VOL 18. No3. JAN 1999. PRESIDENT 1998/9: Chris Haines
HON. SECR:- J Baldwin, 25 Forge Rise, Uckfield, E Sussex TN22 5BU (01825
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
This free course, on behalf of Kent AA, will again be held at our HQ on Tuesday
evenings from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. Talks are on 9th & 16th Feb with a test to
qualify as graded officials on 2nd Mar. Options are:- Tr or Fd Judge,
Timekeeper, Starter/ Marksman.
There is a continuing shortage of officials at all levels
of athletics and it is a great support to our Club teams if members are able to
give some time to this activity, even if only occasionally. Anyone interested
should contact:-
Mike Davies, 21 Tudor Way, Petts Wood, BR5 1LH. (01689
BENNETT CUP Leaders after 5 events
H Cooper 249- A Cilia 237- J Leeson 230- C Pike 228- P Calnan 227- B Fisher
216- J R Turner 210- A Davis 208- M Ellison 203- W Slack 200- R Daniels 188- R
Brown 180
Held 20th Nov at St.Dunstan's Coll 66 2/3 yd
1 N Kinsey (Maryon-Wilson Cup) 43.0" (H'c postn 2)- 2 T Brightwell 43.4
(6)- 3 C Brand 50.2 (3)- 4 J Phelan 55.6 (1)- 5 T Shotton 69.5 (4)- 6 D Johnson
75.6 (7)- 7 M Cronin 79.7 (5)- 8 M Martineau 80.3(10)- 9 A Brent 90.2(8)- 10 W
Clapham 92.6(9)
The St.John Mathews & Frankeiss Rowing Cups were due to be contested in
early December but we were unable to raise a crew. Some of our earliest members
were rowers who took up cross-country for winter fitness, so let's keep the
connection alive. Anyone interested in a team for next year should contact Colin
Recent Heathen visitors to the Club have included- Mark Farrell (NZ), Mark
Crisp (Luxembourg) and Graham Coates (USA).
200 CLUB
Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
Recent winners:- Nov £50 Peter Irvine, £25 Danny Taylor & Roger Counter
Dec £360 Margaret Baldwin
(01) Jun. Open T&F Croydon cf (18203) Corr
3000m D Ayrton 8:47.7
(02) 29th Aug. T&F Utrecht 800m J Mills 1:50.2
(03) 13th Sept. Gt South 10M Rd Run Portsmouth cf (18239) Add 2M60 B
O'Gorman 61.15
(04) 4th Oct. Gt North 1/2Marathon Newcastle- S.Shields cf (18264) Add W
Orton 108.29
(05) 4th Oct. 1/2Marathon Windsor cf (18266) Add 33 N Mayers 79.28- 949 C
Haines 104.45
(06) 11th Oct. Rd Races Kingston cf (18273) Full Result
16M (1:31.23) 37 A Whizzer 1:53.13- 44 C Painter 1:56.01- 152 L Smith 2:17.41-
1/2 Marathon (74.17) 108 J Isaacs 94.29- 268 J Else 105.41-
(07) 17th Oct. Kent XC Lge cf (18275) Full result
(33.41) 3 D Smith 34.05- 10 R Smith 35.42- 32 L Cooper 37.26- 52 Dn Marsden
38.44- 65 K Daniel 39.56- 79 S Griffiths 40.46- 147 N Barber 46.16- Tms (Sc4) 6
(08) 18th Oct. Forbanks 10Km Beckenham cf (18276) Correct/Add
7 S Smythe 35.37- 13 W Slack 37.49- 23 D Carton 40.25- 29 Ph Taylor 41.10- 59 D
King 45.24- 72 G Crowder 47.28-
(09) 21st Oct. London Colls Lge XC 5M Parliament Hill 10 M Skinner
(Brunel) 28.15
(10) 25th Oct. Rd 10Km Wilmington 4 R Bentley 34.45
(11) 31st Oct. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn 1 M Watling 26.26- 2 S
Smythe 27.24-
(12) 31st Oct. ThHH XC 7"M Kingston Vale (44.24) 36 W Clapham 61.14-
38 C Haines 61.47
(13) 31st Oct. Sthn Women's XC Lge (1) Capstone Pk U20 10 G Viney (U17)
(14) 1st Nov. Rd 10Km Barnsley (29.09) 57 R Smith 31.54
(15) 1st Nov. Kent YAs Rd Relays Canterbury
U17(3X4K) 1 BH 43.56 (I Hamblin 15.32- W Bolton 14.25- M Hill 13.59)-
U15(3X2.8K) 4 BHA (C Daniel- D Ryan- R Perkins)- 5 BHB- U13(3X2.5K) 1 BH (T
Beech- M Shirley- C Norris)- GU17(3X3K) 2 BH 35.36 (C Castledine 11.25- S Singer
11.07- K Bugler 13.04)
GU15 (2.8K) K Boutle 10.40- GU13 1 BH (E Bugler- V Ashley- C Berry)-
(16) 1st Nov. MT Marathon Seven Sisters W Slack 3:39- N Gasson 3:49- G
Payne 4:05 R Walsh 4:16- Ph Taylor 4:23- N Webb 4:25- J Leeson 4:28- M Gasson
4:31- C Poole 4:41- D Ellison (Walk/jg) 5:10- J Copley (Wlk/jg) 5.25- M Peel
(Walk) 6:24- S Poole 6:24- S Ridgewell (Walk) 6.55- J Brown (Walk) 6.55- P
Miller (Walk) 7:14- D White (Walk) 9:-
(17) 1st Nov. Marathon New York J Else 4:09
(18) 4th Nov. London Colls XC 5.4M Richmond Pk 16 M Skinner (Brun) 30.23
(19) 7th Nov. Mobmatch v SLH 7"M Coulsdon
1 S Major (SLH) 43.51- 2 J Mills 43.59 (H'c pos 5)- 3 N Belcher (SLH) 44.31- 4 R
Smith 44.33 (8)- 7(1stV Ponsford Pewter) M Watling 46.07 (1 Scotting Salver)- 8
R Daniels 46.50 (6)- 10 C Keen 47.54 (7)- 12 J Morland 48.25 (13)- 16 P Calnan
48.48 (14)- 17 J Beck 48.53 (20)- 21 M Ellison 50.23 (12)- 22 D Ellison 50.31
(37)- 23 S Griffiths 50.57 (26)- 26 K Daniel 51.31 (32)- 28 D Flagg 51.44 (18)-
29 A Lawes 51.44 (9)- 33 J Phelan 52.21 (24)- 37 G Meek 53.33 (44)- 38 J R
Turner 53.36 (2)- 40 S Pairman 53.43 (17)- 43 W Slack 53.48 (22)- 44 C Pike
54.04 (10)- 51 B O'Gorman 55.09 (31)- 52 R Brown 55.11 (21)- 54 B Fisher 55.16
(19)- 59 T Brightwell 55.48 (35)- 62 J E Turner 56.48 (40)- 63 A Davis 57.02
(34)- 65 D Carton 57.58 (33)- 67 M Wade 58.50 (15)- 69 H Cooper 59.14 (4)- 71 R
Walsh 59.32 (29)- 73 B Wilson 59.57 (25)- 75 M Peel 61.25 (43)- 76 J Leeson
61.32 (36)- 78 N Barber 61.47 (46)- 79 S Haley 61.53 (50)- 80 S Hollingdale
61.59 (47)- 82 N Webb 63.02 (16)- 83 D Appleton 63.04 (11)- 84 M Gasson 63.25
(39)- 85 S Parsons 63.54 (23)- 88 A Pontifex 65.06 (30)- 89 W Clapham 65.12
(42)- 93 C Haines 68.02 (3)- 96 A Cilia 69.27 (27)- 97 W Orton 70.20 (28)- 98 W
Buttinger 71.00 (45)- 101 A Jelly 73.30 (48)- 103 D Larcombe 75.49 (41)- 105 V
Wright 76.48 (49)- 106 R Watkins 78.38 (38)-
Nicholls Cup SLH 1986- BH 2494
(20) 8th Nov. Parkwood YAs XC Lge (2) Canterbury
U20 2 J Baker 22.51- 3 D Ayrton 23.14- 4 R Bentley 23.34- 6 S Holmes 24.21- 7 M
Lucht 24.35- 8 D Baker 25.12- U17 1 W Bolton 20.10- 3 A Rayner 21.05- 11 A
Moreton 22.36- 16 D Bussey 23.20- U15 3 J Godsell 12.09- 11 D Ryan 12.46- 15 C
Daniel 13.04- 21 J Wheatley 13.42- 28 T Robinson 14.31- 30 D Snow 14.39- 38 L
Hine 16.16- 39 P Moreton 16.32- U13 5 C Norris 11.32- 12 J Boutle 12.14- 15 T
Beech 12.39- 17 M Shirley 12.59- U11 2 D Willis- S Leach- WU20 6 G Godward
19.02- GU17 2 K Lucht 13.50- 6 S Singer 14.55- 7 C Castledine 15.05- 10 H Barker
15.35- GU15 7 J Patmore 13.16- 19 N Morris 14.21- 23 K Boutle 15.17- GU13 2 E
Bugler 10.02- 5 G Coleman 10.19- 9 C Berry 10.45- 24 M Bentley 11.51- 26 T
Patmore 12.42- Match A 1 BH
(21) 14th Nov. ECCC Relays Mansfield
Sen (4X5K) Tm dnc- (1 D Heath 15.23- 14 D Lee 16.38- 14 L Bulson 17.00)- U20
(4X3K) 9 BH 40.28 (11 J Baker 9.59- 17 D Baker 10.34- 14 S Holmes 10.07- M
Skinner 9.48)- U17 (4X3K) 8 BH 40.30 (18 A Rayner 10.26- 12 W Bolton 10.14- 11 D
Moore 10.04- M Hill 9.46)
(22) 15th Nov. 1/2Marathon Madrid 3 D Smith
(23) 14th Nov. Sth of Thames Jun Beckenham Place Pk
(32.25) 6 L Cooper 34.00- 9 R Bentley 34.14- 10 R Daniels 34.23- 23 C Keen
35.14- 28 Dn Marsden 35.20- 60 J Morland 37.56- 126 Fin- Tms (Sc 4) 3 BH 48
(24) 14th Nov. ECCC Relays Mansfield
Sen (4X5K) Tm dnc- (1 D Heath 15.23- 14 D Lee 16.38- 14 L Bulson 17.00)- U20
(4X3K) 9 BH 40.28 (11 J Baker 9.59- 17 D Baker 10.34- 14 S Holmes 10.07- M
Skinner 9.48)- U17 (4X3K) 8 BH 40.30 (18 A Rayner 10.26- 12 W Bolton 10.14- 11 D
Moore 10.04- M Hill 9.46)
(25) 15th Nov. Rd 10Km Brighton (30.22) 33 S Smythe 34.02- M Martineau
(26) 21st Nov. County XC Lges Kent Ashford. (33.27) 4 R Smith 34.43- 60 S
Griffiths 39.15
140 S Capey 46.28- Sy Div 2 Richmond Pk. (23.47) 29 K Daniel (VAC) 26.21- 142 W
Clapham (VAC) 34.51- 146 M Martineau (VAC) 37.44- Sy Div 4 Croydon Airport. J E
Turner (DulPk)
(27) 21st Nov. Br & Irish Vets Intl XC 10K St.Asaph, Rhyl
26 M Watling (Wales) 37.46- 124 J Robinson (NI) 47.57-
(28) 21st Nov. Orion H XC Chingford 1 G Clifford (BoE) 10K/ 39.13
(29) 22nd Nov. SEAA Intl XC, Kent Women's & YAs Lges (1) Margate
Sen 9.5K 11 D Heath (Sth) 29.09- 35 D Smith (Sth) 30.06- 89 S Smythe (DulR)
33.57- U20 6K 41 M Skinner 19.49- 57 J Baker- 88 R Bentley- 94 D Ayrton- 97 P
Tucker- 99 L Cooper- 100 S Turner- 101 M Lucht- 105 D Baker- Kt U17 4K 1 M Hill
12.53- 2 W Bolton 13.01- 3 D Moore 13.03- 4 A Rayner 13.16- 5 R Laming 13.16- 11
A Madar- 13 S Dunderdale- 17 A Moreton- 22 C Gay- Tm 1- U15 3K 2 J Godsell
10.23- 11 D Ryan- 12 C Daniel- 24 D Snow- Tm 2- U13 3K 1 C Norris 11.16- 8 T
Beech- 20 M Shirley- Tm 3- Kt WU20 11 G Godward 15.43- WU17 3.5K 4 K Lucht
13.45- 5 G Viney 13.52- 8 C Castledine 14.38- 10 S Singer 15.06- GU15 3K 14 J
Patmore 13.24-34 K Boutle15.38-GU13 2"K 2 E Bugler 9.56-3 S Coleman 9.58-12
C Berry10.28-
(30) 22nd Nov. Rd 10M Epsom(52.51) 196 D King 74.55-208 W Orton 76.36-224
G Crowder 77.42
(31) 23rd Nov. Ekiden Relay Japan 15 GB (inc M Steinle 12195m/ 37.20)
(32) 28th Nov. Mobmatch v Orion H Hayes incl Club 7"M Champ
1 R Smith 46.28 (Davis Cup) (H'c pos 22)- 2(1V) M Watling 48.10 (21)- 3 R
Daniels 48.19 (14)- 4 J Morland 48.53 (7)- 6 J Beck 49.10 (6)- 10 H Morten 50.08
(40)- 11 P Calnan 50.12 (20)- 13 S Griffiths 50.54 (2)- 14 R Coles 51.00 (32)-
15 M Ellison 51.17 (11)- 16 D Ellison 51.46 (27)- 19 P Barlow 52.30 (41)- 20 N
Mayers 52.32 (38)- 24 A Tucker 53.41 (23)- 25 A Lawes 53.45 (24)- 26 G Meek
53.49 (36)- 29 S Pairman 54.29 (9)- 32 C Pike 55.03 (8)- 36 W Slack 55.37 (25)-
38 C Andrews 55.55 (51)- 41 B Fisher 56.18 (13)- 42 W Wade 56.44 (10)- 43 J R
Turner 56.50 (34)- 45 T Brightwell 57.32 (28)- 46 R Brown 58.18 (33)- 47 R Walsh
58.22 (1)- 50 A Davis 59.20 (29)- 52 B McShane 59.44 (53)- 53 S Haley 59.49
(39)- 54 S Capey 59.54 (18)- 55 H Cooper 60.07 (3)- 56 M Wade 60.17 (16)- 58 D
Carton 60.27 (31)- 61 N Barber 61.33 (37)- 63 J Leeson 62.01 (12)- 66 B Wilson
62.22 (26)- 73 C Painter 64.23 (30)- 78 A Pontifex 67.17 (19)- 79 M Gasson 67.57
(43)- 80 C Rowe (Lanterne Rouge) 68.10 (42)- 82 R Chambers 69.04 (47)- 84 S
Parsons 70.04 (45)- 85 J Mullett 70.09 (49)- 86 A Cilia 70.40 (15)- 89 S Lloyd
73.37 (4)- 90 W Buttinger 73.46 (35)- 91 P Shepheard 74.00 (52)- 92 C Haines
74.17 (48)- 94 D Lawrie 79.56 (46)- 96 K Tyler 82.29 (17)- 97 P Long 83.08 (5)-
98 D Larcombe 83.57 (50)- 99 R Watkins 83.58 (44)- Match (Scoring 40) BH 1444-
Orion 1804-
(33) 28th Nov. London Bor YA XC Parliament Hill U17 2 M Hill- 8 A Rayner-
10 A Madar
U15 17 D Ryan- U13 11 C Norris- GU17 10 C Castledine- GU13 6 E Bugler- 7 G
(34) 29th Nov. Intl XC Roeselare Sen 10Km 4 D Heath (Eng) 35.27- 21 M
Steinle 36.47
U20 6K 23 J Baker 21.52- 27 L Cooper 22.05- WU20 4K 17 G Viney(U17) 17.00
(35) 29th Nov. Rd 10Km Crowborough 1 D Smith 32.12- 145 N Webb 47.13
(36) 2nd Dec. London Colls XC 5M 19 M Skinner (Brun) 27.59
(37) 5th Dec. Club Vets XC Ch & Open 10Km Hayes (incl Bennett &
Self Handicaps)
1 R Smith 36.01 (Bennett H'c postn 28)- 2(1M40) M Watling (Browning Tankard)
36.48 (24)- 3 R Daniels 36.52 (16)- 4 N Kinsey 37.58 (37)- 5(2M40) C Keen 38.13
(17)- 6 A Draper 38.19 (39)- 7 S Cooper 38.19 (30)- 8 D Ellison 38.43 (8)- 10 P
Calnan 39.05 (32)- 11 M Ellison 40.06 (26)- 12(3M40) P Barlow 40.18 (27)- 14 K
Daniel 41.21 (35)- 16 J R Turner 41.43 (5)- 17(1M50) J Phelan 41.54 (29)- 19 W
Slack 42.00 (10)- 20 A Lawes 42.15 (33)- 21 C Pike 42.37 (23)- 22(2M50) B Fisher
43.11 (15)- 23 D D Dhammaloka 43.41 (3)- 24 R Walsh 44.12 (12)- 25(3M50) A Davis
44.19 (9)- 26 R Brown 44.53 (31)- 27 J Bobinson 44.55 (2)- 28 S Capey 45.21
(11)- 29 H Cooper 45.52 (7)- 31 B McShane 46.28 (45)- 32 M Crisp 46.36 (34)- 33
J Steer 46.46 (36)- 34 J Leeson 46.48 (6)- 35 M Peel 47.08 (21)- 36 P Fiddler
47.09 (4)- 40 N Webb 49.55 (13)- 41 Jn Brown 49.56 (22)- 43 M Gasson 50.16 (18)-
44(1M60) W Clapham 50.30 (20)- 45(1LV) A Cilia 51.06 (1)- 46 R Chambers 51.23
(25)- 47 D Churchus 51.36 (19)- 48 A Murrell 51.41 (48)- 53 D Dunn 53.52 (43)-
54 J Copley 54.32 (46)- 55 M Martineau 54.45 (40)- 56 P Shepheard 56.42 (41)- 57
A Jelly 58.01 (42)- 58 C Haines 60.19 (44)- 59 K Tyler 62.28 (14)- 61(1M70) D
Tingey 73.39 (38)- 62 J Bennett 87.00 (47)- Self H'c- Guest: P Yates (KtAC)
641/2- BH: D Ellison 31/2
(38) 5th Dec. Varsity XC 7"M Putney Vale 5 J Bradley (Ox) 41.27
(39) 5th Dec. Ellis Trophy XC 5.5M Petersham 5 G Clifford (BoE) 30.07- 7
S Smythe 30.54
(40) 6th Dec. Victory 5M Portsmouth 6 D Smith (Kt) 23.35
(41) 6th Dec. Thanet 10M Margate 12 Dn Marsden 58.27
(42) 6th Dec. Kent Vets Throwers Pentathlon Deangate M65 1 G Hickey
(43) 6th Dec. Parkwood XC Lge (3) Canterbury U20 1 J Baker- 5 D Ayrton- 6
S Turner 7 M Lucht- U17 1 A Rayner 16.54- 3 W Bolton 16.58- 9 S Dunderdale- 12 A
Moreton- 15 J Howell- U15 10 D Ryan- 11 C Daniel- 17 D Griffin- U13 4 C Norris-
13 T Beech- 16 M Shirley- WU20 5 G Godward- GU17 3 K Lucht- 5 C Castledine- 8 S
Singer- 9 H Barker- 13 F Barker- GU15 7 J Patmore- GU13 1 E Bugler- 2 G Coleman-
3 C Berry- 4 V Ashley- 25 T Patmore- Match A 1 BH
(44) 6th Dec. Round the Bridges 10K Hamilton NZ G Murray 62.05
(45) 12th Dec. Surrey XC Chs Coulsdon U20 8K 3 R Bentley 31.06- 5 M Lucht
U15 4K 3 J Godsell 15.11- GU17 4.8K 2 K Lucht 20.45-
(46) 12th Dec. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lges Capstone Pk U17 1 M Hill- 2
A Rayner 7 S Dunderdale- 17 D Bussey- U15 7 D Ryan- 10 C Daniel- 22 D Griffin-
33 L Hine U13 1 C Norris- 10 M Shirley- 13 T Beech- 15 J Bootle- GU15 11 J
Patmore- 22 K Bootle- GU13 5 E Bugler 12.20- 7 V Ashley 12.27- 8 G Coleman
12.28- 9 C Berry 12.32- 30 T Patmore-
(47) 12th Dec. Kent AC XC 7"M Beckenham Place Pk (45.14) W Clapham
(48) 13th Dec. Hogsback 8.3M Godalming
1 D Smith 40.30- 1M60 B O'Gorman 50.19- G Lloyd 51.05- H Cooper- C Poole
(49) 13th Dec. Christmas Caper 4.2M Swanley 20 G Meek 26.21
(50) 19th Dec. Women's Inter-County Shuttleworth, Beds
U20/U17 38 K Lucht (Sy) 21.39- 61 C Castledine (Kt) 22.44
(51) 19th Dec. Club Christmas 5M Yacht (Bennett) H'cap Hayes
1 (& Bennett postn) S Lloyd 42.22 rn tm- 2 A Pontifex 38.31- 3 C Haines
43.50- 4 K Daniel 31.12 (3)- 5 Jn Brown 38.47- 6 A Davis 35.31- 7 H Cooper
36.24- 8 R Brown 35.16- 9 A Cilia 41.27- 10 P Calnan 30.29 (1)- 11 J R Turner
33.53- 12 S Pairman 33.57- 13 D Churchus 41.08- 14 D Tingey 57.39- 15 S Holmes
30.36 (2)- 16 N Barber 37.20- 17 J Leeson 37.53- 18 B Fisher 34.56- 19 C Rowe
40.58- 20 M Ellison 32.09- 22 W Slack 34.14- 23 C Pike 34.26- 24 S Budd 35.37-
25 Rn Chambers 41.30- 26 C Keen 31.37- 27 T Brightwell 36.08- 28 M Martineau
43.29- 29 M Gasson 41.20- 30 J Robinson 37.38- 32 G Meek 34.12- 34 S Ridgewell
38.13- 35 R Griffin 46.10- 36 J Bennett 69.40- 37 R Morriss 49.24- 38 A Jelly
(52) 19th Dec. Kent Rd Relays Rochester
3 BH 50.36 (2 M Skinner 11.53- 5 S Cooper 13.16- 5 A Draper 12.50- R Smith
(53) 19th Dec. Indoor Crystal Pal
HJ S Tolson 1.65- PV A Hardy 3.80- SP E Udechuku 16.79- U17 LJ D Watson 5.92-
(54) 19th Dec. Herc Wimb 5M XC Wimbledon Cmn 3 G Clifford 28.34-
(55) 19th Dec. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn (26.30) 46/64 W Clapham
(56) 20th Dec. IAAF Cross Chall Brussels
Sen 10.5K 46 M Steinle 35.24- 52 D Smith 35.41- WU20 4K 26 G Viney (U17) 16.42
(57) 20th Dec. Holly XC Reigate Priory Sen 6M 4(1J) R Bentley 32.25- U15
3M 4 J Godsell 17.25
(58) 26th Dec. Kent AC 2M H'cap Ladywell Fields J Phelan 12.09- W Clapham
(59) 2nd Jan 1999. Kent Vets & Clubman's XC Champs Sparrows Den 10K
40-49 (33.47) 3/81 T Soutar (Roger Smith Tankard) 34.40- 7 S Smythe(G) 35.33- 8
K Daniel 35.35- 22 C Andrews 37.33- 25 A Lawes 38.01- 37 W Slack 40.19- 45 C
Pike 40.53- 61 R Brown 42.38- 63 S Capey 42.47- Tms (Sc 4) 2 BH 58- 50+ (35.28)
5/64 J Phelan 38.27- 13 G Lloyd 40.08- 14 T Brightwell 40.10- 18 A Davis 40.57-
19 B Fisher 41.12- 25 J Robinson 42.35- 32 H Cooper 44.17- 34 M Peel 44.37- 40 B
Mellish 46.02- 43 W Clapham 47.00- 44 M Gasson 47.11- 49 C Rowe 48.21- 52 J
Bugler 49.33- 63 J Cross (BrV) 57.22- Tms (Sc3) 3 BH 32
Clubman's (34.09) 18/49 D Ellison 36.30- 28 P Tucker 37.27- 32 S Holmes 38.06-
33 A Draper 38.06- 34 J Baker 38.06- Tms (Sc4) 7 BH 111
(60) 2nd Jan. IAAF XC Durham 3K (8.30) 2 D Heath 8.33
(61) RACE WALKING 31/10 Monks Hl 7M. 6 P Hannell 63.33- 9 N Simmons
67.46- 21/11 Steyning 10K. 6 P Hannell 54.17- 28/11 Belgr 7M. 15 P Hannell 62.03
5/12 Monks Hill 10K. 3 P Hannell- 54.42- 7 N Simmons 60.15-
(62) TRIATHLON/CYCLING 13/9 Sevenoaks Tri. (79.57) 2 P Brice 82.21- 76 M
Wade 101.04 144 R Chambers 111.55- 3/10 Ironman Hawaii. (sw 2.4M- bk 112M- rn
26.2M) (8:24.20) 90(3GB) N Kinsey 9:44.02 (59.45- 5:20.05- 3:24.12)
22/11 London Open Mountain Bike Ch, Shirley Hills. 1 N Kinsey-
(63) MONTHLY SERIES 3/11 Cryst Pal 5K (10th Anniv) J Hills 22.32
27/11 Hyde Pk 5K. 1 J Bradley 15.30- 1/12 Cryst Pal 5K J Hills 22.27-