VOL 17. No4. MAR 1998. PRESIDENT 1997/8: Mike Mahoney
HON. SECR:- M Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill, TN16 3HG (01959
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Recent mild weather has resulted in most courses being unusually dry. The
outstanding results have been the Senior and Under-17 wins in the Southern
Championships at Parliament Hill.
We have had good representation in most league fixtures
with the main successes going to the Under 17 & 15 Boys.
We won the Mob Match against Ranelagh at Richmond Park but
lost at home to SLH. Although we outnumbered SLH we couldn't match them for
quality, with 17 Heathens in the last 20 finishers.
In the Club 10 a course change at the farm caused some
problems, particularly to Roy Smith, allowing Mark Watling to come through for
the Rowland Cup.
This month we look forward to the National Championships
and the conclusion to the Bennett Cup.
Meanwhile there have been outstanding performances
indoors, including representation by Julian Golding at the European
To be held at Hayes Country Club on Fri 1st May to aid the cost of the
Juniors' trip to the European Junior Cup later this year. Anyone interested in
sponsoring a race at œ50 or buying a horse at œ5 contact John Baldwin (0181
856 3011) for details. Further details will be available shortly.
To be held at the Club on Fri 15th May. New organisers will be Rob Brown
& Steve Hollingdale but the format will be similar to previous evenings.
Tickets available shortly.
To be held at 2 p.m on Wed 11th March at Sparrows Den, when the organiser
will again be Colin Rowe. He would be grateful to anyone able to assist.
The main Club sponsorship this year will go to St.John Ambulance. Individual
members will be supporting a variety of other causes. Anyone able to take part
in the baggage handling process, which aids Club funds, should contact Colin
The Road Handicaps of 3.12M will again be organised by Steve Freemantle.
They will be on Weds at 7pm, the first three dates being 8th Apr, 13th May &
10th June. Entry at the Clubhouse.
t Norman Pk the Club T&F Championship evenings will be
3rd & 17th June, 1st & 15th July. One-Hour Race 2nd Sept.
Members who have not competed at track & field before
are invited to try it at the above fixtures and/or at the Southern & Vet
leagues where there are also non-scoring events.
We regret to record the passing recently of George Cluney and Roy Parris.
Obituaries will appear in the Gazette in due course.
A Memorial Service for Sir Donald Murray will be held at
11 a.m on Wed 25th Mar at St.Stephen's Church, Rochester Row, Victoria.
Jamie Harrison would welcome being E-mailed by his old
running companions (S.Clinic@chrc.cchs.usyd.edu.au). He might even work out how
to reply. (See also pg 3)
200 CLUB Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
Recent winners:-
Jan £50 D Gregory £25 D Gillate & S Notcutt
No matter how many times you run a course, it's never the same twice. There
may be different weather conditions or changes in the flora and fauna or,
perhaps, there is the occasional man-made (!) obstruction such as the burned out
car which has been blocking the exit at the top of Boundary Wood. By the way, we
know how that came to get there because we have seen a copy of the insurance
claim submitted by the (lady) driver. . . .
'I had answered a recruiting ad in the newspaper for the
Royal Society of Netball Referees, 'cos whenever I'm asked the question
"Should there be clubbing for undisciplined women?" I always say
"Yes, but try the Red Card first". Anyway, there I was driving to my
first fixture in wildest New Addington thinking what makes mushrooms wild and
who that dreamy mini-hunk on 15 to 1 was the other day. I had been given
directions and told to look out for a RSONR sign. Suddenly out of the corner of
my eye, I saw the words on a faded blue and black board. One 180 degree hand
brake turn later and I was rumbling down a leafy track expecting to reach my
destination very shortly. It suddenly became very muddy and doubts crossed my
mind about the original sign, confirmed almost immediately when I saw a similar
one which actually said 'RUNNERSONROAD'. I was however heartened when I saw a
further placard which, I thought, said 'Black Hair Heather'. As Heather is my
name and my hair was originally black before years of peroxide abuse, I assumed
this referred to me.
The track continued to wind uphill through a wood and when
I turned left at the top into an open field, I knew I was well and truly lost.
Nevertheless, it was pretty scenery and I thought I would park up a while to
decide what to do next. It occurred to me that my purple finger nails clashed
horribly with my banana-green two-piece so I hunted for some varnish remover.
However, the glove compartment was bare. Thinking on my feet I realised I needed
some other sort of strong solvent. Abused for many years, my nails are now my
pride and joy. The petrol can in the boot beckoned. I was just about to pour a
few drops out when a spider scuttled by. I screamed and unfortunately the
Woodbine dropped out of my mouth. . . ."
But we digress, Readers
Do you have a fortnight's stock of unread newspapers? I know the feeling.
Time was when a quick scan in the train to work and there you were, au fait with
the state of the universe, the weather, the human condition and the England
cricket team. Not any more. There's supplements to supplements that they'll soon
be selling by the pound, like sprouts.
Lucky for you there's a few of us greybeard wrinklies
around with time to keep our eyes open and fill you in with what you've missed.
Like Johnny Walker for instance. He saw the story about the Derbyshire jogger
who had his backside bitten by an irate lagopus scoticus scoticus (that's red
grouse to you). Apparently it was the red T-shirt that did it - thought he was a
territorial rival.
But then your sport may be triathlon like Nick Kinsey
& Jim Phelan. Better speed up your swimming lads if you've got your sights
set on the Sydney Olympics, 'cos there's sharks in the famous Harbour. In a
recent incident they had to be warded off by the officials - was that what they
were taught on the recent officials course at HQ?
Of course the Courier tries to keep up with reports of
scientific developments thanks to our Science Correspondent Micro Nin. You'll
have seen our bits about tetrahedral teabags, mobile phones and cloning moles.
Now comes news of hot tinned tea and a Turkish parachutist who got stuck on a
power cable saved his bacon by calling up his brother on his mobile. Maybe
they'd thrown him out of the plane for using it. In USA a scientist,
appropriately named Dick Seed, says he's starting experiments on human cloning
and there's a plan to take cells from your good knee (if any), grow them and put
them back in the bad one - should come in handy if the sharks get you.
I knew I'd get back to cricket. There's been another saga
from the MCC. One member said ".. putting a bust of Pankhurst in the corner
and setting up creches. We don't want any of that." And as for Boycott . .
. apparently the plaintiff fell on one eye, then turned over and fell on the
other one. It was all in character though - asked what hitting had gone on
someone said "Boycott hit 20 and took 2" hours doing it." That
was after he'd not turned up in court, causing the judge to ask "How can we
interrupt such a noble activity as cricket?" Funny sense of humour the
French. Which reminds me, I was telling you about science. Apparently the source
of humour is a bit of tissue in the left frontal lobe of the brain, 'cos if you
put an electrode in it and connect up to the mains they laugh like drains, hence
the expression 'Died Laughing'.
I bet you can hardly wait to get back to that pile of old
newsprint but, if you've had enough reportage from the Zimmer frame set,
remember the words of P G Wodehouse: "There is only one cure for grey hair.
It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine." Is that
another bit of French humour?
(01) 14th Dec 1997. Hog's Back 9M Godalming cf
(17346) Full result
(45.24) 32(3M45) G Lloyd 54.39- 115 J Copley 59.33- 203 P Lovell 63.12- 234 J E
Sullivan 64.18- 273 B Hartley 65.38- 274 R Griffin 65.38- 358 C Rowe 68.05- 383
Br Smith 68.58- 430 C Poole 70.47- 501 R Gibson 73.44- 531 B O'Flynn 75.11-
(02) 21st Dec. Crosscup Brussels U18 6 L Cooper
(03) 26th Dec. Rd 5M Herne Bay 5(1J) S Dunderdale 29.25- 9(2J) S Turner
(04) 1st Jan 1998. Rd 10Km Erith (31.35) 8 J Morland 34.33- 13 S Holmes
35.37- 16 S Smythe 36.06- 37 S Pairman 38.36- 75 N Barber 42.49-
(05) 1st Jan 1998. NPFA Rd 10Km Hyde Pk (31.21) 55(3M45) S Cluney 38.46-
189 G Payne 44.54-243 J Bugler 46.52- 325 K Pearson 49.59- 360 S Partridge
52.19- Tm 13 BH
(06) 3rd Jan. Kent Vets & Clubman's 10Km XC Chs Swanley
M40 (38.03) 7 T Soutar 39.28- 16 K Daniel 40.33- 27 J Phelan 41.37- 37 W Slack
42.49- 45 J R Turner 43.47- 51 G Coates 44.22- 61 R Brown 45.58- 69 B Fisher
46.37- 78 R Coe 48.09- 93 S Capey 50.58- Tms 4 BH 87- M50+ (39.49) 3 M Cronin
41.06- 4 P Hamilton 41.49- 9 R Richardson 43.54- 12 C Woodcock 44.58- 13(1M60) J
Baldwin 45.11- 19 J Copley 46.35- 24 A Davis 47.48- 33 P Lovell 50.20- 34 B
Hartley 50.53- 38 W Clapham 51.44- Tms 2 BH 16- Clubman's (37.31) 6 P Cavallo
39.09- 9 J Morland 39.29- 10 S Smythe(DulR) 39.31- 11 S Cooper 39.33- 26 C
Andrews 41.45- 28 D Ellison 41.52- Tms 2 BH 52
(07) 10th Jan. Vets AC XC Ch 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn (26.34) 10 (2M50) P
Hamilton 27.51
(08) 11th Jan. Marathon & 1/2Marathon Disneyland USA G & R
Griffin 3:49- B Hartley 1.44-
(09) 17th Jan. County Men's XC Lges Kent Ashford (33.55) 6 R Smith 36.37
(H'c postn 3)
34 R Daniels 39.12 (7)- 56 D Ellison 40.23 (5)- 59 M Cronin 40.35 (1)- 67 W
Slack 41.22 (6)- 83 B McShane 42.24 (2)- 92 J R Turner 42.51 (4)- 97 D Bennett
43.13 (12)- 99 G Coates 43.19 (8)- 111 C Pike 44.05 (10)- 123 S Ridgewell 45.31
(9)- 129 R Brown 46.43 (13)- 142 S Haley 46.57 (14)- 150 Ph Taylor 47.31 (11)-
154 N Barber 48.02 (15)- 197 M Gasson 58.34 (16)- Teams (Sc4) 8 BH- (Sc12) 4 BH-
Surrey Div 1 Hayes. 1 D Taylor (HHH) 22.36- 25 L Bulson (AFD) 24.37- 32 M
Watling (AFD) 24.58- 60 J Bradley (G) 25.38- Div 3 Richmond Pk. (27.29) 24 P
Irvine (VAC) 29.38- 142 W Clapham (VAC) 37.56-
(10) 18th Jan. Rd 10Km Hastings (30.27) 6 D Smith 31.49- C Poole 49.19-
(11) 18th Jan. Kent Women's & YAs XC Lges Hythe SenW (17.28) 2 H
Walker 18.14- U17W (13.01) 2 Z Morrell 13.12- 8 S Singer 14.23- 9 C Castledine
14.25- 12 G Godward 14.32- Tm 2- U15G (13.50) 4 K Lucht 15.32- 9 H Barker 16.25-
24 F Barker 17.16- 29 S Spencer 18.09- Tm 2- U13G (12.05) 13 J Patmore 14.01- 14
C Berry 14.03- 23 E Bugler 14.44- 24 K Boutle 14.47- 37 C Laming 15.54- 47 T
Patmore 17.43- Tm 5- U17M 1 S Holmes 15.36- 2 J Baker 15.38- 4 D Baker 15.52- 7
R Bentley 16.07- 8 P Tucker 16.10- 12 M Lucht 16.35- 13 A Rayner 16.41- 17 S
Turner 16.49- 18 R Laming 16.52- 27 S Dunderdale 17.42- 28 I Hamblin 17.42- 33 A
Moreton 18.35- Tm 1- U15B 1 M Hill 12.23- 2 W Bolton 12.49- 12 J Godsell 14.01-
21 D Bussey- Tm 1- U13B (13.48) 2 D Ryan 14.08- 4 D Snow 14.18- 13 C Daniel
15.08- 17 T Robinson 15.32- 22 J Boutle 15.57- 38 P Moreton 18.35- Tm 2-
(12) 21st Jan. London Sch XC Chs Parliament Hill IntG 3.5K 3 C Castledine
(Alleyn) 12.23-
(13) 24th Jan. Mobmatch v Ranelagh 7"M Petersham
1 D Heath (Thompson Medal) 41.09 (H'c postn 39)- 3 R Smith 42.05 (41)- 4 M
Watling 42.54 (32)- 7 H Morten 44.03 (18)- 9 P Cavallo 44.21 (33)- 12 R Coles
44.45 (21)- 14 J Morland 44.53 (45)- 15 K Daniel 44.55 (27)- 18 J Beck 45.37
(16)- 21 P Irvine 45.46 (38)- 22 M Cronin (1M50 Harry Sheer Cup) 45.47 (11)- 23
D Ellison 47.02 (44)- 25 J Phelan 47.20 (2)- 29 W Slack 48.03 (43)- 31 B McShane
48.19 (12)- 32 M Ellison 48.43 (42)- 33 G Coates 48.49 (13)- 35 J R Turner 49.08
(14)- 36 G Lloyd 49.41 (28)- 38 S Ridgewell 50.49 (5)- 39 C Pike 50.59 (29)- 40
J E Turner 51.02 (25)- 41 B Fisher 51.09 (26)- 42 S Haley 51.09 (7)- 43 J Copley
51.13 (3)- 46 R Brown 51.57 (15)- 47 S Freemantle 52.25 (H'cpr)- 51 R Walsh
53.34 (34)- 52 J Robinson 53.52 (10)- 53 N Barber 54.04 (31)- 54 Ph Taylor 54.21
(6)- 58 S Hollingdale 54.46 (9)- 65 S Capey 56.14 (40)- 67 W Orton 56.42 (20)-
68 M Peel 57.15 (30)- 69 P Fidler 57.21 (47)- 70 J Tateson 57.56 (8)- 71 A
Edwards 58.07 (35)- 72 W Clapham 58.16 (17)- 75 J Baldwin 59.12 (48)- 79 B
Hartley 60.35 (19)- 80 D Dhammaloka 60.39 (36)- 81 J Bugler (Lanterne Rouge)
60.45 (22)- 82 C Haines 60.59 (46)- 87 A Cilia 63.54 (1)- 88 M Gasson 64.32 (4)-
89 W Buttinger 64.38 (37)- 92 R Watkins 72.01 (23)- 95 D Tingey 85.01 (24)
Match (Sc 43) BH 1731- Ranelagh 2022
(14) 25th Jan. Mitcham 25K Carshalton (82.38) 15 S Smythe (DulR) 91.00-
49 J E Turner 102.56 90 A Jones 109.35- 164 J Reynolds 119.44- 165 P Cobbett
(15) 7th Feb. Br Univ XC Chs Oxford (10.8K /32.02) 75 J Bradley (Oxon)
(16) 7th Feb. Kent Schs XC Bexley
Sen 8.4K 1 M Skinner 31.32- 3 P Tucker- 4 S Holmes- 8 M Lucht- Int 1 M Hill- 2 A
Madar- 4 A Rayner- 6 W Bolton- IntG 3 Z Morrell- 8 S Singer- JunG 9 J Patmore-
(17) 31st Jan. SoE XC Champs Parliament Hill
Sen (45.05) 3 S Newport 45.18- 4 D Taylor 45.53- 13 D Smith 47.12- 15 W Foster
47.14- 28 D Heath 48.20- 46 L Bulson 49.05- 66 R Smith 49.54 (Perseverance Cup)-
80 M Watling 50.19- 105 R Parrott 50.54- 128 A Draper 51.20- 132 G Clifford
51.28- 136 J Bradley 51.37- 141 R Daniels 51.44- 209 M Colpus 53.20- 232 S
Cooper 53.50- 308 N Mayers 55.34- 312 D Ellison 55.39- 661 C Pike 62.25- Tms 1
BH 109 (Camden Cup- 1st Kent fin 12)- Jun (24.40) 20 M Skinner 26.50- 36 S
Austin 27.20- 128 Cr Rowe 34.51- U17 (22.28) 7 L Cooper 23.19- 12 S Holmes
23.31- 16 D Baker 23.38- 28 R Bentley 23.55- 35 A Madar 24.09- 39 P Tucker
24.16- 60 J Howell 24.51- 62 D Moore 24.51- 77 M Lucht 25.11- 78 R Laming 25.13-
81 S Turner 25.16- 95 A Rayner 25.36- 106 S Dunderdale 25.47- 171 A Moreton
27.40- Tms 1 BH 63- U15 (17.03) 2 M Hill 17.11- 30 W Bolton 18.46- 44 S Simmons
18.57- 118 J Godsell 20.03- 131 C Gay 20.09- 185 D Bussey 20.56- Tms 4 BH 194-
U13 (15.15) 48 D Ryan 16.53- 83 C Daniel 17.25- 91 D Snow 17.34- 147 J Boutle
18.11- 257 P Moreton 21.45- Tms 15 BH 369- SenW (27.36) 28 H Walker 30.58- 255 A
Cilia 39.45- 330 C Messent 44.47- U17W (19.19) 46 S Singer 22.40- 47 C
Castledine 22.44- 54 G Godward 22.55-U15G (16.02) 15 G Viney 17.16- 31 K Lucht
17.50- 200 K Bugler 23.16- U13G (12.18) 96 J Patmore 14.44- 97 C Berry 14.45-
118 E Bugler 15.06- 162 K Boutle 16.01-177 A Tomlinson 16.28-201 M Heiland
17.20-230 C Laming 19.53- Tms 20 BH 473-
(18) 7th Feb. SCVAC XC 10Km Chs Lloyd Pk
11 P Irvine 38.06- 13 (1M50) P Hamilton 38.21- J Robinson 43.43
(19) 7th Feb. Nicholls Cup Mobmatch v SLH Hayes
1 S Major (SLH) 43.14- 2 M Watling 44.55 (H'c postn 6)- 3 E Thomas (SLH) 44.58-
4 R Daniels 45.31 (11)- 6 N Kinsey 46.02 (12)- 9 H Morten (1V Ponsford Pewter)
46.50 (9)- 11 J Morland 47.31 (47)- 15 M Colpus 47.59 (34)- 17 J Beck 48.21
(13)- 19 D Ellison 48.43 (33)- 23 J Phelan 50.22 (43)- 24 B McShane 50.33 (18)-
26 R Coe 50.45 (3)- 27 W Slack 50.54 (46)- 31 M Ellison 51.37 (44)- 33 G Meek
51.46 (8)- 36 D Bennett 52.20 (25)- 37 A Tucker 52.24 (14)- 39 P Calnan 52.29
(53)- 40 G Coates 52.29 (27)- 43 S Pairman 53.17 (36)- 44 C Pike 53.29 (15)- 45
G Lloyd 53.38 (45)- 47 B Fisher 54.02 (7)- 48 S Ridgewell 54.03 (29)- 50 N Wise
54.23 (58)- 51 B O'Gorman 54.46 (17)- 53 S Haley 55.03 (39)- 54 J Copley 55.07
(55)- 56 J R Turner 55.13 (60)- 58 J E Turner 55.29 (24)- 61 A Davis 55.43 (52)-
63 R Brown 55.59 (31)- 69 Ph Taylor 56.44 (16)- 72 M Wade 57.37 (20)- 74 D
Carton 57.58 (26)- 75 N Barber 58.24 (35)- 81 P Lovell 59.40 (23)- 82 S Capey
59.47 (37)- 84 A Edwards 59.56 (4)- 86 P Fidler 60.19 (56)- 87 B Mellish 60.52
(62)- 88 W Orton 60.57 (30)- 89 W Clapham 61.14 (10)- 90 N Cook 61.49 (42)- 91 R
Morriss 61.53 (57)- 92 C Painter 62.00 (21)- 93 M Peel 62.04 (22)- 94 N Webb
62.10 (2)- 95 J Tateson 62.16 (48)- 96 Co Rowe 62.33 (19)- 99 J Brown 63.28
(41)- 101 D Churchus 65.32 (38)- 103 J Bugler 66.33 (50)- 106 M Gasson (Lanterne
Rouge) 66.59 (28)- 107 S Hollingdale 67.03 (66)- 108 P Shepheard 67.37 (59)- 109
J Leeson 67.43 (69)- 110 A Cilia 68.18 (54)- 111 C Haines 69.14 (61)- 113 D
Dhammaloka 70.28 (63)- 114 M Compton 70.31 (65)- 115 Rn Chambers 70.54 (64)- 116
A Jelly 71.54 (1)- 117 R Gibson 72.47 (68)- 118 D Larcombe 73.35 (40)- 121 B
Todd 74.21 (32)- 122 R Watkins 77.48 (51)- 123 P Long 82.15 (49)- 124 K Tyler
84.54 (67)- 125 D Tingey 88.28 (5)- Match (Scoring 53) SLH 2652- BH 3019
(20) 8th Feb. Rd 10M Weston-super-Mare (57.13) 168/719 J E Turner 73.58-
(21) 11th Feb. Imp Coll Rd Relay Hyde Pk (6X3M) 2 Oxfd U (incl J Bradley
(22) 14th Feb. Sth of Thames Sen Petersham (39.32) 14 R Smith 43.19- 20 G
Clifford 43.40 24 R Parrott 44.00- 33 S Smythe (DulR) 44.38- 44 H Morten 45.09-
(23) 14th Feb. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn 1 K Daniel 26.23- 3 P Irvine
(24) 15th Feb. Kent AC Rd 10M Sidcup
(53.19) 3 R Smith 54.45- 17(3M40) H Morten 59.16- 23 J Beck 59.55- 31 G Meek
61.24- 53 D Henry 64.19- 61 D Flagg 65.18- 152 R Hogwood 76.09- 162 M Longstaff
77.36- Tm 1 BH 43-
(25) 15th Feb. Essex Rd 20M Rochford
(1:49.19) 127 J Isaacs 2:34.02- 160 R Strong 2:38.53- 185 D Churchus 2:42.40- C
Poole 2:46.04- 235 B Smith 2:54.23- 254 R Griffin 2:59.47- 256 R Gibbs 3:00.59-
(26) 15th Feb. Rd 30K Stamford J Copley 2:19.32- P Lovell 2:24.55-
(27) 21st Feb. Natl XC Relays Mansfield
U17 (4X2.5K) 2 BH 32.56 (J Baker 8.19- D Baker 8.19- D Moore 8.21- D Farnham
(28) 21st Feb. Kent Men's XC Lge (4) Swanley (Handicap positions to
(29.24) 6 R Smith 30.42- 45 D Ellison 33.44- 56 M Ellison 34.19- 62 M Cronin
34.37- 65 G Meek 34.40- 73 B McShane 35.11- 76 W Slack 35.28- 82 J R Turner
35.42- 84 G Coates 35.47- 87 S Pairman 35.55- 92 S Ridgewell 36.35- 97 C Pike
37.08- 98 J Baldwin 37.11- 102 S Haley 37.25- 107 Ph Taylor 37.49- 113 T
Brightwell 38.17- 132 M Wade 39.57- 151 N Cook 42.23- 156 W Clapham 43.45-159 M
Gasson 44.35- Tm(Sc4) 10 BHA(Fin pos 7)- 16 BHB- 24 BHC-(Sc12)2 BH
(29) 22nd Feb. 1/2Marathon Sleaford 1 W Foster 67.30-
(30) 22nd Feb. Rd 5M Hillingdon (23.23) 6 D Smith 23.42- 22 J Mills
(31) 21st Feb. Kent Women's & YA XC Lges Paddock Wood
U17M 1 P Tucker 15.48- 5 A Rayner 16.38 (2nd Indiv in Series)- U15B 1 W Bolton
12.40 (=1 in Series)- 5 S Simmons 13.15- 22 D Bassey 14.52- Tm 2 BH- U13B 3 D
Ryan 10.50- 6 C Daniel 10.57- 7 D Snow 10.58- 14 T Robinson 11.35- 16 J Boutle
11.54- 23 D Griffin 12.34- 35 M Shirley 13.44- 39 P Moreton 14.17- Tm 2 BH- SenW
3 H Walker 17.57- U17W 4 S Singer 13.13 (3rd in Series)- 8 G Godward 13.37- 14 A
Brown 15.09- Tm 1 BH- U15G 2 K Lucht 11.30 (2nd in Series)- U13G 4 J Patmore
11.43- 14 E Clarke 13.06- 16 K Boutle 13.10- 21 C Laming 14.02- Tm 3 BH- Comb
Lge pos:- W&G 4 (2U17W/ 3U15G/ 4U13G)- Boys 1 (1U17/ 1U15/ 4U13)-
(32) 28th Feb. Club 10M XC Ch Hayes (Handicap positions to follow)
1 M Watling 61.00 (Rowland Cup)- 2 R Smith 61.41- 3 S Cooper 62.06- 4 A Draper
62.56- 5 D Ellison 65.06- 6 M Ellison 65.44- 7 R Daniels 66.23- 8 M Cronin
66.47- 9 B McShane 67.08- 10 A Lawes 68.41- 12 W Slack 68.53- 13 J R Turner
69.04- 14 G Coates 69.07- 15 N Wise 69.44- 16 S Pairman 69.54- 17 B Fisher
71.31- 18 S Hayley 72.12- 19 C Pike 72.18- 20 J Barker 72.41- 21 R Brown 73.12-
22 A Davies 73.24- 23 S Ridgewell 73.36- 24 Ph Taylor 74.33- 25 B O'Gorman
74.42- 26 J Clare 75.08- 27 M Wade 76.00- 28(1L) T Blake 76.14- 30 R Walsh
76.51- 31 B Mellish 78.26- 32 P Fidler 78.31- 33 N Barber 79.15- 34 J Robinson
79.19- 35 D White 79.24- 36 S Capey 81.01- 37 N Cook 81.20- 38 J Tateson 81.48-
39 D Churchus 84.46- 40 R Chambers 85.06- 41 J Copley 85.20- =42 W Orton & J
Bugler 85.45- 44 C Haines 87.11- 45 M Compton 87.13- 46 J Leeson 88.17- 47 A
Cilia 89.18- 48 F Ward 89.26- 49 P Shepheard 91.17- 50 W Buttinger 91.58- 51 D
Dhammaloka 93.55- 52 B Todd 97.34- 53 K Tyler 98.15- 54 B Wilson 101.45-
(33) 28th Feb. Surrey Men's XC Lge 5M Div 3 Lloyd Pk. (28.54)
(All VAC) 9 H Morten 30.26- 14 P Irvine 30.49- 21 K Daniel 31.16- 111 W Clapham
(34) MONTHLY SERIES 30/1 Hyde Pk 5K. 15/81 S Cluney 17.59- 11/2 Lensbury
Brs 2.3M (12.23) N Cook 15.26- 13/2 Danson Pk 5K. W Clapham 22.21-
1/1/98 City 10K Victoria Pk. 9 S Lightman 53.20- 12 P Hannell 55.12- 11/1 Imber
Crt 10K. 13 P Hannell 53.20- 14 S Lightman 54.04- 24/1 10K Brighton. 4 S
Lightman 53.20- 25/1 Monks Hill 10M. 3 P Hannell 89.51- 8 N Simmons 101.00- 31/1
Victoria Pk 10K. 16 P Hannell 54.32- 27 N Simmons 60.31- 14/2 Bexley 10K. 6 P
Hannell 54.06- 21/2 Sy/Kent Ch Monks Hill 10M. 5 P Hannell 90.36-
(36) 27th Jan. Club Swimming Ch 97/8 West Wickham 50m
1 R Daniels 29.5 (Maryon Wilson Cup) (H'cap postn 5)- 2 S White 30.3 (6)- 3 S
McEvoy 33.2 (8)- 4 J Gregory 38.1 (3)- 5 C Brand 41.8 (9)- 6 C Cronin 47.4 (G)-
7 D Johnson 51.4 (11)- 8 T Shotton 53.4 (1)- 9 M Martineau 56.2 (2)- 10 M Cronin
63.7 (10)- 11 W Clapham 64.4 (12)- 12 A Brent 67.0 (7)- 13 P Saxon 67.6 (4)
(37) INDOOR 3-4/1/98 Midl Ch Birmingham. 60m J Golding 7.0- J Skeete 7.0-
200m J Golding 21.51- 10/1 Cryst Pal. 60H A Sharp 8.4- 60m U17 M Awanah 7.4- U15
N Simpson 7.7- K Salvador 8.0- 14/1 Cryst Pal.60m M Findlay 7.0- A Wilson 7.1-
17/1 Cryst Pal. PV A Sharp 4.10- S Tolson 3.40- J Day 2.70- TJ S Bobb 14.33-
24-25/1 Sthn Chs Bedford. 1 A Lashore 6.82- TJ 1 S Bobb 14.23- Birmingham Games.
60m sf M Findlay 6.86- h N Thomas 7.1- 200m h D Golding 21.13- 400m S Pratt 53-
800m P Featherston 2:01- SP 1 E Udechuku 16.57- 30/1 Dortmund 200m 2B J Golding
21.02- 31/1 Horsham. 1HJ/2SP A Sharp 1.80/13.54- 1/2 Midl Birmingham. 60m/200m M
Findlay 6.98/21.94- SCVAC Cryst Pal. M45 D Wallington 60m/HJ/LJ 8.1/ 1.35/ 5.09-
M50 60m M Martineau 9.4- HJ J Robinson 1.33- M60 60H/HJ/PV J Day 11.7/ 1.25/
2.60- SP G Hickey 12.04-7/2 Cryst Pal. U20 60H M Sillah 8.4- U17 60m M Awanah
7.4- 7-8/2 AAA Birmingham. 60m B 2 A Lashore 6.77- 5 J Golding 6.83(h 6.82)- J
Skeete 6.90- 200m 1 J Golding 20.46- h M Findlay 22.13- 400m C Ledwidge 55.22-
1500m 1 J Mills 3:50.30- 3000m =1 D Taylor 8:00.37- TJ 8 S Bobb 14.43- SP 6 E
Udechuku 16.82- 11/2 Cryst Pal. 60m J Skeete 6.9- U20 N Thomas 7.0- A Wilson
7.2- T Carr 7.3- D Plummer 7.3- 14/2 Scot Multiev Ch Glasgow. Hept 1 J Sharp
5332- 60m/7.00- LJ/6.96- SP/14.05- HJ/1.86- 60H/8.41- PV/4.20- 1000m/2:58.23-
14/2 Cryst Pal. PV J Day 2.80- SP 1 E Udechuku 16.80- U20 3 A Cluskey 14.25-
15/2 GP Birmingham 200m 1 J Golding 20.57- 22/2 Lievin, Fr. 200m 1 J Golding
20.63- AAA Jun-60m N Simpson 7.5- 400m 1 A Wilson 47.84-TJ N Thomas 15.20- SP E
Udechuku 17.03
1/3 European Ch Valencia. 200m 4 J Golding 20.84-
BENNETT CUP LEADERS (after 6 events) - M Gasson
196- S Ridgewell 185- Ph Taylor 183- G Coates 169- W Slack 168- D Ellison 167- N
Barber 165- C Pike 165- A Cilia 161