VOL 18. No4. MAR 1999. PRESIDENT 1998/9: Chris Haines
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
The Senior team retained the SEAA Championship, with Mark Steinle gaining
the individual title. The Junior men were third, as they had been in the Kent.
The Mobmatch was won against Ranelagh. Here Roy Smith gained the Thompson Medal
as did Pat Calnan the Rowland in the Club 10, but, as last year, there was a
mix-up as to the course at the farm. There have been some good indoor results
and Dave Heath has managed to combine this with winning the short-course World
Championship Trial.
The London Schools' will be on Tues 9th Mar at Beckenham Place Park, first
race 1.30.
The Blackheath Harriers Schools' Races will be on Wed 10th
March at Sparrows Den. The usual Senior race will be at 3 pm, preceded by The
Mayor's Challenge for younger boys and girls from Bromley schools, with the
first race at 1 pm. Organised again by Colin Rowe, who would be glad of any
This has been re-arranged for Fri 23rd April, 7.30 for 8 pm. Please make
bookings ASAP.
To be held at Hayes Country Club on Fri 7th May and including the YAs
Presentation Evening. Anyone interested in sponsoring a race at £50 or buying a
horse at £5 contact John Baldwin. Further details will be available shortly.
The Club Appeal this year will be for the RNLI & the Bromley Community
House. Our runners will also be supporting various other causes. Anyone able to
take part in the baggage handling process, which aids Club funds, should contact
Colin Poole.
The Road Handicaps of 3.12M will again be organised by Steve Freemantle. They
will be on Weds at 7pm, the first two dates being 14th Apr & 5th May. Entry
at the Clubhouse.
At Norman Pk the Club T&F Championship evenings will
be 2nd & 16th June, 7th & 21st July. One-Hour Race in Sept subject to
work on the track.
Members who have not competed at track & field before
are invited to try it at the above fixtures and/or at the Southern & Vet
leagues where there are also non-scoring events.
You must admit running the Marathon's a bit of a mystery, both to the
non-runner, to the non-Marathon runner and perhaps even to the Marathon runner.
It's a source of legend, and don't the tales grow in the telling.
It's supposed to start with the messenger Pheidippides
gasping his last 'Rejoice, we conquer'. Pure make-believe. The real bloke (Phillipedes)
was a professional foot courier. Knew how to pace himself and pocket the
appearance money. Ran from Athens to Sparta for some reinforcements, only the
Spartans weren't having any, not until the next full moon, 'cos they liked to
see what was going on, otherwise 'getting a bronze' might take on a sinister
meaning. Anyway, P ran straight back home again - more punctual than Connex. But
why spoil a good story, and the tale was enough to get a race from Marathon to
Athens put in the first modern Olympics of 1896 and to inspire a Greek shepherd,
Spiridon Louis, to win it.
Good stories often gather around Royalty, and if you've
struggled over those last 385 yards you might have wondered why anyone thought
the Royal Box should be someplace else except at the usual track finish line.
The recent death of Jim Peters reminds us that apparent
failure may bring greater glory than success. Both Jim (at the 1954 Commonwealth
Games) and Dorando Pietra (at the 1908 London Olympiad) failed to make it to the
line, but are remembered where the names of recent international Marathon
runners soon fade from memory. Again Royalty took a hand in both cases with
one-off awards.
A blazing row is always ammunition for a good story, and the spectacular
Polytechnic Marathon trophy has provided it in recent years. Our Club has some
fine trophies, but the Polytechnic is a massive silver & oak piece, five
foot high, presented by The Sporting Life in 1909. Polytechnic Harriers thought
they owned it 1/2in perpetuity1/2 but Chris Brasher and the London Marathon have
other ideas. Who do you suppose stands on top of the Polytechnic trophy? (With a
smile on his face?). Pheidippides.
(01) 4th Oct. Gt North 1/2Marathon cf (18239) Add C
Canty & G Enright
(02) 4th Oct. Vets T&F Reading SP M65 1 G Hickey 12.99 Br Rec
(03) 1st Nov. MT Marathon Seven Sisters cf (18316) Add C Hall 4.32- J
Isaacs 4.37
(04) 31st Dec. Forest Trail 7Km Wielen, Pol 6/30 L Atterbury
(05) 1st Jan 1999. Rd 10Km Hyde Pk 16 M Lucht 34.58-
(06) 2nd Jan. Herc Wim Rd 7M Wimbledon Cmn 2 J Bradley 36.07-
(07) 3rd Jan. Tadworth Rd 10M Epsom Downs 1M60 B O'Gorman 65.24
(08) 9th Jan. Kent XC Chs Gillingham Sen 12Km (38.40) 3 M Steinle 39.34-
5 D Smith 40.21 31 S Smythe (Cam H) 45.11- 34 P Calnan 45.36- 127 N Barber
56.44- No team- JM (32.29) 4 S Holmes 33.50- 11 S Turner 36.41- 18 D Baker
38.34- Tm 3 BH- U17 (19.55) 2 M Hill 20.04- 5 R Laming 20.25- 9 A Madar 20.33-
11 W Bolton 20.38- 14 S Dunderdale 20.48- 20 A Moreton 22.02- 24 D Bussey 22.47-
Tm 1 BH- U15 (14.38) 13 D Ryan 15.42- 20 C Daniel 16.05- 24 R Perkins 16.12- 33
D Griffin 17.21- 34 D Snow 17.26- 45 J Wheatley 19.48- 47 P Moreton 20.56- Tm 5
BH- U13 (10.05) 3 C Norris 10.40- 17 J Boutle 11.50- 18 T Beech 11.55- 23 M
Shirley 12.23- Tm 3 BH- GU17 (15.49) 2 G Viney 16.15- 4 C Castledine 18.04- 7 H
Barker 18.49- 13 S Singer 19.32- 14 F Barker 19.40- Tm 2 BH- GU15 31 K Boutle
16.15- GU13 (11.35) 4 G Coleman 12.03- 5 E Bugler 12.10- 11 V Ashley 12.29- 18 C
Berry 12.57- 43 T Patmore 15.27- Tm 1 BH-
(09) 10th Jan. Walt Disney Marathon Florida G Griffin 3:51- R Griffin
3:59- D Lawrie 4:29
(10) 16th Jan. County XC Lges Kent Hayes. (37.17) 24 C Keen 42.07- 25 R
Daniels 42.15 34 S Griffiths 42.59- 40 D Ellison 43.25- 49 A Lawes 44.25- 77 C
Pike 47.13- 83 W Slack 47.39- 84 G Meek 47.42- 89 T Brightwell 48.16- 107 R
Brown 50.07- 112 S Capey 50.39- 115 H Cooper 51.16- 125 S Ridgewell 52.43-
Tms(Sc 4) 7 BHA- 17 BHB- Duodec 4 BH- Sy2 Lloyd Pk. 4 M Watling (VAC) 31.28- 10
S Smythe (DulR) 32.38- 20 K Daniel (VAC) 33.36- 126 W Clapham (VAC) 43.57- Sy4
Haslemere. J E Turner (DulPk)
(11) 16th Jan. Reebok XC Chall Cardiff 9Km 11 S Newport 32.36
(12) 17th Jan. Rd 10Km Hastings (30.18) 4 D Smith 31.33-
(13) 17th Jan. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lges Danson Pk U17 1 M Hill- 4 W
Bolton 13 A Moreton- 16 D Bussey- Tm 2 BH- U13 1 C Norris- SW 2 S Budd- GU17 1 K
Lucht- 5 S Singer- 10 K Bugler- Tm 1 BH- GU15 8 J Patmore- GU13 7 C Berry-
(14) 23rd Jan. IAAF XC Belfast 8Km (25.06) 7 D Heath 25.27-
(15) 23rd Jan. Mobmatch v Ranelagh 7"M Hayes
1 Roy Smith (Thompson Medal) 46.15 (H'c pos 9)- 2 G Clifford 46.38 (5)- 3 M
Watling 48.04 (18)- 4 D Macdonald (Ranelagh) 48.06- 7 P Calnan 49.38 (33)- 8 R
Daniels 49.42 (25)- 10 J Beck 49.46 (7)- 12 C Keen 50.00 (21)- 14 S Griffiths
50.42 (4)- 15 M Ellison 52.00 (24)- 17 D Ellison 52.19 (20)- 18 A Lawes 52.23
(2)- 21 W Slack 53.32 (13)- 22 H Morten (1M50 Harry Sheer Cup) 53.52 (49)- 23 A
Tucker 53.55 (10)- 26 S Pairman (Lanterne Rouge) 55.02 (26)- 27 G Meek 55.04
(30)- 28 J R Turner 55.25 (28)- 29 D Flagg 55.53 (23)- 30 C Fincham 56.07 (45)-
32 C Pike 56.12 (42)- 33 S Freemantle 56.48 (38)- 34 B Fisher 57.08 (35)- 36 T
Brightwell 57.49 (22)- 38 A Davis 58.23 (27)- 39 J E Turner 58.37 (17)- 40 S
Capey 58.42 (8)- 41 S Ridgewell 58.51 (32)- 42 R Walsh 59.04 (15)- 43 H Cooper
59.10 (36)- 45 R Brown 59.50 (39)- 48 Ph Taylor 60.50 (48)- 49 M Wade 61.10
(11)- 51 S Haley 61.40 (37)- 52 S Hollingdale 61.45 (16)- 53 T Wood 61.52 (34)-
54 M Salmon 62.06 (47)- 55 J Leeson 62.24 (43)- 58 A Edwards 64.31 (19)- 59 B
Wilson 64.49 (29)- 60 A Pontifex 64.57 (41)- 64 W Clapham 66.22 (14)- 65 A Cilia
67.03 (40)- 66 D Churchus 69.29 (50)- 67 S Lloyd 69.29 (31)- 68 M Gasson 69.40
(46)- 69 C Haines 70.45 (3)- 70 J Bugler 71.05 (44)- 71 B Hartley 74.24 (53)- 72
A Jelly 75.50 (1)- 73 W Orton 76.18 (54)- 74 D Brookes 80.44 (6)- 75 R Watkins
82.30 (12)- 76 K Tyler 89.16 (52)- 77 D Tingey 97.36 (51)- Pelling-Ratcliff Cup
(Sc 15) BH 199- Ranelagh 320
(16) 30th Jan. SEAA XC Champs Parliament Hill
Sen 15K 1 M Steinle 49.34- 8 S Newport 51.00- 10 D Taylor 51.50- 40 J Bradley
54.04- 51 R Smith 54.27- 80 G Clifford 55.41- 88 M Watling (Perseverance Cup)
55.51- 93 R Daniels 56.06- 144 S Cooper 58.02- 175 R Parrott 59.04- 240 P Calnan
60.43- Tms 1 BH 190 (Frank Wynn Cup)- JM 7 M Skinner 30.06- 35 S Holmes 32.20-
41 R Bentley 32.44- 54 S Turner 33.35- 67 L Cooper 34.03- Tms 3 BH 137- U17 40 M
Hill 25.04- 83 A Rayner 26.19- 85 S Dunderdale 26.21- 98 R Laming 26.44- 139 A
Moreton 28.05- Tms 13 BH 306- U15 50 J Godsell 20.33- 86 R Perkins 21.16- 133 D
Snow 22.08- 178 C Daniel 23.20- 198 J Wheatley 24.47- 231 P Moreton 29.32- Tms
18 BH 447- U13 42 C Norris 13.42- 93 J Boutle 14.37- 170 T Beech 15.47- 198 M
Shirley 16.27- Tms 24 BH 503- SW 6 S Brice 34.42- GU17 8 G Viney 22.15- 89 H
Barker 26.52- 104 F Barker 28.09- 105 S Singer 28.17- Tms 10 BH- GU15 124 J
Patmore 24.36- 161 N Morris 26.12- 162 K Boutle 26.19- GU13 52 C Berry 15.32- 61
E Bugler 15.41- 82 G Coleman 15.59- 85 V Ashley 16.04- Tm 10 BH 280-
(17) 23rd Jan. Vets AC XC Ch 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn 4 S Smythe (Cam H) 26.54-
(18) 23rd Jan. Kent Sch Hythe IntB 1 M Hill- 4 W Bolton- JunB 3 D Ryan-
SenG 10 S Singer-
(19) 24th Jan. Rd 25Km Mitcham (82.59) 77(1M60) B O'Gorman 105.06- 113 J
E Turner 108.52
206 P Cobbett 120.33- 215 J Reynolds 121.55- 252 D King 124.21- 270 C Poole
126.32- 285 K White 128.47- 326 I Jordan 134.05- 396 Fin
(20) 30th Jan. Snow 7Km Okonek, Pol (23.54) 7/19 L Atterbury 27.15
(21) 6th Feb. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn 3(1M45) K Daniel 27.13- 4 M
Watling 27.42-
(22) 6th Feb. Surrey Sch XC Reigate IntB 8 J Godsell
(23) 6th Feb. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lges Ashford
U17 5 A Rayner- 9 S Dunderdale- 10 A Moreton- 12 D Bussey- Tms 2 BH- U15 D Snow-
D Griffin- Tms 2 BH- U13 2 C Norris- J Boutle- T Beech- M Shirley- Tms 3 BH-
GU15 9 JPatmore- GU13 3 G Coleman- 11 C Berry- 20 M Bentley-
(24) 7th Feb. Rd 10Km Ewell 1 D Taylor 31.36- 7 N Mayers 34.07- 13 R
Bentley 34.58-
(25) 7th Feb. Rd 10Km Dewsbury 7 S Newport 30.05-
(26) 13th Feb. South of Thames Senior Centenary XC Ch Sparrows Den (7M/
34.42) 7 G Clifford 36.01- 10 D Lee 36.14- 11 A Draper 36.15- 14 M Airey 36.41-
29 P Calnan 37.22- 32 R Parrott 37.30- 41 C Keen 38.24- 58 S Griffiths 39.31-
Tms (Sc6) 2 BH 103-
(27) 13th Feb. Bromley Vets XC 5M Beckenham Place Pk
1/34 S Smythe 29.48- 4 W Slack 31.40- 5(1M50) T Brightwell 32.42- 6 C Griffin
32.56- 7 S Ridgewell 33.19- 11 R Walsh 34.11- 12(1M55) J Robinson 34.38-
13(2M55) H Cooper 35.03- 19 J Leeson 36.01- 23 Jn Brown 38.32- 24 Co Rowe 38.50-
25 W Clapham 39.05- 32 D Brookes 44.06
(28) 14 th Feb. 1/2Marathon Wokingham 1 D Taylor 68.42
(29) 14 th Feb. Kent AC Rd 10M Sidcup (55.34) 11/180 M Ellison 59.21-
18(2M50) T Brightwell 63.36- 60 R Hogwood 73.52- 88 G Crowder 77.59-
(30) 17th Feb. London Coll XC Lge 5.2M Guildford 1 M Skinner (Brun) 29.12
(31) 20th Feb. Inter-Counties XC Nottingham (incl GB World Ch trials) 4Km
1 D Heath 12.23-
(32) 20th Feb. Kent XC Lge Swanley (New course)
(30.14) 24 C Keen 33.35- 33 S Griffiths 34.09- 57 G Meek (G) 35.52- 75 T
Brightwell 37.27- 85 C Pike 38.00- 123 N Barber 41.17- 136 M Wade 42.33- Tms (Sc
4) 11 BH
(33) 20th Feb. SCVAC XC Ch 9.7Km Perivale 1/72 M Watling 38.00- 52 W
Clapham 52.15
(34) 27th Feb. Surrey XC Lge Div 2 5M Wimbledon Common
(All VAC) 5 M Watling- H Morten- W Clapham 36.23-
(35) 27th Feb. Club XC 10M Hayes (The first five runners ran a shortened
course and were all allocated 35th place in the Bennett handicap. The race
finishing order stands).
1 P Calnan (Rowland Cup) 57.45 (H'c postn 35)- 2 C Keen 57.57 (35)- 3 S
Griffiths 58.48 (35)- 4 A Draper 60.02 (35)- 5 D Ellison 60.50 (35)- 6 M Ellison
68.35 (10)- 7 J Beck 69.46 (23)- 8 P Barlow 70.02 (8)- 9 G Meek 70.17 (2)- 10 W
Slack 70.59 (6)- 11 A Lawes 71.56 (16)- 12 C Pike 74.04 (13)- 13 J R Turner
74.21 (12)- 14 T Brightwell 74.34 (3)- 15 S Pairman 75.43 (24)- 16 A Bounds
76.07 (1)- 17 R Brown 76.38 (5)- 18 C Griffin 77.17 (7)- 19 H Cooper 77.41 (17)-
20 S Ridgewell 78.10 (15)- 21 A Davis 79.33 (22)- 23 N Barber 80.58 (19)- 24 J
Leeson 81.06 (11)- 25 D White 81.15 (18)- 27 R Walsh 82.06 (26)- 28 S Capey
83.10 (31)- 29 P Lovell 84.57 (28)- 30 C Painter 85.02 (9)- 31 A Edwards 86.25
(14)- 32 A Cilia 87.46 (27)- 33 B Wilson 88.40 (29)- 34 Jn Brown 88.45 (32)- 35
A Murrell 90.53 (21)- 36 M Gasson 91.10 (20)- 37 Co Rowe 91.23 (30)- 38 C Haines
96.43 (25)- 39 A Jelly 98.29 (4)- 40 J Bugler 101.01 (34)- 41 P Shepheard 102.03
Leaders after 7 events
1 H Cooper 318- 2 W Slack 303- 3 J Leeson 298- 4 C Pike 295- =5 A Cilia 292- =5
J R Turner 292- 7 M Ellison 291- =8 P Calnan 281- =8 A Davis 281- 10 R Brown
258- 11 C Haines 257- 12 A Lawes 253- 13 R Walsh 244- 14 B Fisher 242- 15 C Keen
26/12 Brighton 5.5M. 3 S Lightman 50.29- 9/1/99 Imber Crt 10K. 12 P Hannell
54.21- 23 N Simmons 59.54- 27 S Lightman 63.03- 16/1 Steyning 15K. 5 P Hannell
85.46- 23/1 SyWC 10M Monks Hill. 7 S Lightman 95.27- 9 N Simmons 96.36- 6/2
Victoria Pk 10K. 12 S Lightman 54.25- 16 P Hannell 56.09- 13/2 Bexley 10K. 7 P
Hannell 54.21- 20/2 Ex/Mdx 10M Chigwell. 11 S Lightman 94.02-
(37) INDOORS 10/12 Horsham. JW 50m E Kuenstlinger 7.5- 9/1/99 Cryst Pal.
60m GU17 A Barnaby 8.0- GU15 K Benneworth 8.4- 60H U20 M Freckleton 8.5- U15 T
Robinson 9.9- JW K Porter 9.1- 9-10/1 Midl Birmingham. 60m/200m M Findlay 6.84/
21.56- 13/1 Cryst Pal. 60m A Lashore 6.9- D Grant(U20) 7.1- 16/1 Cryst Pal. PV S
Gascoigne 4.00- S Tolson 3.60- J Day 2.80- T Robinson(U15) 2.40- SP(U20) P
Archer 13.04- 16-17/1 Birmingham. 200m A Wilson 22.06- M Findlay 22.11- 1500m J
Mills 3:57.72- 60H M Freckleton(U20) 8.26- LJ L Edwards(U20) 6.65- LJ GU15 K
Benneworth 4.85- 21/1 Horsham. 50m S Harrison 6.5- 23-24/1 S of Eng Bedford. 60m
A Lashore 6.77- 60H U20 M Freckleton 8.24- U15 T Robinson 10.07- 30/1 Horsham.
PV 1 A Hardy 3.90- 30-31/1 AAA Birmingham. 60m sf A Lashore 6.87 (h 6.83)- 200m
sf M Findlay 22.40 (h 21.66)- 800m 3 P Fisher 1:55.11 (h 1:51.42)- 3000m 3 D
Heath 8:08.09- 60H 5 M Elliott 8.07- S Martin 8.78- TJ M Bramble 14.39- SP 2 E
Udechuku 16.99- 31/1 SCVAC Cryst Pal. M55 1HJ/2PV J Robinson 1.35/2.00- M60 SP 2
C Brand 10.54- M65 100H/HJ/PV/TJ J Day 11.6/ 1.25/ 2.60/ 8.22- SP 1 G Hickey
12.26 Br Rec- 6/2 U23 GB v Fr Birmingham. 800m 1 P Fisher 1:52.49- TJ 4 M
Bramble 14.63- SP 2 E Udechuku 16.94- 6/2 Cryst Pal. 60m U17 D Watson 7.5- GU17
A Barnaby 8.1- 60H M Freckleton 8.1- GU17 K Porter 9.0- SP U20 P Archer 13.15-
7/2 Haringey. 60m U20 D Burley 7.0- 60H S Martin 8.9- 10/2 Cryst Pal. 60m A
Wilson 7.1- 10/2 Lough'b v Brunel v Army. 600m/ B1Km 1 M Skinner (Brun) 81.08/
2:28.09- 60H M Elliott 8.20- SP 2 E Udechuku (L'b) 16.71- 13/2 Cryst Pal. PV S
Gascoigne 4.30- J Day 2.75- LJ GU15 H Robinson 3.83- 20-21/2 AAA U20 Birmingham.
60m 8 A Wilson 6.98 (.97)- D Burley 7.04- 400m 1 A Wilson 48.15- 1500m 9 S
Holmes 4:13.55- 60H 6 M Freckleton 8.54 (.25)- LJ 5 L Edwards 6.70- GU17 3 A
Barnaby 7.72pb- 60H 5 K Porter 9.10-