VOL 17. No2. NOV 1997. PRESIDENT 1997/8: Mike Mahoney
HON. SECR:- M Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill, TN16 3HG (01959
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
The Track & Field season ended on a high note with the Vets winning the
Southern Ch, the YAs again National Champs and the Juniors winning both the
National Championship and the European Club Cup. Next the Cross-Country.
Such doings have, however, largely been pushed aside in
the sports columns by the financial troubles of the BAF. While one may not envy
the task taken on by David Moorcroft, the ordinary club runner who pays all his
own race entry fees, his travel and accomodation, buys his own kit and pays the
Physio, is unlikely to waste much sympathy over the past policies which have
landed the BAF in it.
Those who've been Recorders for our One-Hour race at Norman Park will admire
the dedication of their counterparts in the recent Sri Chinmoy 24-Hour race at
Tooting Bec. Admiration for the runners (who included our John (E) Turner and
Dick Griffin) almost goes without saying, especially in view of the wet and cold
conditions this year.
Tony Smith and his team of helpers will be well-known to
any who have run the Mon and Sat races at Battersea Park and who will know of
their quiet efficiency.
Mention must be made too of the runners' families and friends with their support
tents circling the track to provide a bit of temporary shelter and rest. Support
also came from a string of visiting wellwishers and from further afield (it even
shut our Pres up while Colin Poole made his mobile phone enquiries from our
At the corresponding 24-Hr event in Adelaide recently
(also organised by Sri Chinmoy (Ozzi branch)), a runner named Kouros
(appropriately of Greek descent) ran 303.5 Km (about 187M), equivalent to 7
Marathons. A world best, and likely to stay so for some time.
Simon Lloyd has made such a good recovery from his road accident that he was
able to complete the Club Five, though still incorporating various bits of
Among our London Marathon charity runners is Trevor Wood
who has raised more than £1000 for a special needs school in St.Mary Cray.
At 18, Gareth Griffin is believed to be the youngest
runner to complete the London to Brighton. He joined Trevor, John (E) Turner and
Brian Smith in the Blackheath team.
The event is held monthly on Wed evenings Apr-Sept and is now
well-established, attracting over 40 this year (summarised in Results). The
course, of approx 5Km, starts and finishes at the rail bridge in Tiepigs Lane.
It is, as they say, undulating and a good challenge to runners of all ages &
standards. Give yourself a treat - try it next year.
Sign the Attendance book before leaving. Wear bright clothing: carry ID: go
with others
17th Dec
Wednesday Nighter's Christmas Supper
20th Dec Club Christmas
31st Dec New Year's Eve
NOTE: Punchbowl Night
21st Feb
200 CLUB Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
I was deeply concerned at the level of ignorance displayed about the game in
a recent Courier, where it was referred to as 'something to do with birdies'. No
doubt if your name is Tiger Woods or Greg Norman it would be that simple.
The problem is that golf is a game where a ball of about
1" inches diam is placed on a ball of about 8000 miles diam, the idea being
to hit the smaller but not too much of the larger. To do this you are allowed to
choose from one of 14 different clubs, preferably carried by someone else, and
the problem is that the hitting area of a club is not much bigger than a large
The game is played over several hundred acres of green
belt (Your Courier Editor thought that was Judo) divided into 18 fairways, the
idea being to get the ball from tee to green (God willing via the fairway) and
then into a 4" inch hole in the fewest number of strokes. A morceau de
gateau you might say. Unfortunately, there are many impedimenta placed to catch
the unwary, or merely careless, golfer. On either side of the fairway is long
grass into which your ball might disappear, not to mention numerous trees. There
are also strategically placed sandfilled excavations called bunkers, and there
might even be the occasional lake. Holes vary in length from 100 to 600 yds and
you have a card which tells you the total strokes you should take at each hole.
This total is known as par. Now we get ornithological. If by some amazing piece
of luck (I mean skill) you manage to complete the hole in one stroke less than
par that is called a birdie (Ah-Ha, I knew it), two less is an eagle and three
less an albatross. Now you might think that Harriers, being part of the bird
family, would have an advantage - dream on. The average par total on a golf
course is 70 strokes. At our two recent meetings Harriers scored anywhere
between 85 and 105 for a round. This implies that at many holes Harriers were
apoplectic. Any score over par is rather unpleasantly called a bogie or in some
cases a double or triple bogie. However, all is not lost. In order to cater for
the widely differing standards there is a handicap system (Oh No, not
Freemantle). So supposing the par total was 70, you subtract this from your best
total of strokes, so Brian O'Flynn who plays off a handicap of 13 (pretty good
eh!) expects to go round a course in 83 strokes. Your handicap gets adjusted
relative to your latest score.
But if all else fails the truly crap golfer can take heart
from the fact that golf and sex are two of the few things you can enjoy without
being any good at!
Tony Pontifex
11th Sept. 2nd Meeting of Blackheath H Golf Society,
Kingsdown Club
1 B O'Flynn 33 Stableford pts (after countback)- 2 M Lodwig 33- 3 B Hartley 32-
4 A Pontifex 31- 5 S Freemantle 30- 6 G Fee 30- 7 D Lawrie 29- 8 D Gillate 21- 9
B Shapcott 12-
DAD'S ARMY ATTACKS EUROPE (27th-29th Sept 1997)
(The names have been changed to protect the guilty)
My nerves were shattered by the 4 a.m reveille plus the Sergeant Major's late
arrival. However, we all jumped out of his jeep's path as it screeched to a halt
on the Bromley pavement. At the assembly point, Dover, some miracle found us all
on the same boat, but, when all seven cars emerged at Calais John Davidson was
missing. The Sergeant Major was furious, desertion on the assault beaches being
a capital offence. John explained that he was delayed by a Red Cross nurse but
this only made the Sergeant Major red & cross.
The advance in convoy across France, Belgium and into
Luxembourg went to plan. Gen. Patton's Battle of the Bulge was repeated except
that beer consumed en route made a bulge in many a Blackheath Harrier. We
prepared methodically for the race by attending Mark Crisp's Veteran initiation
rites which consisted of wine, roast pig, four hours dancing - oh, and wine.
Heathens did not feature prominently at the sharp end the following morning
where five apparently emaciated Kenyans (i.e not bulging with wine and roast
pig) knocked off the half marathon in around the hour. Mark Ellison was our
first man home in a creditable 83 mins. What was my time? Did I finish? Did I
START? Got any wine?
In the evening we gathered for a drink (well what did you
expect?) at Mark Crisp's rambling farm and then all on to a nearby restaurant.
Well, nearly all. John Davidson was missing and a search operation had to be
mounted. There he was, back at the farm. Yes, you've guessed it: locked in the
lavatory. Oh dear ... John Davidson
(01) 10-11 May. Kent AA Chs Crystal Pal cf (16631)
Add S White 4th 110H/17.43- JT/45.24
(02) 17th May. Sthn Lge Div 1 (2) Norman Pk cf (16633) corr 3000SCB 4 S
White 11:59.4
(03) 21-22 Jun. Br Univ SA Decathlon Hexham S White 5582 (100m 11.91- LJ
5.76- SP 9.54- HJ 1.72- 400m 54.00- 110H 16.90- DT 31.02- PV 3.30- JT 43.84-
1500m 4:41.47-
(04) 6th Jul. 30M Multiterrain Tanners Hatch cf (17127)
G Payne 5.04- C Poole 5.10- C Hall 6.14- B Todd 7.48- S Lacey 8.11- A Page 8.11
(05) 2-3 Aug. SEAA Decathlon 10 S White 5346 (100m 12.03- LJ 5.84- SP
9.02- HJ 1.71- 400m 53.32- 110H 17.16- DT 31.36- PV 2.70- JT 43.76- 1500m
(06) 10th Aug. BVAF Pentathlon Solihull M45 2 D Wallington 2687
(07) 17th Aug. T&F Troisdorg, Germ 10000m 3 D Taylor 29:11.79
(08) 24-25 Aug. AAA Chs Birmingham 100m 4 A Lashore 10.48 (200m ht
21.44)- 110H 4 M Elliott 14.56- 5000m 8 S Newport 14:20.71-
(09) 24th Aug. SEAA Inter-Counties U20 Copthall 800m 2 M Skinner 1:56.72-
1500m 2 C Moss 3:53.82- 3 S Austin 3:59.35- 110H 3 T Carr 15.17- 400H R Tabares
54.04- TJ 1 P Francis 14.03- A Cluskey 1SP/3DT 14.74/43.02-
(10) 24th Aug. Gt Scottish Run 1/2Marathon Glasgow P Smith 115.10
(11) 24-25 Aug. Home Countries Comb Events Intl Hemel Hempstead
Dec 2 A Sharp (Scot) 7354 ((100m/ 10.93- LJ/ 7.03- SP/ 13.92- HJ/ 1.86- 400m/
50.29- 110H/ 15.27- DT/ 27.12 - PV/ 3.80- JT/ 58.34- 1500m/ 5:01.5)
(12) 24th Aug. Intl T&F La Chaux de Fonda Switz 100m/200m J Golding
10.34/ 20.38 cl rec (5th All-time Brit)
(13) 27-31 Aug. World Stud Games Sicily 1/2Marathon 6 M Steinle 64.59
(14) 30th Aug. Inter-Counties Crawley
110H M Elliott(Kt) 14.7- 400H S Pratt(Ex) 54.0- N Keogh(Kt) 55.0- PV A Hardy
4.00- SP E Udechuku(Sy) 16.69- A Cluskey(Sy) 13.45- DT E Udechuku 53.62-
(15) 30th Aug. Lewisham Cl Chs Sutcliffe Pk U17 100m/200m A Evans
11.7/23.3- U15 100m/400m D Watson 11.9/ 55.3- 200m/400m N Simpson 24.3/ 56.8-
U13 SP/DT K Chester 7.75/ 23.38
(16) 31st Aug. AAA 10M Rd Ch W.Midl 4 D Taylor 48.51- 36 S Newport 51.46
(17) 31st Aug. Natl Jun Lge Sthn Prem (4) Harrow
100mA 1 M Findlay 10.6- B 1 D Plummer 11.1- 200mA 2 D Burley 21.8- B 1 A Wilson
21.8- 400mA 1 Wilson 48.0- B 1 S Jarred 52.6- 800mA 1 D Ayrton 1:56.3- B 1 S
Holmes 2:05.0- 1500mA 1 S Austin 4:00.3- B 1 M Skinner 4:06.3- ns J Baker
4:21.7- 3000mA 3 D Ayrton 9:35.0- B 2 D Baker 9:37.3- 110HA 2 T Carr 14.9- B 2 R
Tabares 15.9- 400HA 1 R Tabares 52.5- B 3 S Jarred 60.7- 2000SCA 4 S Holmes
6:41.2- B 3 M Lucht 6:54.7- HJA 1 P Graham 1.90- B 4 J Baker 1.60- PVA 3 J
Fealey 3.40- B- LJA 4 P Francis 6.17- B 3 T Carr 5.60- TJA 1 P Francis 13.93- B
5 S Jarred 10.43- SPA 1 E Udechuku 17.71- B 1 A Cluskey 14.33- HTA 2 E Udechuku
43.32- B 2 A Cluskey 33.88- DTA 1 E Udechuku 61.20- B 1 A Cluskey 42.08- JTA 2 E
Udechuku 53.46- B 4 M Lucht 4.36- 4X100m 1 BH 42.8 (Findlay, Plummer, Carr &
Burley)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:26.1 (Wilson, Austin, Tabares & Jarred)- Match 1 BH
(18) 31st Aug. YA Lge Sthn Div 2 Wimbledon
U17 100m C Ocho 11.8- T Igharoro 11.8- 800m/1500SC R Laming 2:05.9/ 4:37.9-
4X100m 1 BH 47.7- 4X400m 2 BH 3:41.4- U15 3000m C Cato 10:37.7- 80H R Allinson
13.0- SP N Skinner 11.00- U13 100m G Isado 13.9- 200m/LJ P Shead 27.3/ 4.39-
Match 1 Ashfd 281- 2 St Alb 275- 3 BHB 263 (promoted)- 4 Musw H 251- 5 Bastk
226- 6 E Grin 185
(19) 31st Aug. 1/2Marathon Liverpool G Murray 125.12
(20) 3rd Sept. Club One-Hour Race Norman Pk
1 H Morten 17.292Km- 2 S Smythe 16.765- 3 C Fincham 16.715- 4 M Ellison 16.590-
5 A Fletcher (F36G) 16.364 (Brit Age Best Perf)- 6 M Cronin 16.140- 7 S Pairman
15.620- 8 A Tucker 15.455- 9 J E Turner 15.380- 10 R Brown 15.185- 11 T
Brightwell 14.783- 12 T Wood 14.589- 13 J Isaacs 14.098- 14 J R Turner 13.780-
15 N Cook 13.563- 16 R Hogwood 13.520- 17 C Poole 13.480- 18 R Strong 13.440- 19
D Churchus 13.185- 20 M Compton 12.950- 21 A Pontifex 12.866- 22 P Hannell
(walk) 10.960- 23 J Else (FG) 10.600- dnf C Andrews (10Km/ 34.25)- J Mullett
(8800m/ 40.39)- C Woodcock 6400m/ 25.56- R Watkins 5200m/ 30.20- C Hall 4400m/
20.00- A Jelly-
(21) 4th Sept. Assembly Lge 2.9M Beckenham P Tucker- W Clapham 19.52- A
Musson 20.15-
(22) 7th Sept. SCVAC T&F Lge Final Colindale Tr A,B & C(M50) Fd A
& C
100mA 5 D Wallington 12.6- B 5 R Brown 13.1- C 7 J Robinson 14.8- 200mA 6 D
Wallington 25.3- B 2 G Coates 25.6- C 5 J Robinson 28.5- 400mA 3 R Minting 55.7-
B 1 G Coates 55.7- C 6 M Martineau 69.5- 800mA 1 R Minting 2:07.8- B 1 G Coates
2:15.4- (M60) 1 J Baldwin 2:45.1- 1500mA 3 K Daniel 4:24.5- B 1 H Morten 4:29.7-
C 3 M Cronin 4:55.9- 3000mA 2 D Hassall 9:21.2- B 1 H Morten 9:25.8- (M60) 1 J
Baldwin 10:59.5- 2000WalkA 3 P Hannell 9:41.1- B 2 R Brown 11:02.4- C 1 S
Lightman 10:05.4- HJA 4 R Minting 1.55- C 4 J Robinson 1.30- PVA 2 J Wakeman
3.00- (M60) 1 J Day 2.82- LJA 1 D Wallington 5.30- C 6 M Martineau 4.09- TJA 2 R
Coe 10.87- C 5 M Martineau 8.45- SPA 2 C Ellis 10.34- (M60) 2 C Brand 8.85 - HTA
3 C Ellis 30.22- (M60) 1 C Brand 24.38- DTA 1 C Ellis 37.98- (M60) 1 C Brand
34.06- JTA 3 R Coe 37.34- C 1 C Brand 43.12- 4X100m 3 BH 49.7- Medley 1 BH
Match 1 BH 2091/2 2 Ep&E 201- 3 Worthg 186- 4 Ilfd 1751/2 5 Oxfd 160- 6
Havnt 128-7 Serp 91
(23) 7th Sept. IAAF GP Gateshead 200m 5 J Golding 21.19-
(24) 7th Sept. Eng v Intl Select Braintree
SP 2 E Udechuku 16.94- 6 M Bundock 15.10- DT 1 E Udechuku 55.22-
(25) 7th Sept. Rd 10Km Istead & Ifield 7 J Morland 36.03
(26) 7th Sept. Rd 10Km Perivale (28.12) 43(2J) D Farnham 32.43
(27) 7th Sept. YA Lge Final Birmingham
U17 100mA 2 D Plummer 10.93- B 2 D Grant 11.27- 200mA 2 D Plummer 22.48- B 2 Jo
Brown 23.07- 400mA 3 A Evans 50.99- B 1 L Connike 51.10- 800mA 1 S Holmes
1:55.70- B 2 D Moulton 2:04.83- 1500mA 2 D Ayrton 4:04.23- B 3 R Laming 4:14.75-
3000mA 3 J Baker 9:12.03- B 1 L Cooper 9:20.14- 100HA 1 M Sillah 13.85- B 6 F
Huseyin 16.12- 400HA 3 D Moore 59.1- B 2 F Huseyin 61.17- 1500SCA 2 D Moore
4:27.25- B 2 R Laming 4:49.40- HJA 5 M Sillah 1.75- B 3 D Moore 1.70- PVA 3 J
Fealy 3.60- B 1 A Martinez 3.30- LJA 6 C Dundas 5.78- B 5 A Marron 5.36- TJA 2 C
Dundas 13.06- B 1 A Marrow 12.29- SPA 1 A Cluskey 16.85- B 1 P Archer 13.56- HTA
2 M Bennett 53.92- B 4 P Archer 28.44- DTA 1 A Cluskey 47.60- B 1 P Archer
38.14- JTA 1 J Dowsett 48.20- B 1 J Lundman 47.10- 4X100m 2 BH 43.70- 4X400m 1
BH 3:29.12-
U15 100mA 6 T Arojogun 12.09- B 3 D Watson 11.92- 200mA 5 T Arojogun 24.31- B 1
D Watson 23.75- 400mA 5 N Simpson 55.93- B 2 K Olusesi 56.22- 800mA 2 M Hill
2:06.20- B- 1500mA 1 M Hill 4:26.75- B 2 C Cato 4:44.75- 3000mA 3 S Simmons
9:54.68- B 3 W Bolton 10:00.44- 80HA 6 S Baptiste 12.68- B 3 C Phinn 12.71- HJA
6 A Koporo 1.60- B 2 A Powell 1.60- PVA 2 P Unseld 2.80- B- LJA 5 N Simpson
5.61- B 4 D Watson 5.36- SPA 2 J Kompani 13.69- B 1 A Patel 11.46- HTA 1 J
Kompani 54.40- B 1 N Skinner 47.94- DTA 2 A Patel 37.76- B 3 N Skinner 31.90-
JTA 5 A Stephenson 39.04- B 6 J Kompani 35.30- 4X100m 6 BH 47.93- 4X400m 3 BH
U13 100mA 2 K Imajemite 12.80- B 2 Q Belgrave 12.83- 200mA 3 K Imajemite 26.15-
B 4 P Shead 26.91- 800mA 7 C Daniel 2:36.86- B 4 T Robinson 2:30.62- 1500mA 6 D
Ryan 5:07.7- B 4 D Snow 5:08.0- LJA 1 Q Belgrave 5.23- B 3 G Okiring 4.48-
Match 1 BH 4571/2 2 Livp 391- 3 Enfd 3701/2 4 Sale 366- 5 Birchfd 3211/2 6
Wirral 306- 7 Shaft 299- 8 Stoke 245"
(28) 7th Sept. SAM 7 Leatherhead (36.48) 12/164 A Tucker 43.17
(29) 7th Sept. 1/2Marthn Slough (68.28) 86 N Cook 91.35-
(30) 7th Sept. Moray Marathons Rd 10Km Elgin P Smith 50.35- G Murray
(31) 10th Sept. Open T&F Watford 1500m K Daniel 4:16.8
(32) 14th Sept. Natl Jun Lge Final Birmingham
100mA 1 M Findlay 10.83- B 1 D Plummer 11.02- 200mA 2 M Findlay 21.67- B 1 D
Burley 21.92- 400mA 1 A Wilson 47.85 lge rec- B 1 N Hamilton 49.97- 800mA 1 C
Moss 1:51.44- B 2 D Ayrton 1:59.60- 1500mA 1 S Austin 3:58.73- B 1 M Skinner
4:02.14- 3000mA 6 J Baker 9:22.44- B 3 D Baker 9:27.28- 110HA 8 P Graham 19.86-
B 1 N Thomas 15.88- 400HA 1 R Tabares 53.08- B 3 S Jarred 62.26- 2000SCA 5 S
Holmes 6:35.70- B 6 M Lucht 7:01.52- HJA 1 P Graham 2.00- B 7 J Apps 1.60- PVA 3
J Fealy 3.20- B 3 J Apps 2.20- LJA 2 N Thomas 6.56- B 2 M Findlay 6.30- TJA 2 P
Francis 14.57- B 1 N Thomas 14.42- SPA 1 E Udechuku 17.27- B 1 A Cluskey 14.91-
HTA 3 E Udechuku 45.54- B 2 M Bennett 43.82- DTA 1 E Udechuku 60.36- B 1 A
Cluskey 41.40- JTA 2 E Udechuku 57.68- B 1 J Apps 56.24- 4X100m 1 BH 41.35 lge
rec (D Plummer, J Skeete, D Burley & M Findlay)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:15.41 lge rec
(N Hamilton, C Moss, R Tabares & A Wilson)-
Match 1 BH 372- 2 Shaft 279- 3 Sale 258- 4 Birchfd 250- 5 Old G 2321/2 6
Warrington 1691/2 7 Telford 134- 8 AFD 125-
(33) 14th Sept. Great North Run (1/2Marn) Newcastle/ Sth Shields 24 W
Foster 64.57- W Orton 100.- Jun Race 2U17 L Cooper 14.27- 1GU17 G Viney 16.25-
(34) 14th Sept. Kent Relay Chs Ashford
Sen 4X100m 1 BH 43.6 (M R Williams, M Champion, N Keogh & M Elliott)- 4X400m
3 BHB (M R Williams, S White, P Byfield & E Predergast)- Medley 2 BH (P
Byfield, P Featherston, N Keogh & E Predergast)- MU17 4X100m 2 BH- 4X400m 1
BH- BU15 4X100m 1 BH- 4X400m 1 BH- BU13 4X100m 1 BH- GU17 4X100m 1 BHA 50.9 (K
Porter, E Kuenstlinger, N Viney & S Singer)- 4 BHB 54.2 Z Morrell, D Harker,
G Godward & K Hyde)- 6 BHC 59.1 (A Brown, C Lewis, C Castledine & C
Brown)- 4X200m 1 BHA 1:48.5 (K Porter, Z Morrell, N Viney & S Singer)- 4 BHB
1:54.4 (E Kuenstlinger, D Harker, G Godward & K Hyde)- 7 BHC 2:04.1 (A
Brown, C Lewis, C Castledine & C Brown)- 3X800m 1 BH 7:30.6 (C Lewis 2:37.2-
Z Morrell 2:28.4- S Singer 2:25.0)- 5 BHB 8:27.3 (A Brown 2:46.9, C Castledine
2:36.6 & C Brown 3:03.8)- GU15 4X100m 8 BH 57.5 (L Nemeth, E Green, R Willan
& J Birjukov)- 3X200m 6 BH 2:00.2 (L Nemeth, E Green, K Bugler & J
Birjukov)- 3X800m 5 BH 8:38.7 (H Barker 2:41.9, F Barker 2:57.6 & K Bugler
2:59.2)- GU13 4X100m 2 BHA 55.5 (K Benneworth, A Jacobs, N Gharbaoui & A
Raisey)- 5 BHB 59.4 (C Draper, C Willis, J Patmore & C Berry)- 8 BHC 65.4 (E
Bugler, N Batchelor, K Willan & A Tomlinson)- 3X800m 2 BHA 8:18.7 (J Patmore
2:44.4, C Berry 2:49.5 & E Bugler 2:45.8)- 7 BHB 9:39.8 (K Willan 3:17.1, K
Boutle 3:18.7 & A Tomlinson 3:04.0)
(35) 14th Sept. Multiterrain 1/2Marathon Swanley (80.49) 17 J Copley
91.08- 30 P Lovell 96.33- 53 B Hartley 105.44- 55 R Bennett 106.29- 57 N Webb
106.41- 85 W Graham 114.57- 106 R Gibson 129.24-
(36) 14th Sept. Br V Throwers Natl Pentathlon Chs Tamworth M60 2 C Brand
3369 (SP 9.76- HT 31.56- DT 33.68- JT 40.94- 20KgHT 12.26)
(37) 14th Sept. Rd 10Km Canterbury 3 D Farnham 34.03
(38) 14th Sept. Camb H Relays Sutcliffe Pk (4X 3.6Km) B Parrott 11.00- D
Ellison 12.30- J Baldwin 13.07
(39) 20th Sept. Club XC Relays Sparrows Den
Men (6X 4.1Km) 1 BHA 81.33 (S Cooper 14.04- A Draper 13.10 (Fastest lap)- R
Daniels 13.41- R Smith 14.10- R Parrott 13.14- M Skinner 13.14)- ns Kent AC
85.03 (Fastest Vet lap P Boxshall 13.43)- 2 Cam H 85.15- 3 SLHA 86.58- 4 BHD
90.27 (D Bennett 15.19- S Pairman 15.27- W Slack 16.02- M Ellison 14.45- S
Freemantle 14.45- K Daniel 14.09) 5 BHC 90.47 (J R Turner 15.55- B McShane
15.11- C Pike 16.26- C Fincham 14.16- D Ellison 14.34- P Cavallo 14.25)- 6
Mandel (Belg) 92.50- 7 Dulw Rn 93.15- 8 SLHB 96.40 - 9 Intl Select 102.13 (M
Cronin 15.02- D White 16.00- J Copley 15.29- S Guidy (Belg) 18.03- W Clapham
18.38- C Haines 19.01)- Women (4X 4.1Km) 1 SLHA 70.37 (Fastest lap A MacKenzie
17.12)- 2 SLHB 77.16-
(40) 20/21 Sept. Kent Multievent Chs Deangate Decth 1 S White 5281
(100m/12.4- LJ/5.56- SP/10.48- HJ/1.65- 400m/54.5- 110H/17.0- DT/33.14- PV/2.80-
JT/44.08- 1500m/4:38.9)- Wm Hept 2 A Martin 3479-
(41) 20th Sept. HHH T&F Tooting Bec Sen 1500m D Taylor 3:54.3- SP/DT
E Udechuku 17.25 (Sy U20 rec)/ 51.62- U20 SP A Cluskey 14.39- V 1500m H Morten
(42) 21st Sept. Sutton T&F Carshalton Sen DT E Udechuku 52.90- U17
SP/DT A Cluskey 17.09/ 45.72- SP P Archer 14.32-
(43) 21st Sept. Rd 10Km Bath 6 S Newport 30.33
(44) 21st Sept. Kent YA Rd Relays Canterbury
U17 (3X4.4K) 1 BHA (R Laming 14.53- L Cooper 13.36- D Moore 14.01)- 3 BHB (A
Madar 14.16- I Hamblin 15.12- P Tucker 14.15)- 4 BHC (S Turner 14.13- S
Dunderdale 15.12- A Rayner 14.29) U15 1 BH (W Bolton 9.34- S Simmons 9.38- M
Hill 9.09)- U13 2 BH (C Daniel 8.31- D Griffin 9.24- D Snow 8.37)- GU17 5 BH (S
Singer 11.33- N Viney 12.46- A Brown 12.31)- GU15 5 BH (A Slayter 10.32- G Viney
8.37- H Barker 9.58)- GU13 3 BHA (J Patmore 8.52- C Berry 9.37- E Bugler 9.00)-
6 BHB (E Clarke 8.37- K Bootle 10.07- A Tomlinson 9.14)
(45) 21st Sept. Rd 1/2Marathon Wimbledon 1 D Taylor 69.24- 16 J Morland
77.14- 45 G Lloyd 83.18- 188 N Cook 92.03- Tms (Sc 3) 3 BH
(46) 24th Sept. Open T&F Watford U20 800m N Tagg 2:05.3
(47) 27th Sept. SEAA 6-Stage Rd Relays Aldershot (1:48.25) 14 BH 1:56.26
(S Cooper 21.29 M Steinle 17.56- R Daniels 19.53- D Smith 18.01- J Bradley
19.35- R Parrott 19.32)
(48) 28th Sept. SEAA YAs Rd Relay Aldershot (4X 3Km)
U17 1 AFD- 2 BH (J Baker 9.23- L Cooper 9.45- D Baker 9.40- D Ayrton 9.36)- U15
1 AFD- 2 BH (J Godsell 10.35- S Simmons 10.15- W Bolton 10.21- M Hill 9.49)- U13
1 AFD- 3 BH (D Ryan 11.04- T Robinson 11.45- C Daniel 11.00- D Snow 10.57)
(49) 27th Sept. Euro Jun Club Cup Honour Div Zagreb
100m 3 D Plummer 11.08- 200m 2 D Burley 21.85- 400m 1 A Wilson 48.01- 800m 1 C
Moss 1:52.39- 1500m 1 S Austin 3:58.43- 3000m 4 M Skinner 8:54.83- 110H 5 R
Tabares 15.77- 400H 1 R Tabares 53.07- 2000SC 6 S Holmes 6:25.94- HJ 5 P Graham
1.90- PV 7 J Fealey 3.00- LJ 4 N Thomas 6.97- TJ 2 P Francis 14.90- SP 1 E
Udechuku 16.58- HT 7 A Cluskey 22.80- DT 2 E Udechuku 52.34- JT 1 J Apps 58.22-
4X100m dq- 4X400m - 1 BH 3:16.32 (N Hamilton, S Austin, C Moss & A Wilson)
Tms 1 BH 115- 2 HAAK Zagreb 103- 3 Ljubljana 94- 4 Istanbul 93- 5 AK Zagreb 79-
6 Milan 76- 7 Veszprem 69- 8 Aix-Les-Bains 66-
(50) 28th Sept. 1/2Marathon Lk Vyrnwy 3 S Newport 65.20-
(51) 28th Sept. Route du Vin 1/2Marathon Luxembourg
(60.53) 164 M Ellison 83.12- 198 S Freemantle 85.00- 225 J E Turner 86.47- 391 J
Copley 93.20- 398 M Crisp 93.48- 463 C Painter 96.19- 513 P Terrett 98.20- 602 I
Cayzer 101.31- 634 J Tateson 102.25- 642 Ph Taylor 102.30- 857 B Wilson 109.45-
911 P Fidler 111.40- 924 R Barker 112.06- 966 B O'Flynn 113.20- 1182 R Gibson
122.13- 1355 D McKenna 133.44- 1409 H James (L) 139.56
(52) 28th Sept. Rd Races Bridge nr Canterbury Boys 2M. 1 S Dunderdale
(53) 28th Sept. Robin Hood Marathon Nottingham N Cook 3:50.56
(54) 4th Oct. World 1/2Marathon Ch Kosice, Slovakia
(59.56) 53 D Taylor 63.24- 87 M Steinle 65.36- Tms 18 GB
(55) 4th Oct. VAC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn (25.53) 3 K Daniel 27.25- 26 M
Peel 32.02 39 W Clapham 34.52-
(56) 4th Oct. SEAA Women's Rd Relays Aldershot GU15 10 BH 35.32 (34 H
Barker 12.46 12 G Viney 10.56 (4th fastest leg)- K Lucht 11.52)
(57) 4th Oct. Rd 10Km Oldham G Murray 59.58
(58) 5th Oct. London - Brighton 55M (6:05.32) 44 T Wood 8:26.09- 50 G
Griffin 8:38.15 (Youngest ever finisher)- 52 J E Turner 8:40.44- 84 Br Smith
9:44.44- SEAA Tm (Sc4) 3 BH- dnf C Poole (40M)- A Jones
(59) 5th Oct. Intl T&F Kingston, Jamaica 200m 1 J Golding 20.56-
(60) 5th Oct. Great South 10M Run Southsea (46.53) 106/4306 M Laws 58.17
(61) 5th Oct. Vets Open T&F Reading M60 J Day 100H/ 20.5- HJ/ 1.30-
PV/ 2.70
(62) 5th Oct. 1/2Marathon Windsor N Webb 105-
(63) 5th Oct. Parkwood YA XC Lge (1) Canterbury
U17 1 J Baker 15.21 cr rec- 4 P Tucker 15.36- 5 D Ayrton 15.52- 10 R Bentley
16.04- 15 A Rayner 16.30- 21 S Dunderdale 17.11- 25 J Howe 17.32- 27 M Clark
17.50- 34 A Moreton 19.05- U15 1 M Hill 8.54 cr rec- 4 W Bolton 9.42- 10 J
Godsell 10.53- 15 D Bassey- U13 5 D Ryan 8.33- 6 D Snow 8.38- 10 G Coulson 8.52-
11 T Robinson 8.53- 19 D Griffin 9.25- 31 D Jackson 10.13- 35 J Bootle 10.24- 45
P Moreton 11.49- GU17 2 Z Morrell 18.48- 4 K Castledene 19.38- 11 A Brown 21.01-
13 S Singer 21.26- 14 G Godward 21.43- 15 N Viney 22.33- 17 C Brown 23.14- 22 K
Hyde 25.11- GU15 2 K Lucht 10.38- 19 K Bugler 12.47- GU13 6 E Clark 9.37- 10 J
Patmore 10.02- 12 C Berry 10.11- 13 E Bugler 10.15- 16 A Tomlinson 10.25- 19 F
Czapiewski 11.02- 20 K Bootle 11.02- 24 E Coe 11.06- GU11 4 T Patmore- Tms 1BH
(64) 11th Oct. Club 5M XC Chs Hayes
1 S Maxwell (G) 28.40- 2 M Watling (Five Cup) 28.43 (H'cap postn 31)- 3 R
Daniels 28.53 (12)- 4 G Holbrook 29.01 (17)- 5 R Smith 29.10 (30)- 6(1J) P
Tucker (King-Morrison Cup) 29.42 (10)- 7(2J) L Cooper 29.43 (3)- 8 J Morland
29.44 (16)- 9(1V) H Morten 29.59 (25)- 10 C Fincham 30.06 (4)- 11(3J) A Madar
30.11 (20)- 12 C Andrews 30.26 (24)- 13 J Beck 30.42 (41)- 14 R Bentley(J) 30.44
(32)- 15 M Ellison 31.09 (28)- 16 D Ellison 31.11 (29)- 17 S Freemantle 31.24 (H'cpr)-
18 M Cronin 31.36 (22)- 19 P Calnan 32.05 (49)- 20 W Slack 32.39 (29)- 21 S
Pairman 32.53 (23)- 22 G Coates 32.58 (37)- 23 S Simmons (J) 32.58 (15)- 24 D
White 33.36 (19)- 25 G Spencer 33.41 (53)- 26 C Pike 33.52 (34)- 27 I Young
33.54 (7)- 28 B McShane 34.04 (48)- 29 R Brown 34.35 (43)- 30 B Fisher 34.38
(46)- 31 G Viney (JL) 34.40 (13)- 32 R Coe 34.41 (50)- 33 S Haley 34.41 (47)- 34
N Barber 34.55 (14)- 35 R Walsh 35.02 (38)- 36 S Ridgewell 35.33 (26)- 37 J
Copley 35.55 (35)- 38 B Wilson 36.33 (42)- 39 G Cooper 37.05 (44)- 40 Ph Taylor
37.08 (27)- 41 D Simmons (G) 37.20- 42 W Orton 37.22 (6)- 43 J Tateson 38.14
(8)- 44 W Clapham 38.20 (18)- 45 M Compton 38.44 (33)- 46 C StAubyn 39.02 (5)-
47 R Chambers 39.10 (39)- 48 D Churchus 39.59 (11)- 49 B Hartley 40.10 (36)- 50
C Poole 40.33 (51)- 51 J Bugler 40.55 (52)- 52 A Cilia (L) 41.08 (1)- 53 C
Haines 41.28 (55)- 54 W Buttinger 42.05 (45)- 55 C Messent (L) 42.17 (2)- 56 J
Hulls (LG) 42.24- 57 D Wilcox 45.12 (40)- 58 M Gasson 45.34 (9)- 59 B Todd 47.03
(54)- 60 S Lloyd 54.30 (57)- 61 D Tingey 57.01 (56)- 62 P Hifield (G) 58.25- 63
D Dhammaloka 59.04 (58)-
(65) 11-12 Oct. Sri Chinmoy Tr 24 Hr Tooting Bec 8 J E Turner 16M 377yds
(187 029m) R Griffin 72M-
(66) 12th Oct. Rd 10Km Ashford 3 D Smith 31.08-
(67) 12th Oct. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk T Brightwell 38.20- W Orton 42.50- 2M60
C Poole 46.32
(68) 12th Oct. Running Festival Kingston 1/2Marathon (73.58) 160 J Isaacs
95.54- 225 R Strong 100.58- 227 C Dale 101.02- 228 B Smith 101.02- 368 B Else
111.22- 16M (91.07) 36 N Cook 116.46- 95 Ph Taylor 134.09-
(69) 19th Oct. BAF 10Km Ch Solihull T Dickinson 31.43
(70) 19th Oct. Brom V XC 5M Beckenham Place Pk
3 H Morten 30.29- 8 J R Turner 33.42- 12 R Brown 35.16- M Peel 35.56
(71) 19th Oct. Forbks 10K Beckenham 3 J Morland- T Brightwell 38.15- D
Carton 41.07- Tm BH
(72) 18th Oct. County XC Lges
Kent Tunbridge W (33.55) 17 R Smith 36.42- 44 C Fincham 38.51- 45 K Daniel
38.53- 70 D Ellison 40.26- 83 G Meek 41.07- 91 M Ellison 41.37- 93 G Coates
41.48- 101 S Pairman 42.33- 104 S Haley 42.44- 110 W Slack 42.52- 114 C Pike
43.17- 135 N Barber 45.09- 141 B McShane 45.35- 162 H Cooper 47.36- 175 Ph
Taylor 50.01- 179 C Poole 50.16- 182 B Hartley 51.19- 192 D Wilcox 58.42- Tms
(Sc4) 10 BHA- 21 BHB- 33 BHC- (Sc12) 4 BH
Surrey Div 1 Brockwell Pk 36 L Bulson (AFD) 32.41- Div 3 Epsom Downs 101 W
(Vets AC) 42.49- Div 4 Tilford J E Turner (DulPkR)
(73) 18th Oct. Kent YA XC Lge Swanley
U17(16.25) 2 L Cooper 16.28- 3 R Laming 16.36- 7 A Madar 17.18- 9 A Rayner
17.35- 17 S Dunderdale 18.31- 18 A Moreton 18.35- Tms 1 BH- U15 1 M Hill 13.30-
3 W Bolton 13.53- 4 S Simmons 13.54- 17 D Bassey 15.16- Tms 1 BH- U13(10.36) 9 C
Daniel 11.09- 10 D Snow 11.12- 32 J Boutle 12.40- 45 E Roberts 13.47- 47 P
Moreton 13.58- Tms 6 BH
U17W 1 Z Morrell 13.58- 7 C Lewis 14.50- 9 N Viney 15.12- 10 S Singer 15.13- 15
G Godward 15.49- 28 K Hyde 18.17- Tms 1 BH- U15G(11.22) 3 K Lucht 11.50- 15 H
Barker 12.42- 32 H Slaytor 13.54- Tms 5 BH- U13G(9.27) 6 E Clarke 10.23- 10 E
Bugler 10.44- 20 C Berry 11.43- 22 K Boutle 12.04- 30 C Laming 12.43- Tms 4 BH-
(74) 19th Oct. Open XC Ardingley 7.1Km 52 D Dhammaloka 35.38-
(75) 19th Oct. Rd 10Km Croydon
6 N Mayers 35.46- 13 A Tucker 37.13- 62 N Wheeler 40.57- 106 I Cayzer 43.29- 108
R Hogwood 43.53- 131 J McGowan 45.08- 132 M Compton 45.17- 134 J Tateson 45.26-
135 C Dale 45.28- 149(2M60) C Poole 46.13- 196 K Tyler 48.04- 295 P Prisley
(76) 25th Oct. Vets XC Mobmatch 10Km Hayes
1 B Atwell (SLH) 35.50 (M40 H'c postn 7)- 2 H Morten 35.51 (1)- 3 C Edgington
(SLH) 36.21 (4)- 4 C Fincham(BHG) 36.38- 6 K Daniel 36.51 (3)- 8 J Phelan 38.42
(5)- 9 P Betts(G) 38.42- 11 S Freemantle 39.07 (17)- 12 W Slack 39.14 (15)-
14(1M50) J Pratt (Ranl) 39.32 (M50 H'c postn 5015)- 15 G Coates 39.33 (12)- 20 J
R Turner 40.06 (20)- 21 D White 40.11 (5012)- 22 R Coe 40.19 (14)- 25 T
Brightwell 41.09 (9)- 28 B Fisher 41.28 (10)- 29 R Brown 41.47 (16)- 31 J Copley
42.09 (5020)- 33 A Davis 43.04 (509)- 34 H Cooper 43.21 (5018)- 35 J Isaacs
43.59 (5016)- 37 S Capey 44.12 (23)- 38 B O'Gorman 44.18 (507)- 41 J Robinson
45.04 (5021)- 42 B Wilson 45.12 (5024)- 45 W Clapham 46.19 (501)- 47 C Rowe
46.30 (5026)- 48 R Strong 46.48 (24)- 49 M Compton 46.56 (28)- 50 R Chambers
47.18 (505)- 53 D Churchus 48.47 (502)- 54 B Hartley 49.02 (5025)- 56 M Gasson
51.36 (27)- 59 B O'Flynn 53.27 (5027)- 60 D Wilcox 54.13 (5013)- 62 B Todd 54.51
(503)- 63 D Larcombe 55.13 (5029)- 65 R Watkins 58.15 (5030)- 66 D Tingey 66.58
Peter Driver Cup(Sc 14) BH 188- SLH 259; Also (Sc 5 Vars) SLH 22- BH 33- Ranl
68- Orion 87
(77) 26th Oct. Rd 10M Tonbridge 1 D Smith 50.03 cr rec-
(78) 26th Oct. Open XC Paddock Wood U13 (2.25K) 1 D Snow 7.46- 4 C Daniel
(79) RACE WALKING)- 19/8 LPR 9K Blackheath Pk. 12 S Lightman 49.40- 13 P
Hannell 50.00- 20/8 SyWC 2M Norbury. 1 P Hannell 17.05- 23/9 Steyning Tr 3K. 5 S
Lightman 15.25- 4/10 Monks Hill 4M. 1 P Hannell 36.47- 2 S Lightman 36.54- 7 N
Simmons 41.26- 12/10 Chippenham-Calne 6M. 21 P Hannell 52.16- 22 S Lightman
(80) Sri Chinmoy Battersea Pk 14/9 Marathon 4 J E Turner 2:58.42- 15/9 2M
N Cook 11.46-
(81) Monthly Series 10/8 Club 3.12M Yct. 1 J Copley 18.41 rn tm- 2 S
Freemantle 17.37 3 C Fincham 16.29- 4 S Hollingdale 19.36- 5 A Tucker 17.52- 6 M
Ellison 16.39- 7 M Cronin 17.46- 8 Ph Taylor 19.48- 9 R Brown 18.08- 10 D
Ellison 17.26- 11 J R Turner 18.44- 12 B McShane 18.14- 13 C Andrews 16.16 (1)-
14 R Walsh 19.33- 15 W Clapham 21.20- 16 S Pairman 18.06- 17 M Martineau 21.54-
18 W Slack 18.43- 19 W Orton 20.42- 20 R Watkins 27.32- 29/8 Last Fri Hyde Pk. S
Smythe 17.36- 7/10 Cryst Pal 5K. J Bennett 32.58-
(82) Duathlon 19/10 SW Dua Ch Thruxton (rn 5K/ bk 30K/ rn 4K) (75.45) 5 N
Kinsey 77.21 (17.01/45.39/14.41)- 46(3M45) J Phelan 88.26 (18.34/53.58/15.54)-
95 L Smith 99.34-
K Daniel (M45) 15.58 R Brown (M45) 17.55 D Carton (M40) 19.25
P Calnan 16.03 D Bennett 17.56 R Walsh (M40) 19.26
C Andrews 16.04 W Slack (M40) 18.01 H Cooper (M50) 19.32
C Fincham 16.29 J E Turner (M45) 18.01 S Hollingdale (M45) 19.36
M Ellison 16.39 J R Turner (M40) 18.09 M Baldwin (W45) 19.37
J Phelan (M45) 17.16 D White (M50) 18.28 Ph Taylor 19.48
D Ellison 17.26 S Haley (M40) 18.32 W Orton 20.42
B McShane 17.36 J Copley (M50) 18.41 J Tateson (M50) 20.43
S Freemantle (M40) 17.37 B Wilson (M50) 18.54 M Longstaff (M45) 20.54
S Pairman 17.41 J Baldwin (M60) 18.56 W Clapham (M65) 20.55
G Meek 17.43 B Bater 19.02 M Martineau (M50) 21.45
M Cronin (M50) 17.46 P Wallace 19.03 G Cummings 23.47
G Coates (M45) 17.47 N Barber 19.09 M Gasson (M45) 26.20
A Tucker 17.52 B O'Gorman (M55) 19.16 R Watkins (M50) 26.49
'Where is the Knowledge we have lost in Information' T S
Those who don't work (or have jacked it in by four in the afternoon) may care to
watch the '15-to-1' Quiz on Channel 4 TV on Wed 17th Dec. Dave Johnson will be
displaying his Blackheath tie and, we hope, his knowledge. There's no truth in
the rumour that he thought it was 'Question of Sport'.