VOL 16. No2. NOV 1996. PRESIDENT 1996/7: Mike Martineau
HON. SECR:- B G Stone, 16 Culloden Mews, Richmond, N Yorks
DL10 4XL (01748 850456)
EDITOR:- W Clapham, 26 Dunoon Rd, London SE23 3TF (0181 699 5949)
News, Views & Results of Blackheath Harriers, 56 Bourne Way, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent (Tel 0181 462 3115). Unless otherwise attributed, views are those of the
The Summer Season closed strongly with the YAs and Vets winning their league
finals and the Women promoted to Div 1 in the Kent league.
The relays have seen rather lack-lustre performances by
the standards of previous years but the kind autumn weather has made
cross-country a pleasure before the challenges that no doubt lie ahead.
MATTERS ARISING - October Committee Business
1 Ladies Showers- Colin Poole reported that the work had been put out for
tender, with a closing date to enable work to commence by the last week of
October and for completion by the last week in November. It was hoped that Mary
Peters could perform the official opening. Funding would be available from the
Jack Sims Trust and the Club, but this would need to be supplemented, and a
"Buy the Ladies a Loofah" appeal was being launched, together with an
application to the London Marathon Charities Fund.
2 The George Brooks Memorial Fund stood at around œ900
and in addition to the proposed YA photographic display board, a cup was being
donated to the South of England for the U13 Boys cross-country championship and
a wooden seat to be sited at Norman Park track was being investigated.
3 Active Athletics- As a result of difficulties in turning
out suitably strong T&F teams in all three Southern League divisions, and
associated problems of administration, it was decided that only two teams would
be entered for 1997, Div 1 and probably Div 6.
It was also agreed, subject to availability of team
managers and costs within an acceptable budget, a second YA team would be formed
for 1997.
4 A thread which has wound through recent Committee
meetings was the serious lack of officers and administrators, some of which were
key posts e.g. Club Secretary, Chairman of Athletics Group, Coaching Secretary
and Press Officer.
P/P Derek Gregory had stressed this subject at the Sept
meeting, with the view that the Club might need to reduce its wide range of
If anyone reading this would be prepared to undertake any
job, not necessarily one of the major roles mentioned above, please speak to the
President, Chairman or any other Committee member. John Baldwin, Chairman
(The building work to extend the Ladies changing and shower facilities, referred
to in 1 above has started on time. Members should have received with their
recent Gazette or otherwise an Appeal " A Loofah for the Ladies" and
Sharon Cook will be pleased to hear from you.)
Letter to The Editor (extract)
The Committee have apparently authorised a car sticker which would seem at
best unnecessary and at worst tactless, possibly unfriendly. It advertises
Blackheath Harriers as Bromley's only athletic club for members of both sexes at
all ages.
Bromley has, so far as I know, three athletic clubs and
thus only two others, Bromley Vets and Bromley Ladies, with whom we might be
thought to be competing for membership and comparing ourselves. It therefore
seems more than slightly priggish that we, until recently an all-male, all-age
club (and why not?) should be claiming high moral ground of political
correctness over two friendly clubs for age-ism and sexism respectively. It is
particularly unkind to Bromley Ladies (all-female and why not?) upon whom we
have already inflicted ungallant harm enough by going mixed and drawing
potential strength from them. Their will to survive in spite of us is admirable.
Long live the Vets too.
Don Gillate
Tony Hayday and Gordon Monshall recently received their commemorative dishes
to mark 50 years of Club membership.
Congratulations to Julie & Mike Laws on the birth of
their daughter Kate Elizabeth.
John (Kipper) Herring now lives in Suffolk at 4 The
Cottages, Finch Hill, Bulmer, Sudbury CO10 7EX (01787 371569) and invites any
old buddies who are over that way to ring and drop in.
200 CLUB
Organiser: Colin Brand
( 0181 777 0127 )
Recent Winners:
Sep £50 R Coe; £25 C Brand & W Lake
Oct £50 I Wilson; £25 G Monshall & P Irvine
HEATHEN HAUNTS (20) Brockwell Park
Perhaps you enjoyed last year's TV show about the Goings-0n at the Lido - some
even found time for a bit of swimming. Closed, like so many of the old
open-airs, it was re-opened after sustained local pressure on a reluctant
Cross-country also has its place in the park. Those who
read Simon Parsons' tribute to George may recall the Herne Hill Harriers YA
league of the late 80s where our teams included, among current members, Anthony
Algeo, Anthony Draper & Eamonn Prendergast. Nowadays, as well as a venue for
the Surrey League, the park is the triennial setting for our match with HHH and
Thames HH.
From the NE & NW perimeters the grass rises steeply to
two hills, on the more central of which is The Mansion, formerly the home of the
glass merchant landowner. Behind this find a charming 'English' walled garden,
originally for vegetables for the house but later a herb and flower garden.
Downhill from here is a lake and two connected ponds.
These are fed by an underground spring, as are two wells, and the park may take
its name from this and the Saxon word for badger, 'brok'. The spring was once a
tributary of the lost R.Effra - more authenticated here than where we met its
dubious cousin at Belair (Heathen Haunts 16).
July brings the Lambeth Country Show, which really lives
up to its unlikely name as well as bringing music, entertainment and some
esoteric enthusiasms - any who saw those WW2 epics of the silver screen may
remember the Naval signal "Make Smoke". They do. You can have the
usual Burger, Onions & Methylated Spirits kind or a local delicacy coming
from the drums of well-roasted (i.e burnt) sugar cane. There is also a Total
Health tent, but they don't give out new pairs of knees.
Cross-country courses here make full use of the contours.
A fine grass run in good weather but mud, water and more mud when wet. Still,
you can always dream about summer days round the Lido!
Blackheath has aided many charities over the years, particularly through the
London Marathon sponsorship appeal but also by many individual efforts. It has
been calculated that for 1990-1996 the Blackheath Harriers Total is œ60,397
while Colin Poole's sponsorship over 1988-96 has raised œ12,827 for RNLI.
Bill mentioned in the latest issue of the Club Gazette (626) that I had
kindly provided the Courier Box near the main downstairs notice board; maybe I
provided it, but the Club paid for it! Also they paid for the renovation of the
notice boards, which are now drawing-pin-friendly.
I have been appointed, against fierce competition, to the
position of "Board Man" - that is keeping the notice boards tidy,
Steve Freemantle having provided the board headings.
By the way, I cannot be held responsible for items being
removed or placed on the boards; I check them about once every couple of weeks
to keep information reasonably current. Brian Saxton.
Competitors in the Club '5' may have noticed the new course markers, arising
from an EEC directive on the disposal of plastic bags used for agricultural
pesticides, phosphates &c. The flags we have used over the last few years
were made by Club members from discarded bags.
A letter from the SEAAA has found its way to our
trail-layers advising that if pieces of such bags are used then those involved
should afterwards decontaminate themselves and their equipment by standing under
a cold shower for a minimum of five minutes, dressed in the clothing and
footwear they have been wearing and holding the flags, carrying bags &c.
Our trail-layers thought they might have seen enough cold water for
one afternoon - hence an investment in uncontaminated plastic.
SHOES - Where could you put your feet without them? And
you'd have to find something else to leave behind in the changing room or for
your wife to throw out of the back door.
It was in 1868, just before that first Club run, that
amateur athlete William B Curtis had the first pair of spiked running shoes made
to his own design. He wore them at the first athletics meeting in the USA. It
was organised by the New York Athletics Club at the Empire skating rink. As they
were the only pair, he lent them to his friends and the shoes were worn by four
different competitors in seven separate events. The prototype from which the
modern trainer developed was the three stripe running shoe designed by Adolf
Dassler and launched in Germany by Addas (later known as Adidas) in 1949. The
first air-cushioned was the Nike Tailwind of 1979 and the first inflatable the
Reebok Pump of 1989. A shoe count is apparently made at the London Marathon, the
results being in this year's entry magazine - that's what they must be doing
when you see them lying about on the ground.
CLUB ANNIVERSARY RUN Sunday 27th Oct 1996
A number of members were unable to join the 125th Anniversary Run in 1994
(Gazette 625 pg 5). It has therefore been repeated this year near the original
date and using the same route as before. It's 9-10 miles and includes all the
localities mentioned in the account of the Club's first recorded run (Club
History pg 9).
It may be repeated in some future years if there is
sufficient interest.
(01) Mar 96. South Africa 1500m D Heath 3.42- 3000m D Lee 8.45-
(02) 22nd Jun. Southern League Div 1 (3) Guildford cf (15654)
100mA 1 J Skeete 11.0- B 1 F Obe 11.3- 200mA 2 J Skeete 22.3- B 1 R Tabares
23.2- 400mA 3 P Squires 50.8- B 4 D Heath 53.1- 800mA 2 D Heath 1:54.8- B 2 S
Austin 1:56.3- 1500mA 1 C Moss 3:54.6- B 1 M Steinle 4:04.8- 5000mA 1 D Lee
15:44.1- B 1 G Clifford 15:47.2- 110HA 1 M Elliott 15.3- B 1 S White 17.4- 400HA
1 S Pratt 56.4- B 1 D Lee 58.1- 3000mSCA 1 D Heath 9:35.4- B 3 J Beck 10:32.7-
HJA 3 S White 1.75- B 2 M Elliott 1.65- PVA 3 S Gascoigne 3.60- B 4 S White
1.50- LJA 2 M Elliott 6.74- B 4 S White 5.12- TJA 5 G Clifford 10.00- B 4 J Beck
8.20- SPA 1 M Elliott 11.41- B 2 S Gascoigne 10.39- HTA 3 S Gascoigne 25.28- B 2
S White 21.28- DTA 1 S White 31.02- B 1 S Gascoigne 28.06- JTA 3 S Gascoigne
45.80- B 1 M Elliott 43.22- 4X100m 2 BH 44.8- 4X400m 1 BH 3:22.9-
Match 1 BHB 144- 2 Norf 139- 3 Woodfd 102"- 4 Guild & Gd 100- 5 Lond Ir
(03) 24th Jun. SCVAC T&F Lge Kent Div 1 (4) Norman Pk cf 16112
Tr A,B & 50+(C)- Fd A & C. 100m A 2 D Wallington 12.5- B 1 C Monks 12.7-
C 1 J Hart 13.3- 400m A 2 G Coates 55.8- B 1 K Daniel 58.0- C 3 J Robinson 65.3-
800m A 3 G Spencer 2:11.2- B 1 H Morten 2:09.8- C 4 D White 2:25.7- LJ A 1 D
Wallington 5.78- C 4 J Robinson 4.02- SP C 2 C Brand 9.14- HT C 3 M Davies
30.04- DT C 1 C Brand 33.08- 4X400m 1 BH 3:48.5-
Match 1 BH 132- 2 Inv 124- =3 Camb H : Medw 90- 5 Padd Wd 75- 6 Dartfd 52
(04) 17th Jul. Open Barn Elms 800m G Clifford 2:02.4
(05) 17th Jul. Open Crawley 1500m D Smith 3:53.7
(06) 31st Jul. Open Watford 800m M Harris 1:55.2- 3000m 2 D Smith 8:13.5-
3 M Steinle 8:17.5
(07) 31st Jul. Rosenheim Lge Roehampton 800m G Clifford 2:03.2
(08) 17/18 Aug. AAA U17/U15 Chs Birmingham cf 16171
Add U17 100H 2 D Brewer 13.34- LJ 3 R Banda 6.37- SP 2 A Cluskey 15.50- U15 100m
1 Jo Brown 11.34- 400m 1 Aa Evans 50.88- 3 D Moulton- HJ 3 B Barikor 1.85- LJ 6
D Grant 5.81- SP 1 P Archer 14.96-
(09) 17th Aug. Sthn Lge Div 1 (6) Woking cf (16168)
100mA 5 S White 12.3- B 5 R Spiers 12.6- 200mA 4 P Squires 24.2- B 4 P Byfield
24.1- 400mA 5 N Rowe 53.7- B 2 P Byfield 51.9- 800mA 3 J Marks 1:59.7- B 2 M
Watling 2:01.6- 1500mAB-- 5000mA 4 J Bradley 16:40.6- B-110HA 3 S Pratt 17.4- B
1 S White 16.9- 400HA 1 S Pratt 56.1- B 3 P Byfield 62.7- 3000mSCA 1 J Marks
10:11.0- B 2 J Bradley 10:36.7- HJA 5 S White 1.70- B 3 B Essein 1.65- PVA 1 S
Gascoigne 4.20- B 2 S White 2.60- LJA 4 B Essein 6.37- B 5 P Byfield 5.67- TJA 3
B Essein 13.46- B 3 P Byfield 12.05- SPA 5 R Spiers 10.42- B 4 P Squires 8.94-
HTA 4 C Rolfe 30.38- B 5 S White 24.76- DTA 5 S White 30.32- B 4 C Rolfe 27.42-
JTA 4 S White 40.88- B 5 R Spiers 34.38- 4X100m 5 BH 46.0- 4X400m 4 BH 3:41.6
Match 1 HHH 130- 2 Woking 116- 3 Verlea 115"- 4 Bexley 88"- 5 BHB 82
(10) 17th Aug. Sthn Lge Div 3 (6) Harlow cf (16169)
100mA 2 N Hamilton 11.6- B 2 C Dennis 11.8- 200mA 2 N Hamilton 22.9- B 1 C
Dennis 24.0 - 400mA 4 N Pyburn 52.2- B 3 S Jarred 53.6- 800mA 5 P Cavallo
2:17.6- B 5 S Jarred 2:14.4- 1500mA 2 H Morten 4:22.0- B-- 5000mAB- 110HA 4 S
Timmins 18.9- B 3 I Holder 19.8- 400HA 2 S Timmins 57.0- B 2 S Jarred 63.0-
3000mSCA 4 P Cavallo 11:16.3- B- HJA 4 J Jackson 1.80- B 5 I Holder 1.65- PVA 3
J Jackson 2.30- B 3 S Timmins 2.10- LJA 3 J Jackson 5.92- B 2 I Holder 5.65- TJA
2 S Timmins 11.82- B 3 J Jackson 11.21- SPA 2 S Timmins 12.15- B 2 A Fairbairn
9.20- HTA 2 S Timmins 40.66- B 1 A Fairbairn 33.04- DTA 4 A Fairbairn 32.64- B 4
S Timmins 30.72- JTA 2 J Jackson 44.72- B 3 S Timmins 37.48- 4X100m 3 BH 46.1-
4X400m 2 BH 4:32.2-
Match 1 Harlow 138- 2 Swindon 121- 3 BHC 101- 4 V of Aylesbury 88- 5 Hounslow 84
(11) 19th Aug. T&F Gateshead SP 4 E Udechuku 16.20
(12) 24/25 Aug. Inter-Counties Abingdon
800m B 1 A Draper(Kt) 1:52.4- 110H M Elliott 14.6- 400H 1 R Holt(Sy) 54.8-
3KWalk 4 S Lightman(Mx) 15:33.4
(13) 25th Aug. TVH Open U15 SP 1 N Skinner 10.91- 2 A Patel 10.81- DT 1 A
Patel 27.28
(14) 25th Aug. VAC T&F Chs Kingsmeadow M60 HJ/PV 1 J Day 1.28/2.90
(15) 26th Aug. 5Km Rd Barking Pk (15.12) 91 W Clapham 21.25
(16) 26th Aug. Youth Games Crawley U17 LJ/JT 1 J Apps 6.02/58.10
(17) 29th Aug. 4M Rd Oxford 8 J Bradley 21.31
(18) 31st Aug. HHH Open Tooting U15 100m Jo Brown 11.6- 400m 1 F Huseyin
54.5- 200m/LJ D Grant
25.3/5.68- U13 200m/800m 1 T Huseyin 27.4/2:20.9
(19) Aug. T&F Parliament Hill 1500m M Steinle 3:51.0
(20) 1st Sep. SCVAC T&F Lge Final Colindale Tr A,B & M50(C)- Fd A
& C
100m A 4 C Monks 12.5- B 3 D Wallington 12.3- C 4 J Hart 13.0- 200m A 4 R
Minting 25.0- B 3 C Monks 25.5- C 4 J Hart 27.1- 400m A 2 G Coates 55.4- B 1 D
Cocker 57.2- C 6 J Robinson 68.6- 800m A 1 R Minting 2:05.2- B 1 K Daniel
2:06.9- C 3 D White 2:20.4- 1500m 2 H Morten 4:14.4- B 3 J Phelan 4:36.7- C 2 D
White 4:49.1- 3000m A 2 C Griffin 9:23.7- B 3 H Morten 9:36.3- C 2 M Cronin
9:45.4 ClM50Rec- HJ A 7 R Minting 1.50- C 2 J Robinson 1.35- PV A 7 J Robinson
1.80- C 1 J Day 2.90- LJ A 1 D Wallington 5.55- C 7 M Martineau 3.97- TJ A 2 D
Cocker 11.35- C 5 M Davies 9.52- SP A 2 C Ellis 10.56- C 5 C Brand 9.67- HT A 3
C Ellis 27.86- C 5 M Davies 31.52- DT A 2 C Ellis 35.42- C 5 C Brand 32.12- JT A
3 R Coe 36.34- C 1 C Brand 37.28- 4X100m 2 BH 48.8- Medl Relay 1 BH 3:52.6 ClV
rec (Monks, Wallington, Coates & Minting)
Match 1 BH 425- 2 Ilford 420- 3 Epsom 410- 4 Worthing 333- 5 Serpen 308
6 Havant 295- 7 Oxfd 281- B Final 3000m 1 R Coles (Portsm) 9:24.7
(21) 1st Sep. Kent Women's Lge Div 2 Norman Pk
Match 1 BH 411- 2 Inv 388- 3 Camb H- 4 Tonbr- 5 Pad Wd- 6 Lewisham- 7 Swale
Final Lge 1 Inv- 2 BH (promoted)- 3 Camb H- 4 Tonbr- 5 Pad Wd- 6 Lew'm- 7 Swale
(22) 1st Sep. 10M Rd 8 M Steinle 49.13
(23) 1st Sep. YA Open Woking U15 800m D Moulton 2:04.8
(24) 4th Sep. Club One-Hour Track Race Norman Pk
1 H Morten(M45) 16950m (10M: 933yds)- 2 J Bradley 16600 (10:546)- 3 M Ellison
16370 (10:299)- 4 D Henry 15925 (9:1575)- 5 S Pairman 15375 (9:968)- 6 J E
Turner 15230 (9:810)- 7 G Coates 15209 (9:792)- 8 S Hayley 14760 (9:299)- 9 B
Mellish 14360 (8:1619)- 10 M Martineau 13475 (8:651)- 11 M Wade 13420 (8:598)-
12 J Else 13300 (8:458)- 13 A Pontifex 13240 (8:405)- 14 D Churchus 13200
(8:352)- 15 A Thomas 12850 (7:1725)- 16 Roy Green 12690 (7:1558)- 17 B O'Gorman
12540 (7:1390)- 18 A Musson 12490 (7:1338)- 19 J O'Brien 12478 (7:1320)- 20 B
Todd 12143 (7:959)- 21 P Hannell (Walk) 11210 (6:1698)- 22 S Lightman (Walk)
11080 (6:1549)- 23 W Wheeler 10466 (6:880)- 24 A Pickering (accom M Cronin) 9770
(25) 5th Sep. Assembly Lge Beckenham (2.9M/14.13) 10 S Smythe (DulR)
40 G Meek (EtMn) 16.09- 96 W Clapham 19.40- 112 A Musson 22.22
(26) 7th Sep. London Women's 10Km Rd Southwark (34.45) 8 A McAleenan
(27) 8th Sep. Richmond & Tw Vets Barn Elms
M45 800m 1 P Hamilton 2:16.1- LJ 1 D Wallington 5.55- M50 DT 1 C Ellis 45.48
(28) 8th Sep. 10Km Rd Swansea Bay (28.45) 48 S Smythe 34.14
(29) 7th Sep. Sthn Women's Lge Div 3 (6) Abingdon
Sen 100mA 5 V Johnson 15.8- B 4 V Cambridge 15.4- 200mA 5 V Johnson 32.6- 800mA
2 S Pailthorpe 2:41.6- B 2 Y Smith 2:49.1- 1500mA 1 S Budd 5:06.0- B 2 J Gregory
5:48.6- 3000mA 1 S Budd 10:49.6- B 3 Y Smith 13:39.7- 80HA 3 V Cambridge 14.7- B
3 S Pailthorpe 19.5- 100HA 3 J Delasaux 20.7- B 4 Y Smith 26.4- 400HA 3 V
Cambridge 78.4- B 4 S Pailthorpe 82.7- HJA 3 J Gregory 1.30- B 3 V Wakelin 1.25-
PVA 2 J Gregory 2.00- B- LJA 5 V Johnson 3.68- B 4 S Budd 3.51- TJA 2 J Delasaux
9.14- B 4 S Budd 7.96- SPA 5 V Wakelin 7.35- B 5 E Migo 6.10- HTA 1 J Delasaux
35.90- B 3 E Migo 25.04- DTA 5 V Wakelin 20.58- B 3 E Migo 19.34- JTA 1 V
Wakelin 34.26- B 1 J Delasaux 27.24- 4X100m 5 BH 61.2 (S Budd, V Johnson, J
Gregory & J Delasaux)- 4X400m 4 BH 4:46.6 (J Gregory, V Cambridge, S
Pailthorpe & S Budd)
Girls 100mA 2 A Barnaby 13.6- B 1 E Kuenstlinger 13.9- 200mA 2 S Singer 27.7- B
1 A Barnaby 28.3- 800mA 2 S Singer 2:39.6- B 2 A Brown 2:44.0- 1500mA 1 Z
Morrell 5:20.0- B 1 K Lucht 5:24.3- 75HA 1 K Porter 13.2- B 1 E Kuenstlinger
13.9- HJA 2 K Porter 1.30- B 1 Z Morrell 1.30- LJA 1 E Kuenstlinger 4.82- B 1 A
Barnaby 4.38- SPA 4 D Foster 7.79- B 3 K Riley 5.90- DTA 4 D Foster 14.78- B 4 K
Riley 13.16- JTA 4 Z Morrell 17.56- B 4 K Willan 12.32- 4X100m 1 BH 52.7 (K
Porter, E Kuenstlinger, S Singer & A Barnaby)- ns 100m N Nathan 14.2- L
Nemeth 14.4- A Brown 14.7- C Ewens 14.7- C Ayres 14.7- E Green 14.8- C Willis
15.2- C Draper 15.4- A Jacobs 15.5- A Raisey 15.6- K Benneworth 15.8- D Brighty
15.9- ns 800m H Barker 2:47- F Barker 2:52.2
Match 1 Hunts 204"- 2 BH 173- 3 Radley 158- 4 SLH 156"- 5 AFD 121
(30) 8th Sep. YA Lge Final Birmingham
U17 100mA 2 D Plummer 10.81- B 2 W Gray 11.38- 200mA 2 D Burley 22.07- B 5 Aa
Harris 23.52- 400mA 1 A Wilson 48.71- B 1 L Connike 51.62- 800mA 1 S Holmes
2:02.13- B 2 N Pyburn 2:05.06- 1500mA 1 M Skinner 4:09.10- B 1 D Ayrton 4:10.95-
3000mA 2 J Baker 9:14.93- B 1 D Farnham 9:15.61- 100HA 2 D Brewer 13.47- B 2 J
Apps 15.38- 400HA 2 S Holmes 59.88- B 1 D Brewer 59.16- 1500mSCA 4 K Farrelly
4:50.58- B 1 D Corneille 4:53.62- HJA 3 W Gray 1.90- B 5 G Neblett 1.80- PVA 5 J
Fealey 3.10- B 5 P Unseld 2.00- LJA 2 R Banda 6.47- B 5 P Francis 5.63- TJA 2 P
Francis 13.81- B 1 R Banda 12.76- SPA 1 A Cluskey 14.95- B 1 R Spiers 12.94- HTA
2 M Bennett 46.76- B 2 C Rolfe 34.42- DTA 3 A Cluskey 43.16- B 6 C Rolfe 26.56-
JTA 1 J Apps 54.82- B 1 J Dowsett 48.88- 4X100m 1 BH 43.81- 4X400m 1 BH 3:30.92
(Pyburn, Connike, Neblett & Wilson)
U15 100mA 1 Jo Brown 11.27- B 6 D Grant 12.00- 200mA 2 A Evans 23.23- B 1 Jo
Brown 22.80- 400mA 1 A Evans 51.67- B 1 F Huseyin 54.07- 800mA 1 D Moulton
2:05.33- B 1 I Hamblin 2:09.89- 1500mA 2 M Hill 4:25.53- B 2 A Rayner 4:36.62-
3000mA 2 D Moore 9:38.28- B 1 A Madar 9:45.57- 80HA 6 F Huseyin 13.21- B 5 N
Skinner 13.44- 4X100m dq 4X400m 1 BH 3:45.00- HJA 3 D Sumner 1.70- B 1 J Roumph
1.60- PVA 1 D Sumner 3.10- B =2 J Sergant 2.15- LJA 6 D Grant 5.76- B 3 F
Huseyin 5.39- SPA 1 P Archer 14.58- B 5 A Hayd 10.03- HTA 3 N Skinner 39.80- B 1
J Kompani 39.12- DTA 2 P Archer- 38.76- B 1 J Kompani 33.46- JTA 8 A Hayd 31.64-
B 5 A Wadey 30.68-
U13 100mA 7 N Simpson 13.21- B 3 D Akinluyi 13.71- 200mA 5 T Huseyin 27.02- B 2
N Simpson 26.66- 800mA 2 T Huseyin 2:21.51- B 2 J Katarincic 2:28.66- 1500mA 7 J
Godsell 5:05.28- B-4X100m 1 BH 52.21- LJA 4 D Akinluyi 4.69- B 3 K Richardson
Match 1 BH 483"- 2 Liv'p 379"- 3 Sale 367"- 4 Birchfd 356"-
5 OG 328- 6 Belgr 318"- 7 Cannock 259"- 8 Mandale 256
(31) 8th Sep. Brit Vets Throws Pentathlon Solihull M60 (3381) 2 C Brand
3325 (SP/10.68
HT/27.78- DT/39.22- JT/38.08- Hvy HT(20lbs)/10.84
(32) 15th Sep. Gt North Run Newcastle-Sth Shields (61.43) 14 W Foster
65.41- Roy Smith 69.30
(33) 15th Sep. Marathon Battersea Pk 4 S Smythe 2:55.50- 5 J E Turner
2:57.17- A Jones 3:09.50
(34) w/e 15th Sep. 10M Sacramento 1 D Taylor 48.40
(35) 15th Sep. "-Marathon Frankfurt (inc Int U23) (64.22) 2(1st U23)
M Steinle 64.31
(36) 15th Sep. Kent Relays Norman Pk
Sen 4X100m 2 BHA 42.9 (C Karageorghis, I Thomas, S Timmins & M Elliott)- 3
BHB (P Byfield, P Squires, P Featherston & N Keogh)- 4X400m 2 BH 3:20.2 (I
Thomas, M Elliott, P Featherston & N Keogh)- Medley 1 BH 3:36.0 (C
Karageorghis, P Featherston, N Keogh & J Marks) GU17 4X100m 3 BHA 53.2 (V
Cambridge, A White, K Hyde & A Martin) 6 BHB 61.0 (ht 59.2) (N Edgar, C
Lewis, S Pailthorpe & G Godward) 4X200m 4 BH 1:58.1 (V Cambridge, A White, G
Godward & K Hyde) 3X800m 5 BH 8:19.1 (N Edgar, C Lewis & K Hyde) GU15
4X100m 1 BHA 51.6 Clrec (K Porter, E Kuenstlinger, N Nathan & A Barnaby) ht
BHB 55.4 (E Green, C Ayres, C Ewens & D Harker)- 4X200m 1 BHA 1:49.6 (K
Porter, A Barnaby, Z Morrell & S Singer)- ht BHB 1:56.0 (D Harker, A Brown,
C Ayres & E Kuenstlinger)- 3X800m 1 BHA 7:28.8 cbp (S Singer, Z Morrell
& G Viney)- 8 BHB 8:26.0 (H Barker, F Barker & A Brown)- GU13 4X100m 5
BHA 57.1 (ht 56.8) (C Willis, A Jacobs, C Draper & L Nemeth)- ht BHB 58.6 (K
Benneworth, A Raisey, D Brighty & Alex)- BHC 61.5 (L Nemeth, E Clarke, J
Patmore & K Willan)- 3X800m 7 BH 8:37.6 (H Slaytor, J Patmore & E
(37) 15th Sep. "-Marathon (Multi-terrain) Swanley (81.16) 32 P
Lovell 104.25- 58 N Webb 111.24
(38) 21st Sep. HHH Open T&F Tooting D Taylor 100m/13.5- 400m/55.7-
800m/1:57.4- 1500m/3:59.2
(39) 21/22 Sep. Kent Vets T&F Ch Deangate M50 HJ 1 J Robinson 1.30-
(40) 22nd Sep. T&F Sutton Sen 800m 7 D Moulton 2:04.1- JT 1 A Benn
60.00- U20 HT 1 A Benn 53.92
(41) 22nd Sep. Havering Venture 5M Gidea Pk (25.42) W Clapham 34.14
(42) 28/29 Sep. Southern Rd Relays Aldershot
Sen 6X6Km (1:50.06) 2 BHA 1:50.15 (16 D Heath 18.54- 6 P Hogston 18.23- 1 S
Newport 18.13- 1 M Steinle 18.02- 1 W Foster 17.57- D Lee 18.46)- BHB (S Baines
18.45- P Calnan 19.42- R Smith 18.52) M40 4X6Km (79.02) 16 BH 83.45 (H Morten
20.25- R Coles 20.28- J Phelan 21.35- C Griffin 21.17)- U17 4X3Km 2 BH 38.48 (7
J Baker 9.54- 4 M Skinner 9.34- 2 D Farnham 9.28- S Holmes 9.52)- U15 4X3Km 1 BH
40.34 (2 A Madar 10.06- 2 I Hamblin 10.15- 1 D Moore 10.08- M Hill 10.05)
(43) 29th Sep. Route du Vin "-Marathon Luxembourg
R Barker 83.36- D Carton 87.11- M Crisp 87.13- N Wheeler 89.16- B Wilson 89.20-
I Cayzer 93.06- M Martineau 96.23- J Tateson 97.08- R Randall 99.56- P Terrett
104.24- H James (BrV) 117.24
(44) 29th Sep. Kent YAs Rd Relays Canterbury
U17(3X4400m) 2 BHA 45.24 (D Baker 15.43- P Tucker 15.11- D Ayrton 14.30)- 3 BHB
47.02 (S Turner 15.17- L Cooper 14.59- L Baxter 17.46) U15(3X2900m) 2 BHA 30.43
(S Simmons 10.03- S Dunderdale 10.38- A Rayner 10.02)- BHB L Morphitt 11.07-
U13(3X2450m) 1 BHA 32.14 (D Snow 10.57- T Robinson 10.41- C Daniel 10.36)- ns
BHB 34.09 (J Brett 11.11- D Griffin 12.00- J Godsell 10.58)- GU17(3X2900m) C
Lewis 11.14- Y Smith 13.03- GU15(3X2450m) 3 BH 30.00 (S Singer 10.30- A Brown
10.32- Z Morrell 8.58) GU13(3X2200m) 10 BH 30.52 (K Boutle 10.12- J Patmore
11.16- H Slaytor 9.24)
(45) 28th Sep. PCS XC 5 Lloyd Pk/Addington (28.59) 6/65 Gl Morgan 31.16-
30 W Clapham 37.56
(46) 29th Sep. "-Marathon Maidstone (69.58) 2 Roy Smith 71.01
(47) 5th Oct. Vets AC XC 4.8M Wimbledon Cmn (26.04) 3 H Morten 26.30
(48) 5th Oct. SLH XC 5 Coulsdon (25.41) 30/43 W Clapham 36.29
(49) 5th Oct. Kent YA XC Lge Sparrows Den
U17 1 M Skinner 15.52- 4 J Baker 16.13- 5 L Cooper 16.16- 8 D Ayrton 16.41- 13 M
Lucht 17.03- 16 D Baker 17.18- 17 S Turner 17.21- U15 1 M Hill 12.45- 3 A Madar
12.49- 8 D Moore 13.26- 9 A Rayner 13.32- 11 S Simmons 13.39- 13 E Hampton
13.59- 21 S Dunderoak 14.49- U13 2 D Snow 12.29- 3 C Daniel 12.33- 4 J Godsell
12.49- 6 T Robinson 13.01- 17 J Brett 14.07- 18 A Edwards 14.10- Tms 1/1/1 BH
(50) 6th Oct. BAF 10Km Rd Solihull (29.01) 5 D Taylor 29.14
(51) 6th Oct. "-Marathon Windsor M Cronin 79.40- G Griffin 94.55- R
Griffin 96.30
(52) 6th Oct. 10M Rd Sittingbourne
(52.14) 2 P Hogston 55.24- 56(2M50) B O'Gorman 65.11- 110(1M60) R Saiz 70.01
(53) 6th Oct. London/Brighton 55M (6:00.59) 40 J E Turner 8:11
(54) 6th Oct. Comets 10Km Rd Battersea Pk M Ellison 36.05- T Brightwell
(55) 12th Oct. Hillingdon AC XC 5 Ruislip Cmn (29.15) 42/61 W Clapham
(56) 13th Oct. Dulwich Runners 10Km Dulwich Pk
1 Roy Smith 31.35- 10 J Morland 35.26- 11 S Smythe 35.27- 14 Gl Morgan 35.36- M
Ellison 35.54- T Brightwell 37.30- W Slack 38.10- R Brown 39.14-
(57) 13th Oct. Julie Rose 10Km Ashford
(31.00) 4 P Hogston 31.59- 11 P Calnan- 28 P Barlow- R Barker 40.38- R Saiz 42-
L Cooper- G Cooper-
(58) 13th Oct. YA XC Parkwood Lge (1) Canterbury
U17 1 M Skinner- 8 J Baker- 9 S Holmes U15 2 M Hill- 4 A Madar- 7 A Rayner- 8 D
Moulton U13 3 C Daniel- 4 D Snow- 5 T Robinson- 6 J Godsell- 7 J Brett GU17 3 N
Viney 10.49- 8 S Pailthorpe 11.49- 9 Y Smith 12.01- 14 G Godward 12.26- 15 S
Chapman 12.27- 17 V Cambridge 12.46- 18 N Degar 12.50- GU15 3 Z Morrell 10.19- 5
K Lucht 10.37- 11 A Brown 11.22- 12 H Barker 11.29- 14 S Singer 11.54- 18 F
Barker 12.29- GU13 6 Em Clark 10.03- 13 J Patmore 10.54- 17 K Boutle 11.32- GU11
1 M Bentley- 3 T Patmore-
(59) 13th Oct. "-Marathon Kingston G Griffin 98.20- B Smith 100.10
(60) 19th Oct. Club 5 XC Hayes
1 M Steinle 27.15 (h'c pos 15) 2 Roy Smith 28.22 (12) 3 M Colpus 28.54 (4) 4 M
Watling 29.12 (13) 5 H Morten 30.29 (20) 6 A Draper 30.33 (6) 7 P Barlow 30.46
(34) 8 C Moss 30.48 (18) 9 P Calnan 30.50 (58) 10 J Morland 30.57 (26) 11 M
Skinner 31.13 (10) 12 K Daniel 31.20 (23) 13 C McCarthy 31.30 (21) 14 M Cronin
31.31 (29) 15 L Cooper 31.52 (3) 16 P Cavallo 32.08 (45) 17 M Ellison 32.17 (30)
18 S Cooper 32.18 (47) 19 A Madar 32.18 (48) 20 J Phelan 33.03 (32) 21 R Barker
33.27 (27) 22 W Slack 33.34 (36) 23 G Coates 33.45 (39) 24 D Flagg 33.53 (38) 25
S Freemantle 34.00 (11) 26 T Brightwell 34.07 (24) 27 C Pike 34.12 (33) 28 N
Wise 34.15 (57) 29 S Pairman 34.16 (41) 30 S Simmons 34.21 (2) 31 G Viney 34.32
(5) 32 B O'Gorman 34.33 (49) 33 S Lloyd 34.41 (7) 34 H Walker 34.45 (64) 35 A
Davis 34.47 (8) 36 D White 34.52 (53) 37 B McShane 35.10 (25) 38 G Cooper 35.14
(14) 39 R Brown 35.21 (43) 40 I Young 35.30 (40) 41 B Wilson 35.47 (22) 42 M
Wade 36.05 (37) 43 N Wheeler 36.20 (35) 44 B Leahy 36.36 (44) 45 N Barber 36.45
(60) 46 R Walsh 36.52 (59) 47 S Ridgewell 37.20 (66) 48 M Peel 37.29 (51) 49 P
Lester 38.09 (9) 50 D Morland 38.14 (72) 51 K West 38.25 (50) 52 Rn Chambers
38.39 (19) 53 C Painter 39.02 (31) 54 I Cayzer 39.05 (42) 55 D Dhammaloka 39.20
(61) 56 C Rowe 39.29 (28) 57 P Taylor 39.38 (73) 58 J Ashton 40.35 (1) 59 C
Viney 40.44 (G) 60 D Churchus 40.50 (17) 61 A Pontifex 40.56 (62) 62 D Simmons
41.30 (G) 63 M Martineau 41.30 (46) 64 S Parsons 42.27 (71) 65 C Haines 42.43
(63) 66 D Dunn 42.43 (55) 67 B Todd 44.56 (54) 68 P Squires 45.23 (67) 69 A
Cilia 45.29 (56) 70 D Brookes 46.03 (65) 71 D Lawrie 46.25 (69) 72 D Wilcox
47.27 (16) 73 P Long 50.14 (52) 74 M Gasson 52.12 (70) 75 R Parris 54.08 (74) 76
D Tingey 57.57 (68)
(61) 19th Oct. BromV XC Beckenham Place Pk 13 R Griffin 35.40- 16 N Webb
36.32- C Poole 37.25
(62) 20th Oct. Open XC Paddock Wood
U13 2K 3 C Daniel 8.00- 6 D Snow 8.12- 7 T Robinson 8.18- 28 D Griffin- Tm BH
(62a) 19th Oct. Surrey XC Lge Div 4 Tilford (5M / 31.01) J E Turner (DulPk)-
W Clapham (VAC)
(63) 20th Oct. Forbanks 10K Beckenham 1 J Morland 35.08- 7 G Lloyd 36.47
8 T Brightwell 37.04- 10 W Slack 37.21- 2W A McAleenan 39.22- A Musson 45.45
(64) 20th Oct. Rd 10K Croydon 5 Gl Morgan 35.22- W Orton 43.49- C Poole
45.30- J McGowan 45.30
(65) 20th Oct. "-Marathon Faversham G Griffin 96.10- R Griffin
96.10- B Smith 98.05
(66) 26th Oct. AAA 6-Stage Rd Relay Sutton Pk (Bingley 1:40.39) 8 BH
(P Hogston 17.51- R Smith 17.50- S Baines 17.21- D Taylor 17.06- M Steinle
17.01- S Newport 17.03)
(67) 26th Oct. Bank v Th HH v Poly XC 4" Roehampton
(25.37) 33/48 D Dhammaloka 32.08- 37 W Clapham 33.09
(68) MONTHLY SERIES 3/9 Crystal Pal 5K Yacht. 1 M Martineau 20.44- 11/9
Hayes 3.12M Yct 1 W Clapham
20.48 (rn tm) 2 A McAleenan 19.06- 3 N Marcar 18.59- 4 C Andrews 16.01- 5 S
Haley 18.17- 6 J Havelock 19.25- 7 J R Turner 17.57- 8 D Henry 16.58- 9 D
Churchus 21.31- 10 G Meek 17.39- 11 M Martineau 20.25- 12 R Walsh 19.30- 13 M
Cronin 17.16- 14 H Cooper 18.17- 15 J Beck 16.33- 16 H Morten 16.30- 17 M
Ellison 17.05- 18 S Ridgewell 19.30- 19 W Slack 18.02- 20 P Taylor 20.39- 21 K
Tyler 24.13- 22 R Parris 28.05- 23 R Watkins 32.03- 1/10 Cr Pal 5K Yct. Gl
Morgan 16.56- C Griffin 17.04- W Clapham 21.03- M Martineau 21.35-
(69) 27th Oct. 10M Rd Tonbridge 10 S Smythe 58.09- M50 B O'Gorman 64.16-
R Barker
64.49- P Terrett 71- A Musson 77- N Cook
(70) 27th Oct. Snowdonia Marathon C Poole 4:11
(69a RACE WALKING 20/8 VAC Bat'sea Pk 5M. 2 P Hannell 43.01- 3 S Lightman
28/8 Blackheath Pk 9K h'c 4 P Hannell 47.23- 10/11 Horsham 3K h'c 1 S Lightman
14.47- 11/9 Woodfd 3K. 3 P Hannell 14:44.3- 18/9 Chigwell 10M. Rc Green 106.06-
12/10 Calne/Chippenham 6M. 13 S Lightman 52.12- 20 P Hannell 54.15-
(70a) Bi- Triathlon 1/9 Sutton sw 400m/cy/rn 5K. (74.18) 12 Rn Chambers
(14.36/45.07/24.09) 8/9 7'Oaks Tri. 7 J Morland- 29/9 Whiteoaks Sw 400m/Rn 5M.
(36.04) 5 J Morland 37.54 (6.38/31.16)- 61 Rn Chambers 50.53 (13.07/37.46)-