-
(78) ORIENTEERING 8/5 Natl Orienteering Champs Lake District
M70 Class 4.5Km 3 G Geere (TVOC) (7 J Disley, 19 C Brasher, for those of you
with long memories). Geoff is ranked 2nd M70 in the Brit Orienteering
Championship with 4068 pts.
Lyn Atterbury writes from Poland where he lives-
"Road running in Poland is a serious sport. The standard is generally
very high with excellent organisation, TV coverage, supporting races for
children, lots of sponsorship (free food, free beer, free entry). Roads are
closed by the police, who even provide the lead car."
details from Bill Clapham