VOL 16. No5. MAY 1997. PRESIDENT 1997/8: Mike Mahoney
HON. SECR:- M Martineau, 59 Sutherland Ave, Biggin Hill, TN16 3HG (01959
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
Although the Cross-Country season was domestically enjoyable it must be
admitted that, at representational level, it was lack-lustre compared to recent
years. The same goes for road relays. Now we turn to T&F where there have
already been wins for the Juniors, YAs and Vets.
Although we regularly report Race Walking results, these
generally take a low profile. However we must not allow to pass unnoticed Peter
Hannell's win in the European Vets Indoor Chs.
The pre-circulated resolutions were agreed, resulting in-
a) All PPs and VPs who wish to attend are members of the General Committee. The
number of places available for the election of ordinary Club members is restored
to nine.
b) A subscription "holiday" is granted to athletes of international standing.
President, Hon.Secretary & Courier Edt as above. Other elections-
Chairman of General Committee- John Baldwin
Hon.Treasurer- Peter Long; Asst Treas- Denis Lawrie
Auditors- John Copley & Peter Hannell
Group Chairmen-
Finance- Willem Buttinger: Communications- Colin Brand; Active
Athletes, House & Social and Development all vacant.
Wine Secr- John E Turner: Wine Treas- Nick Nuttall: Wine
Committee- L Roberts; D, J & N White; R Parris; G Fee; A Horton
& T Bashford
Cross Country Manager- John Baldwin; XC Secr & Handicapper-
Steve Freemantle
British T&F Lge Manager- Pat Calnan; U20 Men- Andrew Benn &
Chris Moss; U17 Men- Jenny Jackson; SthLg1- Steve Gascoigne;
SL7- Steve Freemantle & John E Turner; Women's Managers-
Andy Frankish, Karen Lucht & Julia Delasaux; Vets- Rd Coe
T&F Secr- Mike Davies; Officials Secr- Keith Bundock;
Gazette Editor- Alan Hardy; Asst Editor- Les Roberts;
Membership & Trophies- Brian Saxton
Publicity- Claire Robinson; Secr (Pastoral) Jerry Barton
Club Archivists- Harold Thompson, Brian Saxton & Pat Calnan
Ordinary Committee Members- Chris Moss, Sharon Cook, S Baker,
John R Turner & Phil Taylor
Vice Presidents- Add Margaret Baldwin, Jenny Jackson, John
Robinson, John E Turner, Richard Coe & Nick Nuttall
There are always more jobs to do than there are volunteers to do them. If you
can help in any capacity please approach a Club Officer or Committee member.
Bourne Way Neighbourhood Watch are warning residents to be on guard after
recent thefts of garden tools &c. Although unwelcome visitors at Blackheath are
rare, unfortunately they do arrive from time to time.
200 CLUB Organiser: Colin Brand (0181 777 0127)
Recent Winners: Mar: £50 G Monshall- £25 B Hawtin & Madge Thompson
HEATHEN HAUNTS (23) Ladywell Fields (Illustrated by
Dave Johnson)
"I was a keep-fit addict. Every morning you could see people counting the bones
in my skinny body at Ladywell Recreation Track. I used to exercise there and
lift weights in the clubhouse. I once ran around it in a snowstorm wearing
nothing but a bathing costume - I must have been mad."
Was it John Baldwin, Ian Wilson, Pete Shepheard or Chris
Haines preparing for their epic One Hour track race in the days, round about the
Club Centenary, when our Championship evenings were at Ladywell? No. Could it
have been young Mike Mahoney doing 11.4 / 23.1 for the sprint double and
long-jumping over 17ft? No, but none other than Spike Milligan getting ready for
his little tiff with Hitler and Rommel.
Riding from London to Hayes by train (OK, so just suppose
it's the right kind of snow) takes you through this excellent training area. A
nice park divided also by the tree-lined Ravensbourne, having left behind its
smaller beginnings in Bromley to become a genuine river, especially after heavy
rain (remember rain?). A pretty good grass running surface, flat or hilly, and
tarmac, including circuits of 800m and 1600m (if you can find the markings).
The cinder track can be dusty or waterlogged, but is
surprisingly often in good condition for a run with some companions. If you find
yourself running with such as Groovy Mover, Kamikase Sid, Chief Treasurer or
Swindling Toff (no connection), then you've strayed onto the Catford Dog Track
and you could lose your shirt (Botley'll sell you another).
The running track, with its changing/minigym facilities,
is rather basic but fine for training purposes. However, a successful bid has
been made to (you guessed it) The Lottery for a million or so to upgrade it,
including all-weather track.
This would make it OK for leagues and suchlike. This has
not been without a NIMBY reaction from some locals and, apart from that, one may
harbour some misgivings about the future periodic cost of resurfacing and the 'Colditz'
style fences that one encounters e.g at Crystal Palace. Still, that's progress
for you, and due to start this summer.
Within easy reach are two further excellent and compact
grass hill runs, both with panoramic views. Blythe Hill is quickly reached by
climbing the grass away from the river and crossing to Ravensbourne Park
Crescent and Montacute Rd. The somewhat larger Hilly Fields is reached by
following the park northwards beside the railway. Near Ladywell station we pass
St.Mary's church to the right, while left is the small Nature Reserve, one of a
number in this area along the "Green Corridors" for wildlife that railway lines
At 148 Ladywell Rd a plaque marks the site of the original
Ladywell Mineral Spring, a sort-of early drinks station, but, leaving this to
our left, we cross near Ladywell bridge to Vicars Hill for a short but steep
climb to Hilly Fields. At the highest point is a trig pillar, recalling the days
of Ordnance Survey triangulation before satellite mapping.
Nearby is what was Brockley County Boys School, now
liberated for Prendergast Girls.
The whole area described was familiar to the earliest
Heathens and the Club History (pg 15) gives a report of a run in 1872 through
what were then fields and passing over Ladywell bridge and through St.Mary's
For track there are two M40 team places (A & B) and one
M50 place (C). For field the places are A & C. You can also compete as a
non-scorer and this is an excellent way to make a start if you have not recently
(or ever) tried T&F. You don't have to be a member of SCVAC and there is no
entry fee. The meetings are held in the evening starting about 6.40 and details
of the remaining fixtures are given below. Contact Richard Coe (0181 290 5231)
well in advance if you wish to take part.
Meeting 2. Fri 23rd May Deangate.
Track: 100m, 400m, 800m All A, B & C; Plus 4X100m Relay
Field: HJ, LJ, JT All A & C; HT A only
Meeting 3. Mon 2nd June Sutcliffe Pk
Track: 200m, 1500m Both A, B, & C; Plus 4X200m Relay
Field: PV, SP, DT All A & C; TJ C only
Meeting 4. Mon 16th June Norman Pk
Track: 100m, 400m, 800m All A, B & C; Plus 4X400m Relay
Field: HJ, LJ, HT All A & C
Meeting 5. Fri 11th July Dartford
Track: 200m, 1500m, 3000m, 2000m Walk All A, B & C; Plus Medley Relay
Field: SP, JT Both A & C; TJ A only
They persevere, what goads them on
quagmire, heat . . . stress and strain
'Pheidippides' win or lose
They challenge - not for gain.
From Dorando to Bikele
Nurmi, Kuts and all
What is this challenge
They are forced to call
To prove? prevail?
so many views
They torture on..
they do not choose
Jerry Cronin '97
(01) 4th Jan. Kent Vets XC Chs Dunorlan Pk TW
Correction cf (16406)
M40(36.13) 4 T Soutar 37.13- 5 H Morten 37.16- 10 P Barlow 37.36- 12 K Daniel
37.58- 16 C Griffin 38.24- 25 J Phelan 39.08- 38 W Slack 41.10- 40 J R Turner
41.29- 45 G Coates 41.56- 53 G Lloyd 43.18- 73 B Mellish 46.17- Tms 2 BHA 43- 6
BHB 127- M50 1 M Cronin 41.36- 4 R Richardson 42.44- 8 A Davis 43.34- 13 J
Robinson 46.16- 21 W Clapham 49.46- 31 M Martineau 56.07- Tms 1 BHA 13- 6 BHB 75
(02) 2nd Feb. Multiterrain 15M Benfleet 157/368 P Lovell 1:56.31- 158 R
Griffin 1:56.31- 165 T Wood 1:58.26- 166 S McEvoy 1:58.26- 223 B Smith 2:06.42-
227 D King 2:07.19
(03) 9th Feb. SCVAC Indoor Crystal Pal cf (16429) Add/correct
M45 D Wallington 2 60m/1LJ : 7.8/5.22- M50 M Martineau 4 60m/2LJ/2TJ :
9.3/4.24/7.97- J Robinson HJ 1.38- M60 J Day SP 7.94-
(04) 23rd Feb. Rd 20M Bury St Edmunds (1:50.11) 93 J McConville 2:16.14-
243 R Bennett 2:29.00- 289 C Aves 2:32.35- 301 P Lovell 2:33.36- 445 B Smith
2:44.17- 495 R Griffin 2:48.05- 533 B Else 2:52.07- 539 L Smith 2:52.40- 658 D
King 3:07.47- 711 A Pickering & C Poole 3:18.22
(05) 1st Mar. SEAA Vets XC Chs Luton (Incorp SCVAC Ch)
M40 (33.43) 21 P Barlow 37.07- 25 H Morten 37.16- 45 C Griffin 38.33- 98 J R
Turner 41.07- 118 R Brown 42.10- 122 B Fisher 42.22- Tms 8 BH 189; M50+ (36.19)
15 M Cronin 39.51- 42 B O'Gorman 42.28- 55 D White 43.36- 58 J Clare 43.49- 78 A
Davis 44.47- 83 J Robinson 45.19- 114 (1M65) W Clapham 47.52- Tms 7 BH 162;
SCVAC 2M40 P Barlow- 3M45 H Morten- 2M55 B O'Gorman
(06) 1st Mar. BAF World XC Ch Trials Luton (34.25) 13 D Taylor 35.41- 16
S Newport 35.58-
(07) 1st Mar. Eng Schools XC Chs Newark (Kent except as noted) SenB (8K)
34 M Skinner 24.20- 72 D Farnham 24.50- IntB (61/2K) 35 J Baker 18.44- L M
Cooper- A Madar- D Ayrton- S Holmes- D Baker- P Tucker- 249 M Lucht (Sy) JunB
(5K) 71 M Hill- S Simmons- T Pyne IntG 55 Z Morrell
(08) 2nd Mar. Thanet 20M Margate 5 S Smythe 1:59.41- J Else 2:54-
(09) 2nd Mar. 20M Worthing 17 N Kinsey 2:04.50
(10) 2nd Mar. Forbanks 1/2-Marathon Beckenham (75.33) 2 J Morland 76.52-
5(1V) G Lloyd 83.14 6 W Slack 84.27- 8 T Brightwell 85.29- 10 G Coates 86.47- 15
R Walsh 89.40- 23 S Ridgewell 98.10- 36 A Musson 103.43- Tm 1 BH
(11) 2nd Mar. 1/2-Marathon Tunbridge Wells (69.26) 88 J Copley 92.42- 119
P Terrett 96.47 154 R Hogwood 101.07- 276 A Jelly 113.53
(12) 8th Mar. National XC Champs Havant
SenM (45.53) 7 D Taylor 47.31- 12 S Newport 47.45- 93 L Bulson 50.53- 153 M
Watling 52.12- 210 G Clifford 53.31- 288 P Barlow 54.56- 315 P Calnan 55.18- 368
R Parrott 55.57- 736 C Fincham 61.04- 826 S Freemantle 62.07- 1470 D Dhammaloka
78.24- Tms(6) 10 BH 746- JunM (32.11) 56 J Bradley 35.34- 77 S Austin 36.18- 90
P Cavallo 36.52- 154 W Hunter 40.36- 155 S Reilly 40.41- Tms(4) 11 BH 373- U17
(19.19) 16 M Skinner 20.19- 24 J Baker 20.35- 27 S Holmes 20.44- 30 D Farnham
20.48- 49 D Baker 21.20- 70 L M Cooper 21.35- 73 P Tucker 21.39- Tms(4) 1 BH 92-
SenW (21.07) 92 K West 25.15- 379 C Messent 33.46- GU15 (15.12) 47 K Lucht
16.53- 74 G Viney 17.16- 196 H Barker 18.50- 251 S Singer 19.50- 264 F Barker
20.08-Tms(4) 17 BH 563-GU13(13.02)170 E Clarke 15.23-187 E Bugler 15.34-252 H
Samuel 16.53-
(13) 9th Mar. Rd 20M Stafford (1:48.04) 43/297 J E Turner 2:10.15
(14) 12th Mar. BH Schools' XC Race Sparrows Den 1 C Moss (Chis&Sid and
BH) 15.56 2 T Aldred (Tiffin) 16.58- 3(1U16) R Laming (Howard) 17.01- 4(2U16) C
Crauford (Haileybury) 17.11- Teams (Scoring 4) 1 Tiffin 40 (Parrish Cup)- 2
Haileybury 54- 3 Caterham 60 (R.A.G.S Trophy)- 4 Judd 65- 5 Howard 66- 6
Chislehurst & Sidcup 81- 7 Trinity 93- 8 St.Dunstan's 113- 9 Tiffin B 126- 10
Trinity B 189- 11 Hailb B 195- 12 John Fisher 199- 13 Caterh B 222- 14 St.Dun B
229- 15 Judd B 233-
(15) 12th Mar. Lensbury Bridges 2.4M N Cook 14.43
(16) 15th Mar. Vets AC 4.8M XC Wimbledon Cmn (25.48) 2 H Morten 26.02-
(17) 15th Mar. Orion XC 15M Chingford 25 G Meek 1:41.40- 53 G Coates
1:47.17- A Pontifex 2:06.40- H Cooper completely shattered in 2:30-
(18) 16th Mar. AAA Ch 1/2-Marathon Reading (64.50) 2(1SEAA) M Steinle
64.56- 3 W Foster 64.57- W Orton 89.53-
(19) 16th Mar. Rd 20M Finchley (1:48.36) G Enright 3:00.40- D Birkett
3:05- C Canty 3:05
(20) 16th Mar. 1/2-Marathon Hastings (65.44) 70 M Ellison 81.35- 107 R
Brown 84.45- 114 T Brightwell 85.09- 120 J Barker 85.26- 133 S Pairman 85.51-
329 J Copley 92.08- 354 J Isaacs 93.02- 457 N Cook 95.12- 594 D Churchus 98.52-
603 R Hogwood 99.06- 621 B Smith 99.29- 627 M Longstaff 99.32- 665 G Cooper
100.07- 742 R Strong 101.41- 750 N Webb 101.56- 758 J Tateson 102.02- 798 G
Longley 102.49- 958 D Riley 106.30- 1011 R Bennett 107.21- 1149 M Compton
110.20- 1214 J Hines 111.47- 1527 P Prisley 119.15- 1630 A Pickering & C Poole
121.59- 2055 J Bennett 151.50-
(21) 16th Mar. Rd 15M & 21M Cranleigh
(15M/1:28.34) 47 M Wade 2:01.04- (21M/2:02.33) 25 J E Turner 2:19.48
(22) 16th Mar. Kent Women's XC Lge Sparrows Den U15 1 G Viney 11.25- 2 K
Lucht 11.33 U13 6 E Clarke 10.36-
(23) 20th Mar. Rd 5Km Derby (15.25) 8/24 L Atterbury 17.01
(24) 22nd Mar. BVAF Open XC Champs Sunderland M50-69(10K/34.04) 111(3M65)
W Clapham 45.43
(25) 22nd Mar. Club Closing 5 Yacht H'cap Hayes
1 S Hollingdale 36.27 (run tm)- 2 S Simmons 31.53- 3 J Tateson 37.26- 4 P
Squires 36.30- 5 J Mullett 39.44- 6 D Tingey 50.47- 7 M Martineau 40.41- 8 B
Wilson 35.07- 9 S Ridgewell 34.45- 10 J Robinson 35.50- 11 I Cayzer 37.35- 12 T
Brightwell 32.39- 13 J R Turner 32.26- 14 D Churchus 39.43- 15 J Phelan 32.13-
16 L M Cooper 31.59- 17 B McShane 31.30 (3)- 18 C Fincham 31.41- 19 C Rowe
38.13- 20 S Freemantle 32.45- 21 D White 33.05- 22 M Ellison 30.27 (1)- 23 A
Davis 33.02- 24 K Tyler 47.33- 25 G Cooper 35.34- 26 P Taylor 36.36- 27 Rn
Chambers 38.57- 28 R Brown 32.44- 29 B Fisher 33.31- 30 M Cronin 31.03 (2)- 31 B
Todd 43.23- 32 S Pairman 32.27- 33 M B Allen 40.32- 34 D Carton 36.27- 35 C
Haines 38.59- 36 N Barber 35.50- 37 C Pike 33.28- 38 W Slack 32.18- 39 N
Brightwell 39.12- 40 R Walsh 34.50-41D Simmons 39.42-42 H Cooper 36.43-43 J
Copley 39.40-44 M Peel 39.41-45 W Lonergan 39.02
(26) 22nd Mar. Open T&F Crawley
600m S Cooper 1:23.3- 1000m S Holmes (U17) 2:37.7- PV A Hardy 4.20- J Day (M60)
(27) 22nd Mar. Puma Marathon Relay Crystal Palace (7.195K, 5K, 10K, 5K,
10K, 7.195K) Sen (2:06.01) 7 BH 2:11.14 (M Steinle 21.55- A Draper 15.23- D
Smith 30.55- D Heath 15.28- R Smith 32.07- L Bulson 15.26) Vets 1 BH 2:22.42 (T
Soutar 24.35- K Daniel 16.19- H Morten 34.09- C Griffin 16.31- P Barlow 33.51- R
Coe 17.16)
(28) 23rd Mar. 1/2-Marathon The Hague 18 D Taylor 63.26-
(29) 23rd Mar. 1/2-Marathon Fleet 19 R Smith 71.13- 78 M Watling 77.22- C
Dale 95.47-
(30) 23rd Mar. 1/2-Marathon Paddock Wood (67.39) 29 G Meek 79.06- 42 G
Lloyd 81.25- 79 G Coates 84.44- 89 W Slack 85.10- 142 S Capey 88.35- 144 J
Barker 88.37- 150 J Isaacs 88.45- 264 N Cook 94.47- 268 R Saiz 95.01- 302 R
Hogwood 96.15- 343 R Strong 97.45- 393 C Collings 100.07- 749 P Prisley 118.26-
774 A Pickering & C Poole 119.51- 937 M&M Martineau 143.58
(31) 23rd Mar. 1/2-Marathon Gatwick W Orton 97.16
(32) 23rd Mar. Rd 5M Tatsfield C Andrews 28.50- M Ellison 29.50- T
Brightwell 30.36 J R Turner 31.10
(33) 23rd Mar. Parkwood YA XC Lge Relays Canterbury (4X2Km)
Boys 1 BHA 30.30 ( M Hill(U15) 7.04)- 4 BHB 31.33- Girls 2 BHA 36.20 ( Z
Morrell(U15) 8.18)- 5 BHB 38.17- 8 BHC 40.27-
(34) 26th Mar. Civil Service Rd 10Km Battersea Pk W Orton 40.21-
(35) 30th Mar. Rd 10M Folkestone (49.07) 11 S Smythe 56.39- 12 P Barlow
56.41- 20 C Griffin 57.37- 57 J R Turner 61.20- T Brightwell 62.20
(36) 30th Mar. 1/2-Marathon East London
T Wood 85.10- R Griffin 89.30- P Lovell 89.40- B Smith 96- D King 118-
(37) 30th Mar. Open T&F Crawley U20 R Tabares 100m/400m 11.1/50.1- U17
400m A Evans 51.2-
(38) 3rd Apr. Assembly Lge Beckenham (14.31) 6 C Griffin 15.14- 9 S
Smythe (DulR) 15.33 W Clapham (KtAC) 19.27
(39) 5th Apr. Herc Wim Open T&F Crystal Pal U17 100m D Grant 11.7- 200m A
Evans 22.8 PV J Fealy 3.00- SP/DT P Archer 13.72/37.94- JT J Dowsett 53.06-
(40) 6th Apr. SEAA 12-Stage Rd Relay Thurrock
12 BH 3:52.14 (D Smith 23.35- C Moss 13.25- M Watling 26.32- A Draper 13.17- M
Steinle 23.29- J Bradley 13.41- R Smith 24.33- H Morten 14.37- G Clifford 26.15-
P Barlow 14.08- L Bulson 24.32- R Parrott 14.10)
(41) 6th Apr. YA Natl Rd Relays Sutton Pk
U17(49.15) 2 BH 49.23 (J Baker 12.53- M Skinner 12.01- D Farnham 12.21- S Holmes
(42) 6th Apr. Rd 10Km Croydon (33.41) 55 G Payne 41.49- 71 R Hogwood
43.22 77 C Dale 43.48-
(43) 6th Apr. Rd 10Km Darent Valley (31.28) 10 C Fincham 36.22- 12 G Meek
36.42 T Brightwell 37.37- G Coates 37.51- J R Turner 37.53- W Slack 38.19- B
McShane 39.58- (44) 6th Apr. Rd 10Km City 0f Lincoln (31.11) 18/894 (1M50) L
Atterbury 35.03 (45) 8th Apr. Open T&F Derby 3000m (9.13) 3/10 L Atterbury 9.40
(46) 12th Apr. Open T&F Crawley PV A Hardy 4.00- J Day 2.80
(47) 13th Apr. London Marathon Blackheath/The Mall Additions please
(2:07.55) 34 W Foster 2:18.44- 88 R Smith 2:28.30- 242 R Parrott 2:37.27- 251 N
Kinsey 2:37.55- G Meek 2:50.52- J E Turner 2:57.18- G Coates 2:59.52- W Wade
3:00.16- T Wood 3:12.46- R Griffin 3:14.43- P Lovell 3:14.43- M Cronin 3:15.36-
D Flagg 3:17.32- W Orton 3:18.23- J Barker 3:19.43- A Tucker 3:25.40- J O'Brien
3:25.47- G Payne 3:26.18- K Dryland 3:35.42- M Peel 3:35.47- J Isaacs 3:37.09- P
Terrett 3:37.54- S Ridgewell 3:39.46- C Hall 3:42.35- P Taylor 3:47.21- M
Longstaff 3:53.27- R Hogwood 3:59.58- N Webb 4:00.05- G Longley 4:02.31- C
Collins 4:15.06- A Pickering & C Poole 4:34.38- C St.Aubyn 4:43.43- M Compton
4:44.05- C Leon 4:56.52- C Rowe 4:58.52- G Murray 5:18.36- M&M Martineau
5:18.56- K Tyler 5:21- D Riley- P Shepheard- P Prisley- Mini-marathon B16-17 1 C
Moss 12.49- 3 S Holmes 13.19- 4 M Skinner 13.20- 10 J Baker- 20 D Baker- B14-15
7 P Tucker- 12 I Hamblin- G16-17 7 C Lewis- G14-15 2 Z Morrell- 13 K Lucht
(48) 13th Apr. Wellington Relays, Belgium Vets 3950m: 1 BH 10:57.5 (C
Monks, R Minting, K Daniel, H Morten, R Coe & D Wallington)
(49) 16th Apr. Vets AC T&F Battersea Pk 1500m W Clapham 5:56.4
(50) 19th Apr. Sward & Kinnaird Kingsmeadow
100mA 6 M Bucknell 11.8- B 4 N Keogh 13.0- 200mA 3 M Bucknell 23.6- B 3 P
Squires 25.5- ns R Holt- 400mA 2 N Keogh 50.4- B 1 P Featherston 51.6- ns D
Dhammaloka 65.1- 800mA 5 P Barlow 2:15.6- B 3 P Calnan 2:20.7- 1500mA 4 P Barlow
4:36.8; B 2 P Calnan 4:47.5; 3000mA 2 J Bradley 8:52.0- B 3 P Barlow 9:48.3-
110HA 1 M Elliott 15.1- B 2 S White 17.6- 400HA 1 R Holt 56.1- B 1 S Pratt 58.8-
2000mSCA 3 P Barlow 6:59.0; 4X100m 2 BH 44.3- 4X400m 1 BH 3:25.7- Kinnaird 1 WSE
224- 2 BH 212- 3 K & Poly 166- 4 TVH 114- 5 Herc W 109- 6 Achilles 92- 7 Sutton
70- 8 Guildf & G 42
PVA 1 A Hardy 3.90- B 1 S Tolson 3.50- ns S Gascoigne 3.10- TJA 1 S Bobb 14.23-
SPA 5 S Gascoigne 9.70- B 2 A Hardy 8.98; HTA 6 S Gascoigne 21.88- B 4 A Hardy
14.22- Wm 4 J Delasaux 36.88- DTA 3 S White 32.42- JTA 5 S White 44.06- B 3 S
Gascoigne 40.86- Sward 1 King & P 163- 2 WSE 140- 3 Herc W 117- 4 BH 102- 5 TVH
84- 6 Sutton 70
7 Guild & G 30- 8 Ach 28
(51) 20th Apr. National Jun Lge Sthn Premier Div (1) Bristol
100mA 4 D Plummer 11.0- B 1 N Thomas 11.0- 200mA 2 N Thomas 22.3- B 1 R Tabares
22.4- 400mA 1 A Wilson 50.7- B 1 R Tabares 51.2- 800mA 1 S Austin 1:57.0- B 1 N
Hamilton 2:01.8-1500mA 1 C Moss 4:03.4- B 2 S Holmes 4:12.9- 3000mA 2 M Skinner
9:09.3- B 2 D Baker 9:21.5- 110HA 6 S Jarred 20.9- B 5 P Graham 22.1- 400HA 5 S
Jarred 63.4- B 3 S Holmes 63.1- 2000SCA 6 M Lucht 7:43.4- 4X100m 1 BH 44.6-
4X400m 1 BH 3:28.8- HJA 1 G Neblett 1.90- B 1 P Graham 1.85- PVA 3 J Fealey
2.60- B 2 A Martinez 2.60- LJA 2 P Francis 6.23- B 1 G Neblett 5.93- TJA 1 P
Francis 13.64- B 4 S Jarred 11.14- SPA 1 E Udechuku 15.78- B 2 N Thomas 8.59-
HTA 3 E Udechuku 38.90- B 3 J Fealey 15.68- DTA 1 E Udechuku 54.76- B 1 N
Hamilton 27.46- JTA 1 E Udechuku 57.88- B 6 D Plummer 7.74-
Match 1 BH 382- 2 Shafts 345- 3 Harrow 310- 4 Bristol 265- 5 AFD 245- 6 Hounslow
(52) 19th Apr. Belgrave Open Battersea Pk 800m U17 D Moulton 2:03.9-
(53) 20th Apr. Rd 10Km Spelthorne 3 R Smith 32.12-
(54) 22nd Apr. Vets AC 5.2M Rd Battersea Pk (27.42) 33 S Ridgewell 33.56-
34 H Cooper 34.16 38 P Taylor(G) 34.55- 42 W Clapham 36.20-
(55) 26th Apr. Natl 12-stage Rd Relay Sutton Coldfield
(4:06.37) 20 BH 4:18.55 (M Steinle 25.59- J Bradley 15.13- L Bulson 28.13- D
Smith 14.32- R Smith 27.35- D Taylor 14.50- S Newport 25.51- R Parrott 15.38- M
Colpus 28.11- P Calnan 15.57- P Barlow 31.03- R Daniels 15.53)
(56) 26th Apr. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 Norman Pk
Sen 100mA 2 A Martin 13.1- B 2 A White 14.2- 200mA 4 S Singer 27.5- B 4 H Noble
30.4- 400mA 4 K Hyde 63.7- B 5 A Brown 70.0- 800mA 4 S Singer 2:31.4- B 3 A
Brown 2:45.8- 1500mA 1 K West 4:54.7- B 1 Z Morrell 5:00.9- 3000mA 4 C Lewis
11:33.5- B- 100HA 4 V Cambridge 19.1- B 3 G Godward 21.6- 400HA 3 Z Morrell
69.9- B 3 V Cambridge 79.6- HJA 5 K Porter 1.30- B 3 V Cambridge 1.25- PV- LJA 3
A Martin 5.17- B 5 G Godward 3.26- TJA 5 D Harker 8.71- B 4 G Godward 8.31- SPA
3 H Fosten 8.17- B 2 A Wight 6.98- HTA 1 J Delasaux 42.68- B 1 E Migo 24.24- DTA
5 V Wakelin 19.80- B 4 H Fosten 18.86- JTA 2 V Wakelin 30.12- B 1 J Delasaux
30.00- 4X100m 3 BH 53.3- 4X400m3 BH 4:21.6
Girls 100mA 1 A Barnaby 13.8- B 2 L Nemeth 14.7- 200mA 1 A Barnaby 27.9- B 2 L
Green 30.1- 400mA - B - 800mA 1 G Viney 2:25.5- B 2 J Patmore 2:45.8- 1500mA 1 K
Lucht 5:11.9- B 1 E Clarke 5:37.3- 5000mA - B - 75HA 3 J Birjukov 16.2- B 2 A
Raisey 16.3- U17 80HA 1 K Porter 12.8- B 1 A Brown 16.3- HJA 3 K Lucht 1.25- B 4
J Nelson 1.20- LJA 1 A Barnaby 4.47- B 1 L Nemeth 4.25- SPA 4 K Willen 5.63- B 4
J Birjukov 4.32- DTA 3 E Oliver 18.80- B 1 K Willen 16.78- JTA 4 D Brighty
16.38- B 4 E Green 11.24- 4X100m 2 BH 56.4
Match 1 Hunt 204- 2 BH 178- 3 N Downs 1661/2- 4 Colch 1511/2- 5 Hastings 115
(57) 27th Apr. YA Lges
Sthn Prem Div Southampton- 1 BH 254- 2 Harrow 172- 3 WSE 167- 4 Solent 152 - U17
400m N Pyburn 52.7- A Evans 51.9- 800m D Moulton 2:01.1- 3000m J Baker 9:05.9-
Sthn Central Div 2 Kingston- 1 Woking 317- 2 BHB 230- 3 Kingst & P 148- 4 G & G
106 5 Camberley 72- 6 Waverley 69
(58) 27th Apr. Rd 10M Biddenden 9 G Coates 62.15
(59) 27th Apr. Kent Women's Lge Deangate
Match 1 Brom 385- 2 BH 376- 3 Dartfd 338- 4 Medw 328- 5 Bexl 325- 6 Inv 247
(63) 28th Apr. SCVAC Lge Kent Div 1 (1) Tr A, B & M50 (C)- Fd A & C
3000m 3 P Barlow 9:27.3- 5 C Griffin 9:38.5- 8 J Phelan (ns) 9:58.5- 21 J
Robinson (C) 11:28.3- 2K Walk 2 P Hannell 9:47.8- 7 S Hollingdale 11:42.1- 9 N
Simmons 12:03.6- M60 1500m 1 J Baldwin 5:13.3- 5 W Clapham (ns) 5:57.5- TJ A 3 R
Coe 9.38- C 1 M Davies 9.36- HT C 2 C Ellis 31.34- DT A 1 C Brand 29.94- C 1 C
Ellis 40.28- Match 1 BH 63
(60) RACE WALKING 22/2 Sy Ch 10M Monks Hl. 3 P Hannell 90.53- 26/3
Hornchurch 10K. 8 P Hannell 53.32- 9 S Lightman 54.36- 22/4 VAC 5M Batt Pk. N
Simmons 49.56- 23/4 Sth 20K Monks Hl. 7 S Lightman 1:56.58- 8 P Hannell 2:00.13
(61) MONTHLY SERIES 1/4 Cryst Pal 5K. T Brightwell 17.52- W Clapham
21.32- J Cross 27.43 16/4 BH 3.12M Yacht. =1 D Ellison & A Tucker 18.47 rn tm- 3
J Baldwin 18.56- 4 R Brown 18.04- 5 K Daniel 15.58(1)- 6 J Phelan 17.16- 7 C
Fincham 17.04- 8 B McShane 17.36- 9 J Copley 19.09- 10 R Walsh 19.26- 11 C
Andrews 16.28- 12 J E Turner 18.05- 13 M Ellison 16.55- 14 P Taylor 20.36- 15 D
Carton 19.25- 16 H Cooper 19.44- 17 W Slack 18.01- 18 J R Turner 18.20- 19 D
White 18.28- 20 N Barber 19.20- 21 S Pairman 18.19- 22 M Cronin 18.10- 23 J
Tateson 20.43- 24 B Wilson 19.18- 25 R Watkins 26.49-
(62) Indoor 15-16/2 AAA U20 Birm. cf (16429) Add 60m N Morgan 6.98- 22/2
Schools Intl Birmingham. 60m Jo Brown(Eng) 7.06- SP P Archer (Eng) 14.35-
22-23/2 Kt & Sy Ch Cryst Pal. 60m 1 A Lashore 6.9- 60H 1 M Elliott 8.5- TJ 2 S
Bobb 14.17- SP 2 M Bundock 15.39- U17 60m 1 D Grant 7.2- 3 A Evans 7.4 (7.3)- SP
A CLuskey 15.79- WU20 A Martin 3 60m/8.0: 1 LJ/4.98- GU17 K Porter 60m/60H- LJ E
Kuenstlinger 5.25- SP 2 H Fosten 8.02- GU15 60m 3 A Barnaby 8.4- LJ 2 L Nemeth
4.42- 1/3 Ger v Fr v GB U20 Chemnitz. 200m 1 M Findlay 21.77- 800m 3 C Moss
1:52.50- SP 6 E Udechuku 14.34- 1-2/3 Euro Vets Chs Birmingham. M45 60m ht/7LJ D
Wallington 8.01/5.35- R Minting 4th 400m/800m 53.88/2:05.46- =5 HJ/1.55- 1500m 6
K Daniel 4:23.22- M50 3KWlk 1 P Hannell 14:37.40- M55 60m sf 3 J Hart 8.26- M60
J Day 3 PV/2.80- 6th 60H/12.19 (ht 11.34)- 2/3 U23 Intl Lievin, Fr. 200m 1 J
Golding 21.03- 7/3 World Ch Paris. 200m sf J Golding 21.15-
BENNETT CUP - Final Scores
M Ellison 333- B McShane 331- S Pairman 311- D Wilcox 304- C Pike 298- N Wise
285- D Churchus 253- W Slack 244- D Tingey 240- H Morten 236- A Davis 234- M
Cronin 224
News of the finding of a 400,000 year-old javelin have confirmed suspicions
that some of our Vets have been around for ever. But help is at hand from
Hi-Tech, which has taken time off from inventing the electronic bagpipe to
devise a special chip to be worn by geriatrics so that they can be plotted when
they wander off. Should be useful to our Trail-layers. Meanwhile Cronin has
found an ad for " A World Champion's Dedicated Daily Routine". This involves
swallowing two antioxidant tablets to cope with free radicals, one calcium,
magnesium & vitamin D for bones and muscles, one co-enzyme for optimum energy
conversion, one concentrate of fish oils for heart and circulation and one
multivitamin, multimineral and gemsing for the immune system. Me, I'll stick to
Mad Cow and Organophosphates.