VOL 17. No1. SEPT 1997. PRESIDENT 1997/8: Mike Mahoney
HON. SECR:- M Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill, TN16 3HG (01959 575046)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
If there are final limits to standards in athletics they havn't yet been
reached, for the year has brought new World marks in a number of events. This is
specially so at middle distance track where, for example, both the 2-Miles and
the 3000SC have been run inside 8 minutes. We're not likely to see any of this
at Crystal Palace however, because the redevelopment plan involves closing the
stadium for three years and reducing the seating capacity from 16,500 to 7000.
Our own season has been of mixed fortunes. Our young
sprinters have been outstanding and the current Club rankings reflect this, e.g
eight runners inside 50secs for 400m. Young field eventers have also been
Though our British League team returns to Div 2, they
finished their season on a high note with a Club record in the last event, the
4X400m relay. The B team hung on tenaciously (even precariously) in Southern Lge
1, while the C team was again a success story, gaining promotion to SL6. Our
girls again competed with a lot of enthusiasm, reflected in many pbs and Club
records. Their YAs team were promoted to the Premier Div. The Junior Men, Vets
and YAs(Boys) again did well, their final placings will depend on fixtures
outstanding at the time of writing.
Club Championship evenings at Norman Pk have generally
been well-supported by all age-groups. Steve Oxlade retained the Ponsford Trophy
by the narrowest of margins from Simon White who had the consolation of the
Maryon Wilson Swimming Cup.
The monthly road handicaps are now an established part of
the summer scene.
We regret to record the recent death of PP Roy Morley. An obituary will
appear in The Gazette in due course.
Congratulations to Willem Buttinger who recently braved
the risks to reach the top of Mont Blanc in aid of the housing charity, Habitat
for Humanity.
The coming month brings the prospect of a return of the Club XC Relay at
Sparrows Den. This was in the past an excellent start to the winter season and
it is to be greatly hoped that runners of a wide range of abilities will support
this move, as I'm afraid they never did at Crystal Palace Pk.
Home XC fixtures start at 2.30 unless otherwise stated. Please be early so a
prompt start is made. Remember our trail-layers who have to clear the course in
the dusk!
200 CLUB Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
Recent Winners: June £364 K Daniel
Jul £50 J Oliver- £25 S Cluney & R Griffin
Aug £50 Joanne Childs- £25 Roy Green & K Tomkin
Clocks go back 26th Oct. Wear something bright &
carry ID.
HEATHEN HAUNTS (25) (Last of the present series)
New Barn - Southfleet - Longfield with Doug Tingey. (Illustrated by Dave
This run, of some 7 miles, is mostly on paths over land
which in winter can involve plough, and in summer a variety of crops: cabbage,
potatoes, marrows and cereals. Much of the run is on the clay surface of
downland chalk, which can be heavy in wet weather and hard when it is dried out.
As a relief a section in the lower level is sandy and makes for pleasant running
in most conditions. The paths themselves are usually visible through the passage
of vehicles or by spraying and many have been waymarked in recent years. The
paths are ancient, linking communities by the shortest route but little used in
this age, except for dog walks if near habitations. However, if you do meet
someone remember this is rural and pleasantries are exchanged. For those
interested in wildlife there is often a sight of a fox and a few months ago I
found the heron standing on the edge of a field, probably digesting his
breakfast from garden ponds, while above the skylark plays his part.
My run joins the path from LONGFIELD HILL to SOUTHFLEET at
a point between 27&29 Longfield Ave, NEW BARN. After a short distance
between wire fencing, enter a field with views N to the A2, Thames basin and
Essex beyond. Forward to a marker (Mk) & bear L downhill | to a rd (care!).
X rd & X field to Mk at the top of a bank. SOUTHFLEET village now comes in
sight with the tower of the 12th century church prominent. Over the bank and X
another field to the rd, keeping a row of cottages to L. Leave the field, turn R
along rd to T-junction (note the ancient house across the road here to R). L at
T into Red St, SOUTHFLEET, passing the Black Lion, to a point where rd bears R.
But go forward along a tarmac FP, allotments to L, then step into rd parallel to
FP & go in the same direction to a T-jtn. X rd to the wooden steps & up
| into the ajoining field. A tree horizon will come into sight, being the
overgrown embankment of the old railway (closed 1953) to GRAVESEND, West St, to
be developed to join the Chunnel high speed rail link to the present DOVER main
line. Run to this bank, ignoring any arrows on the way. At the bank ignore the
bridge R & turn L on a grass track for 100yds to another bridge. Pass under
& bear L across a field away from the railway to a small bank where a Mk
points across a further field to a stile & WESTWOOD. At the X-rds turn into
Highcross Rd, with the Wheatsheaf R. Johnny Walker once halted here for food
when returning from a pilgrimage to New Ash Green - date unknown but maybe less
ancient than the sign on the pub wall - AD 1414.
Shortly, take a stile L by a stone FP sign (and
surprisingly a notice "private" on the fence above). X | a field to
another stile with pigsty R. Forward to stables & L to a gate, forward again
across fields & passing just L of a pylon to a track (Mk). Turn R &
shortly another Mk directs | on a grass path to a stile which we go around (not
over!). The run now becomes more scenic with the B260 in the valley and the
rising downland country beyond.
X | over the grass field to the visible rd jtn. X rd &
stile & follow the grass path with Mks past PINDEN END FARM (R), then the
caravan park (Caravan Club, no cowboys or vicious dogs) taking care not to
overshoot the next Mk with its R turn to a climb beside a hedge to a series of
stiles, first over the old Gravesend line and then the Dover main line. Note the
vast sums recently spent here by Railtrack to safeguard you and your dog. There
are frequent trains for the spotter but the railway bends in each direction,
restricting observation. Leaving the railway go | & pass round the edge of a
line of trees bearing L | with views to the rear of the earlier part of the run
and of the high ground to the east where we're heading. Crossing the railway
brought us into Sevenoaks D.C area where the waymarking needs a sharp eye. At
the hill top X the track, 1st stile, grass field and 2nd stile into Churchdown
Wood. The woodland run gives a change, with the woodpecker in song often to be
heard in season. Within the wood avoid the usual obstructions and take the L
route at the deviation of paths. Leaving the wood finds one above the FAWKHAM
VALLEY with the church to the R below, where the path leads. X the rd, through
the church gate and bear R across the grass towards a rd and, remaining within
the church field, go |. At the gate & seat bear L keeping the rd adjacent
all the time, and | to gain the rd just prior to a wire field barrier. Once on
the rd head for the "No Entry" painted on the rd surface. At the rd
jtn turn R into a field and go forward bordering the rd with a single house
visible ahead. (A relative of one of our VPs used to live there). The path
leaves the rd and crosses a field to the R of said house and then a short
stretch of woodland. The path leads to a retirement home (No, not yet; about 2
miles to go), and, as LONGFIELD is approached, becomes embroiled in a modern
development. Head for LONGFIELD STATION, X the footbridge & go along Station
Rd noting the supermarket and entering its entrance rd. Follow FP notices going
steeply | as indicated on the map. At the top turn R on the FP passing a single
tree. The path leads to NEW BARN whose houses are seen in the distance and this
stretch is known locally as The Gallops having been used for race horse training
from the 20's to the 60's. This part is exposed in Winter so wrap up when the
east wind blows, but gives views over Essex to the L and soon HARTLEY WOOD will
be seen R. When the path reaches houses turn L along a path adjacent to them
with SOUTHFLEET village now looming up below and with high ground around BEAN to
the L. Pass the end of a rd R and almost immediately turn R keeping the houses
still on the R. After 100yds see a Mk post but ignore and continue forward to a
T where turn R between houses to the rd - Hart Shaw. Turn R to an immediate T
jtn and there L. Forward and New Barn House comes into view. It is of no great
antiquity but is reputed to have timbers from Chatham naval vessels in its
structure. Here turn L and finally R into Longfield Ave.
Uncertainties arising from the rebuilding of Beckenham Baths led to delay in
holding the Club Championship Swim, but eventually we gathered in the foyer of
West Wickham Baths on Tues 12th Aug.
Shaun Lightman arrived, but some ready excuse tripped off
his tongue for not walking, let alone swimming. Steve Cluney was spotted nearby
but claimed a) Residential Immunity & b) that he was just about to run.
However he didn't hesitate to point out his name already on the Cup.
Most of the pool was occupied by Beckenham SC's water polo
players. We admired the super-fit shoulders and kidded ourselves that they'd be
too top-heavy to run. Mike Cronin saw possibilities for the mini-goals and will
be contacting the QPR keeper.
Ours was the bit behind the goal, room enough for two
timed races of 4 widths, making about 50 metres. We divided naturally into the
Fast Pack & ANOs. ANOs were sent in first as being expendable. This was won
by Chris Cronin followed by Dave Johnson, and Alan Pickering deservedly won the
handicap after swimming over, under or round Chris's Dad. Meanwhile Alan Brent
was navigating by a crack on the pool bottom and I was my usual erratic self.
The second race was fast, furious and soon over. It seemed
to consist mostly of dives and tumble turns. The remarkable result was that 5 of
the 6 swimmers finished within 1 secs of each other with the Cup going to
all-round athlete Simon White (2nd in the Ponsford this year). Then came
defending champion Steve McEvoy followed by triathletes John Morland & Terry
Brightwell. In close attendance were Mike's elder son David and Colin Brand, who
was reckoned by all to have the most impressive bow wave.
Thanks to Beckenham SC for their hospitality and to P/P
Alan Brent for making presentations at the pool. P/P David White, though unable
to get to the swim, was there to welcome Simon at the Club the following
Join us for the 97/8 event which should be in late 1997/
early '98. BC
The new rules as to what is or isn't Walking seem to be causing trouble for
Britain's older vets. If you saw the slow-motion replays from the World Champs
you might wonder why the odd geriatric knee is such a big deal.
However, no such qualms bothered us much at the Johnson
Bowl Walk which was held with Surrey Walking Club over four 1-Mile loops
starting near Norman Pk gates on 23rd July. The real walkers at the front knew
what they were doing, while those of us who didn't were careful to assume an
angelic posture as we periodically passed Dickie Green and Alan Brent, to whom
thanks for their efforts.
Peter Hannell retained the Bowl with Shaun Lightman and
Nolan Simmons the other BH medallists.
The first meeting was held on 3rd July on the Addington Court course. Ten
took part and, using the Stableford Points System, (No, me neither - something
to do with birdies) the winner was Mike Lodwig. We believe another meeting has
since been held.
(01) May. Mascalls Rd 10Km T Brightwell 36.45
(02) 23rd May. SCVAC Lge Kent Div 1 (2) Tr A,B & M50(C). Fd A & C
100m A 4 D Wallington 13.2- B 2 D Cocker 13.3- C 2 M Martineau 14.4- 400m A 1 G
Coates 57.0- B 1 D Cocker 58.4- C 4 M Martineau 67.6- 800m A 1 K Daniel 2:08.8-
B 1 H Morten 2:08.9- C 2 C Rowe 2:43.8- HJ A 4 D Wallington 1.35- C 2 J Robinson
1.35- LJ A 1 D Wallington 5.28- C 3 M Martineau 4.12- HT A 5 C Ellis 25.88- JT A
2 R Coe 35.30- C 1 C Brand 37.30- 4X100m 1 BH 51.0-
Match 1 BH 82- 2 Bexl 70- 3 Inv 62- 4 Padd Wd 46- 5 Camb H 45- 6 Brom V 43
(03) 25th May. SEAA U20 Crystal Pal cf 16648 Add 400m 3 N Hamilton 48.58-
4 A Wilson 49.52-
(04) 31st May. Sthn Lge Div 1 (3) Copthall cf (16652) Full Result
100mA 2 D Burley 11.1 - B 1 G Neblett 11.5- 200mA 1 D Burley 22.2- B 1 G Neblett
22.6- 400mA 2 D Burton 51.2- B 1 N Hoque 49.9- 800mA 2 M Skinner 1:56.8- B 1 A
Gibbins 2:00.6- 1500mA 2 D Heath 4:08.3- B 1 G Clifford 4:08.9- 5000mA 3 M
Harris 15:44.2- B 1 R Smith 15:56.7- 110HA 1 A Hodge 16.2- B 2 M Purser 17.0-
400HA 1 S Pratt 56.0- B 1 M Purser 59.4- 3000mSCA 1 D Lee 9:37.3- B 1 J Marks
10:15.2- HJA 2 A Hodge 1.95- B 2 P Graham 1.85- PVA 3 S Tolson 3.60- B 2 S
Gascoigne 3.40- LJA 3 A Hodge 6.70- B 3 S White 5.84- TJA 1 S Bobb 14.13- B 1 A
Hodge 13.41- SPA 3 C Ellis 12.06- B 4 S Gascoigne 10.25- HTA 4 C Rolfe 25.76- B
4 S Gascoigne 24.92 DTA 4 C Ellis 35.42- B 3 S White 30.32- JTA 5 S White 42.40-
B 4 S Gascoigne 40.38- 4X100m 2BH- 4X400m 1 BH 3:28.9
Match 1 BHB 140- 2 Shaft 127- 3 Dacor 100- 4 Hillingdon 95- 5 Guildfd & G 66
(05) 2nd Jun. SCVAC Lge Kent Div 1 (3) Sutcliffe Pk cf (16659) Full
Tr A,B & M50(C). Fd A & C. 200m A 3 G Coates 25.7- B 1 D Cocker 26.0- C
2 J Robinson 28.5- 1500m A 1 H Morten 4:20.5- B 1 K Daniel 4:22.3- C 3 C Rowe
5:33.2- TJ C 1 M Davies 9.68- SP A 1 C Ellis 10.42- C 1 G Hickey 11.16- DT A 1 C
Ellis 37.42- C 3 C Brand 31.06- 4X200m 1 BH 1:44.0 cl rec (D Wallington, R
Brown, D Cocker & G Coates)
Match 1 BH 65- 2 Inv 43- 3 Bexl 40- 4 Camb H 38- 5 Padd Wd 37- 6 Brom V 25
(06) 8th Jun. Marathon Halstead T Woods 3:34.33- C Poole 3:54.05- R
Griffin 3:56.30 B Smith 3:56.30-
(07) 8th Jun. Kent B&C Lge (2) Norman Pk U15 100m T Arojogun 12.3
400m N Simpson 56.5- 800m T Huseyin 2:12.6- 1500m M Hill 4:26.9- 3000m W Bolton
(08) 15th Jun. 30Km North Downs Run (1:48.56) 2 R Smith 1:50.58- 59(1M50)
J Copley 2:17.07 93 A Jones 2:23.39- 100 P Lovell 2:26.19- 119 G Payne 2:29.21-
142 M Peel 2:33.12- 144 N Cook 2:33.28- 152 G Longley 2:34.50- 154 R Strong
2:35.09- 161 Ph Taylor 2:36.13- 169 B Smith 2:37.29- 171(2M60) C Poole 2:38.10-
252 N Webb 2:53.49- 293 B Todd 3:08.21-
(09) 15th Jun. Kent Women's Lge (3) Ashford
Sen 200m 6 H Peverall 31.1- 1500m 1 S Budd 4:55.4pb- 3000m 2 H Walker 10:04.1-
400H 5 H Peverall 77.6- 2HJ/4LJ H Peverall 1.35/3.81- TJ 4 S Budd 7.18-
4SP/1HT/3DT/3JT J Delasaux 8.72/42.80pb/26.86/26.68- U17 100m 3 S Singer 12.9-
200m 3 K Porter 27.2- 300m 5 C Ayres 42.3- 800m 1 S Singer 2:26.8- 1500m 4 G
Godward 6:02.1- 80H 1 K Porter 12.5- 300H 1 K Porter 47.9- 4HJ/5LJ G Godward
1.25/3.58- 1SP/3DT/5JT H Fosten 8.06/21.50/9.68- 4X100m 5 BH (S Singer, K
Porter, C Ayres & G Godward) U15 100m/200m 1 A Barnaby 12.9/26.3pb- ns E
Green 14.0- 800m 2 K Lucht 2:30.1- 1500m 4 H Barker 5:24.1pb- 75H 6 E Green
16.4- 2KWlk 4 F Barker 13:51.3- HJ/SP 5 K Lucht 1.25/4.96- 6LJ/5DT/1JT C Kidd
3.61/16.80/22.98- 4X100m 3 BH 55.8 (A Barnaby, E Green, K Lucht & C Kidd)
U13 75m 2 A Jacobs 10.9- ns N Gharbaoui 11.3pb- D Brighty 11.5- M Bentley 11.9-
K Boutle 13.1- C Berry- 150m 4 C Willis 22.6- 1000m 2 J Patmore 3:29.2- ns C
Berry 3:29.9pb- M Heiland 3:39.9- K Boutle 4:04.3- 70H 5 D Brighty 15.9- 1KWlk 2
M Bently 7:07.8- HJ/SP 2 S Quaye 1.25/6.90 clr- 5LJ/4DT C Draper 3.80/10.92- JT
C Willis 11.52- 4X100m 2 BH 58 (N Gharbaoui, C Willis, D Brighty & A Jacobs)
Match 1 Brom 429- 2 Medw 3471/2- 3 Dartfd 344- 4 Bexl 3401/2- 5 BH 325- 6 Inv
(10) 16th Jun. SCVAC Lge Kent Div 1 (4) Norman Pk Tr A,B & M50(C). Fd
A & C
100m A 3 G Coates 12.8- B 1 R Brown 13.7- C 3 J Robinson 14.6- 400m A 2 D Cocker
56.9- B 1 K Daniel 59.3- C 4 C Rowe 71.8- 800m A 2 H Morten 2:10.3- B 1 S Haley
2:09.8- C 2 D White 2:28.2- HJ A 3 D Cocker 1.40- C 1 J Robinson 1.40- PV A 2 J
Day 2.40- C 1 J Robinson 2.00- LJ A 3 G Coates 4.86- C 1 M Martineau 4.24- HT A
6 R Coe 13.04- C 2 G Hickey 22.00-
Match 1 BH 87- 2 Camb H 67- 3 Inv 62- 4 Bexl 55- 5 Padd Wd 46- 6 Brom V 38
(11) 21/22 Jun. SEAA Sen Champs Crystal Pal cf [16679] Add TJ S Bobb
3KWalk 3 P Hannell 15.10
(12) 22nd Jun. Natl Jun Lge Sthn Premier Div (2) Copthall
100mA 1 D Plummer 11.0- B 1 G Neblett 11.0- 200mA 1 N Hoque 22.5- B 1 A Wilson
22.3- 400mA 1 A Wilson 49.6- B 1 S Jarred 52.3- 800mA 1 N Hamilton 1:57.0- B 1 J
Baker 2:03.4- 1500mA 1 M Skinner 4:03.3- B 1 D Ayrton 4:06.1- 3000mA 3 S Holmes
9:06.2- B 3 D Baker 9:39.3- 110HA 2 D Brewer 14.9- B 6 S Jarred 20.5- 400HA 5 S
Jarred 64.4- B-- 2000mSCA 4 R Laming 6:53.6- B 3 D Corneille 7:11.0- HJA 2 P
Graham 1.90- B 2 J Apps 1.60- PVA 4 J Fealey 3.50- B 1 A Martinez 3.50- LJA 1 P
Francis 6.64- B 3 D Plummer 5.11- TJA 1 P Francis 14.29- B-- SPA 1 E Udechuku
16.78- B 1 A Cluskey 14.84- HTA 2 E Udechuku 44.00- B 2 M Bennett 37.32- DTA 1 E
Udechuku 54.80- B 1 A Cluskey 42.00- JTA 2 E Udechuku 56.52- B 1 J Apps 50.88-
4X100m 2 BH 44.6 (Neblett, Francis, Plummer & Brewer) 4X400m 1 BH 3:28.4
(Jarred, Hoque, Wilson & Holmes)
Match 1 BH 398- ns 100m D Brewer 11.5- 1500m A Rayner 4:23.4- M Lucht 23.4- P
Tucker 32.2
(13) 25th Jun. Track Celle Ligure, Spain 200m 1 J Golding 20.74
(14) 27th Jun. Ind Schools Chs Hendon 400m 1 N Hamilton 50.4
(15) 28-29 Jun. BVAF T&F Chs Blackpool
M45 3000SC 4 J Phelan 11:23.8- LJ 3 D Wallington 5.61- M60 100H/PV 2/1 J Day
19.49 / 2.80- 2SP/1DT/3JT C Brand 10.65 / 34.18 / 38.98-
(16) 29th Jun. Gold Cup 1st Round Basildon
100m 1 A Lashore 10.6- 200m 1 A Lashore 21.2pb- 400m 1 A Wilson 48.7- 800m 1 A
Draper 1:54.3- 1500m 1 M Skinner 4:08.0- 5000m 2 M Colpus 15:39.9- 10000m 1 R
Smith 32:48.8- 110H 1 M Elliott 14.6- 400H 1 N Keogh 54.6- 3000mSC 1 J Bradley
10:17.1- HJ 1 P Graham 1.95- PV 1 A Hardy 4.10- LJ 1 P Francis 6.42- TJ 1 S Bobb
14.44- SP 1 E Udechuku 14.48- HT 2 E Udechuku 37.48pb- DT 1 E Udechuku 52.66pb-
JT 1 A Benn 62.18- 4X100m 1 BH 43.6 (N Hoque, J Skeete, M Elliott & A
Lashore) 4X400m dq
Match 1 BH 167- 2 Medway 129- 3 Basildon 113- 4 Kent AC 63
(17) 28-29 Jun. World Schools Cherbourg U18 100m/HJ 3 W Gray 11.37/1.98
(18) 29th Jun. Intl T&F Sheffield 10000m World Ch Trial. 7 D Taylor
29:17.45- 13 S Newport 29:45.25
(19) 29th Jun. Vets Rd 10Km Brugge 18(3M50) J Copley 38.46-
(20) 29th Jun. Girls YA Lge (2) Thurrock
U17 100mA 5 E Kuenstlinger 13.3- B 1 N Viney 13.2- 200mA 3 K Porter 26.9- B 4 C
Ayres 29.6- 300mA 1 S Singer 42.3- B 1 N Viney 44.6- 800mA 1 S Singer 2:27.9- B
3 K Sodipe 3:16.1- 1500mA 4 C Brown 6:15.3- B 1 C Ayres 7:01.7- 3000mA 2 Z
Morrell 11:18.6 clr- B 1 A Brown 13:09.4- 80HA 1 K Porter 12.2 clr- B 1 E
Kuenstlinger 13.2pb- 300HA 1 K Porter 47.6- B 2 A Brown 55.2pb- HJA 5 Z Morrell
1.25- B 3 A Brown 1.25- LJA 1 E Kuenstlinger 5.20- B 4 K Sodipe 3.69- SPA 4 H
Fosten 7.29- B 3 K Sodipe 6.36- DTA 4 L Castledine 20.56- B 4 H Fosten 16.54-
JTA 2 L Castledine 26.98- B 2 Z Morrell 19.50-
4X100m 1 BH 52.3 (S Singer, K Porter, E Kuenstlinger & Z Morrell)
U15 100mA 1 A Barnaby 12.7 clr- B 4 E Green 14.0- 200mA 1 A Barnaby 26.2 clr- B-
800mA 3 G Viney 2:30.8- B 5 E Oliver 3:01.0pb- 1500mA 3 K Lucht 5:09.6- B 3 H
Barker 5:29.6- 75HA 3 R Willan 13.5- B 4 E Green 16.0- HJA 2 R Willan 1.35- B 3
K Lucht 1.30- LJA 7 H Barker 3.63- B 3 K Lucht 3.57- SPA 4 T Balogun 7.33- B 4 E
Oliver 6.10pb- DTA 5 E Oliver 18.28- B4 L Sams 14.86pb- JTA 1 L Sams 22.68- B 2
T Balogun 12.14- 4X100m 4 BH 55.5 (A Barnaby, E Green, H Barker & G Viney)
U13 75mA 3 A Jacobs 10.7pb- B 3 N Gharbaoui 11.0- 150mA 2 K Benneworth 20.4 clr-
B 2 C Willis 21.5pb- 1000mA 3 E Bugler 3:20.6pb- B 2 J Patmore 3:30.0- 70HA 1 K
Benneworth 13.0- B 4 C Willis 19.8- LJA 2 A Jacobs 4.03- B 2 C Draper 4.00- SPA
1 S Quaye 7.52pb- B 4 E Bugler 5.00- 4X100m 2 BH 56.6 (K Benneworth, A Jacobs, N
Gharbaoui & C Willis)
Match 1 BH 367- 2 Brom 334- 3 Peterb 295- 4 Thurr 269- 5 SLH 229- 6 GEC 205- 7
HHH 92 8 Woodfd 73
(21) 29th Jun. YA Lges (4)
Sthn Prem Div Crystal Pal. 1 BHA 224- 2 Belgr- 3 Croyd- 100m Jo Brown 11.0- D
Grant 11.3- 800m D Ayrton 2:01.5- D Moulton 2:03.0- HJ B Barikor 1.90- PV J
Fealey 3.65- A Martinez 3.45- TJ C Dundas 13.08- Sthn Centr Div 2 Guildford. 1
BHB 365
(22) 2nd Jul. Club Champs (3) Norman Pk
200m A 1 N Hamilton 23.2 (Wood Cup)- 2 D Brewer 23.5- 3 C Johnson 24.1- 5 S
White 24.7- 6 D Hunter 26.3- B 1 G Coates (1st V) 26.7- 2 R Brown 28.1- 3 M
Martineau 30.5- 4 K Tyler 36.2- U17 1 M Clark 25.9- 2 J Baker 26.6- 3 J Godsell
(U15) 28.0- U13 1 A Mohamed (G) 29.2- 2 C Daniel 29.6- 3 T Robinson 30.1- 4 A
Mulhern 30.8- 5 P LaRoche 35.3- 6 J Boutle 38.5- SW A White 27.9- JW A Martin
28.0- GU15 1 L Nemeth 29.7- 2 K Bugler 31.5- GU13 1 K Benneworth 28.9- 2 E
Bugler 30.3- 3 A Jacobs 30.7- 4 J Nelson 32.9- 5 K Boutle 37.1- 1000m BU13 1 D
Snow 3:10.6- 2 T Robinson 3:13.4- GU13 1 J Patmore 3:27.7- 2 C Berry 3:33.4- 3 E
Bugler 3:34.7- 4 A Tomlinson 3:49.6- 5 J Boutle 3:57.3- Mile 1 J Dupuy (G)
4:26.0- 2 H Morten (M45) 4:42.1 (Pash Cup)- 3 C Andrews 4:45.4- 4 D Hunter
4:59.8 (Wooderson Cup)- 5 M Ellison 5:00.7- 6 S Haley 5:03.9- 7 G Coates 5:05.6-
8 R Brown 5:08.3- 9 D Ellison 5:09.9- 10 S Pairman 5:11.7- 12 M Cronin 5:15.1-
13 J E Turner 5:21.0- 15 B Mellish 5:26.5- 16 N Barber 5:30.2- 17 S Hollingdale
5:50.0- 18 W Orton 5:59.1- 19 K Tyler 7:08.9- 2000SC 1 J Marks(G) 6:17.2- 2 M
Lucht 6:46.6- 3 D Corneille 7:00.3- 4 T Gallaher (G) 7:04.5- 5 J E Turner 8:02.0
(Walter Cup)- 6 N Barber 8:32.6- 400m h'c 1 C Daniel- 2 D Corneille- 3 K Daniel-
4 D Dhammaloka- 5 R Daniel- 6 K Tyler- 7 P LaRoche- TJ Sen 1 S Bobb 13.90- 2 S
White 11.55- 3 S Oxlade 11.31- 4 A Hardy 10.98- 5 M Martineau 7.90- U17 M Clark
10.88- U13 1 T Robinson 9.37- 2 C Daniel 8.89- 3 D Snow 8.33- SP Sen 1 S Oxlade
10.32- 2 S Gascoigne 10.13- 3 S White 10.02- 4 A Hardy 9.28- U15 1 J Kompani
13.92- 2 N Skinner 11.64- 3 J Godsell 6.60- U13 1 A Mulhern 9.69- 2 A Homer
6.56- 3 T Robinson 5.79- JW A Martin 8.04- GU17 H Fosten 8.04- GU15 E Oliver
6.45- GU13 1 S Quaye 7.71- 2 J Nelson 6.14-
(23) 3rd Jul. Assembly Lge Blackheath Pk 8 S Smythe 16.25-
(24) 5th Jul. Brit Lge Div 1 (3) Solihull
100mA 2 J Golding 10.5- B 1 A Lashore 10.5- 200mA 8 P Calnan 35.5- B 7 S Pratt
24.6- 400mA 7 N Hoque 49.9- B 7 N Keogh 50.2- 800mA 3 A Draper 1:50.5- B 4 M
Skinner 1:55.9- 1500mA 7 M Harris 3:57.2- B 5 A Draper 4:01.1- 5000mA 7 D Heath
15:10.5- B 8 P Calnan 16:03.6- 110HA 8 M Elliott 25.6- B 6 S Martin 16.2- 400HA
6 N Keogh 54.2- B 3 S Pratt 54.8- 3000mSCA 3 D Lee 9:08.8- B 6 J Bradley 9:45.6-
HJA 7 A Hodge 1.90- B-- PVA 7 A Hardy 4.20- B 4 S Gascoigne 3.00- LJA 8 A Hodge
6.57- B 6 S Bobb 6.14- TJA 5 S Bobb 14.23- B 4 A Hodge 13.31- SPA 4 M Bundock
14.90- B 8 S Gascoigne 8.80- HTA 8 A Benn 46.36- B 8 S Gascoigne 19.14- DTA 8 S
Gascoigne 25.38- B-- JTA 4 A Benn 60.60- B 7 A Hodge 47.56- 4X100m 7 BH 44.40 (N
Hoque, N Keogh, M Elliott & J Golding) 4X400m 7 BH 3:30.4 (S Pratt, M
Skinner, M Elliott & M Harris)
Match 1 Belgr 393- 2 Birchfd 2821/2- 3 TVH 2771/2- 4 Shaft 264- 5 Sale 258- 6
Newh EB 255-
7 Woodfd 240- 8 BH 187-
(25) 5th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 1 (4) Welwyn
100mA 5 C Dennis 11.5- B 5 J Robinson 15.0- 200mA 5 C Dennis 23.6- B 4 S Holmes
24.3- 400mA 5 S White 54.5- B 5 P Squires 53.9- 800mA 3 S Holmes 1:57.3- B 5 S
Oxlade 2:51.1- 1500mA 5 J Robinson 6:14.1- B- 5000mA 5 J Robinson 21:00.5- B--
110HA 1 M Purser 16.2- B 4 S Tolson 20.2- 400HA 2 M Purser 57.9- B 1 S White
59.1- 3000mSCA 1 J Marks 9:51.3- B-- HJA 5 S Tolson 1.65- B 3 C Dennis 1.55- PVA
4 S Tolson 3.20- B 5 S White 2.00- LJA 4 S White 5.81- B 4 M Purser 5.58- TJA 5
M Purser 11.56- B 3 S Oxlade 11.24- SPA 5 S Oxlade 9.88- B 5 A Fairbairn 7.92-
HTA 5 S Oxlade 27.56- B 4 A Fairbairn 27.00- DTA 2 S White 33.24- B 3 S Oxlade
28.80- JTA 3 S White 42.56- B 4 M Purser 32.64- 4X100m 5 BH 49.1- 4X400m 4 BH
Match 1 Bedfd 133- 2 Verlea 118- 3 Bexl 111- 4 Hastings 103- 5 BHB 69
(26) 5th Jul. Kent Age Group Chs Sutcliffe Pk
GU13 75m 2 A Griffiths 10.7- 3 A Jacobs 10.9- 150m 2 K Benneworth 21.4- 6 C
Willis 22.4- 1000m 4 E Bugler 3:32.5- 6 J Patmore 3:35.4- 7 C Berry 3:36.9- 70H
1 K Benneworth 12.8- LJ 1 K Benneworth 4.26- 4 A Griffiths 4.04- 5 C Draper
3.96- 4SP/2DT K Willan 7.70/20.22pb
(27) 6th Jul. 30M Multiterrain Tanners Hatch C Poole 4:56.34- G Payne- C
Hall- S Lacey B Todd- Tm BH (based on % of team finishing)
(28) 6th Jul. Orion Rd 10M Chingford (53.40) 16(1M50) J Copley 66.23- 37
N Cook 70.47-
(29) 5th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 7 (4) Walthamstow
100mA 1 D Plummer 11.4- B 1 T Carr 11.7- 200mA 1 P Byfield 24.1- B 4 C Monks
28.0- ns D Dhammaloka 29.8- 400mA 1 P Byfield 52.9- B 3 C Monks 54.8- 800mA 1 M
Watling 1:59.7- B 2 R Brown 2:15.0- 1500mA 1 M Watling 4:07.8- B 2 S Smythe
4:29.2- 5000mA 3 S Smythe 17:46.0- B 2 S Pairman 17:48.7- 110HA 1 I Holder 18.5-
B-- 400HA 2 P Byfield 62.2- B 1 C Monks 68.5- 3000mSCA 3 J E Turner 12:13.0- B 2
S Smythe 12:19.5- HJA 4 I Holder 1.60- B 3 C Fincham 1.40- PVA 1 D Sumner 3.20-
B 1 J Day 2.80- LJA 3 C Fincham 5.33- B 4 S Freemantle 4.25- TJA 4 S Freemantle
9.08- B 3 R Brown 8.96- SPA 2 C Brand 8.91- B 2 W Lonergan 8.29- HTA 1 C Brand
22.54- B 2 S Freemantle 15.30- DTA 1 C Brand 27.20- B 2 W Lonergan 18.68- JTA 2
C Brand 36.26- B 2 W Lonergan 26.58- 4X100m 2 BH 49.7- 4X400m 3 BH 4:01.4 (C
Monks, R Brown, M Watling & P Byfield)
Match 1 Wimborne 142- 2 BHC 137- 3 Walth 105- 4 Winch 103- 5 Aylsb 10
(30) 5-6 Jul. AAA U20 Chs Bedford 100m 3 M Findlay 10.66 (h 10.60)- 1B G
Neblett (sf 10.97) ht J Skeete 10.72- 200m 3 M Findlay 21.10- 5 D Burley 21.59
(ht 21.57)- 2B G Neblett 22.22- 400m 1B A Wilson 48.31- 800m 3 C Moss 1:51.12-
1500m 8 S Austin 3:52.59- 400H 2 R Tabares 53.47 (ht 53.26)- LJ 1 N Morgan 7.55-
TJ 3 P Francis 15.07- E Udechuku 2SP/2DT/8JT 16.32/53.66/58.20- U17 3000m 2 J
Baker 9:04.45- 14 L M Cooper 9:33.13-
(31) 8th Jul. Vets Inter-Counties Crawley M40 LJ D Wallington 5.48- M50
PV J Day 2.80-
(32) 9th Jul. Chase Corp Chall 31/2M Battersea Pk G Lloyd 21.04-
(33) 11-12 Jul. Eng Schools Sheffield SenB 200m 1 D Burley 21.82- 400m A
Wilson 48.27 N Hamilton 49.06- 800m 2 C Moss 1:52.34 (.31)- 1500m 4 M Skinner
3:54.68- 110H D Brewer 14.57- T Carr 15.14- 400H 1 R Tabares 52.95- HJ P Graham
1.90- TJ 3 P Francis 15.52- DT 1 E Udechuku 59.72- JT 4 A Benn 63.16- IntB 100m
3 D Plummer- SP 2 A Cluskey 16.30- HT 1 J Kompani 50.38- 1500m R Laming
(34) 11-13 Jul. AAA Chs & World Ch Trials Birmingham 100m A Lashore
10.44- 200m M Findlay 21.55- 5000m S Newport 14:02.59- M Steinle 14:10.75- D
Taylor 14:13.99-
(35) 12th Jul. Elmore 7M Chipstead 1M50 A Jones 47.11
(36) 13th Jul. Euro U23 Chs Turku, Finld 200m 1 J Golding 20.46 (ht 20.44
cl rec) Also while in Finland 100m / 10.28 (cl rec)
(37) 13th Jul. Irish Chs Dublin 400H 4 N Keogh 53.97
(38) 13th Jul. Cliffe Woods Rd 10Km Gravesend 1 D Smith 31.02- 2 R Smith
(39) 13th Jul. Windmilers 10Km Wimbledon Cmn W Orton 45.50
(40) 13th Jul. Girls YA Lge (3) Norman Pk
U17100mA 3 E Kuenstlinger 13.7- B 2 N Viney 13.8- 200mA 4 K Porter 27.4- B 5 C
Ayres 31.0- 300mA 1 S Singer 42.2- B 1 N Viney 45.0- 800mA 2 S Singer 2:21.8- B
2 C Brown 2:34.1- 1500mA 5 C Ayres 7:01.9- B- 3000mA 4 A Brown 13:06.9- B 1 S
Pailthorpe 13:32.3- 80HA 1 K Porter 12.7- B 1 E Kuenstlinger 13.7- 300HA 1 K
Porter 48.4- B 1 S Pailthorpe 58.5- HJA 5 Z Morrell 1.30- B 3 A Brown 1.20- LJA
1 E Kuenstlinger 5.05- B 4 A Brown 3.69- SPA 3 H Fosten 8.08- B 2 E Migo 6.75-
DTA 3 H Fosten 23.34- B 1 E Migo 18.98- JTA 5 Z Morrell 16.08- B 3 H Fosten
15.22- 4X100m 1 BH 51.1 cl rec (K Porter, N Viney, E Kuenstlinger & S
U15 100mA 1 A Barnaby 13.1- B 4 E Green 14.3- 200mA 1 A Barnaby 27.0- B 4 E
Green 29.3- 800mA 5 L Sams 2:59.5- B- 1500mA 2 K Lucht 5:09.4- B 1 H Barker
5:27.2- 75HA 6 E Green 16.3- B 2 E Oliver 16.2- HJA 3 A Barnaby 1.35- B 3 K
Lucht 1.30- LJA 6 H Barker 3.75- B 3 K Lucht 3.70- SPA 4 E Oliver 6.80- B 5 H
Barker 4.94- DTA 3 E Oliver 18.64- B 3 L Sams 14.66- JTA 3 L Sams 22.56- B-
4X100m 4 BH 55.4
U13 75mA 4 A Griffiths 11.0- B 1 A Jacobs 10.7- ns L Ezozira 11.2- R Lenton
12.5- A Tomlinson 12.6- 150mA 3 K Benneworth 21.4- B 1 L Ezozira 22.0- 1000mA 2
J Patmore 3:27.6- B 1 E Bugler 3:29.2- 70HA 2 K Benneworth 13.0- B 2 N Gharbaoui
14.3- LJA 4 A Jacobs 4.05pb- B 2 E Bugler 4.00- SPA 2 S Quaye 7.70pb- B 2 K
Willan 6.75- 4X100m 2 BH 54.0 cl rec (N Gharbaoui, K Benneworth, A Jacobs &
A Griffiths)
Match 1 Brom L 412- 2 BH 366- 3 Peter'b 316- 4 GEC 264- 5 SLH 209- 6 HHH 197
Lge Final 1 Brom*- 2 BH*- 3 Peter'b- 4 GEC- 5 SLH- 6 HHH- 7 Thurk- 8 Woodfd-
( * Promoted to Premier Lge)
(41) 13th Jul. Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk J E Turner
(42) 13th Jul. Kent B&C Lge Sutcliffe Pk
3000m W Bolton 10:13.5- HJ C Pierce 1.55- A Powell 1.50
(43) 15th Jul. Forbanks 5M Beckenham (26.51) 12 P Tucker 28.12- 16 J
Morland 28.54 25 R Brown 30.52- 27 T Brightwell 31.04- 30 A Tucker 31.16- 39 N
Cook 32.13- 45 A Jones 32.38- 46 R Walsh 32.39- 49 H Cooper 33.13- 50 G Longley
33.13- 61 M Peel 34.03- 69 P Taylor 34.29- 85 (2M60) C Poole 36.08- 114 J Cross
44.43- 118 A Jelly 45.36
(44) 16th Jul. Club Champs (4) Norman Pk
150m GU13 1 K Benneworth 21.2- 2 E Bugler 22.6- 400m Sen 1 C Duncan (G) 48.9- 2
A Draper 49.8 (Reay Cup)- 3 S Cooper 51.8- 4 D Marks (G) 52.6- 5 S White 56.0
(ht 54.0)- hts I Thomas 53.4- A Patterson (G) 56.6- D Dhammaloka 64.1- JMen 1 D
Corneille 54.2 (Burley Cup)- 2 D Hunter 57.1- 3 P Cavallo 64.2- Vets 1 K Daniel
58.3- 2 J R Turner 60.0- 3 J Robinson 65.7- 4 M Martineau 66.3- U17M 1 M Clark
54.7- 2 A Rayner 56.6- 3 H Agyekum 58.9- U15B 1 K Olusesi 54.2- 2 R Allinson
55.0- 3 M Hill 55.9- U13B 1 C Daniel 61.4- 2 T Robinson 63.0- 3 D Snow 64.1- 4 D
Ryan 64.5- 5000m 1 R Smith 15:44.3- 2 C Andrews 15:58.3- 3 P Cavallo 16:38.8- 4
M Ellison 16:51.1- 5(1V) M Cronin 17:37.0- 6 D Ellison 18:06.5- 7 R Brown
18:21.5- 8 A Tucker 18:26.0- 9 B Mellish 18:44.0- 10 J Copley 18:45.4- 11 D
Hunter 19:03.0- 12 N Barber 19:07.4- 13 J R Turner 19:26.2- 14 N Cook 19:42.5-
15 W Orton 20:31.7- 1000m H'c 1 R Daniel 620m/2:05.4- 2 S Hollingdale- 3 W
Clapham- 4 D Snow- 5 D Ryan- 6 A Pickering- 7 W Bolton- 8 M Lucht 1K/2:47.4-
3KWalk 1 P Hannell 14:54.3- 2 S Hollingdale 17:08.4- 3 R Brown 17:11.4- 4 A
Tucker 17:17.5- LJ Sen 1 S Oxlade 5.76- 2 S White 5.70- 3 M Martineau (M50)
4.02- U15B M Freeman 4.91- U13B 1 T Robinson 4.30- 2 C Daniel 4.16- 3 D Snow
3.96- 4 D Ryan 3.52- 5 M Daniel 3.48- U13G 1 K Benneworth 4.28- 2 A Jacobs 3.97-
3 E Bugler 3.61- 4 N Batchelor 3.13- JT Sen 1 A Benn 58.48- 2 S Oxlade 43.54- 3
S White 43.10- 4(1V) J R Turner 29.66- 5 K Daniel 25.50- 6 S Parsons 25.26- U15B
W Bolton 18.10- U13B 1 A Mulhern 25.84- 2 C Daniel 24.96- 3 P LaRoche 24.84- 4 T
Robinson 23.16- 5 R Homer 19.40- 6 D Snow 19.36- 7 M Daniel 12.84- U15G 1 L Sams
23.16- 2 K Lucht 13.86-
(45) 19th Jul. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (4) Tooting Bec
Sen 100mA 5 E Kuenstlinger 13.8- B 5 K Hyde 14.1- ns C Ayres 15.1- 200mA 2 A
Martin 26.9- B 2 N Viney 27.2- 400mA 4 S Singer 58.5pb- B 2 A White 62.9- 800mA
4 K West 2:22.5- B 1 S Singer 2:24.1- 1500mA 5 C Brown 6:09.7- B-- 80H (U17) A 1
K Porter 12.2- B 1 E Kuenstlinger 13.7- 100HA 1 A Martin 17.2- B 2 J Delasaux
21.1- 400HA 1 K Porter 68.0- B 5 C Brown 87.1- HJA 4 A Martin 1.40- B 3 K Hyde
1.35- PVA 1 V Wakelin 1.90- B-- LJA 2 E Kuenstlinger 5.20- B 1 K Porter 4.81-
TJA 5 V Wakelin 8.71- B 5 C Ayres 7.37- SPA 5 J Delasaux 9.76- B 3 H Fosten
7.77- HTA 1 J Delasaux 38.94- B 4 H Fosten 13.84- DTA 2 J Delasaux 30.62 cl rec-
B 3 H Fosten 16.32- JTA 2 V Wakelin 37.72- B 1 J Delasaux 28.20- 4X100m 1 BH
51.8 (S Singer, E Kuenstlinger, K Porter & N Viney)- 4X400m 3 BH 4:18.4 (K
West, S Singer, K Hyde & K Porter)
Girls 100mA 1 A Barnaby 13.1- B 2 L Nemeth 13.8pb- ns U15 K Fosten 14.8- U13 N
Gharbaoui 14.6- L Ezozira 14.6- R Lenton 16.4- 200mA 1 A Barnaby 26.5- B 2 L
Nemeth 29.0- 800mA 1 K Lucht 2:26.3pb- B 2 E Clarke 2:40.5- 1500mA 1 G Viney
5:00.3- B 1 J Patmore 5:35.9- 75HA 3 K Benneworth 15.3- B 1 E Oliver 16.1- HJA 4
K Lucht 1.35- B 4 A Barnaby 1.15- LJA 3 K Benneworth 4.46pb- B 1 L Nemeth 4.32-
SPA 3 E Oliver 7.03pb- B 2 S Quaye 6.93- DTA 1 E Oliver 20.96- B 4 S Quaye
12.08- JTA 5 K Lucht 10.34- B 5 S Quaye 9.08- 4X100m 2 BH 55.2 (A Barnaby, K
Benneworth, L Ezozira & N Gharbaoui)
Match 1 SLH 183- 2 BH 1821/2- 3 HHH 181- 4 Richmond 1391/2- 5 Highgate 133
(46) Jul. World Vets Chs Durban SA M60 100H 8 J Day 19.15- PV 8 J Day
(47) 19th Jul. U17 T&F Dublin SP A Cluskey 16.92
(48) 20-23 Jul. Youth Olympics Lisbon
200m 4 D Burley 21.78- 110H 7 T Carr 14.45- 4X100m 1 GB (incl Burley)
(49) 20th Jul. 1/2-Marathon Dartford (incl Kent Ch)
(67.54) 6(1st Kt) R Smith 72.03- 45(2M45) G Lloyd 83.31- 71 T Brightwell 86.49-
103 R Brown 89.52- 114 J Isaacs 91.19- 115 J Barker 91.21- 146 G Payne 94.08-
189 N Cook 97.10- 252 M Compton 102.18- 261 R Hogwood 102.51- 272 R Saiz 103.52-
418 H Rudkin 118.39- VTm 3 BH
(50) 20th Jul. BHHI Rd 10Km Dulwich Pk (30.44) 12 J Morland 35.27-
15(3M40) J Phelan 36.53- 24 B Fisher 38.59- 27 J E Turner 39.52- 42 D Carton
41.25- 277 S Partridge 55.15-
(51) 20th Jul. Repr T&F Portsmouth HJ A Hodge (Ach) 1.90
(52) 20th Jul. YA Lges (5)
Sthn Prem Div Copthall. U17 100m/200m D Plummer 11.2/22.7- Jo Brown 11.3/23.3-
400m L Connike 52.2- 800m D Moulton 2:00.6- N Pyburn 2:02.2- 1500m J Baker
4:13.3- 100H M Sillah 13.8- 400H S Holmes 58.6- 1500SC J Baker 4:35.8- R Laming
4:42- HJ B Barikor 2.03- M Sillah 1.95- PV J Fealey 3.50- TJ C Dundas 13.08- SP
P Archer 14.17- DT A Cluskey 45.48- JT J Lundman 49.90- U15 100m/200m R Arojogun
12.0/24.6- 800m M Hill 2:04.3pb- U13 200m 1A K Imajemite 26.1- 1B P Shead 27.1-
Match 1 BHA 228- 2 Shaft- 3 Enfield
Sthn Centr Div 2 Norman Pk. SP/HT/DT 1 N Skinner(U15) 11.22/43.74/33.60
Match 1 Woking- 2 BHB 299- 3 G&G
(53) 22nd Jul. Open Crawley
100m/DT A Sharp 11.1/44.00- 800m C Moss 1:51.0- 1500m K Daniel 4:18.5
(54) 26th Jul. European Jun Chs Ljubljana, Slovenia 200m 3 M Findlay
20.99- LJ 1 N Morgan 7.90- DT 1 E Udechuku 53.90- 4X100m 1 GB (incl Findlay)
(55) 26th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 1 (5) Norman Pk
100mA 1 J Skeete 11.3- B 1 G Neblett 11.6- 200mA 2 G Neblett 22.8- B 1 A Sharp
22.9- 400mA 3 P Featherston 51.3- B 1 M Champion 51.4- 800mA 2 R Daniels 1:56.3-
B 1 S Cooper 1:58.3- 1500mA 1 C Moss 3:57.7- B 1 G Clifford 4:01.0- 5000mA 3 R
Smith 16:12.8- B 2 C Andrews 16:22.3- 110HA 2 M Purser 16.7- B 3 S White 18.1-
400HA 1 M Purser 57.7- B 3 S White 61.1- 3000mSCA 3 R Daniels 10:10.4- B 2 P
Cavallo 10:29.4- HJA 1 M Sillah 1.80- B 1 B Barikor 1.70- PVA 2 S Tolson 3.40- B
=1 J Fealey 2.40- LJA 3 B Essien 6.07- B 3 S White 5.42- TJA 4 R Daniels 10.38-
B 3 C Munden 10.24- SPA 3 A Sharp 12.48- B 2 S Timmins 11.35- HTA 3 S Timmins
43.94- B 2 A Fairbairn 28.20- DTA 2 A Sharp 41.02- B 2 S Harrison 36.00- JTA 1 S
Harrison 62.34- B 2 S Timmins 38.46- 4X100m 1 BH 43.8- 4X400m 2 BH 3:29.9
Match 1 BHB 1431/2- 2 Highgt 125- 3 Bourne'm 109- 4 Herc W 911/2- 5 Reading 42
(56) 26th Jul. Sthn Lge Div 7 (5) Norman Pk
100mA 1 C Dennis 11.9- B 1 S Jarred 12.2- 200mA 1 C Dennis 24.2- B 1 S Jarred
24.0- 400mA 1 S Jarred 53.9- B 1 D Marks 53.1- 800mA 1 M Watling 2:01.6- B 1 D
Marks 2:07.2- 1500mA 1 D Hassall 4:21.8- B 1 S Smythe 4:31.3- 5000mA 3 M Ellison
17:05.5- B 2 J Phelan 17:26.0- 110HA 2 I Holder 20.5- B 1 J Jackson 20.8- 400HA
1 S Jarred 64.7- B 2 P Lester 70.6- 3000mSCA 3 D Ellison 11:45.2- B 4 S
Freemantle 12:30.7- HJA 1 J Jackson 1.70- B 1 D Sumner 1.55- PVA 1 D Sumner
3.00- B 1 J Jackson 2.00- LJA 2 D Wallington 5.33- B 1 J Jackson 5.20- TJA 4 R
Coe 10.94- B 1 D Wallington 10.79- SPA 3 C Brand 8.39- B 1 S Freemantle 8.35-
HTA 1 S Oxlade 34.18- B 1 C Brand 21.86- DTA 2 C Brand 26.80- B 2 D Wallington
24.72- JTA 1 J Jackson 44.58- B 2 C Brand 34.84- 4X100m 1 BH 47.2- 4X400m 1 BH
Match 1 BHC 161- 2 N Herts 126- 3 Loughton 109- 4 Ashford 93
(57) 26-27 Jul. Surrey GU15 Chs Kingsmeadow
200m 1 A Barnaby 25.49 cl rec- 1500m 3 K Lucht 5:02.9
(58) 27th Jul. Gold Cup SF Haringey
100m 2 A Lashore 10.44- 200m 3 A Lashore 20.99- 400m 3 A Wilson 47.83- 800m 6 M
Harris 1:53.09-1500m 8 R Daniels 4:12.14- 5000m 2 S Newport 14:28.08- 10000m 3 R
Smith 33:04.58- 110H 3 M Elliott 14.65- 400H 5 R Tabares 59.53- 3000mSC 2 D Lee
9:18.84- HJ 4 A Hodge 1.90- PV 6 A Hardy 4.00- LJ 7 P Francis 6.03-TJ 3 P
Francis 14.47- SP 4 M Bundock 15.47- HT 6 S Timmins 43.44- DT 4 M Bundock 42.80-
JT 6 M Elliott 47.18- 4X100m 3 BH 41.57 (A Lashore, G Neblett, M Elliott & D
4X400m 2 BH 3:14.45 (M Champion, N Keogh, R Tabares & A Wilson)
Match 1 Belgr 139- 2 Solent 119- 3 Harin 115- 4 BH 98- 5 Haver 69- 6 WSE 68- 7
GEC 59 8 HHH 58
(59) 27th Jul. Rd 10Km Deal 1 D Smith 31.13- 3M40 T Brightwell 39.12
(60) 27th Jul. Kent B&C Lge (3) Ashford U15 100m R Arojogun 12.0- M
Freeman 12.7/ LJ 5.36- 400m/HJ N Simpson 54.4/1.55- 400m R Allinson 56.9-
800m/1500m M Hill 2:07.0 / 4:22.2- 800m S Johns 2:11.3- 1500m C Cato 4:42.0-
SP/DT J Kompani : A Patel 15.26/34.86 : 12.46/40.99
(61) 27th Jul. Natl Jun Lge Sthn Prem Div (3) Norman Pk
100mA 4 C Dennis 11.7- B 6 D Ayrton 12.8- 200mAB- 400mA 1 N Hamilton 49.5- B 1 C
Moss 51.4- 800mA 1 C Moss 1:51.4 (lge rec)- B 2 R Laming 2:02.0- 1500mA 1 S
Austin 4:05.4- B 2 J Baker 4:14.0- 3000mA 6 A Rayner 9:52.1- B- 110HA 6 P Graham
21.5- B- 400HAB- 2000mSCA 3 M Lucht 6:37.4- B- HJA 2 P Graham 1.90- B 4 J Apps
1.55- PVA 2 J Fealey 3.70- B 1 D Sumner 3.20- LJA 6 C Moss 5.26- B 6 C Dennis
4.73- TJA 5 J Apps 11.47- B 5 Sumner 9.36- SPA 1 A Cluskey 14.38- B 5 J Fealey
4.71- HTA 2 A Cluskey 28.16- B- DTA 1 A Cluskey 41.38- B 2 N Hamilton 29.12- JTA
1 J Apps 52.26- B 2 A Cluskey 37.88- 4X100m 2 BH 45.6 (D Ayrton, N Hamilton, C
Moss & C Dennis)- 4X400m 1 BH 3:24.5 (D Ayrton, C Moss, N Hamilton & S
Match 1 Shaft 361- 2 Harrow 360- 3 AFD 308- 4 BH 293- 5 Bristol 257- 6 Hounslow
(62) 2nd Aug. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (5) Southend
Sen 100mA 3 E Kuenstlinger 13.7- B- 200mA 5 S Singer 31.3- B- 400mA 2 S Singer
59.0- B- 800mA 3 S Singer 2:32.2- B- 1500mA 2 Z Morrell 5:10.3- B- 80H (U17) A 3
E Kuenstlinger 13.6- B 2 Z Morrell 16.5- 100HA 4 J Delasaux 21.0- B- 400HA 1 Z
Morrell 75.6- B- LJA 2 E Kuenstlinger 4.81- B- SPA 2 J Delasaux 9.33- B- HTA 1 J
Delasaux 42.02- B- DTA 1 J Delasaux 33.50- B- JTA 1 J Delasaux 29.24- B- 4X100m
5 BH 55.3-
Girls 100mA 1 A Barnaby 12.9- B 4 A Jacobs 14.4- 200mA 1 A Barnaby 26.3- B 3 K
Benneworth 29.2- 800mA 1 K Lucht 2:28.8- B 5 N Gharbaoui 3:04.9- 1500mA 5 J
Patmore 5:37.6- B 2 C Berry 5:44.7- 75HA 4 J Birjukov 14.6- B 5 K Lucht 17.2-
HJA 3 A Barnaby 1.40- B 2 K Lucht 1.30- LJA 3 K Benneworth 4.14- B 3 A Jacobs
3.87- SPA 4 S Quaye 6.86- B 5 J Birjukov 5.29- DTA 4 S Quaye 14.08- B 3 N
Gharbaoui 11.18- JTA 5 S Quaye 11.78- B 5 J Birjukov 10.08- 4X100m 5 BH 56.4
Match =1 Enfield & Ipswich 175- 3 Southend 161- 4 Bexley 140- 5 BH 106
(63) 2-3 Aug. SEAA Various Enfield M40 1500m 1 K Daniel 4:29.87- M60 DT 1
C Brand 38.18
U17 3000m J Baker 9:16.61- L Cooper 9:16.77- U15 S Simmons 9:43.16-
(64) 2-9 Aug. World Champs Athens
200m SF J Golding 20.61 (ht 20.49)- 4X100m 3 GB 38.14 (incl J Golding
(65) 3rd Aug. Rd 10Km Thanet T Brightwell 38.50
(66) 6th Aug. BMC Tooting Bec 800m D Moulton 1:59.7
(67) 7th Aug. Br Athl GP Swindon 3000m 10 S Newport 8:06.1
(68) 8th Aug. Open Finsbury Pk 400m D Burley 50.3- U20 200m N Hoque 22.7-
(69) 9th Aug. U20 Nth v Midl v Sth 200m 1 M Findlay 21.29- 4 D Burley
400m 1 A Wilson 48.27- TJ 3 P Francis 14.33- 2SP/2DT/4JT E Udechuku
(70) 9th Aug. U17 Sthn Inter-Counties Portsmouth 800m 1 D Ayrton 1:58.0-
3000m R Laming
9:12.6- A Rayner 9:55.5- 1500SC 2 D Moore 4:43.4- 4 M Lucht 4:47.5pb
GU17 300m/800m 1 S Singer 41.7/2:23.9- LJ 1 E Kuenstlinger 5.12
(71) 10th Aug. Kent Women's Lge (4) Norman Pk
Sen 100m 3 A White 13.5- 200m 3 A White 27.7pb- 1500m 2 S Budd 4:54.5pb- 100H A
Martin- 2KWalk 5 S Budd 15:51.4- HJ 2 A Martin 1.40- 2SP/1HT/1DT/2JT J Delasaux
10.55cl rec/41.24/28.40/29.48- U17 100m/200m 3 N Viney 13.6/27.7- 300m/800m 1 S
Singer 41.5/2:29.2- 1500m 2 Z Morrell 5:20.1- 80H 5 E Kuenstlinger 18.9- 300H 3
Z Morrell 54.3- 2KWalk 5 C Ayres 12:07.6- 3HJ/1LJ E Kuenstlinger 1.30/5.00- SP 2
E Migo 6.44- DT 5 C Ayres 12.76- JT 2 Z Morrell 15.34- 4X200m 2 BH 1:52.0 (S
Singer, E Kuenstlinger, N Viney & Z Morrell) U15 100m/200m 1/2 A Barnaby
13.2/27.2- ns L Nemeth 28.8- C Brown 29.1- E Green 29.3- 800m 5 K Bugler 2:53.0-
1500m 1 K Lucht 5:04.6- 75H 5 J Birjukov 17.3- 2KWlk 5 E Green 16:33.9- HJ 4 A
Barnaby 1.40- LJ 3 L Nemeth 4.45- 3SP/4DT E Oliver 6.96/19.90- JT 1 L Sams
22.62- 4X200m 2 BH 1:54.8 (A Barnaby, L Nemeth, E Green, & J Birjukov) U13
75m 2 A Jacobs 11.1- ns A Raisey 11.2- N Gharbaoui 11.4- C Berry 11.7- E Bugler
11.7- 150m 3 C Willis 23.0- 1000m 1 J Patmore 3:26.9- ns C Berry 3:30.2- E
Bugler 3:31.7- 70H 1 N Gharbaoui 12.9- 1HJ/3SP J Nelson 1.30pb/6.30- LJ 2 A
Jacobs 4.22pb- DT 4 A Raisey 11.52- JT 3 E Bugler 14.56- 4X100m 2 BH 56.7 (A
Jacobs, N Gharbaoui, C Willis, & A Raisey)
Match 1 Brom 445- 2 BH 352- 3 Dartfd 336- 4 Medw 313- 5 Bexl 275- 6 Inv 172
Final Lge: 1 Brom- 2 BH- 3 Dartfd- 4 Medw- 5 Bexl- 6 Inv
(72) 10th Aug. 1/2-Marathon Isle of Mull 13 J Copley 87.49-
(73) 10th Aug. Carnival Rd Race Herne Bay 2 D Smith 32.35
(74) 12th Aug. Open Tonbridge 800m 4 K Daniel 2:06.1
(75) 16th Aug. Brit Lge Div 1 (4) Crystal Pal
100mA 3 A Lashore 10.48- B 7 D Burley 10.94- 200mA 4 M Findlay 21.39- B 1 A
Lashore 21.05- 400mA 4 A Wilson 48.02- B 1 R Tabares 48.01- 800mA 3 C Moss
1:50.81- B 6 M Harris 1:55.38- 1500mA 5 S Austin 3:57.51- B 4 M Skinner 4:00.68-
5000mA 8 M Harris 16:54.82- B 8 J Bradley 16:55.03- 110HA 3 M Elliott 14.87- B 6
A Hodge 15.74- 400HA 6 N Keogh 53.64- B 3 S Pratt 54.38- 3000mSCA 2 S Newport
9:02.71- B 6 P Calnan 10:55.06- HJA 6 P Graham 1.95- B 4 A Hodge 1.90- PVA 6 A
Hardy 4.00- B- LJA 7 A Sharp 7.02- B 5 A Hodge 6.41- TJA 5 S Bobb 14.66- B 2 P
Francis 14.36- SPA 4 M Bundock 15.79- B 2 E Udechuku 15.50- HTA 8 E Udechuku
39.30- B 8 A Hodge 19.34- DTA 4 E Udechuku 52.98- B 5 A Sharp 43.56- JTA 6 A
Sharp 54.26- B 6 A Benn 52.72- 4X100m 3 BH 41.74 (A Lashore, D Burley, M Elliott
& A Sharp) 4X400m 1 BH 3:12.45 Cl Rec (A Wilson, C Moss, R Tabares & N
Match 1 Belgr 312- 2 Birchfd 306- 3 Shaft 286- 4 Woodfd 282- 5 BH 259- 6 TVH 246
7 Sale 238- 8 Newh EB 235- Final Posns: 1 Belgr 31- 2 TVH 20- 3 Sale 19- 4 Shaft
19- 5 Birchfd 19- 6 Newh 16- 7 Woodfd 12 (Rel)- 8 BH 8- (Rel)
(76) 16th Aug. Sthn Lge Div 1 (6) Brighton
100mA 2 G Neblett 11.4- B 2 T Carr 11.8- 200mA 2 G Neblett 23.3- B 2 M Champion
23.2- 400mA 1 N Hoque 49.9- B 5 F Huseyin 54.3- 800mA 5 G Clifford 2:08.2- B 5 S
White 2:05.0- 1500mA 5 G Clifford 4:13.7- B 4 H Morten 4:15.9- 5000mAB- 110HA 4
L Redgrave 21.8- B 4 S Gascoigne 28.2- 400HA 4 P Cavallo 70.4- B 3 G Clifford
72.9- 3000mSCA 4 G Clifford 10:06.7- B 3 P Cavallo 10:29.2- HJA 2 M Champion
1.85- B 2 L Redgrave 1.65- PV Not held- LJA 4 L Redgrave 5.94- B 4 F Huseyin
5.75- TJA 2 M Champion 12.88- B 5 A Fairbairn 7.71- SPA 4 C Ellis 10.34- B 3 S
Gascoigne 9.39- HTA 3 C Ellis 29.32- B 2 A Fairbairn 27.68- DTA 4 C Ellis 35.14-
B 3 A Fairbairn 30.62- JTA 4 S White 42.54- B 2 S Gascoigne 40.08- 4X100m 3 BH
46.5- 4X400m 5 BH: BHB Final Lge Postn 17/25
Match 1 Brigh 139- 2 HHH 137- 3 BHB 91- 4 S'end 89- 5 Bastk 70-
(77) 16th Aug. Sthn Lge Div 7 (6) Hemel Hempstead
100mA 2 C Dennis 11.8- B 1 S Jarred 11.8- 200mA 2 C Dennis 23.7- B 1 S Jarred
23.5- 400mA 1 G Coates 55.2- B 2 P Byfield 56.0- 800mA 1 M Watling 2:01.5- B 1 D
Hassall 2:11.0- 1500mA 1 D Hassall 4:29.9- B 1 M Watling 4:30.0- 5000mA 2 C
Andrews 16:49.8- B 2 S Smythe 17:51.4- 110HA 2 C Fincham 21.4- B- 400HA 1 S
Jarred 69.1- B 1 P Byfield 73.1- 3000mSCA 2 D Ellison 11:49.7- B 2 J E Turner
12:23.5- HJA 3 C Fincham 1.55- B 1 C Dennis 1.50- PVA 1 J Day 2.80- B 1 C
Fincham 2.40- LJA 3 P Byfield 5.58- B 2 D Wallington 5.32- TJA 3 C Fincham
10.83- B 1 D Wallington 10.21- SPA 3 C Brand 8.82- B 3 D Wallington 8.65- HTA 1
C Brand 23.20- B 3 S Freemantle 12.58- DTA 2 C Brand 28.02- B 1 D Wallington
25.76- JTA 2 C Fincham 40.00- B 1 C Brand 38.18- 4X100m 1 BH 47.1- 4X400m 1 BH
Match 1 BHC 152- 2 Holld 121- 3 Dac 107- 4 E.Lon 86- 5 Pitsea 59-
BHC Final Lge Postn 2/24
(78) 16-17 Aug. AAA U17 Chs Birmingham 100m 3 D Plummer 10.85 (ht 10.84)-
200m sf D Grant 22.69- ht D Plummer 22.52- 800m M Hill
(79) 17th Aug. Brit Challenge Crystal Pal 200m 3 J Golding (GB) 20.80- E
Udechuku (GBYL) SP 17.56(Jn)- DT 60.72(Jn)- Mixed 4X200m Relay 2 GB 1:27.39
(incl M Findlay)
(80) 17th Aug. Open Horsham 1500m K Daniel 4:17.8
(81) 17th Aug. Carnival 6M Aldeburgh J Copley 36.50
(82) 24th Aug. VAC Chs Kingsmeadow M40 1500m/5000m S Smythe 4:33.6/
17:15.5 M50 3KWalk 1 P Hannell 15:06.8- M60 100H/HJ/PV J Day 19.8/ 1.20/ 2.80
(83) RACE WALKING 10/6 3K h'c Horsham. 4 P Hannell- 18/6 Woodfd 3K. 2 P
Hannell 14:43.3
12/7 Selsdon 10K h'c. 3 N Simmons- 6 P Hannell- 15/7 VAC 5M Battersea. N Simmons
48.06- 10/8 BVAF Tr 10K Solihull. 2 P Hannell 57.07-
(84) Sri Chinmoy Races Battersea Pk 28/6 10Km J E Turner 37.19- T
Brightwell 38.30 A Pontifex 44.20- 12/7 10M B Wilson 68.24- 14/7 2M W Clapham
13.46- 21/7 1M N Cook 5.24- W Clapham 6.31- 26/7 1/2-Marth N Cook 94.45-
(85) Monthly Series 9/7 Club 3.12M Yct. 1 S Haley 18.32 rn tm- 2 N Barber
19.09- 3 M Ellison 17.06 (1)- 4 A Tucker 18.28- 5 J Baldwin 19.04- 6 R Brown
18.23- 7 J E Turner 18.12- 8 M Cronin 17.48- 9 S Pairman 17.57- 10 R Walsh
19.50- 11 J R Turner 18.52- 12 B McShane 18.40- 13 Ph Taylor 20.41- 14 W Orton
21.01- 15 S Freemantle 20.18- 16 M Gasson 26.20- 29/7 BromV 2M K Daniel 9.49
course rec (previous rec H Morten)- M Peel 12.31- 5/8 Cryst Pal 5K. T Brightwell
18.15- 6/8 Club 3.12M Yct. 1 C Fincham 16.52 (1)- 2 B Bater 19.02- 3 S
Freemantle 18.10- 4 R Brown 18.01- 5 G Coates 17.47- 6 S Pairman 17.53- 7 J R
Turner 18.44- 8 M Ellison 17.01- 9 P Taylor 19.53- 10 D Ellison 17.40-
(86) Biathlons Apr Dover sw 500m rn 5M. T Brightwell 38.03- May Cranbrook
sw 400m rn 4.5M. T Brightwell 34.13-
(87) NW Kent Series (Darent 10K Cr16543, Sevenoaks 7M Cr16642 &
Joydens 10K Cr16668) 9 T Brightwell- 10 G Coates- 11 G Lloyd-
(Pts from up to 7 of 8 Field events in Club Champs)
1 S Oxlade 79 pts- 2 S White 78- 3 A Hardy 50- 4 M Martineau 18- =5 S Bobb &
A Benn 12- =7 J Day & J R Turner 9- =9 J Robinson & K Daniel 8- 11 S
Parsons 7
(87) 23rd Jul. Club JOHNSON BOWL 4M WALK Norman Pk
1 P Hannell (Johnson Bowl) 34.28- 2 S Lightman 35.48- 3 P King (Belgr) 36.47- 5
N Simmons 38.06- 6 R Brown 38.15- 9 W Clapham 46.31- 12 D Johnson 51.40- Tms
(Sc3) BH 8- SyWC 19
(88) 12th Aug 1997. 4 widths (50m) at West Wickham
Championship Time(1/2) Handicap Placing
1 S White 33.28 h'c pos 6 (Maryon Wilson Cup Winner)
2 S McEvoy 33.38 7
3 J Morland 34.02 8
4 T Brightwell 34.06 9
5 D Cronin 34.77 G
6 C Brand 41.30 5
7 C Cronin 47.87 G
8 D Johnson 50.19 2
9 W Clapham 61.33 4
10 A Brent 67.44 3
11 A Pickering 88.00 1
(with M Cronin)
(89) 3rd Jul Addington Court. Inaugural Meeting of
BH Golf Society
1 M Lodwig 43 (Stableford) pts- 2 A Pontifex 35- 3 B O'Flynn 33- 4 J Brown 31- 5
S Freemantle 29- 6 B Hartley 27- 7 D Gillate 25- 8 R Griffin 24- 9 B Shapcott
24- 10 J Hills 5