VOL 17. No3. JAN 1998. PRESIDENT 1997/8: Mike Mahoney
HON. SECR:- M Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill, TN16 3HG (01959
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Heathens were in action over the classic distance recently. Pride of place
goes to David Taylor, sixth at Frankfurt in a new Club record. Remarkable too
was Alan Pickering at the Seven Sisters (with Mike Cronin). Alan has written his
own account for the Gazette. A number of others completed this gruelling course
and we were also represented at New York, Harrow and Benidorm.
Something a bit different was the relay for 10-man teams
at Norman Pk on 23rd Dec to raise funds for the Junior's trip to Zagreb in 1998.
Over the Marathon distance (105 laps + 195m) the Santas (1:54.05) won by 11 secs
from the Snowmen.
Heathens - your help and ideas are sought. In common with much of amateur
athletics Blackheath are facing rising costs and falling sponsorship leading to
deficits and cutbacks in our athletics activities. Our success at T&F
exacerbates the problem as semi-finals and finals place the highest event costs
on the Club. 1998 sees a cut in athletic budgets by 36% leaving a paltry œ16.3K
for all our winter, road, summer, YAs and junior activities.
Your help and ideas are wanted in two ways:-
i) What fund-raising sponsorship ideas have you got?
ii) Would you like to join a small group of Heathens to explore
and work up ideas.
We need people with ideas, contacts, researchers and
administrators. Please contact Willem Buttinger, Chairman of Finance and Wed
night jogger, or if you don't know me, contact John Baldwin.
Our Club is always in need of Officials to support our many successful track
& field teams. This is a chance for us to be active and appreciated in the
sport even if we have limited time or can't run & jump as we once did.
On behalf of Kent AA this free course will again be held
at our HQ on Tuesdays from 7- 9.30 p.m. Talks 10th & 17th Feb, Test for
grading 2nd Mar. Choice of disciplines:- track or field judging, timekeeping or
starter/marksman. Some remnant of youthful mobility is useful for judging or
marksman but, as long as you can see and work the stopwatch, most timekeepers
can sit down all afternoon. Contact Mike Davies at HQ or 01689 - 602038
Our archivists have been asked by Tunbridge Wells Runners whether any of our
members can help with their search into the history of Tunbridge Wells Harriers?
The earliest known reference comes from the Kent & Sussex Courier of 20th
Mar 1885, describing a run reminiscent of our early Peckham days. The club is
believed to have remained active up to the inter-war years. Any information to
Brian Saxton please.
West Wickham Baths Tues 27th Jan for 8 p.m. Club Championship &
Handicap. All ages and standards welcomed.
Sign the Attendance book before leaving. Wear bright clothing: carry ID: go
with others
NOTE: Punchbowl Night
21st Feb
200 CLUB Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
Recent winners:-
Sept £50 J Cavanagh, £25 A Frankish & P Moss
Oct £50 D Cocker- £25 S Freemantle, J Braughton
Nov £50 B Wilson- £25 C Stormer & A Frankish
Dec £356 Bill Tonkin
NEXT COURIER: Early Mar. Results & other material
welcome. Best wishes for 1998 to all readers.
You're tired, covered in mud, wet and cold and have just clambered over the
stile half way up The Diagonal. Rejoice, because you are probably in one of the
few remaining areas where you are safe from the ubiquitous mobile phone.
Incidentally, I think a profile is forming of the archetypal mobile phone owner,
namely :-
1 He or she (hereafter referred to as Hosh) always gets in the same railway
carriage as me in the evening.
2 Hosh is the last person in that carriage to realise that it is THEIR mobile
phone which is ringing.
3 Hosh is the only person in the carriage not to know how to answer the phone.
This means they've taken the phone out of the briefcase or handbag and it is
still ringing, but twice as loud.
4 The conversation is always the same (and everyone else has stopped talking to
listen to it). "...Ello... I'm on the train...Be home in 10 mins..".
Hosh will have the same conversation tomorrow, the next day and forever more.
5 Whilst the mobile phone is out, Hosh decides to operate the message retrieval
facility. Unfortunately, Hosh cannot remember the key code. However on the same
principle as infinite monkeys, typewriters and the complete works of
Shakespeare, Hosh tries to work it out. Meanwhile every key press results in a
beep of a different tone.
6 Having failed in '5', Hosh tries to play "God Save the Queen".
But I digress,
But where to keep it? JOHNNY WALKER supplies the
answer thanks to the Western Daily Press- Merrie Englande events in
Gloucestershire will be all the merrier this summer thanks to the ingenuity of
Alan Myatt, the 21-stone, award-winning town crier of Gloucester. Mr Myatt's
problem was where to keep his mobile telephone while sporting his splendid Henry
VIII costume, which was made from the design in Holbein's portrait of the king.
"I am in the communications industry and I can't afford to miss any
call," said Mr Myatt, who also wears John Bull and Mr Pickwick outfits. In
the case of Henry, the solution was simple; an adapted 20inch codpiece, in which
the mobile phone will nestle discreetly. "I think when it rings, though,
I'll retire to my privy chamber."
- Bad news for Rogerr the racing robot from Berkshire. The world's first
mechanical device to be entered for a half-Marathon has been withdrawn after an
incident in a Bracknell car park. The robot (namesake of Bannister) is the baby
of Reading University's cybernetics dept. He was due to take part in the Great
Sam Race but failed to convince the referee it would be safe for others to run
alongside. (Has Cronin got cybernetic elbows?). Normally controlled by an
infrared gismo on the back of a human who jogs 6ft in front, Rogerr got confused
during safety trials when his receiver picked up rays from a low autumnal sun.
Veering off towards the light, he crashed into a kerb and buckled his axle.
"All runners have injuries. I'm sure he'll get over it," said Prof.
Kevin Warwick.
- Chichester publican John Turner (NO, not him or him) has
found a brilliant way to rid his boozer of yobs and troublemakers. "If you
let them have some Mozart, they tend to leave. They just don't like it."
But there's been such a rise in yobbishness that sometimes Mozart just isn't
brutal enough. "It took me eight minutes and 23 seconds of a rather modern
Scandinavian composer to shift one lot recently."
BENNETT CUP LEADERS (after 4 events) - S Pairman
133- W Slack 125- D Ellison 124 M Gasson 124- N Barber 119- K Messent 116- B
Hartley 113- D Wilcox 113- C Pike 112- J Morland 109- M Ellison 108- Ph Taylor
107- S Ridgewell 107- A Cilia 101
(01) 10-11 May. Kent T&F Chs Crystal Pal cf
(16631) & (17201) Add
Sen 100m h G Davine 12.43- 400m 5 I Thomas 50.3- 6 P Featherston 51.0- h P
Byfield 53.26- 1500m 8 L Bulson 3:58.56- 9 M Steinle 4:00.42- 12 C Andrews
4:25.88- U20 200m 1 R Tabares 22.64- 400m 2 N Hamilton 48.68- 800m/1500m 2/1 M
Skinner 1:55.75 / 4:09.91- 6 D Farnham 4:23.41- 400H 1 R Tabares 55.13- HJ 2 P
Graham 1.80- JT 2 J Apps 54.58- U17100m 1 D Grant 11.57- 200m/400m 6/3 F Huseyin
24.39 / 53.1- 800m 1 S Holmes 2:00.22- 2 D Ayrton 2:00.85- 4 J Baker 2:04.69- 6
D Baker 2:10.32- 1500m 1 S Holmes 4:12.08- 2 D Ayrton 4:12.87- 3 J Baker
4:14.39- 4 R Laming 4:15.14- 6 D Baker 4:24.49- 8 L Cooper 4:24.63- 400H 3 F
Huseyin 60.55- 1500SC 1 S Holmes 4:45.19- PV 1 J Fealey 3.00- 2 A Martinez 3.00-
LJ 5 D Grant 5.76- SP 1 P Archer 14.31- HT 1 M Bennett 46.46- 2 P Archer 34.82-
DT 4 P Archer 37.62- JT 1 J Dowsett 49.56- 5 S Blackburn 41.28- 6 A Wadey 37.52-
Vets M40 1500m 1 K Daniel 4:35.21- 2 C Griffin 4:36.31- 2000SC 3 P Barlow
6:55.23- M50 HJ/PV J Robinson 1.31/ 2.00- M60 J Day 100m/ 16.35- HJ/ 1.28- PV/
2.60- M Davies TJ/ 9.90 cbp- HT/ 37.52 cbp-
(02) 14th Jun. Surrey Schools SenB 400H G Lewis 55.6
(03) 26th Jun. Open Crystal Pal 110H T Carr 15.1
(04) 6th Jul. Kent U15 Norman Pk
400m N Simpson 54.3- 800m M Hill 2:05.6- 1500m S Simmons 4:33.6-
(05) 27th Aug. Open Watford 800m S Cooper 1:55.8- 3000m L Cooper 9:10-
(06) 30th Aug. HHH Open Tooting Bec SP M Bundock 16.56
(07) 14th Sept. Gt North Run (1/2Mara) Newcastle- Sth Shields
cf (17233) Add C Canty 108.- G Enright 108.- D Birkett 111.-
(08) 12th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk cf (17267) Full result
(30.25) 21 R Bentley 36.01- 39 P Dobbins 38.09- 40 T Brightwell 38.21- 116 W
Orton 43.58- 121 J E Sullivan 44.19- 122 D Farrelly 44.24- 155 (2M60) C Poole
46.35- 156 L Smith 46.39 199 S Partridge 52.37-
(09) 18th Oct. Kent XC Lge Tunbridge W cf (17272) Add Handicap positions
(33.55) 17 R Smith 36.42 (1)- 44 C Fincham 38.51 (2)- 45 K Daniel 38.53 (5)- 70
D Ellison 40.26 (6)- 83 G Meek 41.07 (3)- 91 M Ellison 41.37 (13)- 93 G Coates
41.48 (7)- 101 S Pairman 42.33 (8)- 104 S Haley 42.44 (4)- 110 W Slack 42.52
(12)- 114 C Pike 43.17 (9)- 135 N Barber 45.09 (10)- 141 B McShane 45.35 (16)-
162 H Cooper 47.36 (15)- 175 Ph Taylor 50.01 (17)- 179 C Poole 50.16 (11)- 182 B
Hartley 51.19 (14)- 192 D Wilcox 58.42 (18)-
(10) 19th Oct. Forbanks Rd 10Km Beckenham cf (17271) Full result
(33.57) 3 J Morland 34.51- 10 R Bentley 38.15- 11 T Brightwell 38.15- 12 W Slack
38.25 15 N Cook 40.02- 20 D Carton 41.09- Tm 1 BH
(11) 26th Oct. Marathon Frankfurt (2:10.59) 6 D Taylor 2:13.27 cl rec
(12) 26th Oct. Rd 10Km Wilmington 10 J Morland 34.18- W Orton 42.13-
(13) 26th Oct. 1/2Marathon Barns Gr (68.44) 43/661 J E Turner 83.59
(14) 1st Nov. Club v ThHH v Bank of Eng XC 10Km Hayes 1 L Mathews (ThHH)
34.20 2 J Watson (ThHH) 34.20- 3 W Oxborough (ThHH) 34.21- 5 A Draper 35.20- 6 J
Morland 35.31- 7 R Daniels 35.46- 9(1V) H Morten 36.15- 10 J Beck 36.35- 13 S
Cooper 37.10- 14 K Daniel 37.20- 15 C Fincham 37.38- 16 P Cavallo 38.08- 18 M
Ellison 38.30- 19 G Meek 38.35- 20 W Slack 38.37- 22 D Bennett 38.48- 27 B
McShane 39.40- 29 J R Turner 39.58- 32 C Pike 40.32- 33 B Fisher 40.50- 42 J
Robinson 44.22- 44 H Cooper 44.45- 49 D Dhammaloka 46.46- 50 W Clapham 47.02- 51
C Rowe 47.13- 53 Rn Chambers 49.25- 56 D Wilcox 53.47- 57 M Martineau 53.59- 58
B Todd 54.15- Match Sc7 ThHH 41- BH 64- Bank 126- Sc20 BH 399- ThHH 423-
(15) 2nd Nov. Nike Rd 10Km Barnsley (28.54) 13 D Smith 30.03
(16) 2nd Nov. Rd 5M Deal 1 L Bulson 25.23
(17) 2nd Nov. Seven Sisters Marathon 29 G Lloyd 3:26- A Tucker 3:42- S
Ridgewell 3:55 P Lovell 4:05- R Walsh 4:13- C Poole 4:14- G Longley 4:14- C Hall
4:20- D Churchus 4:21- J Isaacs 4:21- N Webb 4:23- B O'Flynn 4:47- B Hartley
4:48- M Gasson 4:55- B Graham 5:24- A Pickering (with M Cronin) 5:25
(18) 2nd Nov. Marathon New York (2:08.12) 179 R Smith 2:43.43- D White
3:12.22- N Cook 4:05 C Leon 4:33- J Else 4:36- P Hannell (Walk) 4:41.13- T
Bashford 5:09- A Thomas-
(19) 2nd Nov. Marathon Harrow 9 N Mayers 2:56.48- 11 J E Turner 2:57.29
(20) 2nd Nov. 1/2Marathon Marlow SCVAC 1M75 J Bennett 149.20-
(21) 2nd Nov. Parkwood YA XC Lge (2) Canterbury
U17 2 A Madar 14.13- 3 D Baker 14.15- 6 P Tucker 14.38- 7 S Holmes 14.44- U15 1
M Hill 12.16- 2 W Bolton 12.21- U13 1 C Daniel 10.36- 3 D Snow 10.49- GU17 5 S
Singer14.54- 10 G Godward- GU15 3 K Lucht 11.30- GU13 4 E Clarke 9.19- 8 E
Bugler- Match C. 1 BH
(22) 8th Nov. Home Countries Vets Intl XC Ballymena
10K M45 21 H Morten (Wal) 35.06- Open 4M 45 J Robinson 27.44-
(23) 8th Nov. South of Thames Jun XC 5.5M Crawley
(27.45) 4 R Parrott 28.13- 11 M Skinner 28.30- 39 R Daniels 29.38- 55 M Ellison
30.46 60 S Cooper 30.59- 61 D Ellison 30.59- Tms (Sc 4) 6 BH 109
(24) 8th Nov. Vets XC 5 Loughton (30.40) 17/32 W Clapham(VAC) 37.36
(25) 8th Nov. Sri Chinmoy Rd 10Km Battersea Pk 1L H Walker 37.49
(26) 9th Nov. Oxford U v Cambridge Freshmen T&F Camb 400m 1 N
Hamilton 52.8-
(27) 15th Nov. County Men's XC Lges
Kent Beckenham Place Pk (31.29) 9 R Smith 33.00 (H'c pos 12)- 15 A Draper 33.26
(8)- 20 R Daniels 33.43 (4)- 21 J Morland 33.47 (1)- 35 K Daniel 34.40 (15)- 58
M Ellison 35.44 (10)- 60 D Ellison 35.52 (13)- 63 S Cooper 35.55 (16)- 67 J Beck
36.23 (31)- 77 W Slack 36.51 (3)- 81 M Payne 37.04 (33)- 84 D Bennett 37.07
(14)- 87 M Cronin 37.14 (24)- 94 S Pairman 37.37 (6)- 101 G Coates 37.55 (20)-
103 R Coe 38.03 (18)- 107 N Wise 38.10 (34)- 113 C Pike 38.50 (19)- 116 J R
Turner 38.55 (22)- 119 A Tucker 39.07 (36)- 123 T Brightwell 39.11 (23)- 129 S
Haley 39.42 (28)- 130 B McShane 39.44 (29)- 132 S Ridgewell 39.59 (11)- 133 R
Brown 40.00 (27)- 135 J Copley 40.05 (5)- 146 N Barber 41.04 (25)- 147 R Walsh
41.05 (30)- 155 Ph Taylor 41.31 (2)-181 W Orton 44.00 (9)- 184 B Wilson 44.25
(37)- 186 M Compton 44.44 (39)- 187 C Rowe 44.51 (26)- 191 C Poole 44.58 (7)-
192 Rn Chambers 45.04 (32)- 199 B Hartley 46.29 (21)- 214 M Gasson 49.58 (17)-
215 D Dhammaloka 50.16 (38)- 218 D Wilcox 53.23 (35)- 219 M Mahoney 53.45 (40)-
Tms (Sc 4) 3 BH- (Sc 12) 1 BH-
Surrey Div 1 Wimbledon. 1 D Taylor (HHH) 25.32- Div 3 Esher. 120 W Clapham (VAC)
38.40- Div 4 Croydon Airport. J E Turner (DulPk)-
(28) 16th Nov. SEAA 10Km Ch Brighton & Hove W Orton 42.55
(29) 19th Nov. Civil Serv Natl XC Ch Richmond Pk 10Km W Orton 45.30
(30) 22nd Nov. XC Parliament Hill London Champs 6M. 287 W Clapham- London
Boroughs Youth
Chs U17 4 S Holmes- 5 J Baker- 7 A Madar- 11 A Rayner- 13 M Lucht- U15 2 M Hill-
9 W Bolton U13 4 C Daniel- 5 D Ryan- 12 D Snow-
(31) 16th Nov. SEAA Intl XC (& Kent Women's & YA Lges) Margate
Sen 8K 13 D Smith (Sth) 24.12- 64 M Watling 27.55- U20 6K 41 M Skinner 19.56- 45
D Farnham 20.04- Kent U17 4K 1 S Holmes 12.55- 4 L Cooper 13.15- 5 J Baker
13.19- 6 A Rayner 13.37- 8 D Moore 13.41- 14 I Hamblin 13.56- 24 S Turner 14.19-
31 A Moreton 14.53- 35 S Dunderdale 15.16- Tms 1 BH- U15 3K 1 M Hill 9.38- 6 W
Bolton 10.16- 7 S Simmons 10.17- 14 J Godsell 10.46- Tm 1 BH- U13 7 D Ryan
11.11- 12 T Robinson 11.36- 23 D Griffin 12.22- 24 J Boutle 12.25- 39 P Moreton
13.47- Tm 4 BH- U11 2 R Daniel 3.42- U17W Kt 10 S Singer 17.08- 14 G Godward
17.40- 17 C Brown 18.45- Tm 4 BH- GU15 4 G Viney 11.18- 6 K Lucht 11.24- 22 H
Barker 12.43- 38 F Barker 13.51- Tm 3 BH- GU13 6 E Bugler 10.23- 12 C Berry
10.57- 29 K Boutle- 31 C Laming- Tm 5 BH-
(32) 23rd Nov. Crosscup XC Roeselare Sen 10K. 5 M Steinle 30.10- U20 6K.
19 S Austin 21.03
(33) 23rd Nov. Marathon Benidorm (2:19.51) C Poole 4:03
(34) 23rd Nov. Rd 10M Epsom (51.39) 104 W Orton 69.18
(35) 26th Nov. Inter-Banks XC 5.75M Roehampton 5 R Smith 30.46
(36) 29th Nov. Mobmatch v Orion Chingford 7"M incl Club Champ
1 R Smith (Davis Cup) 46.59 (h'c pos 41)- 2 J Morland 47.11 (26)- 3 M Watling
47.34 (27)- 8 P Cavallo 48.40 (2)- 9 R Daniels 49.22 (37)- 12 D Ellison 50.39
(19)- 14 M Ellison 51.05 (23)- 16 K Daniel 51.09 (38)- 17 W Slack 51.35 (13)- 20
M Payne 52.06 (24)- 22 D Bennett 52.37 (14)- 24 P Calnan 52.48 (42)- 26 S
Pairman 53.03 (12)- 27 M Cronin 53.30 (31)- 28 C Pike 53.41 (8)- 29 G Coates
53.46 (21)- 32 J R Turner 54.17 (10)- 34 B McShane 54.46 (11)- 35 A Tucker 54.54
(35)- 38 J Phelan 55.08 (30)- 39 D White 55.26 (22)- 40 G Meek 55.30 (34)- 42 B
Fisher 55.51 (25)- 46 S Ridgewell 56.49 (7)- 51 R Brown 57.25 (28)- 54 N Barber
57.49 (15)- 55 S Haley 58.09 (40)- 57 C Griffin 58.40 (48)- 59 T Wood 59.36
(18)- 61 S CApey 59.38 (33)- 62 S Hollingdale 59.53 (6)- 65 N Cook 60.21 (5)- 66
Ph Taylor 60.38 (29)- 68 P Lovell 61.13 (16)- 70 B Wilson 61.45 (36)- 75 C Rowe
63.31 (9)- 76 W Clapham 63.32 (32)- 79 B Hartley 64.12 (3)- 81 S McEvoy 65.05
(44)- 84 J Tateson 65.31 (43)- 87 N Webb 67.26 (39)- 88 C St.Aubyn 68.55 (45)-
89 K Messent 69.26 (4)- 90 M Gasson 69.56 (1)- 93 A Cilia 71.44 (20)- 95 S Lloyd
72.22 (50)- 96 D Wilcox 72.47 (17)- 98 M Martineau 76.11 (49)- 100 B Todd 79.59
(47)- 104 K Tyler 89.12 (51)- 105 D Tingey 94.35 (46)- Match Orion 2205- BH 2265
(37) 29th Nov. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon 1 S Smythe (DulR M39) 27.02- 9 P
Hamilton 28.48
(38) 29th Nov. ThHH Inter-Club XC 5 Putney Vale 4 G Clifford (BoE) 26.38
(39) 29th Nov. Inter-County Schools Warwick Univ
Sen 5M 1 D Farnham (Kt)- Inter 3"M 2 M Hill (Kt)- 4 A Madar (Kt)
(40) 30th Nov. XC 10Km Crowborough 1 D Smith 33.36
(41) 30th Nov. Gatliffe XC 31M Edenbridge T Woods- Br Smith- R Griffin-
& C Poole All 8:00
(42) 6th Dec. BH Vets XC Champs, Open 10Km & Self-handicap Hayes
1 A Draper 34.49- 2 M Airey 35.02- 3 M Watling 36.23- 4 N Kinsey 36.34- 6 S
Cooper 36.52- 7 R Smith 37.19- 8(1M40) K Daniel (Browning Tankard) 37.29- 10 D
Ellison 38.28- 11 D Marks 38.34- 13(2M40) J Phelan 38.48- 14(3M40) W Slack
39.03- 15(1M50) M Cronin 39.12- 17 D Bennett 40.33- 18 J R Turner 40.40-
20(2M50) D White 41.45- 21 C Griffin 41.48- 22 G Coates 41.49- 23 B Fisher
41.55- 25 R Brown 43.29- 27 D Carton 43.49- 28 T Brightwell 43.54- 29 J Robinson
43.54- 31 A Davis 45.06- 32 S Capey 45.11- 35 B Wilson 46.11- 36(1M60) W Clapham
47.11- 37 C Rowe 48.04- 38 C Robinson (LG) 48.06- 39 M Ellison 48.22- 40 J
Tateson 48.46- 41 N Webb 49.18- 42 Rn Chambers 49.36- 43(1W35) K Messent 49.58-
44 D Churchus 51.18- 45 A Cilia 51.35- 46 J Bugler 52.01- 47 M Gasson 52.32- 48
K Tyler 60.27- 49(1M70) D Tingey 70.25- 50 J Bennett 76.40- Self-h'c- Amos(Orp)
24"-A Davis 6"-S Cooper 8"
(43) 6th Dec. Oxford v Camb XC 7" Wimbledon 8 J Bradley (Ox) 41.09
(44) 7th Dec. Victory 5 Portsmouth (23.39) 4 D Taylor 23.43- 61 R Smith
(45) 13th Dec. County XC Chs Kent Gillingham Sen (38.18) 2 D Smith 38.46-
9 R Smith 40.52 15 A Draper 41.53- 36 S Smythe (DulR) 43.55- 49 S Cooper 44.58-
52 D Ellison 45.09- 73 M Cronin 46.46- Tms 4 BH- Jun 5 M Skinner 31.31- 6 D
Farnham 31.35- U17 1 L Cooper 18.34- 2 A Madar 18.44- 3 S Holmes 18.49- 4 J
Baker 18.49- 5 D Moore 18.51- 10 A Rayner 19.25- 16 R Laming 19.44- 23 I Hamblin
20.21- 24 S Turner 20.22- 32 S Dunderdale 21.03- 33 A Moreton 21.26- Tms 1 BH-
U15 1 M Hill 13.58- 5 W Bolton 14.24- 8 S Simmons 14.36- 21 C Gay 15.40- 28 D
Bassey 16.08- Tms 1 BH- U13 5 D Ryan 9.59- 10 D Snow 10.14- 17 C Daniel 10.43-
37 D Griffin 11.26- 43 J Boutle 12.03- 51 P Moreton 12.33- Tms 4 BH- WU17 2 Z
Morrell 16.41- 7 S Singer 17.05- 15 C Castledine(ns) 17.53- 16 G Godward 18.15-
22 A Brown 19.37- GU15 4 G Viney 12.16- 19 H Barker 13.28- 33 H Slaytor 14.30-
38 K Bugler 15.02- 39 F Barker 15.14- Tms 3 BH- GU13 6 E Clarke 11.19-8 E Bugler
11.21-11 J Patmore 11.37-15 C Berry 11.48-31 K Boutle 13.06- 3 BH- Surrey
Frimley Sen 26 M Watling (AFD) 41.26- U17 3 R Bentley- 7 M Lucht 23.33- U15 15 J
Godsell- GU15 1 K Lucht 14.28-
(46) 14th Dec. Hog's Back 9M Godalming 3M45 G Lloyd 54.39-
(47) 20th Dec. Club Christmas 5M XC Hayes 1 J Morland 30.06- 2 S Cooper
30.07- 3 P Cavallo 30.20- 4 H Morten 30.24- 5 J Phelan 31.38- 6 M Cronin 31.55-
8 W Slack 32.45- 9 J R Turner 33.24- 10 A Tucker 33.40- 11 G Griffin 33.58- 12 R
Brown 35.04- 13 J Murray 35.18- 14 M Crisp 35.21- 15 N Barber 36.02- 16 J
Robinson 36.28- 18 J Copley 36.55- 19 N Cook 38.05- 20 R Griffin 38.13- 22 J
Tateson 39.45- 23 D Churchus 41.02- 24 S Lloyd 41.39- 26 J Bugler 42.02- 27 M
Martineau 42.30- 28 M Gasson 42.32- 29 P Freeman 47.22- 30 D Tingey 54.00-
(48) 20th Dec. ThHH Old Boys XC 5 Wimbledon Cmn 1 L Bulson (DulC) 26.46
cr rec
(49) 20th Dec. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn (27.17) 36 W Clapham 35.38
(50) Monthly Series 4/11 Cryst Pal 5K W Clapham 21.57- 10/12 Lensbury Br
9 N Cook 14.32-
(51) RACE WALKING 1/11 Steyning 10K. 8 S Lightman 55.14- 8/11 Monks Hill
7M. 4 P Hannell 63.00- 8 N Simmons 68.55- 22/11 Belgrave 7M Wimbledon. 11 P
Hannell 59.58- 12 S Lightman 60.42- 10/12 Monks Hill 10K. 1 S Lightman 54.48- 4
N Simmons 60.38- 13/12 Bexley 10K. 8 S Lightman 53.50- 14/12 Steyning 5K. S
Lightman 26.44-
(52) INDOOR 96/7 TJ N Thomas 15.14- 14/12 Cryst Pal. U20 60H 1 M Sillah
8.5- U17 60m 2 D Grant 7.1- M Awanah 7.3- T Igharoro 7.6- GU17 60m A Barnaby
8.2- GU15 60H L Nemeth 8.7- A Jacobs 8.8- K Benneworth 8.8- N Gharbaoui 8.9-
20/12 Cryst Pal. SP Sen 2 E Udechuku 16.58- U20 1 A Cluskey 13.84- U17 2 P
Archer 13.29-